Farm life Local and Personal News Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Roberson and B!t. and Mrs. Marvin Leggett motor ed to New Bern last Sunday for Mr. ami Mrs. Roberson's daughter, Kath leen, who had spent the week with her aunt, Mrs. John Browning. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Manning regret very much the l>rc. ent illness of their little daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Armstrong of Columbia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Manning. Low water in the pond has- pre vented the operation of the mill her? during the last few days. Mr .and Mrs. Eddie Coltrain, of I-aG range spent last week with his 7>arents. Mr. ami Mrs. W. H. Coltrain. Mrs. Eulah Biggs of Windsor, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. VV. E. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roberson mov ed to their new home last Saturday. Miss Lizzie Brown of Tarboro spent last week with her relatives in this community. Griffin's Personal and Local News Mr. Raymond Peele, accompanied, by his friend, Mr. Fisher, of Raleigh, spent the week end with his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Slyvester Peele. Little Miss Leona Griffin entertain-1 e:' a nuitiber of her friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. VV. Griffin at-* tended the union at Spring Green Sunday. We are glad to know that Misses ( Verona Lilley and Myrtle Corey : have retpmed from the hospital and ; are getting along nicely. Everybody is cordially invited to at tend Ringing at Griffins school on the first and third Sunday evenings. In structor will be Mr. N. R. Daniel. ; FOR SALE: TWO TRUCKS WITH trailers. Trucks are in good con-1 dition and will be sold for reasonable 1 price. For information Write to Boxj.l 2b, VVilliamston, N. C.' m3l 2tj \ NOTICE OF A SPECIAL TAX I 1 ELECTION 1 1 On sth day of July, 1927, Smith- ■ wick School District, Martin I I County, North Carolina i l In compliance with the wishes of j petition signed by a nece&sa.ry nutn-; i ber of qualified voters of Sntithwiek School District, which was duly ajpsJ i proved by the board of education of J t Mar'in County, and in accordance) ■ with the provision of Article 17 ofj ? the New School Code of 1923. Notice is hereby given that the elec 1 tion will i>e held in the Old Smith"- 1 wick Sehoolhiuise on the nth day of July, in said Sntithwiek School His- t UNLIMITED POWER SUPPLY ■ ] ■ • for ; : ' L. ■ J (Reprinted from Thr Enterprise, i WILLI AMSTON, ' Williamston Has Series of Vidures at Meet ! ~ IVORTTT rAROT T\TA pfc&etfsstGtaa; 11 UIiAJ.JL \jt\ f\A /Jj 111 r\ I vention in Richmond this week. The «» w M -A --"loop" carries scenes taken Williamston and community, und is - si.own along with others from eastern . ———— —— ——— —. Carolina towns. Mr. E. L. Bell, of the . . * , Eastern Carolina Chamber of Com- , , [_ ' ir)erce, has the booth in charge where the loops will be shown at the paper , , . * • ' manufacturers' meeting this week. According to statistics gathered by ' POWER TO RUN THE FOLLOWING PAPER THESE PAPER MILLS USE APPROXIMATE ■ 11iil- in oin'idtion ,it Ki.unokc liap!ds, MILLS IS PURCHASED FROM THE VIRGINIA LY TEN THOUSAND (10,000) HORSE POWER AND TS ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY: PAY FOR OVER FIFTY MILLION (50,000,000) KlLO score? and scores of wagons and , WATT HAIIDC I>PD VP I D trucks hauling pine wood to the mills "AH HvlUlvO 1 LK I F./AIV. ALBEMARLE PAPER COMPANY; STANDARD ■ - . FE SS R FHE P^R D .R.4 H UI,"- F U!: PAPER COMPANY, MANCHESTER BOARD &- THE FUTURE PJWER SUPPLY FOR WIL ' advantages along this line that the PAPER COMPANY HUMMEL " ROSS FIBRE LIAMSTON IS AN IMPORTANT MATTER. Eastern Carolina Chamber of Com- ' H,,,M * SS£S«H»I RATION ' HAUFAX L>APER TORPOR- IT SHOULD HAVE YOUR MOST CAREFUL »"*■ ATION, AND ROANOKE FIBRE BOARD CO. CONSIDERATION. 1 *•'l I > . CAROLINA DIVISION ! VIRGINIA ELECTRIC & POWER COMPANY W. E. WOO /, President \ i • . „ J. T. CHASE, Manager trict, whith is described hereinafter lor the purpose of ascertaining the will of the qualified voters of said | district as to whether a majority of I such voters favor the levying and collecting annually of a special tax with which to supplement the funds of six-months public school appropri ated board of education, the rate of saKr- special tax not to exceed a maximum ol lb cents on the SIOO.OO valuation of all property, real and per sonal, within the bounds of the dis trict, described as follows: Beginning at Gardner bridge up the creek to the VV. W. Roberson mill, up the mill pond to Cyprus* Branch; thence along C. d Keys line to the Tartleton road; thence along said road to Deep Run, down Deep run to Mulberry Branch; thence up Mulber ry Branch to the Jones Road; thence uj. said road to the colored Baptist Church, St. James; thence a straight line to Wiltz Siding; thence along the said road to the Jamesville and Wil liumston ltoad; thence along the old boundaries to Devils Gut, Swain's Landing; thence across Devil Gut to j Kader's Eddy; thence down Roanoke J River to Jamesville School District] line; thence along said line to Gard-| | ner's Bridge, the beginning. Al said election those who are in ] favor of the levy and-collection an-J nually of a special tax of not more | than fifteen cents on the SIOO.OO val- j uation, in 'said district, as aforesaid;' shall vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed th e | words, "For Local Tax," and those i who oppose the levy and collection j annually of a special ,tax of not more | than 15 cents on the if ioo.oO~valuation j of all property in said district, as a- j ft resaid, shall vote a ticket on which shal be written or printed the words, "Against a Local Tax." That J. A. Gardner be and is heie by appointed registrar, and W. C. Griffin and Roy Moore are hereby appointed poll holders fortwaid elec tion. That a new registration is hereby ordered and that the registration i books will be open for such purpose In ginning with 24th day of May, and j will continue open until the 25th day, of June. The registrar will be at his residence 'during the above date for the purpose of registering all those qualified to vote in said district. Done this the l!)th day of May 1927, by order of the board''of county com missioners of Martin County. By: J. G. BAKNHILL, my 24 4tw Chairman. Attest: J. SAM GETSINGER, reg ister of deeds and P'x-offieio clerk to j the board of county commissioners. NOTICE OP ACTION FOR DIVORCE North Carolina —-Martin County, h. 11. Moore, PlintifT. vs. Lula Moore, Defendant The defendant above named will notice that an action has this ' day been instituted in the Superior J 1 Court of Martin County, said action I being for an absolute divorce upon the j grounds of five years separation. And the said Lula Moore will fur ther take notice that she is required to answer the complaint of the plain tiff, which is now deposited in the of : fice of the undersigned, on or before the 18th day of June, 1927, or the 1 relief demanded will be granted. This the 20th day of May, 1927. R. J. PEELE, j niy-20-4 Clerk Superior Court. ] ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin -1 f.itrator of the estate of Wm. "E. Ba ker (son of James and Ida Baker, of | Hamilton, N. C.) K all persons holering claims against said estate are here by notified to present same for pay- j menit on or before the 27th day of April, 1928, or this notice will be j plead in bar of the payment of same.! Ail persons indebted to said estate j are requested to come forward and j make mmediate payment of same. This 27th day of April, 1927. T. B. SLADE, Jr., j a 29 6tw Administrator. j NOTICE I Having this day qualified as Ad f ministratrix of the estate of Theodore i Roberson, late of Martin County, i all persons holding claims against | said estate are hereby notified to present same for payment to me on | or before the 7th day of April, 1928 i ot this notice will be pleaded in bar | of their recovery. All persons indeb-j | t6d to said estate will please make i I immediate settlement. I LOU DIE ROBERSON, my-10-6t Admrx. Tlieo. Roberson Est. This 7th day of-April, 1927. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of I trust executed by Buck E. Rogerson (unmarried) on the Ist day of April. 1 lt'23, and recorded in book of mort gages 0-2, page 115, Martin County, we will on Saturday, the 11th day of June, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in the town I ij Williamston, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest'bidder the following land, to wit: A tract of land lying, being and situate in Bear Grass Township* Mar tin County, and Slate of Nortlv Car olina, adjoining the lands of Lewis Rogerson and others and with the fol-J lowing metes and bounds: Beginning at a ditch back of the stables and run ring N. 80 W. 180 poles alenr a 4iteh : and Lewis Roger son's line to a fork ed sweet gum, thence S. 51 1-4 W. i 87 1-2 poles: to a gum in the fork of a ditch, thence S. 27 E. 196 poles to, a lightwood stump in Bear Grass Church Yard, thence down the* YViL-. TttE ENTERPRISE - WILLIAMBTON. N. C ' liumston and Greenville Road S. 51 | E. 41 poles, thence N. 39 E. 60 poles jto the beginning, containing 110 acres. > This sale is made by r?ason of the ' failure of Ruck E. Rogerson (unmar ried) to pay off and discharge the in debtedness secured by said deed of j trust to tlte North Carolina Joint | .Stock Land Bank of Durham. This the 11th day of May, 1927. | FIRST NATIONAL CO., Inc., of DURHAM, I myl3 r 4tw Trustee, i Formerly First National Trust Co.,' ! Durham, N. C. | ! j NOTICE OF SALE Under and by vir.tte of the author ity contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned j trustee on the 23rd day of May, 1294 ; by R. G. Sexton and wife and of i record in the public registry of Mar : tin County in Bqok Q-2 at page 122, ■ 1 said deed of trust having been given ' | to secure a curtain note of even date :'.ridi tenor therewith, and the stipula- j ; ti ns contained in said deed of trust not having been complid with and at j 1 the request of tfie parties interested 1 the undersigm d trustee will on Mon day the 13th day of June, 1927 at j 12 o'clock M. in front of the Court! House Door in the Town of William cton, N. C. offer for sale at public j auction to the highest bidder for cash j the following describe:! property: ) Beginning at W. B. Gaylord's j Pamlico Beach Will Open Friday, June 3 The hotel is well equipped to again take care of its patrons. The dining - room sef*v ice is guaranteed to please. Kates: SB.OO per day, $17.50 per week. OPENING DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT June 4th corner in Cowing Lanier's swamp running with swamp to C. M.' Long's line, thence along C. M. Long's line 40 poles, thence Northwesterdly to W. B. Gaylord's line thence along W. B. Gaylord's line .to- the begin ning containing 50 acres more or less. This the 12th day of May, 1927. HENRY C. JACKSON, j my-13-4t Trustee. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the author- I i d| :ontained ' n certain deed of j i®st xecuted to the undersigned I trustee on the 23rd day of May, 1924 ! by L. W. Mizell and wife, ana of ' record in the public registry of Mar gin County in Book Q-2 at page 126, suid deed of trust having been given j to secure a certain note of even date and tenor therewith and the stipula tions contained in said deed of trust not having been complied with and j at the request of the parties interest ' ed. the undersigned trustee will oil Monday the 13th day of June, 1927 ; at 12 o'clock M. in rront of tbg Court House Door in the Town of Wiiliam ! aton, N. C. offer for sate tc the ' highest bidder for cash, at public auc tion. the following described proper- i ty; Bounded on the North by Gulley's i ; litin and I. B. Davis land on the East j | by J. C. Mobley land; on the South by . F Hardison, Mill Road, and on ; | the West by lands of Amanda Mod-' i lin containing 47 acres more or lest, and known u the G. W. Barnes not having been complied with an place. at the request of the parties interest This th# 12th day of May, 1927. ei, the undersigned trustee will 01 HENRY C. JACKSON, Mo::cay the 13th day of Jane, 192 i>iy-17-4t Trustee. at 12 o'clock M. in front of the Cour Wheeler Martin, Attorney. Haute Door in the Town of William stcn, N. C. offer for sale at publi NOTICE OF SALE ! i; action to the highest bidder for casl Under and by virtue of the author- the fallowing described raui estate: i'.y contained in that certain deed of Feing lots No. lA3 ; n the 3ub trust executed to the undersigned JiMsion of the James %. Brown Lam l'ustee, en the 23rd day of Mav, 1924 I and bounded by Cabin Swamp an by F. O. Martin and wife, and of 1 Beaver Dam Swajnp and running a record in the public registry of Ma»- j long the Avenue through the land tin County ir. Book Q-2 at page 12;-,' e.v .-'I-own by Map and measuring oi said deed of trust having besn given .vme 1575 feet, to secure a certain note of even date! fhic the 12th day of May. 1927. and tenor therewith and the stipula-! HENRY C, JACKSON, tiens contained in paid deed of nty-17 4t Trustee. i Oil that clings to metal sur- your engine is idle-* is better protection than, oil that drains off. *• ' Ji; v «4VI $1 * "Standard" Motor Oil clings tenaciously to cylinder ivails and bearings for hours or days or weeks ready to lubricate at the first thrust of your motor. It flows freely, resists heat and stays oily long after other oils thin out. 'STANDARD" MOTOR OIL The Measun ofOil Value STAMPED