Watch the Label On Your Paper; It Carrie* the Date Your Subscription Expires. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 35 Local Market Will Open September 7 Tobacco Men Believe the Price Will Be Good This Season At a meeting of the National To bacco Association at Morehead City last week, the tobacco markets in Eastern Carolina will open Septem ber 6. That date applies only to the larger markets, it being the custom /or the smaller markets to open a day later. If the date set by the association is unchanged, the market will open here Wednesday, September 7. Pros- Ipects for the crop this year are a matter of speculation at this time, but the one main point of interest at the Morehead meeting centered a round the price. According to those .who attended~tfte~lTH«'ting, it was the general belief of lane tobacco men that the crop this sa»M>n would bring ,a good price. / Crop reports m>m various agenr cies are thougjvrto be a little off in their so in' those concerning this immediate section. It is generally known that the acreage has been increased, varying by esti mation from 10 to 15 per cent, but that there will be more tobacco pro duced is doubted by many. The crop in this section has not developed as was expected by many when they looked the field over two or three weelcs ago. Several farmers have re ported exceptionally fine crops, but the general report would show that the quality of the tobacco is not promising and that the crop will not be as good as it was last year. On sandy land, farmers slate that the to -1 acco is very sorry and that on semi hard soil it is some better, but in the majority of cases, it is of the poor tjye. It is expected that the leaf will torn out to be the lightest in years, ,aceording to more than a dozen peo- j pie who have visited the fields in this section. >i m j Ford Sedan Stolen Last Wednesday Recovered The Ford sedan stolen from Mr. J.] 4>. Manning while he was attending church at Everetts last Wednesday evening was found in u ditch near, Pactolus later that night. The rogue, probably not familiar with driving a car, run the machine into a ditch ami, evidently frightened by an ap proaching car, (led, leaving the lights ( burning and the engine running. A i colored man heard the hum of the motor and went out to investigate. | Finding no one there, he cut the en gine otf and notified the sheriff ut Greenville. The car was advertised Thursday and Mr. Manning went for it Friday. As far as could be determined the car was not damaged. A new coat und hat left in the car by the owner just beforW it was stolen remained un touched. Baptists Change Their Wogram for Summer Beginning the first Sunday in July, the local Baptist congregation will have only one preaching service each Sunday for the months o#July and August. This one service wjll be on Sunday mornings. In addition to the morning preach- j ing service, the Sunday school will meet regularly, as usual, and the mid- j week Bible study will carry on each Wednesday night as usual. The people who are accustomed to ! attand the services at this chutch will kindly bear in mind this change, and it is hoped that the people will sup port, after a noble fashion, the Sun day morning service throughout the summer. , STRANHi THEATRE | J WEDNESDAY A Crashing Real Western Dynamite in action —Nitro-Gly- cerine in comedy—T. N. T. in Thrills TOM TYLER "The Sonora Kid" MERMAID COMEDY "Going: Crazy" Also a FREE tICKET to 8M DICK HATTON in "SPEEDING HOOFS" FRIDAY Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Commissioners To Meet On Monday The Fourth of July is nothing but a first Monday this year with the board of county com missioners, for the various mem berti will meet in regular ses- Hion here that day. There was some doubt at first as to wheth er the hoard would hold a ses sion that day, but yesterday Chairman liarnhill started that so far as he knew the board would meet. The meeting next Monday is understood to be one of the four most important meetings of the year. Rush Begins For Licenses Only Two Days Remain For the Purchase of Auto Tag's The first real rush for auto licenses came last Saturday, when approxi mately 500 of the tags were issued to car owners by the local bureau. All during the day a short line would form, and the clerks found it ditficuh to keep it cleared. During the hours the bureau was open, the clerks is sued tags at the rate of one a min ute. In spite of all warnings, it now looks as if the rush will reach the point where!the clerks will not be able to handlelt. There remain only two more days in which to purchase the tags and stay within tht law, and it will be next to impossible for the bureau to issue the remaining niimbei' in that time. Saturday's sale brought the num ber. sold by the local bureau up to 1,500. Yesterday's sale was not so large, and today's sale, while it was making strong headway, will not equal the one last Saturday. A new record is expected to be set tomor row and Thursday. One of tbe branch's managers stat ed yesterday that additional tags are expected to arrive within the next day or so, and hat a larger number will be distributed from this point than wjis originally expected. Collins Peel With Peel Motor Company Mr. S. C. Peel, connected with the Harrison wholesale company during th ' past .several years, resigend "lis traveling salesman with that company and goes with the Peel Motor Co., Chevrolet dealers of this place, Mr. Peel enters upon his new duties this week and carries to his new position the good will of people all over East ern Carolina. Mr. Peel is not new in the auto mobile business, having been con nected directly or indirectly with the I usiness during a large part of his life. He will' be succeeded by Mr. Gaylord Harrison as traveling sales man for the wholesale company. Volunteer Firemen ' Met Last Evening Members of the volunteer fire com pany met in a short business session here last night in the office of Attor ney Peel. Plans for the entertain ment at the Eastern Carolina Fire men's association were discussed, but final arrangements are to be made by a committee. The local firemen are planning a big reception for the firemen when they meet here next month. Many Local People Go To Pamlico Beach According to the number of local people visiting Pamlico Beach each week, that resort is the main haven of rest for the week-end excursion ists from here. Although there have been few week ends thus far that have contributed real warm weather, the number attending that resort has ranged from 10 upward . It is under stood that the town will have a large delegation there during the next week end. The hotel service and meals there have been favorably 'commented upon by visitors from all over this section, and the number of people to visit there is increasing. Mr.- and Mrs. Herbert Clark visited relatives in Durham Sunday. Mrs. Clark will remain there a few day*. Mr. Clark returned home yerterday. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, June 28,1927 Taylor Wins Hard-Fought Legal Battle Jury Returned Verdict After Deliberating Five Minutes After five days of evidence, flow ery speeches and other happenings common in the courtioom, the James versus Taylor case cam a to a close when the jury, after five minutes of deliberation, found in favor of the defendant Taylor, heie yesterday af ternoon. This was one of the most notable civil cases tried in our county during the "past several years. More wit nesses were introduced in the case than at any previous *inv> during the past several years. The plaintitf claimed that under an -agreement covrinff a part of the warehouse season of 192f> that the de fendant and he had a eontlact where by he was to' buy tobacco on his warehouse floor with the defendant's money and the defendant was to han dle the tobacco on a fifty-fifty basis as relating to profits and losses. It turned out at the end of the season several thousand dollars had been lost, and about IS,(MX) pounds of tobacco was short according to the books of James. James claimed a large sum of money was due him for loss in pounds, bad handling and also for selling on a low market. Be sides this a claim was made for in jury to the plaintiff's reputation. The plaintiff James also charged that W. F. Crawford who had actually/handl ed the leaf account had not properly accounted for much of the tobacco fie had handled. Soon after the plaintiff introduced his testimony, it was thought by many that he had no case, and that he was unable to substantiate a single one of his claims. The defense presented an itemized statement of all tobacco received and shewed the proceeds of satne. It was the defense's contention that the loss in pounds was becuuse much of "the 360,000 pounds of tobacco bought was in high order, bought widly, scatter ed around in nooks and corners where it was damaged by the weather and that it lost in both quality and pounds before it went into the hands of Mr. Crawford. It was also claimed that Mr. James sold much-of (he tobacco, that he sold 12,000 pounds on Sun day ut onp time besides large quan tities of damaged tobacco at other times and placed much of the leaf in the scrap. All of this was never charged against the leaf account, ac cording to the James audit, the audit including only the tobacco handled by Crawford. ■ After a long battle of five days in which James was represented by Ward and Grimes, of Washington, Al bion Dunn, of Greenville, Stubbs and Stubbs, of Williamston, and Taylor by A. R. Dunning, E. S. Peel and Wheeler Martin, of Williamston, and A. D. McLean, of Washington, the verdict was returned by the jury in übout five minutes. The case brought to a close the June term Martin Superior court. To finish the case, court was continued through yesterday. Mrs J. J. Long Dies In Hospital Saturday Mrs. J. J. Long, of near Oak City, died last • Saturdray at 1.30 in a Rocky Mount hospital at the age of 72 years. Mrs. Long had 'been in feeble health for some time and had been in the hospital for the past two weeks for treatment. Before her marriage .o the late J. J Ixmg immediately after the Civil War, she was a Miss Allsbrook, of '"Scotland. Neck. Since her marriage, she lived near Oak City, where a fam ily of fine young girls and boys was reared. Interment was made irv the cem"- tery at Conoho Church, near Oak City Sunday afternoon, Rev. Grimes officiating. r Town Commissioners Meet Next Tuesday At their last meeting, the town com missioners postponed the meeting scheduled for next Monday night un til Tuesday, July 5. Several mem bers of the board are planning to be cut of town on the Fourth, and it was decided to postpone the meeting un til the following day. Everetts to Meet Creswell Thursday , i 1 ' ' , Everetts will meet Creswell in a baseball game at Everetts next Thursday afternoon, according to Manager Bailey of tho Everetts team. The game will be called at 4:16 and is expected to be one of the bert of the season. ( Governmental Costs of State Next Lowest State Maintenance and Operation Amounted To $16,292,822 The Federal Department of Com merce has just published a report showing the cost of £tate govern ment for the year 1926 It is inteii esting to know that tfie fcst in North Carolina is the lowest of any State in the Union except Alabama. The northern and western States are gen erally much higher than the Southern States. Every one of the conserva tive New England States are in the high column, while every Southern State except Texas is in the low col umns-- The University News Letter gives the following financial exhibits for North Carolina: 'The. payments for maintenance and , operation of the general departments ! of North Carolina for the fiscal year | ending June 30, 1926, amounted to $16,292,822, or $5.75 per capita. This | includes $1,923,579, apportionments I for education to the minor civil divi sions of the State. In li*26 the com parative per capita fo» maintenance | and operation of general departments was $6.09, and in 1917, $1.96. The I expenses of public service enterprises amounted to $16,636; interest on debt, $5,214.,'{74; and outlays for permanent improvements, $24,280,:!05. The to tal payments, there fori, for expenses cf general department and public service enterprises, intorest, and out lays were $45,804,036. The totals in clude all payments fc»r the year, v/helher made from current revenues oi from the proceeds of bond issues. Of the governmenta costs reported above,-$23,990,981 was for highways, $2,940,210 being for maintenance and $21,050,671 for construction. » Revenues The total revenue receipts of North Carolina for 1926 were $36,474,774, or $12.87 per capital. This was $14,- 960,943 more than the total payments of the yenr, exclusive Itf the payments for permanent improvements, but $9,- i f>29,262 less than the total payments j including Lhose for permanent im- \ provements. These payments in ex cess of revenue receipts were met | from the proceeds of debt obligations. Property and special 'taxes represent «l 21.8 per cent of the total revenue for 1926, 1K.5 per cent for 1925, anil 05.2 per cent for 1917. The increase ! in the amount of property and spec ial taxes collected was 77.2 per cent from 1917 to 1925, and 51.3 per cent /rom 1925 to 19ii6, the increase from 1925 to 1926 being largely due to the .greater receipts from the income tax. j The per capita property and special | taxes were $2.81 in 1926, $1.92 in ' 1925, and $1.20 in 1917. The receipts! from general property taxes in 1925 end 1926 were negligible, being only ! collections on levy of previous yearn. Earnings of general departments or compensation for services rendered j by State officials, represented 11.1 per S cent of the total revenue for'"' 1926, j ,11.2 per cent for 1925, and 20.4 per J cent for 1917. Business and non-business licenses I .constituted 43.1 per cent of the total revenue for 1926, 19.3 per cent for i J925, and 19.4 per cent for 1917. ; Receipts from business licenses con- } sis't chiefly of taxes exacted from in surance and othi:r incorporated com panies and of sal s tax on gasoHne, while those from non-business- li censes comprise chiefly taxes on mo tor vehicles. Assault Case Before Justice of the Peace While Judge Nunn and his 12 ju rors were listening to the flowery lan guage of several lawyers in the ; James-Taylor suit, Justice of the Peace J. L. Hassell, at the mayor's office, was listening to facts about domestic relations. Joe Davenport was brought into court by a warrant charging him with beating his wife. The evidence in the case proved the I charge to be true, and when the Jus tice saw that large whelps remained on the legs of the man's wife, he bound Joe over to thp recorder's court under a SIOO bond. Davenport's motive in whipping his j y.ife was not recorded in the court record, but judging from the bruises cr his wife's legs, man must have been in i&tate of madness when ht administered the whipping. The Davenports live near here in Wil liams Township. It is thought the case will be ready for compromise by Tuesday week, the- day act for the cuse to go before Judge Bailey. No Recorder's Court Here Next Tuesday be no recorder's court here next Tuesday, according to Re corder Walter Bailey. The-court will hold its regular session the following Tuesday, July 12. Questions and Answers About Special School Election July 5 Last-Minute Rush Brings Registration More Than 125 Citizens Place Their Names On Hooks Last Day; Saturday Day for Challenge The number of citizens registering lor the special school election to be held here the 6th of next month ! reached 461 before the books closed I Saturday. More than 125 electors j joined in the last-minute rush and' placed their names on tilt books; it: was the registrar's first real busy day i since the books opened a month ago. | Indications during the first few ! days of the registration pointed to a j Start Bazemore Case Tomorrow Many Local People Are Planning lo Attend Trial in Snow Hill The Bazemore murder trial is sche duled to start in the Greene County Superior court at Snow Hill tomor row; Witnesses here were notified that the case would be called in the morn ing, and the six or more who will give evidence will leave here in time to reach there when tho court is called. Judge K. 11. Crammer is pro vsiding over the present session there. It will be remembered that this case was tried in the same court several months ago with Judge Stack presiding. A new trial was granted when an appeal was made to-the Supreme court, a technical error serving as a basis for the re-trial. Bazemore was sentenced to die in thb electric chair for tlv> murder of Gor don Yelvqrton, young white boy of this place. ' Ileslde; the witnesses many local people will vis't tlie county seat of Greene to hear tiie proceedings. Two Cases Tried; Four Continued by Reeorder Recorder's court toda>' succeeded ii making history of two cases and encumbering itself with future trou ble by continuing four cases. Fernanda Bland plead guilty to .the charge of driving a car while drunk He was fined $75, charged with the cost of the case and had his license to drive a ear revoked for four months. Jim and Hen Everett, charged with assault with de-ully weapon, were found to be guilty of n ithing mora than- simple assault and this was found to he true only ill Ben's case. He was charged with the cost and Jim escaped cost and penalty when he was proved not guilty. Will Williams who drove his car .into that of Herbert Hopkins, was charged with driving while drunk. Tho case was continued for two weeks. The case in which llezakiah Wil liams was charged with non-support was continued Tor two weeks. The cases against Wesley linker and C. H. Clurk weie' continued for two weeks. There will be no session of the court next week, Tuesday, July 12 In ing set for the next term. laical Rank Sells Travelers' Checks The Farmers & Merchants Bank has just added a new service, that of sell ing traveler's checks. The service is of much help to the '.raveling public, and it was to rrwt the demand of many traveling salesmen that the hank added it to "its group of other services. The checks range in denominations fiom $lO to sloo.' Fraurfis prevent ed by having the purchaser sign, the check hbok when bought and then sign when the check is cashed, the corresponding signatures giving the check its validity. Sixty Registered for Smithwick Election Around 6(f citizens in the Smith-, wick school district entered their names on the registration books for 'he special school election in that dis trict to be held July 5. Mr. W. A. Gardner, registrar for the district, has had a slow business registering the electors in the district, but It ia understood that the election will cre ate a great deal of interest even though it is on a small scale. The vote will be made next Tuesday at the old Smithwick schoolhouse. lifeless election, and up until the last day it looked as if the election would be held with few availaing them selves of the opportunity to take pa"t. '1 lie last day of registration, however, makes possible a representative elec t''on, and unless the electors get for g« tful a good vote is expected. The registration books will be open for challenge next Saturday at the Farmers Supply Co. store. Start Work on County Budget (iocs Before the County IJoa.'d Commissioners Here Next Monday The r«»jfist«»r t of deeds and county auditor are at work this week on the county budget. Estimated appropria tions will be assigned the five funds: General fund, interest, and sinking fund, road and bridge fund, school fund, and bond salary fund. I,ast year there were only three of these funds. The - >r interest and sinking fund had a small surplus, and it was not counted when estimated appro priations were assigned. The other fund, bond salary fund, has only been created a short time; and, therefore, it was not included in the list last year. It is to be remembered, how ever, that whiltj this fund will be in eluded in the budget, it will make no material difference in the tax rate, since the fees charged by the county | will about offset the salaries of the various county officers. The budget will he ready for the commissioners at their meeting next ; Monday. It will be in tin ir hands I for three weeks, during which time : the- commissioners will accept it in whole or in part as they see (it. It is understood that the budget then will ' go into the hands of thp county audi ! - tor. Returns From Home Economies Meeting Miss Anna Trentham, home demon stration agent, has returned from A.'heville, where slip attended the an nual convention of Ihe American | Home EEcomimics association in ses sion there from June 20 to 21. She I was accompanied on the trip by Miss | Margaret Everett* of Palmyra. if Kleven hundred women, represent- I i'lg almost every State in the Union, Canada, and Nova Scotia were in at tendance, and Miss Trentham reports i having heard lectures and discussions j from a large number of outstanding thinker.', and lecturers in the United States today. Dr. K. C. Hrooks', of State College, Raleigh, acting in Governor McLean's stead, welcomed the association to the State. Mrs. E. 1.. McG -e, of .Sylva, N. \, welcomed the association in behalf of the North Carolina Federa tion of Women's Clubs. , A lecture by Will Durant, of Co lumbia University, und author of the mUeh-jdiscussed l»ook. "The Story of Philosophy,""* on the subject, "Is Progress Real," was well received by *♦ life large audience. Some others of the large number heard were Dr Thome, of Massachusetts State De partment of Mental Hygiene, Hoston; Dr. Carmichael, president of State College for Women, of Alabama; and Dr. I.indeman, of New York School of Social Work. Prominent women t.|ieaker, included Mi: s Lita Bane, at, the home economics department of tl.e • University of Wisconsin; Miss Anna E. Richardson, of the depart ment of child welfare/ Washington; Miss Agne,s Ellen Harris, of Woman's College of Alkhamu; Miss Nina Sim mons, of John Hopkins University, of Baltimore; and our own Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon, under whose leadership the home economic;; extension work in North Carolina has made such a rapid progress. Regular Meeting - of Masons Tonight There will be an important regu lar communication of Skewarkee K l,odge, No. 90, A. F. & A. M., tonight at the- usual hour. All members are urged to attend, as there will ibe some important business to be transacted. Visiting brethren cordially invited. C. D. CARSTARPHEN, Jr., Secretary. Advertineri Will Find Oar Col umn* « Latchkey to Over 1600 I Homes of Martia Coa*ty. ESTABLISHED 1898 The School Election and Its Purpose Fully o Explained Numerous questions huve been di rected to the office of the Martin County Hoard of Kducation concern ing the significance of the special- tax election to be held at the courthouse in Williamston on July sth, 1927. IJor no other purpose than to avoid dupli cation of answers, and to save time of questioners and rasponder, the fol lowing questionnaire and answers are compiled: Taxpayer: "What tax uo we pay for school in Williamston at this time ?" ' Answer: "We paid 88 cents oil $11)0 property valuation last year to main tain our school six months, as does a piopepty holder m Biggs, Burroughs, or any utht r school district in Maf tin County." Taxpayer: "Is there no other school tax on us?" Answer: "Yes; in addition to the above 88 cents we paid u .special tax on SIOO property valuation in Wil liamston Special Tax District, which holders of property in Biggs, Bur roughs, and Whitley Districts did not pay." Taxpayer: "Do you mean to say that a citizen in Williamston pays 36 cents more on SIOO worth of property for schools than a citizen of the other districts in the township?" Answer: "Yes; that is the situa tion." Taxpayer: "Well, what is the addi tional 85 cents on tin- SIOO property valuation used for?" Answer: "To suppoit the William ston school for the seventh and eighth months." Taxpayer: "But why do.-a the coun ty and State not pay the cost of sup port longer than six manths?" Answer: "Because the people of the I R.ate only voted for a constitutional j amendment calling for maintenance of schools for six months." Taxpayer: "Is it worth while, af | ter all, to provide for eight months of school?" Answer: "It looks sometfl&tr like ! it pays when large tiumbers leave the [ six-months-term districts and come to Williamston eight-months-teim dis trict. "It looks a little like it pi.ys when the average daily attendance of pu pils in six-months-term districts of the county is about 50 per cent of the enrollment, and the average daily at tendance of pupils in eight-months- Uv'm districts as about 85 per'cent of [Hie enrollment. "It looks a little hit like it pays when citizens of six-momhs districts say their children who attended Williamston one year have learned more in that year than in several j aars attendance of six-months schools. "It looks a lititle like it pays when a certain fight-roc'iths school of this cjunty with an 'vol ai*' 1 yearly en rollment ef less than •Hill pupils has turned out 24 teachers in the last foui years whose yjarly earnings will a mount ti more than thu tex paid to support the school, not to mention others trained .for liv s of u r fulresa "It looks-——" Taxpayer: '"Hold on; I know all that's so; but what I wai only anx- I ieus tn know was" r wlmt this raw plan, when carried, would cost me?" Answer: "That depends on where ycu live and how your holdings aro diviileit" Taxpayer: "Suppose I live in Wil liamston Special Tax District?" Answer: "In that case, all your tax* able property being in Williamston, to vote for local tax July sth would not increase your tux at all." Taxpayer: "What if most of my holdingoutside of Williamston and In is now Whitley Dis trict?" Answer: "When you vote for lpcal tax, you. increase the amount you pay, but ten chance?* to one you are thereby enabled to hire a better typa oi tenant on your land and increase the productivity of your farm." Taxpayer: "Suppose \ 1 reside in Biggs District?" Answer: you.,.have any listed property, your tax will be increased by 85 cents" on the SIOO worth of property. But if you have children or expect to have children in W||- liamston school, this is your oppor tunity to do the honest thing and vote to pay your just and proper share to support the school your children en joy."' Taxpayer: "Could an honorable man do other than to vote for local tcx when living in non-local tax ter ritory he had for years sent his chil dren to Williamston without paying one penny to support the seventh and eighth month of school?" Answer: "Now, you are warming (Continued on the back page)

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