___ " ' '^v ■ THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by (he ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY j WILLIAMSTON, NOKTII CAROLINA W. C. Manning i Editor , Subscription Rates I>; MARTIN COUNTY 1 ] Vt;ir • .Sl.fiO OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY 1 v* ar : - $2.0(1 i, i.wnths - l.OO (Strictly Cuah in Advance) Xu Subscription \\ ill lie Received -for Less Thau Six Months v Advertising Hate Card Will lie Furnished Upon Application Entered at tin post ofltec at VVilHjjmstoti, N. a,: second-class niati i isiiii.-r tht act HlH.Vli.iTit ss of March JB7!t. - Jui-.mi*J4 mniimmii'atioirs'to The Enterprise and not to- indi* \- iii.r. i.>, mf«i'r.% oi the company. I IMDAV JULY 29, 1!>27 I | ' _ Raleigh Did the Wise Thing* r 1i: ij" liiii jiist a- wax ; now owned by the State. . hould, in votii:T -XV matter how many fauli* a fail ill" State I ai '. n,itv have, tiir. .'ii l»v tie' ' - - • * ■, ■ .i !, him! i.f ;?:iH),O(io "'oil they do -' * developing bettei i.i lay oul grounds farming, bette . ock anil poultry the fai.', [vising, btttoi education ami? better I v.a,.i" in' «.t. acre.- ofland l.mne building? Needlenmn Allah* Again in Limelight —\ i- -fi ; ■ ('('iifi i- 4i,. .Muiti.i 1 v. 11 h clean lian If .tin. 1 cast: against, i'!jtit'i iii.itorv that iI: m had liot been ijuasht i|, and th" •i r i ;ii a • (In famous woman whom he iiail a.-sailcd -had j • i u:iia'-.uu rat. Tho.-e hen permitted in elate her version C ■ .... i '.' ttake:; with grief, ]of the Xj'ial 1 entan t might now I ■£• • ~;ainl curio.-ily that, they veil-I be psyifi)HHMi!|leil penalty hit: | ;,.ke !>..>" ii. tie attack'un- felly* Ncedlcman kindlul the tires . i.u. : • v.i i: a an;, c itizen of tiii: that burnt him ; : . is in no way «»• gii>.! Stu-te tin m-take they ivjadu . til led to the same sympathy that he .* . {in (u nif y 1/k men. v ould have linen had he prone in with .Tim east, seemed to have captured lean hands. . . the woclii, and tie tra'redv I Xow, Ncedleman comes into the ...... 1 1 ci'urfs asking damaeo. lie.will pos- | . can to denominate tho.se I . 'lily j'l't some 1 hing. 11lit one I \sson r;»,. *1 iii tee on Needle ! 11* has-learned: Men will not "permit i ? -.nil " liir tm fact i> ijuite j lecherous cur, to haunt th" .sacred tl ili'-v-did not com I precincts of their in me: without as . , . ' * '1 hideous i'rime. Yet the.y ale m rtint* their wrath, although, it is i ' '' "t- j - >1 «\\.;vli .d "for honor, truth, and I regrettable that liijt a sallantfi fell | iiip by the average of into tie gfave error of taking th? j (immunity of people. Their ' law into their own hands in this case. ! th and virtue was the tiling Xow that t'ie siigma lias been j lo attempt to right a. lieried.iji the p. . for two years and la wrong way. It is a fur- a half u i; very reprrettable that the: I i",.,,* t e tmf man-will not stand whole matter is to be rehashed inj :■ ii. and honor of their Federal court in a dainture suit. This 1 /> , • " ;. ii a' . aljeil. . vvFH : train pu the whole matter in I .Xerdlenu'ii wa-' not behrivipg in ac- the le'iidlines of the newspapers I:.tiii with, the law of tile land Urougaout the land, and will give a vhi ;, he provoked the rause that good county and a good people a| li, downfall. He : black tyc in 'lie estimation of the; - 1,,' ki'd m-ueh of Kdn>' into the game country. Where Our Money (joes The qii.'stion . 0 ofti 11 asked, 'Where | An exanmia itu* of the papers held the muni y go" is.tine of the I in the utlice of recfistor of deeds of *rv „..lest I'Ui'siion. tu answer I .Mi.rtin Countv this week .showed that i emg a ked today. there were IT automobile, mortgages,: m-nver for autoninbil(»s. Xo and 7 crop mortgages, the latter giv-. | eon »» our hand- l»ttt it i r •i* tfu v, u» cur credits. BADLY RbN-L;^ Kentucky Woman Had "Terrible Time" Doing Her Home Work. Strength Returned After She Took Cardui. Shelbyville, Ky.—"Several years ago," says Mrs. Alven Jesse, of this place, "'my health was very bad. 1 was very much run-down. I was in Ruch a weak, nervous condition that I was not able to do my housework. "I to keep up, because I had to, but many a time I spent hours in bed, trying to forte enough strength to go through the daily routine. "This condition went on for some time, until I heard about Cardui. which some one told me was good for such ailments. 1 gave it an im mediate trial, and, I" m thankful to Bey, my improvement was rapid. I soon was able to do my housework •>. with ease and comfort. 1 felt fine and I looked so much better. "This spring I was not as well a 9 I had been. I was ill in the winter with colds, which left me weak. So I sent at once to the store for Cardui and began taking it. In just a little While I was feeling much better, my strength returned and I was able to get my work done easier and with less effort." At all drug stoics. NC-176 Texaco Golden Motor Oil X~ .. .... . t-v ,* • " I i >ou have driven your car constantly for one month, we bt lieve it is time to change iiic oil in Die near future and fill the crank case with . . M | i * , Texaco- The Golden Motor Oil • • ■ •. | HARRISON OIL CO. i - Geo. and Gus Harrison Know Oil • • * •** cr., of course, to procure living ex- ing fabulously rich, because the very penses and farm supplies. j same condition ::is.s evriywhere. There were two land mortgages and Men are apet. ing all they have for three miscellaneous papers, making j automobiles and mortgaging all their £9 in all; consirferaly more than half! property and promising all they ex'-, tliem being for automobiles, pect to have for their goods. And No wonder that General Motors, 1 there ifi no rei"f in slgrit, and little Ford, arid the whole gang are grow- hope of any in a long time to come. liberty—A Sadly Overworked Word Liberty seems to be the most over-: where and permits its votaries to ex- i worked word of the lawbreakers and ercise what they call personal privi thc bigot. I lege that former generations would We have a publication in the na- J not have permitted under any circum tion's capital that calls itself "Liber- stances, ly," and denominates itself as a mag-1 The demand for liberty has come j • ' * azine of religious freedom. Yet it i near overshadowing the church's in* j teems to never hi' so happy as when . fluence, and the liberty demanded j i' i.> jabbing at raligion. It seems to I tends in nearly every case to under- 1 " ' ' Iwilling for religion and its inllu- mine the religinnyji-our fathers. If reign in heaven, hut when it the broad freedom demanded—that is, (jomes to earth ami tries to make com- let every mar do as he pleases—is r, unities better, then it begins to granted, the church will be more help l.ak It is unwilling for the state to less than ever to exalt the name of nake a law that coincides with the God, because the liberty demanded principles of religion without calling undermines rather than exalts God. it religious bigotry. It is a far-fetched idea—yet ap • Their appeal is for the favor of parently strong in the minds of some the..i who are unwilling to yield a | people—that a churchman should re -i";rie privilege for the advancement tire and not exercise his government ,:f the community in which they live, al rights, but hould leave the law It is strange to see many people making, judging, and execution of the IMi.ise the Pilgrims of old and yet | lows to liberty-loving bootleggers, I I cure the pilgrims of today. It is ig-, gamblers, Sunday desecrators and r.nrance to say that religion has ever ; their'allies, who do not want to con |i:.l greater tolerance than it has to- form to the principles of truth and day. It stand* ready to forgive every- | justice taught by the Master. Heavier Punishment Needed The Durham husband who found his I -But the Harnett .County recorder wife entertaining when he returned i did -not give long enough terms to home unexpectedly and who proceed- the Dunn white woman who was mi ll to,beat up tlv gentleman who was j tortainjng a negro in her bed room being entertained by wearing out a I while her invalid husband lay sick bed slat oVer him and then beat up in another room last Saturday night. • I his wife with the fragments of the j The negro got only three years on slat should be pensioned J>y Durham the Harnett Loads and the woman j Ceunty. two years in the Dunn jail. Too The risk is greater than the saviny and not worth while when the home, eyesight, or maybe life itself, is en dangered by "home cleaning" of ap parel or fabrics to save a few cents. ___ Let us do your dry cleaning—first because ours are the most modem methods—therefore best; second, be cause we can do it so much better be cause we are equipped to do such work; and third, because we can give —- yoij prompt service at very lowest" prices—and really much more cheaply tnan you can do it at home. Phone us (SK) and give us a trial. W. D. AMBERS w. - -rpr -r- THE ENTERPRISE - WILLIAMBTON, N. C. ! I " Since self-respect has lost its pow-' er over so many people, who seeih lo care so little for the laws of de cency and the kwe of the land, heav ier punishment is-the only corrective | force left. The courts will have to j function with preater force. RANKING WORTH CAROLINA The following table, uasec mainly ! on census data, as reported in Sou- j ! them 15lue Book of Progress, 1927 ! I edition, shows how North Carolina ranks in several particulars amonf? J t he 16 States classed as Southern. The Renew Your Health By Purification Any physici'n "!1 tell you that ; "Perfect Purii inn of the Sy»- tem is Nntu v A Foundation of Perfect Heaiu'-" Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak—j ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —on.'e or twice a week for several weeks—and gpe how Nature re wurds you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get. a family package with full directions. On ly ?5 cts. at drugstores. (Adv). j •' L==' x r l '' " ' ■»■'' Roomy • • So Comfortable • • IJ ISBSESI . So E aS y to Drive • • wherever you —>s —> — —i — it it ?4y&M. ji + Come to our salesroom and see tor yourself how completely the Most Beautiful Chev | &' . «!)- \ jr - rolet meets every touring need. Note the rWg . ~ ample room in each model for a capacity load of passengers. Test the deep, restful seats '; 1 —pitched at the proper angle to encourage v 'tw ... .* ' j relaxation. Note the large, easy-regulating > plate glass windows and the patented Fisher W windshield. Then take the wheel of ,i. ,• . '', your favorite model and go for a drive! i We have a car waiting for you. Come in > today—and drive it. By placing your order v||l| .nou', you [will have your Chevrolet during wi' *6 the finest part of the touring season —at these Low Prices Br The COACH T V". u , r ' n ' yl orlUdiltr s*2s The Imperial sr* r" The Coupe s62* Landau S7BO INU J The4-Door H'TonTrwck $ W5 11 S Sedan s69* C KUJIU only) jra - The Hport 1-Ton Truck s4^s t _ - Cabriolet $715 {Chatti* only) *■ All prices f. o. b. Flint* Mich. *. — I & Check Chevrolet Delivered Price# il 1 Thay include the lowert handling and - I I . ftnancing charge* available. '''•'•'•'•'•'^3 I: Harris Motor Go. Peel Motor Co. Robersonville, N. C. Williamston, N. C. T A▼TTVA T O W C O T T Special for 10 Days v Beginning: Wednesday, July 20, 1927 All Ladies' & Children's Dresses. and light colored footwear Now is your opportunity to 1-3 Off get some real bargains. Come All Men's Straw Hats ow to close out at a reduction of All Men's Neck-Band Shirts at 33 1-3 Off 1-2 Price We have your size, come in and ... . , , , . Jv get it-at this bargain. whlle the y last (white excepted) '' Harrison Bros. & Co. - : Williamston's Large st Department Store # i . * ! list includes Missouri ana West Vir ginia. „ Item Rank Area, 12,426 sq. mi. 7th Population, 2,858,000 4th Farms 283,492 2nd Active spindles, 5,943,208 Ist Active iooms, 84,279 Cotton consumed, 1,411,710 bal«S , **>lst Oevcloped water power, 538,289 " horsepower Ist Highway expenditures, 1926, £47,216,147 Ist Motor ars, 1926, 385,047 sth 'Jank lesources, $505,891,000 10th Public >cf)%>l expnediture.s, $30,- 98(.,(K» 4th Feder:U tax payments, $192,- 404.0(H) •„ Ist Assessed value of all property, 1920, $2,746,916,000 4th Estimated true vaue of all prop erty, 1922, $4,543,110,000 sth Value cf: Farn property, $1,050,000,000 4th Crops, $327,860,000 2nd All agricultural products, ucts, $412,000,000 4th •Corn crop, $46,000,000 sth Tebncco crop, $103,802,000 Ist Cotton crop, 7th Peanuts, $7,895,000 Ist Sweet potatoes, $7,560,000 2nd Irish potatoes, $11,840,000 2nd Soybeans, $2,296,000 Ist Cattle, $18,243,000 9th Hogs, $10,867,000 6th Mules, $29,981,000 3rd Factory products, $1,060,000,- 000, Missouri and Texas ahead 3rd Furniture, $51,208,000 lit Lumber, $38,080,932 Bth Textiles, $316,068,931 l»t Manufactured tobacco, approx imately $400,000,000 Ist Mineral products, $9,504,000 _ 14th ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Robert Dancey, de ceased, late of Martin County, N. C., i this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed or her attorney, Hugh G. Hor ton, Williamston, N. C., on or before the Bth day of July, 1928, or this no j tice will be pleaded in bar of any re ' covery. . All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate ! payment. , This the 7th day of July, 1927. REBECCA DANCEY, Administratrix of estate of Robert Hugh G. Horton, attorney. | Dancey. 1.. jy 8 4tw SEVERAL THOUSAND TOBACCO sticks for sale at my mill in James ville, N. C. Place your order before i rush comes. Luther Hardison. jyls 4

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