Watch the Labol On Your Paper; It Carrie* the Date Your Subscription Expire*. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 40 Physicians of 3 Counties Meet Here Thursday Prominent Doctors Will Be Guests of the Medical Society The Tri-County Medical society, composed of doctors of Beaufort, Pitt and Martin counties, and one of tho best organizations of ils~ kind in the State will hold one of its largest meetings ever held when plans ma terialize here next Thursday night. Dr. William E. Warren, who is a moving spirit of the organization, with the other doctors of the county, is planning both an enjoyable and in teresting meeting. There will be guests from all the eastern towns of the State. Dr. John T. Burras, presi dent of the N. C. Medical society, of High Point; Dr. B. L. Hurtman, head of the Marriot clinic, of St. Louis; Dr. Charles O. H. Laughinghouse, secretary and State health officer and Dr. Cy Thompson, of Jacksonville, will be special guests and will ap pear on the program. The banquet will be given at the Atlantic hotel. The meeting will be called to order by President Dr. K. M. Brown, of Washington, N. C. Mayor K. L, Co burn will make the address of wel come and Dr. M. T. Krizzelle, of Ay den, will respond to Mr. Cohurn's welcome. Dr. E. wl. Long, of Hamilton, will read a paper, "Eclampsia". Dr. S. M. Crisp, of Greenville, has prepared a paper on the simple method of re moving slight obstructions due to food. Dr. Crisp will read his paper before the meeting and it will b# of much interest. Other numbers on the program in trude a paper by Dr. Joshua Taylor 111, of Washington, N. C., "Cystos copy as an Aid to tho Diagnosis of Kidney Lesions". Doctors Hurrus, Hartman, Laughinghouse and Cyrus Thompson will have remarks to make before the meeting. At this meeting new officers for the society will be elected. Requiring Wagon Lights Gets First Test The law, requiring ail horse-lrawn vehicles traveling tha ( highways of the State, and which went into effect the first of this k rnonth, hud is first test last week when an automobile ran into a wagon bearing no light. The case was in Wake county, and when carried into court, the trial judge luid no fine on the violators, only taxing them with the cost in the case.- Those driving the roads say that few or any people are observing the law so far. The State Highway Commission ha* not adopted any special make of lamp up until this time, and everybody stems to be waiting to find out just what to do. Few folks are traveling by any other method than the uuto row. Hut when they do travel aftet dark without lighis, their drivers ar« fiubjeet to a fine of $50.00. Find Liquor in Store House at Oak City Sheriff A. L. Roebuck and Deputy {?. H. Grimes entered the storehouse cf Norman Jones at Oak City with a search warrant Saturday night and found three une-gallon jugs full of liquor, two-pint bottles nearby and a huge number of jugs and bottles and j; lasses freshly emptied. Jones was arrested and placed in jail. He was released yesterday morn ing under a S4OO bond for his ap pea ranee in Recorder's court. This is the second time Sheriff Roe buck has caught Jones. Sheriff Kob erson also found him with liquor on several occasions. STRANr\ THEATRE | J WEDNESDAY Tom Tyler in "THE CYCLONE of THE RANGE" Bobby Vernon in "WATCH OUT" and FREE TICKET FOR FRIDAY Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE i H Property Values in Robersonville Gain Tobacco Crop Varies Greatly Beaufort Said To Have Best Crop; Martin's Reported Good Mr. Victor Shclburne says that at the present time the appearance of the tobacco crop indicates that East ern Carolina will have a clean, bright crop, but not a heavy one. He pre dicts the crop will be about 25,000,000 pounds short of the one produced last year. He says that the quality may change with unfavorable weather prevailing, but at the present it can be classed as f,ood. However, his opinion is that the crop will be short regardless of the hind of weather, but bad weather con ditions can bring about un even great er shortage. He thinks the Beaufort county crop, as a whole, is perhaps the best of any of the counties in this section, but he finds the crop good in most places in Martin and Washington counties. The Hertie crop is generally ••utisfactory. Some sections of Pitt and many of Greene county's are said to have very light crops. Sanatoria in the Cure of Tuberculosis Sanatorium, July 18.—Sanatoria have contributed greatly to the eradi cation of tuberculosis Dr. Lewis Ham. man, Haltimoiy, Md., said in a paper read before the National Tuberculosis association, meeting in Indianapolis, Ind., in May. Sanatoria hava restored many tu borculosis patients to health and have prevented the outbreak of the diseas* in many others" by affording suitable treatment, especially in childhood, at thr protuberculous statft These hrm-ftf nf treathicvi. liav. been the hopeful, encouraging appeal of the anti-tuberculosis campaign that has stimulated universal inter est and support. More than any other agency, it has been fruitful in spreading an intimate and quickening knowledge of the di sease. By caring for hundreds of thousands oi" tuberculous patients it has taken the mout of the community for from six months to a year and thus greatly reduced the übiquitous spread of the tubercle bacillus. Hy careful, scientific observation i*. has added important information to our knowledge of the disease. The success of sanatorium treat nient, and the interest thereby stimu lated in the methods employed, has had an important influence in form ing the modern vogue for out-of-door living, proper eating, and other hy p.ienic habits. The principles of sanatorium treat ment have had a far reaching effect upon medical practice, teaching phy sicians the great value of simple measures carried out consistently and persistently in chronic infectious and states of exhaustion. Corn and Hay Barn Destroyed By Fire The corn and hay barns and to bacco pack house on the Joel Bennett estate were burned about dusk Fri day. The cause of the fire is unknown. There was no insurance on the build ings nor the contents. Mr. Bennett had cleaned up the packhouac, ready to put his tobacco in Saturday morning Between sixty and seventy barrels of corn and a larg4 amount of hay were burned. The buildings were valued at several hundred dollars. Runs Ford Roadster into Tree Near Here LawrencejGriffln, young white man of the Griffins District, had a very narrow escape late yesterday after roon when he ran his car, a Ford roadster, into a tree at the home of his father. Mr. Griffin was planning to tum his car from the ro*d, but turned his head at the call of a boy in the yard, and when he looked back to the road his car was too far along to make the curve. He applied his brakes, and this had a tendency to throw the front end of the car right lj>fo the tree. The car was badly damaged, and Mr. Qriffin is fortunate in that he escaped injury. 1 Mrs. J. H. Ponder, of Philadelphia, has returned to her home after an ex tended visit with her sister, Mrs. G H. Dickey. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, July 19,1927 Six One-Half Per Cent. Increase Over That Of Last Year While the county tax assessments for this year showed a decrease of abound a quarter million dollars in property valuations, they increased in some sections. Even in " the sec tions where the valuation was increas ed there was an offset, not as great ir. some cases, however, as the in creased assements. Robersonville business property shows a gain of six and one-half per cent, in value over that shown on tho list of last year. Taking 28 business houses there, it was found that eleven carried the same value assigned last year, while fourteen grouped gained $16,800 and three lost $6,500. A complete list ol all the business houses would make some change in the rate of gain, probably, but in determining the six t\nd one-half rate increase, those pieces of property assessed at SISOO. and over are figured. Adkins and Bailey warehouse, $»,- 500; gain SSOO. Bailey and Barnhill, store $5,000; Fame as last year. Bank of Robersonville, bank build ing, $14,000; sume as last year. Rank of Robersonville, old build ing, $5,000; loss $3,000. Hank of Robersonville, re-drying plant, $5,000; loss $2,000. Cox Motor company, storage house. $2,350; gain $1,150. Mrs. R. H. Hargrove, store $5,000; same as lust year. J. M. Highsmith, store lot, $6,000, gain, $2,300. J. O. Highsmith, store, $:!,500; gain SBOO. W. T. Hurst, store, $2,500; gain 4700. Ed James, store, $.1,000j same as lust year. W. R. Jenkins, store $4,000; same as last year. R. J. Nelson, store $3,000; gain SI,OOO. . -i MB. Mary A Page, store SII,OOO. siMrt® as lust year. Geo. I). Uoberson hofrs, store $I ,- 500; gain $250. J. H. Koberson, jr. guano factory $1,600; same a:i last year. J. H. Koberson, jr., store and lot $21,500; same sis lust year. Mary C. Koberson, mill and gin, $1,000; gain. s2oo. Robersonville Ice and Coal com pany, $2,500; gain $1,01)0. W. M. Scales and company, factory and lot, $13,500; loss $1,500. R. L. Smith, drug store and post office, $4,500; gain SSOO. R. L. Smith, hotel, $8,500; same us last year. R. I* Smith, rtore, $4,000; same as last year. R. L. Smith and company, store, $7,000; same js last year. A. E. Smith, hardware store, $1.1,- 500; gain $2,500. Doctors Ward, $3,000; gain S4OO. C. L. Wilson, store lot, SS,(KM); gain $8,600. Chamber Commerce Dance Next Week The local chamber of commerce will stage a dance ih the Hrick warehouse here next week. At a recent meeting of the body, it was decided to hold a dance in an effort to clear the organization of several old accounts that have been overhanging the treasurer ot-the or ganization during the recent months, The assessments made at u meeting a year ago fell® a little under the e** pense during the year, and it is ths hope of the officers that the proceeds from the dance will clear the indebted ness from the books, and that it will, not be necessary to increase the as« sessments this year to carry on the organization's work. Chamber Commerce , Meeting Robersonville Many local people will attend a barbecue and county meet of the Kast* era Carolina Chamber of Commerce at Robersonville tonight. The meeting is not limited to mem bers, but a large number of visitors will be present. Martin county is being to increase its membership in the or ganization and it is hoped that sub« stantial increase will take place to night. For each membership in a town or county ,Mr. N. G. Bartlett, the secre tary, is giving a full page advertise ment of the county or town. Already he is taking ten pages of Williamston and the county, showing them in the northern" and western country where they will be seen by hundreds of thousands of people.. They will also b« shown to the petfple of our State Inter in the toll. *** Most Farmers Insure Tobacco Curing Barns No Fire Losses Have Deen Reported in County So Far According to several of the lead ing insurance men hen, around 60 per cent, of the farmers in this coun ty are insuring their tobacco barns this year. The agents fifrther sJUteu that the majority of t'e insurance was sold to farmers ha\nir only onu and two tobacco barns. As compared with the amount of to bacco barn insurance gold last year, it wp stated by the agents' to be aiound 10 per cent, greater this year. Last year many barn* were lost in •lie county by fire, and hi the most of the case?, insurance covered the losa No losses have been reported so far this Reason, but it is too early to figure on this year's outcome. Many farmers did not stop when they in sured their tobacco barns, but many of them are buying insurance to cov er their packhouses and contents. An Appreciation of Rev. A. J. Manning By C. H. DICKEY Like his Master, he meek and tovvly of heart Like Him again, he \v lit about doing good, I knew Hro. Manning for about eighteen months. 1 kijew him as neighbor, fellow-townsman and preacher. And in this brief time he endeared himself to me us few men could have donet And now that he is k'one, I fino ir.yself inquiring what it was about the man t#ut drew out the love, re spect and affection of such a largo body of people? He was utterly un pretentious; he was uiu.aiiuming; he was never obtrusive. But he was a gentleman of the first order. He had the respect of the people. And aloiiK with that, their confidence. He wai harmless, innocent and humble. H» \vau-cpurteous, genteel and affable. to me that tie secret ot Ills popularity* anf the'seeret of The great love we all bad for him was tho belief, possessed by U'e average man, woman and child that Ilro. Manning was a K«°d man! He was not a pro found .scholar; neither was he whai the world calls u great preacher. Hut he was a KOOU man. And goodness at tracts, Its opposite does not. Hro. Manning enjoyed the unbounded con fidence of Kreat numbers of his cit izens because they hud confident-* that he was a nobly good maij, and that he was seeking primarily the good of all. .Shortly before Jesus died, he gird ed Himself with a towel and washed thi feet of His disciples. Then, he told them that they should wash each t Iher's feet. The world has not a #ieed on what *esus meant by this command. Hut i v seems to me that liro. Manning got at its secret meaiu ing in its fullest essence. The great-, est tribute I can pay him is that he washed the feet of Martin County And I mean by this that he was thf county's servant. Jesus said that ho j who would be greatest should be the I M rvant of all. And surely this con stitutes the greatness that was em ! bodied in Bro, Manning He preached, i he baptized, he taught. He married, he buried and he gave consolation Perhaps no minister in ths county has done more real..service./or the people ['than he. There was no home too humble for his ministrations; no jwrson too poor ft»r his ronsideration. The calls which Came to him thick and fast from all set-lions of the county were answered, and often, quite often, at his own i xpense. Here was a preucher of whom nc oneTtould say that he worked for money. Much of what he did meant very little to him financially; and a great deal of it was done at his e - vn personal ex pense. He loved, huaanity and he leved to serve it. It would be difficult to find a man who has ilone as much service without compensation as has l!io. A. J. Manning. He washed ti«- feet of the people! His going causes some of us to wonder what it is that makes life wrth-while, anyhow. Those who at tended his- funeral services and Wit nessed the great crowd of people as s mbled, and heard the sweet trib utes paid him by those who knew him, mr.y well ask themselves what sort of life is it that thus ends so hap pily? It was not a life of great possessions; for like his Master ne died without possession. It was not fame; for he was not widely knowii outside a few counties. It was not serial positions; for he gave . 'ittle thought to that. The things which engage the thoughts and vitalities of men were not .in the realm of what constituted his achievements. After all, I wonder if simple serv ice—good deeds by a maw to men— I wonder if this isn't tht beat that life offers us? I think so. That's where his power and success lay. He To Advertise Market at Many Martin County People To Attend Formal Opening Of Chowan Bridge Favorable Weather Will Have to do With Size of Crowd r rr Williamston ami other MPrtimw if Williamston and other sections of Martin county will attend ohe Chow an bridge opening in large numbers tomorrow. Edenton and Geenville are about the same distance from Williamston, and while it is a common thing to go to Greenville, only a few of our peo ple have ever visited Edenton. t:p until five jjjurs ,ago, the Roanoke blocked us and after we had conquer ed the Roanoke, we found the Chowan even more in the way. Now that has been overcome, it is very easy to see Edenton in less than an hour any time. Edenton has more history than most of the towns of the State and even with the handicap of a small section of country; to draw from , it has steadily grown to be a .nice and piosperous town. It has |>rofited great ly from tin ferries both across the Chowan aiu. tho Albemarle. Washington county in the past few years has furnished the town a large volume of business of trade by using the ferry. Bertie lias done the same, The bridge will do away with the ferries across the Chowan, but it I.s said the Edenton merchants will not stand to see the Albemarle ferries stop bringing them that rich Wash ington county business. Kdenton and her citizens have promised everybody a good time a; the celebration tomorrow and with fceod weather prevailing, one of the largest crowds in this section's his tory will assemble there. Farmers Busy in This Section Housing Crop These are busy days with the farm ers in this section. In the early morn ing numbers of trucks come in from miles around, gathering laborers to aid in the housing of tobacco. It is hard to find > a person without a job except an occasional fellow who does not want one. Kef urn to lex an and Tcnnfuwc homes Mr. Clay W. Hall and Mrs. Head Williams, of l.a Peria, Texas, anl Mrs. Eula Hall Dawson, of Marris town, Tenn., left yesterday after a few days' visit with their sister, Mrs. C. H. Dickey and Mr. Dickey. • Mrs. Clyde Anderson and little daughter, Uelsy, Mr. Smith and Miss Taylor, of Tarboro,. spent Sunday with Mr, ami Mrs. J. H. Hritt. Mrs. Mark Itufttn- and children, of Tarboro, are visiting Mrs. iiuffin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hritt. LIGHTNING DORS DA MACK TO TKLKPHONKM AND LIGHTS A lightning bolt, striking near here yesterday caused much damage t.i telephones and lights. The effect of the jightninu, bolt centered in the Main street cable and burned out several street lamps. The damage was rot serious, however. had the love and respect of the coun ty: and why? Simply because he had served the people. It may be that with this conception of his life, he, being dead, will still speak to us. i shall miss him. And I shall not fcrget him, I shall always be thank* ful that my corning to Martin County brought me in touch with that good man. He brought out the best thers was in me, He encouraged whatever there was of good; he repressed what was not good. 1 heard him preach but a time or two; but I shall not foiget the simple, plain way in which ho spoke of righteousness and about («cd. His type of preaching was motivated by love—he appealed to the best in his people. There was n» censure, no bitterness. He loved them, His Master loved theiu. And the peov pie who both God aid the pastor lov e! must themselves be ministered to in terms of love. I called on him to pray often, when he came to my church, and he came t> great dea, when it was possible. How i'. awed me and subdued me to hear him speak to his Heavenly Father! I declare the simple manner of ad jjress to God, and the earnest way H> which he did it, reduced prayer for me to the ;impl» process of talking with Jesus. That's what Hro. Man ning did. I can hear him now as he said, "Father". I shall miss him. liut'l expect to see him agafn. Local Tobacco Bridge Opening* 1 Ordinances of Town Revised Shingle Roofs Will Not Be Permitted When Ordinances Pass ' Mayor Robert L. Coburn is busy this week collecting anil classifying ' the ordinances governing the town. : The list will be carried before the town commissioners at their next 1 meeting for revision. It has become necessary, accord ing to Mr. Coburn, to add many sec tions to those now existing to taka care of the dangers caused by tire, truffle and other things. He says th# shingle roof must go, also the chim rey where the hricks are laid on their edges, if we are to be safe from the destruction of fire. It will be several weeks yet before the ordinaces make their appearance, but once they are out, it is expected that law enforcement will be more strict. Prospect of (iuano Factory Still (iood While there has been no outward work done toward the bringing of the guano factory here, it j> u riders toon that the prospect for its establish ment here is still good. The railroad company has not yet given its assurance that it will re. build the mile of road necessary to r uch the factory, it is almost certain that the prospect for this as well us other plants will more than justify the company in making the extension. 11- fact, the railroad cannot well af ford riot to rebuild the track. At the present time it seems as It tin- project is up to the Coast Line railroad. The land is ready, the money is ready and the-men are waiting for the railroad to say go. J. F. Murphy Will Have Charge Nat Keiss Shows J. K. Murphy, general manager of the Nat lteiss Shows, will direct the amusement features of the big fair to be staged here the week of Sep- tember 27, under the direction of ths Roanoke Fair Association on the fair grounds. Although young in years, Mr. Murphy is old in experience, and he has successfully engineered some of the biggest outdoor amusements in America. He is the uncompromising foe of indecent amusements and un fair concussions, and with the Nut Keiss Shows he will tolerate none of the usual features that have in the past given a black eye to the carpi* val type of entertainment. The selection of Mr. Murphy, and tin Nat Keiss Shows, by ofrciaU of the fair association has brought them many congratulations tind has as i-urod them, they say, that there will be nothing but decent entertainment provided during the big fun Week. Negro Quartet Here Sunday Afternoon A Negro quartet, "The Great Sons of Africa", with New Haven, Cona as its home, is scheduced to appear here in the courthouse next Sunday iifternoon. The quartet will render old Intation melodies and Negro spirit uals along with many other selec tions. According to a herald, advertising (he appearance of the quartet, "Th» Great Sons of Africa" have sung be fore audiences in New York, Haiti more, Washington City, Norfolk and many other cities both in the North and South. Accommodations for white' people, will be made, according to the herald From here the quartet will go to Humilton and sing there. Fort Bratftf Band Kn Route to Celebration The Fort Braicg band, travelling on two large Army trucks, passed thru here this morning shortly after tO o'clock on its way to Kdenton where it will take part In the bridge open ing tomorrow. There were about 26 soldiers on the two trucks. Mrs. K. O. Harnen, of Wilson, la viflitintc her Mrs. W. £ Dunn'ut her home in New Town. Advertisers Will Find Oar Col umn* a Latchkey to Over 1600 Home* of M*rtin County. ESTABLISHED 1898 Three Floats Will Leave Early in Morning For Celebration Iheldcal tobaeto market will be car ried before the thousands of people nt. tin 1 Chowan bridge opening to morrow, 1 liree large Ifoats, pattern | oil after ,i he three warehouses, havti, I been prepared anil they will taku their places in the long of autos and | trucks traveling to the historic town i»- fcjdenton. Mayor Wifrgins of Eden* ton stated that it would be all right to advertise the tobacco market at ilit opening, anil that it was Eden. J tor. s desire to see a large representa tion from our community present at the ceremony. From all anil if the weather is favorable, Mayor Wiggins will certainy not be disap pointed, for a large number of the citizenry will leave early in the morn. i"K to be present at the exercises. One of the largest gatherings ever seen in this part of the State is ex | pecteii when people from'as far away | as Raleigh in the west and as far a j way as Norfolk on ihe other side as* st-ruble at Eilenton to celebrate tho | opening of the great Chowan bridge. Ihe floats to lie used tomorrow have been carefully arranged, Mr. John 1 hi I pott artiscicaily decorating them with red roofs, sky lights and a sufficient number of windawsTto let the lißht seep through. The floats will be paced on three new Chevrolet trusts belonging to Messrs. A. T. Perry, J. S. Whitley and J. U, Statoa 1 lie trucks, bearing the miniature warehouses, will leave early in Jha morning and will be away practically all the day. At a recent meeting of the adver t sing committee, composed of mem bers of the local Kiwanis' club, cham- bei of commerce and representatives of the warehouses, the t'.uggestJon to prepare the floats was made. A com* mittee was appointed to arrange the uetails, and according to the verdict of those who have already seen the thiee floats, the local tobacco, niarkpt •will be well advertised tomorrow. 1 'lathering tin- advertising of the local market,—Hip SJTv«-rtisin K com. loittee has had prepared several t-housand little pamphlets, carrying general information relative to thu tobacco market here. "Market Briefs" the name of the pamphlet is issued wjlh the expressed hope* ol' '-jetting (armers to visit the tobacco market here and see it in operation. In con nection with the pamphlets, several thousand cards carrying general mar* ket advertising will he distributed All the local warehousemen will be on the scene, and when the day is oVer, it is hoped that 10,000 people win have seen the efforts of the artver. tiding committee of the Kiwania club, chamber of commerce and the ware houses, ■. —— l-ocal citizens, attending the bridge opening, will do the advertising com* nit tee unci the town a great favo; « ly aiding in any way to make the day's program a . Marines Do Battle With Niearajiiians Our little war-down in Nicaragua seems to be warming up. Thirty nine American marines'and 47 Nicaragua policemen battled a whole day" with •1(H) rebles, resulting in the .killing of WO oftHfi rebels, about 20(1 of them being killed by high explosive bomb* dropped from 5 American airplanes. One American marine was killed anil one seriously wounded. The attack by the rebels seemed, to have beei\ well planned. They were well armeo with machine guns, but were unable to use them against the American b« ys. General Sandino, the rebel leader, celled for a truce soon after three fourths of his men had been shot down or bown to pieces by the air bombs. Thirty Counties Ask For More Money Thirty counties are asking for larg er allotments in the educational fund. In the first distribution, a reserve fund of $100,(KM) was held out for tho purpose of making a redistribution to any county that might later be .found to be too low in its allotment. The State Equaliiation board is in session at Morehead City today hear ii'K the claims of the 30 complaining counties. Some of the counties arc * said to have reasonable ground to buse their Vt'titions upon. Yet, it Is reported that the only g roun d seme have ic simply "wo want more". V Those people who have studied tho allotment say that Martin county was treated justly in the first allotment W4% and as the law designated. - J,' -*U

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