Watch the Übd 0« V«r Paper; It Carrie* the Date Tow Subscription Expire*. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 38 New Quarters Are Allotted to County Officers Office-Moving Day Will Take Place Within Next Few Weeks The county commissioners yester day allotted to the county officials their offices. The register of deeds and clerk of the court now occupy the two lower offices in the courthouse annex, and the home agent is com fortably located on the second floor of the annex. Sheriff Roebuck will retain his present office but will have added to it a email room now used by the superintendent of schools. Mr. Pope, the superintendent, goes to the office formerly occupied by Mr. Peel, clertc of the superior court. Mr. T. B. Brandon, county agent, will estab lish himself in the room now used by the county school superintendent. The commissioners reserved the old reg ister of deeds' office for their use, and besides meeting there they will keep many of the books used in connection with their meetings there. These changes wiH do away with crowded conditions long experienced at the courthouse. ~ Some repairs will be necessary in many of the offices, but it is under stood that they will not be an ex tensive nature. During the past several years, the grand jury loom has been one of the busy centers in the old courthouse, in it the two demonstrators had their c-fflce desks, papers, and other dem onstration material. The county com missioners held all their meetings there and during court week the grand jury occupied the room. In spite of the crowded conditions, things went very well, but the county workers are much pleased with the thoughts that they will be more ade quately house when moving day comes around within the next few weeks. Few Owners Having Auto Lights Ad justed Officials at the Williarmrton Motor Co. stated yesterday that very few automobile, owners were complying with the ijpv requiring ail lights on carp to adjusted. Since the first of this month, the time the station here has been te*tingjights, no* more than 160 car owners have had their lights tested. The State was a bit late in appo nt ing the inspectors for all sections, and so far there has been no arrests made where auto owners have failed to comply with that particular law. Just how long the State will hold off is not known. The local inspectors stated that the majority of the car owners ore charged only 75 cents, the minimum amount set by the State. However, the cost for adjustment runß up in those cases where many new parts are required to put the lights in proper order. ♦ Few Cars Without New License Tags AutomobUisttt have bought licenses more promptly thin year than ever before. A count of one block on Main Street early Friday morning showed 38 oars equipped with the new tagp and only 2 with old ones. The number of out-of-State licenses was unusually small, only two being counted, one from Virginia and one from California. Police officers say they have made no arresta for oW licenses yet, and •o far they have found that moat of those who are still using the old li censes have filed their application and are going through the process of procuring titles. j STRANG THEATRE I J • WEDNEDAY 808 CUSTER in 'The Terror of Barx' ' « Walter Hiers in "OFF HIS BEAT" and FREE TICKOT FOR FRIDAY Always a Good Show Hr THE ENTERPRISE COMMUNITY SADDENED BY DEATH OF PASTOR, A. Hundreds of Friends Pay Last Respects at The Funeral and Burial Here Yesterday Afternoon Rev. A. J. Manning, beloved pastor of several churches in this county, died here Sunday morning at 7:30, alter an illness lasting only a few hours. While Mr. Manning had been in feeble health for'the past several years, he retired Saturday night feel ing better than usual. iSoon after re tiring he became nauseated, but still his condition did not cause serious alarm. It was shortly after midnight that the family physician was sum moned to the bedside, but the condi tion of the greatly beloved pastor was beyond human aid. Stricken with ' paralysis, he lost use of his entire body, and not more than two or three low words were uttered afterwards when his brother reached him. Con sciousness gradually failed him, and several hours before the end he was not aware of the present of those who diligently tried to revive him, and it was just at the time that many of the town's citixens were making early preparations to worship at his church tliat the last breath left him. Asa James Mannig was born on a small farm in a humble home Decem ber 9th, 1869, the son of John W. Maning and his wife, Sarah Margar et Daniel. He grew up under the handicaps which usually surrounded the coun try boy of his day. Yet he was blessed with the freedom and gran deur of nature in its JRtural state which he always enjoyed and which gave him a noble vision of life. He was also blessed in having a father and jnother who were willing and anxious that he not lose a day from the little three-months country school, which was the only kind in reach. After completing the work in these, he attended the Village school in Jamesville for a year, and then the nexi year he spent at Vine Hill Acad emy at Scotland Neck, which was then the leading school in this part of the State. He then spent a year in the Shen andoah Normal School of Virginia, where he came under the tutelage of G. W. Hoenshcl, one of the great English and history teachers of his day. He began teaching in the little country schools when he was 21 years of age and as an instructor succeed el well. He was especially strong in history and could present it to a claes as few men could. He was princi pal ofc Carolina Institute, a private school located at Old Ford, in Beou forl County for a few years. In 1899 he began teaching in Ayden, N. C., where the Christian Church planned to found a Carolina Christian College and for four years he gave his beat lervice to the institution, which did a splendid service. It was found im practical to attempt such a vast un dertaking in such a small town, and the school was suspended there and reorganised at Wilson. The work had not been in vain, however, as the lives of many fine young men and women had Seen inspired with the principles that make good cltiies. Several of there attended his funeral here yes terday. -r~- The appeal came to help his home folks, and he went to Jamesville, where he taught and managed some commercial affair* for several years. The declining health of an aged father called him to even a nobler service and he went to the o)d home farm in 1906, where he engaged In farming for a few years. He was elected cashier of the Bank of Jamesville, and he handled the af fairs of the bank without help for three years, during which time Its business was conducted without a loss and his books were turned over to his successor ta perfect balance. He resigned hie position in MS bank to accept the office of County Super intendent of Schools in 1914 which paaition he held until August 1923. During his nine years in this position he found his hardest task. Although he regarded it as one of the outstand ing opportunities that had ever como to him to serve his fellowmen, it was soon to become a burden almost un aurmountabl*. The war drew most of the teachers out of the schools and the new order of things required teachers to have units rather than experience and he found it impossible to run the schools with the money at hand, as teachers were demanding salaries twice as high as thqr had re ceived in the past While the program for better schools grew rapidly for both iboildings and higher grade teach era, the fund* had not been provided for by lajr and thoy could not meet the demands. He knew no politics and refused to play them which was nec essary to get State aid, bat preferred to stand er fftll by the service he had rendered. -Since IMS he has not bete able to do very much and gave eneras ht? WllHamgton, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, July 12,1927 was able to his farming interests and his ministry. Until he waa welt in middle age, he gave little attention to business for his own benefit, but rather contented himself by aerving without attempting to accumulate things for himself. Yet, seeing the need to care for and educate a large family of children he purchased some farm lands. But he had little of the cold blood of business in his viens, and assuming alt men to be honest, he somethimes trusted too great and most of his farming ventures turned out unprofitable. This was followed by the great deflation crash which bent prices to an unusually low level ami drove farm values so low that he was forced to abandon much of his interests. This was a peculiar sting which gave him considerable trouble, yet he refused to yfeld hin life to the force of financial pointmenta but like Job said, "Tho He Slay Me, Yet Will 1 Trust Him," Preferring the richness of the spirit to the wealth of the world* he culti vated the spirit of human kindness and with his fellowmen he cultivated bei.utiful associations. He married Miss Blanche Hodges, daughter of the late James H. Hodges ami wife, Amanda Standi Hodges, of Beaufort county, January 3, 1900, which union was blessed with the spirit of lo*e and harmony. There were born to them soven children, five boys, James C., Robert, Henry Stan di, Asa J. jr., and Charles and two girls, Ruth and Grace, who is nine years old and the youngest of the children." 1 He had only two brothers, W. C. Manning, of Williamston, and Jos. E. Manning, of Jamesville. When he was 21 years old he unit ed with the Christian church at JamesviNe and when about 30 years old, hs began to hold religious serv ices which he continued for several years before he waa ordpined to the ministry the fifth Sunday in March, 1907 at Pantego. , Since that time he has preached almost every Sunday. During the first half of his ministry he contributed his services almost free and he nover leceived above a meager sum from any church that he served. He never murmured nor complained. His atti tude in the pulpit wus spiritual giv ing little attention to formalities. He wac _al wayw able to fifl his sermons with the gospel truth but was never suong in trying to arouse the emo tions of his hearers. Until overbur dened with ill health about 8 years ugo, his power to unfold and to anal yse the scriptures was regarded as very strong. He possessed the power to present his subject with ease and frequently displayed elegant flights of oratory. He served tho Macedonia church aa pastor for more than fifteen years, Williamston for almost as long and had been pastor of the Maple Grove church since its organizatoin more than twelve years ago. He had also served various church for part timo in Martin and Washington counties. The last work of his life was the reading of the Holy Sorlptures in preparation for his Sunday morning sermon. Leaving his bible on his desk in his study, he went to bed about nine o'clock, remarking to his wife thst he wanted a few more minutes to finish preparing his sermon. It is not known but from the sermon con text and the page of the bible, it appears that the following verse was the last one read, the 10th verse of the last chapter of Matthew, "Then pah' Jesus unto them, Be not afraid; go tell my brethern that they go un to Galilee and there they shall so me". The funeral attendance was the largest ever gathered in Williams ton. People of all classes, the rich and the poor came to pay their I ait rei.pects to their friend who had serv ed them and sympathised with them in days gone by, The Christian church was large enough to seat only a few of the immense crowd. Around the bier lay many snd lovely floral de signs, coming from friends and churches expressing their love and esteem for their friend. Rev. Richard Bagby, pastor of the Washington Christian church, con ducted the funeral sorvic. The choir composed of the members of each of the churches in town sang among his favorite songs, "Lord Kindly Light", "Abide with Me" and "It Is Well with My Soul". Elder Sylvester Haescll, Reverends T. W. Lee, C. H. Dickey and C. O. Pardo, ministers of this town and R. L. Shirley, who form erly lived here, qtoke very briefly but beautifully of their friendship and esteem for him. The .words oi each were aufficient to convince one that the life that hurrtbleth itself and serves othon will reap it* reward, • and though a man may seem to lose Sunday School Meet Sunday In Jamesville Poplar Chapel Quartet and Dardens Girls To Appear on Program The next Sunday school convention will be at Jamesville Sunday, July 17, when Sunday achoola from all over that township gather there to take part in a carefully arranged pro gram. The musical feature of the convention is expected to be mosld pleasing when the male- quartette from Poplar Chapel and girls from the Dardens Sunday school render se lections. The following program, while it is almost complete, is subject to a slight change by the county president, Jas. L. Roberson, so as to meet the needs of the Sunday school* In the James ville Township if neefcasary: 3:00. Devotional. SoUg, Scripture reading and prayer, led by Geo. D. Leggett. ( 3:15. "How to Reach Adults and Them in ' the Suiilay School," hy R. A. Pope. 3:36. Sbng (special music if pos sible). 1>:40. "Meeting the Needs of the ■\oung People Through the Sunday School," by R. J. Peel. 4:00. Song. 4:06. "The Greatest Need in Our Sunday School," or "One Good Fea ture of Our Sunday School." (Three minute messages from some repre sentative fcoin each Sunday school. 4:80. Business sesslo*. BUctien of cfficer»( vice president and secretary for the township), f Record of attendance 4:40. Adjourn. M Three Autos Wrecked Near Here Sunday An auto wreck styled after the three-in-one variety occurred near here on Highway No. 90 last Sun* day evening shortly after dark when an Essex coach hit a Ford roadster and a Ford touring The Essex I wan coming toward Williamston, and the Ford roadster, towing the Ford touring car, was entering the highway frotn the road leading from Ske •.varkee church. The driver of the Essex, Mr. A. S. Jordan, who works for a hardware concern in Plymouth, and whosfc home is in Farmville, and his wife were cut in the accident, but not ser iouily. Mervin Bonds, driver of the Ford roadster, escaped injury, but was badly frightened. He, with the driver of the touring car, left the scene immediately after the accident and ran home for Mr. Bonds. Several descriptions of the accident ■ htive been given, some leading to the conclusion that the Essex coach was traveljng at a fast rat)' of speed, but had the right of way. The boys state that they were on the dirt where the road from the church joined the con crete. The Essex car hit the road ster and then took a crack at the touring car, causing at>out an equal damage to all three cars. L. E. Corey Dies in Griffins Township L. E. Corey, of Griffins township, died yesterday afternoon. He was the son of the late Joseph and Hannu J. Corey. He wan 64 years old, never married and for severu! years he had lived alone. He leaves two brothers, D. W. Corey, of Boston and Itov. A. Corey of Jamesville, and three sisters, Mrs. W. R. Roebuck, of Bear Grass, Mrs. Dora Peritlnson, of lialtimore and Mrs. Sallie Moore, of Graham, Va. For a number of years, Mr. Corey had been in poor health. He suffered a stroke of paralysis a few months ago, but recovered so that he was able to get around without assistance until ten days ago when a second stroke occurred, which was the direct cause of his death. His body will be buried st 4 o'clock at the Daniel cemetery where several generations of MB ancestors lie. The funeral rites will be conducted by El der W. B. Harrington. Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Larkin, of Tar boro, spent the week end here with Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Warren. his power among men, the life that is spent in the service of God and humanity will ahfne among men ana angels. The burial was at the Baptist cemetery The active pall bearers were Messrs. C. O. Moore, Simon Ulley, J. D. Woolard, George H. Harrison, Henry D. Harrison and Norman 1L Harrison. Honorary pall bearers were Drs. W. E. Warren, J. S. Rhodes J. H. Saunders, P. B. Cone, J. E. Smithwick, of Jamesville, H. B. York, R. J. Peel, T. f. Roberson, F. K. Hodges, 4. R. Doming and C. D. Carstarphen. Board Takes Up -Tax Equalization Budget Covering Three Funds Accepted Yesterday' , The Martin County Board of Com missioners met here yesterday in a continued session and aa an equalisa tion board as provided by law. TM meeting was of the vleuble-barreled nature, the continued business from tthe July fourth meeting was finished and &e equalisation of property val ues was gone into. Yesterday the board, with the tax supervisors, J. T. Barnhill, Sylvester Peel, and H. & Everett, went into the valuation of several pieces of property and changes were made. A few pieces of land had the value in creased and a few had the value de creased. The business pertaining to equalisation was far from finished when the board adjourned yesterday, and the tax supervisors are here a gain today wolfcing on the problems before them. They are not meeting with the county commissioners, but are going ahead with the work of equalization subject to the final ap proval of the commissioners. Just how long it will require to finish the work is not known. The law says the board may adjoin* from day to day while engaged in the equalisation of property, but shall oomplte all work on or before the first Monday in Au gust. The law further holds that the board shall equalise the valuation so that each tract or lot of land or ar ticle of personal property shall be en tered on the tax list at its true value In money, and for this purpose they shall either increase or decrease the valuation. In doing this they shall, the law states, have due regard to the relative situation, quality of soil, improvements, natural and artificial advantages possessed by each tract or lot. The tax-list takers from all the townships have turned In their list ing*., and the tax supervisors have for comparison of values listings from all over the eeanty. In facing th« I udgej prepared by the county auditor, the commission ers made # few minor changes in ronie of the appropriations, but in the main the budget appiopriationa were untouched." The appropriations of this -budget follow closely those used last year ,and in so doing com pare favorably with those of the pre ceding year. The budget was accepted covering thp general county fund, road atid bridge fund, atul interest and sinking fund. The school budget will be handled later. In handjing continued business, the board, upon motion of T. C. Griffin, Feconded by T. B. Slade, jr., ordered that a certain vacant lot in the town of Williamston lying on the north side of Main Street and adjoining the apartment building of Mrs; Fannie C. Staton, belonging to Mrs. C. B. Has sell, ami on which lot the county holds a mortgage, be released from the liability of this mortgage upon the condition that said mortgage be reduced to $4,000, including interest and all taxes up to 1927, and upon further condition that the rents of certain brick stores on the south aide of Main Sreet occupied by the D. Pender store be paid to the county. A loan of $1,600 was ordered made out of the interest and sinking fund to Mr. J. R. Leggett, the loan to be secured by house and lot in the town of Williamston upon the passing of thai title by the county attorney and proper execution of deed of trust. John Drew waa placed on the coun ty aid list and he is to receive $3 each month. To help defray the burial expense, the county paid to the S. R. Biggs Drug Co. $lO each for the burial of Jack Purrington, Mrs. J. D. Hurst, I and Geo. G. Wynne, paupers. T B. Slade, jr., and J. E. Pope were appointed a committee to meet with the county board of education and go over the school budget for the ensuing year at a date to be desig nated by the county superintendent of schools. Thousands Planning to Attend Bridge Opening Officials tn charge of the Chowan bridge celebration are expecting thousands of people at the formal opening there tomorrow week. More than 10,000 people are looked for, and the people of Bdenton and that sec tion am making extensive plans to care for tho throngs. Engineer Snyder, of the Nello Teer Contrasting Co., stateo that the road to the bridge will be In good shape by the opening day, and that traffic can travel with all ease. The toll feature of the bridge wilt be thrown overboard that day, and all vehicles and their oecopanta will travel across the structure free. Bazemore Sentenced To Die August 3rd George Frank Haxemore, mur derer of Gordon Velverton, will K*> to the electric chair in Kal e**h, Wednesday, August 3rd. Bazeipore was found guilty for a second time when a re trial was held in Snow Hill re cently. At the end of the first trial, he was sentenced to die in January last, but a technics! error caused the Supreme court to grant him a new trial. He was carried to the State's pris on Isat week by Deputy Sheriff P. C. Csrrawsy of Green county C. of C. Meets Here Today l)iscuss Means Increase Interest in Work of the Organization .secretary N. G. Bartlett, of Kins ton and Sol Cherry, secretary of the Eastern division of the East Carolina chttmber of commerce attended a meeting at the Atlantic hotel her* thin morning where a number of the local mumfoers of the Eastern Caro lina chamber of commerce met to dis cuss means to increase interest in tho work. Mr. Bartlett hopes to raise sufficient funds in the seven counties comprising the north-eastern district to sustain the secretarial work and pay for the advertising of this section of the State- Thty hope to raise from member ship fees in Beaufort county SI,OOO. They are now getting 6OO and are asking Washington county for an a mr.unt between S2OO to $500; Martin, from $260 to $1000) Bertie from $260 to $1260; Gate* from $l6O to $400; Northampton from S4OO to 500 and they agree to reduce Hertford from IN6O to $760. So far the service rendered this section of the State has made a won derful impression on many sections of the county, bringing thousands of in quiries from homeseekers and , in vestors. Many of them are already taking to the advantages of our sec tion of the country which they regard as the most promising part of the United States at this time. Mr. Bartlett is planning to hold a county-wide meeting at Roberson ville at iwhich time many matters of importance will be brought up. A iesolutiou was passed at the meeting today, requesting the State Highway commission to cut the Chowan bride toll to half the pres ent charges. MUS. M. J. PEEL CHAMPION COUNTY CUCUMBER KAISER Mrs. M. J. Peel, of Williamson R. F. D. is the leader 'n raising cu-. cumbers for thin soason. She reports 135 cucumbers on one vine. Misses Nnina Fleming and Sophia Little, of Pactolus, will arrive tomor row to visit Dr. and Mrs. W. E. War ren. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Edwards and children, of Kinston, are pleasant visitors in the city today. Season's First Cotton Keport Shows Decrease Raleigh, July 11.—The average farmer probably does not know/that thefe will be but a few cotton report# this year by the government. For that reason this report doea not carry in formation pertaining to condition or anything that will .give a clue as to what the crop will be this year. Thus, farmers or growers do not have any index for this year'» cotton prob ability, while the trade through their private reports are in close tab with the various features, like condition, stand, boll weevil effects, cultivation, latenem, etc. In encouraging Con gress to pass a law prohibiting fre quent cotton reports, the farmers were .blind folding their own eyas only. The preliminary acreage for this year's cotton shows North Carolina with a 10 percnat reduction, yhile that for the entire cotton >bolt is given at a 12.4 pancent reduction. Oddly, the least reduction waa from North Carolina to Alabama. AH of the re maining tftatea had more than 10 per cent reductions. This State's acreage is 1,814,000 as compared with 2,- 016,000 planted la# year. The entire Belt's acreago is estimated at 42,- CU,OOO acres. I (Continued on fjia back page) Advertiser* WUI Find On Col anna a Latchkey ta Ova* 1M« Home* of Martin Coamtj. ESTABLISHED 1898 County Officers Continue Drive Against Liquor Round Up Several Stills and Few Operators in Recent Raids •Sheriff Roebuck and Deputy Grimes succeeded in rounding up several stills and a few operators recently. First they found a batch of beer near Gold Point, but nu still could be found. Next they answered a call out on a prong of Reedy Swamp, where they found a BOgallon copper still in mil blast, with three men and one 'log at the plant. While the officers looked on, the men seemed to be tak ing drinks. After they had watched the operators for some time they ap proached ami every one at the still ran with full speed, except the inno cent dog, which stayed and told on his master. Deputy Grimes outran i one of the men, Henry Jones, but | the other two, James Bowen, jr., and Stuart Taylor, plunged into the thick swamp and got away, lojies was found to be orvly a customer and had just tied his mule .where he was plow ing a hundred yard* away and walked down to get a drink. Bowen lost his hat in the dash and later claimed it. On Friday the officers, made an other hunt in a pocosin back of Vance Feel's, in Griffins Township, where they found a 100-gallon copper still with 2 worms. There was about 200 gallons of beer and a few tools a round the still, which was cold and no one was near. Hattie Thrower Names Memorial to Wrights Miss Hattie Thrower, local woman, has been named winner of the sll2 Hamilton watch offered by the Eliza beth City Independent for a name for the Federal monument to be erected at Kill Devil Hills in commemora tion of the first airplane flight. The | name, "Wright Beacon," offered by Miss Thrower was thought to be very appropriate for the monument by the judges. In their letter to Miss Thrower, the donors stated they were up against it, since the watch is a genleman's model awl that Hamilton does not make a lady's watch in that price clans. It was their hope that Mis* Thrower would visit Elizabeth City and select a watch of some other make of the same value. I'he letter further states,* "We should like very much to present the watch to you in a formal ceremony on the occasion of the celebration of the 840 th anniversary of Virginia Dare at Kill Devil Hills on August 18. Tt is only a short ride from Elizabeth 'City to Kill Devil Hills by motor, and transportation would bp provided you from this city. At the same time F ill Devil Hill* will be formally turned over to the Federal govern ment and the flrst Wright flight com memmorated by an airplane flight from Kill Devil Hills—the first air plane to fly from Kill Devil Hills since the Wrights were there." In conclusion the donors stated that they must have a good photo of Miss Thrower for use not only in the Elizabeth City Independent but in the Stute papers as well. East Carolina Firemen Meeting Here Tonight ! The Eastern Carolina Firemen's association will meet at the Woman's club building at K o'clock tonight. The town welcomes the more than 100 delegates expected from the fire companies representing Beaufort, Morehead City, New Bern, Kinston, Snow Hill, LaGrange, Ayden, Farm ville, Greenville, Washington, Bel haven, Plymouth, Robersonville and Windsor. The local company is making ex tensive preparations for the enter tainment of the guests tonight ami will serve a big luncheon to the visi tors in the rooms of the Woman's club. Vote Against 8-Months Term iii Smith wick's The school election held .in the Smithwioks District failed last Tues day, when 21 ejectors visited the polls and voted against the measure and 8 remained away from the polls and failed to vote. The measure, which would have provided an extra two months to the regular school terip had 20 supporters. This made the second election held in that district in the la* several months, and in each eaaa the measaM failed to carry by a small majority. Several of those who 'supported the measure stated election mm hotly contested, aad that nobody " vould have to die or move away be fore an outcome different from the last two could be exported. 1.-. 3L ■

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