THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA W. C. Manning Editor Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COUNTY 1 year 6 months .76 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY 1 year j-- :__S2.OO 6 months l.OO (Strictly Cash in Advance) No Subscription Will Be Received for Less Than Six Months ■ ' v 1 Advertising Rate Card Will Be Furnished Upon Application Entered at the post office at Williamson, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Address all communications J,o The Enterprise and not to indi vidual members of the company. FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1927 The Need for Many Laws There is some complaint about so many laws, and wt» admit that there axe so many that nobody seems to know about them all, and most folks do not seem to care aboyt many of them. J>ome respect them all and there are 1 yet a few that respect reither laW nor gospel. And yet how are we going to get along without theft)"-? In our early civilization, we hail no law whatever. Adam did not even have to tell anybody to keep off of his corns. But just as soon as Eve came along, law was necessary. So God made a law and a penalty. The world moved on and the na tions multiplied until it became neces sary to make more laws. And then there got to be so many people that it became necessary to make a traffic law, which required that when you met a man you had to walk to the right side. Walking was then the only means of travel, yet law was necessary to keep men from butting noses. i New inventions were added, and folks began to move about in little boats. This made it necessary to pass a red-light law, requiring boats to display them as danger signals. Lat er on, ih the course of time, the boat* grew bigger, and we had to have laws governing the high seas traffic and erftablishipg the "three-mile limit." Of course, murder had been com mitted before this, when one brother had killed another, causing the need fer the "Thou shalt not kill" law. Some years later some imp invent ed an unruly cuss that it has become necessary to pass laws everywhere and of every kind to sup press it in its effort to dethrone or derly government. Prior to this time, the larger num ber of the laws were not written in books as statutory regulations, but came direct from the mouth of the king. If he was good, the people had ACHED AIL OVER WM Sdforiaf DveadfuDj, Jut "Wastkg Aw»j." Ink CirM, ul Says It UdH Her. Attington, Tcxu,—A resident of this town for many year*, Mrs. J. EL Jackson, sayr 1 had suffered dreadfully with an aching all over my body. At timaa toy head would give ma ao much troubla I could hardly stand it I had bsen in bed for weaks and it looked lika I was just wasting away. 1 took 9 bottles of Cardui and my atreagth bagan to alowly return. "Staoa that time I have uaed this madicina a good many times and it has afarays helped ma. "At «oa time I took Caidni for aswsai —ths regularly. I would ha aflietad with sadden "f* 11 * of itiwimis when I could not stand on my fast. Everything would tarn black bafors my ayaa aad I would foslasif I were going to feint At toss I would ha quite nauaaatad I turned a* ooca to Cardui and took it tiß I waa safely through." Carded la a mild, maHUmi tonic, made from purely vspstabla ingrsdi snta. It has been in use for over 50 wttn, nd hi that M— thousands of WMBSB haws written that Cardui back to good htira* Sold tgr all druggista. NC-tU |r oo d government; but if bud, then they had bad government. Education, civilization, und inven ticil began to raise the standard of the human mind until man was quite unwilling to allow his destiny to rest upon the will and character of on? man. Then cama our constitutions rnd general laws, which protect the food and res-train the evil. Thi new inventions called for more The railroad has called for the need of thousands of new laws to regulate the relationship between the load and the individual. Then the ti lergaph and .the telephone each re quired a big law book to hold the stat utes that make, them serve and that make the people respect them. In this new tiay, we have the auto mobile, which heeds to be restrained by a whole shelf of law books. And then the .schools, the highways, the radio, the Hying machines, all have duties to perform and rights to pro ject. Of course, Daniel Boone had no hu inane society to bow to nor no game things are different We need to pro tect the very animals and birds that law to respect, and he had a right to shoot anything he pleased, Now, he shot at will; and now we protect everything that has hair, feathers, or .scales by some kind of game law. When we remember that the very first law that wa.s ever parsed is as important today as it was then and that most of those since passed are very necessary for our. government, we doubt if we could get along very well without practically all the laws \vc now have; and we seem to need even more than we now have, or some strong amendments to some of the present laws. , There is only one thing that will remove the need for law; that is to build the government on the basis of religion and keep it there. When men do right, they offend no law. They are protected by the law. We Arc Distributors of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORA TALKING MACHINES All Standard Makes EASY TERMS IP DESIRED Write for Prices and Teraui One of our salesmen will gladly demonstrate one in year home. All the Latest Records and Sheet Music Russ Bros. Williamston, N. C. Washington, N. C. Plymoath, N. C. 22 | Play Safety First Wading in too deep seemed to be j than from the during adventure of the cause of about a dozen people be- j going farther than the otht r fellow, ing drowned in our State July 4th. , , * Whatever may be the cause of the The sadness of such scenes would , numerous destructions of thp day, in seem to i>e sufficient warning to keep i , ~ , . . „- . - the business world, the social, or po others from venturing so far across . .. v , , ~ litical, as weH a.s the swimming pool, the danger line. Yet such is not the "" v " case. We Americans all want to go that old rule of safety, If you can t eveiything one better, even if it is don't go in water over your dangerous. Ik is .possible that more head ' is a very safe rule to follow, foilfs drown because of carelessness it matters not what you do. Itut when men do wrong, they are aimosrt certain to violate some law. | They are, therefore, generally against all law. , j * L What wc need is to respect all the j good laws and repeal any that may j ' ' -4a be bad. i '""' ( When all the people help to enforce the good laws, we will have good 'government. * r Of course, there is not a lav.-' in the books that pleases the violator. HOME RAISED MEAT, LARD, corn and hay for sale. Joshua L. Colt-rain. jyß 6tpd NOTICE North Carolina, iMartin County. In superior court. W. S. Rhode* and I). G. Matthew* Trading a* Slade. Rhodes & Co., vs. J. N. I'uifh. By virtue of an execution directed to 'he undersigned from the superior court of Martin County, in the above er titled action, I will, on the Ist day of August, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Martin County, sell to the highest bidder for tash, to satisfy said execution all the right, title, and interest which the said J. H. Pugh( the defendant, .has i in the following described real estate, | to wit: "t hat tract of lend known as the Cox fr.rm, situated on the left-hand j side of the public road leading from Hamilton to Willianislon, opposite the Purvis farm, adjoin ni*; the land of J. H. Sherrod and others and the Ro anoke River, containing three hun- j died acres, more or less, which tract j is sold and is hereby conveyed sub ject the-dower of Mrs. Margaret Boyle, widow of John P. Boyle, de- • . • - . r _ f't 1 ISIXm I . T Experience f counts in gas oline making it does in eveiy other line of business f '•STANDARD" GASOLINE i FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMER DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE I have bouftht the undertaking establishment formerly owned by Mr. F. L. Edwards, and have secured the services of Mr. Harper Holliday, an expert funeral director .and licensed embalmer. Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Trice B. S. Courtney WILUAMSTON, N. C Day Phone 155 - Night Phone 44 . - • W; ' V THE ENTERPKIBE WILLI AMSTON, N.*C. ceased, which has already been as signed out of said land under definite metes and bounds. _ , This the Ist day of July, 1927. A. L. ROEBUCK, iyij 4tw Sherilt of Martin County. NOTICE Under and by virtue of a judgment in this cause, D. G. Matthews vs. Jack Everett, the undersigned comissioner will, on the Ist day of August, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthglis; door ofm Martin County offer at pub lic sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract of land: Same being a house and lot located in the town of Williamston, N. C., new occupied b., Jack Everett, and bounded by the lands of Joe Williard, Ben Jows, Jani Bryant, arid the An drews land. This the Ist Juy of July, 1927. B. A. CRITCHER, jyß 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE Under and by virtue of -he power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust execute 1 to the undersigned trustee, on the 19th day of June, 1925, and of record in Marin County regis try, in book Q-2, page 407, securing certain bonds of even date therewith, «nd the stipulations not having been complied with,' and at the request of the holder of said bonds, the under signed will, on the Ist day of August, 1927, at the courthouse door of Mar tin Couhty, at 12 o'clocTTnoon, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land: 666 Is a Prescription for MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER, DENGUE OR BILIOUS FEVER It Kills the Germs Situate in Popiar Point Township, Martin County, N. C., adjoining the lands of J. I. Taylor, John A. Pierce, and others, and bounded on the north by the Red Roobuck Estate; oni the cast by Win. James Coburn; on the south by the lands of John A. Pierce, and on the west by the lands of J. I. Taylor, known as "The John Hurst lands." It being the lands devised to Mary Edmondson by her father, John Hurst; and containing: seventy five (75) acres, more or less, and de scribed more definitely as follows: Beginning at a ligntwood stump on the south side of Wild Cat road; then up said road to Jesse I. Taylor's line, a corner, a gum; thence down Bates Branch to a gum on the oppoate side of the canal; thence south across the marsh to the hill to a pine; thence east to John A. Pierce's line, a corner, a stump; thence a straight line to the bogihning stump on the Wild Cat road, and being the dentical prem ises described in the deed from Jas. It. Edmondson and w°ife, Mary Ed mondson, to W. R. Silvcrthorne, of record in the public registry of Mar tin County in book SSS, at page 511, rt'fprence to which is hereby made. This the tut day of July, 1927. H. G. HORTON, jyR 4tw Trustee. Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will teU you that "Perfect Purification of" the Sys tem is Nature's Foundation of Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments tkat are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family package with full directions. On ly 35 *t«. at drugstores. (Adv). ; quality THIS experienced age know* the good tobacco* it demand* __ in a cigarette. And it haa made Camel the greatest leader —jjr* any age has ever known. Camel's choice tobaccos and its Mending for smoothneaa and mellowness .have made it supreme with modern smofc* |u ers. Camel today is world favorite, because of quality. Camel was made to succeed in an age that knows merit. | ■ Just try Camels and you'll know why no other cigarette can i compare with them. Let the choice of the modern world show you what smoking enjoyment «" really be* ' ■tls'lW7, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco 4 I omptDy, Winxan StUm, N. C. TOBACCO TRUCKS * , •» . C * ' We haxe a large supply ,of tobacco trucks 1 . 1 ready for immediate delivery. See us be fore you buy. We have the quality at your price 9 . • - -• "; .. . Blount Manufacturing Co. Williamston, N. C. ---» ■ . v H . ■ . President Coolidge is catching big rain bow trout up in the Black Hill streams — and they are striking in local streams, too. Have you been out this year with bright new flies and a singing reel? If not, you" are missing many happy hours. Before the stai-t visit our fishing goods department. Here you will find all that is new in equipment from which you will want to till oyt your kit. There is every needed item in'many different weights and sizes and you will find just your favorite —line— reel—or rod. And Our Prices Are Always Most Reasonable CULPEPPER 1 Hardware Company Williamston Elizabeth City Edenton

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