THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILLI AM STON, NOKTH CAROLINA W. C. Manning Editor Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COUNTY 1 year 6 months i • OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY 1 year $2.00 6 months 1-®® (.Strictly Cash in Advance) No Subscription Will Be Received for Less Than Six Months Advertising; Rate t*rd Will Be Furnished Upon Application Entered at the post offico at Williamson, N. C., as secoiid-class matter under the act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Address all communications Jo The Enterprise and not to'indi vidual members of the company. TUESDAY. JULY 12. 1927 The South Taking Lead in Manufacturing The South is rapidly taking the | timber products and it may be truly load as the manufacturing center of j said hat Dixie re-born is utilizing all oar country. Fifty years ugo the j it." natural resources, not only in field South only manufactured about 2 per' and forest, but it is drawing oh na cent. of the goods of the United ture's own powers and is turning States. During these years we have j these resources into finished products, increased more than twelve fold. jWe are using our mines of iron, cop- It is a significant fact that most of j ptr, phosphate, aluminum, coal, cjuar the raw products of the South in- j lies of stone and marble, oil wells crease more through the process of j and other available natural resources, manufacture than do the products of! This is destined to make the South the other great sections of the coun-J the greatest industrial section of our try. We find that the wheat crop Is | land and will eventually make it the t lily worth about twenty per cent, richest. It will give us two profits in more after being manufactured. The stead of one. Regardless of what we same may also be said of the corn t think, we must grow and no matter crop, the nation's greatest of all j what we do, the South is coming in crops. to its own. It is not true as to the cotton crop We can do something to help our which is very much increased in value own section by doing our part in by the process of manufacture. The placing our section before the eyes of value of the tobacco crop is also doub- the world and yield up a part of our : led by the process of manufacture, pessimism and present a spirit of The same can also be said of the optimism in its place. Hearst Again on Wrong Side William .Randolph Hearst is again energies Mr. Hearst may spend in the taking the wrong side. He has come interest of alcohol will be worse than out against the dry forces of lost in tjjc production of honor. America. „„ .... . ■ The man that is willing to walk No body knows why he has cast .... . , , , around in the political sloughs to his lot with the liquor forces. It is „ , | find which way the wind is blowing generally regarded that he likes just i , , . is never a safe leader. two things, money for himself and ] honor for himself. In one he has sue- If Mr. Hearst has nothing better ceeded well, he has much money; than liquor to inspire the people, but honor, we dare not say. then his journals can be expected to We fear not to say that what ever sink below the yellow mark. NOTICE ' cash, to satisfy said execution all the North Carolina, tMartin County. j right, title, and interest which the In superior court. said J. H. Pugh, the defendant, has W. S. Rhodes ,11 nd I). G. Matthews j in the following described real estate, Trading as Slade, Rhodes & Co., j to wit: vs. J. N. Pugh. That tract of land known as the By virtue of an execution directed Cox farm, situatod on the left-hand to the undersigned from the superior' side of the public road leading from court of Martin County, in the above- Hamilton to Williams toil, opposite the entitled action, I will, on the Ist day Purvis farm, -adjoining the land of of August, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, J. H. Sherrod and others and the flo at the courthouse door of Martin anoke River, containing three hun- County, sell to the highest bidder for died acres, more or less, which tract Condensed Statement of the Condition of the BANK of OAK CITY at the close of business June 30, 1927. i 7 ' * Resources 'Liabilities - Loans and discounts $114,794.00 Capital stock paid in $ 10,300.00 Demand loans 1,030.58 Surplus fund 8,030.00 Overdrafts 59.89 Bills Payable 20,000.00 United States Bands Deposits subject to and Liberty Bonds 11,300.00 check 57,517.45 Banking houses and Cashier's checks out fixtures ; 16,887.59 standing ~. 87.39 Cash and due from Time certificates of banks 13,633.02 deposit 54,263.07 Expense 842.83 Customers' bonds .... 8,350.00 Total $158,547.91 Total $158,547.91 / On the Strength of the Above Statement, We Solicit Your Banking Business Things To vf hink About By JAMES D. TAYLOR Rev. A. J. Manning My readers in Martin county and North Carolina will not learn any thing new in these Thoughts about the man of whom we now write. Probably those in other sections will. On the 9th of December 1869, Asa J. Manning was born. 1 am sure his proud mother did not know at the time her son would become one of the most beloved men in his community. Although I am, and have been for many years, far away from the State in which he did such noble work, I have throughifut the years remember ed this good man, for it was through him and my mother that I first learn ed about Jesus. He was the first man I ever heard preach, or at least the first I remember. I shall never for get those good talks at the Macedonia and .Sweet Home churches. God alone knows how many boys he led from the paths of "pistol toting" and "■boot legging" to' the foad that >-> ads to thingy worthwhile. Whet. 1 was just a lad, living in the backwoods of North Carolina, churches and schools were poor and far between. Yet this good man came to us at his own expense and told us about the country beyond t>nd the land above. Long before I saw a railroad or city I learned to love this man of God. Without thought for financial re ward, this man for more than 35 years gave his time and money to those w'no needed it most. On Sunday July 10, he passed on to a more beau tiful land. Financially, lie died a poor man. Hut how wealthy he is today! In the passing of Rev. Manning, that section of the State in which he lived, has lost a friend.. But only his l.ody diet). His spirit lives on. For many years to come bis influence will be felt. When this generation has passed away, those of another will tell their children about the good man of God who, like Paul, went to the toy way places to tell th; unlearnud about the lowly Jesus. is sold and is herelby conveyed sub ject to the dower of Mrs. Margaret I-Joyle, widow of John P. Moyle, de ceased, which has already been as signed out of said land under definite metes and bounds. This the Ist day of July, 1927. A. L. ROEBUCK, jyH 4tw Sheriff of Martin County. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in that certain deed of tryst executed to the undersigned trustee, on the 28rd day of May, 1924, Slop your •uWerlnq-w Blading. Blind or Pratraanv PIIm or mono? ro mr jX fnndod. Got tbo handy tub* with pil« * (up*. 76«; or Cho Ho bo*. 60s. Ask for \MMPAZO OINTMENT. -W : THE ENTER PUM| WILUAMSTON, N. C by W. G. Hkrdison and w fe, and of record in the public ragist *y of Mar tin County, in book 4-2, a page 124, said deed of trust having been giv en to secure a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations thcaein contained not hav ing been complied \ with, and at the request of the parlies interested, the said b««n . sold before under the deed of trust herein re ferred to, and the bid having been raised and deposit deposited with the clerk of superior court, as required by law, the unli'nutned will on the 25' th day of July, 11'-J7, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door ■i. the town of W llliaraston, N. C., of fer for rfis&le, as required by law, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described prop erty: v Beginning in P. E. Geteinger's line in the Jamesville Road, thence east erly with P. E. Getsinger's line to Lhe Phillips Lumber Co.'s line, thence .southwardly ale ng Phillips Lumber Co.'s line to the Jamesville and Wash ington Koad, thence along said road to the beginning', containing 50 acres, more or less, and )»eing a part of J. I!. Griffin and G. W. Hardison lands. This the 7th 'lav of July, 1927. HENRY XI. JACKSON, jyl? 2tw Trustee." Wheeler Mar: in, attorney. NOTICE OF IiKSALE OF LAM) Under ami by virtue of the author ity contained ii that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the 23rd day of May, 1924, liy A. F. wife, said deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the 2"rd day of May, 1924, by A. F. Stalling"- ami wife, said deed of trust b mg of rucord in the pi (Hie registry of .Martin County in book Q-2, at p, ",c 121, said deed of ti'Uot having bi en given to secure a certain .note of "ven date and tenor therewith, and t e stipulations there in contained not having been complied with, and at tin- request of the par ties interested, aid land having been • oid before under a deed of trusi herein referred to, and the bid hav ing been raised by a deposit with the rlerk of superior court'as reqiilred by law, the uhdersigned trustee will on ti.e 25th day of July, 1927, at 12 o'- clock m.. in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, N. offer for r> .-ale, as required by lav?, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed real estate:. Hounded 'on the north by the Ball Gray farm, on east by Clyde Mod lin, on the south by H. E. Ellison, on west by J. A. I (avis, containing 50 acres and known as part of the 666 is a Prescription for MALARIA. HII,LS ANI) IKVKRr DENGUE OK BILIOUS FKVEK It Kills the Germs Free Range Demonstration Free Kitchen Ware Set \ THIS WEEK ONLY / Hurry! Save Money! Investigate! Decide! A DEMONSTRATION YOU WILL LIKE! If you are going to buy a rar go this yeur, don't wait! Make up Surety you and your friends have questions to ask about ranges and your mind to say-> money before this bargain offer expires. If you buy rooking. That's just why we brought the Majestic expert mire. Me a Miye.stu'.Range this week only, while our factory demonstration is \ V j]l answer all questions and explain why the Majestic- costs less por being held, we will give you without cost the handsome de luxe nickel- of scryi > e thull any othor runKe in the worll j ; how it saves fuel pl:?tod coniioer kitchen set shown below —extra heavy, easily cleaned. J . * , . , .• i.w«nwtiv»» liut whether you buy or not the demonstration is absolutely free. "»1 repairs and assures better cooking. Interesting. Instructive. You're welcome. We will be ((lad to see you—iftl this week. Come in. No obligation. THE GREAT MAJESTIC The Range with a Reputation „ THIS WEEK Here is the new model ffil| I f _i. WC*J| H . wr (Ireat Majestir, the ■ finest Range ever built BJ JLi X I'irgi \va min(. r oven door that will N TO every woman who buys a Majestic Range at our store during support any weight #©S? -mtL Demonstration Week, we will give absolutely without cost a set of placed on it. The Ma- V / I>e luxe Nickel Plated Copper Ware of exquisite design. Every jestic is made of mal- woman falls in love with it on sight. Whether you buy or not come ibn b 'rivet U Ug r h? ka hJat tight, ash tight construction. in an,i see thi * beautiful Bct - il:n,tr » ted above " The Majestic Lightens Your Work A You Must Buy This Week To Get THE MAJESTIC in your kitchen will be a life time friend. It will \V lighten your work and save worry, because it is so dependable. Day \T Tree JvltCtieil Ware Set 1 in and day out —three times a duy you can- depend on the Majestic v to bring health and happiness to your household through better cook in* and baking Huge dinners fcr harvest hands or small meals for Don't miss this demonstration. It's so easy to drop in for just a few two ore c -red for equally well. It will provide an abundant supply minutes. Even if you don't buy, come in and examine this beautiful of hot water constantly in its iwclve gallon copper reservoir and be- copper ware and our fine display of new Majestic Ranges. And if cause of its special labor saving design, it will stay clean and new you find the very; range you want and buy this week you have saved with hardlr m y effort. The Range With a Reputation—is the range the cost of a Kitchen Ware set—-Given r REE with every Majestic of no regrets. R«i»ge. This week only. B. S. COURTNEY Wrighter Davis land, given by Wrighter Davis to J. A. Davis. Two lots in the town of Jannss ville, known as Gin House lots, ad joining W. B. Gaylord on the north .side of Water Street. .. This the 7th day of July, 1927. HENRY C. JACKSON, jyl2 2t Trustee. Wheeler Martin, attorney. BOY WAS SICK Texan TeDs How He Got Ac quainted With the Good Work of Black-Draught as a Laxative. Glenflora, Texas.—"l had a sick spell when just fifteen years old," Bays Mr. George W. Maness, R. F. D. 2, this place. Anyone who has had chills, like I had, is apt to remem ber them. I was a sick boy—-just lay around the home, weak. My skin was yellow and I could hardly stand up. I had hard chills. "My father gave me quinine. Someone told lum to give me Black- Draught with it He broiight some home, and they fixed it up like a tea. It wasn't very good, but I was so sick 1 would take anything. "After a few days, I began to feel better. I was hungry and could eat. 1 kept on taking the tea for awhile, and I got well. I haven't had chills since then, but I have taken a lot of Black-Draught since that time. It is a family medicine with me." Where assistance is needed in the way of a laxative or cathartic, Thed ford's Black-Draught should be tak er., as oi"tcn as necessary, to open the bowels and put them in a health ly and norma) state of activity. Try it; le a dose. NC-185 Another Car Roofing Five V. Galvanized Roofing Cheap for Cash Culpepper Hardware Co. Elizabeth City WILLIAMSTON Edenton LIVERMON Peanut Picker SOME STRONG FEATURES OF THE I—Simple Construction —Strongly Built. 2—Every part Easily Accesible. 3—Low Up-Keeps and Dependable. 4—Saves Time and Labor. s—Combs the Peanuts from the Vines. 6—No Inside Belts/Chains or Webbing. 7—Cleans the Peanuts from All Kinds of Soil. B—Cleans the Vines & Makes Better Hay. 9—Light Power —Positive Drive. 10—Smoothe, Easy, Quiet Running. 11— Operated—fool proof. 12 —Light in Weight but Strong & Durable 13—Pressure Grease Cups on all Bearings. 14—Has Largest Capacity with Cleanest Picking. 15—Built for Efficient Service & Long Life. For Sale by CULPEPPER HARDWARE CO. Williamston Elizabeth City Edenton

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