Watch the UN On Your Paper; It Canto the Date Your Subscription Expires. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 43 Masonic Picnic At Coleraine Is Well Attended Tobacco Market Carried Before Large Crowd of People There , Trucks carrying the miniature warehouses of the local market were sent to the Masonic picnic at Cole- | ruine yesterday, along with *,reH cards, sales cards, Market Brief's, per sonal cards and other advertising mat ter. The local market is making one ci the strongest bids in its history for tobacco this season ,and all indica tions point to a most sucessful sea son. The day the Chowan bridge was opened, Williamston's method of piucing her market before thousands of people was said to be most suc cessful. The town itself is cooperat ing to a greater extent than ever before with the three warehouses in an effort to boost the local market, and far-reaching results are expect ed. * " j That Wiiliamston has the brightest prospects of any market in the Stats been acknowledged by many out siders as well as local people. It is no more than appropriate that the town should join in with the tobacco warehousemen in advertising our mar ket, and it is expected that the mar • ket will have its merits told to thous ands of people before many more days go by. This section was well represented at Coleraine yesterday, and the duy vas a glorious cue for the many hun dreds attending. Elimination of tirade Crossings Very Costly The Industrial News Bureau esti mates that it will cost $18,()Oo,OOt),OtMj to eliminate grade crossings at the various highway crossings in this country. - • « They say if the cost should be borne jointly by the people and the j-i.ilroads, on the basis uf one-half each, that it would cost the railroads half as much a E their present total cost and that it would be necessary to increase freight rates 50 per cent in otder to pay a 5 per cent dividend on the added cost. The bureau says that these burdens een be avoided and accidents at grade crossings prevented by requiring au tomobile drivers to stop, Jook in both directions and listen before crossing the tracks. Two Cars Wreeked On Washington Road Two cars, a Ford touring and a Ford roadster, were badly damaged \» hen they met in a head-on collision on the Washington Koad near the Old Mill Inn last night. The touring car, belonging to a Mr. Reddick, of near Bear Grassland driven by his son, was loaded with colored people, and their weight pre vented a possible turn over. Abram Feel, barber in the Hall Barber Shop here, was driving the roadster, No one was hurt. A car ran out of gas and stopped •on the side of .the road and another stopped on the other side a few yards below where the first car was. When the Reddick boy worked from one side of the road to the other, he failed to get back on the right side in time to ayoid hitting the Peel car, which was partly off the road. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Warren, of Durham, were here a short while this week. Mr. Waren left here for Geor gia, where he will buy tobacco for Liggett A Myers. Miss Martha Anderson is visiting lr Emporia, Va. this week. STRANH THEATRE! J SATU^jDAY BUCK JONES in "The Flying Horseman " also Comedy, 'Gooseland' and Episode No. 15 "Power God" I Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Town Tax Rate To Be Same As Before Georgia Markets Open Next Week The tobacco markets in Geor gia are to open next Tuesday. During the past few weeks, Georgia's crop has greatly im proved, and according to re ports, that State has a good crop. The markets are opening about the same time as they did last year. Bazemore to Die Next Week Unless Governor Stays Execution Negro Dies Wednesday George Frank Bazemore will be electrocuted next Wednesday at the State prison at Raleigh, unless the governor grants a stay of execution. Bazemore has been convicted twice by a Green County jury of first de cree murder for the killing of Gor don Yelverton, young white boy of this town, as he was passing through Green County en route to Wilson last November with a load of tobacco. After shooting young Yelverton in the back of the head and dragging him behind a clump of bushes, Baze more took the load of tobacco back to I'urmville and put it on a warehouse floor for sale. However, before it was sold he fled and did not return fot either the truck or the tobacco. Uazemore was first tried at the De itinber term of the Green County court and promptly convicted. His attorney, I'aul Frizzell, of Snow Hill, took an appeal to the superior court, which found no fault in the. trial on the points of exception, but did find that the trial judge erred in permit ting the clerk of the court to take tlir verdict of the jury in his absence, although both the State and defend ant's attorneys agreed that the clerk might take the verdict. The second trial was held in June. Judge E H. Cranmer,' who held the couVt, was unusually cautious in the trial, and those who heard the case think an appeal would reveal no er-- roi in the trial. Although notice of appeal was giv en, so far nothing has been done to wurds taking it up to the higher 'court, and as the case now-stunds the negro will pay the death penalty on Wednesday, August 3. Lloyd I). (Gardner Dies in Jamesville Mr. Lloyd D. Gardner died at his heme near Jamesville July 8 after be int sick for several months. He was born May 27, 1868, on the farm upon which he spent most of his life and upon which he died. He married Miss Emma E. Davis, who survives him.. He also leaves three daughters and -six sons, Mrs. John Ezzell, Mrs. Charlie Sexton, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Enoch, Arthur, Herbert, Willie M., Stephen E., Ollie R., and O. L. Gardner; three brothers, John, Staton, and Hoyt; and several grandchildren. The funeral was conducted by the Kevs. George Leggett and A. Corey, tnd he was buried in the family plot the home form. He had been a member of the Bap tist church at Cedar Branch for 35 years, and was a good farmer, a good citizen, and a good neighbor. , • Primitive Baptist Meet in County Members of the Skewarkee Asso ciation of Primitive Baptist churches holding the union meeting now with the Smithwicks Creek church. The Skewarkee district embraces a dozen or two churches in Martin, hdgecombe and Halifax counties, and a union service is held at one of their churches on each fifth Sunday, begin ning the Friday before. The meet ings are generally attended by rep resentative delegates from each church composing the association, as well as by many visitors. They al ways have as much as two sermons on each of the three days of the meet ing in addition to holding their busi ness sessions. | It is a noticeable fact that few of the members have business affairs that will hinder their attendant*, but they go, they stay, they enjoy, and they worship. Mrs. X. T. Keel, of Rocky Mount, and Mrs. W. B. Williams, of Winston Salem are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Ar.derson. Williamston, JVlartin County, North Carolina, Friday, July 29,1927. Rate of $2.25 Held in the Face of Decrease in Property Values A town tax rate of $2.25 on the SIOO valuation was set for the year 1927 by the board of town commis sioners in a special session last Tues day. Though the town rate remains the same as it was last year, it is equal to a decrease since there has been a drop in property valuation in the town. With the rate at $2.26, and with property listed dt $1,389,- 901.00, around $31,272.77 will be due the town treasury. This does not in clude the railroad tax, which, when edded, will make the total amount due the treasury around $33,289.81. This iimount does not include miscellaneous taxes, that is, taxes received from special sources, such as business tax, operating tax, and so on. Then there i. the street-paving tax, amounting to around $2,000, to be included. When receipts from light and wa ter are added, along with a few other minor items, the total receipts can be estimated to amount to $74,476.09. The estimated expenditure has been placed at $75,910. The estimate for the receipts was based on actual fig ures and not on probable increase in light and water consumption, an ad t'on to poll tax, and so on. For the year ending May 31, 1925, light and water receipts amounted to $24,587.30. For ihe year ending May 31, 1927, these receipts amounted to 5£6,205.09. With an incriaso In busi ness at this rate, the budget will he more than eared for, even though the I rate is allowed to remain at the same I figure. Commission Announces New Fish Regulations The State B.iard of Conservation and Development which was appoint ed by Governor McLean under an act of the last session of the General As sembly with power"' to fix uniform fish and games laws for the entire State ha. 1 ? issued rules establishing uniform open and closed season and has designated "commercial" fishing iuij "inland" waters. A special rule promulgated by the board makes it unlawful to take or kill fish in any inland waters of Ihe Slate except with hook and line, rod und reel or by casting except and herring which may be takan in these water* with skim or stake Kill netg from Junuary 1 to May 1 only. Sale of black bass lews than 20 inches in length is prohibited from any part of the State except Curri tuck sound, from which they may be sold down to 12 inches in length when labeled with tags furnished hy the fish commission. The open season prescribed by the board on black or large mouth bass begins June 10 and "closes April 10. For brook or rainbow trout the .e'i son opens April 15 and closes Sep tember 1. Small mouth bass in foun tain counties only, the season opens June 10 and closes October 1/ The following size limits Nje observed, bass either large or small mcuth, 12 Inches; blue bream, 6 in ches; brook or speckled trout, 6 in ches; rock 8 inches; rainbow trout, 8 inches;,robin, 5 inches; red fin, 8 in ches; goggle eye, 6 ihchas. Bag Limit It is unlawful for any person to take more than 8 bass, brook, speckl ed or rainbow trout, 25; blue or red bream, 50; robin, 50; rock, 10; crop pie or chinquapin perch, 50; goggle cye, 50. All the ocean waters and the fol lowing rivers and this sec-, tion are classed as commercial wat ers, Aligptor river below Gum Neck; Pungo.river, below Leeehville; Pam lico and Tar rivers belo.w Grimeu lond; Roanoke river below .Weldon. Inland fishing waters tonsist of all inland rivers and their tributaries or portions of same together with i!l ponds and lakes in State not in rluded, in the list classed as commer cial waters. The commission established tho fore going regulations at a meeting held at Mo rah cad City on July 12 and 1-1 and the new rules will go into ef fect the middle of next month. Baptist Pastor to Speak at the Christian Church The pastor of the local Baptist church is delighted to answer the call of the Christian church to supply that pulpit Sunday night at 8 o'clock. He will speak on Paul's Swan Song —the passages of Scripture used be ing found in II Timothy, fourth chap tsr, versen 6 to 8, inclusive. Since this it to be the only evening service in town, all those desiring to attend a religious service will be wel comed at the Christian church. First Service in New Church at EverettSunday Methodists Wijl Have Regular Schedule Of Services Everetts will have its third religi ous congregation when Key. T. W Lee, Methodist minister of this place, I reaches the initial sermon in the church there Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. A large attendance is ex pected at this, the first .sermon de livered by a Methodist minister in a Methodist church in the town. Rev. Mr. Lee, who has several churches in the county, purchased the building formerly occupied by the Baptists there and has hail the church building remodeled and equip ped with new benches. He, with sev eial members, has worked diligently t > establish the new church there. Besides making arrangements for the purchase of the building, he took his tools and went to the supply com pany here, where he made and fitted benches for tho building. The min ister has worked faithfully during the recent warm days, and the mem bers of his denomination are lending every effort to establish * firm foun c'fction for the new chu*fh. No regular schedule has been an nounced for the holding* of services, but Mr. l*>e will arrange on ( > or two dates in each month* for the new church. The public is Cordially in vited to at'end the service at the church. Two Stills Destroyed Hy Sheriff Wednesday Sheriff Roebuck and Deputy Grimes v'.iiMWi-rtd a call in the Bear Glass ! action near the Beaufort County line Wednesday afternoonJ where they found a largo ateum Htilli fj'om which the Are hi'.d just bee« pulled. All ' the liquor uud the woftl to the .still . had been taken uway. fl'hcy found 24 j barrels of beer and • few tools and equipment u tret I hi op" rating the plant After destroying the plant the offi cers) went to another s'Jli ab"Ul half a mile away, which had also been run during; the day and was still hot. 'l'his ootflt, together with 12 barrels of l.eer wus destroyed. , Those at ills were at the same places where Federal officers recently cap tured stills and beer, and the signs indicated that much liquor had been made there in time,past. The officers , say that the moonshiners had been | tipped olf or they Would have caught them on ihe job. They heard signal Kuns firing before they got on the hunt. Hail Saturday Did I )ama#e to Crops j Mr. J. Ci. Strickland, of Whitakers, adjuster of hail insurance claims, has Been in town this week looking after losses in the Big Mill .section, where hail did considerable damage in a t.rnall area of that community last | .Saturday. All who had policies were aatiafled t with the allowances of damage, which I ran as higli as 25 per cent of total ' loss in a few cases. Tobacco Situation in China Reviewed by "Uncle Buck" Chinese Situation Will Have Something To Do With Price of Tobacco On Carolina's Market Hy W. T. MEADOWS To begin with, it is. .presumed tliut the niont of you know that there is internal strife If. China and has been . some- time, This war,-or what ever you may call it, is strictly be tween China's own people; and out of u population of 400,00(1,0(10 people on ly about 250,000 people are engaged in this war between t heßiMlve.i. Now, as to the tobacco situation in China. Ho far the civil war has not affected' the tobacco trade with ua, i t.nd next to Krigland and her .posses sions China is the biggest customer I for our bright tobacco. The consumption of cigarettes in China is growing almost as fast as tile consumption of cigarettes in the At the present time the situation I ikri bright for u good Chinese busi tic:» for the coming: tobacco season, and the latest information from China is that the war lords have got ten together and are going to make peace and move the capital from Peking to Nanking. We hope this is true, but you never can tell what will happen in China. Here's hoping that the friendly relations that have ex isted between us and China will con tinue to oxist, and that nothing will occur to cause a break in our trade relations. • «- The Williamston market supplies her part of this tobacco. ( Lnited Sates. To bo accurate, China smokes about !>(> billion cigar ettes per year. It its general conceded mat it takes 3 pounds of tobacco to make 1,000 cigarettes, HO If China smokes 50 billion cigarette* per year that means she uses 150,000,000 pounds of raw leaf tobacco to make these 50' billion cigarettes. . Of this 150,000,000 pounds of raw leaf to bacco, China raises 47,000,000 pounds of bright tobacco herself. She im ported from the United States 36,- 000,000 pounds of bright raw leaf to bacco in the past 12 month#. That leaves 67,000,000 pounds of raw leaf Needleman Enters Suit for; SIOO,OOO Against Mutilators Kiwanis Club Entertains Many Visitors Meeting Here Last Night Best Way to Solve the Problems of Today Is Stressed The Kiwanis Club entertained a ; I number of visitors at a special meet- j | ing last night. The principal thing stressed was the best way to help j etch other to solve tho problems of the day. Since our civilization and ' nearly all of our activities are based j on collectiv3 service, one to another, it is even more important | work in concert than at any former j uge, and men are finding opportune-1 ties in the Kiwanis Club to help I They can come With their i problems and find the very help they ; r.ted by a simple word from a friend. | And then, too, the finest place in the I wt rid to banish selfishness is to as ■ceiate with and learn your neighbor, j Last night's meeting tilled these! very points when men of ,different j types, different vocations, and profes- j sions gathered as friends in a social hour. Good short speeches were made by j I Klder W. B. Harrington, K. E.! : Grimes, Godwin Dunning, J. Alphonso j Everett, and several others, all ap- I propriate to the occasion. The list I -of visitors included several from I lieaufort and Hertie, as well as Mar ' tin County, I * Baptist Church To Have Special Service Sunday „ Tho members of the Kiwanis Club | hiive been invited to come with the j members of their families, or their fHernia, to u special service at the Puptist Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. 1*" At this time the pastor will speak on the subject of "One's Own City." While the sermon will be especially appropriate for this civic orguniza -1 lie n, it .should, on the other hand, be of interest to every one who is inter ested in the place where he happens to live. This will conclude the service In j this church for the day; and .Sunday ' night at 8 o'clock the pastor will oc cupy the pulpit of the Christian Church. The pastor and his church [ fe' l that they are anxious to do any "fflTTiig possible to assist the Christian | Church In maintaining its summer I M hedule until u regular man is se j cured. * Announcement of Methodist Services Services at Hamilton at 11 a. m., Sunday. At 8 p. ill. we will hold our first iiervice, at Everetts. The public is i invited to attend. We, shall be glad i to have the singing p >ople of Ever ' itts community to join us in our hong service.—T. W. 1/ee, pastor. tobacco to be accounted for to make this 50 billion cigarette that China consumes. That 67,000,000 pounds, or the bulance of the raw leaf unac counted for is supplied to China jp. the form-of the finished cigarette manufactured in this country anil ex ported to China. You can find in any of the larger towns or cities in China Cornels, * Chesterfields, Lucky Strikes, Pirates, etc., and they retail in China for the equivalent of 75 cents a*"package sin our money. This high price is caused by the duty ,on our cigarettes. The home-made cigarette in China retails for about 15 cents (U. S. money) a package of to. Mrs.KateDuun Died Thursday Visited Daughter, Mrs. J. I). Biggs Here Last Week Mrs. Kate Dunn, of Scotland Neck, died Thursday evening. Although she had heart trouble for some years, 1 Mrs. Dunn was apparently in better health recently than she had been in : some time. She visited her daughter, Mrs. John D. Kiggs here last week, , leaving Sunday. On Tuesday she suf- I fered an attack of congestion of the j stomach, which tended to bring on further heart attacks, which caused her death on Thursday. Mrs. Dunn was the widow of the lute Willie Dunn, who was a leading attorney of this section. She leaves two sons, Judge Albion Dunn, of Greenville, and Ashby Dunn, an at | torney of Scotland Neck; also three j daughters, Mrs. John D. Biggs, of Williamston, Mrs. W. O. Lawrence and Mrs. James Elmore, both of Scotland Neck. Mrs. Dunn had served as postmis tress during the Wilson administra tion, and was u woman of tine quail- She will be buried this afternoon. Mrs. Fannie S. Iliggs, Mrs. A. T. Crawford, Mrs. Henry Crawford, and Harry A. ltiggs will attend the fu neral. Factory Expert Tests Siren Here Today An expert of the Federal Electric Co. was here today and made -a test of the electric siren. The represen tative stated that, the alarm was so placed that the sound would not cur ry as well as it would should it be located on a roof. A test was made by the firemen some time ago, and the siren did not come up to the guarantee. The fac- Tory representative was called, and he states that once the howler is moved it will carry a sound four miles un- der any conditions as the guflT!tiitf»e-i --stated it would. N'o arrangements have been made to have the alarm ! n oved from ihe city hall's siu Very few people knew nboJl the test today, and when the alarm was sounded, a general commotion re sulted. Chief Hurrison warned all the members of the fire department, and told them that it was only a test. Deputy Marshall Serves Warrants on Mutilators Deputy Marshall Edwards, of Kit I eigh, urrived in the county yester day afternoon and started immediu tely serving warrants on the 27 de fendants in the Needleman suit. Mr. Edwards at noon today iia I served around huif of 'the warrant*, and will.go into' the GriWins township section this afternoon. He stated it was u' warm job. Next Tuesday's Issue Will Be a Little Late The Enterprise will go out a few hours late next Tuesday, when the newspaper press will be on its way to its new home on Main Street and can't be troubled With the making of news. The management will send the "forms" to Washington, where it is hoped to have the paper printed and returned before so very late. Butchers Steer That Weighted 1,537 Pounds Jack Daniel butchered a country steer raised in Indian Woods, Bertie County, this week which was perhaps the finest home-raised steer ever Lrought to the Williumston market, weighing 933 pounds, dressed. The gross weight of the animal was 1,537 pounds, dressing uyt over 6(1 pounds to the 100. Announcement of Christian Services Sunday school at 9:46 a. m.—W. C. Manning, superintendent. Preaching at 8 p. m., by Rev. C. H. Dickey, pastor of the Williamston Baptist Church. The public ia cordially invited. " \ Advertisers Will Find Our Col umn* a Latchkey to Over 1800 Homes of Martin County. ESTABLISHED 1898 Action Being Brought Through Federal Court A t Washington Joseph H. Neeilleman has brought suit in the district court of the United States for the eastern district of North Carolina, Washington division, r.gainst ft. P. W. Sparrow, sr., F. VV. Sparrow, jr., Julian Bul lock, Claro fieat'h, Edward C. Stone, John Gurkin, A. VV. Griffin, Key Gray, Albert Gurkin, Lester Edmundson, Tcm Harrell, L. A. Croom, J. G. Corey J. H. Coltrain, Clarence Gurkin, Al t'fed Grillin, A. W. Griffin, Hubert Griffin, lien Lilley, John A. Griffin, Lester Crofton, H. T. Koberson, Luther Peel, Edgar Johnson, Sher wood "Koberson, J. H. Gray, A. T. Lilley, and J. T. Smithwick, in which IK claims compensatory damages of $75,000 and punitive damages of 000. Hy bases his claim on the grounds of assault and mutilation of ilia person by the defendants on the light of March 29th, 1925. He bases his claim against Slier iff Koberson and Deputy Luther Peel up on the ground that a# asked to' be held in the Chowan County jail at Edenton, but was taken to Wn'riam ston jail and was not properly pro tected from the viol ence of his as sailants. The complaint of Needle-man against the other defendants in the ease charges them with actually com mitting the crime, after entering the jail and cutting the locks from the cell doors and taking him out a mile and a half from town where the mu tilation was performed. At the trial in May, 1925, Needier man stated that Dennis Griffin was the man that actually used the knife on him. He claims that when he &as taken from the jail he was put in a Huick auiomobil ■ by Dennis Griffin and F. W. Sparrow, jr., who sat on the seat with him while he was being taken out on the old Everetls road, where the assault witffcmade. Dennis Griffin was sentenced to prison for ;S0 years, both F. \V. Spar row, sr., and F. VV. Sparrow, jr., were sentenced for the term of from 6 to ■AU years, and arc now serving their terms. Julian Bullock was sentenced for the same term of from » to 10 years, but escaped from the prison farm at Caledonia a few monthx ajro and has not yet been apprehended. ■ Cluro Heath" and E, VV. Stone each I served from two to three years anil J several others served shorter terms i and paid fines. L_ The case against Needleman, charg ing him with a criminal assault on Itfle (Irittin was no! pEuased by tho selicitor, anil upon request of bin at- torneys the judge allowed a verdict ol* not guilty without-hearing a wit II?SK in the case, although the grand jury had returned a true bill against htm charging him with, a crime re quiring the death penalty. Tho damage suit was tiled 'in Wash ii:gton Tuesday, and the summon were forwarded to the t'nited State marshal ;'t iialeigh, who found error in the return dates, making it aeeei- sury to return them to the court foi ■torrectioji. Each defemiant will b required to file an answer within 2) days. Needleman is said to have recent ly married and lives in Philadelphia, lie is represented in his suit by AV torney Sawyer, of Farmville, and brought his suit as a pauper. The next term of the Federal court at Washington will be held on tho third Monday in October, and the case may then be called for trial, as the term is for both criminal and civil cases. Confederate Veterans To Meet in Raleigh i .- .» The North Carolina Division of the t'nited Confederate Veterans will hold it-i annual meeting at State College, Kaleigh, beginning Tuesday, August 2, 1927. Raleigh peopb are preparing for elaborate entertainment and every ac commodation will be at the command of the veterans. While the lines are very thin and many of the veterans are not in position to attend, a good attendance is expected. WITHDRAWS ITS RESOLUTION AGAINST EQUALIZATION BOARD Raleigh, July 28.—M. B. (lillam, chairman of tha Bertie County Boar I of Education arid HerbT. VV. Early, superintendent ot schools, the :-aine county ( have withdrawn I.ertie's resolution of July 14, n whicii tbe county protested against alleged par tial equalization of property valuation on part of the State Board of Equali zation. Moore county has taken the same action.