Watch the Label OB Your Piftr; It Carries the Date YMT Subscription Expire*. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 45 Town Will Get New Post-Office Building Located Next to the Tar Heel Apartments On Main Street According to information given out ly the Post Office Department, Wil liamston will have new postal quar . ters within the next few months, when a new building is erected next to the Tar Heel Apartment building on Main Street. The proposal of Mrs. J. G. Staton to erect a new building and to lease it for a term of 10 years has been accepted. The lease will go Into effect October 1, this year, but the building will not be ready,,just at that time, but soon afterwards, it is understood. Postmater J. T. Price hag been instructed by the depart ment to move into the building when the structure is completed. The plans for the new building, as understood, call for a structure 25 by 80 feet, with a flat roof plate-glass windows and a gray brick front. The roof will be arranged so as to serve the tenants in the Tar Heel Apart ments, New equipment will be in stalled. The present* building housing the post omce Has been used for a little over 20. years, it was in 1907 that Mr. Joe Sitterson moved into the building. That was in March, ami the following month he left for the James trwn Exposition, and Mr. J. R. Mob ley was made postmaster. Mr. Mob ley was in the oftiee for around nine years, when the late L. H. Wynne took up the duties of the office. Fol lowing Mr. Wynne,' the present post master, Mr. J. T. Price, went into the tfflce, and he will move to the new building. » Different Reports on Crops of Tobacco Mr. I- Gardner, while visiting in town today, said that the tobacco crop iii his Miction is not very good this y ««r, especially where the hail struck •n the early part of the season. Asked about the rains, he stated that they apparently had about the right seasons. Mr. Gardner is one of the most successful farmers in Williams Township. Mr. F. M. Edmondson, of Goose Nest Township, says his crop is the best he ever had; that his 60 acres of tobacco is all so good it hardly needs grading, as it is all good alike. Mr. Kdmondson also said his corn was very fine and advised his friends to take a lantern with them if they at tempted to go into his corn field. He Baid they would find the growth so dense that it would be dark effough to need a lantern. , Mr. Edmondson talked as if tobac co men from several counties have been wallowing around eating his nice peaches and fine watermeons, and now they seem to want to get their hands on that fine tobacco. Atiked about rain, he sayssetaoinenu Asked about rain in his section, he said that every time it thundered they have had a heavy rain in Goose Nest. So we don't have the same seasons even in one small section of the coun try- Few Tobacco Barns Burn in the County The number of tobacco barns to bum this year ir the county has bean •txteedingly tmi !■ as compared with the number buinco last year, accord ing to information coming from sev eral sections in tiie county. The cause of so many bam fires has been « ll mii.ated by building better furnace.-; according to seme. Not more than a doyen barns ha-.e burned so far as it is known in the county this sei«nn when generally th number is mu.-h larger. STRANH THEATRE | J 1 SATURDAY A battling Thrillinß Mystery Picure "Whispering Wires" and Two - Reel Comedy "Do* Shy" t # Always a Good Show in ■ » THE ENTERPRISE Tobacco News From Georgia Reports Vary Giving the Average Price at 14 to 20 Cents News coming from the Georgia tobacco markets appears to conflict more or less. Some farmeps say the report of the very poor crop is only a way of saying that prices are good but tobacco is low. Farmers declare that no crop of tobacco ever suits the buyer. The reports from various sources tfive the opening average at a price ranging from 20 to 14 cents. , Sorry grades of tobacco are wing ing very low prices, while the better grades are said to be selling about the same as they did last year. COUNTY-GROWN MELONS , v. ARRIVE HERE BY LOADS tions and be in keeping with the as Melons grown by our farmers are cociation's policy of furnishing worth urrivinif here by truck loads. > while and pleading free acts. Enterprise Crew Has Had Enough nf Mnv It For a Lnng, More Than Two Weeks iq Mavriorrac Will He Neede to 10 iUdITId|Jt» Complete Plans Dlirmg Jllly The members of the Enterprise _ force R-rew older much older, and I wiser during the week when they; __ , /-i_2 ty, moved the tons of machinery, paper, Month (illin OviT oll6S und other equipment from the old of- J|| July of Lust eilF fice on Smithwick Street to the Uigg* buildinK on Main Street. Last Fjiday, when the first «anK way was placed, u passer-by suggest ed that it be turned.end-for-end. Sug gestion after, suggestion was offered since then; some were used and gome were ignored, but heaven all the suggeators; their offers to help are appreciated just heaps and heaps. To the three persons lending a physi cal helping hand, we extend special thanks. The first piece of machinery was moved in last Friday afternoon, and the last piece rolled in at 11:30. The crew of eight men (and "Snowball") has worked anywhere from to 211 hours each day, and there remains a large amount of work to be done yet. Kverything is in operation at this time except the ntw type-setting machine and the casting box. I'art of next week will be required to put these two into op eration. The operators will start the e:-ection of the type-setting machine tr morrow and finish it up Monday, it is hoped. The electicians will have tht casting box wired by Tuesday. On top of that, the entire office equip ment will have to be arranged and the many other details attended to. It goes without saying that each or the force is sick °f moving, and thit tanother moving day is not hoped for any time if ever. This is the first issue of the paper to be prepared and printed in our new home. It leaves the press a lit that another moving day is not hoped would not allow us to get back to the regular schedule in time to prevent the tardiness. Two more weeks and it in hoped the shop will be back to nor mal and under better conditions. Naval Conference Comes to an End The Naval Conference which the United States, England and Japan en gaged jn at Geneva for several weeks finally ended with nothing whatever accomplished. According to Hugh S. Gibson, the Amerian delegate, neither the United States nor the Japanese representa tives could understand why Great I'ritian was so anxious for armament expansion. Nothing was accomplished further than finding the position of the coun tries represented at the conference. Soy feean Association - Meets Here Thursday The American Soy Bean Associa tion will hol(] a short session in Wil liumston next Thursday morning, August 11. As many Martin county farmers as cen are urged and expected to at tend the meeting. The time for the meeting has not bfen set at this timp, but knnounce n:ent will be made before the day for the meeting cornea. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, August 5, 1927. Morales Family One Feature of Fair This Year Family Appears in Six Separate and Distinct Thrilling Acts One would have to travel very far to And a family that could ever dare to hope to equal, for versatility anil Cleverness, the astounding numbers presented by the Morales Family who will appear in the free acts at the Roanoke Fair here this year, Sep tember 27-30. The family appears in six separate and'distinct acts, fea turing tight-wire walking, 60 somer saults in 60 seconds; a comedy tram rolin act, trapeze act; iron jaw act; rip-roaring comedy and lightning tumbling act and sensational slides. This remarkable group of artists run the whole gamut of circus fea- I tures during the course of their en i icrtainment, and every number is an i outstanding feature. Manager John ' L. Rodgerson stated that this fam i iiy is costing the association no small amount of money, but even at a high j cost, he stated that it would furnish amusement desired by the fair's pa- The number of marriage licenses is sued last .nonth shows that Cupid trailed just a little behind the June record, for lar.t month there were 13 licenses issued, while there were 14 issued in the month before. For the month of July last year there were only 9 licsnsa.i issued, indicating that (\ipiii,is watnim? in the long run. The licenses issued during tha mi nth of July follow: White Charles Augustus Carr'away, lUj IxJla Cray Williams, 18. Daniel (iray Griffin, 26; Annabell Chesson, 18. William Mat*. Myers, 21; Susie Lanier Keel, 20. Sebasiiaij. fylucon, 28; Kliza b- th lturra.4, 23. Coy Dock Lanier, 2i; Anna Bell Grimes, 18. James lichcrt Leggett, 30; Dorothy I* Thrower, 18. Haywood .Stalls, 24; Ethel Whitley, 18. \ > Colored Kdgar Blount, 23; lioxie (lay, 18. Eugene Bell, 20; Annie Bell Speight, 18. Sam B. Brown, It*; Lula Ura htim, 18. W. Hoyt Jenkins, 80; Laura Moure, 18. John Jasper Black, 22; Vi oli; Brown, 18. William It. James;, £2; Annie Louise James, 18. Thieves Rob Chicken Coop Saturday Night Thieves entered the chicken coop of Mr. John M. Bowen on Main Street Ei me time during the early hours on 1 Sunday moaning and walked away with 18 nice Plymouth Kocks and a number of broilers. The rogues were very quiet in their raids, for nothing out of u.ual was heard, and it was rot until early Sunday morning that the flock was missed. Mr. Bowen followed the.tracks of the thieves through his garden and over the back fence, but could not determine the dit%ctio|i the rogues went. Judging from the tracks, the thl/eves mad;; three trips to the coop, carrying away as many fowls as 1 pos sible each trip. (iiven Life Sentence For Entering Home Quince Summer, of Iredell county, yas given a life sentence by Judge T. B. Finley at Statesville this week ■ on the charge of second degree bur glary. Summner entered the lw»me of his son-in-law a few weeks ago by crawl ing over a window sash in the kitchen and went to the room in which his daughter and fier husband, A. W. . Johnson were sleeping where he shot Johnson while he slept. Just au the E'stol fired a brilliant flash of light ng enabled Johnson to see his fath er in-law. Johnson was sleeping with his arm over his head and the ball passed through it, preventing the man's death. Summer had threatened to kill his . son-in-law and after he had entered I the home and shot him he announced that it was his intention to kill him. State Purvis Dies Following Long Illness Body Interred in "Little Greeh Hill" Near Old Home Place Mr. State Purvis, a«ed 6. r », died at! his home near Robersonville early last Sunday morning, following an illness of several months, although he was confined to his bed only a few before the etui came. Mr. Purvis had resided in Hamilton Town ship practically his entire life, with tlu exception of a very few years af ter he had moved to Robersonville; but the love of the dear old country home was strongest, and he again re moved there, where lie spent his re maining years. With his wife and daughter, he was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and the family have been dovoted to their church and its pastor, but their reg ularity of attendance it services- has been impossible, due to Ahe long-con tinued illness in the home. Surviving him, in addition to his beloved wife, are Miss Marie Purvis, tl eir only living and his four brothers, Jack, Ed-, Hannibal, and Cicero Purvis, and two sisters, Mrs. T. Jones Taylor and Mrs. W. A. Ijiib eison, the latter 6f Jielhaven. * Funeral services were conducted at the home Monday afternoon at '£ o'- clock by Kev. K. W. Mason, pastor of the Robersonville Baptist Church. The rites were brief, owing to the serious and continued Illness of the daughter; hut scores i»f friends pros- ent from over the totwty, together with liberal floral were evi dences of the wide esteem in which Mr. Purvis was held. On a rise near the home, a bit of God's aere, which Mr I'urvis called the "Little Green Hill," earth's dear est spot to him, whore also rest the a..hes of others of his family, he was interred with the concluding services, Rev. R. L. Ilarrell, of the Roberson ville Christian Church, assisting Kev. Mason. The pall bearers were: Active, Messrs. H. C, Normmv J- A. Cottield, Will Rhodes, Walt Salsbury, Herbert Hopkins, Lester Kverett, lister lirown, Serwood Roberson, J. Keel, l)crwood Kverett, Zander White and Jess Horton; Honorary, Messrs. Jack I'urvis, Kd Purvis, Hannibal Purvis, Cicero Purvis, Andrew Kverett, Joe Kverett, J. H. Roberson, sr., Tom Taylor, and Purvis Taylor. Two Big Hands Willi lteisg Shows at Fair If "music hath charms to -yoothe the savage beast," as «ome poet one time said, all the beasts in Martin County shoud be southed the week nl September 27th, for that week there will he two'biff bands and a number / orchestras in the city to keep the throngs merry at tha biff fair to be 'stiffed by the Roanoke Fair Associa tion at the fair grounds. The principal band will be directed by l'rof. Frank Meeker, old-time cir cus musician, l'rof. Meeker is musi cal director of the Nat lleiss Shows, j engaged to furnish the midway at tractions, and he promises the local music committee daily concerts rang ing from grand opera to jazss; Meek i r's band is composed wholly of solo All of his artists have had years of experience. The other band, led by Jimmy Simpson, is a revival of the old "Alex i eder's Hag-Time Hand," famous in song a decade ago. It is an all-col ored organization, and they play rag time as only a colored musician can play it. Their trombone soloes, it is said, are marvelous in the amount of music a leather-lunged black boy can get out of a "slip" horn, and the other musicians are just a.s gooif as the buttery of trombonists. Music will not, however, be the sole feature of (he big doings, for thei>e v.'ill be a midway of 20 high-class .shows, eight monster riding devices, free-acts galore, and numerous other entertainments. Two Stills Seized By > Sheriff Wednesday Sheriff Roebuck found two stills in Bear Grass Town.ship a few miles west of the hard-surafced road on the Johnson tram road Wednesday. The first was an 80-gallon copper still on a stand with 760 gallons of beer, in vats, almost ready to be run. The vats were buried in the ground with the tops about level with the top of thc k ground and were so se curely built that this sheriff was un able to tear them up and was forced to dip the beer out with a bucket in order to throw it away. The other was a srpaller copper still a short distance' away, but no material was found near it. Both the stills were cold, and no one was seen about them. Power Company Raises Bid to $75,000 for Power Franchise THE MORAL LS FAMILY i Jb* *' ■ J Furnishing a part of the Five Ac is at the Roanoke Fair here Septe bet 127-30, the Morales family is the greatest ami most versatile combil tion ever presented. 100 Farmers of Rowan, On Annual T Guests of T Local People To Serve Luncheon to Visitors Here That Day One hundred Rowan County farm-j ers will tour eastern North Carolina .next week. Their schedule brings them to Tarboro, Monday, Aug. 8, where they will visit the Kdgecombe test farms and many other places of interest in Kdgecombe County. They will spend the night in Tarboro. They will reach Williamston Tues ot.y, August !>, at lif o'clock, where they will be served a luncheon by a number of Williamston people. They will then spend a few hours visiting several fertilizer and seed test farms 1 in Martin County. They are to be shown the William- j ston bridge, in which they seem to j lit greatly interested. From Williamston they will no to | tile meeting "to be held by the Anieri- i (Mil Soy Mean Association, which ' will be held at Washington begin- ; nirsg Tuesday night. This is the annual tour made by Rowan County farmers. Willing Workers in Meeting Tuesday The Willing Workers Class of the Christian Church met f6r a business and social gathering with their teach i i' Miss Velinu Harrison, at her home Tuesday night. Class officers elected for the next six months were Josephjne Harrison, president; Virginia llardison, vice j president; Johnnie Kdmondson, secre trrjr; -Margaret Brittoir, treawut'er; Ollie M. Roberson chair of social committee; Kula llaye Uailey, chair man of relief committee; .Josephine Harrison, chairman of flower commit tee. The class enjoyed a hay ride and watermelon party at Kobersonville (ai t night. Visitors Numerous From Across Chowan That the new Chowan bridge u do? | ing a thriving business has be/n | evidenced by the hundreds of visitors j from that section to this one in the past few days. Sunday arouhd , 75 cars from Edentoii, Hertford, K lizabeth City tnd other towns across the way were seen on the streets * litre during a part of the clay. Where we used to see one cur from across the Chowan, we now see six t|»eigiit. The traffic going across! the irridgo from this side is said to .he equally large. Town Audit Suffers Another Short Delay The audit of the town's books by the commissioners several months ago met with further delay when the auditor had to go to Raleigh to get data on certain things relating to the tax rft'eipts. No definite time was set for the •completion of the audit and the auditors arc not working on the books of the town all the time. The report is expected, however, to reach the commissioners within the next few days. Recent Rulings By Commission New Ruling Provides Oysters Fifteen Days Earlier North Carolina tables will be graced by oysters 15 days earlier this fall than in previous years, the season opening on October I, instead of the n iddle of the same month and extend ing the same number of duys later April I. This change is one of those made in commercial fishing regulations for the benefit of the industry by the board of conservation and develop n.cnt at its last meeting. Another recently adopted resolution provides that all oysters tak 'ii from Pishing Shoals or adjoining rocks fihall lie culled und all oysters with shells measuring less than inches in. h ngext diameter and all shells taken vtl h.such oysters shall be returned to the grounds from they are taken. Marketing of oysters and i.hells containing more than ten per ci nt below the minimum size is pro hibited. Sale of , oysUrs from any public grounds of the State without first re pelling to an inspector and the pay ment of the legal tax rate upon de mand is made unlawful. Taking of escallops is limited by action of the board to three days of each we k, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between January I ami May 1 of each year, but the fisheries commissioner is empowered to allow the taking of this -shellfish on Tues days and Thursdays, at his discretion during the open season. The commis sioner is also empowered to allow the taking'of escallops-on Tuesdays and Thursdays between June I ami Aug ust 15 for "local or home consump tion."' A general minimum size limite of j two and one-half ini'hes from tip to' tip of spike is set for soft-shell crabs j and shipment of any crabs between I October I and March | of the follow-j ing year is prohibited. However, the! rule makes if nexception to the two i on,d .one-half inch limit rule between | March 1 and April JO,- during which time, two inch crabs may be mar-1 keted. , It also allows for the use of one crab float, four by four feet, to 'each man to April 15 and after that date two cr.ab fhiuts of the same size to each man for the purpose of float isK fat crabs only. A summer pound or other net closed fishing season is set between May 1 and June 20 with the following pro visions: That in that part of Albe marle Sound and it stirhutaries north of a line drawn from UatU Island to Laufcls Point Lighthouse, pound nets used exclusive for taking shad and herring may be set until May 10 of eurh year; that pound nets may he set. near Ocracoke, Portsmouth, and Hptteras at any time except from May 1 to June 10 of each year; that nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply to pound nets set in the Atlantic Ocean. rule substituted for old rule No. 1 provides: Ft shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to / Advertiser* Will find Our Col ! umn* a I.atrhkey to Over 1600 Homes of Martin County. V ESTABLISHED 1898 Company Will Report Hack Within Next Thirty Days Officials of the Virginia Electric & I'ower Co. were here yesterday in a meeti llK with the town commission er . The counter-proposal submitted the power company by the town some time ago Jias been rejected; and another, offering the town $T5,000, was made by the company to t!\e town. This is the third proposal, the first coming several months ago when the Virginia company offered the town sf>o,ooo for a 30-year franchise. The town made a counter-proposal (.ailing for sl.jO,uoo for the franchise and plant. Mr. J. T. Chase, manag"r for the V irginia company, w>nt over his com pany's offer the comini -sioners yesterday, mentioning many features ol g&heral interest. With the $75,001) otter, his company will furnish tOO street lights and pump the town's water free. His company will, how t ver take over the Kveretts business. The contract in the main part, with the exception of price, remains prac tically the same. In a meeting of the town commis sioners later, it was decided that if the Virginia company offers SIOO,OOO lot the franchise Ui£ s )naltor will be referred to popular vote. Should this offer be refused, the commissioners, it is understood, will not recommend the seling of the franchise. If the matter reaches final settle ment, the Virginia I'ower & Klectric Co. will construct a line through here carrying fill,ooo volts. The line is i. expected to form a connecting link with its other lines. It was previous ly planned to bring only .'4.1,000 volts, but" after considering future needs, tiie company thinks it wise to prepare tor the higher voltage. Ilev. C. 1). Trammel at Haptist Church Sunday In the absence of the pastor Rev. i Charles H. Trammell, of th 6 (.'race I'aptist Church, of Washington, N. ('., will preach at the Mi morial liaptist Church .Sunday morning at II o'- clock. Kev. Trammell is a young man who has been in the section for only a year, lie lias done a very line piece o f work in the new Washington j church, and the people of William | :.ton will lie interested in hearing , him Sunday morning. I'lie regular Wednesday night serv ic» will be cared fur in the pastor's absence by the ladies of the I'hilathea Sunday school class. It is hoped that th'i people will give them a good bear ing next Wednesday night. The pastor will be in the pulpit the second Sunday in August. New Law Provides A Discharge for Convicts Many prisoners of the State are lie ing nisei urged from the prison camps anil jails under a law passed by tin' I lust-General Assembly. The law pro- I vides that all prisoners shall be class ed as "A"s "li"s and 'C"s, All &_ | j'rade prisoners get 104 days per year off their terms;—li-grado prisoners I get 70 and the (' grade get I nothing off t 'ndor the rule an A grade I prisoner may lose his standing and ge I back to the C grade when his con . duet is bad. It Is also possible for | either a I! or C grade pris iner to so conduct himself that he too may at tain the higher grade. The law applies to countc jails and county road prisoners. The law whi It was effective July 1 seems not to have been known anil many prisoners were kept in prison overtime. , . UM ill th ewnters of North Carolina any .seine, net or other appliance for cotching lish having a bar of less size than one and one-quarter, inches or a rr.esh of less than two . and one-half inches: provided that seines having.a bar of not less than one and one eighth inches may be used for catch ing mullets from August 15 to No vember 15; provided further that it .• hal not be construed to modify or change -any existing law prescribing larger mesh or bar: provided further that pound nets having not less than one and one-eighth inch bar before tarring may be used in all waters of the State where pound nets ,are al lcwed by law: provided further, that the above does I 'not apply to skim and dip nets. Kule No. 154. It shall be unlawful to flsh wire traps in any of the com mercial waters of the State not cov ered by Rule No. 8. jj. Rule No. 155. Where'a fyke net is attached to a pound net lead or heart instead of to a pound, it shall be construed to be pound-net Ashing.

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