— Watch (he Übci On Your Paper; It Carrie* the Date Your Subscription Expires. .1 VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 37 Seven Stills Seized By Officers Tuesday Is Largest Raid of Stills Ever Made Before Q in This County J. Raleigh Manning, Vance Price, and F. C. .Williams raided .seven stills in .Free Union, or Gawk, on Tuesday, July sth. Ft is believed thi#- raid wrougWt more .moonshine destruction raid ever „made.m this coun ty, certainly so far ,as the destruc tion of were concerned. The first tfafceh of the day was in the rear of Milton James' home, where the officers found 250 gallons of beer, oae still of the flouMer type, one cooler, a, (bucket, a shovel and a funnel. Aft the .second place there were found 200 gallons of beer, 3 lard stands, 2 empty barrels, a bucket, an axe, and a KtUl of the same type as the first. Hy thus *time the officers decided to put in a, few hours hunting stills, and them began to work. Soon they found 2(H) gallons of beer, a cool«r, 3>-ugs, 2 buckets, an 80-gallo.i cop per still, one ooil, ,3 em|#ty barrel.-*, ami an axe. At the fourth place, ,they found just a little bigger preparations; 30() gallons of beer, 4 buckets, 4 gallons of liquor, a 75-gaJlon still, one coti, a cap, doubler, a,nd a cooler. Thing's had brightefned up a bi't when they found the fifth stand. There were 460 gallons of beer, 2 empty barrels, a doubler, 2 buckets, 4 jugw, ,a large lot of sheet copper where the still had peeii mfanufact ured. At the sixth place, there were 2r>o gallons of beeir, two 10-gallori kegs, 8 gallons.of liquor, one d'oubler, one cooler, 1 axe, and 4 lard sftanda. Up to this time no .sign of humain life had been seen, but i%t the sev enth .place two men were seen at work. However, they too much start on the officers a;#d .made their escape. They left their outfit, con sisting,of 300 gallons of beer, in bar refvi, fuid KK) gallons in a vat, 3 empty .barrels, 1 gas drum, 4 buckets, several jugs and fruit jars, one axe and a doubler. From this place, the raiders went|baick to one of the places •torn down earlier in the day. They found two men there working hard to repair the destruction. They had gotten together some of the .barrels and we're ajmu't to get enough to re build J5 new (barrels. They had worked tip all their material and left, apparently for nvore material, but did not return. , The last place raided proved the of all. The ftrsrt thi,ng caught w«s Fleetwood Brooks and Nymphus James, who were taken before A. Ccrey, justice of the peace, »t James ville, and bound over under bond for their appearance before Judge Bailey Tuesday, July 12. They alwo capturdd a jnule and cart belonging to Milton who is now in the (Martin County jail .■serving a Federal term for manu facturing liquor. In addition to Uhe men, the mule a,nVl cart, they cap tured a 100-pound bag of sugar, a of corn fneai, 400 gallons of beer. No *rtiH was found here. Sufficient Power for Fertilizer Factory According too a town official, several citizen* are in doubt as to the town's present poweir plant being able to Jumish the guano fartory f sufficient power should ft come here. Mayor J{. L Coburn states that necessary power for the factory was carefully looked after by officials of the fUrtil i«er company and they stated that recording to the superintendent of lights here ther? was more than enough power to furnish their plant. CTRANH THEATRE | J - SATURDAY YAKIMA CANUTT ' World's Champion Cowboy in "The Strange Rider" Also Comedy and Serial ■ Always a Good Show; THE ENTERPRISE Home Agent's. June Report June Is Another Active Month for County's Home Agent . June was another husy month for the county's home demonstration a gent. It her report to the commis sioners here Fast Monday, Miss Anna Trentham, home agent, accounted for on amount of work that would seem almost impossible. During the month W meetings were held with a total attendance of 325. Eighty-four dem onstrations in food preservation and preparation, clothing, arts, and crafts, poultry and recreation .were held duir ing the month. Fifteen visifc to homes were made; office calls amount ed to 35 an number; telephone calls totaled 25. Around 30 bulletins were sent out, 75 letters were written, and four articl&s were published; besides this the agent did woik toward beau tifying grounds and gave lectures in nutrition. In performing her duties she traveled 1307 miles and spent 2?. 1-2 tlays in field work and 2 1-2 days in her office. In her report to the commissioners Miw Trentham writes, "One week was spent in holding an encampment for the club girls of the county The work given was both educational and recreational. Five looal wpmen as sisted in holding the camp, and Miss Lois Rlainwater, home demonstration agent, Jackson, N. C., was present three days. She taught nature study, feed preservation, and arts and ei aft s. "The home agent spent one week in Asheville, N. C., attending th« an nual meeting of the national home economics association, a meeting to advance the work of home-making in America. "The county was fortunate in hav ing two well-trained home economics womem to coime and give demonstra tions and lectures during the month, Miss Beulah Kodgers ami Mrs. Ida Cornforth, both from the lowa State College, Ames, lowa. Miss Rodgers guve demonstrations in food preser vation. Miss Cornforth, who has done sperial work in the feeding of children at the Merrill Palmer School, Deitoit, Mich., gave splendid lectures in nutrition and the care of children. Keport of County Agent for June According to the report of the county agent to the commissioners in session here last Monday, much valu able information will be available rel ative to the fertilization of tobacco whem demonirftrationß now under way are completed. These demonstrations have been under way for some time, and will terminate with the harvest ing of the tobacco. AH farmers in terested in the results may nee the agtmt for details. Mr. Brandon spent 21 days during June in field work; five days attend ing to office work; held 82 confer ences; wrote 107 letters; visited 65 farms, and traveled 862 miles. More than 400 hogs were treated during the month, .bringing the number treat ed since January 1 to 3,328. A car of hogs was shipped to Richmond, bringing the number of cars shipped to four for this year. The agent re ports a small outbreak of the swine plague in the county but does not think it to be serious. The majority of the agent's time during the imonth was devoted to treating hogs and feeding demonstra tions. Equalization Board Meets in Raleigh The Equalization board is in ses sion in Raleigh today herring com plaints relative to the distribution of the school equalisation fund. The following counties ore expect ed to be represented in the hearing, Alexander, Bertie, Camden, Catawba, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hyde Hertford, Jadcson, Mitchell, Moore, end Pasquotank. These counties claim they have bedn discriminated against as compared to what other counties have received. Tlwy cite the fact that five counties, Beaufort, Cleveland, Cumberland, Nash and Roberson each received eight tirrles a' much under the board's distribution than they re ceived last year. There has been & big falling off in tlx listing values of the property in some of these counties cince 1920. Beaufort has diopped $16,000,000; Nash, $17,000,000 and Roberson, $26,- 000,000. Some of the counties that lost in the new equalization say there is a great deal of trouble ahead for the Board of Equalisation. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, July 8,1927 Town Fathers Hold Regular Monthly Meet Barbecue and Hot I)oj? Stands Ordered Off Principal Streets The town commissioners had a busy session last Wednesday night when they discussed and parsed upon more than a dozen tax revisions, ordinances election of members of the police force and salaries of town officials. The special town taxes were looked into, but in the main the hoard fol lowed the suggestions made by a committee who had previously looked into the matter. Hotels, boarding houses, and cafes were put on the ex em{rt list. An increase was made in the tax for second-hand clothes deal ers from S2O to SIOO. New special taxes were made for bread, radio and electric refrigerator dealers. The ibread dealer's tax was placed at SSO; the radio tax is to be $lO ami the one for electric refrigerator dealers was placed at $lO. The remainder of 'the list will remain practically the same a>- it has been. A sone was established prohibiting the operation of barbecue and hot dog standi on Main and Washington streets north of the A. C. L. ruilroad tracks. Chief Daniel was ordered to notify the owners of now existing barbecue and hat dog stands to movo from wtihin the zone. Ice cream ven ders will not be allowed to carry on their 'trade on Main street. Applications for jobs on the police force were numerous and tl)e appli cants were anxious, for some offered to take the job at a small figure. Henry Allsbrookit was made night policeman. W. n. Daniel was unani mously ejectc*! chief to follow him self. Six applications were entereo iii the case of the nigHt job and two for the chief's position. Upon motion made by a member or the board to the mayor pro torn, the board ordered that the salary of May or Coburn be raised to S6OO a- year and that of the treasurer be increas ed to SIOO a month. Chief Daniel was oderod 'tA look af ter the brimming of dead trees ami to cut down weeds on the streets. Marriage Licenses For June Total 14 The number of marriage licenses istued by Register of Deeds J. Sam Getsinger during June reached 14, two less than the number issued the same month last year. Fourteen li censes were issued last month, 10 of them to colored couples und four to white couple*. I.ast month, 6 licenses went to white couples and 9 to colored couples. * "■ The licenses issued by Mr. Get singer are as follows: Lee Leggett, of Pitt County, 22; Fannie Perry, 19. Henry E. Brown ing, of Edgecombe County, 29; Con nie Gertrude Roberson, 19. James Taylor Pugh, of Oriental, 25; Bessie Elizabeth Rollins, Pitt County, 19. Robert Edward Lee Hux, 21; Mittie Thomas, 27. George B. Edmondson, 43; Ida Thomas Wynne, 29. Colored Abram Jones, 21; Lizzie Hyman, 24. George Carraway, 21; Annie Mc- Slude, 18. Clyde Williams, 20; Man da Jane Roberson, 16. Edward Cof fkld, 21; Rosa Lee Chester, 19. Chas. Bennett, 21; Ada Bell Hardison, 19. Victor Roberson, 21; Ina Clemmons, 18. Eugene L. LoCentino, 22; Rosa bud Pitt, 19. James Biggs, 20; Lula Brown, 18, Otis Staton, 60; Maggie Pitt, 47. Mrs. Sallie Sherrod Dies in High Point Mrs. Sdlie Sherrod, of High Point, died there Sunday from an attack of heart disease. Mrs. Sherrod was the daughter of the late H. L. Sherrod, of Hamilton. She was a sister of B. B. Sherrod, of HamiHon, and ww the second wife of M>. Arch Shorrod. They mov«M from Hamilton to High Point a few years after her m&riage. Mrs. Sher rod had many relatives in Martin County. She leaves her husband and two daughters, Miss Lucille Sherrod, of High Point, and Mrs. Herbert New bold, of Statesville. Sunday Services at Church of the Advent Rev. C. O. Party K/adtit- Fourth Sunday after Trinity: 10 a. m.—Church tfchool, Mr. N. C. Green, superintendent 11 a. m.—Morning prayer anil ser mon. No night service during the sum mer lpoifths. The morning service will be the (shortened form and the sermon not more than 16 minutes in duration. Commissioner* To Meet Next Monday The county will meet qut of regular se»- siun here next Monday, July 10. The aeverajl tajv-lfcit takers will cqme betqre the morttni; that day wjflh their books. Besides woeptitng the tax bunks, the wijl devote a part of the day to ta.N budget work. Commissioners Hold Regular Meet Monday Few Complaints Come Before Board for Settlement The board of county commissioners had an easy day Monday, w?th per haps fleas of the ganettt} complaints than for many months; July one ap pial for help and only o ii tu,x com plaint being made. Besides passing on u I allowing the general accounts, t3> board in creased 'the allow ante of J. F. Farm er from $4 to $5 per month. The estate; of Mrs. I), A. Outter bridge wus released from payment of SI.OO dog tax, listed in Koberaon ville Township 'through error. On motion, it was ord -red that no license be granted.to an; circus, me nagerie, wild-west show, or carnival shows from August 27 October 8. ft was ordered tluit C(ipy of this resolution 'be sent to the . omniission er of revenue with request that the State refuse to such tihows during 'the sain# period. The sum of $25 was donatt'.l to the* North Carolina Children's Home So ciety. The bills of the county approved ujul ordered paid by the commfeaion or. amourtU*! to $8,663.20. The a mount appears ra'ther large because there are many items 'that ordinarily do not appear. For there are superior court corf.is, county-home costfc, county home pay, 'rolls, and jury tickets. The expenditures fid low. Superior court schedule, June term __5126.04 Recorder's court, June term 2(>. Southern Sanitary Co. 29.60 Tietasur.>r, >itate Association of County CnmmiKsioners .. 5.00 Car. 'J'eil. & Tel. Co. 30.10 S. C. Griffln, (lumber, co. home 12.90 Wfllia'mfcton Supply" Co., lum ber county hom - - ... 23.85 11. C. Green, for work, county H. C. GYeen, ditto 22.50 H. C. Green, ditto 25.00 11. C. Green, ditto ■ r ~ 19.00 11. C. Green, di'tto 35.00 11. C. Green, ditto ___ 27.90 H. C. Green, ditto ___ 49.76 Harris Hdw. Co., pain't, county home 29.00 Hajris Hdw. Co., dynamite, county home j' 33.50 .Standard Oil 00., co. home »_ 11.25 S. K. Biggs, 2 ooffliw _ 57.50 J. 11. Roberson, pi pin,)', coun ty home 32.50 A. T. Periy, lumber, co. home 1.92 Ivd wand's & Hrougl#ton, boolcs and furniture 477.87 Anna Trentham, service 87.20 R. J. Feel, exams in lurrncy 10.95 J. D. Simpson, service, iK-nsion 'board 2.00 W. M. Perry, ditto „ .... 2.00 'P. H. Rives, ditto „c... 2.00 Dr. W. E. Warrari, county »up erimitenderft of health 30.00 Gertrude Norton, clerk 'o 1 rc£- iVter of deed's #5.00 Mfttie Brown, ditto . '60.00 H. G. Horton, salary,'solicitor. 62.50 J.' W. Ilailey, jrfdgo . 75.00 J. S. Geftsinger, ret;, of doods. 250.00 J. S. Getsinjfer, co. auditor 60,00 (Continued on the hick page) Says East Carolina Tobacco Crop Much Below Average Well Known Tobacconist States Conditions Have Undergone Itfgr Change in Past, Few Weeks By W. T. MEADOWS Speakfrvg aibout crop reports, a man HAH to take back or change his ideas four or five times during the grow ing period of any crop. This will e,pply especially to a tobacco crop. About June 20, when the tobacco association met at Mon'hoad City, it was from wpeeches made there and in many of the daily pa pers that dealers all over the coun try were led to believe that eastern North Carolina had one of the finest prospects for a crop of tobacco it had had for years. There was an Increased acreage, and the crop was •looking good. Of couiae, thew to ibacco boy* may have thought their fdeas were right at that time, -but I 'believe if some of these brethren would drive over eastern North Car olina at the present time they would do as 1 have done, change/ their minds. I am not familiar with con Negro shot to Proposal to Enlarge Death Sunday . . Wv, . , After Quarrel i district Is Carried 51.50 Due on Dotf Cause forTteath of Jack . Purrmgton Jack Purrington, colored mail liv ing near Spring Green, was killed by John Pitts early last Sunday after noon when the two men quarreled over a sl.sQ*4;onsideratiori for a dog. Tim Willfamß, with his family, and Jack Purrintrton went to visit Pitts early Sunday afternoon. While there Williams askeif Pitts for a $1.60 a mount due him for a do#. Pitts stat ed Chat he "did not have the money at that time but would pay it as soon a he could. This mot with the debt or's approval, but not so with Pur rir.gton, who pi/t in and Started to cursing Pitts. Both Williams and Pitts asked Purrintfton to quiet down as- he had nothing to do with the af fair, Net Purrington continued his | cursing and made threats at Pitt, I who ortlered him to leave the yard more than once. . _ As Purrington became more violent with his threats, Pitt entered the house and got his pun. Upon his re- he ordered Purrington to leave the yarti, but instead he advanced. The gun was'not'loaded at that time, and as Purrington was coming nearer all the while l'itt went again Into the house and loaded the weapon. When he returned to the pouch this time, he again ordered Purrintrton to leave ami come no nearer. All warn ing was ignored by Purrington, and a* he advanced Pfttiftred the load and hit the negro ju*'t above the left eye, killing him instantly. Pitt, sotvn after the killing/sent his daughter to a neighbor's home to call Sheriff .Roebuck. Pftt was placed in jail and Williams was arrested a short while after and held until the hearing was bad Monday. At the hearing, Pitt was placed under a if I, ()()() bomd and Williams was released. At the hearing before Justice of the Pence A. T. Crawford, impudence stood out as being the cuusu of the 1 ktltinjr. Pitt is a farmer in the Spring C!ree.n section a,nd is about 45 years old. Purrington was about the same ape and lived aiily a short dis ffaMte awa,y. The tw*o hail had no trouble before, so far as is known. In connection with the killing, no one remained with Purring'on's body while it awaited burial, it , is under stood. Creswoll Wins Over Everetts • Crewwell's base ball team visited Kveretfei yesterday afternoon and IT tufticd home with the latge end of an eight to five score, which repre sented tfee standing at the Jjnd of the nfxth inning, the game being called on account of rain. The Everett* lads seemingly enter ed into personal competition for er ror honors in th«- inning and dur ing the confusion, Ores well scored 7 of their runs on thsse bobbins, "intor •mixed with two hits, on'' of-them be- ing of the wcratch variety. With the ending of the first in 'iiinif, Croswell received nothing more ill the way of hi's, nnd were retired utmost in order. While they were go ing hitless, Kveretts started an of fensive which brougWt them in the vicinity of a win but their chances were nipped when play stopped At the c! sr- o fthe sixth inning. CroHWoll used two pitchris and iiolh were touched for u number of hits, and accottling to indications, chances favo.red |uite a close wore had th ffume (cone a full nine innings dithons except ill the four or five counties in this immediate section, but 1 have talked to people who have practically covered the whole terri tory east of thi' main Ljne of the At lantic Coa»t Line, ancFthey all agree that the crop of tobacco is below the avertige. Of course, there are some good crops in „ many sections, but there are a great many ■♦hat are not up to the average. Take this and ad joining counties,.arwl 1 will say, from p.ll reports, that our tobacco crop as a whole is as good, if not better, than the average one in eastern Car olina, but yet it is not up to the •standard. When our home folks fail to make a good crop of tobacco, "1 am sorry for the other fellows," for our farmers are above the average when it comes to raising toftxaccoi. -*Bjnce writing the above, I under stamrtrop conditions hare slightly improved, but there fs much room for more. ' Army Deserter Is Caught Here Was On VVay Home and (ias Huns Short in Stolen Car Theodore »\K-lntosh, a half-bleed Indian ami u deserter from the I'tiit ed States Army, was cuught near here last Saturday evening when a car he had .stolen ran out of gas. Mcintosh left the car near the river fill and while riding to town in an other car talked too freely of his doings. The mail who guve the half breed Indian a ride ropoi'ted to the ('eputly sheriff here that a stolen car was waiting for gas on the Wii'idsor road. McJ'ntosh, iwhtJh captured and plac ed in jail, told all'about himself, tin winding; seven years of his life his tory in a joking way. He .--aid In wtis a soldier at Fortress Monroe that he had .Stolen the car frumi Ser jeant l.cth. ttohcrson an 1 was on his way to his old home, Charlotte, for bus first visit there in, seven years. Fhe theft of the car did not trouble Mk'lntosh 'us much as the ordeal of facing the discipline of the Army. Army officers emu.' for him Sun 'day and carried the car back atony with the deserter. Baptismal Serviee at Baptist Church Sunday morning at II -o'clock there will be a liaptismaj service at the Memorial Haptist Church. The general public is invitixL The Church has but two ordinances—the Lord's Supper and Baptism. This church emphasizes both those services, and I'Verything possiblo iis Mono to make thorn beau , tiful and attractive. And it is our 1 custom v.-hen a baptismal service is | held not to have any other service in M>nneetion. Thin beinjr the only service Sunday*, a larjfe conn re(fa' iou should lie pres ort. . ' Those inlerflslj-d in llible study for nex't Wednesday nii;ht slmuhL rsfi'd the little books of first and second Timothy and Tiiuts. L ' ( / Town Commissioners Hold Social IVleet The meetiiiK of 11i*j town connmis aioners sdt for last Tuesday niifht turned itself into a social one when the, business vva ■ postponed until the following niiflrt on account of the ab sence of one or two of the board's ,me nnl»ers. The members present discussed problems ertneerriinK dogs, cattle, trees and weeds, and in the case of the first two the commissioners were Kind that no final action had U> be made by them. The overling's conver sation went from firs»t one thin# and then the other, the commiiisioners, in most every case, expressing a desire to better the town and community. Sol Cherry Is Made Manager of Kranch Mr. Sol ('lurry, of I'.ertif county, hr.s been. appoint**! scfietriry of the North-eastern division of 'hi; Hast' Carolina r of Commerce with at Windsor. Mr. Cherry has had considerable business experience. He Tfas been living at Snow-Hill for sweral years during which tim" he assisted Mr. N. (1. Bartlett in the general manage ment of "the busine : of the associa tion. Mr. ("Jhcrry has seven eoiinties in Ins division, Martin, Beaufort, Wash ington, Bertie, Hertford, Northamp ton and dates. He began his service Alonday, July 4. Everetts Woodmen To Meet Monday The regular meeting of the Ever otts Camp, M. W. A., will he held on Monday ■nijfht, July 11. At the last meeting a good time wa,. enjoywl when (/no member was initiated. Tliere is some things ,t'hat make it necessary for all members to be 1 pres ent at this imeott>ng and they are ur gAI to do,, A). AH /nomberw are in vited to attend. Services at Church Next Sunday Sunday school, 9:45* Morning service, 11:00 f Evening Hervice, 8:00. Woman's Miusionary sot-iety, 4:00. Every one is cortlially invited to take part in the worship. Advertisers Will Find Our Col - umns a Latchkey to Over 1600 Homes of Martin County. ESTABLISHED 1898 Out of 454 Registered 300 Vote for School Consolidation The Willmmgton Township school election here lust Tuesday was car rit*l "when 300- qualified voters cast their vote for eon.s-olidjition of the schools ia the 'ownship. Voting gut to a late start, and at three o'- clock that day inoro than 100 votes were needed to carry the election. Later in the day, the outcome was still Lu doubt, but a last iininute rush made by voters in the outlying-dis tricts a.*ssureil th ' election's carrying. The report made by_lhe judges of election and registrar showed that 2!'> Voted at the polls for the con solidation >f the schools; .ml 7 vot >"d liy means of tin* ab*:ntoe vol* for I'onsoljdation, bringing the total •Per consolidation up to tin even 300. .While it was'unnecessary, "id votes H'sited tile polls and voted against the consiiliif.rlion of the schools in lie township. The remaining 1.11 Registered electors remained "way d"rom the polls. and, as providi 1 by 'law, their failure to vote counti 1 a (Pi;inst the election. 1 A study of the registration b oks •showid tlVat the old Williaroston lia ti'irt registered around 310 eleV >rs. Out of this numherß'? failed to \ te, 'leaving 227 electors in the (list 'ict who voted for consolidation.. The en tire registration was 454, ami of'tHat Member approximately 310 belonged to the local district, leaving 144 who ■registered in the three other districts .Since the Focal dis'lriict voted 227 for conttolidhtion and there were 300 ft-oten carft in all, 73 oirtsidn of this district voted for consolidation, leav ing. 71 who did vote against consoli dation or who failed 'to vote at all. It is undiivtortd that the Itiirifs district cast a bi(c vote for consolida tion; Iturrouhs distri t was 'in an o|»- l*>site position, and Sla.le district was too busy to .ako much interest in the day's hajrpe.nings. However, many iff t Ik» /icopeirty owners in that d.VtfriH voted for consoU lat ion. No |d'an for operation this year ha.'- been amiouced by the board of Tfltfcatioiu " y- Firs! Cotton Blossoms of Season Saturday Mr. W. W. (IrilHii brought in the first cotton blossom of the season here July 2. Mr. (iriffin believes in diversified farming, growing cotton ecu, peanut's, tobacco, sweet pota toes and other produce used at home and raising hogs, chickens and cat tle. lie g-rows about a thousand bushels'of .sweet potatoes each year, cures them a.lid sell m the markets that call for good potatocvt at good prices. Tom Johnson, icolort*l farmer, fol lowed a close second when lie brought in blos-sfifn the sain • day but a few hours later than did Mr. (iriffin. Johnson dor* not farm c>n a largo scale, but he is an expert cotton ft rower. Williamston Motor Co. Tests Auto Lights According to a law passe*! by the lurft General Assembly, every auto's lights must be officially t?nted. The Williamson Motor company has been appointed as official agent to do this work, and necessary equipment has been installed. very few cars carry the small yellow slip on the uirvtlshinld showing that the lights have been inspected and adjusted. It is a State law, and those who are running their ears without the lip'hts thereon adjusted are violating the law. A minimum charge of 75 cents i.; made, the cost ranging upward as -Hie case demands. Local Hoy Scouts Plan Cam pin# Trip The local Hoy Scosits are planning to go on their annual camping trip the last week in July and the firsrt week- in August. They are having a hil t)f trouble getting transportation te White Lakf, the camp to which they had planned to go. Tlicy applied foi a school truck, but failed to, get it. Not enough of the scouts have cars to take the crowd, and the boys are somewhat in a delima as to their .status. Pitt's Health Officer Visits In County Mr. K. T. Futrell, of Grewiville, Pftt County Welfare officer, was in town this Week pefctinjr some data on case in his jurisdiction. From here he also went to Bertite. Mr. utrall has done much work in Ma department and fs regarded a» one of the ,moat capable and active welfare (Workers in this section of the State.'