Kir / . o ' cM *° *,: . «? >w-\■> ■ 1 : fW7 .toCt^ 3 •■•• £ - -' rV- ft." u^^K>f/TW i fe> / VL/ 111 . J ifv l '• >V| I ;. - \ :■■ . ' * ; I! -••••* r . U -a. V j-f A .'/ A 1-4- r V. ! ' - /■-- \ -.*-■. • y i iLt 1 : ■j I .• / i / v- .^r' •» 4 I 1 .1 * »,V ' ' Uiv« !»: h4l ;> i© A Whofe Legiskfcre \Y/r ! " ; f \ V ' • =•■ gW.-U of ' : i ' ' l ie : . ' IT t l-'-.O * i', f " ei ) . u !». v r ! t - : •' t'J.U".'- t v Ii i - ++■l.ll- i> •— J ! " j Mar! " w t .; !:•. . ..tst --pi' ;z 1 t f * • ! • tr t( l • 1.v1n,. fif , t» • •.•" ? ' - „ • , ..• To-- > th,> ■„• . v. ' f i,. . % .., r s# ,,. »j .. . . fl f .. y t w) H | T I , . P f ***'"" )jtf ' ■ " | % * r» 1 n - t \ ,■ ■ .i ; c «%. • Tl . » '• - « V r • - * " ■ -IV /■ V • • ' ■ . I . K 'i • : NO I K K OF SAI.H OK KISAL I'KOrKKTY ; I iiffir and by virtue of the pow*r of in i\ certain deed of! trust exe> ut d to the uiider.iijtned j tiuiiec on the l'.-t day of June,' 1U251 ami of ri't or.Hii the public registry of i Martin County in Hook lj-i£ :it pair* 1 1 412, seeuriiiK. certain Mlotes of- even (late and tenor therewith, and default j having been made in the payment of I the same and 'tlv .sfipulutions con-j , tuined in the said dee.l of trust not having been eomplied with and at the roi|Ui st of the liohler of the said notes the undersigned trustee will on Mon day the 15th day of Au gust, 1'.i27 at 12 o'i'io'k M. in front of the court house door in tlv town of YVilliams ton, K.*C. offer for sale to the hifrh- bidder for etish the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: \First tract: lots I and 2 of the projterty formerly owned by J. S. I'eijrand known as the Koselawn property in the town of Williamston, N. C. as surveyed and platted by J. K. Mobley, surveyor, said plot or map bidnjcVf record in the public registry • oi Martin County in Land Division Wcf>!c-Fnd r • ir T > r * l' r. i r b Kound Trip ,> " 1 c! F: res from Fares from Oih n r Points i. "roji rt: »n Wr. 'it viM ; Heh'eli $7.96 Ni.rfofk 15.36 I I Vi' «■,nis« Beaeli _ $5.93 i I Oil ;a!c- Tiidayp and Sat- : ur 'a/t; good urtil irfidnfg'it follow- • Tuesday. V.. and Ti 'p -Summer Excursion v Tii on sale daily to resorts in Cana j ai.J- the Vn: ed States, g od until October 31. • i We are prepared to serv." you. V, D. -GODWIN, T. A. Willi*maton, N. C. , Phone 45 COAST y v LINE ■>a iiv.n tov-Uier un j., *.l u. i ;il tl i'.it.-l .jluuols llUll \ ■ .u• 4 . i 'k-.- u>.d clut..«. i , .... i , • . ic park. nark fi, i i ivi.-.i r., Amorkih l '■ I „ :W i M '.-.i f "hr v m VW h I } ... >~>t- ••• 'i iuitr j ■ « i w i »r r.ifv.s io; i If ' uiUi U.»liS i| t • .... •• •!:• ally i >. !• I -? / s v, »;}•' i ti \v it it i , ... to .rt M rur c . * 1 »!,.> .Hilt-rl J 't p. ' *>- j •' :r v !:.•• ! . in-I-l ,vr«- «li: il • i r ..ft " - yvr: -.h I ■ ~ f f r . «,.»•« •' n'j . f ,5 4- • ' ; • t' 1 '• ii* •.i'. n•»k i J ' Tit. C ' 1 T : W , V ivV"! r " tn t • ! '» *• \ »•*! »v.t ! « > s i i. -:i t>, t—r frtl'l, *>i»ll ■ . J- ,-i •>>,-: i •ii • U fi• -■ -1 ... -., t ,i. i ■ ~.i . I " - ' - • • • '• i. j S • * : ie. i y . - j j ! , . .., • ' i •. ■ »•-.». f ' «r' • • •• Hook No, 3 at page f>9. Second tract: Heginniiig at the ."'ou' hwest comer of the Miley Taylor Building Material ur ./i • [ij „ .1. . We In Our I'p-ToDate Wo (any in Mock: v/ood-vvorkinfr Shop Mooring (in all grades): Ceilillff (in all grades).' ' Screen doors popper or gul- Aspluilt. shingles. vanm-d).... Wood shingles. , V i,, ;' ! w A•pl-.i!lt roll roofing ' XOS ' . . ~ . •■i.i, ! ruck bouKHS atul'caUs. ommon uru k. ■l'V.ce brick. M.rson's hydrntec) limp. Mantels. Mason's r«ck lime. * ■_ Shrives. Cement. . * Cluster. -Drawers. v ' \ I'lnin window sash. • 1 i ig la >..u ts. Cheek rail window sash. |,01,V ?- Mu U ' or(1 " r - • Cro:,«; panel doors. „ Ornamental tr.llises. Sash doom (glass panel). / fov the lawn. French doors.' Clothes chests. 1 ,tirgi> asortnunt of moulding. Orruimental flower OOM~. Weather boarding'(all grades). Meliciiw cabinets. !n Mi s • • All k'nls of.rough anil dressed K rackets. lumber. MouJdins*. Nals. Flooring;-. . . Valley tine. Ceiling. Window glass (common). Plain dressed lumber of any di Special window glass cut any mansion. si/e. • Newels and banisters. Automobile windshield glass. Caraire doors. Window weights. Window frames. Wiiulo.w cord. Door frames. ; Saih pulley.- and putty. Church pews. _ - Hereon wire (copper or galvan- And a hre variety cf other oh ized). _ ' * jej'ti Porch columns'(various sizes). If there is ANYTIM N(!'yotl And varous o lur building ma- wa it that is ninde of v.'» |u d. teriul. brim? us vcur plans 'or idea*; and we will make it for you. - We carry a lull line of plate glass for windshields and ear (loot s and will lit them to your car at a moderate charge. "v** » Window and Door Screens Made to Order Williamston Supply Co. J. S. WHITJJ2Y, Proprietor _ , :ii ittldii.iruii.l $ 10.0U0.000 annual im. 'leafl ii by itic Territory." fcttice il !«enine generally ktiown that the Si.ii. Sue b->il of tho H..i' aiiaii lsl.HtiJsu produces the ..iiiuvtii 1 the luicst pineap ;!• ,'•■('»■ i, the demand for lia rs.. on p.i.eupp'« lms rnpidly ill i- i/u-v.. 1 . .'ii. • ji'd luia Lu i n su|>- l>in'd with thid litdd-iijictu-d fruit b.v tiwi.Ht ut cansnii'ius iucuu'd n* *.-.o pl:".lMijii3 wlii.-h put tho |r'!w;ivpi* tun) catu ut the moment of rim: ii. iihi/.vr-ver, it vv:'s fiire ii !h«l the enormous demand !'-.i l[;»v. iiiun pineapple would soon c::fiM,d. the supply if ir.ore land . re not ac:quiiud for cultivation.. "• ~!• i im.iiJh '* i (pt Lunai, were' f /I'd ot.lj for cut tie rniintc, utitll !'P"ty » i 11 '..rd up. Scouts in-* v"i '• ,r .«j Mexico, Kiji, Sm Dora i,\r. ■ a in 1 even Aus'rulia. ''• \ 'ji e buck ngt»'m to Ijuhl, 'i ■ ••■•r, h'ih " i!it» soil, elinuitp, !)!«■ "t', i; : il .1! and natural ,di ; ■:i 'v v •»•.• f.bout Hjr'it for nit i .»i. le, Cut there weie no 1 r.o i ads, r.o town, no '' • ) i r :iter'supjily, no labor unl f '■ p'\i- !y p«»rii'...aei ts iiiiule il ..I. ' ' 1 1' ,_'i' i l it '>• ; >ii . • I s ii>.for S 1,100,000. v ■■ 1 v ' ■"i !-■ r. gessed at morn 1,.. " .in".ii'lnir'pd 1 i-.-.i 1 'i— wi'b . 1 1 .. •, t W il ii T.ll'Aili ' fKV-inlt. I ■ ..fl fV'bl >■ («/\*ii»*oT ... >'.«J ('Wilt* A MijH*. • v.- lan.l tunning .Southwest to an oak on tin- Hamilton road, thence running Northeast to another oak, th- hce a- L _j__ , m |, || |,|| | mib ■ HI, Mill I ' ~ THE ENTERPRISE - WILLIAMSTON. N. C. WANTS liAVE YOU TJUKD to DUCO YOUR „!.l shoes 1 .Make them look like .1 •wi.nd change the color if you wish. i a,' in to sec u , we have all colors, iS. Courtney. jy26 2t ; A > K YOU Till KD to DUCO YOUR i.IJ shoes ? Wake them look like i . v.' an I change the color if you wish. Come ill U> see uwe have all colors. ... Courtney. _ jy26 2t I. C. Met kins, Jr. >l. W. Meclrins . i IJEKINS & MEEKINS Attorneys »t Law WASHINGTON, N. C. S.ute and Federal Courts SKVKItAL THOUSAND TOHACCO ..slicks for sal • at my mill in James .llN. C. Pluc- your order before r h comes, Ldtlur llardison. jy3s 4 csTiVACE PAMLICO BEACH: NEW furnished, w I! screened; desirable I't, good location. Write P. O. liox f. 76, Washington, N. C. jy-'9 1 BKNTHAI.L PICKKII OWNKRS: Take notice. 1 will rebuild your old peanut pickers from the trucks up and guarantee .| u . m to do the same v.urk that a new one will do. See me at ,ss I can only overhaul a lim ! numb r, ahl if you wait until lat : r in the "ca. 1 -' v. you will lie disap pointed. J. S. Whitkijr', Prop., Wil !';:in«t'/n„£loppl;. Co. a 2 Ct Ion;;' a line of oak tree* in a North ward direction to the Kin dt s proper ty, thence Northward to W. 11. Cher ry and Sarah 't. Cherry land, con taining 1 acre more or hss and being •the sume land conveyed to W. 11. Cherry and wife 4>y deed from the 'own of Williams ton, dated Sept. 13, I'.>»!) and of record in the public reg i. •rv nf Martin County in liook B-2 pug" 2-'iß. • Third tract: Beginning at poplar tree on the Williamston and Hamil ton road Harry Coburn's western Corner, thence along Harry CoburnV line to J. S. Rhodes line, the rtai of Miby Brunch; thence a Southern urw the various courses! of Miley Branch to tha W Itiamston and Hain ;ii. ro.'td, theme up the Williams tr.n and Hamilton road to the begin :r. ■: c fiiiiinitijr 3 acres'fnore or less, ■'•si h ing the ir.i'.d deeded to W. R. 'l-i rrv an I So i.ih 0. Cherry by deed \f itt: !!. B. Ctl ! ill dated April 21st '■!'•'■ -mJ reeoi hd in he public reg- Beginning Friday, August 5 (;()IN(i FOR 10 DAYS t A Real August Sale ' - Barnhill Brothers a™ v Col >r Voile v Crepe Gowns 3 % , • • and Company *r Fancy Voile • * * ... „ Sheets #I 25 " Cot Your Straw Hat and 81x90 Silk Pongee Tine a r -Jt Now While YflTu Are Hot Washable - ' 1 ,llow ases ■ '* Now 98c ' 32c ____________ . * - i $1,50 ~ uTi: v l) now 7% Indian Head Tub Silk T ' ' • Linen Now 7Ee B. V. 1)., n0w...! 48c . Now SMO jooQ Overalls, now $1.48 #1.50 Si.CO 'fie-?, now' -■ 79c _ ,®do Sixirl Bcniraline • I .ed Spreads Now 1 ' Now sl.lO ""I $3.75 —T A BARGAIN IN HOSIERY 7TZZ SIOO , t $1.75 i Harnett Satin $2.75 velue ...,$2 38* Red Spreads NOW corn i *I«Q N ° W vi.oO value ...... $1.98 • orr >. . All 50c — v * 12 l-2c Materials » $2 00 value $1.79' •io. i q« .M'fff, sl.6ovalue 84c _ , , : f%. . Materials Turkish Towels Now " ~ J Now '* ALIDRESSESGREATLY REDUCED f? J Barnhill Bros. & Co. WI LI JAM STON, N. C. I istry of Martin County In Book Y-l at page 2.06. Saving and excepting from the operation of this deed the part of the above land heretofore deeded to Julius S. Peel and describ ed as follows: Beginning at a poplar Uoe on the Williamgton and Hamil ton. ..road, Coburn's western corner, •.himee-along said Coburn's line to the run df Miley branch, thence along the vtrious courses of Mil ~y branch in a .southern direction to a stake in the branch 100 feet from front line back, thence a line with the line of said poplar tree the beginning, contain ing 3 acres, residence lot being ex cepted, 115 feet being bought. . Fourth tract:' Being on the North •a.:t.side of t'ac old Wiliiamston and ijamilton road; adjoinijig the old Wil iiamston and Hamilton road on the Southeast, 1). 1)7 Stalls, I'ublic Ceme tery and J. S. Rhodes on the North east and Dick Wynn on/the North w-i-.-i , beginning ao a stob on the crll ,Viiliirm.-iU-n and Hamilton road, D. I) Stalls corner, thence along I). D. line in a Northeast direction 115 feet to a stob, D. I). Stalls corner, thence along 1). D. Stalls ine at right angle with the kist mentioned line 79.9 to a s ob in a branch, thence along the various courses of the said blanch to J. S. Rhodes line in the Miley Branch, thence along the various" courses of Miley Branch to Dick Wynn's line, ths-nce aleng Dfck.AVynn's line to the old Wiliiamston and Hamilton road, thence along said road to a stob the beginning, excepting that part of same which has been*sold to Dick Wynn, Klbei't S. Peel, D. D. Stalls and Sandy Ro+tm nr. and I t No. f which has heretofore been sold. This the 14th day of July, 1927. j,-15-4t Trustee. NOTICE Under .ni l by vir ue of a judgment i,; the superior court in the special 1 'oteedin.;s entitled, "Cariie Higgs, el al \s. Harry et als," the un dersigned commissioner will, on the ai t day ( f Augu.4, • 1927, at 12 o'- clock noon,-at the cour hoQse door, of Martin County sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following do :i(-ribed property: Bounded by Sycamore Street and a street leading from Sycnnore Street to lb" railroad," Luke Slade lit use and lot of Annie House and I Any dru*iri«* viM refund your money if I I'AZO fhila to cure Itrhincr. I Blind. Plneding or i'rotrudinir Pilci. In I tubec with pile pipe, 7oc; or in tiu boxes. I fiQc. Jut n?-k for known as the Thelma Bigg's place. Thife the ii»th day of Juiy, 1927. B. A. CRITCHER, &2 4tw ' Commissioner. NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the v.ill of Sam P.' Williams, late of Mar tin County, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present same for payment to tile undersigned on or before the 27th day of June, 1928, or this notice will \r plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make prompt payment of same This 27th day of June, 1927. J. G. BARNHILL, Executor of Sam P. Williams' es a2 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE • 4 ! laving qualified as executor of the will of Anthony Simmons, late of licbersonville, Martin County, all per sons holding claims against said es tat" are hereby notified to file them, (Jdy'verified, 'o the undersigned on We Are Distributors of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORA TALKING MACHINES All Standard Makes EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Write for Prices and Terms One of our salesmen will gladly .li-monstrate one in your hom*. All the T a test Records and Sheet Music Russ Bros. W illiamston, N. C. Wash ; n"ton. N. C. Plymouth, N. C. or before the sth day «f January, 1928, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment of tho same. January 5, 1927. * J. G. BARNHILL, a 2 6tw Executor." EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as execu tor of the estate of Esabelle Roger son, late of Martin County, all per sons holding claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present same to me for payment on or before the 28th day of June, 1928, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to come forward and make immediate settlement of the same. This the 28th day of June. 1927. JAVIN ROGERSON, jyl 6tw Execu'.or.r Of Esabelle Rogcrson Estate. Serve 13 Tea |( K FOR ICED DRINKS The i-o that w 4 - deliver to our cus? ■ mere is pure and tru'ispar eni. It if- the ideal ice to use for ieed ti i and other summer tme drinks. It is just as good ft ycfrige: it«r lieeause being ,alid k last. 1 u ;er. fl'hone us to ask the man on your route to b gin de liverin/ right awuy. N • oiil" will you get pure ice, | but ybe ..ill get full weight. iysii

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