THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILUAMSTON, NOKTH CAROLINA W. C. Manning Editor Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COI'NTY » T year T Sl.&O 6 months : . 1 ——— OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY—(Effective July 1, 1927) 1 year $2.00 (J months .1" t LOO (Strictly l ash in Ad>ance) No Subscription Will lie -Received for Less Than Six Months Advertising Kate Card Will Be Furninhed I'pon Application " Entered-at the post ofl'ir >at Williamston, N. C., aw second-class matter under the act of Congress of March ;!, 1879. Address all communications Jo The Enterprise and not to indi vidual members of the company. FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1927 Everything Quiet on (he Potomac Why shouldn't our president go oft for a little rest and visii his folks itc the west ? lit' has Mr. Mellon at Washington lo take cure of all the money and to k op everybody in th" world from fretting any of it, even his farmer friends. Another advantage Mr. Mel lon has over most folks us a house-- keeper and caretaker is that when the governmental machinery at Wash ing.on runs a little hot anil begins to | knock and st|ueal, lie pletrtj- of I hrs own oil—"that goo(J (iulf"—and he just pours a can oil the hot places s.i'd smoothes things down again. And, too, when th ■ color of things around the cubital begin to citilkoi i!nd**rust Mr. McMon doesn't do s- H'ing but brighten them up with hi; i wH aluminum. The president was ajso very for tunate in leaving Postmaster (oner ~j.! Harry S. New to get the lyail off. an.l every nice thing that is said a bout Cal. will in the firjit pouch, even if he catches a fish. All that will be tpld through the mail. Of course, SecrMaiy of State Kel logg is in charge of the letter writ ing in foreign languages. He will he expected to write several notes and letters tie both Mexico and China dur ing the summer months. The presi dent w ill not have to lose a moment's re.-t on thai wore, though, because he has an abiding faith in Mr. Kel -1 i'g's knowledge of both the Chinese and Spanish languages. The other, bunch of cabinet officers v ill have very little else to look af ter. Hoth the Army and Navy will probably have to lie dorman all sum mer. Games seems to he getting juarce and they can't find a thin* to j shoot. Battle Pianos and Battle Ships It is bad for civilized nations to have to prepare for war, because war i an ugly, mean tlwiitf. and should : 1 outlawed rather than promoted by I I reparation. However, if, we intend to be fools t MHitfh- to prepare for war, then we had bette'r lake Col. William Mit chell's and Arthur Brisbane's advice rnd build a few airplanes as well as >d many battleships. We can build 1,000 airplanes, .such L'mlijergh and Chamberlain flew/ 1.1 ross the ocean in,-for lews than the ci st of one first-line battleship. The two greatest principles used in FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMER DAY ANI) NIGHT SERVICE I have bought the undertaking establishment formerly owned by Mr. F. L. Edwards, and have secured the services gl Mr; Harper Hclliday, an expert funeral director ami licensed embalmer.' Excellent Service at Meat Reasonable Price B. S. Courtney WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Day Phone 155 Night Phone 44 Since the Lindbergh flight, the Mis i 1 sissippi flood has been relegated to (.lii insifte pages of liewnpaper*, and i editors are too busy praising the i i'viator to sav anything about special . I | sessions for flood relief. This re r , litves the tension at Wa.shing'on and J .turns sorrow into jo v. So far as the Secretary of Com \ ' | irerce is concerm-d, the I'Vderal re | si rve banks say t|hat commerce is at | such a. loft- e+>b irr the eastern lialf of the country that Mr. Hoover will be able to throw the bull without having' al to bold the tail. Mrs. Coolidge had the dog tied up I '-fore the family left, and the White House goat will pace the lawn fence and display the flag. According to Will Rogers, Cool idge's main business in the west is to go fishing. He says that the presi dent will spend most of his vacation in fishing for «uckers and farmers as they will both ibite almost an; kind of bait and very little of U which just suits Cal. Another reason given for. Cal's special trip is that those .Western farmers have been hooked so many times by the Jittle second-class poli tician that they have about stopped biting, and it has 'become necessary for Cal to flirt the ipromise uf the president's golden hook ibefofe them in an effort to land them one more time. Why should the people complain if •# tHT'ir president should take a trip to far-away Muck Hills? It may be the berft. thing for us, after all; perhaps the further the better. Two thing-s't-aji be said of our pres ident: He is an economist ami is de veloping into a real poMtk-ian. war are to scare the e*vejny out or to kill him «>ut. if ICngland should ; nnoume her intention to send one of her battleships to bombard the American we would not lose so very much sleep; in fact, most of us would go to bei with full confidence that the first heavy .gun would wake ii: up in time to dodge the few big j shells that might come in our direc tion. • v, .. . - i.■ • j to America, to silent and quietly drop Hut suppose Kngland was Ito say that tomorrow momiikg she was going to start a fleet of 1,000 battle plane down fire and brimstone and utterly I destroy a large number of American | ciJes with flaming and poisoning I passes. Then we would be frightened. | We would be afraid to go to sleep, und half of the American people would sit up all night to select the safest wray to run when the flying death angels did appear. Wc can't say which is" the most dangerous—one battleship or 1,000 battle planes, but we do know the plane swould scare us very much the most. ' i Lindbergh's flight will cause the building of 25,000 airplanes in the world within two years for no otliei purpose than to "kill our neighbors with. • V ' Nations /will some day find a bet lei way than" war to settle their t roubles. •>/ J. C. Meekins, Jr. M. W. Meekins MEEKINS& MEEKINS Attorneys at Law W ASHINGTON, N. C. State and Federal Courts NOTICE OF A SPECIAL TAX ELECTION On sth day of July, 1927, Smith wirk School District, Martin County, North Carolina In compliance with the wishes of petition signed by a necessary num ber of qualified voters of Smithwick School District, which was duly ap proved by the board of education of Martin County, and in accordance with the provision of Article 17 of the New School Code of 1923. Notice is heraby given that the elet tion will be held in tKe" Old Smith wick Schoolhouse on the sth day of July, in said Smithwick School Dis trict, which is described hereinafter for the purpose of ascertaining the AFRAIDJTO EAT BlwHf Spifc, fw yfMtioß, Pat an OkUhoßw Maa is « Miserable Fix, Bat He Fond (Relief. Brink, Okla.—ln describing how 2m suffered from indigestion, Mr 8. T. Strain, of this place, says: 1 have been a user of Black- Draught for four or five years. I have been taking it for stomach trouble. I suffered after eating with Moating and a tight feeling 1 . "I had spells when I could not eat much of anything. I had eevere headaches. I would be nauaeated and hurt a lot I was in a pretty bad fix. 1 began taking Black-Draught It seemed to help me wonderfully. I hadn't found anything that benefited ~ me as Black-Draught did I certain ly can recommend it. Tb»re were times when I just did without anything to eat until I was too weak to go. I was just miser able, and when I ate, my system seemed clogged * "I had very severe headaches. So 1 didn't know just what to do. I knew I oouldn't work if I didn't eat Seemed like what I spit up was bit tsr as eould be. 1 took Black- Draught pretty regularly and got where I could eat, and I don't have to take it ao regularly now." NC-tll NOTICE TO LOGGING MEN We will have for sale about July 15th eight nice mules/trained for log work. Broken with rein or without. Will weigh fom 1,200 to 1,400 pounds. Fitted with harness and log wagons; will sell sep arate or together. If you want good team and willing to pay right price, get in touch with us. We are not giving them away. They are now in use and may be seen at work. One pair can be sold immediately. * 4 • ■ ■ *•*r' > . * ' Murray & McCabe Co. l'hone 20 WUBamston, N. C »v. *■ : rag TOTERPRISE - WILLIAMBTON, N. C. •will of the qualified voters of aaid district as to whether a majority of atjtii voter* lavor the levying and collecting annua»iy of a special tax With winch to supplement the funds 01' six-months public school appropri ated by the board of education, the rule 01 said special tax not to exceed a maximum 01 lb cents on the #IOO.OO valuation ol all property, real and per sonal, within the bounds of the dis trict, described as follows: beginning at Gardner bridge up the cr»ek to the W. W. Roberson mill, up the mill pond to Cypress Branch; thence along C. C. Keys line to the Tartk.on road; thence along said road to Deep Run, down Deep run to Mulberry branch; thence up Mulber ry branch to the Jones Road; thence up said road to the colored baptist Church, St. James; thence a straight line to Wiltz Siding; thence along the said road to the Jamesville and Wil liam, ton Koad; thence along the old boundaries to Devils Gut, Swain's Landing; thence across Devil Gut to Kadcr's Eddy; thence down Roanoke River to Jamesville School District line; thence along said line to Gard ner's bridge, the beginning. At said election those who are in favor of the levy and collection an nually of a special tax of not more j * _ SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES J, W. 1!. Daniel, official tax collector/or the Town of Willianwton, N. C., ! have this day levied on the following tracts or parcels of land and will sell i tut . ;.nie at public auction, for cash, at the courthouse, door of Martin Coun- I Ly, iii the towp, pf Williamston, on July 4th, 1927, a.t 12 o'clock m., for taxes ' du.- a.-'ti unpaid lor the year 192(5, unless the taxes and costs are paid on or before that day. This the 3rd day of June, 192 V. - W. B. DANIEL. Tax Collector. White . > Taxes Cost Total I'. A. ilallarii, 1 res., Main .St $ «»4.02 1.80 $ 35.82 IH. M: Burras, 1 vacant, 1 Main, 1 1 Mrs. Nancy Cherry, 1 res 15.75 1.80 17.65 j Mrs. K. U,Crawford, 1 res. Church St 90.00 1.80 91.80 j Critcher & Critcher, 1 Ray, 1 New Road, 1 Hyman, 1 Church, 1 Sycamore 73.13 1.80 74.93 I Wile >1 el Martin, 1 Main, 1 11. It ... 112.59 1.80 ' 114.39 Martin & Fowden, 1 Watts, 1 Watts St. 57.38 1.80 59.18 Mrs. Lucy Modlin, 1 res. Church St. y 31.50 1.80 33.30 Moore. Crawford & Murtin, 1 Main 170.93 1.80 172.33 ki. D. Critcher, 1 rcti. Watts St. -J. 'i. 67.50 1.80 69.30 Leslie Fowden, 1 res. 93.25 1.80 95.05 Mis. Alice Godard, 1 res. Haughton, 1 tt. li. St.__ 101.25 1.80 103.05 J. G. Godard, 1 res. Smithwick, 2 iiagley, 1 Main, 1 Main, 1 Ha ugh ton, 1 Crawford, 1 vacant, 1 • i\ airen, 1 bmithwick, 1 IJ. Willhun.s, 1 stockade 659.88 1.80 691.68 Mrs. Mary I'. Godwin, 1 res Mail:, 1 Elm 183.02 180 184.82 K.'T. Griffin, 3 William 20.47 1.80 22.27 A. Hansell, 1 res. Haughton 102.3/ 1.80 104.17 Mr'. Mary Lee Hassell, 1 res. Main, 4-7 Uassell, 1 Garage - 683.35 1.80 585.15 C. li. Hassell, 1-7 Hassell . 109.02 1.80 . 110.82 Mi . Fuunic Hasaell, 2 store. b61.23 1.80 663.03 L. 11. Peel, 1 New Town r-..-. 9.00 1.80 10.80 Mr:. J. L. Jtogcrson, 1 res. Main 170 88 1.80 172.68 W. T. Ward, 1 vacant, R. li. St. 29.25 I.Bo* 31.05 W. J. VVliitaker Estate, 1 residence i 67.60 1.80 69.30 W. ]!. Leggett, 1 res. Watcs, for years 19z»~46 2J0.00 1.80 277.30 Colored W.' El Andrews, 1 res., Biggs 14.50 1.80 16.30 I> • Heirs, I Hill - __ 16.1'J 1.80 16.99 Jiob 11 Bonds, 1 Hyman 1').48 1.80 12.28 Jeniiu A. liritt, 1 Washington _j. T 22.»0 1.80 24.30 Elijah lirov/n, 1 Washington 13.3S 180 16.18 Elislia Clemmons, 1 vacant 480 180 6.30 John Everett, 2 li. li. lots 9.00 1.80 10.80 Bryant Gaynor, l li. R. 13.50 1.80 16.30 Alomo Gurganus, 1 res. Biggs St. , Y.B'B 1.80 9.68 I'. S. Ilogan, 1 llatton - 15.76 1.80 17.66 Liztit llines, 1 Res. , 6.7 C 1.80 8.A5 Mahala Lloyd, 1 Elm St. 6-75 180 8.66 W. li. Mizell, 1 Elm St. .lit.. • 29.13 1.80 30.93 Eliza Moors Estate, £ Main ... 83.75 1.80 35.56 V.'. V. Ormond, 4 Main, 1 lihodes, 1 Hyman, 1 Washington, 1 Rhodes 20373 1.80 206.63 Henry Purvis, 1 res. Main St. 40.83 1.80 42.63 To he Purvis, l Brand - 6.53 1.80 8.83 S. li. Riddick Estate, 1 Riddick 18.00 1.80 19.80 Leu lull Koberson, 1 Blount .. .90 1.80 2.70 John Rober: on, 1 res. • 17.88 1.80 19.68 William Rogers, 1 llatton 17.12 180 18.92 Betti« Scott, 1 Main 11.25 1.80 13.06 Hon Scott, 1 Main 19.00 1.80 20.80 Florence Sheppard, 1. Washington 13.50 1.80 15.30 Noah Slade Es at I, 1 l'.lm 4.60 1.80 6.30 Mary Slade, 1 Wilson 11.25 1.80 13.06 G. M. White, 1 Sycamore, 1 White .. 60 56 1.80 62.36 I'erli. Williams, 1 Hyman .... 2.82 1.80 4.62 Robert Williams, 1 Main .. 22.60 1.80 24.40 Ji ha Woolard, 1 Washington, 1 Griffin, 8 res. 30 38 1.80 32.18 Wiiliamston Realty Improvement Co., 2 James ville Road 9.00 1.80 10.80 1". telle Woolard, 2 Washington 15.76 1 80 17.66 tlian fifteen cents on the SIOO.OO val uation, in said district, as aforesaid; shall vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed the words, "For Local Tax," and those who oppose the levy and collection annually of a special tax of not more than 15 cents on the SIOO.OO valuation of all property in said district, as a fcresaid, shall vote a ticket on which shal be written or printed the words, "Against a Local Tax." That J. A. dsrdner be and is heie by appointed registrar, and W. C. Griffin and Roy Moore are hereby appointed poll holders for said elec tion. That a new registration is hereby ordered and that the registration books will be open for such purpose beginning with 24th day of May, and will continue open until the 25th day of June. The registrar will be at his residence during the above date for the purpose of registering all those qualified to vote in said district. Done this the 19th day of May 1927, by order of the board of county com missioners of Martin County. By: J. G. BAKNHILL, my 24 4tw Chairman. Attest: J. SAM GETSINGER, reg ister of deeds and ex-officio clerk to the board of county commissioners. - , These cars A stand up! EVERY General Motors car is built to repre sent General Motors quality and value throughout its life. Whether its potential mile age is to be used up by one owner or several owners makes no difference. That is the reason for the high resale value of the current series of the General Motors cars. It is also the reason why USED General Motors cars offer real opportunities. f General Motors dealers are dependable mer chants and will give you, if you wish to buy out of income, the advantage of the low rates of the GMAC Plan of time payment. The price ranges of the new General Motor* cars are given below. Pick out the car which interests you most. Then clip and mail the coupon. We want to tell you all about that car and also why General Motors can, used or new, offer real value to their purchasers. UP* nV 1 - 8 model* ss2 sto S7BO. The quality car of the low-priced Said, -i, 3-speed transmission. Dry-due clutch. Smooth, powwfal aglaa Fisher Bodiei. Dueo finish. Fully equipped. CHEVROLET TRUCK CHASSIS: H-ton, $595; 1-ton, S4M. 0 models -$775 to $975. Has largest 6-cy Underengineln HaP*tM data. Fisher Bodiei. Duco finish. Beautiful, stylish lines. Value proved by unprecedented sales. PONTIAC W TON CHASSIS. $585: with sown body. $7M| with panel body, $770. v 11 models —sß73 to $1,190. Gratifies your finer taata SattaAaa every need. Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. 6-cylinder motor. Mar* monic balancer, 4-wheel brakes and other new feature*. * 7 models—sl,o9s to $1,295. The "six" that Is winning and holding goodwill everywhere. Fisher Bodies. Duco Aniih. Rubber dlmina chassis and other teatad improvements. 4-wheei brakes. IS models—#l,l9s to $1,995. Everybody knows Butab's aas Kb. Now finer than ever. New models vibratloatoss beyond bdtal 6-cylinder valva-ln-haad engine. Fisher bodies. Ouoo flsxieh. v • madeta—sl,4M tos3,6Bs.ThenewandboautifalcardedoMdaa4 built as a companion car to Cadillnc. Has V-type S-cgrttodar sagtoa. Bodies by Fisher. Duco finish. Now on display. 5S body striae and typee—s3,99s to |S,OO«. The pioneer kthaS cylinder field. Standard c/the world. Duco finish . Bodiee by FMM* and Fleetwood. 500 different color and upholstery eMnktotoa (ALL FRICES F. 0.8. FACTOR IKS) GENE RAL MOTORS - ■■■■■CUP TOI COUPON--■■■■— | GENERAL MOTORS (Dept.; A), Detroit, Mick. « I • CHEVROLET N Hmmail, ■hhumsb%atiantoaae.>atoato I J poNTIAC j-j Ifaatan— uniting the fimsral I j OLDSMOBILB Q J I OAKLAND □ j BUICK Q Ntfm * I LASALLB N Address I UJ j CADILLAC Q _ j FRIQIDAIRBIniiI. inee Q DBLCQ4JQHTB—HefIaaI □ •' 2Slfc >... •-? " -" "

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