THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williamston, North Carolina VV. C. Manning - Editor j Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) 3 year - 51.50 I months - 8 months 45 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act ol' March 3, 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise Town lioard Facing Many Problems The new town -commissioners will begin their duties Monday. The ,work which they will be culled upon to perform will be a tax en them. First of all .they must pay interest on the bonded debt of the town. I'hen they must levy a tax to meet the ( iterating need- of the town a.- well Hi. to make sunn improvements. These are all matters that require nothing but brines.* judgment, and se. far as some think, are the only duties of the lioard. The second tiling required of the Heard, which is even mor j Mian the first, is law enforcement. Not only is it more important but! it is a much harder task. Who ever undertakes the task of law enforce ment will find it a hard one. It is like the preservation of morals, it re quires a constant Hglit for an itfeul- The only way to fully prevent the ( breaking of the law or the lowering , of morals is to have no law and no j morals. However, since we all want j I oth, then the enforcement of the I h-w lies largely with the town officers. j There are so, mu.iy laws and so many ways to violate them that it is i brad for the best citizens to keep i them perfectly. The automobile law is perhaps the hardest of all laws to keep perfectly. Some find ifliurd to Keep the dog law; others have trouble in.keeping the liquor law. Some break | the law agonist cursing, swearing and i vulgarity in public, and" bit down the lir.e until we have hosts of law break | WANTED TO BUY: SHOATS AND, pig.> under 100 lbs. live weight. Will pay from 10 to 12 cents per lb., According to size. J. J. Kobersen & Son, ltoute 1, Jainesville, N. C. Tel ephone No. 2603. my 24 4t NOTICE OF SALE l'nder and by virtue of the author ity contained in that certain deed of trust on the 27th day of June, 1921, and of record in the public registry o'" Martin County in Hook S~l at SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS Beginning Friday, June 3 Come and Get Your Share To Close Out for 10 Days I i All iadies's and children's coats to One lot of ladies' and children's Some special bargains in ladies' One special lot of men's $3 and $4 dose out at " w hite cmivas slippers- to go while and children's hats. You have never straw hats—this is the best you have HALF PRICE ' seen hats look so good for so low a ever seen at a price like QQ/» You have never seen coats so cheap 01 Q&f* price. this—£o go at 2/Ov as this before paii —————————————————— — The best yard wide cotton cloth you One lot of men's and boys' summer One lot of ladies's3.oo silk hose; . _ , , „ . . , ever saw for lA_ suits—it will pay you to see them —to colors: Black, brown, and ft|» Special assortment of plain and yard lUC' close out at * gray; to close out at ODC fancy voil. You will find some extra HALF PRICE O "PI • 1? /\/\* nice patterns in this assort- f)r Special lot of men ss7 and $8 ox- ——— - KOI y -ffiYw 1 111 ) ment- to uo at yard U t)C fords - ou WI " hnd tllls 1S the best A s P efcial value in men's and boys' Cl/11- J-l/1 - » * : __ value even seen at this AO union suits; to go for _ One lot of ladies' ss.o° and s7.°° Some especially nice patterns in "'**• «Pl« 30 rQ Hr SI.OO «^leS'coI e aXetvZ Valencine and torchorn lace One special lot of men's oxfords- 1 Ul size income style, come and get your , we have your size in some Nice assortment of men's linen pan. io close out (£0 QQ for only, p* in and get you a pair; v OQ/» suits and summer pants. Come and a ■; 1/O tJv clo^eout, pair vOt see how cheap we are selling them. HARRISON BROTHERS & COMPANY ers. All these* things should receive tin consideration of th),' town heads. y. they succeed in clearing the town ol tin forty rum running bootleggers and bomb a few gambling centers in and near the city's center, they will t,o- a long way towards building up the community. The liquor vender causes the break ing ot many of the automobile laws. The people, of 'cour.;e expect and dfinatul perfection \at the luinds of tiieir town board. Vet' these same people will patronise many of the j lavvdireaking schemes. So nnen the town board needs a good people to I r,'present, that is to say a law abid ing people who are willing to help uphold instead of help break the very laws themselves. If the Hoard will hold its doors Open to the public a'l all-times, never, rule by executive session, but move I i free and above board in oil things, it j will succeed. In times past, boards have permit* j J ted certain individuals and factions ;to sneak in with prepositions and : I m hi mes, not with an aim to help but' | to hinder the town and then shut the doors in the face of the folks. This should never be done. If there is any thing before Jtuiird that can't stand the light of the public,then it is either partisan or improper and it and not the people should be put out. We say down with, closed sessions and up with law enforcement. ; page 7,' i, by IS. J. I'arisher, said deed of trust having been given to secure a r.ote of even date and 'enor there with, and the stipulations contained in said deed of trust not huving been complied with und at the request of the parties interested, the undersign ed trustee will on Monday, June 18, 1927 at 12 o'clock M. in front of the Court House IJoor in the Town of Williamston, N. C.. offer for sale at , v public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described i property: Beginning on the Williamston and Jamesviile Road. in the corner of the land belonging to the James E. Wil liams heirs; thence running Southerly with said line to a ditch, thence Southwesterly along said ditch to the, Burger line, the run of Peter Swamp; thence up said Burger line with the j run of Peter Swamp to the William- I ston and Jamesviile Road, thence a long the Williamston and Jamesviile lioad to the beginning containing 6 acres more or less and ' being the same land that was conveyed to S. J. I'arisher by deed from Grover F. .Godard and W. K.. Godard dated 30th day of November, 1920 and of record in the public registry of Martin Ccunty in Book D-2 at page 586. This the 12th day of May, 1927. WHEELER MARTIN, my-13-4t Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Oi REAL ESTATE l'nder and by virtue of the power ef stile contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned I trustee by John E. Williams and wife,) Mary A. Williams, on the Ist of Jan-1 uary, 1925, which said deed of trust f is of record in the public registry of j Martin County in book Q-2, at pagu j 322, said deed of trust having been J given to secure, certain notes of even j date and tenor therewith, and default J having been made in the payment of J tilt: same, and the stipulations con tained in the said deed of trust not' having been complied with, and at j the request of the holder of the said i notes the undersigned trustee will on j Saturday, the 11th day of June, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the court house door in the town of William ston, N. C., offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate, to wit: First tract: Lying on both sides of j the A. C. L. railroad near Wiltz. Sid ing, bounded on the north by the lands of Buck Williams, on the eastj by the lands of Ransom Roberson, on | the south by the lands of J. M. Hope well, and on the west by the lands of Noah Roberson and Henry Riddick, j containing 50 acres, more or less, and I being the same land whereon Join! E. Williams and wife, Mary A. Wil- j liatns, now live, andr'being the same' land willed to John E. Wiltiams. Second tract: Containing 154 acres, more or less,, and bounded on the j north by S. S. Hatlley. on the east by | I Gus Lanier, on the south by Geprgi- 1 j anna Cotanch, and on the- west by i Joe Davenport, being more commonly ! known as the Bettie Williams land. Third tract: Containing 55 acres,j more or less, bound "'! o:i the nor'h by 1 the Bell heris, on the east by the Mill heirs, on the south by L. H. Wil liams, and on the west by J. L. Coi> , train*, and being more commonly known as the Dempsey tract of land. The three above tracts of land be- I ine' all of the land now owned by John E. Williams and wife, Mary -A. Williams, located in Williams Town ship, Martin County, North. Carolina. This the 11th day of May, 1927. ELBERT S. PEEL, r yl3 4tw Trustee. Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician w'!l tell you that ) "Perfect Punt .n of the Sys j tem is Naiun s foundation of ! Perfect Health." "Why not rid . s yourself of chronic ailments that j are undermining your vitality? i Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs, [I —once or twice a week fc r several | weeks—und see how Nature re wards you with health, t j Calotahs are the greatest "f «'l r system purifiers. Get u family II package with full directions. On- I ly ?5 cts. at drugstores. (Adv). i -I THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, N. C. •jtr • mica! JrmmtfertaMmm * wi car for her, too J '/JB«W In thousands of average Amer- And women find in Chevrolet ■ ll ican homes there are now two a remarkably comfortable car. M I automobiles —"a car for her, Long semi-elliptic % I too," so there may be transpor- springs extend over in / I tation for the family while "he" 88% of the wheelbase |r. i j v _ft I drives away to work. —providing easy riding .• ^flL And the family car has such an "erlv cushioned I mfinite degree of useful™*.! " a , s are s ' et a t the most Downtown shopping, taking , on ,f orta ui e ~,„]„ the children to school, Terrutedt window r«ulator. || afternoon calls, meeting and remote contr Jf door \ an . d ""J handle, are further fine car musrbTmade to and "™" *" ~ from the house as a part a PP reclate - Beautiful Chevrolet **" TO»TA» t °f every day's routine. The remarkable economy of *s o-nutmur, N 0 other car is so ad- Chevrolet ownership is another /V p. | ' mirably suited to a woman's vital reason for Chevrolet's W/ne uoacil requirements as the Most wide and increasing popular* $ am m Beautiful Chevrolet. Extremely low first cost, VU „ r , , „. ... , exceptionally high fuel and oil L. L J JY l , striking new bodies by mileage and the very minimum Fisher, and finished in pleasing D f upkeep expense—all com- The Touring stj2s colors of lustrous, lasting Duco, bine to make Chevrolet a car or Koadgtcr it provides in abundant meas- of outstanding economy. The Coupe '625 ure the comfort, charm and 4 The 4-Door S AOC elegance that women admire in Visit our showrooms s«d«n . . 695 a mo tor car. It is easy to start and see the Most Beau- ' CabriSrt $ 715 because of its Delco-Remy elec- tiful Chevrolet. Note /^PWL trie starting system —famousthe the wide variety of The Landau *745 _ world over for its excel- body types. Mark their | The imperial #7ftn ffTj *| Tj lence. It is easy to stop sweeping lines and care- J Landau . . /oU because of powerful, fully executed details. umoim | " toGilrSu,) *395 k over-size brakes. And And then ask for an i-Ton-iwk 7 W"'"' _My| it is easy to drive and explanation of the easy terms AiipHcw^knint, mia i park because of a mod- on which a Chevrolet may be ' !**" TO "'•"'ATt ern three-speed trans- purchased—terms that include Check Chevrolet .. 1 , f, . ... Delivered Price* mission, smooth-acting the lowest combination of ih.y include the lowM disc clutch, and a semi-reversi- handling and financing charge* ble steering gear. available anywhere. HARRIS PEEL MOTOR CO. MOTOR CO. ROBERSONVIIAE, N. C. , WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Q U A LITY AT LOW COST