Watch the L*H On Your Paper; It Carries the Date Year Subscription Expires. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 42 County Tax Rate To Be $1.33 According to Budget Estimate School Rate Decreased Three Cents; Sinking Fund Added to List According to the county budget for the year ending June 30, 15*28, there will be a very .small change in tin tux rate for the year. Last year the rote was SI.OB on the SIOO valua tion; this year it will be $1.33 on tlio SIOO valuation. While the rate shows an increase of 25 cents, the county iff operating, or plans to operate, this year at less expense then it did last year. During the pait year, no por tion of the rate went to care for in terest and sinking fund, add should it have been divided and not left over for this year, th; rate last year would have been $1.22 on the SIOO valua tion as against $1.19 on the SIOO val uation this year. But, since the inter est and sinking fund was ahead last year, no allotment was given that fund; this year a 28-cent late is pro vided. Dividing: the interest and sinking fund by two, it will show that the rate this yenr is 3 cents cheaper than it was last year, the decrease taking place in the school budget. Outside of the interest and linking fund and school fund, the rate re mains the same. The county guesses it need for general purposes for the year ending June 30, 1928, the gum of $45,874. Ot this sum, $24,294 will huve to be raised by direct taxation on tlie $15,- 765,000 worth cf taxable property, which will require a tax levy of 15 cents on each SIOO valuation. There will have to be a county road and bridge fund of $7,500. This requires a levy of 5 cents on each SIOO property valuation. The county bond interest, redemp tion and sinking funds call for tho sum of $52,680.98, of which sum $43,- 380.98 will have to come from taxes, which requires a levy of 28 cents o:i the SIOO valuation. This makes a to tal rate of 48 cents. The school levy will be reduced fionv 88 cents, last year's rate, to bb centfe this year; making a total for all purposes of $1.33 on each $10(1 valuation. * Leggrett-Thrower Last night at 8:30 at the Methodist personage, a wedding wa solemnized which though txper.ot' in the near future by their friends, came an a surprise p.t this time when Misi Dorothy Thrower and Mr, James Robert Lcggitt were united in marriage by Rev. T. VV. Lee, tin bride's pastor. Mrs. Leggett is the youngest daugh fcfat Mr. and Mrs. Latham Thrower t i this place- and is a very fine young woman. She recently graduated from th • Williamston high school and is very popular among her young friends. She is descended from soma of the oldest families of this section. Mr. Leggett is the son of Mr. ami Mrs. Leggett of Cross Roads, but ha has been living here for several years where he has been connected with tha local post office as rural carrier. They will soon occupy their new bungalow recently built on Hatton street. Sheriff and Deputy Destroy Still Monday Sheriff Roebuck and Deputy Grimes destroyed a 60-gallon copper stil lo cated on Bear Grass Swamp back of the Mizell School house Monday. The still was not in operatoin when fcund. There were lots of buckets kegs, and jugs around and five bar rels of beer. The stand indicated a plant of long standing." **"- STRANH THEATRE I WEDNESDAY 808 CUSTER in 'The Fighting: Hombre" Lloyd Hamilton Comedy "THE MOVIES" Free Ticket For the Friday Show Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Boy Scouts Now Outing at Nags Change Plans Hurriedly and Left Here Sunday Morning at 4; Boat Held at Special R^uest The local troop of Boy Scouts changed their plans ""hurriedly last Triday evening and left even more hurriedly Sunday morning, when they pulled out for Nags Head shortly af ter 4 o'clock. They went to Mackeys where the boarded the ferry "for Eden ton. The ferry trip was not on the regulcr schedule and when it camp time to pass several of the rail road draws the bridge tenders were not there. The Scouts were delayed and when they reached Edenton they only had 28 minutes to reach Elizav beth City. By special arrangement the boat to Nags Head was held up 45 minutes for the Scouts, but then Petty Thievery Is on Increase County Citizen States Laziness is Cause of So Many Thefts During; the past several months a week has hardly passed without one or two reports being made about stealing. In most cases, the thefts have been fmall, just an auto tire, buttery, or some other auto part. In ethers, houses have been broken into and property removed by the auto loud*. One or two automobiles dur ing the period lost their identity when rogues removed everything save the frame and a few—engine purts. v While these thefts have been re ported, number* of attempts at theft l.ave been frustrated. The theft wave has aliout reached that point where there is nothing . left to steal or where double protection has been provided to prevent the rogues from having an easy task. Various reasons have been assigned a.- causes for the large number of theftsr Employees of several filling .stations in the county have stated thut they have been asked to trade for groceries. One county man assigned laziness to the thefts, stat ing that some people have reached the point where they preferred to steal rather than work. Kiwanis Club Votes to Attend Special Service At their last regular meeting, the members of the Kiwanis Club voted to accept the invitation of the pastor cf the Memorial Baptist Church to attend services at that church next Sunday, July 31. Accordingly, the chuiph is looking forward to their present at the 11 o'clock service next Sunday morning. Each member of the club is invited to come and bring the members of his fumily, or any friends. For soma time the pastor of tha .church has wanted to invite the club; and, because next Sunday is the fifth Sunday ,and because the Baptist church is the only chuich having a ' morning service that day, it was thought that this was the most op portune time,- In this way, there will be no conflict with any other church service, and all Kiwunians who are in town that day can be present The will begin, as usual, promptly and oft time. And, as usual, i the service will not be lengthy. I With no other morning service in town, the general public is invited to join in this service. Every one will | tu welcome. Peter Davis, Respected Negro, Died Last Week Last week another one of William .ston's most respected colored citizens died when "Uncle" Peter Davis passed t'way following a four weeks illness. He was a hard-working, kintf-hearted old man aftd was well thought of by both his own race and thi white peo ple. For years he did mill work and then worked for the railroad before ho started farming in his old age. He is survivde by his wife, "Aunt"' Frances Davis, and five children, all rf whom ere good citizens. r Funera services were held this af ttmoon and interment made in tho colored people's cemetery.. The serv ices were conducted by ministers of the Baptist Church, of which he was a devoted member, Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, July 26,1927. the baggage was left, and the truck carrying it had to make a round-about trip to reach Nags Head. All members of the troop took a liking to the Head except Buck Saun ders, who declared it was unhealthy anil turned back for home the sains day they arrived. The latest reports from the boys state that they are getting along nicely and like the placo real well. A large number of the par erits will visit the boys at different times during their stay at the beach. Mr. J. W. Watts, jr., has the boys in charge and is assisted by George Harris. Page Opposes Toll Removal No Mention Made as to Reduction Present Toll Charges Anticipating an effort that will ha made in the next General Assembly to make the new bridge over tho Chowan river erected by the State at a cost of $465,tK)0 a free bridge, Frank I'age, State J-lighwivy Commis si ner, speaking before tin? Kotary club yesterday at Rabigh took oc casion to aim a blow at the proposal Chairman I'age took the position that the erection of such a bridga at such cost represented an unusual expenditure by the State in a partic ular locality and- for this rouson tho toll feature which will pay for tho bridge in eight yearn is eminently fair. It is altogether just, he said, that those who make most use of thu bridge shall pay most for it. Chairman Page declared that step* will be tnken at once by the com minion U> put a temporary surface oi the imcompleted section of road way about which motorists have com piciend in order that, pending its flnal completion, it may be an alii weather road. , No mention was made of the re duction of toll charges now made (o those crossing the bridge in Mr, Page's talk to the club. 1927-'2B School Faculty Is Almost Complet The local school faculty for the coming session is almost complete, ac centing to Principal L H. Davis, who is attending summer school at Wake Forest, and who spent the week end h re working on the coming year's school program. He stated that the n.embers of the faculty had been elect cd in the most part and that contracts had been mailed for the few positions not yet filled. The list will be com* plete and ready for announcement within the next few days. Mr. Davis stated that present plans for the coming term point to a most successful session, and that the chiU dren should be advised to play hard, for work was just ahead. I). A. R. Edition Will Have Big: Circulation New Bern, July 26.—1n addition to Laving a wide circulation among the 164,000 D. A. R. members of th 6 vvcrld, the special publicity edition of the New Bernian, to be published during the fall by the North Carolina Society of the Daughters of tha American Revolution will bo sent free to a number of leading news papers and citizens of the country, including President Coolidge, Scores tary Kellogg and others who have written endorsements of D. A. R. aims to be published in the forthcoming is sue. The paper will contain much infor mation about the history of North Caroina, with special emphasis on the Revolutionary period, as well as re* cent progress along many lines in the State. Much D. A. R. newa will also be carried and special articles will be written by prominent D. A, K. officials and members. Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dies Saturday The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Everett, who reside near Williamston, died Saturday and waf buried Sunday at the Jqnes plot on the Mack Taylor farm. Brief Synopsis Of Budget for County Schools Total Amount of Budget for County Schools Is $21f,580.80 The county board of education has submitted its budget to the board of county commissioners for their con sideration at the next meeting. Fol lowing is a brief synopsis of the budget recommended for 1927-28 school term: The total amount of the budget is 5214,58(1.80, divided as follows: (a) For teachers' salaries, truck operation, janitor fees, fuel, and all o'her running expenses, $138,978.36. (hi For capital outlay, which means new buildings, new triirk>, or any other equipment tiiat ha.s inventory value at the end of the school year, $.'2,584.84. (c) For debt service, which means inpayment of any incWHedness to come due on building! and other equipment during the yetr, $36,378.82. (d) For ! inking fund on outstand ing schoolhouse bonds, St, 135.76. The budget proposes the following items of revenue: (a) Balanco brought over from last year, $19,016.28; ticn fund, $33,100.00; fines, $3,000.00; Slate vocational fund, $2,135.00; from county tax, sSo,9itr.Oß. (b) balance from last year, $2,- 956.92; school property, $50.00; pledged funds, special, '54,517.66; li braries, $50.00; State loan, $15,000.00; county taxes, #10,010.26. (e) I>ebt service, $36,878.82; debit balance, $4,503.03; county tax, $40,- BSt!BS. (d) Sinking fund, $2,135.75; coun ty tax, $2,135.75. The total couny tax items wilt nrnount to $133,954.94, which added tt> the available items, ofiier taxes, of $80,625.86, makes up the total bud get of $214,580.80. The tux items asked are about $3,- 000 less than last year, while the op erating expense item, listed under (a) is about $13,000 more than for last year. The increased budget demand 1* said to be necessary on account, of increases in salaries of teachers. Masonic Picnic at Coleraine Thursday The' Masonic order will hold its an nua! picnic at Coleralne Beach next Thursday, according to announce ments made several days ago. year the picnic was held at Murfrees boro, but it is understood the event will fo back to Coleraine this year.. Since tho opening of the across tho river here, many people from this section have attended tho picnics of the order, and each year the number from this section attend ing increases. The Masonic picnic la (,ne of the larg.-st held in this section each year, and thousands of people a 1 ways attend. The proceeds' K> to the Masonic Orphanage at Oxford. J. R. Beach, of Cross Roads, I)ied Sunday J. R. Beach, of the Cross Roads section, died Sunday after an illness of several years, which caused him t> be a partial invalid most of the time. He was nearly 68 years old and leaves a widow and three sons, all prown. He was born, reared, and died in the same neighborhood; a hard work er and a gcod neighbor. The funreal was conducted by El« dei B. S. Cowan, and he was buried beside his forefathers in the plot on the farm where he had resided. Chamber of Commerce Dance Here Tomorrow The chamber of commerce stupes it* first annual dance here tomorrow night in the Brick Warehouse. Mayoi Coburn ntated that th' 1 dance will bo a brilliant affair ami that a largo crowd is expected. Bud Gwaltney's orchestra, of Virginia Buach, will fur nish the music. The local organization, in startinß a new year's work, is holding the dunce in an effort to clear the book* cf all indebtedness without increas ing the assessments now standing against its members. Important Meeting of Local Masons Tonight There will be a regular communica tion of Skewarkee Lodge, No. 90, A. F. & A. M., at the lodge rooms to night. All Masons in good standing are urged to attend. Vlriting breth ren are cordially invited. C. D. CARSTARPIIEN, Jr., Secretary. Prospects for Tobacco Crop Remain Good Farmers Report Large Growth of Suckejs at This Time Second and third curings of the to bacco crop in this section are turn ing out very good, according to re ports from a large number of farm ers. As compared with those of last year, they are a little better in both T?feight and quality. Not more than fcur weeks ago the outlook of this season's crop was most dishearten ing to farmers in this section. An unequaled improvement took place and this year the erop stands a bet ter chance to turn out good than it has had in several seasons. „ The season is about two weeks a head of the one last year, and this : is expected to cause the final curings to turn out to bt good. The recent heavy rains has not, it was reported, affected the crop other than causing an unusual amount of suckers to I grow. Farmers are reporting the I lurgest and fastest growth of suckers this season than ever before. The rapid growth of them has caused many farmers to change their minds as to the worth of the fertilizer used in planting the crop. The first few dnys after transplanting took place, the slow growth of the crop caused numbers of farmers to think that the guano was of an inferior grade. Last year tips turned out to be soiry in most all sections, due to the late season. This year, the last pull ing is expected to be better. From present indications harvesting of the crop will be completed not later than the middle of August, and many far mers arc expected to be through be fore then. Enterprise Moving To New Location The Knterprise t'ubishing Co. will ! move its presses and business otiicu i to the Higgs Building on Muin Street just across from the Biggs Drug | Store. Crowded conditions in tho 1 building new used by the company j demand a change, and the manage- ■ meht has made arrangements to start' moving its machinery within the next few days. Several days will be required to ! move the 25 tons of equipment to the new location, and while no little trou ble and confusion is expected, the management hopes to effect tho change without interfering with its | regular publications. Machine and j press erectors are expected here short I 4y tt> tnke care of the press moving I end machine erection. All the lurga ! units of machinery will have to b* j dismantled while a few of the small- I er pieces weighing around a ton will j be carried over without being taken i apart. Soon Be Riding Time At Roanoke Fair Here No person is ever really old until tiiey no longer thrill when the merry go-round starts and the hobby horses begin galloping to the merry tune of I the hurdy-gurdy organ. When one re- i fuses to become excited as the ferris ! wheel goes round it's time to start for the old folks' home. Hut, any way, there'll be no old folks in Wil liamston the waek of September 27th, for that will be a week of youth, and the-manager is bending every effort to make the Koanoke Fair this year a real big success. ' Mr. John L. Kodgerson, manager, has announced thut the Nat JCeiss Shows will furnish all the ment features and will bring to Wil liamston c complete "garden of rides" with all the old familiar ones, and a whole tlock of new thrillers. There will also be twenty big shows, una amusements to suit every decent taste will be found on the long "Pleasure Trail, Mr. Kodgerson states. Rev* T. W. Lee At . Christian Church Itev. T. W. Lee preuched at the Christian church Sunday evening, us ing us his text, "1,0ve." He delt with the subject in both a practical und forceful manner, illus tiating how eaay it i« to act the part of the self-exalted priest and tho proud Invite at the road side scene where the man lay wounded after being robbed. Yet, lu>w much bettei to do some actual service as did the hated Samaritan who did deny himself by giving of hig own labor toward thfa relief of the wounded man und then gave all tlie money he had with th» promise if it took more for the man't cure he would also pay that. Rev. C. "H. of the Baptist church, will preach at the Chriatiai. church next Sunday evening ut 8 o'- clock. JiJYMM Farms of Hamilton Increase in Value Child Swallows Coin; Condition Is Now Serious Little Child Swallowed Box Lye When Only One Year Old Thp little six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. I). Haislip, of near Halnilton, is in a serious condition brought about when she swallowed a five-cent piece lest Sunday. The lit tle girl complained very little that day, but yesterday the pain became so great that her parents carried her to the hospital at Washington. There an X-ray was made, and doctors found the coin in such a position that they were afraid to try to extract it and advised Mr. Haislip to take the child to Raleigh. The child was brought to Dr. York here later, but when Ke"examined her throat and found that it was in a tPf-" rible condition as a result of swallow, ing box lye a few years ago, he was afraid to offer relief with the instru merits he had. Under normal condi tions, Dr. York stated, there would have been no trouble at all in remov ing the coin, but with the throat filled with tissues, as was the case, hp considered it a dangerous under* ti'king. The parents returned home with the child yesterday afternoon',"and it i-i understood they will carry it to Dr. Kllen in Greenville today. Mr. Haislip is a farmer living on a farm owned by Slade Rhodes & Co., of Hamilton. Car Backs Into Creek; Negro Baby Drowns Kdenton, July 24.—Lives of ona man, two women and a boy, all of tl'tm colored, were saved through the heroism of Capt. Henry Jones, of the ferryboat Von Nyvenheim, when their automobile, a Ford touring car, back ed off the ferry at Mackeys this af ternoon. The fifth member of the par ty of colored people, a four-months uld baby, was drowned. * The ferryboat, one of the two oper ated by the Kdenton-Mackey's Ferry company across the Albemarle Sound between Kdenton and Mackeys, had tied up at its slip at Mackeys and was discharging passengers, when the col ored man, starting up his engine to leave the boat, threw his. car in re vr rre. Four men on the boat grabbed the car, trying to hold it, but it plunged overboard before the bewild ered driver could apply the brakes. Captain Jones dived overboard and brought up the occupants of the *ub merged car one by one. The baby, h wever, was drowned before he could reach it. The colored family ara resi dents of Washington county. This was the first casualty on th« record of the Edenton-Mackey's Ferry company, and, according to officials of the concern, the first accident of any consequence in which it has been in volved. The ferry company was or ganized. about five years ago through the efforts of the ESdenton Chamber of Commerce, the franchise a little later beinir taken over by W. A. Ever ett, of the Edenton-Mackey's Ferrj company, by whom it has since been operated with an enviable degree of success. Trained Fleas One of Features of Fair Here Boyq of Williamston who havi. I niuny times sworn vengeance on th» tCtive little fl'>a when that parasite caused "Fido" to forget his manners will soon have the opportunity of steing trained fleas perform. [t is hard to beiieve, but if press' agents ever tell the truth, and it i» rumored they sometimes do, there will be a well-regulated Flea Circus here the week of September 27 to take part in the 'I he Flea Circus, so the press agent for the Nat Keiss shows avers, is one of the attratcions that will be brought h6re by his organization, en- Kuged to furnish attractions on tho "Pleasure Trail." , Spectators will be given ample pro tection from possible attacks of tho performers, and he also says that this troupe of performing fleas are so well bred they will not take up with strangers. The Nat iteiss Shows has been a leading amusement organization for the last quarter of a century, and it has always made it a rule to be first to present new and novel entertain ment features. That is why Alexan oer's Flea CircUß will be seen first with the Nat Relss Shows. Advertiser* Will Find Our Col umn* a Latchkey to Over 1600 Homed of Martin Count jr. ESTABLISHED 1898 Twenty Large Farms in Hamilton Increase 1-3 One Percent A continued comparison qjLiirgperty values in. the county shows that val ues of 20 large farms in Hamilton township increased one-third of one per cent. The comparison so far shows that business property in Everett.) made the largest gain, it being 10 per cent. Values in Poplar Point dropped 10 per cant. Kight of the farms in Hamilton township were valued at the same a:» lust year; 8 lost $5,800 and four gain ed $6,530, making a n *t gain of $720. The values are as follows: J. 1!. Anthony, 1292 acre-, $14,500; same as last year. W. A. Beach, 385 acreu Cloman land, $12,000; same as last jtcar. Blount and Sons, f>4ti acres CI. F. Koberson lahd7 $17,000; a loss of SSOO. S. M. Blacknall, 217 acres • Purvis land, $ 13,6W?'ft'lws"t>f $ 1,500. Mrs. J. B.* Cloman, 320 acres Tay lor land, $9,500; same as last year. G, W. Coltrain, 68 acres residence, $4,000; same as last year. Davenport Bros., »>>7 acres home* stead, $23,000; same as last year. N. . Kverett, 41!) acres homestead, 14l' acres Coffleld land, $25,000 .gain of $1,300. N. C. Everett, 165 acres J. A. 1 Hit-vis land, $7,500; same as la..t year. Mrs. Clara Purvis, 200 acres home stead, $6,500; a gain of SI,OOO. K. K. Kdmondson, 320 aeres resi dence, $9,500; loss of SSOO. 1-. B. and C. 11. Fleming, 251 acres Best land, $8,200; loss of $1,300; 1.. B. and C. H. Fleming, 100 acrea. Thomas land, $4,400; gain of S4OO. F. L. Gladstone, 125 acres J. T. Davis land, $5,200; a loss of S3OO. i 11. L. Hopkins, 100 acres Frank Taylor land, $6,500, gain of $2,500. Mrs. W. C. James, 150 acres Bard en land, $6,200; loss of S2OO. 1 Don Johnson, 240 acres residence, $6,700; same as last year. Harvey Manning, 347 acres Griffin land, $13,500; gain of $1,330. H. L. Purvis, 234 acres A. J. Purvis land, $10,000; a loss of SSOO. H. L. Purvis, 4(K) acres Overton land, $15,000; same as last year. P. S. Purvis, 275 acres residence, $12,500; loss of SI,OOO. Poor Session of the Recorder's Court Judge Bailey and his recorder's court with all the efforts of Solicitor Hugh (J. Horten was a very non productive session today, failing to provide for its own keep. The case against Joe Davenport, charging him with wife healing, wa continued one week. The old case against Henry Sherrot' stood for another continuance. 1 he third case and the one which called for more swearing than any ether case tried was agaiivst Gabriel Wiggins, charging assault with a ritadly weapon. In this case it ap peared that it was by no means a one-sided game but that several took hend with the result that one colore I damsel got sliced up with a knife wielded by the hand of Wiggins. This was according to her testimony. But Wiggins had enough witnesses ti raise the question of "reasonable doubt" and Judge Bailey is hung on the verdict. (ius Koberson who j*ot drunk in Oak City and resisted the town officers, claimed for himself that it was thii liquor and not he that refused to obey the mandates" of the law. Judge Bailoy thought a s'2s. fine, the cost and a 6-months suspended road sentence was not too much for a fellow who lets liquor take full charge of his faculties. Norman Jones, the old time boot legger of Ouk City, again faced th:> court, charged with the same old game. • Judge Hailey had already hung a 6 months suspended judgment a gainst him in the early part of thj year. Then the new offense was tu be considered, and Judjre Hailey stat ed that when a man had an opportuni ty to make good and keep the law then refused that he had little ground ti» ask for mercy. He gave him 1:! months on the Edgecombe road; Prom this sentence, Jones appealed to the superior court and bond was fixed at S6OO. ATTENDING FURNITURE EXPOSITION AT HIGH POINT f 4 —v . ... Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Courtney and daughter, Miriam, will leave Wednes day for High Point, where they will attend the Southern Furniture Expo sition. They expect, to tour through the peach country in the Sand Hills and to visit a number of places of interest in the Piedmont section.