t . Watch the 'On Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires. V . / VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 44 Motor Official Says Accidents Are Decreasing Glves Credit to New- Laws Which Became Effective July Ist In expressing the belief that acci dents on North Carolina highways have decreased since the new uniform motor vehicle code went into effect July 1, C. W. Roberts, vice president of the Carolina Motor Club, today an nounced that the organization will make permanent a $25 reward for in formation leading to the conviction of motorists who injure persons and fail to stop. Two months ago the club offered SSO for ;he arrest and conviction of "hit and run" drivers, and four re wards, totaling S2OO, have been paid. Ir. the four convictions only one de fendant was forced to serve a jail sentence. * "We have been convinced," said Mr. Roberts, "that this reward has caused many drivers to stop at the point of accident, as required by law, and we hope and believe it will eliminate' many accidents. In furtherance of this belief the Carolina Motor Club Will continue to pay a reward of $25 to any one who ascertains identity of n 'hit-and-run* driver and secures a conviction. We interpret a 'hit-and run' driver as one who injures a per son with a motor vehicle and refuses to stop. . "Since tlie new law \fcUit into elTec' a record of all highway accidents is required and while this will show a greater number of accident r.'poft •4), in my opinion, the actual number has been greatly decreased. Former ly all accidents were not recorded, and I do not believe there are near as many now as in the past. "There has been a most noticeable improvement in headlights on cars on the highways, and likewise a more videspread use of rear lights. I be lieve there is an improvement of 50 per cent already, and this percentage will constantly mount. I find that wagons, however, as a general rule, are not yet complying with the law requiring use of reflectors or lights at light, and since the law went into ef fect there have been several serious accidents due to failure of horse druwn vehicles to display lights or reflectors." Neuro Caught Trying 1 To Break Into House .Floyd Bonner, colored, was placed under a S2OO bond in a justice of the peace court 'it Everetts last Satur day when ha was carried before Jus tice Hen Kiiidick charged with trying to break into the home of Mr. Roy Clark, of near Everett«.\ Mr. Clark »aw the colored man at a window of his home Friday night and ran out on the porch and w.>u!4 ] have shot the man, but his flouhTe T7,u | rel gun was not loaded and the negro escaped. Saturday afternoon the ne gro was caught and carried before Mr. Kiddick a'. Everetts. It is thought he had been prowling around Mr. Clark's home for some time. He will answer to the charges in the recorder's court here next Tues day. Local Stores Offer Special Bargains Two of the leading stores of our tewn are ati/rntising many special values in this issue, covering a larg? number of articles in every-day use. By taking a careful look over the hits, you will find the very items you need today and will have to have to morrow. Both Harrison Hos. & Co. end Barnhill Bros. & Co. invited you. to examin:* their special bargains. IOTRANrV THEATRE I WEDNESDAY "TARZAN AND THE GOLDEN , LION Two - Reel Comedy and FREE TICKET For Friday Show Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Budget for Schools Approved by Board r — N 30-Day Reprieve Is Granted Bazemore George Frank Bazeinorc, con demned to die in the electric chair tomorrow, was granted a HO Jay reprieve today by Par don Commissioner Edwin li. Hridgers, according to informa tion received by long-distance telephone from the oltice of the warden of the penitentiary. Bazemore has been convicted twice of the murder of Gordon Yelvcrlon, young white hoy of this place, last fall. The reprieve was nranted by the pardon commissioner upon his own motion on the grounds that the governor was out of the State and had not had an opportunity to review Ihe case. V, ——/ Sunday Schools To Meet Here Williamston Township Division Meeting- Here Sunday The Williamston Township division of the Martin County Sunday school 'iiFsodation will meet at the William stcn Memorial Baptist Church Sun day afternoon, August 7th, at 3 p. in The devotional, song, and prayet tervice will lie led Ly C. 1,. Daniel. Afterwari. the following program will be rendered: 3:ls—"Physical equipment of the Sunday Sel aol," by it. A. I'^pe. 3:3o—Soiijr, by congregation. ' :;:36—"Meteal Equipment." To be announced. 3:so—Sore, by male quartet. 3:ss—"Si .'ritual Equipment," by W. C. Manning. 4:lo—"The Greatest Need in Out Sunday School," or "Cne Good Fea ture of Our Sui ay School," three minute talk: by E. I*. Cunningham, of flit Methodist church; J. t). Manning, «.f the Christian Church; J. C. Ander aeii, of the Baptist Church; and N. C. Green, of the Episcopal Church 4:2o—Business session. 4 '3o—Song. 4:35 Adjournment. All the Sunday schools of tlx' coun ty are urged to attend. iS. S. Courtney is chairman of Wil liamston Township Sunday School A: ociation. Joseph A. Abeyounis Drowned Yesterday Ju.eph.-A. Ah you id*., of Wnshifljj uas drowned i.i the I'uinnoo Kiv'i'r last night. Elbert il. Weston had taken Abeyounis and anotlwr Syrian man and two Syrian women ami a .small child out for a ride on a bout which lie was demonstrating to them. When the party returned to Fowls wharf all except Weston , went to the side of the boat to get ; rut. This caused the boat to capsize dropping them in 8 feet of water. Mr. Weston showed «reat presence of mind and workul quickly, getting the two men end two women out. liy this time, the child, which was v/rnp p d in a larj.'e overcoat was floating efl several feet away, and he rescued • the child. Upon his return to tfia wharf Abeyouni. was missing, but Mr. Weston though! at the time that lie had gone on to his home, ft was soon found i'iat Mf. Abeyounis was i'o* at his home and he could not be found. The rn.icuer.i then returned to the river an I found him about an i hour .if'er lie ha I been drowned. All i efforts to resuscitate him failed. It is thoug'it that he, in came way, through excitement, missed his step and fell buck into fhe wuter. Abeyouni.-, was rath r a prominent I merchant in Washington and also had i ir.ercantih interest, in Greenville. He i.i one time conducted a store here, selling out to R. Sumra. Seize Couple Stills Saturday Evening SheViff Koebtick and Deputy Grimes found a couple of stills on Beaver Dam Swamp, in Cross Roads, Satur «lay- evening. They had proper in formation as to their location and had very little trouble in locating them, one a nice copper still, the other was a steam outfit. Both stills were cold. Only three barrels of beer were found at each still and about one gal lon of what appeared to be the last running of liquor was found. * The stills were some distance from uhy house, and the officers have no cluO as to their ownership. I Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, August 2,1927 Most Important Action of Commissioners Here Monday The board of county commissioners met Monday and enjoyed a fairly easy day, only a few people appearing to tell of their troubles. All the mem bers of the board were present. After reviewing the budget present ed by the county board of education, it was approved us recently published ir. the general budget for the county. W. A. Little was granted relief from payment of poll tax in William s en Township, as he had listed and paid it in Hear Grass Township. Alfred Hodges was allowed pel month. Reports were received from the register of deeds, sheriff, and clerk of the superior court. All fees, commissions, and charges received by the clerk of court amount ed to $3U2.52. I'he sheriff's office received only $138.02 of this sum. $64.72 came from the sale of old copper from de stroyed stills, leartng only $78,110 Coming from the services by the sheriff. The register of deeds had only taken in for the entire month of July the sum of slt>B.2G, S2O of this being marriage license taxes. Following is the jury list drawn Ly the board for the September term of" court: For First Week C. H. Ange, It. O. Martin, 11. H. Harbor, Jamcsville. C. T. Koberson, J. I). Lilley, John K. Griflln, M. W. Bissell, N. R. Dan iel, W. G. Hurdif.on, Griffins. Walter ltailey, A. W. llailey, W. A. Bailey, H. Gomer Harrison, W. A. Perry, K. L. Perry, John H, Kober i.-on, lfear Grass. iV. K. Harrison, C. H. Cowan, Geo. Moore, P. 11. llrown, Williamston. 11. 0. Daniel, G. fI. Forbes, C. H. Kiddick, C. li. Roebuck, Crass Roads. H. C. Norman, G. C. Taylor, Ira IX Koberson, J. T. Tuylor, W. A. Van .l. rford, T. T. Adams, Arthur John •i.ii, W. A. Koss, and li. 11. Ross, |':ol>ersonvillfe. J. F. Crisp, J. C. Koss, K. T. Smith, Goose Nent, ■ For Second Week Levis Ange, Jnmesville v Kohert Jones, Williams. H. F. Koberson, Geo. C. Griffin, Geo. E. Koberson, 11. F. Lilley, Grif fiths. Javan Kogerson, Hear Grass. G. H. Harrison, J. J. Gregory, J. I). Harrison, A. Anderson, Raymond Cherry, S. S. Hrown, Williamston. J. A. Coffiehl, S. H. Gurgunus, 1). li. Chandler, J. L. Edtnondson, Koh ersonville. J. K. Harrison, Poplur I'oint/—- Negro Is Badly Cut In Fight Saturday tleorge Washington, colored mail v orking on the farm of Mr. Jim Rowen, was bedly cut about the body ami arm last Saturday afternoon af ti r he had raked the fire from a to bacco ba.n furnace two or three times. Junt who cut (ieorge no one will tell, and George, being slightly irtoxicated, do?R not know himself. An argument started when he told several other negroes that he did not want to put fire in the furnace of tho barn un'il Monday morning. The other parties started a fire in the furnace, and Washington pulled it out. Another, fire was started and Washington pulled that one out. He hud not pulled many more out before several colored boys around the barn rushed him and sliced him with a knife. He was brought here, where Dr. J. •S. Rhodes sewed up the several cuts. Sheriff Roebuck went to the scene, but could do nothing but assist Mr. Rowen in bringing the gashed man to tin. doetar. geveral Accidents in Community Recently Several accidents occured in the Community dating the past few days. Thelma burroughs, the 10-year-old duughter of Mr. W. A. Burroughs, fell from a tobacco truck and suffertd a slight fracture of the skull. At this time she i 3 improving nicely. Jack Biggs, colored attempted to crive his ca • by a truck and met a flying Chrysl *r car before he could take his sid? jf the road again, with thf result thfct his car was rmashed end he, his v/ife and another cojored woman wore severely cut and bruised. AH becauao Jack failed to do what he thought ha could tlo r -,pass by and take his side of the road before meet ing the oncoming car. \ _ Messrs. Barmettler and—liig-'s, of llie Carolina Motor Club, were here yesterday. 1 Unusual Casein County Court Here Tuesday Man, 71, Charged With Whipping Wife, 17; Suspend Judgment Recorder's court today presented a scene of interest, as well as hopeful ness. The fe.w. people present indicat ed the advent of a better day. There were only 25 people present, and but one woman among them, This num ber included tlv court, the officer:-,, attorneys; in fuct, it embraced the whole show. Ihe first case called Joseph J l '. Davenport, forged with whipping his wife. He ie 71 years old, while his wife is but 17. The only witness in the case was Mrs. Davenport, who stated that her lusband did whip, her slightly, u mounting to nothing more than a gen tle "brushing," and that he" did not hurt her in the least. Mie said the only weapon used was a small birch \ hip. The best part of her testimony came when she frankly said that her 11u.baud did right, that, he ctight t > have whipped her, us ah' called him a liar and deserved a 'whipping. The court caught the fine spirit of family reunion and susp aided judg ment upon the husband u, mi the con dition of his payii'ig the cost utd be having well in the future. The couple had a child, from ap pearance about a year ol I. Although the transposition of the ngures from 71 to 17 makes a difference of 54, the companionship of the pair seems to l>e almost perfect. Need Cars to Bring Scouts Back Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Chuk and Hilly ami Mr. ami Mrs. Chas. 11. Fleming and little son spent Sunday at Nags Head, wh 'iv they vidtedthe Willium .•don Roy Scouts. Mr. Clark says the boy-, are having a groat time. they are Ashing, hik ing, swimming ,und studying history a.ouud Munteo and Koannke Island mid taking in the life-S#*Wig station work along tlv banks. They are not t::king the full Scout program but are following the Scout discipline. Mr. Clark says he will need a few cars to assist l.iin in bringing the toys from Elizabeth City next Sun day, and any who would like to as sist them to. this extent are request ed to let him know during the week. Hit-And-Kun Driver Hits Car of Local Man A hit-and-run driver of a truck lifli in.o the cur oi Furnie Howard at Mill blanch on the Hamilton lioad Satur day night and damaged his car bad ly. Fortunately, Mr. Howard escaped I'uhurt. Mr. Howard says the truck was carelessly and recklessly driven und took his side of the load. The other man did not stop to assist him or to l.ive his identification. Mr. Howard was unable to get tho license num ber of the truck. ». Mr. Ed Daniel, of Interlachen, Fla., is here spending two' months with his ..tins, Messrs. Charles and fSariil Daniel.. Mr. .Daniel recently had a i, roke of paralysis, but is very much in proved in health at this time. Report County Agent For Month of July Following is the report of County Agent T. R. Brandon, as submitted to thf; board of commissioners at their meeting here Momluy: 20 tlays spent in field work; 0 days spent in office work; 77 office confer ences, 07 telephone t ails; 00' letters written; 57 farms visited during the month; 024 miles traveled on official t.uties; 1 article written for local pa pers; JiO 1 beat! of hogs treated during the month. The greater part of the a ent's time was spent in treating.hogs dur ing this month. The tobacco fertilizer and variety tits can be seen on the farms' of Jehn K. Criflin and Walter Curganus, rear Williamston. These demonstra tions have the rows tagged, and any farmer can tell the kind of fertilizer under them. t The nitrate of soda demonstration with corn is on the farm of Mr. R. I-. Perry, antl there, is a board to ex plain the work ■there. The sulphute of ammonia demon stration is on the highway to Wash ington on the right of road, on the first farm belonging to Mr. Staton. Will be glad for any farm®rs to visit any of the above demonstrations. It might be that you can not tell very much difference in some of them, but the results will be measured very ae cuiately and results will be published later. Soy Bean Growers From All Parts of Country to Tour County Next Week National Association to Meet in Washington; May Stop Here Hon. Fred P. Luthuin has made u ; liit with the annual meeting; of the I .African Soy lU-an Association, to j be held in Washington next wfek, by arranging to show the visitors from the north, sou'.li, and,west what won derful resources cistern North Caro lina is blessed with. In arranging the program for the eighth annual meeting of the Arneti 1 can Soy llean Association, pracficallv all of the time has been set aside for ! automobile tours through interesting parts of eastern North Carolina. The guests will arrive at Washington, where they will lie rejeistered and as \ signed to rooms. -A short evening session will bo held on the first day. Beginning on the second day, Wednesday, arrangements have been completed for leaving Washington by 1 auto early in the morning for a trip through historic Beaufort and Hyde ( ('unties, lyde County is the original heme of the soy bean" in'tlie I'nited! States. On this Jour visitors will have a view of one oft he most fer tile farming sections in southeastern I nited States. The people of Swan I jUuartcr have arranged a uomniunity j ji«nie luncheon for all the members and guests This will be fol lowed immediately by an address from Hon. John 11. Small, former I Congressman from North Carolina. I * The return trip from Swan (Quarter | will begin promptly at 2:.'to, timed so ; as to arrive in Hay View at 5 o'clock, ■where those who desire may secure J a i excellent sea-food dinner and en joy a salt-water swim in Pamlico "iver. The tour for the day will-end at Washington, where -tjie evening uro grain will begin promptly at s o'clock Ihe moving shown during • this program are said to he very in t resting and will lie thorough)- ex plained by Prof. Dorset, who secured the picture during, a trip of investi gation yf the soy beau industry in China and Manchuria. Thursday morning, the tour will be gin promptly at 8 o'clock and will car ry the party through Martin County, where is produced some of the fineftt bright-leaf tobacco to be found in North Carolina. The trip also goes through Bertie County, the largest peanut--producing county in the Unit ed States. 1 toth in these counties and li.oughout the remaining part of the tour will be seen splendid examples of diversified farming and fine fields el* soy beans. The trip has been arranged to pass over two great bridges recently con structed for the State Highway Com mission over the Roanoke and ('how an Rivers. A short stop will be per mittcd in historic Kd> nt'o'iiT-ar'ounii which much of North Carolinas' earl) Colonial history centers. The jiarty will arrive at Klizabeth City in time for the lunchion served ly citizens of the section. After a brief program there will be a demon stiation of the soy bean harvesters developed in this section, followed bj a tour of selected soy bean lit Ids in the territory immediately surrounding tie city. The evening program will conclude | the activities of the eighth conven | tion. Clients will find that tlw*y are I ' lily a short distance from Norfolk, where there are trunk-line railroads to the ru >t and west, and where ex it Merit ocean beaches' are near by. The party will pass through Wil- I.'aniHlon about 0 o'clock on Thurs day, the 11th, ami will probably stop : over here for a short session, which will be announced later. 801 l Weevil Damage Expected to be (ireat Rate reports on the bull weevil in | the South indicate that he is more ac tive in moat places than in 1920. The ! weevil is scattered over practically j tr.t entire belt, from the Kio (irandu | oi. rtie south to near the Virginia ; Ijne on the north. i In a large area in Texas the infes tation on July 20 averaged 10 per ci lit, while in another large section, it only ran about 4 per cent. In Louißiuna in some of the good tottop sections, infestation Is report ed as high as 20 per cent. In Mississippi the pest in some.sec tions seems to be about four times worse than last year. In Alabama examinations of the percentage of punctured squares aver aged from 17 to 20 per cent, which vas almost the same in South Caro l na examinations. For our immediate section, the COB dition so far is not particularly alarm li'K, Imt with wet weather during Ai* gust weevil damage promises to be greater than for the past few years. Tobacco Higher on Ceoigia Markets Information received here to ilay friim several (ieoryin tobac co markets indicated that the breiks oa he opening there yesterday 'averaged from 1H cents on the lowest markets, to "0* cents, on tile lushest. These prices seem fair lor a (•coi'Kia opening, us they usu ally start considerably lower than ihese figures. The crop in that Slate has made considerable improvement in quality during the last part of (he season, and the State is expected In produce about 50,- 000,000 pounds this year, as a ganst 10,01)0,00 last year. Bear Killed in Hunt Sunday Hud Killed Number of I'itfs During Past Few Months Sunday morning Mr, Wilt Roberson, who farms on the land of Mr. It. Mo Manning, went into his corn Held to ti ok around, ami while there he hoard his pigs squealing about 2IMI yards away in hi.s pasture. He went to see what the trouble was about, and when lie had gotten about 50 yards away In' saw something tossing a little pig i'|> in the air and eateh m? it, siinilai to a cat playing with a mouse or a hall. Closer examination revealed that two small bear cubs were doing the tossing. Another pig squealed out near-by, and when "lie turned in that direction, Mr. Krrfierson saw an old b.'ar had the pig. Just a.s he looked tin old sow charged the bear, which loosed the pig and engaged in | a fight with the hog. .lust at this mom iii Mr. Koberson decided he needed hi.s gun ami ran loi hi.s home, hut had in'it gotten far before the ht>g got loose from'the Lear and followed Rober.soif; i line up as follows: Mr, ftot>cr*on tilst, the hog si eotrrty- and the bear third. It is understood that the iac (I'.ded just as it star ed, itob. rsiin tirst with a hear (not bare) behind, which, it is s.iid, always makes -a tooil race. I tut Air. Koberson would not five uiri.be. light, lie called a few iieiith IIOTS, got their dogs and went back The old bear was quickly run up a .I re ami' killed. Mr, Koberson had lost several pigs during the past month, and he thinks -+H —samp bears got them. — — limn;' Demonstration Agent's July Report Following is a report of tli ( . work i,one dining the month of July by the county home demonstration agent, Miss Anna Ti iitham, as submit ted !,y her to thi l hoard of county com in 1.-.sioiiers at tljeir ineetiihg here Monday: , . . Number meeting laid, 22; attend a nee 2li;i, Other meetings attended •2! attendance, 175. Home si it;, 25. "*is- telephone call s; 85 ollice calls; !M letters written; HO bulletins sent out; I article published; 4 1-2 ollice days; 20 1-2 field days; I holiday; 1,127 miles traveled (;n official duties; 52 method demonstrations in food pres ervation; It) method demonstrations in food preparation; I lecture on nu ll ilion. During the month the girls' clubs of the county sent nine lepresentu lives to the State short course, which v/a«; held in Kaleigh July 11-lfi. Thai veek was a profitable one for tin girls attending that course, for ever minule of the time was spent in some worth-while work, which taught valu idle lessons in home making. This is the first year that Martin County has been leprosntod' in the girl's short course, and much frcdit i. due the girls who made the trip. J)ej)uty Grimes Finds Moonshine in Store Deputy Crimes stopped in the stori of John Sheprjard just this side of Hamilton ust Saturday n'gh', wher he found a small amount of liquor and several empty jugs. Sheppard was placed under u bond for his appear- Kece in the recorder's court here to day. Sheppard was brought into court some time aje after officers had found liquor In bin home. He was found not guilty on thut charge by the court. / Advertisers Will Find. Our i.l | umna a Latchkey to Over 1 twill I Home* of Martin County. ESTARUSHKII 18!W Corn - Growing Demonstration Is Being Made Trying to lnci ease Yield Per Acre and Keduce Cost Per Bushel According to Government ligurtiß, Martin County, in increased If i coi'ii acreage 1,515 over Hie* acke- Ujre to corn in llil!}. -The average > i Id wat 22 bushels in l!>l;>, and tt4. bushels in l'.i'Jti. "\ield lida tlirict r_laiii/i)to pro deotiun cost; low yield per acre usu ally means high per bu hel lot. of production," stated County Agent T. 11. Brandon today. "Our avi'rag • si i.l of corn can be unified materi all > through a greater Use of cover clops, seed selection, -> better cultural method-, and a more, liberal application in ttr.il /. r suited !o the noevls of the com plant on uur scils, "Through the assistance of Mr. 11. 1.. Perry, ol \\ illuujision, V C, oiitj it' our prof,rss»ive. farmer;, we an* conducting ti live acre corn tiesuori stration this y. ar.' Mr. Hi ai.don ..said. "The purpii.se of this demon-tia ion is to increase the yield per acre, and if possible leduee the cost per bu H.-l," "We are Using in this oemon .ia I on ..00 pound, iiitrale of sotl.i ,and tiiili pounds of N-.'i per acre. "The corn plant needs lan:,, cjuan titles of nitrogen to produce large yiMdji. It the soil is deficient in 11 i- * Irogeii, it should lie tipplied in t i.uickly availabl form, such as ni trate of so.la. Very li tie, if any, of lie nitrogen should lis applied at Planting time. The best I.me to ap ply the soda is when the cviii is knet* to thigh high," Mr. limn lon ..tate-l, ''Farmers who ar • interesti tl in in - cieasing their coin yields should'"\Trtl Mr. Felly's farm and uc t us din. .li st ration." 82 "S" ears Old; Preaches !") Pennons, in l!) Days l'.lder Newsonie 11. Harrison iu;uf> jus a visit last week, while .en route rt- 11"' Skewarkt-e Union tit '.Sniitli -1 wicks ('reek.'. Although 82 years oil, he i.s full ol villi and vigor, and apparently eii jiys .lift* better tliun many of ilie** young Mien of the day. ■ He describe,, 1 a ley Itt p.ea■ liing tV.'itr In/ made, covi*r*iig .1 period of 111 day*. Leaving Plymouth' Ssiun- ' . li.y, July l»tli, h • \ i ii. d both £ lit- I p PCounty J.in" Association a! (i.l limns, -a.',d the I.own Couu'v 1 ini* A .-eciutinii "ill Hi I. na,-'preaching :it liilh as emldi#' ; vhi re h.> -..'1 ,'ie eiowd at eacfi place w.i> estiina 1 ed as bigh as 10,0(1(1 p opie -fTe also preac'i. I'd at I ''li lit!li 1 111 ut I'' u t 7(M> .people. at Memorial to about 500; at Tur li ver Hil l Sails, where about Kill-. I.i aril him at eu.si plac". He 11 .*\t rpi oached at Stort y." Creek to a I ny.e .fathering, e lima.id at about 500; til . Itllxhof.fr he li,*i.l 1.1 ri, where he was net by only 'a I •,* u t .':(i .punple- At VVh'. lers ("hurch, J'ro.pect II 11, Itush Arbor, anil, liurin ; he preach* d to congregation -«-.;ti«j il. d from ,'i(!ii lo hill); makiuif in all la sermons In almost 25,000 p ople, whic i is ttiiu ii l ! for there days. • Preaches Special Sermon to Kiwanis ft Key. C. 11. iiitkey preached a spec ii.l .sermon .0 members of the Ki wanis Club at the lia/itist Church - Sunday morning. The sermon dealt largely with Chris tiitn cftiisi'iishi;!, which in a way i.> tin basic piiuciple.upon which Kwani-; is built; men jointly applying tl(0 principles of Christianity to tho world about them. The service wa.) well attend si. Mr. Hick •/ alway preaches to tie .point and a piain but forceful nuin ner. On Sunday night Ih* preached »l M the- Phrtitiau CWre+i, taking for his text the words of I'aul when ho was cpparontly belted between two live. ; the one ju ; v pissing awuy, where h.i saw/the buttles of life us the} toe re finished one by one; and he rejoiced in the manly way that he had fought he nfrad w.iv* that had shipwrecked him, and rejoiced in the fact that Uw poison of serpent's teeth had no pow er over his pure life. He saw the jey of pr* viting lils bare hack to !>•» bf a ten an. l striped; for tin; power hfl had shown in preaching Jesus to art ignorant and cruel world. He admit ted that he had fought a good fight and JuuLkept the fuith. Then, turning his eyes toward the Canaan of life he said, "There is lai.l up for me a crown of righteousness, und not for me alone, but for all those who love His appearing." The Herr.un carried Paul through the hardships of life, but went fur ther and allowed the crown, spotless, pure, and stomal.