Watch tIM LaW Oa Your Payer; It Carries the Date Tear Subscription Expires OLI JME XXX—NUMBER 33 Regular Term Superior Court Began Monday Judge Stresses Menace of Crime Conditions In the Country The June term of Martin County superior court, Judge R. A. Nunn, presiding, convened here Monday morning. Of the four terms of our superior court, we have two business terms, March and September. The June term is always regarded as the rush term, and the December term is generally called the rest term. The court found so little on the criminal docket that it adjourned at 11.30 to give the grand jury time to consider the few bills before it, there being only about half a dozen for their consideration. The following: grand jury was drawn from the hat: J. L. Croom, foreman; Simon Lilley, Stephen E. Manning, Eli Rogerson, W. J. Mel soii, H. H. Cowan, Gordon G. Bailey, W. J. Lit ley, J. H. Rogers, W. T. Rob erson, Jwsse Bailey, J. F. Bailey, Coy J. Roberson, John R. Gardner, D. A. James, J. G. Barnhill, jr., J. Daniel Bigg*. Judge Nunn did not take up a long time in his chaise to the grand jury but stressed teh menace of the crima conditions of the day, saying that we appear not to think seriously on the fact that we are killing three times a; many people every year in our State by the careless and unlawful hapdling of automobiles as were killed in the greatest Indian massa cre ever staged in our State. Yet the horrors of those massccres have come down to us, even to this day. We don't appear to think BO much a bout a few hundred people being killed by automobiles annually. The need to bring the unlawful handlers of automobiles to the bar of justice to answer for their unlawful ucts was pointed out as one of the duties incumbent upon the grand jury. The judge quoted the best figures available, which show that there are 10,000 people murdered in the United States every year and less than 100 pay the death penalty. He further stated that according to the State and Federal reports there have been 176,- 000 unlawful killings in the United Stutes during the past 20 years, and that only 1,500 of them have tieen ex ecuted. About 18,000 of the murder ers are now in prison, State* or Fed etal, and 20,000 have died, leaving more than 136,000 murderers now at large in this country, which means that we have 10,000 more murderers in our country than we do soldiers in our standing army. We have about one hundred times as many murders in thi» country each year as in England, but they execute about as many as we do. It is, according to the opinion of many who have put much study on the crime condition, the belief that few criminals are caught in their first criminal law violation, but gen erally go through the same game many times before being detected. The judge suggttrted that our jails should not be so fine that men would W4, nt to break into them rather than 'o break out. James ville Juniors Defeat Locals 9-5 The local junior basball team made up of small boys from around the town lost to the juniors at Jamssville ill an interesting game at Jamesville 9 to 5 last Friday. The game had its features, Brown ■tarring behind the bat and Gaylord performing well in the box. A return game will be played here tomorrow. Messrs. R. L. Perry and H. C, Green were court visitors here yes terday. STRANrv mmJ WEDNESDAY Shirley Mason and Johnny Harron in "ROSE OF THE TENEMENTS" Juvenile Comedy The Sea Scamps' And FREE TICKET to See Ken Maynard On Friday Night Always a Good Show - • » -- ''• »' ' ' - THE ENTERPRISE License Bureau But One-Fifth 2,842 Tags Remain To Be Sold Here, A Number Large Enough To Cause Confusion Later The figures given out by the local auto license noon yester day showed that a few less than one fifth of the licenses at the agency here had been sold. According to that statement, there remain 2,842 plates, a number large enough to cause confusion and waiting before the first of next month. In spite of the slow sale, the plates are going Aster this year than they did last. As compared with the last year's sales for the same length of time, the tags this year are sell ing just two and one-quarter times as fast. The ratio, however, should be much greater aince the time is limit ed to one month. Counter Proposal Is Submitted V. E. & P. Test Fire Siren Tonight at 7:45 The electric siren recently in stalled by the town as a tire signal will be sounded tonight at 7:45 by Fire thief Henry D. Harrison. The howler is guar anteed to carry a sound four miles under any conditions, and it in to determine the validity of the guarantee that the siren will be turned on this evening. Firemen will be sent out four miles from town in each direc tion a few minutes before the time set for the teat, and a check will be made by them. Citizens are asked to ignore the alarm. Committees of Board Named Committees sill Hear Complaints; Report Findings to Bo&rd At a recent meeting of the board of town commissioners, standing com mittees for the various town depart ments were named. These commit tees will hear complaints and recom mendations from the citizens and will, after investigating the matter, take it before the board of commis sioners. In this way\ first-hand in formation can be given the board by the committees, and much time is tsaved. The committees include the follow ing: Street commissioners, north side of Main Street: G. H. Harrison and L. F. Lindsley. Street commissioners, south side of Main Street: C. O. Moore and E. P. Cunningham. Finance: W. T. Meadows, C. O. Moore, and E. F. Cunningham. Light*: C. O. Moore, W. T. Mead ows, and L. P. Lindsley. Fire: L. P. Lindsley, E. P. Cun ningham and G. H. Harrison. Sanitary: W. T. Meadows and C. O. Moore. Building and Grounds: E. P. Cun ningham and W. T. Meadows. Water and sewerage: G. H. Harri son, L P. Lindsley, and C. O. Moore. Custodian of market and opera house: W. T. Meadows. Mayor pro tem: B. P. Cunningham. Bible Study at the Baptist Church Wednesday night, at 8 o'clock, the liaptist congregation will resume their regular mid-week Bible study. Having had no meetings for two weeks on account of the revival at the Christian church, the pastor is anxious that the people come back in goodly numbers to this service; and he asks that they kindly be present on time. The book studied this week is Luke's Gospel. Renan called it the most beautiful book in the world. While the pastor could wish that those coming would read the entire book, he is especially anxious that the first two chapters be read closely. .Regular Meeting Juniors Thursday The Junior Order will hold its reg ular meeting next Thursday night at £ o'clock in the hall over the Peele Jewelry Store. All members of the order are urged U> be present. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, June 21,1927 Officials of the bureau stated that tlic sale to local people was still lug-, ging, and unless business picked up at once, there would be much waiting in line to contend with by auto-tug purchasers. The bureaus, operating under the supervision of the Carolina Motor Club, this year have been empowered to make transfers, thus making it un necessary for the car owner .who has changed autos during the year to ap jply at Kaleigh for his tag. Last year the agencies were authorized to do this, but' it was late in July when the order was given. This year the new duty was assigned to the bureaus the 15th of this month. Varies from the One of Power Company's in One or Two Cases In a special meeting yesterday af ternoon at the treasurer's office in the Dixie Warehouse, a counter proposal to the one 1 presented by the Virginia Electric & Powef' Co. was approved and signed by the mayor, clerk, and commissioners. The counter-proposal was drafted in the main by Mayor Ccburn, and was read before the meeting. The proposal varies in only one. or two instances from the one prepared by the power company. The terms of the power company's proposal provided for the puu-hane of the distribution system and franchise inly. The counter-proposal prepared by the town provides for the sule of certain equipment along with the franchise and at an increased price. One or two other changes were noted, but they were consider*l of minor importance when it comes to a mat ter of acceptance or rejection. The proposal goes to Mr. J. T. Chase, manager of the Carolina Di vision of the Virginia Electric & Power Company, at Roanoke Rapids, today. It is not known just how long it will require for the proposal to go through the proper channels and find it* wuy back here. The proposul pro vides for a general vote of the people of the town, and should it be accept ed by the power company it will then be put to a vote. Sixty duys will be required for this process. Other fea tures of the proposal provide for the Inking over of the plant here not lat er than July 1, 192 K. Wide Speculation As to Ford Models Mr. Ford is certainly holding to his "dope" relative to the new type of tar his company is about to put on the market. Hut while he is doing that, speculation as to the details of the new car are running wild. Ac cording to street talk, we are to see a Ford patterned after a Lincoln, so far as its body is concerned, and pro pelled by a motor similar to one seen in another make of car. As far as spedd is concerned, this car will run around 76 miles an hour and then not have its throttle open. The car has both four and six cylinders, two be ing carried as "spares," we presume. Anyway, that's a story, with all aue respects to the author of the state ment. Speculation an to the price of the j rew car has been held under the hat. I Anyway, that's something for the credit agency to worry about, and not the prospective purchaser. Deliveries, according to unofficial Ktr tements, will be started around the first of July. This is not to be de pended upon at all, for Henry can easily have his admirers walk a while longer. Ford agencies all over the country are without details, and it now looks as if the public will have to wait un til Henry shouts out from Detroit be fore any reliable information can be had. Many Visitors Here Yesterday The usual number of visitors was greatly added to yesterday when many people from all over the county came here to attend court and receive checks from the cotton cooperative association. The streets were crowded with automobiles the greater part of the day, and judging from the number of people her-, one would have thought the day was Saturday. Tobacco Men of U.S. Meeting in Morehead City Will Ask for First Week in September as the Opening Date Messrs. Jim Kin*;, W. I. Skinner, and Hubert Morton, of the local to bucco market, left thus morning for Morehead City, where they will at tend u three-day m. wting 0 f the To bacco Association of the United States. It is the first meeting of the association in this section, and one of the largest in the organization's his tory is expected. Kentucky, Virginia South Carolina, Georgia, and other Sti'tes will send lar K e delegations to the meeting. The committee on markets will con sult the wishes of the local oryaniza tions in the various belts in fixing the dates Jor the openings late in the sum mer and early in the fall. The Kast ern Carolina tobacco men are expect ed to ask for a date in the first week of September. However, it was sug gested at a meeting i>f the Kast Car olina tobacconists av.Wil.son some few weeks ago tlxat August 2!) IH» men tioned as the opening date. At that time, in August, the Georgia and South Carolina maik. :.s will be well underway, it is thought! A. H. Carrington, president of the association, of Danville, Va., urrived at Morehend City yesterday for the meeting. ■ - 1 ...--'v.. Local Church Revival Ends Baptismal Service Held Last Night in the Christian Church The meeting at the Christian church closed iSunday nighi followed with a baptismal service on Monday nißht. Dr. A. P, DeGnfferelly preached Friday night on she subject, "When the Chief of Sinner. Was Converted." In his sermon, he pictured I'aul going down to Damascus, believing himself tc be a devout religious man, but without the knowledge and love of Christ. He then showed rPaul when he had learned of the Christ and His 1« ve. On Sunday, "The Mind of the Master" was the subject. That morn ing the evangelist attempted to show how he Master revealed himself to. all those who saw Him, which was the exemplification of His life to man. The closing sermon Sunday night was based on the subject, "Making Light of Christ and Salvation." The fact that those uho have made the most of Christ and salvation have triumphed and rejoiced is proof that it is the wpy of life, and as further proof - those who have failed to im prove their talents and their time have met sorrow and condemnation. The sermons of Dr. DeGaflFerelly have all been clear, simple and.force able throughout tiie entire meeting. Town Automobile Tags Are Selling Slowly Chief W. li. Daniel stated this morning 'that if h. depended upon re tells for town automobile tags, he would be forced to join the ranks of Home charitable institution in order to get meat and bread. In other words, the chief haf; sold around twenty tags thus fur, awl he allows that there are around two hundred automobiles in town that are supposed to carry the plates. Chief Daniel is following the law to a certain extent as laid down by the State regarding the purchase of auto license. The State is giving no extension of time this year, accord ing to license bureau officials; so the chief says that since his tags are so cheap, he will be obliged to follow the same course and graht no extension ot time. The tags are at the Moyar's office, Cars Badly Damaged in Wreck Saturday i Two cars, a liuirk sedan, owned by I Mr. Herbert Hopkins, of near Ham ilton, and a Ford coupe, belonging to Will Williams, colored, were badly . damaged when they met in a head-on collision near' Jamesville Saturday night. The damage to the big car will run over two hundred dollars, it is estimated. No small amount will be required to put the Ford in run ning shape. Rod Rodgers, a passenger in the colored car, was hurt, but not serious ly. The two cars were pulled into local garages and are now awaiting repairs. , It was stated that the driver of the colored car was drunk at the time of the accident l ■ « Martin County to Get $33,923 From State Equalization Fund Local Tobacco M Plans for Ba Committee To Appear Before Kiwunis Club Here Tomorrow and Outline Plans For Season For four hours lajit Saturday local warehousemen sat and threshed out 1 problems facing the local market this year. Committees were appointed to look into certain matters that will 1 have to do with the successful opera- 1 tion of the market this year. All theJ tobacco men present were most sin cere in slating their faith in the lo cal market this year, saying: that the market here had one of the brightest prospects for a banner year it has ever had. They pledged their sup port in no uncertain terms, and wjth tin cooperartion of the citizens of the Members Get Final Payment for Cotton Representative Of The Organization (Jives • Its History About "5 cotton farmers met Mr. M. G. Mann at the city hall Moniay, where they received final payment for tht»ir cotton in th>- short-term pool of 1926. Mr. Mann, who was formerly, vice president of the First National Hank, of Tarboro, which position he re signed to take charge of the field serv ici department of the. North Carolina Cotton Growers Association, with headquarter* at Raleigh, gave the farmers something of the history and working methods of the association. la the first year's, operation, money v i.s hurd to borrow and storage and insurance was high, and for that year each bale pooled cost sß.(it)'. This yiar the cost has been reduced to per bale, which includes the salary of all employees, storage, in surance, stationery, rent, ami all oth er expense of every kind and nature. One of the greatest advantages which the cotton association has made possible for the farmer is the better grading. Five yeais ago the only grading considered was by color. The association has procured staple grad ing, which has placed 411 pf r/ cent of the cotton produced above the stand ard 7-8 middling basis. This alone has brought the association farmers $228,290 more than they would Kave received under the old system of grad ing, where the length of the staple was not considered. The association has saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in what is usu ally classed as "country damage," which in former yeurs ran vi ry high. Mr. Mann says that durir.g lust sea son they hud only one cn.:e of "coun try damage," which was charged to thi member shipping. The a-ssociation has established a credit which enables it to procure loans ut the minimum rate of inter est. A farmer now can sell his cotton through the growers' association for expense than ho can through a commission merchant. He can also have the assurance that he gets the advantage of expert grading, which is recognized on every taarket in the world. ' Small Child Dies In Rocky Mount Hospital The little eighteen months old daughter. of Mr. ami Mrs. Al of neaiv Plymouth died Saturduy morn big in the Rocky Mount Sanatorium where it was taken following art acute attack of colitis. Funeral services were held from the home of its aprents Sunday after noon with the Christian and Metho dist ministers of Plymouth officiating. A large crowd of friends assembled a) the services to express sympathy to the young parents ,this being their only child. Mrs. Latham is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Roberson of this county ancl has many relatives here. Leaguers to Have i Picnic Thursday The Senior Epworth League of the Methodist Church will have a picnic next Thursday afternoon at 5.30 at Riverside Park. The members of the league are requested to prepare u basket. I town the warehousemen do not hesi ;[ tlite to look forward to the coming , I season as a bright one. 1 The business in the main dealt with , the management of the warehouse '. business, such as buying baskets, printing, trucks, and other things 4-usetfr in the operation of u warehouse. | However, committees were appointed to look after those details nearest !, the public. Messrs. W.- T, Mi adows, : \ ictor Shelburne, and L. H. Harnhill were appointed a committee to ap • | pear before the local Kiwanis Club to- I | morrow anil outline the plans for con -' ducting the market this year. Expect to Complete Audit This Week Mr. H. K. I'erkinson, of the M. N. Mac line & Co., auditors. Rocky Mount, started an audit of the town's luniks here last Friday. Mr. I'erkinson, on ac count of other business arrange ments, wus called to li'tcky Mt. Saturday and was unable to fol low the work here that day. He returned yesterday morning, and today he was making splendid progress, saying thai he thouKht he could finish before the week was out. Proceedings of Superior Court Wynne Infanticide Case (ioes Before Court This Afternoon The Juno term Martin Superior court in session here this week had made little; progress up until noon today-.-AIT the cases before His Honor Judge Nunn, have been of very little note, an«l have been cleared frum the docket with no resulting road sen tences. The following cases have been (lis posed of: M. M. James, violation of liquor law, culled and failed. Jesse Whitehurst, practiai'ig doctor, plead K-uilty to the charge. He was required to pay Mrs. Tims. Adams sf»o and charged with the cost of the Same Boston's c:»se was culled, but he failed to appear. Willie Jackson plead ";uilty to /a simple assault charge. He was re quired to pay the cost. C. H. Clark, cruelty to animals, plead truilty to th» charge. Judgment was suspended upon the payment of the costs. J. B. Whitfield charged with car rying concealed weapon and with as sault with a deadly weapon, appealed from the recorder's court where he received a sentence to the Edgecombe roads, fn this court he plead guilty ni>d was fined SSO, the minimum in the concealed weapon case arid tfiven until September to pny same. A sus pended 6 months sentence was given. Simon Fajfan, jr. and Solomon Green were tried on a charge of break ing into Neal Godard's filling station pn the Jamesvrlle toad. The case went to *he jury at 12:30 today, anil it was o"nly a few minutes be fore a verdict of "guilty" was re turned in the case,of Simon Fagan. There were two otheis implicated in the case but one's truilt could not be proved and the other was too younir for the court to prosecute. Th« judge sentenced Fagan to the Edgecombe roiids for twelve months and make known his regret that he would have to leave the other two thieves in the community. The Oscar Wynne infanticide case ccmes up this afternoon, but too late for this isßue. The Brickhousc-Woolard case, it is understood will be compromised. It will be re«»«»mbered that the eldir Prickhousc was killed as n result of a collision when Woolard's car and Briekhouse's car wrecked on the Washinßton road near here seveial weeks ago. \ - , . Advertiser* Will Find Oor Col umns a latchkey to Over 1600 Homes of Mart is County. ESTABLISHED 1898 200 Per Cent Increase Over Amount Given Last Y ear The State Board of Equalization l>a.i completed the allotment of the 13,500,000 special school fund. The first congressional district gets $284,- 492.03, an increase of $142,594.68 over last year, when the district got $141,- N97.45; making our quota just twice as much us lus' year, with $697.13 to spare. Only two counties in the State re ceived less this year than last, Cam den and Dare. Beaufort County gets the largest increase. Last year they received $5,660.58; this year they were given $53,087.73, a net increase cf $40,280.08, or 6XO per cent, which about one third of the entire gain for the 14 counties of the first district Martin County receives t'his year $33,023.43, as against $11,027.00 last year, a net increase of $22,206.43, which is ail increase of nearly 200 per cent. All of the counties in the district draw l'rotn the equalization fund this year, but neither Pasquotank nor Pitt received anything last year. This year Pasquglank draws $4,083.51, and Pitt $5,178.06. It evaluation Figures The revaluation of property listed foi taxes in the various counties, as reported by the same board, resulted ir. the lowering of the total taxable property in live counties of the first congressional district', as follows: Lteaufort, $2,160,633; Chowan, $25,- 383; Currituck, $132,546; dates, 86,- 830; and Hyde, $488,713; a total re duction ot $2,903,114. The other nine counties ot the district showed an in crease of $9,423,072. The increase in our own county was 'from $16,029,910 last year to $17,- 685,897 this year, a net train of sl,- 655,969. While the additional $22,000 over last year coming to our county ftom the State equalization fund looks pretty good, it does not amount to so much when we consider the fact that our valuation has been increased by $1,600,000, which, in effect, will mean that Martin County will have to pay more than half of the addi tional $22,000 which we will receive from the equalization fund; and i means a Kain of only ten or twelve i thousand dollars. *■ On the other hand, take our sister j county of Beaufort, which gets an increase from the equalization fund of | $46,000; and a reduction of taxable I property of more than two million I dollars. This will have the effect, in j the long run, of increasing lteaufort | County's quota to around $70,000. Fourteen ci unties iq the State lost in valuation; two remained the same, and eighty-four were increased; the net gain for the State being $196,- 012,163. Only two counties lost as much as $2,000,0(10 each, Beaufort and liurke. Johnston County Ruined more in tax value than any oth"r county in the State. Robeson County,, which Is Governor McLean's home county, will receive the largest sum from the equalisation fund. Runs Into Rear of Ford Roadster Fernando liland wrecked his Ford touring car and knocked the rear wheel oir a Ford roadster belonging to a man from Greenville last Sunday afternoon when he ran his car into the other one at a point just this side of the bridge across Beaver Dam Swamp, on highway No. 90, between here and Everetts. Mr. Hland's wife and child were hurt in the- accident, but not seriously. They were carried to Kobersonville where their wounds wen? dressed. Just how the accident happened no one could learn, for Bland was insist ent when he stated it was no one's business. It was stated, however, that Bland was apparently drunk when Jle ran his car into the roadster. Shfrilf Koebuck was called, and he v enf to Kobersonville but found that Bland had stopped off in Everetts while Mrs. Bland and the child went on to Kobersonville. When the sher iff returned to Everetts, Bland had lift, but papers have been issued and he will be called before Judge Baßey here next Tuesday. Rev. Louis Mayo Holds Services at Everetts Rev. Louis A. Mayo is preaching each night this week at the Everetts Christian church. He will probably continue to hold services through all of neit week. Rev. Mr. Mayo wax.ptstor of the church at Everetts several years ago, and while there he gaiaad. many friends who welcome the opportunity to hear him again.

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