Watch the UM OB YOUI Paper; It Carries the Dat« Tear Subscription Expires. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 31 Bazemore to be Tried for Life Again June 27 Alleged Slayer Gordon Yelverton Awaits His 1 Trial at Snow Hill George Prank Bazemore, who is now in the prison at Raleigh auditing a new trial, win be taken to Snow HiM June 27, where ho wiU face a Green County .court for the sec ' ond time to answer a chaqge of flrst ~*gr*e munder. He is charged wfth killing Gordon Yelverton, 16-year-old boy of thy» town, in the early morn ing of Friday, November 5, on the I'ighway between FarmviHe and Wil son, while the boy was en route to Wilson with a truck load of tobacco A*t the first trial, held in Decem ber, Bazemore wae convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to the oledtric chair. He was granted reprieve while his case went to the supreme court on appeal. A new trial was granted the prisoner, not on the grounds of lack of evidence orfault in the jury, hi* by a technical error of the trial judge, who did not go to the court- Mouse to take the verdict of the jury in the presence of the prisoner, but who perrnktAod the clerk of the court t» take the verdict. This is ground for a new trial under our laws, when the penalty for the offense is death. Nlo one saw the actual killing of young Yelverton. Yeit there is doubt as to the guilt of Bazetnore. It is doubtful if the State has ever tried a case with a more perfect chain of circumstantial evidence. Every con tention pirt forth by Bazemore at the firat rtiaJ was proven false by a double ,)ine of testimony. The crime ,was one of the .most das tardly and cold-blooded that has been committed in this section in many years. witn«ws€* from this section have been summoned to ap pear in Snow Hill for the triaJ. Columbia to Detroit by Air Flies From Virginia City to Columbia in 40 Minutes No, it wa.snt Lindbergh, it was a Mr. Vaughn, of Detroit, who guided his plane over the city yesterday morning. Lindbergh'*) flight across the ocean no *>ubt cause the plane's appearance hem to attract more than usual attention. Mr. Vaughn landed in Columbia Saturday with 4 passengers from De troit. He intended to wait there un til his passengers were ready to re turn. With nothing but a field to land in, Mr. Vaughn decided it was unwise to leave his heavy plane there because it would .be impossible to take off should iv rain again, So he passed over here yesterday, either for Tarboro or Rocky Mount, where he intended to land, finding no suitable landing field at either place, turned and went to Franklin, Va. He then notified his passengers at Columbia, and they arranged a meeting at Newport News where they took the air for Detroit. Just how many stops the plane made on its way to Columbia are not known, Jnit it is understood he made the trip from Newport News to Co lumbia in 40 .minutes. KIWANIS CLUB TO MEET TOMORROW The Williamson Kiwania Cluh wiM hohl its regular weekly meeting here tomorrow in the rooms of the Wo man's Club. STRANTA THEATRE I WEDNESDAY RANGER The Wonder Dog in "When a Dog Loves" AIM MERMAID COMEDY "Fire Away" and Epiaode No. « "The Mystery Pilot" and FREE TICKET FOR FRIDAY 1 , ' Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE - - * ' Y. . V . ' ' . $600,000 Chowan Be Opened 20th Ne Plan Elaborate Ceremonies Town Audit To Be Made This Week The auds of the town's books delayed thin week when the auditor of the Frederick B. Hill Co., Rocky Mount, failed ,to show up. A wire atated that the auditor would be here to morrow or Thursday. The commissioners ordered the audit several weeks ago, ■mainly to dctermfeie the earn ings of the municipal wafer and power plant. Several days will P>e required to complete the au dit. Bishop Makes Annual Visit Makes Strong Appeal to Hearers for Loyalty to Christ and Church Sunday .morning at the Church of the Advent, Bishop Thomas C. Darst prer.ched and administered 'the Rite of Confirmation to three persons. It was the annual visitation of the Bishop and 'the congregation -was pleased to have him with them again; for monthe he has been leading the Bishop's Crustuie in the American church with headquarters in .Wash ington City. It was designed 'o place liim at the of the Evangelistic movement for four years, in which time he wouki be away from his diocese. Loving his people in East Carolina, he feit that he could not leave them for so long, and he an nounced to friends here that he would remain in the Diocese with his people. Bishop Darrft is ever the in teresting preacher, wherever he may be heard, and Ut always listened to with pleasure «n Williamrfton. In his sermon which was based on 3-16, he declared that sixty-two mil lion*! of people were outside of the clwiTeh and fifty-eight millions were members of some branch of the Christian church; that thousands were failing to> take their religion seriously, and America was drifting toward a greater and a .more appal ling indifference which in the end v/ould wreck the nation. He n>ad« a strong appeal to hia hoarers for loy alty to Chri;*. and His Church; he condemned the negative church raam ber who is today a hindrance to the advancement- of the work of the church in any community. While in town, Bishop Dai sit was the guest of Rev. C. O. Pardo at the rectory. Sunday night, he preached ••A Hamilton and confirmed a number ol' people. He loft here Monday morn ing for Wilmington. J. K. Hoyt, Jr. Assumes Management of Store John Kaais Hoyt, jr., has taken over the management of his Itite father's Store in Washington, *iul the will be carried on in the same man ner that it 'has always been. Mr. Hoyt will tftill have charge of the men'* department; Mi* Krtih Bal lard, the women's department; and Mrs. Mayme , Hen bank Suggs will con tinue in the .millinery department. This store is one of the largest and is probaibly the oldest in Washing ton, art J the late Mr. Hoyt ,was con sidered one of 'the b«t business men of this section, always clever and jurft in his dealing with his custom era, anil he and his Jtore were held in high regard by them. It i{*' gen erally conceded by those who have been associated with John Keais in the store and in other business that he will be aible to carry on hi* work in a splendid Way. , In this issue of the paf>er he carries an ad from his own department. , Two Boys Hurt When Car Hits 'Phone Pole Metfcis. .Rogers and Cowing, two young white boys of the Bear Gran* section, were badly but not seriously cut l*Jt Sunday nig hit when their oar hit a telephone pole & few ,mil«* this side of Washington. Roger*, the carls driver, fell into a light sleep, ] and when he opened hie eyes he stat ed his car was going straight up a telephone pole. The two young men were able to be at woifc yeeteidhy, but complained of being eore, while loading a truck | here with fertilizer. « Mr. and Mm. J. G. Staton will re turn from Baltimore tomorrow, wher. MM. Staton hae been in the John Hopkins Hospital for the pturt sever al week*. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, June 14, 1927 Addresses Will Be Made arMCdenton Court- m house at Noon The $600,000 bridge across tho Chowan River is scheduled to open on the 2>ch of next month with an elab orate program. Notables from over the Slate are expected to take part in the program. AH the northeastern counties will take in he opening ex ercises, and it is expected that a large number of people from this and other sections will attend the ceremonies. The festivities of the day will include the dedication of the Virginia Dare Trail. The formal exercises wil begin at 11 o'clock in the morning at a, point midway the bridge. Add 1 esses are (scheduled to begin at noon in front 'bf the historic courthouse in Edenton. While not authentic, it is under stood that toll charges on the bridge will vary from 10 cents to s2eoo. It b&s been rumored th»t trucks will go arrotw a,t a cosit of s'2, passenger cars at sl, and on }own the line to bi cycles at 10 cdnim eWi. No mention was made for the pedestrian charge; but since the bridge is so—over a mile ajul a half—4t is not likely that that class of truffle will cause much con cern. Urgesßuilding For Fire Safety Erect Buildings With Highest Degree of Incombustibility In reviewing measures now being taken by the International Associa tion of Fire Chiefs to combat the ap palling loss of life und property by fire in the United States, Fire Chief H. D. Harrison points out that one of the most effective ways to reduce the fire danger is to give such build ings as we erect the highest degree or' incombustibility. "It would be impracticable, of course, to build an all-fireproof struc ture," Chief Harrison continued. "In a residence of this nature the b*ls would have to be steel or concrete slabs and furniture- would have to bi oi a similar materia). There could be no draperies, rugs, linen, and cloth ing. But it never is impracticable to construct a building at. fire-safe as is compatible with comfort." "Take the average wood frame house as an example. When the wood frame is covered with a sheathing of wood, and this in turn iatcovcied with wood siding; and when the lath under the plaster and the shingles on the roof are of wood, you have a highly combustible, conflagration-breeding type of construction—one that would put surrounding structures in jeop ardy if a fire should break out, par ticularly if there were a high wind blowing. For a high wind would car ry burning embers to adjoining roofs anil scatter sparks far anil wide." "Bui it is probably a long way off tefore wood frame houses will be al together abandoned, particularly sinc the development of modern building materials has resulted in a protected type of wood construction that re tains all the good features of the all wood house." "In building such a fire-protected wood house the wood frame is erected in the regular manner. But instead of a sheathing of wood being applied over the frame, an incombustible type of sheathing is now used. This pro tects the frame from the outside. To protect it from the inside a metal or rock lath is used in place of wood lath. With a roof covering of as bestos or other fire-resistive material, a house so built possesses as high a degree of protection from fire as is possible in a frame structure." Chief Harrison feels 'hat prevent in# fires is just as important a part of the local fire department's work as fighting fires, and along with the thousands of other fire chiefs through out the country he is actively coop erating with the International Asso ciation of Fire Chiefs in its great "1927 is Fire Prevention Year" move ment, which, it U hoped, will acquaint the public with means for reducing the annual fire toll. Regular Meeting Masons Tonigh There will be a regular communi cation of Skewarkee Lodge, No. 90, A. F. St A. M., tonight at 8 o'clock. At this communication, the annual election of officers will be held. Mem ben of the lodge are urged to attend. Visiting brethren cordially invited. C. D. CARSTARPHEN, Jr.,~ C"i »J I Secretary, t•V \ ; : Large Crowds Hearing Dr. A. F. DeGafferelly "Slaves ii* Williamston" Is Sermon Subject For Tonight The evangelistic services at the lo cal Christian Church continue to hold the irtterest of many church goers of tlm r town. Dr. A. F. Dv' lalferelley, tlte evangelist, is i> vet.v forceful speaker, and Is plflisin* the large each sen-ice. On Friday night Evangelist DeGaf ferelly preached on the question, "Can a Man Be Sawed Without Join ing the Church?" "L«t me ask first," he said, "How can a man know when he is converted? Not by mere emo tional feeling but by complying with God's .will as revealed in His Word. He must know that conversion is ac tive, not passive. There are certain divine conditions. Now, when a man has oomplied with these, does that make him a number of the church? It does. Pardon takes place in the mind of God an 1 not in the mind of the sinner. We can only merit tlutt pardon by doing God'a will. ■ The church was founded by Ci'rist for the spiritual abiding place of His follow ers. Every man who is a Christian is a, member of that church." Sunday morning, Or. I> GatTerelly j led the people to feel'the urge of' making: Christian progre.-> in his mas s«igu on the theme, "Goin; Forward With Christ." He pointed out many forceful reiwons why Chrfetians should go forward with Chriitt." A mortg thcae are he law of human relationships, the superior profession, 'the ability, knowledge. Some laws which govern .progress, he said, are cutting loose from the past, leaving the usellows fo.r the useful A vision, a focussed vision, undauiirtmi courage for attempting the hunuu ly impossi ble, use the .means At hand, dedicat-' ing the whole life to the whole task. Sunday night, he le*i tlx* people to great height's in his message on "What Why 1 lidliov ■ " He said that life Ims no higher treasure than a; clear and comimiiKling faith. He told of his faith in the fftblc, not as a s'ory aboi/t God but a.s a revela tion of God giving Himself to man in those experiences in which man experienced God. He said that he believed ini Gol as more than a great power working itsellf out in a great machine, but as a personal God, a presenft God, as /t father, Love seated upon a throne. As o faith in Christ, he said, "Immanuel ,Kant, the said that all life could tic summed up in three questions: "What tun I know; what must I do; and for what may I hope." Jesus alone fully answers these. We believe with St. Paul that we see the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Ohrist. We know God through and in Christ Je sus. Jewun shows man what he must do ,by giving to him the great ideal of life. Jesi*s Uuight mafn that hf can undisappointingly hope for lal vation through Him." Last ,nigWt the evanjrelint used as a subject .for his .sermon, "Conversion in a life picture." He ba«ed his re marks on the conversion of the Ethi opian Eunuch. "l A*, us consider this theme," he said, "under three divis ions: The eunuch as an inquirer; the eunuch .us a hearar; ajnl the eunuch a* As a/i inquirer, he point ed out, he .was moral and religious, but not a Christian. He waaited to know th" trtfth,«inJ God sent Phillip, the evangelist, into his life, and he learned concerning Jesus. As a hear er, he was preparer! by studying the word of God. He heard intelligently and interestedly. He not only heard l.ift beli'-ved things that he heard. It is wrong to ,(>• iy to God to send converting power until we have told men what to do to be saved. As a doer, the eunuch did not oppose with mime excuse, but said, "Whtot doth hinder me to be baptized," and was baptized and went on his way re joicing. Feeling follows doing. Af ter he had done wha>t God reve-aled to him to do he rejoiced- greatly." Tonight Dr. DeGafTerelly will speak on "Slaves in Williams ton." Capture still Before It Had Ever Been Used Deputy Sheriff Grimes answered a hurry call and found located on the ibunlds of Reedy Swamp a fine copper (till with 14 barrels of beer nestled around ready to be run. No one was present, and the still was raid. Going a few hundred yards farther he found a newly established steam plant with 10 barrels of beer but no liquor. The deputy was on the job at this place, as he caught it before it had ever been uaed in making li quor. Mrs. E. B. Moore, of Washington, is visiting the family of her brother, Dr. Wni. E. Warran. , Proposal to Enlarge District Is Gaining 243 Names on Registration Books at Noon Yesterday Registration Books Will Close at Sunset Saturday June 25; Total Registered Below One-Half At noon yesterday 243 electors hal placed their nunics on the registra- j tion books preparatory to the school oleotion hero July The number is j far below one-half of the eligible vot-!, ers in the township. At .the , town j election here last month, there were 342 votes cast,'while there were a-j round 4t>o n&mos on the registration | books. This, however, was confined | to the town and had nothing to do wit'h the township. Since the school election is a township matter, the pos sible number of registered voters should range far above 500. Two Deaths at County Home Inmate To Be Buried in Potter's Field This Afternoon Twto inmates, Madison fender ami Harmon Coftied, died at the county home recently, Pender lust week and Oottitiki yesterday. With no relatives and few friends, Vender's boily was placed in a little corner in the potter's field across from the new county home by county autlvorities last week. Pender, a col ored inmate, came to the home hard ly .more than a month UKO, going there knowing that death was only a nrat>tor of a few days' time, for he was then suffering from dropsy. He ww* abouit 68 years old and was a member of the A. M. E. Zion church. He wia* originally from the Hamilton section. Coffield'fl body wa* in a waiting t'ooni at the home this morning await ing burial this near the grave of hLs fellow innvate, Pender, in potter's ,fiwl. Cotlield was from the Koberaonville section, ami has rela tives there, Hii* granddaughter was here la.stMiight, and she, with about 16 members of the Primitive Baptist Church, watched over the body thru the greater part of last night. Cof field was aibout 68 years old, and dur. ing the last several months he had suffered two rftrokes of paralysis, re sulting in his doa'h yesterday. His wife, whu lives near RobersonviHe, will be unable to attend the funeral, her old age and fe blem\ss not per mitting. , r That the two old darkies had re ceive I the hew' of attention was learned when several of the inmates at the home .-itat d that everything possible w;is done for them, and that even after death car.'* was exercised to provide a, nust respectable burial for 'them. Good Crop Conditions General Over County Crop conditions in Martin County, uceording to reports coming from many K efctions, are far above the av erage for several years, with the ex ception of a few reports of bail utands. The farmers now seem to think that the county lias the pros pect of raising the largest tobacco crop it has ever produced. The eotVon acreage has been cut some, but the stand is reported good, anal the heavy fertilizing it has h»d the county may make an average crop. Peanut acreage has been increased arxl most people report a flue stand, which (fives pro mi He of making thin year the, banner one in the yield of l>eainuts. William Harris Dies at Wake Forest Home Wake Fores', June 13.—William Henry Harris, 70, died at 2 o'clock tliii* fiAemoon at his 'ountry home near Wake Forewt. Funeral service* are to be conducted Tuesday after noon at 6 o'clock by Rev. Morrison lietheia. Burial with Ma-sonic honors will follow at the old fajniJy burying ground at Crenshaw Hall. Mr. Harris had been ill for some time. Mr. Harris was the father of Mrs. 11. Ji. 9/butibs, of this place, and she with Mr. Stuhbs and little son are attending the funeral there today. Lton Haasell, jr. suffered an attack of acute appendicitis' here yesterday end was carried to the hospital in Washington this morning for an operation- , On Saturdlay, June 25, the regi tro tion books will close at sunset. To vote at the election, your name must appear on the registration books be fore thkl time. On the Saturday pre ceding the election the books.will be open from 9 ;u. ,m. to 3p. in. for chal- Knge, but that k>es not nveah that one can legister on that day. According to Registrar R. T. Grif fl.ttj_,the several communities in the township, with the exception of «ne, Iwive a fair -representation of electors on the books, but the small number shows the registration is not xener- GJ. Mayor's Court Has Two Cases A Third Case (iocs to Justice of the I'eace A. T. Crawford Business picked up in the mayor's court here yesterday ajul even to the overflowing limits when Mayor Co burn had two case« and one went to Justice of the Peace A. T. Crawford. It cost James Whitley, J'OUIIK col ored boy, jusH. !flO plus the trial's expense, to knock one William Grimes down with a shoe-whine '.ox Saturday night. The evidence in the case was very brief. Whitley asked Crimen why he didn't go home. Crimes asked Whitley was it any of his busi ness why he did sot go home. Then it was that Whitley hit Crimes in the mouth with the shine box and grounded him. The bout took place at J. K. Colt ruin's store on the edge of town. The Mayor's other case came about when one Henry Carson, colored, took on a little too much of the "spirits" last Saturduy night and went around in a disorderly manner. His drink, or drinks, uluy hi* disor derly conduct, cost him $6 in the court. He ventured near to the towns business center than the two colored boys did and was a nested at Monk lii.gley's place. Oflici'rs raided Hill Johnson's home last Saturday night ami found one ivallon of li(|Uor in an outhouse and another gallon wrapped up in the bed, tekiiiK a nap, it is supposed. Johnson was .not at lu>iue, so his wife, Sally, was arretted and she had hear ing yesterday before A. T. Crawford, justice of the peace. She was bound over to tho recorder's court under a SIOO cash .bond. At the lustring John son's wife claimed she knew nothing i.lxHlt Uie liquor. Johnson Ijves near the Standard Killing Station on the Washington and Jamasville Road. Former Martin Man Is Killed at Rutherfordton Jasper Harper l>u.vis, of Uuther fordton, was shot ami killed last week While full dt'tail; of the killing have not been learned, it is reported that Davis was rfhot by a man en)-, ployed by the highway commission and who wit ho ut a word from either party walked lip to uiiid killed him. Davis was .also engag&i in the highway work. His ass i I ant made his oacaper The murdered man was ,a, soh of tho late Dennis W. ..Davis of this county. He .married at Rutherford ami Imves a, widow and two young children. His body was brought to this county where it was buried in ,i phot near lY>plar Chapel church last Saturday by the side of his father. The funeral was conducted by A. J. Manning. Mrs. Vesta Jane Peel Dies Near Bear Grass MrJ Vesta Jane Feel died at her home a f uw miles from Boar Grass Friduy night. She had not been very well for a few days but was up Fri day and after eating supper with the family complained of feeling sick. Site started to take a drink of wa ter and while drinking fell dead. Mrs. l'eel was aboiit 5:1 years old untl was the ,widow of Turner l'eel, who died about 12 years ago. She phihlrem, two sisters and one brother. She had long been a member of the Cross Roads Christian Church. The funeral was conducted by Rev. A. F. DtCJkfferelly at the home. The bur ial was at the family plot at the home of Elder John N. Rogeraon. , Advertisers Will Find Oar Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1600 Home* of Martia Gouty. ESTABLISHED 1898 School in Favor Inquiry Into Election 13 Thought To Favor Proposal The propaal to enlarge the Wilham- school di.-it i let a l the special elec tien On July sth seems to be making (food headway now. For a while it seemed to iiitei some opposition, but those oppo ,ing the enlarged .school, I'ointf substantial citizens, were willing to inquire as to what it would mean to enlarge the district; and, as is generally the, when it be came so ajipari-nt that it meant -a, much better school for their children it tended to reconcile them. It is a line spirit tihal man shows when he counts it a worth-while op- portunity to i tiuca'e his children There was a day when only a part 01 the people thought it paid to educate a boy, and a very few thought girls should be • educated at all. But as knowledge sends its shafts of light deeper and deeper into the minds of men, they become more and more aroused to (the need of education for all the people. In the old days peopU willing for the educated few 'o attend .to their attains for them, Jjift now each individual finds pleasure in doing hi» own thinking and transacting his own business. Nothing has hurt the country dis- TVicts of the tftate and Xtution as much as the need for adequate schools. Families leave (food country homes and move to some place where they can reach a Con sequently, the farm goes down arid many times the new surroundings do not fit well to the needs. The new idea of giving every child the same chance at the same school Whether he lives in the heart of the city or in the remotest part of the "backwoods," will be one of the fin est things that-we can do to stabilize and give proper balance to society. It ,will eliurinate that old idea that "I eni wiser than thou." The principles of democracy de mand that all subjects be triated a like in order that all men might be able to take part in their government. The teaching; of the autocnU is, "You work and I will take care of your bus iness," is so well underwood thut our people, seem anxious to see a school so democratic that no chiltl from the r« nwxtefit corners of the community shall not receive the full and equal privilege of an education. The election, which if carried will give this district a liWter school, will be held on Tui\sluiy, July 5. The registration U»oks are now open and will not until June 25. A new regitrtratuMi is rei|uiretl for the elec tion, which means that every one who would vote must register before the books ctose, s»s of how many times you have registered and voted before. All those who register and do ,ru>t vote at all will l>* vounted as agaiiwt the proinu&d, a-, a majority of the qualified voters mu. t vote for the proposal in order to carry the elec tion. Superior Court Starts Monday Will (Jo Only One Week with Few Cases on Two Dockets The June term of superior court for this county will convene here next week with Judge It. A. Nunn, of New Hern, in charge. The June term is of the brief variety, only one week hfing devoted to the hearing of both crimnal and civil coses. There are 14 cases on'the'criminal * docket, many of them being of very «. little importance. One or two go to the court next week from the record er's court on appeal. Oscar Wynne luis announced his guilt in his murder case, and very little time will be used in clearing it from the docket. Rphriam Woolard, colored, charged with manslaugWter, will have his case go before the term next week. The ether criminal cases coveir various charges, and .since it is not likely that all the cases on the docket will come up for trial, only a small por tion of .the week will be devoted to the criminal docket. The James vs., Bank casesiare ached uled on the civil calendar, and these with one or two others will be all to up at this term. pELEBRATES HER FIRST , BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY little one-yea f* Bid Betsy Stanley ice!ebrated her first birthday hew yee (terday when a large number of bar (IRtle friends were invited to hel Jhome late yesterday afternoon.