, » Walek the Label On Your P«9*r; It Carries the Date Ymt Subscription Expires. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 24 Final Exercises AtLocalSchool This Morning Dr. Wright Speaks; Cer tificates and Prizes Are Awarded Dr. Robert H. Wright, president of the East Carolina Teachers College, niade the commencement address be fore 16 young graduates and a large audience this morning, bringing to a close a most successful year in the Williamston school. While Dr. Wright carries a full line of silver gray in his hair and has for many years been president of a college, he began his adress with the salutation, "fellow students." He talked on the enlarge ment plan of doing the besUyou can. He advocated the plan of consolida tion, providing a better opportunity to cooperate in work. The question of taxation was also discussed and while ht was willing to admit that the school tax is expensive, yet he re gretted to have to say that the crime of the country 4s costing three times as much as the schools. He said many people regarded taxes a tribute rath el than a contribution which was a mistake when we count our tax bless ings. He, by illustration, called for those fathers and mothers who would not gladly give their children a bet ter opportunity than they themselves had. Commencement Outstanding In no year before a commence ment of the local school been more outstanding and unanimous opinion has branded it as unusual. Follow ing the commencement sermon Sun day mosning, the grammar grades presented "The Hrownies' Band," a cantata that was greatly enjoyed by a packed house. The several clubs, dramatic, liter al y, and music, rendered a most pleasing program Wednesday night to another capacity house While all the numbers on the Wednesday even ing program were excellent, the ghost story, by Booth Tarkington, was un usually good. The graduating exer cises last night, unusual in their pres entation, marked a new type and one tiiat iu«rt with plnurtng: approval. The program this morning includ ed an address by Dr. Wright, special music, awarding of medals by Mayor It. Coburn, awarding of seventh grade certificates by Prof. K. G. Phil lips and presentation of high-school certificates by Principal L. H. Davis. The honor roll certificates for per fect attendance for the year were given to Fred Orleans, Joseph Ham hill, Grace Manning, Hilly Griffin, Ben Manning, Wheeler Manning, Itutii Norton, Charles Manning, Edith Peel, Charles Fleming, jr., Hazel Blown. Seventh grade graduation certifi cates were given to Lina Mizelle, Al ibert Clark, Hazel Brown, Ellen Ben nett, Edith Taylor, Charles Fleming, jr., Gladys Moore, Elsie Gurganus, Charles Manning, Dora Mae Stalls, J. S. Whitley, Ruth Norton, Edith Peel and Delia Harrison. Prizes for the best kept rooms went to Misses Darden's, Ivey's, Harpers' and Ram sey's rooms. The chamber of com merce prize offered to the best all round student, including all activities, was awarded to Jessup Harrison. The prize offered by the Daughters of the American Revolution for the best work in history was awarded Henry Manning. After announcements, the final cur tain of the 1926-27 Williamston school session fell and 16 young graduates left the halls to make history else where. Sunday Services at Methodist Church Sunday school, 9:4.5 a. m.—E. P. Cunningham, superintendent. Services at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Preaching at Vernon at 3:30 p. m. STRANn THEATRE I J SATURDAY DICK HATTON , In A He-Man's Country Comedy—Serial V FRIDAY "Just Another Blonde" » Comedy Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE p armer Near Here + cf • Commits SuiClde Expecting Another light-Power Offer The exact nature of new de velopment, now beinK made rel ative to the local light and pow er plant could not be learned this morning- Few details could be had other than those stating that another proposition was a bout to he submitted, along with the three now lie,fore the board of commissioners. v ~ One of the commissioners stated this morning that defi nite information could not be had until the new proposal was officially submitted. It was slat ed, however, (hat things were brewing in the light and power business here. Flood Sufferers Benefit Dance Two Dances Have Been Suggested as Way to Raise More Funds The charity aspect to the flood j situation in the course of the Miss issippi river has been dropped; it is recognized by every one outside the stricken area with the exception of a few, as a solemn duty to render as sistance to the unfortunate ones. Williamston and many other towns in the county have raised the quotas as signed them. Hut, in truth, our people have not giyen in proportion to their moans, and it stands out as a fact to be ashamed of when the cry of the homeless, so pitiful, is heard from • away across the states. A suggestion has been made by several citizens of the town to ar- j range some kind of entertainment j • hat might result in funds for the j sufferers. The most popular plan yt I advanced calls for two dances some time the middle of next month. It has been suggested that an'/old-fash ioned square dance be held along j with a, modern one. It is understood the commissioners will permit a small j admission charge, and will be glad to offer any other assistance reason able for town officials to render. Thf warehouse is far'use free of charge, and several people have pledged their support in~rfl&king the undertaking n success, but a), present no one has been take active charge oi' 'he undertaking. —"T There is no doubt but what the people living outside of Williamston would support to the fullest aft eld time square dance, staged not for profit but for the help of the un fortunates in the Mississippi valley. Many of the townspeople have offered 'their help, and all is lacking now is someone to take the lead and put the undertaking over. Demonstrates New Ways of Salad Making (Reported) To those women who were pres ent yesterday when Miss Trentham, county home demonstrator, pleasing- j ly instructed in the making of salads I from the common fruits and vege- | tables found in the average garden ' of the county, the occasion furnished not only new ways .of appealing to the inner man, but the contact with the demonstrator and each other made ho hour enjoyable. Miss Trentham's combinations were unique in thp ex treme, and by the addition of mayon naise and other dressings were even better than they appeared in the at tractive serving dishes. .Punch made with whey, lemonj and sugar was a now drink and was most refreshing on the extremely hot afternoon. In the demonstration, cabbage, turnips, or.ion.-i, cucumbers, pickles, apples, cottage cheese, tomatoes, etc., were combined so that there were five dif ferent salads. French mayonnaise and cooked dressings were used as desired. The only regrettable circum stance was the fact that the women either have poor memories or were engaged in social pleasures, and the number present was too small. Jamesville Christian Oiurch Announcements J. F. Pipkins will preach Sunday, both morning and evening, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., at the Jamesville Christian Church. The morning sermon subject will be, "God's Word and Man's Heart." The evening subject will be "Invit ing Jesus." Sunday school at 9:46 a. m.—The public is cordially invited to thqee services. v Williamston, Martin County, Nortl Friday, May 20,1927 Thomas Revels Shoots Head Off; Family Troubles Cause Thomas W. Revels committed suicide | at his home in lleur Grass township, | near here, yesterday mornitu?*about | 7:30 o'clock by shooting the top of his head away. Mr. Revels who was; at home with his five, youngest children had gone out to work in the field preparing to-plant peanuts and from all ap pearances at that time he seetged to be all right. He sent his youngest boy, 10 years old, to the home of a near by neighbor to borrow a gun to shoot a cat which he had seen catching t mall chickens. Whin the boy return ed with the gun and two shells he gave them to his father who was still in the field. •Mr. Revels then went into ' Dip packliouse and closed the door l>e- i hind him, but he soon came out from ! there and went to the house. When j entering the front door he told the \ children not to come in. He closed the I door and in a very few minutes the I children heard the gun fire. They { were frightened ami did not go into , the house, but called to Mr. J. W. I Green who lived nearby. Mr. Green ' went in'o the house where he found the lifeless body of Revels lying a crosß the bed in a shed room with the head blown off from a (mytt about an inch below the eyes. The man's j brains were scattered all over the room. The muzzle of the gun was I still clinched in his left hand and both fee were on the floor with the right foot bare and the left shoe still on. He evidently the side of the ' bed, pulfal (tiff his shoe and wltile sit ting there leaned his head over the muzzle of the gun and fired, pulling the tricker either with his toe or with his right hand. The force of the charge knocked him so that he fell backward across the bed. Sheriff Roebuck and Coroner S. R. j Biggs were called to v4ew the body. - They found the circumstances too plain to suggest ary Iden of foul play. Family Trouble Cause Family trouble was evidently the foundation of the tragedy. Revels was almost 46 yeurs old, reared on u farm near Smithwick's Creek church. He grew up in a day that did not give him many of the advantages so much needed in life. He was, however, a very industrious, hardworking and honest farmer. He had a weakness for drink and oc casionally took too much which seem ed to engage his wife and cause many family troubles. On several occasions, y temporary separation had come bout, but the old way of forgiving j and forgetting always carried them buck under the.same roof. Two week.' j ajm the trouble grew worse and two of his older boys took up for their j mother in a family quarrel and as- , saultcd the father. Revels took his Hvo sons before the court here last Tuesday and they were required by tie court to remain away from home a;, they were free men in age. The court's decision, requiring the boys to stay away, did not please Mrs. Revels and she refused to. go home,- sending won I that she was never going l to return. This caused Revels 'to Arrange the sale of his crop as it was planted in the ground, his corn, hogs, tobacco wcod and tobacco sticks and rent his | land for the. remainder of the ytear. He saw the buyer Wednesday and told him his wife was not coming hack, that he could neither live with nor without her, that his two girls were old enough to take care of them selves as were his three older boys, and that he wanted to get good places j ft r his three youngest boys, the baby being 10 year§, old. He further stated , he would do something but no body ! knew what it would be, that it made n.o difference how or what he did. Taking all circumstances connected with the case, it would appear that there was too much trouble for a I weak mind to bear. Sunday Services at The Baptist Church There will be the two regular preaching services at . the Baptist Church Sunday; morning, at 11 o'- clock, ami evening at 8. At the Sun day morning service the sermon sub ject will be: "The Eyes of God"; and at the evening hour the theme will be, "How We Are Saved." Sunday school Sunday morfawig at 9:45 o'clock, as usual. Wednesday night, at 8 o'clock, tlx're will. be St he regular mid-week Bible Study class, when all the peo ple are invited to be present. The pastor has been away on a week's leave of absence, and'is very to the church for making this possible. Law Retires Hand Ij&nals [ Ist Motorists Ai% Urged to l*ractice atid Adopt Signals Nov. Although the law requiring motor ists to'give the standard hand signals before starting, stopping, or turning from a direct line does not go into effect until July, Charles S. Wallace, of Morehead City, president of the Carolina Motor Clulv joins with state, county, and munic'ipaloflicials in urg ing drivers to adopt the signals and practice them now. Under section 17 of the uniform motor vehicle code adopted by the re cent legislature, operators of motor vehicles intending to turn left or right or to stop on the highways af ter July 1 will be required to signal with the hand and arm from the left side of the vehicle during the last 50 feet traveled. The signals required follow: Left turn: Hand and arm horizon tr.l, forefinger pointing. Right turn: Hand and Ann upward. Stop: Hand and arm iHßnted down ward. "Adoption and of these signals should result in ac cidents and save many fenders hard knocks," said Mr. Wallace. "Besides the safety feature, North Carolinians motoring in other will save themselves untold embarassmcnt from, 'pawling 'outs' by traflic officers and irate motorists as the standard hand signals are in use in a majority of States." Faculty Members Leaving fok 1 Homes The week end will find few of the members of the 1926-27 local school faculty in our mMst. Misses Annie Hooper and Lucile Allen leave this afternoon for Miss Harper's home Wilson, where Miss Allot will visit a few days before her home if! liisg M -pah Steed leaven tomWrow .#fer?Wir for Rich- lands, where she will spend a few weeks with her parents hefote going north to spend the summer with rel atives. Miss Lucy Ellis goes to her home in Wilson tomorrow afternoon. Misses Norma Ramsey, Mildred Har den, Eleanor Stan back, and Lillian Sample leave Sunday morning; Miss liumsey for her homr in Marshall, Miss Stanback for her home in Mount Gllead, Miss Harden for Kenly, and Miss Sample for Roxhoro, where she will visit her sister before going to her home in Davidson. Miss Lucy Claire Ivejr will wait over until Mon day afternoon, when she will go' to Scotland Neck, her home. Mr. K. G. Phillips leaves tomorrow afternoon for his home in Siler City; and Mr. L. H. Davis—well, he doesn't know just when he will leave. SIO,OOO Fire in Plymouth Fireman Is Badly Hurt Plymouth, May 19. (Special to The Enterprise.)—A fire originating in u negro theater from faulty electric appliances caus»'«l a damage estimat at about $lO,llOO at midnight last night. Four business ,houses on Wa ter Street were damaged, two .being almost completely destroyed. A mar ket and store combined operated by John W. Jackson, a theater operated by Harry Chopick, Has ; ell Hros. Bak ery and Miss Ixmise Ayer's millinery shop were damaged. Itobert (Bob) Tarkenton, local pos tal clerk and member of the volun teer fire department, received a seri ous scalp wound when the roof fell in and some loose bricks hit him [ TEXT OF SERMON GRADUATING CLASS Rev. A. J. Manning, Pastor of Christian Church "Delivers Sermon in Baptist Church Before 17 young graduates of the local and a large number of townspeople, the annual commence ment sermon was delivered by Kev A J. Manning at the baptist Church last Sunday morning. At the request of several parties we are printing the sermon as follows: Text: "This one thing I do: For getting those things which are behind and reaching fprth unto those things which are before, I press torward the n'ark for the prize of the high call ing of God in Christ Jesus."—Phil. Z.ia-14 Somy>ody has well said that the proper study of mankind is man. The study of biyfraphy, therefore, is al ways ft most fascinating and helpful sludy. Everybody who is normal is interested keenly in the Jives of peo ple who have succeeded..,. We would New School District For Williamston Electric Siren Installed Ihj Town; To Be Tested Today (Guaranteed To Carry Sound Three Miles or More Under Any Conditions; Owe 'flullon Control The electric siren, bought by the town at the suggestion of the local, fire company, arrived a few days ago and is now being installed by Super intendent of lights, M. S. Moore. The new fire alarm is located on the bal cony of the City Hall, and Ls in full view of the passerby on the street below. The first alarm, false of course, is expected late this afternoon. Mr. oere thinks he will have it connected by that time, and the people are warn ed not to get excited when the test is made. I'nder all conditions, the sound from the siren is supposed to carry for a Recorder Has Many Guests at Several Cases Kiwanis Meet Suicide was Prosecuting Kocky Mount Men Are Witness in Case Speakers Kiwanis Tuesday Luncheon Recorder's court Tuesday had few I cases, and the few on docket were of j little consequence. Judge Itailey j cleared the docket in a short while,! end few cases were carried over. The cage in which William Stokes J was charged with false pretenses was col prossed with leave. Solicitor Horton took a nbl pros in | the case against Romulus Lilley and j Clemmie Revels, who were brought j into court on a simple assault charge. Romulus Revels and Alonzo Revels, j involved in th.; same charge, plead, guilty and were required to pay the costs, judgment was suspended in i theft- case on the condition that they rl do not in any way molest Thomas ! Revels, the prosecuting witness, and j that they do not go to his home or. near his premises for 18 months un- I h-s,s in case of sickness. Romulus and Alonzo had only one day to car ry out the condition, for Thomas shot himself to death yesterday morning. C v C. Hoggurd plead guilty in the case charging him with violation of | the liquor laws. He was fined $125 and had a 6-months road sentence imposed upon him, the road sentence b'ing suspended upon condition of -his good behavior Judgment in a case of larceny and leceiving, against Robert (ijreen, im post't] during thi* session May 10, was stricken out and prayer for judgment continued for fit) days. The case ugainst Dan Moore and John'Yates wus nol pressed. The de fendants were charged with hunting without permission. .Sidney Edwards, charged witli vio lation of the liquor laws, hail his case continued. Snake Bites Small Cliild Near Here While working in the garden at the 'home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Xoah I'. Roberson, little six-year-ftld Catherine, was bitten by a large poplar leaf moccasin snake yesterday | afternoon, The snake's bite, just a [ bove the ankle, is considered very serious by attending physicians. Mr. and Mrs. Roberaon live over the creek near here on the llardison Mill road. know nil {hat we may about them, about their beginnings, their habits, their struggles, about their viewpoint in life.. Thin morning, I would direct j our attention for a little while to the most remarkable Christian of the centuries, the Apostle Paul. He was, and is, the greatest single credential that the Gospel of Christ has pro duced. One day, in writing to his favorite church, the Philippian Church —in a burst of confidence, it would seem—he lets us into the secret of his mar velous life, and may we study that threefold secret for a little while this morning. 1 Mark his words, "This one thing I dc, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth urito those (Continued on Insert page) distance of at least throe miles. On a clear and calm nigUt it might be heard at a greater distance. A five- I horsepower motor on a 220-volt line | drives the blades of the siren at a speed of 1,6(10 revolu ions per min ute. Failure to hear an alarm is not likely when the new device is put in r to use. Only one control button will be I used ut the present, and it will be lo cated in the fire house in the city : hull. It is understood the firemen are planning to add to the signal system l and eventually place tire boxes in i many of-, the blocks of th 1 town. With visitors from Rocky Mount, Elizabeth City, and many from right here in town attending, the Kiwanis Club meeting last Wednesday was an enjoyable affair, Mr. C. R. Pugh, of Elizabeth City, distiict governor of the Kiwanis clubs, spoke for a few minutes before the meeting. Messrs. Frank F. Fagan and Frank P. Sprujll, of Rocky Mount, at the r quest of the club, made short talks. Mr. Fagan, for a number of years a resident of our town and the first cashier of the Farmers & Merchants Bank, spoke on Kiwanis principles and for what they standi Mr. Spruill, in his talk, dealt more particularly with the duties of citizens. It is the duty of the citizen to take greater care in the selection of officials, men 'of comprehensive power, men woh have an interest in the a (fairs of institutions such as schools, county homes, courts,, and other things of importance to the public, according to the speaker. ...... The talks were enjoyed by a large representation of the club's member ship and many non-membert w ho as sisted in the Kiwanis minstrel, and who were special guests of the club. Miss Frances Colt rain Dies Here Thursday Yenterlu.v, ut the home of her i t phew, Mr. William Gurpunus, Mi.s.s Fiances Coll rain died following a hug illness. She hail lived with Mr. tr.d Mrs. Gurgunus for several years and they hail given her every care and attention, hut she had (Missed hy fifteen years her three-score and ten allotted years, and the infirmities of eld age caused her death. She was the daughter of the late Kenneth and Ferebee Woolard Col train aixt was a sister of James Col train, who died recently. In early life slii- joined the Christian church at Old Ford hut was a member of Mace donia at her death. She was consid ered-, a nohle and good woman by both friends and relatives. The funeral took this after noon with her pastur, Rev. A. J. Man ning, officiating. Interment was'made in the local cemetery. v The deceased is survived by one sister, Mrs. Gur ganua, and five nephews. Baptist Sunday Schools To Meet at Hamilton The Martin County-Plymouth >Uap j tist Sunday school association will ( meet with the Hamilton Baptist j church at Hamilton Sunday afternoon, May 29, at 3.80 p. m. The church \ji» ople of Hamilton are looking for each pastor and .Sunday school sup j crintendent with a large delegation I from their Sunday schools to be pres | ent. A banner will be awardel, on an enrollment basis, to the Sunday 1 school having the largest attendance |al the meeting. ' Everybody is invit ed to attend and take part in the convention. Boy Painfully Hurt When Kicked by Mule "Buddie," 16-year-old son of Mr. Gillam Rogers, was hurt this morning when kicked by a mule. Mr. Gorma Harrison, who lives near the Rogers family „ t in Boar Grass Township brought the boy here, for treatment. The boy was painfully but not seri ously hurts 'l,O ■ ■' . -iJL Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Owr 1600 Home* of Martin County. ESTABLISHED 1898 Created Township" Subject to Approval of People at Election In June At jj, joint meeting of th-> board of county commissioners and the county board of education held here yester day. a special school district was cre ated which embraces the Williamston, Hurrouglw, Biggs, and the Whitley school districts. The new territory, r.dded to the local school district in cludes all uf Williamston Township, with the exception of a small strip of land near Beaver Dam Swamp,, which is now served by the Everetts school, and is bounded as follows: Beginning at Willow Point, on Ro anoke River, thence a straight line to the Pasture Nick bridge over Con oho Creek; then up Conoho Creek to the mouth of Little Conoho Creek; then up Little Conoho to Mobley Mill; then along the Everetts Spec ial Tax District line to Black Swamp; •then following the Evt>retts Special lax District iine along the Noah Slade and Askew Farm line to the -Askew and Hob Rogers farm line at VV ildcat Swamp; then following the Everetts Special Tax District tine a cross Wildcat Swamp, with the W r . T. Cullipher and Surah Manning farm lines, to W. T. Cullipher and Tom Roberson farm lines; then along the Cullipher aiid Roberson lines to Al len Williams line; .then along the Allen Williams line to Cow Branch and southwesterly alum: Cow Branch to the Williamston Township line at the head of Reedy Swamp (so as not to territory of the ; Bear Crass Special Tax 'District); I then down Reedy Swamp to the Gor ham Mill; then down (iorham Mill run to Peel & Bros, mill; then down that mill run to Little' Creek; then down the creek to Coltrain's Mill; then down l,eggetts Creek to Itoanoke River, and then up the river to the beginning. Th^district was created upon peti tion being made to the boards to es tablish a larger high-school district b> the levying of a special tax not to exceed 35 cents and to insure an eight-months school term in the en tins district. The petition must be ratifed and approved by a majority of the quali fied voters of the entire territory | served. The election will be helu in ; June, under the laws provided for | finch purposes. Roy T. Gritßn war. appointed reg istrar, and" W. 11. Edwards and Hay i wood Rogers judges of election. The Williamston school building has been overcrowded for the last few ! and be necfessary to i either Increase the size of the pivs nt building or erect a new building ! if the proposetl enlargement of the I district is approved. County Farmers Are Still Feeding Worm Fanners in practically all the sec tions of the county are still feeding the cut worm with newly transplant ed tobacco plants. Many farmers have transplanted several times, and in each case the cut worms have de stroyed the young plants. While the damage is not expected to cause any rmtieeftlble decrease in the yield, it is causing the farmer additional work. Where the worms are causing the most damage, it is understood the farmers will continue, transplanting until the first of next month. Local, Colored School : Finals at Courthouse The exercises at the court house tonight bring to a close the 1926-27 session of* the local colored school. Various programs have been rendered by different grades of the throughout the week, and in eachsin stance large crowds have been in tendance. These exercises have been] unusually good throughout the week, \ and the climax is expected tonight \ when pupils of the high school pre-/ sent an opera. J Rev. C. O. Pardo., of the local E piscopal church, is delivering an ad dress before the school this after noon. Principal E. J. Hayes states that marked improvement in the school's work has been most evident this year, and that continued progress is ex pected during the next year. Winton To Buy Power From Virginia Company The town of Winton signed a con tract this week to purchase all its power and light from the Virginia Electric and Pow*r~-«ompany. The contract was made by officials a few hours after the proposal had been presented by the Virginia Electric and Power company.