wmmmmmmm ————- i ■ ~*v ___ ' - • , Columbus did not live in a patriotic fof alii the tad in tSe work!. But hia I fl|7 B-4 DD TCp tlay. Everybody khow.s that if Lind- generation did not honor him by per «*• bvrs\ had found as much new land as petuating his memory in u national W Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the Columbus did that would have been name. ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY I named the United States of Lind- i Lindbepgh flew aero* the ocean— WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA bergh, or the Mexico of Lindbergh,! just a strenuous day's journey, and he ~~ or the Central Lindbergh States, etc.,j has already received a million kisses w Manning 1 _——. _ Editor j etc.. Columbus, however, did not re- and honor# ami has millions more a * ~~~ ' * ? .... * Subscription Rates cr;ive the £ rand rece P tion that LinJ - waiting him. berch has, vet Columbus discovered It is a fine thing to see men honor » IN MARTIN COUNTY * , , ~. L . . jl 5Q the very best part of the world, a con- heroes. Yet we feel that we ,Amen -6 months I • tinentiwhich includes about one-third , cans sometimes raliper overdo things. OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY —(Effective July 1, 1927) —j : ' Hootch, Hugging, Haste, Cause Accidents (Strictly Cash in Advance) No Subscription Will Beßeceived for Less Than Six Months The Highway Commsision of Ohio creases; breath ceases, rest in pieces. *" 1 - offers the following for the consider- ■ "liorse sense as well as horse pow- Advertisinc Kate Card Will He Furnbthed Upon Application • • , ■ > 1 k _ ation of motor-car owners and driver shoukl enter into the operation of Entered at the port office at Williani.iton, N. C., as second-class ers, all of which is worth r.rmember- motwr vehicles, matter under the act of Congress of March 3. 1879. , ing: , ! "Live to ride another day by obey- Address all communications Jo The Enterprise ami not to indi- .... i .• -n i , vidual members of the company- y wa 'owmotives w,t " ; ing signs—they mei'.n what they Bay. —— * X'our horn. 's. j "Drive with cart —you may meet a TI'SEDAY, JUNE 14, 1927 "A road hog roots up macadam I f oo j ! ' t u_ ..... ' I \ "A reckless driver is a criminal. . j Our roads are wide and smooth— Carping Critical I ** b™ them « P . " K ** p ™ lhe v „ • ... vour girl hug herself. "Death is so permanent—take a Many times able men, inspired b> , sees little good in any laudable un j ]jijnute oJ , two at dangerous "The three 'HV: Hootch, Hugging, the desire to be of. some sen-ice to Ht nuking because he fears it will cost Haste , CHUBe 75 per cent of the mo nthersi liave been lost to community him something or he bears a grudge . „ outer*,, iu>e uceu . - ■ -• "Tragady in seven words: Speed in-; tor accidents." ( . activities because of the ehunce re- «>,ainrft some of the leaders. ' .. " ... murk of some carping citizen. The man who has taken any part NOTICE All persons indebted to the said es- Such men are so constituted -that in community enterprises knows from tsite are requested to make prompt y thev art . ~ when the ruthless , f .perience that he has to put on his Having this day qualified as execu- payment of toe same.' tne> an . | tor of the estate of Primus Lynch, Tl is June 6th, J927. critic says something of them in their ; rnior to ward off the poison dart of UTK j er (j le terms of the last will of the j HINES, public service work and misrepresents ! the carping critics, who give few peo- soid Lynch, all persons holding claims j e7 0 , w Executor. their motives * lif credit for being honestly inter.- OSiinil the said estate are hereby no- their mtu is. , I tified to present the same for pay- NOTICE OF SALE OF $2"),000.00 Men of this type stlottkl never be tinned. The armor consists of utter me(| [ y l(1 undersigned on or before TOWN OF COLUMBIA, NORTH driven from their course by the sting disregard fur anything people of this the oth day of June, 1928, or tms no- CAROLINA, STREET IMPROVE «, sarcasm that may come from those \ type m y. IVt it down as the rabid be plead in bar of their re-1 MENT BONDS. who are ,not in sympathy with any attack of one whose words mean ° i N° tice is hereby given that bids . j will be receiveil until 9 o clock, F. M. movement Tor community betterment, nothing ts-euuse he has done nothing July |jy th# ]{eart| of A , dl . r . It is folly to pa\ attention to tin i-\c«}rt pro-mote his own selfish in- yOlflS j men of the Town of Columbia, North ... . ~~' x . A» er.) niK ! ('urolina, at the Courthouse, for the curping critic. He is the c.tuen i 1,,, Twa QJJuu heeing the lwo Sides y - Juiy lt 1927 , an(l ma t uring , Ovw 21 MIUJOW Jars UstoYearly $i(0 00 July 1, 1930 and yearly there- Two citizens, liscu> illg the trond paths of our children thaJl there wore II mI I I• II 111 I 111 IIJJ I '"T of the times, saw today aiwl fifty year. v (ll tiiie ohi patlm, but he contends we Of.** through different spectacles. The un . better prepared to s|»re them. *v/^ view of the two meat wa so different MA y J FUttIOUS ■ kl I f) om thai all this generation; MlmW had turned the glasses end for end,, wun t s to k» is to destroy itself is an | \J b W0 WW IMi ai.d saw only himself. j„ ignorance. There has M ,r r" "r ~H (IHHIvMinKINT 1 ' ,u ,he KK| t,f tht ' oldw ' da>h harder to preserve himself and others | I 9 and compared it wflti the bad of to- ... \i D WT® in this very day. This is clearly y XRKn JT JEmJEvJC# ">■ ° to mm-. i. b U ii,i i>-« pafKagJl u .J . dren were when he was a boy. Now nd'the many other in ' 1,. mi. nc.hiru ut i rftitutions desiglH-d for the care of women, and flving automobiles. THE SAFE DEPENDABLE LAXATIVE I the weak and the unfortunate of the Th * r TV'VX" ,rt "- CLARK'S DRUG STORE " was a boy, opportunities were ver> pc.r, ttat' folk, „,«■ no E«twr n.n «««»" •»» '»•" Williamston, N. C they are now; that the poorest class ,,ut optimimi says the now are away ahead of the best class folks could not have di then.. Continuing, he said that he the presently civilization. -—could see no more sin and misery in Y *. ht ' continues,, opportunities do FUNERAL DIRECTORS -the world today than he saw in his not guarantee license for lawbreaking, Ulld boyhood; and, in comparison, not so » or immorally, both of which may | EMBALM ER much. He seems to rejoice that his hfcvr wnewhat outgrown their day,| DAY AND NKiHT SERVICE i;* i„„, and th«t it would be better to call the life has been t j j j U(ve bought the undertaking establishment formerly owned might behold a day of better oppor- lawbreaker down and to post more | )y r p j, Edwards, and have secured the services of Mr. Harper tunities- that many of the hardships Jfu«rds on the line that diviiles inor- Holliday, an expert funeral director and licensed embalmer. ef his fathers might be lifted from :ilit v and immorality. | Excellent Serviee at Most Reasonable Price the necks of his children. ' He says he is mindful of the fact R. BIGGS K. I .Oil T 1,11 P V that there are more pitfalls in the . vJ.I.V'^ j UNDERTAKER w j FWNEKAL WRKTOB AND „„ ~h o„ , ,55 WILLIAMSTON. N. C. N|fht pholw „ We Are Distributors of KMHALMER VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND " ' - ■ - - s,,K rr 200 TON'S All Standard Makes MB \J JL. w Land Plaster EASY TERMS IF DESIRED V ' „ ■ - ■ Write for Prices and Terms One of our salesmen will gladly dcm.n.tr.te one to ynr hom«. AT) tVYD Till? fA CH All the Latest Records J. VrlV I fllj v)AOXX and Sheet Music —— C. D. Carstarphen & Co. WaaMafto*. M.C. Plymouth, N. C. IT . THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON. N. C ' ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Attorneys, Boston, Mass. and the record in the Public Registry of Mar | ' blank bonds, without charge. tin County, in Land Division Book Tr • i* _ The said bonds are issued under the No. lat page llingS i provisions of the Municipal Finance XJus the Ist day of June, 1027. _ Act (Sections 21928 to 2965 VoL 3, E. S. PEEL, hink About Consolidated Statutes of North Caro- Je-3-4t Trustee. " I Hna) Place of sale: Court House Door, By JAMES D. TAYLOR All bids must be accompanied by a illiamaton, N. C. _' certified check upon an incorporateo * bank or trust company, payable to the NOTICE e I HEAR YE HIM order of the Treasurer of the Town of Having this day qualified as Ad s Columbia, N. C. for two precent of ministratrix of the estate of Theodore . Many years a*o there came from face value of the bonda bid fol »® ben,on ' U * of M "* in Coun^' to secure the Town against any loss all persons holding claims against the distant clouds this statement: resu lting from failure of the bidder said estate are hereby notified to r "Thk Ls my beloved Son, hear ye to comply with the terms of this sale, present same for payment to me on „ * * * The right is reserved to reject any or before the 7th day of April. 1928 - Him." rhis statement has never of bJdfc or notice pleaded in bar been retracted by the Almighty God. W. H. McCLEES, Clerk, of their recovery. All persons indeb i* k -n «*. , , . - ..r. _ Town of Columbia, N. C. ted to said estate will please make It still thunders from above. "Hear " " . ' . .. . ... Julius S. Peel, Attorney. immediate settlement. ye Him." God tells us to hear His • LOUDIE ROBERSON, Son. There are, therefore, two good NOTICE OF SALE__ ~ - my-10-6t Admix Theo. '• reasons why we should hear Him. He Under and by virtue of th power of rt . . . . 100 - / .„ „ c . . u „ . „ sale contained in that certain Deed Thlß 7th ot AprU ' 1927 ' * JS God s own Son in whom He is well - . . . A lL ■ . , of Trust executed to the undersigned NOTKTF f pleased. Then we are instructed to Trustee on the 23rd day of October, .. * HUTU® hear Him. The fact that Jesus is 1924 > a™* of record in the Martin Having qualified as executrix of „ „ .... „ . . County Registry, in Book Q-2, at page the estate of Mary H. Ward, deceased, Gods own .on should be sufficient. securing certain bonds of even late of Martin County, North Caxo liut the Father goes a little farther eate therewith, and the stipulations lina, this is to notify all persons ha v. a and savs "Hear Him." not having been complied with and at ing claims against the estate of aaid the request of the holder of said deceased to exhibit same to the un u„„ „ „„„ , . . , „ . bonds, the undersigned Trustee will, dersigned at Williamston on or be- Have you heard Jasus? He is on the lfit d „ y of July> |927> at 12 fore mh d#y Mgy or everywhere. In your home, your jjar- o'clock, Noon, offer for said to the this notice will be pleaded in bar of - den, vour office. You can hear Him hif ' heirt bidder - for cash - the follow- recovery. All persons indebted to > ing described property: said estate will please make immedi if you will. Just listen carefully and Lots Nos. 14, 15, and 20, in Block ate payment. say, "I want to hear you, Jaus. I A of the J - w - Watts Farm Land This 12th day of May, 1927. ' . . . , , „ . . division as surveyed ar.d platted by Mrs. EMMA THOMPSON. v'.int to be close to you, Master, be- n r o -j i » v • ... ' * D. C. Jame.-;, C. E. Said plat being of I myl7 6tw Executrix, cause you are the Son of God in ' —————————— ——— He pleased.' MB L after until 1940, inclusive, and $2,000 ma.uiiijg July 1, 4941 and yearly V j -m/mmi s'mM 1 thereafter until 1947, inclusi/e, and ZOO LBS* bearing interest at six percent per I* A .Milium, payable semi-annually, de I K| Dl nomination of SI,OOO each, and both I KgllM piincipal and interest payable at the llfllfA f*f*HTll J Hanover National Bank, in the City ||||yA l|| II In ' and .State of New York. An unlimited tax is authorized for I lUII J|| If* 1 TO the full payment of the interest and I IIHII HI flj I principal of these txindg. ( rurchascrs will be furnished with . "WUFACTUREO _ th ; approval opinion of Messrs. [jKlfßlirflTTnilllll fIL Swrey, Thorndike, Palmer & Dodge, ». uUIIUn BADLY RUN-DOWN Kentucky Womb Had "Terrible The Whitest and Finest TOM" Dong Her Home Work. SmnKk RrtneJl Alter UTOUnd PIOStCY Oft See Took Cardu. Shelbyville, Ky.—"Several years the Marke ago," says Mra. Alven Jesse, of thia place, "my health was very bad I" was very much run-down. I was ' n •uch a weak, nervous condition that HAS THE QUALITIES THAT PRODUCE J wan not fNff to do my houMwork. *1 struggled to keep up, becauae I TWO MOST SUCCESSFUL had to, but many a time I spent tr Y fc"*'««* PEANUT CROPS strength to go through the daily - routine. "This condition went on for soma time, until i hewd about carduL If Your Dealer Cannot Supply You which some one told me was good * for such ailments. I gave it an im- IT a mediate trial, and, I am thankful to Trail© US say, my improvement was rapid. I aoon was able to do my housework t with ease and comfort. I felt fine v and I looked so much better. » j t hastprn (-ntrnn with colds, which left me weak. So VVi M. K t;l/vFl.i. I sent at once to the store for Cardui * and began taking it In just s little Oil Pnmnsinv dons easier and with V/ll VUI 11 \Jtl I J At all drug stows. NC-lTg Norfolk, Virginia ... - : ' , V Announcing The New Benthall Peanut Picker I \ " ; The 1927 Benthall Peanut Pickers will be equipped with one size chain throughout, mechanically improved sprockets and closed grease cups instead of oil pipes. This will mean less wear and upkeep, therefore adding to the life of the pickers. Picking and Brush Bars have been added which increase the capacity. Pickers are equipped with combination hop per and feed stand so that the machine can be fed with fork from the ground, thereby dispensing with one man. These improvements have added to the cost of production, but the prices remain as here tofore. N, Write us for prices and full particulars, or see our nearest Benthall Agent. 1 Benthall Machine Company, Inc. SUFFOLK, VA. V *-«. 6 ' ' J J*' *Wj record in the Public Registry of Mar tin County, in Land Division Book No. 1 at page

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