THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA W. C. Manning Kditor Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COUNTY 1 year 6 months ; "\y OUTSIDE MARTIN COI'NTY 1 year 82.00 6 months --- 1 "0 (Strictly Cash in Advance) No Subscription Will Be Received for Less Than Sijj Months Advertising Kate C*rd Will Be Furnished Upon Application Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 187 H. Address all communications Jo The Enterprise and not to indi vidual members of the company. TI'ESDAY, JFLY 12, 1927 Protecting Home Industries linkers in the town of Washington are up in arms against out-of-town bread wagons. They have asked the town board to increase the license on bread wagon* from out-of-town bak erief from sls to SIOO per year. We see those same Washington wagons on our streets every day. Now, what wifl happen if they tax others out of their town and we tax them out of our town? Doubtless it would be a wise thing to do. Why should Williamston bread eaters pay the expense of a man and the cost of heavy trucks to haul our food from Washington, Greenville, Rocky Mount, or Norfolk when we have a bakery in our own town ! THE LETTER BOX THE PASSING OF A CHRISTIAN GENTLEMAN A Saint of God has been called to his reward. In the passing of the Rev. A. J. Manning, this community has said adieu to one whose life and charac ter proclaimed him to have achieved the noblest distinction among men; 4 Christian and a gentleman. * In matters religious he .believed in, he loved, and he followed his Lord. In his relationships with other»,rJie betrayed that keen sense of fairness and courteous consideration spring ing from a gentle nature. Always sympathetic and interested in the happiness and welfare of others, he gave himself unsparingly in his min istrations. He acted as pastor, coun selor, and friend to hundreds in the community who rise up to call him blessed. "Well done, good and faith ful servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord." In appreciation, Rev. CLARANCE O. PARDO. ) NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the 23rd day of May, 1924, WT RIDJDF POISON fatackka Fiada Black-Draught • Great Aid la Retieriag Contipaboa, Mid Sooa " Feels O.K. Catlettaburg, Ky.-Mr. Miles H*>- ktos, at 1218 Center Street. tSs city, aays: Tlaw was a time whan my health waa not so good. I suffered a great deal from gee pains. My system waa aators tod with poison which waa not properly eliminated. From Nm to time I had eevere head achea, and I Celt aluagieh and dulL *1 anew at Black-Draught aa a —dfctos for constipation, so I thought I would try it Pora while I took a small doaa ovary night un til u system waa rid of the ac cumulated poison. "laafaod to weight and my gaao ral health waa good. That expe 4mm nsads aa realise the merits et Biaclf-Draught I kept it to my . Some and whoa I begin to tool Itfe- Swond dull, I take a doea, alter wfrh Hsol Q. K. agato Ss&'Sra 3*£sn!«ht a great aid in dotog Ikab iiaj ali mi. He. Oat a yadtofa today. , _ NC-lu H^KiwUliu I Competition is generally a good | thing for the people, but when half | a dozen trucks a week drive many 1 miles to sell baker's bread in a small ! town, it means one of two things, ! smaller loaves or higher prices. More than half the bread used in Williamston has been trucked in. Now, we have a bakery that put* out I standard goods. Now, if it pays WsaJi i ington to protect its local institutions | why would it not be a good thing for Williamston to do the same thing? It may be a little on the line of the tiust principle to do so, but if serv ice ami quality is maintained at a ! linancial -saving, the people will have no kick. Jjy N. li. Manning and wife, and of j record in the public registry of Mar tin County in book Q-2, at page 123, said deed of trust having been given j t J secure a note of ev«i date and tend er therewith, and the stipulation s i therein contained "-not haung been' complied with and at the request of i the parties-interested, emd lam) hav-; ing been sold before under the deed ' of trust herein referred to and the I bid having been iuised by a deposit with the clerk of superior court, a» required by law, the undersigned j trustee will on the 26th day of July,' 1927, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil- 1 liamston, N. C., offer for resale, required by law, at public auction, to t'ie highest bidder for oa»h, the fol- | lowing described real estate: A one-half undivided interest in lands described as follows: On. the north by lands of Joe Modlin, on east by JamesviUe and Washington Land Co., on the south by JamesviUe and Washington I .and Co., and on 'the north by Grimsthaw land and con taining 1(M) acres, more or less, and known as G rims haw land, this being one-half of the Grimshaw land. This th j 7th day of July, 1927. HENRY C. JACKSON, jyl2 2t Trustee. •Wheeler Martin, attorney. NOTICE Under and by virtue of Jie power of sale contained in that certain deed j of trust executed to the undersigned i trustee, on the 19th day of June, 1925, and of record in Marin County regis try, in book Q-2; patre 407, securing certain bonds of even date therewith, We Are Distributors of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORA TALKING. MACHINES All Standard Makes MJ| EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Write for Prices and Terms One of ear salesmen will gladly demonstrate one ia your heme. AH the Latest Records •and Sheet Music * Russ Bros. Williamston, N. C. Washington, N. C. Pljrmaath. N. C. Things IOA hink About By JAMBS D. TAYLOR REWARDS Everybody is cheering Lin4bergh. He deserves it He is among the very few who receive recognition while they walk ,the earth. But ail those who/do great things are recognized time somewhere. * Recently a small pamphlet, "Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam," by . • l: 1" , " EdwaM Fitzgerald, sold at 'a book (.ale for the large sutn of $3,200. There were 250 printed originally, ard the author gave 200 to the pub lisher free of charge. The publisher ! * \ " ' _ sold them-for 1 one cent each. Another book, Gissings' "Workers in the Dawn," was sold the other day for the sum of $1,175. Hissing was little heard of until after he died. Before he died in Switzerland, he lived for a while in Chicago, and his diet was peanuts. Both he and Fitz gerald passed through life ahnost un heralded, but they left behind workF ti make them immortal. The things we do may seem small to us, but little do we know what 'hey may amount to in time. and the stipulations not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bonds, the under signed will, on the Ist day of August, 1!)27, at the courthouse door of Mar tin County, at 12 o'clock noon, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following uescri'oed land: Situate in Poplar Point Township, Martini County,» N. C., adjoining the lands of J. I. T.-.ylor.rJohn A. Pierce, and others, and bounded on the north by the lied Ilcebuck Estate; on the east by Wm. Janies Cobum; on the south by the lands of John A. Pierce, and on the west by the lands of J. 1. Taylor, known as "The John Hurst iHiids." It being the lands devised Edmondson by her father, John Hurst; and containing seventy- acres, more or less, and de scribed more definitely as follows: Beginning at a litfhtwood stump on the south side of Wild Cat road; th«n up mi id road to Jesse I. Taylor's line, a Vomer, a gum; thence down Bates Branch to a gum on the opposite side of the canal; thance south across the marsh to the hill to a piiyt; thence east to John A. Fierce's line, a corner, a stump; thence a straight line to the 666 is • Prescription for MALARIA, CHILLS ANI) FEVER, DBNGI'E OK BILIOUS FEVER , It Kills the Cerm. > CARLOAD SHINGLES Best Quality at .the Lowest Price Let Us Quote You . Prices Before Buying Barnhill Brothers Williamston, N. C. FUNERAL DIRECTORS and V LICENSED EMBALMER DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE I havr bought the undertaking establishment formerly owned by Mr. F. L. Edwards, and have secured the service* of Mr. Harper * Holliday, an qxpwt funeral director and licensed embalmer, Excellent Strvice at Most Reasonable Price B. S. Courtney WILLMMSTON, N. G Day Phone 118 .. Night Phone 44 ...... ~jj A' . I - v . ■ - d - THE ENTERPRISE - WILLIAMSTON. W. C. beginning stump on the Wild Cat road, and being the 'dentical prem ises described in the deed from Jas. R. Edmondaon and wife, Mary Ed mondson, t* W. It. Silvcrthorne, of record in the public registry of Mar» tin County in book SSS, at page 511, reference to which is hereby made. This the Ist day of July, 1927. H G. HORTON, jyß 4tw Trustee. NQTICK OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue pf a power of sale con tained in that certain.jleed jaf trust executed by Birt Mayo and wife, Liz zie Mayo, ttfs&hc undersigned trustee, and bearing Tlate of April 12, 1920, and of record in the j»ublic registry of Martin County in book C-2, at page 371 to 374, said deed of trust | having been given to secure the pay- I ment of a certain note of even date £ nd tenor therewith, and default hav ing been made in the payment of said I note, and the terms and conditions | in said deed of trust not having been Report of the condition of the PLANTERS * MERCHANTS BANK at Everetts, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business June 30, 1927. RESOURCES Loans and diacouAte $159,597.92 Demand loans 6,205.00 United States Hands anil Liberty Bond- --- 8,400.60 North Carolina State bonds 8,000.00 Ail other Mocks, bond. l -, and mortgages 5,850.00 1 I tanking houses. $3,500.00; furniture and fixtures, 12,885.00 - - 6,385.00; Cash in vault and net a nwunts due from banks, bankers, and trust com panies 17,579.47 Cash items JieM over 24 hours j_ . * 619.62 ?• Total $204,586.91 LIABILITIES Capftal stock paid in $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided profile, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid - 1,041.0* Dividends unpaM 169.50 Bills payable 18,000.00 i Deposits subject to check, individual ... 65,661.23 j Deposits due State of N. C. and any official there- * _ cf 12,641.10 Cashier's check t- outstand ing 407.91 Time certificates of deposit due oil or after 30 duys 78,153.73 Reserve fund —J 3,622.36 Total 5204,5X6.91 State of North Carolina—County of Martin, July 8, 1927. I, Paul Bailey, Cashier of the a bove-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. PAUL BAILEY, Cashier. Subscribed 1 and sworn to before me tiiis Bth day of July, 1927. 1 ' DOROTHY TAYLOR, Notary Public. Cr rrect—Attest: V. G. TAYLOR, J. S. AYERS, HENRY D. PEEL, I>ire-tors. complied with, and at the requeal of the holder of Mid note, the under signed trustee will, on Monday, the Btli day of Augutft, 1927, at 12 o'- clock m., at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamaton, N. C., offer at public *ale to the highest bid der for cash the following described real estate, to wit: Being the lands bought by Sylvester Mayo from T. B. Slade, known for merly by Isaac Sherrod land, and deed ed by said Slade to Sylvester Mayo by deed dated the 20th of Au gust, 1903, Martin County* registry, in book K. K. K., on page 424, June the 15th, 1904, and described as fol jj&jvs: Bounded on the north and west by the lands formerly owned by Mrs. M. A. Rawls, on the south by Mrs. M. L. Lawrence and the late J. W. Sher rod & Bro., and on the east by Mrs. M. L. Lawrence and known as a part of the Rawls land, and deeded by Mrs. M. L. Lawrence to Isaac Sherrod and containing twenty acres, more or less. This 2nd day of July, 1&27, jyS 4tw R. H. SALSBURY. NOTICE Under and by virtue of a judgment ' in the cause D. G. Matthews vs. Cliff 1 Sherrod, the undersigned commission er, will, on the Ist day >f August, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door of Martin County, offer at public sale to the highest bidder, 1 for cash, the following described real ; estate: One residence listed in Goose Nest : Township by Sam William.'-., said property being ourchased by D. G. Matthews on the 2nd day of Novem ber, 1925, to which tax certificate of sale reference is hereby made for a full description, and said property be , ing now in the possession of Cliff ! Sherrod. This the Ist day of July, 1927. B. A. CRITCHER, jyß 4tw Commissioner. £Modern smokers praise the I integrity of Camels THIS ii the age of frankness and plain-speaking, and i( rates Camel first among cigarettes. _TT^_ For Camel is that kind of • smoke. Camel is all quality and no alae front or show. Camels we made of the choic- frK est Turkish and Domestic tobaccos grown—no substitutes. And the finest blending, ever given a cigarette. It is Camel character that has won the smokers of today J —such honesty of taste and fragrance as never was known « I in a cigarette before. Youll find all dreams of mwlriwg _ ■ pleasure realised in this modern, quality cigarette. 1 >=? SSSSMaXM - %BT TOBACCO TRUCKS i " "Tff r ■'■ J • •• w v: % " ~1 : : '• _ ♦ " ' • r '■ We haxe a large supply of tobacco trucks • ready for immediate delivery. See us be fore you buy. We have the quality at your price # m 1 1 Blount Manufacturing Co. Williaraston, N. C. —————— President Coolidge is catching: big rain bows trout up in the Black Hill streams — and they are striking in local streams, too. Have you been out this year with bright new flies and a singing reel? If not, you are missing many happy hours. Before the start visit our fishing goods department. Here you will find all that is new in equipment from which you will want to fill out your kit. There is every needed item in many different weights and sizes and you will find just your favorite —line — reel—or rod. And Our Prices Are Always Most Reasonable CULPEPPER . Hardware Company Willi am ston Elizabeth City Ed en ton