THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY I* WILLI AMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA W. C. Manning Editor Subscription Rates IN MAKTIN COUNTY 1 year i $1.50 ti months —. -75 OUTSHtt! MARTIN COUNTY—(Effective July 1, 1927) 1 year 1 52.00 6 month* - - LOO (Strictly Cash in Advance) No Subscription Will Be Received for Ltjss Than Six Months Advertising Kate Card Mill Be Furnished Upon Application Entered at the po>-t office at Wiiliamaton, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Qonpress of March i!, 1879. Address all communications Jo The Enterprise and not to indi vidual members of the company. TUESDAY..JUNE 21, 1927 Deliberation Needed The next work for the American • hundred million people all wanting to people is the selection of a President. I , M , pre „ ideili> u a , ong time J ■The- "receptive" . ute -nuw march- ]., , ... .. , , ..J look IneitY ail over; anu then agmn it-) ing for inspection. It seems a —* . ' s st) hard to find a mjtn fit fur the whole years is a long: Urn* to ttike I to select a president; but when we j° b U,al " u iolAbt il will t « ke 11 > fcar think that there are more than a or more to find one. . j ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ | The (ireatesl Disaster in American History The Mississippi Flood has caused ried away the ancient landmarks, j more loss in property than any other .s lu U'ly oaks that once bore the ma As 1 disaster that ever -truck America (l) div Won | Jt , tws?t , n laTld ownePß have | When >' t' think of 700,000 people . . been washed from their foundations! made homeless, it is enough to shock _ | ' , ... . a»d carried many Wiles away. Many, us. Of course, if we arc too far on hemes which had stood the floods fori to see and do not take enough time , . , , „ . a century were swept away and car-1 to think seriously, it does not affect • ' ried to the Gulf to be lost forever, lis so much. Vet when it conies neai , It is doubtful, with such a picture! efiough to fully arouse our apprecia - , . before us, if we are doing our part t;on, we aiv made to wonder that the j , . . I in sympathy and substance to relieve foundations upon which we stand is i the suffering and the sadness left in so insecure. , , ' thi path of destruction, lhe loss 111 property is estimated j ell the way from $50,000,000 to one r We are apparently too spasmodic billion dollars, and embraces propertyyi ry sympathetic today and very for of all classes and kinds. It has car- gctful tomorrow. i Demonstrates Value of Cooperation 1 he Noith Carolina Cotton Growers : tin benefit of the high summer prices. Association hus demonstrated the val- He has to turn on ttit' glutted /ue of cooperative .maiketi'nK, accord- markets which generally prevails in ing to figures tuk. ii from the short- the four ginning m onth«. . tittle pool of the 1!>26 crop, wliich has The Association paid a higher av hten settled in full. eruge to its members than was paid The average price of coUo»-ttn_t4je on the open market for the same open market in Si ptember, 1926, was period. lfs.S> cents a pound, which was just The association has also helped before we had any cotton to sell. In very much by holding: cotton to be October the price droppis.l to 12.8 turned loose as needed for actual use, cents, more than 4.s'cents a pound lather than to rust) on a market leas. In November the price had which took the staple for speculative Hone to 11.5 cent;; in December, 11 purposes only. cents. In January the price gained; What the farmers need is a sta a half cent, iftid in February, it had i bilized market, so the price is about leached 12,5. When we ' remember ias good when he sells as when the that the farmK 1 sells 90 per cent of user buys. What the speculator his cotton in Oetobe'r, November, De-1 wants is a low price when the produc cember, and January, ft does not or sells ami a high price when the make so much difference if it does sell high in June, July, August, and September, as the fanner never gets WEAK,_NERVOUS Georgia Lady Could Not Sleep Nigkts, But After Takinf Cardui She Was "like a Different Person." | Comer, Ga. —Mrs. C. H. Smith, of this place, related the following interesting experience: "I was weak and nervous and run down. I couldn't sleep at night. I felt tired and not in condition to do my work. 1 had Cardui recommend ed to ma, but always thought I could outdo most sickness, but this was one time 1 needed help. I was so weak I could hardly lift my hand. *1 can't express how bad I felt "I know I improved after taking Cardui I was like a different per son. I was built up and was strong er and better than in a long time. **l have a young daughter who had tw 'flu,' and alter she got up she •Wild once in a while have such se ven cramping spells, just suffer ter nobr. I knew there was s weakness ma, hoping Cardui would reach this tewaUe, I nad her take it, and the Ant bottle helped her so much she able to leave it off and does not have this trouble now." t CarAii has been in use for more fteriy vegetable, mild, harmless. At afl drag atom NC-n* i GIFTS GIFTS GIFTS \Honiance is perennial—the popularity of marriage seems to be increasing, and the giving of wedding gifts flourishes still. June, of course, will have its full quota of June brides, and there will be f the usual number of worried friends and relatives searching for the proper gift. However, we have searched so well there is need for you to search but little, for we have arranged several groups of ar ticles, ranging in price from SI.OO to SIO.OO. —.:— r — - • i . Come in and Select Your Gift - CLAFIK'S DRUG STORE Freight Kates and Printing- Rates It may be possible that the print ers are charging the State too much foi the public printing. But isn't the governor a little out of his own path when he threatens to buy a State piant to do all of the printing. It may be the proper thing to do, but the railrHads are said to be charg ing too much for hauling freight. It-may be that the governor will buy the railroads and give the folks cheaper freight rates; and buy up the J.rint shops and give the State its books at the minimum cost. Well; this would be a fine thing for consumer buys. A stabilized murket can only be accomplished when the producer and consumer get. nearer to gether. _ . _ m A- North Carolina, Martin County Having this day qualified as ad-1 ministrator of the estate of T. W. Revels, deceased, late of Martin County, this is to notify all persons having claim.s against the said estate U present them to the undersigned al liis office in the town "of Williams ton, North Caroina on or before the ;Hh day of June, 1928 or this notice will be pleuded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the 1 go id estate will please make immedi j yite payment. This the 9th day of June, 1927. ELBERT S. PEEL, Administrator je-JO-6 ol* the estate of T. W. Revels. NOTICE OF SALE OF $25,000.00 TOWN OF COLUMBIA, NORTH] CAROLINA, STREET IMPROVE MI NT BONUS. 'Notice is hereby (riven that bids w'!l be received until 9 o'clock, P. M. Juiy 1, 11)27, by U.o . iouid of Aidor i,"en of the Town of Columbia, North CaroliUi., at the Courthoiue, for the purchase of TvVKNTY FIVE THOU SAND $25,0v0) or iJ'i'RKE r IM- NDf, ofsaid Town, dated July 1, ll'.'V, and maturing $1,0(10 July. 1, IDUO and yearly there after until 1940, inclusive, and $2,000 maturing July 1, 1941 and yearly thereafter until 1947, inclusive, and b.aruig interest at six percent per annum, payable semi-annually, de nomination of SI,OOO cadi, and both principal and interest payable at the Hanover National Bank, in the City und State of New York. An unlimited tax is authorized for tli? full payment of the interest and principal of these bonds. Purchasers will be furnished with approval opinion of Messrs. Storey, TJiorndike, l'almer & Dodge, Attorneys, Uoston, Mass, and the blank bonds, without charge." PI JNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMER DAY AND NI(iHT SERVICE I have bought the undertaking establishment formerly owned by Mr. \\ 1,. Edwards, and have secured the services of Mr. Harper Holliday, un expert funeral director ami licensed embalmer. 1 Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Price B. S. Courtney WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Day I'hone 155 Night p hone 4i THE ENTERPRISE WILLLAMBTON, N. C. the people to get cheaper freights ami cheaper printing. •It means some change in the policy of our governor, since he hits clearly been an advocate of private capital lives' ment and against governmental monopoly. However, he may think that the rich railroads and the poor printers are under different schedules, The State already has railroads and will not use them. It looks as if it was getting into the notion of own- ing printing plant*. Will it use them? The said bonds are Issued under the provisions of the Municipal Finance Apt (Sections 21628 to 2'JGS Vol. 3, Consolidated Statutes of North Caro lina) Ail bids must be accompanied by a certified check upon an incorporateo bank or trust company, payable to the order of the Treasurer of the Town of Columbia, N. C. for two precent of face value of the bonds bid foi tc, secure the Town against any loss resulting from failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of this sale. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. W. H. McCLEES, Clerk, Town of Columbia, N. C. Julius S. Peel, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE i Under and by virtue of th power of, tale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed to the undersigned ; Trustee on the 23r«l day of October, 1!>24, and of recoid in the Martin County Registry, in Book Q-2, at page 195, securing certain bonds of even ('ate therewith, and the stipulations not having been complied with and at the request of the holder of said bonds, the undersUrnM Trustse will, on the Ist day of July, 1927, at 12 o'clock, Noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, ihe follow injr described property: Lots Nos. 14, 15, and 20, in Block A of the J. W. Watts Farm Land ! division as surveyed ai.d platted by D. C. James,-C. E. Said plat being of record in the Public Registry' of Mar -666 is a Prescription for MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER, DENGUE OR BILIOUS FEVER It Kills the Germs S. R. BIGGS UNDERTAKER - FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALM ER tin County, in Land Division Book No. 1 at page— This the Ist day of June, 1927. E. S. PEEL, Jp-3-4t Trustee. Place of sale: Court House Door, Williamston, N. C. NOTICE Having this day qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of Theodore Roberson, late of Martin County, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same for payment to roe on or before the 7th day of April, 1928 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indeb ted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. LOUDIE ROBERSON, my-10-6t Admrx. Theo. Roberson Est. This 7th day of April, 1927. NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Mary H. Ward, deceased, late of Martin County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claiijis against the estate of said deceased to exhibit same to the un dersigned at Wjlliamston on or be fore the 12th day cf May, 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to scid estate will please make immedi ate payment. This 12th day of May, 1227. Mrs. EMMA THOMPSON, n~yl7 6tw Executrix. We Are Distributors of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORA UllM j MACHINES All Standard Makes EASl^xl^^^^^^RED "" Write for Prices and Term* One of our salesmen will gladly | demonstrate one in your home. All the Latest Records and Sheet Music Russ Bros. WSlliamston, N. C. Washington. N. C. Plymouth, N. C. Look for the Orange Front Grocery Store LET US DELIVER THE FOLIA)WING SPECIALS TO YOUR DOOR WITH No Extra Cost for Delivering Swan Diamond Matches, Six Soap, Palmolive, 4 bars for ..29c large boxes for 25c Pork and Beans, 3 cans for ..25c P. and G Soap, 6 bars f0r.... 19c B. Label Syrup, 1 1-2 can .....13c Star Lye. 2 can for : 25c R Label Syrup, 5 lb. can 35c (I Bars Oxford toilet soap for 25c R Label Syrup, 10 lb. can .... 65c SUNSET 12 Pounds 24 Pounds 48 Pounds 55c $1.05 $2.05 In our FRIGIDAIRE, purchased from 0. S. Anderson and Co., we have 135 cubic feet of ice-cold space to display and store our veg etables, meats and other perishable foods. All Kinds of Fresh Vegetables and Fruits, Cold Grape Fruit and « Watermelons at Any Time . Fleischman's Yeast, cake 3c Swift's Premium pork link Boneless ham, cooked, lb. .. 60c sausage, lb 30c Boneless baked ham, sliced, Butter, Brookfield, tub, 1b... 55c pound 60c Pimento minced luncheon f ham, lb 35c V\ Jr /' //j Bologna, lb 2oc Smoked sausage, lb 25c - Franks, lb 25c " _ _ Good Bye, If You Want a FRIGIDAIRE, see OS- Old Ice Scales CAR ANDERSON. Easy terms and a Quality Product of General Motors. The r 1 ft^.r?■*** "** Prigidaire Serves Our Needs and It Will Serve Yours. ■LICTDIcfIP SXV^NGS * Learn from Lindbergh The thoughtful young men today who consistently save a part of their regular earnings have had a new inspiration in the achieve ments and glory of their fellow-countryman, Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, America's interpid airman. They know the one factor which made all possible wa» the fact that he had $2,000 of his money to invest i« the venture. Colonel Lindbergh was the largest single contributor to the venture—throwing in all his savings money he had deposited regularly from his earnings as an air-mail pilot. Colonel Lindbergh no doubt would today be an unknown air-mail pilot—lF he had had no SAVINGS. Does this teach a lesson? s 4 Per Cent on Savings Farmers and Merchants Bank WE SELL TRAVELERS' CHECKS Pamlico Beach NOW OPEN FOR YOUR PLEASURE Best fishing 1 and bathing on the coast. Ex cellent hotel service. Reasonable rates. Dance every Saturday night. Music by Di amond Six Orchestra. Write for Reservations Pamlico Beach Hotel t _ Ransomville, N. C.