EatartabuMati Meetings bgtpaali Weddings 1. Mrs. John Pope and little son, Warren will return home from Wash ington the first of next week. Mrs. Pope has been with Her sister, Mrs. Robert Bogart who has been ill for some time. Friends of Mis. Bogart here will be glad to learn that she is very much improved. Judge and Mis. Waiter Bailey spent yesterday in Washington. Mrs. R. A. Pope and children, itilly, It. A. and Mickey have returned to Creedmore after spending a few days here. They are spending the summer thereTwith relatives. Hon. and Mrs. R. O. Everett, of Durham passed through here yester day en route to Edenton. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Watts motor ed to Rocky Mount yesterday to meet Kiss Alice Dent, of Washington City. Miss Dent will visit them for several weeks. Editor Josephus Daniels and Lieut. Covernor J. Elmer Long, of Raleigh, were visitors here a short while Tues day while en route to Edenton. Messrs. C. B. Willis, Jack McGug gen, Gus Gischel, of Baltimore, W. T. Hunt, of Toano, Va. and C. T. Croc kett and C. P. Andrews, of Norge, Va. have been in the city this week mak ing preparations for the proposed fertilizer factory. Miss Christine Dodd, of Four Oaks is visiting Miss Evelyn Harrison. A. F. Manning and Elbert S. Peel spent yesterday in Washington on business. ' Friends of Miss Sarah Harrell are pleased to learn that she is much im proved this week. Each ddy this week she has gained strength and is get ting much better. Friends of Mr. W. J. Hodges have missed him from his business this week. Mr. Hodges is ill at his home cn Haughton street. Mrs. Edgar Ptscoe and little daugh ter, Caroline, of Tampa, Fla. arrived this week to spend several weeks with Mrs. Lina Martin and Mrs. Oscar Anderson. Editor W. C. Manning and W. H\ Booker, of the Enterprise force, left Wedensday for Morehead City where they are attending the meeting of the North Carolina Press associa tion. C. D. Carstarphen, John L. Hassell Sutton Carstarphen, 0. W. Hardison, and Richard Smith left last week by motor for Baltimore where they spent a few days and returned yesterday, coming home through the Shenondoah Volley. Miss Frances Hoyt has returned Trom Camp East Carolina where she hat been for the past two weeks. Mr. Z. S. Boone, of Greensboro, made a business trip here this week. N . ' lo tell good gas oline from bad, you don t need \ to be a chemist. Simply remem ber the name § "STANDARD" GASOLINE Society & Personals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor I Miss Louise Gaither, of Hertford, who visited Miss Frances Hoyt thi: week, has returned to her home. Mrs. Z. H. Rose attended the Vin son-Ward wedding in Norfolk Satur day. Miss Caroline Powell who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. T. W. I,ee left Wednesday for her home at War renton. She was accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. Lee who spent the day in Warren ton. Dr. E. B. Quillen, of Rocky Mount, attended the doctor's meeting here last night. Mrs. B. A. Critcher, Mrs. J. L Peel and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Peel went to Rocky Mount and Wilson Wednesday. Messrs. A. Hassell, Will Taylor, C. R. Fleming, .Warren Biggs, Henry Crawford, Bill Peel, Claude Clark, C. D. Carstarphen, jr., Joe Pender, Henry Taylor, W. H. Crawford, Hu bert Morton, Bill Watts and many others attended the Chowan bridge opening Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Everett and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stanley attended the bridge celebration and dance at Edenton last Wednesday. Misses Velma and Evelyn Harrison and Ruth Manning spent a few hours in Greenville yesterday. Miss Lena Mae Ward, of Belvidere, is visiting Miss Bonner Gurgnnus this week. Messrs. Butler and Mcßae, of Rocky Mount are in town this week work ing on a county audit. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunning and Misses Mary Alice Dunning and Mar ge ret Manning motored to Washing ton Wednesday afternoon. ENTERTAINS IN HONOR OF HOUSE GUESTS At her home on Haughton street, Miss Estelle Crawford entertained in honor of her house guests, Misses Mary King Ellison, of Belhaven and Mary Fletcher, of McCall, S. C. Tables were attractively arranged on the porch for bridge. Miss Emmu Robertson won high score prize and Miss Martha Harrison, second high est. The two guests of honor were presented a box of concentrated per fume. The hostess then served canta loupe a la mode and fruit punch. Those present were Misses Martha and Esther Harrison, Minnie and Emma Robertson, Martha Anderson, Elizabeth Burras, Mesdames Jack Bcoker, Arthur Anderson and Ralph I'urker, of Dunn. 666 to I Prescription for MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER, DENGUE OR BILIOUS FEVER It Kills the Germs PHONE Anything for This Department To 46 WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. William T. Ward announces the marriage of his daughter, Martha Joel to Mr. George Thomas Vinson or. Saturday, July 16 at Saint Luke's Episcopal church, Norfolk, Virginia. At home after August first, South land Hotel, Norfolk, Va. The anouncement of the wedding of Miss Martha Ward to Mr. Vinson which has been received by friends here is interesting to William:,ton and Martin county people. Mrs. Vinson is a descendant of the Smithwick family, long prominent in this section. She i.« the second daugh ter of Mr. W. T. Ward and his late wife who wat-. Miss Hattie Smithwick. Until she moved to Rocky Mount a few years ago she made her home here and has many childhood friends who extend their best wishes to her. MACEDONIA LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS Messrs. Claude L. Hadley and Lij eian Peele spent the week end af Oriental. Miss Sadie Mae Hadley attended the show in Greenville Friday night. Miss Maude Hadley entertained Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock in honor of her fourteenth birthday. After a few games were played, re freshments were served and favors iriven. THE PENDER STORES All) IN THE GREAT MOVEMENT OF THE CHOWAN BRIDGE CELEBRATION ie ' >l>n^or Stores themselves, having been built on the Principle of Progress can fUijlfilEov Appreciate (he Wonderful Forward Movement Resulting in the Completion of the ( howan I \SvEfer I Tfridge. It will mean Added Prosperity to this Section. But more than thai, a Deserve 1 Pr.os .fflr J perity in which all of our Citizens may take a Rightful Pride. Special Yalues for the Week 1 FREE BALLOONS to the KIDDIES ] Protecto Safety Matches, . 7|c —— i in Kelloggs Shredded Wheat, 3-packages 25c COLONIAL OR MISSION SLICED PEACHES, No. 1 Can : 12 l-2c . i-fc SWEET MIXED OR GHERKINS PICKLES, QUART JAR ~ . .. 29c Cheese, Best American, pound . . 31c CALIFORNIA YELLOW CLING PEACHES, In Heavy Syrup, 3 Large Cans 50c , I Domestic Sardines, can 5c Alaska Salmon, Tall Can 15c K Airship Sardines, 3 cans 25c. Herring, No. 2 Can 10c N. B. C. CAKES Wonder or Palace FLOUR EARLY JUNE PEAS, can 10c Raisin Snaps, Made in North Carolina 1V M . . „ otn r . /wi „i . rT ' „ Pic-Nic Shoulders, small, lean lb 21c Chocolate Snaps a High Grade Patent or Self-Rising - Uneeda Lunch Biscuil 1sc jj ag . FANNING .PICKLES 1 I). P. YELLOW TEA Delicious Cucumber Pickles, jar 25c KELLOGS BRAN, package .... 10c Orange Pekoe-India Ceylon Corned Beef Prudcence, I). P. FAMOUS LAYER CAKE 1-2 lb tin 39c; lb tin 73c u ,.. Ca " ..y , l ( * Rich in Flavor, Wholesome and in lc!d Tea (ilass Free with Ml. t»kg. so" ■** several Varieties, lb. 25c D.P.BACON Meatwich Spread, can 15c Breakfast Sliced Vienna Sausage, can .. ...g.. ... 12 l-2c OUR PRIDE BREAD Sugar Cured, Hickory Smoked, Dr: Land O' Lakes Sweet Cream Butter e The Lo » f of Anywhere Packed and Rindless Pound, Cut from Tub 51c Giant 21-oz. Wrapped loaf 10c 1-2 lb Carton 23c; lb Carton 45c ; Pender Yellow Front Stores are in almost every City and Town in North Carolina . if / Look up the Pender Store when you Return ~ \ \ v ' ■ i * * M *• THE ENTERPRISE - WILLIAM3TON. N. C. FARM LIFE LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS Messrs. Henry Poele, Gabe and Dal ton Roberson visited friends in Wash ington Saturday. Misses Cleramic and Lizzie Cor#jr entertained a largr number of friends Saturday and Sunday^ Mr. Roy Coltrain, Misses Delia Lil- Icy and Elizabeth Coltrain visited Coleranie beach Sunday. Mrs. Harry Barnhill returned to her home in Richmond, after visiting rel atives here for some time. Mr. and Mrs, H> nry Browning, of Leggctts, spent Sunday with her par- ! ents, Mr. and Mu N. R, Roberson. Mr .ami Mrs. J. G. Coltrain spent Sunday with their son, Robert at Macedonia. Mr .and Mrs. George Griffin, of Smithwick Cieek, entertained a large number of friends and relatives Sun day. North Carolina, - Martin County Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the esiate of T. W. Revels, deceased, late of Martin j County, this is to notify nil persons having claims against the said estate: tci present them to the undersigned j ut his office in the town of Williams-; ton, North Carol).a on or be To re the : 9th day of June, 1928 or this notice ! will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the .-aid estate will please make immedi- j at" payment. This the 9th day of Juns, 1927. ELBERT S. PEEI , Administrator je-10-6 of thffl estate of T. W. Revels. | AFTER 500 TO 600 MILE RUN, HAVE YOUR CAR DRAINED AND REFILLED WITH Texaco Golden Motor Oil ~ THE WORLD'S BEST Do This to Save Your Motor and to Save Your Time and Money You Owe It to Yourself to Know the Facts About Texaco Harrison Oil Company Geo. and Gus Harrison Know Oil