■ 11,1,1 ' " ' / - v r """ —— THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILUAMSTON, NOUTH CAROLINA W. C. Manning L Editor Subscription Rates IN MAKTIN COUNTY 1 year -■-■■■. . sl*so 6 months OUTSIDE MARTIN CO I NT V 1 year ' - &2.00 6 months ;■ i-'*® No Subscription Will Be Received for Less Than Six Months Advertising Rate Card Will Be Furnished Upon Application Entered at the pos-t office at Williamaton, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Address all communications Jo The Enterprise and wH-to-jndi vidual members of the company. TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1927 — I "V Eastern Banks Show Favorable Statements The banks of eastern North Caro-| (MM); surplus, $4,200; and undivided Una are beginning to reflect" better , profits, $8,400. The total of deposits business conditions than have existed j is #41(1,000. for a number of years. This is es- ; The Bank of Bethel, another pota pecially true of the trucking sections, j to town, also reports a large amount where the crops of peas, beans, straw- jof cash on hand. The same can be ( berries, and potatoes have already j said -of the Elizabeth City banks, been marketed. which handle most of the banking Aurora is doubtless the center of business of the truckers of that see the greatest potato section in the (ion, as well as most of that from State, not in area but in volume per Tyrrell County, another potato-grow acre. i»g county. The statement of the batik of Au- This proves the wisdom of diver rora shows that it evidently has more .-ity. When a community produces available cash in proportion, to its crops enough to bring nn income all liabilities than any bank in our own along through the year, it has more State as well as in many other States, advantages than the section that has Ai the call for statements by the cor- io depend on one or two. crops for poration commission on June 30, thi* ill its income. bank reported, in its resources, SSO,- A cotton county can not get rich 000 loans and discounts; and $353,- and independent; neither can a pea -637.33 cash on hand and in banks, nut nor a tobacco county call itself The capital stock of this bank is sl4,- independent on its one product. - Tobacco Markets Should Open Karlier —— * Are the tobacco companies giving. tin? prices. They wait to hear orders the tobacco farmers a fair deal in de- in detail from the combined executive laying the opening of the warehouses cooperative trust office in New \ ork. so long? The farmers may complain about The farmers will complete curing thin year at least three weeks before the opening, which means the farmei will have to wait with nothing to do; because if he graSes his tobacco ami lets it lie, it means much damaged tobacco unless the most favorable weather prevails. The late opening will cause such i rush on the markets that it will meai a constant block, and the tobacco cm not be properly warehoused If the warehouses could open twi weeks earlier than the date now set they will be able to absorb the rush which is sure to occur unless the dati is changed. We find no farmer who does no want an earlier opening; the sami applies to warehousemen; and, so fu as we know, to the buyers. Hut nom of them have a thing to say tha counts in fixing the opening date oi FELT VERY POORLY Weak and Run-Down Missouri Woaao Gat Strong aid WelL Sty* Carta Started Her Oi Road To Health. Clarksburg, Mo.—Mrs. T. G. Harris, of this place, says: "For two yaars I was in vary poor boalth. Soma of tha time I was al most past going. I was vary weak and nut-down. 1 triad to make the most of what little strength I had by fre quent rests, bat I could find nothing which would start me on the road to health again, until one day I de cided to try Cardui. ' • *T had heard about other women who had bosn benefited after taking it. so I Mads op my mind to see what it would do for me. I took Cardei for several months «■" was *wy —«hi gratified with the results. jssssssa /■■■l M«!I 111 !h iff/ fir Economical Tr»mf9rt»h*m | > : i for Everybody, Everywhere s T I X HE , ""tomobile Has brought the doHwhhin«Hvreti-hov«f ' JL nation s wonder places and play' »di »»ved roada. vi.it grounds within the reach of everybody, I'hVTrri'rt c "" fur ' * *1 everywhere. And all of them await you when you own a Chevrolet! j Select the model that meets your pref erence and requirements from the The National Parks Each one is a splendid quality car. are open . Each provides the power and depend- Interesting Placet worTj* o iri , hl ability for which Chevrolet is world Everywhere rSSj famous. Each provides luxurious com oT.r r .xi roadb. Ail lend tort and easy riding and each sells at a . i'U« of intiw and i*.u - MT °*- " S — remarkably low price, on exceptionally moment' Mn« easy terms! ,ur,J °" s,ont *>(**•""*■ THeCWb $ 595 The Lwidiu $745 Sedan D !° r . 695 AQC An Ideal Golfer', Great Outdoors The Snort m f " (CWaiaoal>) Vacation Fishing and bathing are Cabriolet . 715 ... . Many ii»ller« ipviuJ (hair vacation relaxation, thai" t-«DrlOlet - All prtceaf.o.b. Hint, Mich. vacatkwia lourinu from ceuntlaaa thouaandamjo* Check Chevrolet Delivered Prieaa t«w»» coarae. enjoying Thank alwaya a convao- wneca laevroKl ucuvma rrices ,| ia cuxomar* couttcy law lake or Mfi all— They Inrluda tha lowaat handling and financing I llatu privilege*. A different par TNmaOmU available. to «haa al wt; day I I . . - , • ' HARRIS PEEL MOTOR Motor Company COMPANY Roberoonville, N. C. Williamston, N. C. QUALITY A_ T LOW C^O 8 T , , K K ' ' ~ J / «fu , / .7' ~ ' 'fc:-, .di „ ' . - .. 'k v the loss of two weeks' time on ac- ! Every farmer and every other man count of a late opening. They can 1 who has an interest in his welfare, say that that the delay will force | should enter his protest against the | them to put all their tobacco on the j aibitrary fixing of dates for opening ! market at the same time they have ! tobacco markets. We know it will do ito pick cotton, gather corn, and dig-very little good. Yet it may show potatoes, forcing too much work in the lords of the harvest that the toil too short a time. ' ers have »om wishes in the matter. Is Agricultural Department the (ioat? It is very gratifying to know that Commissioner Craham has reduced the expenditures in his department during the past year. If every blanch of our State government has saved in like proportion, it will mean a very neat sum in the aggregate. Yet we can hardly think that Will ibe the case. No annoucement of a great saving has yet been made In any other department, such as the legal, the legislative, the judicial, or the executive. Economy is such a fine word that | almost everybody loves to hear it, es- I pecially the farmers of the country. j It may be, after all, that the economy I comes from a reduction in the serv- I: j ice rendered the farmer. They may | be patching up his old clothes and cut | ting one meal a day, or reducing the WANTS ■ HOME RAISED MEAT, LAUD, i corn and hay for sale. Joshua L. \ Coltrain. jyß 6tpd WANTED: HOGS WEIGHING from 35 to 125 pounds. H. H.' Cowan, Williamaton. jc-24 stp' j I APARTMENTS FOR RENT: STEAM heal, water and- other modem conveniences. Apply to Mrs. J. G.! i Staion. ' jy-12-2 .1 1 j APARTMENTS FOR KENT:STEAM heat, water and other mod -rn con veniences. Apply to Mrs. J. C.'Staton. jy-12-2 'i STORE FOR RENT WITH STEAM | heat and water; good location. Ap jV?" to-'Mrs. J. U. Staton. jy-12-2 \[ S'l ORE FOR RENT: GOOD LOCA- 1 *r » tion with steam heat anil water.! f Apply to Mis. J. G. StalonTt , jy-12-2 j SEVERAL THOUSAND TOBACCO sticks for sale at my mill in James* ville, N. C. Place your order before rush comes. Luther Hardison. jylß 4 THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, N. C. quality of service rendered him. i . The published report does not show j whether the saving is in departmental salaries, office expense, or whether it is an abridgment of service rendered. If it comes from withholding service that the farmer seriously needs, but in his clamor for economy can beat j along without,, then it is nothing to I brag about. But, on th- other if every person connected with th«Nj"partment j has doubled his determination to give j much service for less money, then they will be approved and commend ed. All the figures -will tell the tale. Week-End TRIPS Hound Trip Reduced Fares from Fares from Other Points in Proportion 1 . Wrightsville Beach $7.95 I Norfolk T. $5.35 Virginia Beach $5.93 Tickets on sale Fridays and Sat urdays, good until midnight follow ing Tuesday. Round Trip Summer Excursion I Tickets on*sale daily to resorts in Canada and the United States, good until 'October 31. We are prepared to serve you. V. D. GODWIN, T. A. Williamstou. N. C. I'hone 45 ATLANTIC COAST LINE -JL NOTICE OF RESALE OF REAL EBTATE North Carolina, Martin County. In the superior court, before the -clerk. Eliza Spruill and husband, Willie Sprpill, Cordelia Reddick and hus band, Mack Reddick, Carrie Brown and husband, Haywood Brown, C. B. Everett and Lelia Everett, by their next friend, J. S. Get singer, vs. William Sheppard, Lewis Shep pard and Ida Rogers. Pursuant to an order of resale made ! by It. J. Peel, clerk of the superior ! court of Martin County on the 10th | c!»y of June, 1927, the hereinafter de scribed lands having been heretofore advertised and sold, and the bid hav ing been raised as provided by law, the undersigned commissioners will on Saturday, the 30th day of July, 1927, at 12 o'clock nOon, in front of the I courthouse door of Martin County, in the town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash ) the following described lands, to wit: Being known and designated as lot j No. 3 allotted to James Sheppard in j the land division of William Sheppard of record in land division too* No. 1, Renew Your Health By Purification r- Any physician will tell you >nat "Perfect Puriin rjn of thy Sys tem is Nature j tuundation of Perfect Health." Wby net rid yourself of chronic ailment-i that are undermining your vitality? j Purify your entire system by tak-' | ing a thorough coujfSe of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for ceveral weeks—and see how Nt.ture re wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family j package, with full directions. On j ly 35 cts. at drugstores. (Adv). Another Car Roofing Five V. Galvanized Roofing Cheap for Cash Culpepper Hardware Co. Elizabeth City WILLIAMSTON Edenton Gold M Store" Williamston, N. C. Washington Street J. DAVID THROWER, Local Manager \ . We have one of the largest stocks of fancy and staple groceries in Williamston. Our prices are the lowest, and our quality the best. Our new manager will be pleased to serve you. Make our store your headquarters. # T O CI * 1 Saturday f* 1 Sugar Special o n i y 62c Plate meat, lb 16c Lard, pure lGc Side meat, lb 19c Cheese, best Ameircan, 1b... 32c Campbell's pork and beans, 3 cans for 25c Tea, Gold Star, lb. 73c ■ i Lard, Old Glory, lb 12 l-2c Coffee, Gold Star, lb 45c STAR NAPTHA POWDER extra special, 3 for 11c Loose vinegar, gallon 40c Good molasses, gallon 80c FRUIT JARS RED WING GRAPE JUICE * I" *. *• i ' - , Ball Brand, 1-2 gallon, doz. $1.45 Pint 21c Ball Brand, 1 quart, d0z.... $1.05 Quart 39c Ball Brand, pint, doz. 95c 4 oz. 10c • • s ' at page 288, beginning- at a pine sec ond corner of lot No. 2, thence S. 53 1-2 E 8 poles to a lightwood post; thence S. about 58 1-2 E. about 52 ' poles to the run of Great Branch; thence up the run of said branch to its fork; thence N. 13 12 E. 51 and 1-5 poles to a post in Ed Peel's line; thence iN. about 45 3-4 W. to the i third cfcrner of lot No. 2; thence J>. j 13 1-4/ W. 158 poles to the begin . ning, containing 50 acres, mqrv or ■ less, and which was deeded to Mary J N. Sheppard by James Sheppard by ; .» ■1 lama j 'i \ /' i I should be killed! i • . I \ Bee Brand Powdtr or \ Liquid kills Flies jjeas, t j V Mosquitoes, Roaches, J \ Ants, Water Bugs, Bed i | \ Bugs, Moths, Crickets, \ Poultiy Lice and many > j other insects. I Powder Liquid / ioc and 2sc 50c and 75c / 50c and Si .00 ti.as f 3QC Spray Onn. 35c ft Writeforfree / Jut house and garden insects I McCormick A Co. Baltimore, Md. Brand j INSECT dffcgj $0?; LIQUID deed recorded in book YYY, at page 553, feference to which is hereby made for description. This the Uth day of July, 1927. ELBERT S. PEEL,' HUGH G. HORTON, jylß 2tw Commissioners. (ran The music room is usually one of the most popular spots I in anybody's home. Could you buy a new piano and its acces sories today? Suppose they should burn tonight? Thin agency of the Hartford j , Fire Insurance Co. will in sure your household goods and personal belongings. j JE. POPE Insurance Agency WILLIAMSTON, N. C. I'hone 87 •43 ■waaanMHßßaßMaamMaaMmaMMM

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