THE ENTERPRISE published E>cry Tuesday and Friday by the ENriiUl'lUSii I'UIJIJSHINMfICOMFANY WILLI AMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA W. C. Manning Editor Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COUNTY ' 1 year' ...; Sl {j® ti 1110:1 lis _ Ol'TSlltt; .MARTIN COUNTY j Vl ar i 82.00 j yi ,ir j. C months (Strictly Cash in Advance) No Subscription \; ill He Than Six Months Advertising Hate Card Will Ue Furnished I'pon Application En .-red at tin po*t olii:-" at Williamston, N. C., as second-class nuftui uiuii r thi- :u t ol Congress oi inarch J, 18*y. Audio;s all comiminicii'.i.ons .to The Enterprise and not to indi vidual members of tin company. TI'ESDAY. AI GI ST 2. 1927 Public Libraiy Our Greatest Need Hooks aie i'ie ifreate.-t -«g«?ncy of trdightennicnl that we have, and yet ! people u*e II •• ri-adinft: tl.em. I'vurv mind i.~ I very Hover. It i- built i p on its own -peculiar cells. Some lini.'.- t e wealthy try to plit> thase k'lev.v .l.'ri fer tin ir sons, but they fail; so evs t\ ciiil I has to no through tli.' ,-ans.' old "slew sternly 1 recess of liiink'ng, which builds cell after cell in tin brain until it hi - conies a great sum chouse of knowl 1 edge. liooks teach us how to think. They do not build, but arw only the charts ( by which w ( . ir t . enable! to build out i,\vn storehouse of knowleily;e. The library is the best place to find the luiek you lie;-il. There the. 1 mivs may be fuu:.d which., supply i Six I nfortur.ate ( hildren ~ T:.e N'.t.. h .('entity rhildren v. 1,11. r mother ami fe'.her both died \. it hill the pes year- the children, 3 loymmd It fills, ranging in age from :i to 12 years are eviremely unfor tunate. They wen recently taken to J w ' the b uird of county, commissioners nn.! turned over to thorn as pauper ni plain.-.. Vet they liave three uncles who are not /m!y "food livers"-but "possess Hillside ral lie pivperty; and their p. rand father, y ii".ui of Cf>, is worth r tinora Driving Cars Again .. People still bp- rdy defy the auto-1 mobile l:j\v>. » they don't j know; some' tones' they don't think; end often they don't care. . Frequently-emergencies arise, and f. driver may iiot have time to nive| "tl.e Jiurid signals, apply brakes, and I. low horns us t,u>' taw n-ifuires. And, too, the constant opera'it.n of au-1 tomobile 'brings the driver to the eon ! h¥*is the master of his I ')>>ac'hiiie ap.l it- able to operate i'i v>ith'sUfely hi I-.;.- niachiii", himself,4 un.l 'jb'ihe; *Frequently this is true.- AFRAIDJO EAT Keeteg SpeHs, free ledigeslioß, ftt u OkU«M Maiia Miserable Fix, B«t Hb Found ißelief. f —*• ' \ • .>* • «■■■—— Bwink, Okla.—ln describing how hs suffered from indigestion, Mr B. T. Strain, of this place, says: 1 have bean a uaar of Black- Draught for four or five years. I . have bean taking it for stomach : trouble. I suffered after eating ifith bloating and a tight feeling*, -v-*- 1 had spells when I could not eat ' mnoh of anything. I had severe aaadaches. I would be nauseated and hurt • lot I was in a pretty bad fix. "I btwan taking Black-Draught It aeemea to help mo wonderfully. I • hadn't found anything that benefited ma aa Black-Draught did. I certain ly can recommend it "There ware times whan I just did without anything to aat until I was too weak to go. I was juat miser able, and whao I ate, my ay stem assmed clogged. » 1 had very aevere headsrhaa. So 1 didn't know juat what to do. I knew I couldn't work if I didn't aat Saemad like what I spit up waa bit tar aa cooid be. I took Black- Draught pretty regularly and got W!mm I oould aat and I don't have to taka Uso regularly now." NC-tri tin need ,cf i very stunt' of the mind's' row.ll arid development. Our folks are neglecting this iin-; pertant duty and are not providing a single book for the public-library •■I rvioe. We are too poor to place I ytuitl books in the hands of qur chil dren, yet have plenty of money for i iruseinents. Willianiston's amusenvnt bills for | on. month will build up a respectable library. We would be just us well off to stop a while and by so doing wj v.ouid have something of real value. New York librarians say that it is more unwise to oblige children to for-, age for tla'ir intellectual food than it i„s to for.'e live stock to depend upon j i forage for subsistence. about $30,000. Vet he permits his! j,lundeliildren, the orphans of his, .laughter, to go to the county home, j These children are of course tin- | I fortunate in losing father and mother J hut jure nioic unfortunate~ttFJKTVi 1 * the i "lib od of a grandfather or uncles in j their veins who would do us cold blooded a thing*us to turn thei.r .own |i ut on the world to live or die. It is rather strange that a man can accumulate $30,1)00 and -yet be so in human. 4'' No law has to be applied to all the' Ttiks. Some are decent, sensible, and , ufe without it. Yet one thing is hard to understand- why will parents per i .it ehi.klren under the age limit to drive? No excuse of ignorance can ::pply in this case, because everybody lii.nws it is unlawful, fqr children un der 10 to drive a car at any time in any place. *•' It looked at one time as if the oftt- Texaco Golden Motor Oil ;-" r . " " ' v l_U— _ ' ■ . r . If you have driven your car constantly for one month, we believe it is time to change - the oil in the near future and fill the crank r ■ • .i,\ | T case with * •.. . v ■ Texaco-- The Golden Motor Oil HARRISON OIL CO. Geo. and Gus Harrison Know Oil How the World War Helped the Church If the world war did no other good, j it did much to help the church. The church has never been so well j understood as it is today. Religious j people everywhere are beginning to find themselves and their mission.. '1 hey are beginning to find that many of the things that they cherished so long in their religious activities were i o.hing more nor less than selfish bigotry. The war set church people to think ing far above creed. It placed their Minds on a higher level of thinking, 't causi d many to love the same peo ple they once hated. ■Something lias caused a wider growth of fellowship than ever ex istcd before.* The day is past that ifien thought tla y had done their full duty when they told of Jesus. Now they know they must do more than say; they Disarmament Conference a Failure Thedisarmament conference seems least one nut ion, England by name, i> to be one of the most disorderly \ unwilling to make Rood her agree rows the world has ever awn, unless ment. Nothing in a way of a fair ad it has seen a bunch of hungry hound ; justment teems possible, and it now puppies in a kennel with but one looks as if ihct whole thing will go bene'. - » I up in eonfu ion and nothing will be It is evident that some of thfeiiji- accomplished, tions did n./t hones ly comply with 1 It is noine t : nies hard to understand (heir agreement on the naval ratio just how small big nations ean l»e basis of 5-5-3. Now that the matter What a saving it would be if they is up for further consideration, at 1 wcTuld only act square. \>\K Decrease in Live Stock Since 1900 Nor h Carolina ha I cattle, 214,1M>0 p, 1,228,01)0 hogs, 100,000 horses, an;l 175,000 mules in 1900. Since that time there has been a movement to boost the live-stock busi ness in our State. Farmers have lit "ii urged to raise a few more hogs, cattle, and sheep; yet in the 10 years, have lost heavily in the number of live stock on hand, of every kind ex cept mules. The lons has -been INB.OOO cattle j or 27 per cent; KM,OOO sheep, or 0." j pel cent; 379,000 hogs, 31 per cent; 02,000. horses, Si pr cent. The gain : ii the nuiiiber of mules was 101,000, J or GO per cent. Why Women Are Wearing Larger Shoes The Pacific Shoe Deal rs' Associa- j tisn ways that women's feet arc get- i _* I tinjf larjctvr and that they arc wear ing bigger shoes every year. They : contribute the cause to outdoor sports ! :'ti.l much walking. Of course, every? ! hody knows they are wrong about the !ci rs were going to put a stop to: | t.r.irors driving cars, but it now look- 1 j as if they are letting up, as the kids are driving again. i I :»18 RICH ACKKS; 1 MILK FROM Woodleaf; good roads: 40 acr-s . bottom; modem 1(1 room house, paint j id; barns', outhouses, good fishing. ' lA>W price, easy terms. I). C. Linn, ! undis, N. C. THE ENTHRPMSK - WILLIAMSTON, N. C 1 nust do, because it is, after all, what \VL ure that count* and not what we say we are. The old day of church hatred is rapidly passing away, and any man i who would raise a' quarrel with a brother who happened not to under- Hlond a tiling quite so well as he would be quite properly classed as a st lf-righteou- Pharisee. The strong walls whfch various (hurt-lies hai! built around themselves for centuries haviciiumbled and arc i.i w regarded 03 useless forms. Church pen pie are beginning to u - ,M i stand the principles of Christianity -t r>Uer than i-ver before. If the war did it, it was worth the cost. Christianity is the only tiling that will sustain men and nations, and they must know more of its princi- I pie:;. • The only reasonable thing found I i iinioug thf:* lixuri's applies to nurses : nil nuilc i. Tin' automobile lias clone | away with tii diivinK horse, and the farmers have l-arned lliat they need) n«cre mule.' to property cultivate i their lands; ' Hut the Vnystery is, wliy have the : people this Ktat. l allowed such a fall ing off in lipk>. tattle, anil sheep* It i must be that tin y di.-liko the trouble ol milking and caring for stock. They j ' seem to prefer toiling in tobacco and ! cotton fields and buy inn butter from j ' the West. All in the face of the teaching: of history that ail stock raising countries K«''. rich. ! walking, a.- wonicn are all riding 1 tnese days. I ' ' Tlie real icasoi f(ir wearing larger fhoes is tl at at one time the neat little foot was a great attraction. Now, no man sees the foot. He s areß higher. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In superior court. VV S. Rhodes and I). G. Matthews Tradiiv; as Slade, Ithodes & C 0.,, \s. J. N. Ptixh. liy virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the superior ,-(,urt o'f Martin County, in the above • ntitled action, I will, on the Ist day ; of August, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Martin CAmty, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution all the right, title, and interest which the said J. H. Hugh,, the defendant, has in the following described real estate, to wit: That tract of land known as the Cox farm, situated on the left-hand side of the public road leading from Hamilton to Williamston, opposite the Purvis farm, adjoinnig the land of J. H. Sherrod and others and the Ro anoke River, containing three hun died acres, more or less, which tract in sold and is -hereby conveyed sub ject to the dower of Mrs. Margaret Doyle, widow of John P. Boyle, de ceased, which has already been as- 1 signed out of said land under definite metes and bounds. This the Ist day of July, 1927. A. L. ROEBUCK, jyf 4tw Sheriff of Martin County. NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of W. D Staton, late of the town of James ville in the County of Martin, all persons holding claims against said estate will take notice that unless they present same for payment to tho undersigned on or before July the Bth, 1928, this notics will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please come forward and pay same prompt ly This the Bth dpy of July, 1927. NAOMI STATON, jy-8-4't Administratrix. 666 is a Prescription for MALARIA, CHILLS ANI) FEVER. DENOTE OK BILIOUS FEVER It Kills the Germs This hard-to-suit a IV chooses £amel MODERN people we hard to satisfy. But Camel has pleased . ■ •hem and they have made it the most famous cigarette of j-J iM | Present-day smokers are "tasty," and they recogniie in Camel the choicest tobaccos grown, blended for smoothness sind mellowness. Camel leadership in this modern world la ~ BJBjtCT an overwhelming tribute to the taste and fragrance of thia Camel will prove itself to you. What a cool, aatisfying I ■moke! When, you try Camels, you will see why they arc .■ first and favorite with prtsent-day smokers. "Hsve g Ctmell" 01927, U.I R.ynold. Tob»cc / / \ r "^rVxirt^'^W Company, Wuuton-Sal«u, N. C. I I i^jaCAMIiTT 1 - 1 Letter Heads, Bill Heads and Statements Or Job Printing of Any Description r . ' ?. s • - - m ""'j We Can Make Delivery on Short Notice Prices Reasonable The Enterprise Publishing Company j v-v..- i .miir »'"» M .-•• - ' ' . - S l l* 1 u , IF IT ISN'T BETTER THAN THE BEST IT IS AS GOOD AS THE BEST \ . '' Du Pont Paint 9 For all wood work, new and old furniture, autos, floors, walls, and metal work. Du Pont Paint Is a Distinctive Product ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU Get Our Prices B. S. COURTNEY Furniture, Undertaker, and Paint WILLIAMSTON, N.C.