Watch the L*bci OB Your Paper; It Carrie* the Date Tour Bab*eription Expires. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 26' Last Meeting of Woman's Club Until Next Fail Membership Is Divided Into Three Groups Wednesday (By The Club Beporter) The Woman's Clttb had its regular 1 and last meeting until the fall on Wednesday afternoon, May 26. The I meeting was not as well attended as J was hoped. However, several items of business were attended to. The resolution passed by the club relative to discontinuing the dances, unless chaperoned by the club, was read. The ban on dances, except club dances, will be lifted on June 27. It is hoped that the finance committee will arrange to have a club dance some time »oon. Mr. B. S. Courtney was present'at this meeting and made the club a very attractive offer on a phono graph, but on account of the present debt on the club rooms it was decid not to consider buying any kind of machine just now. The club was offered the fair book ">r this year, and the offer was ac cepted. The finance committee has already begun work on this book. Mrs P. B. Cone was appointed chairman of 'the committee to solicit advertise ments. The club also decided to ask the finance committee to have a cake contest right away, allowing the mon ey to be put into the club treasury. These contests are put on by a manu facturer of lard, and it should be an interesting occasion. The whole membership of the club was earnestly urged to register, so they will be able to vote in the school election which is to be held on July Eth. If the majority of the qualified voters vote in favor of bringing into this school district the three schools, WHtleys, Biggs, and Burroughs, it will mean for our school a larger at tendance, which wollhi mean that we would be entitled to more teachers in our local faculty, a broader scope of instruction to be offered to the pu pils, and an up-to-date high school building in the near future. This election, if carried, will not affect'any body, so far as ta£es are concerned, in Williamston, unless they own prop erty outside the school district. If this election is carried, it will mean that our school progress rapidly. We can not afford not to vote for this extension. Mr. Roy Griffin will reg ister you at the Farmeis Supply Co. Be sure to register and help pull for your echool. The club was divided into three groups, as follows: Group 1: Mrs, J. D. Biggs, first chairman; Mrs. Z. 11. Rose, second chairman; Mrs. L. B. Harrison, third chairman; Mesdames W E. Warren, Charlie James, N. C. Green, Roy Gur ganus, Rome Biggs, Warren Biggs, W. C. Liverman, Paul Ballard, Wal ter Orleans, W. C. Manning, Grover Hardison, G. N. Gurganus, Oscar An derson, C. D. Carstarphen, L. C. Bennett, R. A. Pope, L. T. Fowden. Group 2: Mrs. A. T. Crawford, first chairman; Mrs. A. R. Dunning, sec ond chairman; Mrs. J. W. Andrews, third chairman; Mesdames Wig Watts Titus Cntcher, John-Ward, Carrie B. Williams, J. F. Thigpen, L. P. Linds lcy, C. R. Fleming, W. E. Dunn, W. H. Crawfordj C. B. Clark, Frank Mar golis, B. A. Critcher, G. H. Harrison, Wheeler Martin, Harry Meador, and Miss Anna Trentham. Group 3: Mrs. P. B. Cone, first chairman; Mrs. Clayton Moore, second chairman; Mrs. Myrtle Brown, third chairman; Mesdames F. U. Barnes, J. D. Woolard, T. B. Brandon, E. S. Peel, Joe Godard, J. G. Staton, T. F. Harrison, Fannie S. Biggs, Henry Harrison, H. M. Stubbs, C. A. Har rison, J. S. Rhodes, J. S. Saunders, and Miss Anna Crawford. STRANri THEATRE I 3 MONDAY Rudolph Valentino in The Son of the Sheik Don't forget Jfte program tomorrow night. Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Farm. Exhibits to Get More Attention at Fair This Year Premium List Now Being Prepared; Will Be Ready For Distribution In About 60 Days John L. Kodgerson, manager of the Roanoke Fair, is now but y getting up the premfum list, which will probably be distribut ed some time within the next 60 days. Mr. Rodgerson says the enter tainment at the fair this year will be the equal of any that comes to the State; also the live stock and paultry d' partmenta. The very important agricultur al display has never seemed to be Judge Bailey Tries 8 Cases Violation of Liquor Sends Majority of the Cases to Judge Eight cases came up before Recor der Bailey at the Tuesday session of lit.order's court here. Two go to the superior court, one on appeal, and the other goes there with the defend ants under bond. Violation of the liquor laws caused the majority of the cases. - ..The case of Sirney Edwards, for violation of the liquor laws, was con tinued lot one week. L. R. Ktheridge, charged with violation of the liquor laws, hud his cause continued for one week also. Amos Moore, Solomon Green, and Simon Fagan, jr., were-bound over to the' superior court under a larceny and receiving charge. Moore and Green were required to enter bond in the sum of $125 each, while Fagan. was required to enter into a bond of $175. Their cilse will come up at the June term of iuperior court. Aulander Brown, charged with lar ceny and recei\kng, entered .a plea of not guilty in \nk case. The court a-1 greed with this'plea after the evi- 1 d nee was heard. Ned Bonds was given a DO day road sentence for driving a car while in toxicated. The road sentence was suspended until December 1, 1U 27, Bonds entering into bond in the sum of S2OO for his appearance at the De cember term. Teddy Jackson plead guilty to tin charge of violating the liquor law He was lined s6(l, required to pay the cost of the action, and accept a six ir.onttya road sentence. The road sen tence was suspended for two years up on the defendant's good behavior. John Kespass, charged with viola tion of the liquor plead not guilty to the charge, but after hear ing the evidence the court found hin. guilty and imposed a fine and a road sentence. He was given 30 days in which to raise $125. the amount of his fine, and his nine-months jail sen tence was suspended for two years upon his good behavir during that time. C. H. Clark, chargfd with cruelty to animals, entered a plea of not guil ty. The evidence was against him, and he was fined $26 and costs of the action. Clark did not accept the ver dict and had his case sent to the su ptrior court. A bond of SIOO was re quired of him. Kaptist Women Will Meet Here Thursday The Martin County-Plymouth divi sion of the Woman's Missionary Union of the Baptist church will meet with the Williamston Memorial Bap tist church on Thursday, June 2, at 10.20 in the morning. Lunch will be served at the noon hour, and then an afternoon session. The ladies of the Robersonville, Oak City, Hamilton, Everetts, Jamosville, Hrddicks Grove and Plymouth Bap tist churches, also- the ladies of the lccal church, are cordially invited to lie present. There will be several good speakers, and a profitable and enjoyable day Is expected. Officer Says Few Stills In Williams Township I'eputy Sheriff Grimes says that liquor stills are very scarce in Wil lie ms township. The officer bases his statement on a careful hunt covering a large portion of the territory yes terday when he searched swamps, branches, hill* and dales and only found one insignificant 60-gallon still and two barrels of beer. The still was 4 way back in a big thicket near the "Woods Yard". No one was near when the officer and his party arrived, but they found a path showing that some one had been there, and while they were un able to say who the operator was, they could ruess by the direction of the path. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, May 27, 1927 given as much attention as it de serves, and the fair management is particularly anxious for farm ers, truckers, and gardeners to fall in line and display the larg est line of agricultural exhibits ever shown in a fair here. There is a cash premium for nearly everything one can think of, and you are urged to begin now to plan your exhibit for th« fair this year, which is not quite four months off now. Banks Charge For Overdrafts A 25-Cent Charge Will Be Made by All the County's Banks The several bunks of the county will shortly be making a charge of 2i~> cents for checks drawn against in sufficient funds according to announce ments already made by the cashiers. The Farmers and Merchants bank here will put the charge into effect the first of next month while the Bunk of Robersonville and the Plant ers anil Merchants at Everetts will upply the charge beginning the. 10th of next month. The county's other two.banks will make a similar charge, but no date has been set when the charge will go into effect. . ( — According to several of the batik's cashiers, the charge is a most reason able one, bringing no revunue what ever to the banks.-The charge is in? stituted mainly with the hope of caus ing depositors to be more careful when checking against their accounts, and to cover the expense of handling such checks when drawn. It is to be understood tliat this charge does not apply to any check when there are sufficient funds to the depositor's ac count ut the bank. Sunday School Meet at Hamilton Sunday The Martin County-Plymouth Bap tist Sunday School association meet ing at Hamilton next Sunday an nounces u splendid program, lusting fiom 3 to 5 in the afternoon. Mr. Koy Clark, religious educational director of the Roanoke Baptist association and who has been conducting aip in stitute in the Hamilton church this week, will speak on "Building the Sunday School". Mr. Clark has pleas ed large audiences with his work this week, and his talk Sunday afternoon will, without a doubt, be well received. J. K. KveretJ., will l ave for his sub ject, "Value of the Six Point System in .Building the Sunday School". Rev. Stanley R. lingers, of Bethel will talk on the "Value of Standard of Excel lence in Building: the Sunday School". B«sides these. talks; the program will include several musical numbers. Pastors, Sunday school superintend ents and members in the county are urged to attend the meeting next Sunday afternoon. Episcopal Church Services Sunday Rev. C. O. I'ardo, Rector 10:00 a. m. Church school. 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon. * 8:00 p. m. Evening Prayer and »er mon. ?:00 p. m.'Holy Trinity Mission. Conduct Sunday School Institute at Hamilton Mr. Hoy D. Clark, religious educa tional director fdr the Roanoke Bap tist association, is conducting a Sun day school institute this week at Hamilton. Mr. Clark, assisted by Mrs. Clark started the institute there the early part of this week, and he re ports a most successful work. Mr. Clark has entertained lacge ■crowds each evening with his stere opticon lectures, handsaw playing and chalk talks. Tubercular Children In Hertford School In a recent clinic held in the Hert ford school, seven small children were pronounced touburcular. They were carried to the State santorium last week by Suprintendent E. E. Bundy for further examination and treat ment if necessary. Many of the schools are having tu burcular examinations made and And it a very safe thing for the child who is' found infected to undergo treat ment at once. It also makes it safe for other children attending school. Tat Listing in County Makes Slow Progress Real Estate Valuation Is Expected to Be Less This Year County tax-list takers report con tinued slow progress in the listing of taxes. While the reports were not available from all the list takers yes terday, several of the takers reported that hardly more than half the people had listed their property. Two of the list takers stated that it would be impossible to list all the taxes in tho few remaining,, da,to. Just what will be done when the time expires is not known. The law regulating the list ing of taxes provides a penalty for those who fail to see that their taxes appear on the books. Much speculation is going on rela tive to the outcome of the present val- No authentic information can be had on the subject, but it is generally conceded that drop in the valuation can be expected. The drop "Will be found mainly in real estaU valuation, it is thought' Personal property is said to be holding its own in the majority of caseß, with a slight decrease here and there. One town ship official reported that its person al property valuation has to date a bout cared for the lot-s brought about in real estate listing. , Program lor the N. C. College Exercises The home coming and dedication ex ercises at the North Carolina for Women, Greensboro w4i be of par ticular interest to tlunrtUie atjd u main feature of the commencement program, according to Miss Hattie Everett, county alumnae secretary. The first of the exercises will take place Friday Evening, June 3 when the class reunion suppeis will be held. Saturday at i): 00 a. in., concert, form ation of the procession. 10:80, dedica tion exercises in auditorium, the al uninae president presiding, talk by President- Poust, Message by Gover nor Mcl/ean. Dr. Stepli* ST Wise of New York City will make the dedica tion address. His address will bo fol lowed by general reunion luncheons. At 3:f!0 the general assembly meet iiig of alumnae will be held, at which time there will be a reception of the senior class, reports of committees, mid representative alumnae talks. From 5:80 to 8 p. ni. class reunion suppers will be held and at 8:30 a play will be given in the auditorium. On Sunday, Kev. William I'. Merrill, tif New York City will preach the baccalaureate sermon at 11:00 a. m. services will be held that day. On Monday the seniors will hold their class day exercises and at 8:30 the annual commencement address will be made. Following the address the sen iors will be awarded diplomas. Capture Still in the Brown Springs Section JL t Sheriff Roebuck and Deputy Grimes went into the HroWtt Springs section yesterday and discovered a t>o gallon itill and 14 barrels of beer. A few of the ordinary still accessories were ! found and destroyed along with the ' still and beer. No one was present and | the still was colli. From appearances j the outfit had been in use the day be ! fere. The Sheritr stated that it was the best equipped s'ill he has ever captured. . Banks Will Observe Memorial Day Monday Monday, Memorial Day, will be ob »rved throughout the Statcß and in this county by po.stottices, bunks and a few business houses. The regular routine of business will be followed Tuesday. I-ocal uteres will remain open. P(total employees from four coun ties will be here that day and will have a regular program. The bankers or a part of them are expecting to spend the day out of town. The En terprise force is eagerly awaiting the 0. Keh of the business manager to a request for the day off. It is likely the office will be closed that da^r Young Boys Drown In Near By Town« There were two very sail funerals Sunday, one in Hertford and one in Greenville. Two young bright boy: were drowned when they got in water over their heads and were unable to swim out. It is the same every year; somebody goes too far and naver comes back. Mr. Charles A. Knight resigned as manager of the D. P. Pender store here this week to accept a job with the Carolina Motor Club. Mr. H. L. Saunders, of Kington, takes his place at- manager of the Render store here. Advantages of Tobacco Situation as 1 own Shown to - • , , TT , Xl , , Paper Make s keen by 'Uncle Buck' —- VVilliamston lias Series of Pictures at Meet In Richmond William;,ton *is represeii «i b> aj "loop" at the American Pulp & Paper ; manufacturers at their annual con-1 vention in Richmond this week. The "loop" carries many scenes taken in ! VVilliamston ami community, and is] shown along with other? from east- | cm Carolina towns. Mr. E. L. Hell, | of the Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce, has the booth in charge I where the loops will be shown at the 'paper manufacturer's meeting this' week. According to statistics gathered by the chamber of commerce, eastern I North Carolina has a great future for ! pat per and pulp manufacturing. At the present time there are tvo paper# mills in operation a,t Roanoke Rapids, ' both of which have been very sue- I cessful in the past. A trip to these I mills from December to March will find scores and scores of'wagons ani\ trucks hauling pine wood to the mills to be sold for making paper. At one time this last season there were 4,(100 cords of pine wood on the yard. It i.i for the purpose of acquainting the manufacturers with eastern Carolina's advantages along this line that. the j Eastern Carolina Chamber of Com merce has arranged for the showing of scenes and statistical data at the . national convention, in Richmond this week. J. K. Hoyt Dies at His Home in Washington ♦ J. K. Hoyt, one of the leading merchants of Kastern Carolina, died at his home in Washington last niv'ht at 7:80, Mr. Hoyt had been sick I'ol several months and for some weeks his physicians heldout little hope fot hif, recovery. - —v.. Mr. Hoyt had been one of the lead ing merchants of his section for near ly 40 years. Prominent as a church? i man, a mason and an Elk, he was a director and vice president of the I'ank of Washington. Mr. Hoyt was well known in Mar tii> county. He was a brother to the late R W. Hoyt of Williamston. lie leaves a widow, two sons, J. K. jr., and Charles Hoyt and one daughter. Miss Marjorie lloyt. While details for the funeral hav'e ! not been announced, it is expected i that the funeral services will be h 4,1 lat St. Peter's Episcopal church to ' morrow afternoon. To Present Play in Hamilton Tomorrow i "liorrowed Money" .is the title of the play the Bear Grass school will 'present tomorrow night in Hamilton. I The play consisting of four acts has been, presented this season by the same cast that will appear on the Hamilton stage. It met with general approval and goes to Hamilton under very high recommendations. A small admission charge is-lw made J the proceeds going to the school The show starts promptly at 8:00 o'clock. Parents Slow to (iive Names of Beginners According to Professor 1.. H. Davis, of the local school, very few parents have sent cards giving the names of pupils to enter the first grade of the local school at the fall session. The Professor states that this; informa tion is very necessary arid each par ent who will have a to enter the first grade should get this infor ! mation to him at once. School of Instruction For Mason To He Held W. C. Wicker, educa ional field sec retary ef the Qrand Lodge of N. C. will hold a school of instruction for Masoioi in this county and elsewhere, I who will attend at Williamston June 6th from 7:80 to 10 p. m. and on 4.dune 7th from to 6 and from 7:30 j U 10:00 p. m. The meetings are for the purpose of giving illustrated lectures 'and gen j eral instructions. I Undergoes Operation in Kinston Hospital Friends of F. 1* Edwards, former resident here, will regret to ■ learn that she is in a Kinston hospital she having undergone a serious oper ation. Her condition is reported i/> be good, but she will have to remain in i the hospital for several wwkii.N A. E. Shackell, editor of the Hert ford News, was here for a short while this morning. r . v ;, i Warehousemen to J Meet in Wilson " A meeting of all tobacco ■. »alehouse men in eastern ( aro iiiia will be hold in \\ il>*»n no\t \\ edncsday. It IH undfretauJ the ■ tobacconists will disctiss problems relalivt- to the running | ol warehouses. A hi K barbecue dinner »»ill be served at Silver !.ake, the place of the meeting. Karli (>i the warehouses here .! v.ill have representative* at the | meeting. : :: —l Ford to Make New Car Soon Will Not Do Away With His Famous Model T Type of Car While no definite infoiillation can , be hail regarding the details it is certain that the Kurd Motor company , vill have a new type of ear on the market within the next several weeks, j According to information f'jim De-1 troit, early produetion of a n- *v Fordj ear superior in design ami p rform-1 mice tn any now available in the low- i priml, light-car field wjis ;m ouncii| today rT>* 'lie 'l'V!i 1 vtotor 1 Henry Kurd, designer of the ear, j and Ld.;ol Ford, president •of the , j company, both stated that wiiliin the > 1 next few weeks they will givi , t com- I I plete ileel iptiun of th« new model. ihe I unions Model T Ford, which J still leads he automobile industry | after 2d years of .manufacture, will j continue to be a substantial factor iin Ford production, in view of the fact that about 10,000,000 cars of this model are still in use ami will] re , quite replacements, parts aijd service. "The Model T Ford car was a j . pioneer," said Henry Ford today. " There was no conscious public need j i of motor cars when we first made it. I I '1 here were few good roads. This call ,1 blazei) the way for the motor industry l , I and started the movement for good | roads everywhere.' It is at ill. the ■ p oneer car in many parts of the I world which are just beginning to be | motorized. conditions in this i country have .so greatly changed th«t j further refinement in motor car con- j .itruction is now desirable, and our new model is a recognition of this." The; Ford Motor company proposes I to continue in the light car field. The "V'.eation of a new model has been in F the mind of Ford for several I y» arSj but the Model T sold at such ■ a,pace •hat there never seem • I to be nn opportunity to get the new car ' started. Ford ollieiuls state that the ■ business is brisk ami tlia' it i up a I j gainst a proposition to keep the fac r| tory going while they tool up for an I 4her type of car. At one *. it was ' j ll ought 70,000 men would have to re main idle while their departments . | t oled up for the new car "The new car has speed, style, ] flexibility and control in traffic. There is nothing quite like it in quality and I price. The new car will cost more to i manufacture, but it will be more >' economical to operate" stated Mr. »I Ford. R Many Counties Are Now Digging- Potatoes r " Reports coming from Carteret and IVmlico counties say that the potato j digging season is on in full swing now. About five car( have been ship: pud daily from Beaufort, The bind | guides are selling as high a* $7.00 | per barrel, l'amlieo has also made liberal shipments this week and a i | number of cars have gone from the Aurora ' section of Beaufort county. In a few places the crop is report- J ed good but generally great damage has been done by the dry weather U which has prevailed through most of the potato belt. e ; r* * Rehearsing- for Play Here Next Thursday * A special cast is now preparing I foi the musical comedy, "Sweet j Pickles" and will present the play a, next Thursday-night in the local o school auditorium. Mr. Baker, of the il | 1 taker Production company, Peters - burg, is directing the play, and he e promises a splendid performance. a The play is sponsored by members of the Epworth league the Metho dist church, and they with other local - boys and girls, ladies und gentlemen t are practicing nightly for the per formance next Thursday. i Advertiser* Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1600 I Homes of Martin County. ESTABLISHED 1898 Sinajl Increase In the Number of Pounds Expected • ' By W. T. MEADOWS From the best information available i the intended acreage of tobacco over that of last year adjacent to the Wil liamston market at the time of sow j ing the plant beds was about as fol j lows: Martin-County, 15 per cent in ■ crease; Beaufort Coun y, 10 percent; I Washington County, 25 per cent; Chowan County, 50 per cent; Hertford County, 20 per cent; and Bertie, 20 per cent. You will notice that I stated this increase in acreage was based upon the intended acreage when the beds were prepared. But since the acre age has been planted, and when con sidering the poor stands ami the a rnnint of resetting, which will cer tainly give "us some late common to bacco, I believe increase as in tended can be cut one-half. The rain Wednesday was the first we have had in several weeks, and the farmers have had a hard time trying to got their tobacco to live, es jKeially is (hia true with the farm ers who had to rest sine the season we had several weeks ago. In many ' cases,, farmers have--1 ra nsp lan ted two | ami three plants to the hill, hoping j that one of them, would live. Cut worms and wire worms have been very ■ bad, ami 1 hear a few complaints of j the tobacco set in April having a ten ' deticy to run up and bud out while i very J,w,w. With these conditions ex , isting, an increase in pounds ccn not i be expected to be as great as it was • | thought it would be. farmers l>oing \l| They Can Our farmers are doing all they can to put their tobacco in an A-l con dition, and all the farmers in this section are hard to beat when it ccmes to knowing what to do with a stalk of tobacco. The crop in Georgia is reported not jto be so good. South Carolina's crop | is looking fairly well, the crop there I having a better prospect than the one [in Georgia. The situation in China is reported good, that country taking i mere.tobacco than at any time in the | piist years: | I will try to give more detailed in formation on the foreign situation al-.o on the bright-belt State, within ' the next few days. Right now it looks as if there will be very little I I increase, if. any, in the number of 1 1 pounds as compared with iust year's I crop. Venerable Old Colored Man Dies This Week J- | In the sleuth of George Whitley Martin county lost one of its truest i citizens. Trutful, honest, industrious and sincere the old man spent a most 1 useful life rendering many services ■ to his friends. "I'ncle" George was. not sure wheth ■ er he was 00 or !)4 years at his last birthday on account of a blurr in the record. He was born in slavery aiid - belonged to Mrs. Helen Slade. He did i much service in the Confederacy, be ing with Walker's calvary a portion , of the time. He saw his first battle ' s> i lie at Roanoke Island. He was also I i at the capture of Plymouth and visit i ed Gettysburg, serving In the rear • | lines.- He was with the Confederacy . in his home county while it guarded 1 against Foster in his raid from Wash - ington to Hamilton. ! He began work for-the late S. R. Biggs in 1870 and continued with i huh as long as Mr. Biggs lived. He held to his job with the Biggs boys I until six years ago when he became ti tally blind and from then until his , death he lived with his niece, Jessie Woolard. During his entire pilgrimage he res ( he was held in the highest esteem by white and black alike. Next Week's Schedule For the State Dentist ;] . The State Board of Health's sche !_ dule will find Dr. L. H. Butler at the Gold Point school Monday and Tues day of next week. On Wednesday and Thursday he will be at the Farm Life j school und on Friday he will be at the Bear Grass school. ' Dr. Butler during his 9tay in the county has treat ed the teeth of sev j eral hundred school children, and has t rendered almost valuable service. His work is under the supervision of the 1 State Board of Health and is ahso- B lutely free to all school children be - tween the agee of 6 and 12 years. The a doctor is at work in Dardens today, and after next week he will have one s more schedule to fill. The school com - mittees at Gold Point, Farm Life and I Bear Grass are asked to assist Dr. » Butler by telling the children to viait - him at the schools on the dates men tioned and have their teeth examined. I .