pea . » Wild the Label O* Your Pipirf It Carrie* the Date Year Sabacription Expires. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 46 Predicts Better Tobacco Prices For This Year Medium Type Said to be Selling as Well If Not Some Better Mr. James I. Miller, president of the James I. Miller Tobacco Co., pre dict* slightly better prices for the to bacco crop this year as compared with the one last season. Mr. Miller has visited many of the Georgia mar kets, «iid makes the following report: Judgwg by the opening priceu, measured by the quality of the leaf offered on sale, together with a gen eral knowledge of the world demand, Mr. Miller said that he had seen his prediction made several weeks ago on his return from Europe being borne out, namely, that the better or u me d'um type of tobacco would sell a.? well as last year, if not some better. With particular reference to the bright belts of eastern and central North Carolina. Mr. Miller said that the finest tobacco in the world was (.Town in these sections, and most of it would come under the general rat ing of medium grades, and that, there /ore, good prices wjiuM prevail for the weed this fall. The Georgia crop, said Mr. Miller, is slightly larger than last year, and will amount to n total of 50,000,000 pounds, it is estimated, as compared with 41,000,000 pounds marketed in that belt last season. The crop is very late, much of it being still in the field, and with curing continuing and likely to continue for the next three weeks, he thought., the crop is of good quality. It has •11 been primed and the leaves on the upper stalk are now being taken qt. Color is lacking in this year's yield, however, most of the weed hav ing an orange tint. It is much better suited to domestic uses than for for eign shipment. Three Cars in Wreck Near Here Sunday Colored sweethearts, driving on the Williamston-Everetts highway Sunday uight, came near doing serious dum qge. The car, a Ford sedan, belonged ta Noah Tael, but had been loaned to 1M» friend, Edgar Eason, who in tarn I**t his gal" at the wheel. Things #ent well for a while, because they Were both cold sober, but when the glaring lights of two cars meeting tkem cast their beams into the love nest, it was just more than the lov irig damsel could bear, and she twist ed the wheel hard to the left anil shot it itbout midship into the car of James Sadler, of Washington, wiping off his running board and accessorise on the left-hand side. Just as the Sadler car swung ele ir, a car driven by J. Daniel Robersor., of Robersonville, came up and suffer ed exactly the same fate that the Sadler car did, but it managed to so damage and tear up the Ford seia>. that it was not in shape to get bark in the road io tear up any other cars but quietly rested in the ditch the bal ance of the night. The strange thing about it was the two colored lovers jumped out of the cat and ran away as hard as they eould and did not return. The girl lift her hat and the boy left his coat With hia name in it, by which the sheriff was able to locate the drivers. Sayg He Has Best Crop in Many Years Mr. W. L, Gurganus, of route 2, v/as in town yesterday. He says he thinks he has the best crop he has raised in many years. Though he tods it very hard to "kill out" his tobacco, when it does come out it is, from appearance, of fine quality. STRANH THEATRE! WEDNESDAY Bob Custer in 'BULLDOG PLUCK' Two-Reel Comedy "Maid in Morocco" Free ticket for the Friday show. I Always a Good Show mtTg Farm Exhibits at Fair This Year Expected Anything Previo 5,000 Licenses 7 9 Are Sold Here This Year's Sales Double Those of the Fast Two Years The automobile license bureau of the Carolina Motor Club, stationed Jure sold, during the months of June nut July exactly 5,000 car and truck license tags. The local bureau sold tags the last day it was open, bringing the number sold to 5,(>00. A few calls for tags have been made since the bureau closed on Saturday, July 30, but the calls were referred to the office in Kaleigh. The cash money, no other kind being accepted, handled by the local bureau amounted to $36,401.25, quite a large sum for tn agricultural section. On June 30, the office sold 6TH tags, the largest number ever sold in one oay since the office has been in opera tion here. Of the 5,000 tags nold, 4.597 were for automobiles and 403 for trucks. An exact distribution of the licences could not be had, but sales for three days, one at the be ginning, one in the middle, and one ut the end, sV»?wed that around 87 per cent of the tags went either on Ford cars or Ford trucks. Chevrolet cars and trucks were next, while there were not more than 100 tags is sued to go on the larger cars. The department at Raleigh estimat ed that the tag sale here would reach around 2,400, but after ihe first few days repeat orders were given, ami then the office here was out of plates for certain typ»->. of cars and trucks. Many bureau., reported increased sales, as high as 5,000; but so far as it can be learned, few doubled their sales over those of 1926. The locaf bureau more than doubled its sales and sold almost as many as Wilming ton and other large buieaus. Messrs. Woolard and Green, mana gers of the local were very highly commended for their work in bundling the sale of the license tags. Tags were sold to car owners as far i way as Murphy, in the western part of the State, and as far uway as Northampton County, in the eastejrn part. The majority was sold in Beau,- fort, Bertie, and this county, how- Capture Three Men and Still Boy Tries To Get Man To Leave Still for Tobacco Field Sheriff Roebuck and Deputy Crimes raided an old nest not far from the Dilly Mizell farm, in Bear Grass township, near the Beaufort County, line, last Saturday morning, whera they found a .steam still with a full head of steam on and 17 barrels of teer lying near by. The liquor had just commenced to pour out of tho worm when the officers came up. There happened to be three persons present, and all of them were taken it. custody. One, a young negro man ntmeil Jones, from Williams Town ship, seemed to be the chief operat ing engineer. A colored boy named Askew wu.i down as an assistant in petting things fired up in proper shape. The third was a 10-year-old white Haoy named Terry, who was trying to get Askew to change jobs fr m the still to the tobacco field. It seems that both Jones and Askew were employed by the Terry boy's father and did both field and woods work. The two colored men were arrested but the boy was released owing to his l« nder age. The offices, however, thought' it proper for sjme one to stand sponsor fcr him; and, thinking..his father re sponsible for the whole trouble, pro cured a warrant for him. Federal officers took a still from al most the same spot a f£W months ago, where they also aught severil men, ne of them, named Howkins, was from Pitt County. Only two weeks ago the sheriff and his deputy caught another at about th» same place. The beer barrels were made from the scraps picked up* from former wrecks. BOYI SCOUTS RETURN FROM TRIP TO NAGS HEAD The local troop of boy scouts re turned lost Sunday from Nags Hood where they spent two weeks on their annual camping irtp. Mr. J. W. Watts, jr. had the boys in charge and he reports o very pleasant trip. ENTERPRISE Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, August 9, 1927. Premiums Have Been Greatly Increased In Departments The premium list of the Roanoke Fair Association will be ready for distribution the latter part of this and the ftrst part of next week. The printers are assembling the books 1 his week, and it is the hopi! of the fair officials to have the list in the hands of the prospective exhibitors not later than the latter part of the next week. County Agent T. B. Brandon, who has charge of the farm departments, A, B, and C, stated yesterday that the exhibits in these three depart ments can be expected to surpass any seen in exhibit heretofore. The crops are good in the most sections of the county, and a large collection of the various products are expected to be entered. Mr. Brandon stated further that niuny farmeis are taking especial cure with certain products with the intention of selecting some particular txhibit. This is very important, stat ed the agent, f(y a prize given at the j'tyr is won by the care and attention k'.ven the exhibit while it is in the making. During the past two years, the agent has assisted many of the furmers to select exhibits for the fair and with a splendid ciop this year throughout the county, he states that the exhibits here this year, if properly j ttejided to, can be expected to equul i.ny agricultural exhibit in thr .State, The premiums in these three de partments have been rearranged and I'iicrcased. Community ami school ex hibits have been materially Increased ever those of last year, and these ex hbits are expected to be the best aver seen here. There are six prizes of fered in this department, ranging from $25 to s7l". The increase is noted throughout the department. Mr, Brandon says that it is very Important that exhibitors at the fair should begin now to make their se lections and to care for every minor detail in developing a perfect prod uct. Particular attention in also called to the farm and home exhibits. The ptemiums for these exhibits have been increased from $45 to around S2OO. The preiums offeree! throughout tlif- entire book are of sufficient .size to make it worth while for farmers aril other exhibitors to prepare arti cles for the fair this year. Mr. Bran don will be glad to assist any farm er in making selections of the various products and assist in preparing them. Wins Beautiful Watch and Chain Miss Hattie Thrower is now, wear ing the most beautiful watch and chain in town, which is a Hamilton pen-face gold watch. Miss Thrower was awarded this watch as a prize by the Elizabeth City Independent for the best name for the monument soon 10 be erected on the beach at Kill Dtvil Hills, where the Wright broth ers flew the first plane upon which man ever rode the air. Miss Thrower's suggestions wail "The Wright Beacon," which was ac cepted by a half dozen judges as the most appropriate name f*r the monu ment. of the three prizes offered for the best names, women won just three of them. It seems that women can just naturally think of the best things to say and the best names to apply. Beautifying Grounds Around Courthouse Miss Anna Trentham, county ho no demonstration agent, has planted shrubs and flowers around the court house this week. She was assisted by several Federal prisoners who were permitted to do the work for exercise. The courthouse is away n bove 40 years old, and this is the first time a flower has ever been pltnted on the grounds. Border Market Prices About Same As Opening Last Year Telegraphic coming , sold well and the better grades from border markets at noon reasonably well. While no certain today fell below the expectations average could be determined at of most tobacco people who have noon today, Mr. Morton stated fpllowed the tobacco situation the average would be around 18 during the past several weeks. or 19 cents. He did not mention Mr. H. H. Morton, of the Farm- the size of the break nor the erg warehouse here, was on the quality of the tobucro on the Lumberton market and he stated Lumbcrton market, that common and medium lugs Mr. Victor Sheluburne, of the Fall Business - Is Expected to Be Very Good Five Federal Keserve Banks Lower Their Interest Rates Business reports com in from the laige financial centers of the country indicate a flourishing business this fall. Ths reports are bi. >1 mostly on the money market, freight car loadings, bond market ana steel and automobile trade. Lust week's report "llusiness lust week appeared to haVe reached a point of ulnicAt perfect (balance be tween the spring and fall seasons. Most industries were marking time v.'hile preparations went forward for J( intensive efforts in the fin. I quarter el the year, reading whieu there is considerable optimism in commercial quarters. Probably the outstanding develop- j n«.ent a( the week, if not the summer, us related to future business was the j reduction of the rediscount rates of' four of the Federal Resefve Hanks, j rr>aking a total of five such down vard revisions. Similar artion by boards of tire seven remaining Fed eial Reserve Ranks are considered a! mutter of course. 'i I Cut in Interest Rale The most important of, these cuts vas in the New York .Federal Re serve Rank, which occupies a position | •n America analogous to the govern- j ment-controlled central banks of Eu ropean countries. The banks In ♦??. I Ixiuis, Cleveland, and Boston dropped their discount rates almost siniu! U.neously with the change \f>re, while action was taken in Kutisa* City one week earlier. Prominent Wall Street, leaders see in the essentially easy mopey condi tions which the reductions in discount rates reflect, tho foundutiuii for ex cellent business in the fell and win ter season. The presence in this coun try of huge quantities of gold, and tr.c enormous amounts of money which pour Into the credit reservoir eech quarter in interest and dividend payments are deemed which, it the absence »f some major happen ings of unfavorable character, will keep the money market reasonably easy for some little time to come. Reports coming from merchants here state that local business, up to the month of August, w.e; ahead «»f that of last year up to that line, lius iitf'ss so far his month is holding its own, and while it is just a little a head of that for the same month last year, it does not show as great an in crease as does tl other monthi of this year over those of last year. While the report is not near complete loiujlly, several representative s.tere.- that business this year has shown an increase in both time and cash transactions. Credit transactions were said to have undermine a great er increase, however, than those made by cash. Slate to Let 12 Road Contracts August 25 The State Highway Commission will let 12 new road-building con tracts on Augunt 2.'i. According to estimates by State engineers, it will require about $8(10,000 tu complete the work. Only one project is lo.ated In the first district, which is \'l 86 miles of hard surfuce on Route No, 321, in Chowan and Perquimans Counties, The letting will include the com pletion of the hard-surface on Route No. 80 from Vanceboro ta the Beau fort County line, which will fill the entire line of hard surface on Route 30 from Williamston to Wilmington. Local Masons to Meet Tonight Members of Skewarkee Lodge, No. t»0, A. P. & A. M., are urged to at tend the regular meeting scheduled for tonight, as there is .-ome import ant matters to be taken up. Misses Charles and Harden, of Washington visited here a few hours this morning. « Local Tobacco Market Has Fine Prospects Solicitors Are Covering New Territory This Season On their return each Jay, solicitors for the local tobacco report very favorably on the •obuct i mar ket here. In brief, they si r the mar Tcet has the brightest prospects ic ever had, that more tobacco will h. •'old here this year than has ever beeu known to be sold in any one year The solicitors are covering more territory this year than has been the custom, and in each new territory Ci> voraMe remark:; have been made by growers. The solicitors, bringing first-hand information, state that the crop is unusually good In the greater part of the territory so far covered. Wih a good crop and a promise of | good prices, this year's tobacco sea j situ can be expected to boost con h j tlons in fthe farmer'* domain, where 'j conditions following almost poverty have existed for several seasons. "■* The three warehouses here are mak Ling, extensive preparations for han dling the crop in this section, and 1 with its personnel, the market is ex pected to enjoy one of its best years. Federal Officers Catch Moonshiner Federal agents picked up a mooti- I shiner about ? miles west of Corey's j store Monday. They were very near | tjie still when discovered by the oper | nto», who broke to run, but young Mc- Pllffie was too swfift for him and oMpr "jok him in a very few jumps. ,The officers found a very large copper still, which was estimated to ! hold three barrels of mash. There were also about 1,000 gallons of beer and 20 gallons of liquor, with the nreessaVy kegs, jugs, etc., to take care of the outfit. The man, who gave him name as Krover Pauley, wu* taken before U. S Commissioner W. C. Manning and bound over to the fall term of the U, S, district eourt, to be held in Washington October 17. Pauley stated that his home was its Selma; that until four months ago he hul served aw a United States sol dier, when he completed a three-yuars enlistment and was discharged. Ac cording to his statement, he was mar ried about six weeks ago, and after ending a three-weeks honeymoon came down to Martin County to en- Kuire in the manufacture of liquor, which he has done during the past •three, weeks. When asked why he should leave i' three-weeks bride and his home to come to a strange place to lie in the woods among the red hugs, ticks, and mosquitoes and engage in law viola tion, Ms answer was that he had heard so much while in the Army a l'eut places in Martin County where it was easy to do business that he Wi.nted to come down anil try it. The fact that he had been a ser vant and friend of the government und had had opportunities to know better, and the fact that he wunted to leave his own home and come to a strange land to break the law and impose on a people his unlawful depredations seemed to be sufficient ground to strengthen his bond to in sure M* appearance at the, court. Peanut Growers Meet In Suffolk Tomorrow I'eanut growers from North Caro lina and Virginia will meet tomorrow in Suffolk for the purpose of study ing and discussing the peanut situa tion in America and to take necessary bteps to meet the needs of the pea nut farmer. The old plan of dumping the pea nut crop generally proven very dis astrous to the f.i'owtr because it nat urally force* the price down with the market glutted. The necessity of holding a large proportion of the crop off the market p.nd feeding the demand by degreon is one of the greatest needs of tha peanut farmer, anil it is along thi.i line of discussion that the meeting will follow. Brick warehouse here, was on the _Fairmont market and lie reports better grades there than last year with larger crop prospect*. He stated that medium and common grades on that market were sell-' ing about the same u.i they did last year. Grades ranging from twenty cents up were one fourth lower than they were last year. 70 Rowan Farmers Spend Today Here Growers of Soy Beans Meeting Here in Short Meeting Thursday Morning at 9 O'clock Visitors from all over the United .Mates began arriving In Washington iate last evening to attend th > eighth annual convention of the American Scybean Assciation. The first session of the convention opens tonight when more than 400 delegates are expected to hear Congressman Lindsay Warren i'lul other speakers. WasliitiK'nn has made elaborate plans for the conven tion, having decorated the city and a>rangiM n unique pro^iam. The three-day program will carry thtf members of the association into eight counties where they will observe +he large tracts of land bearing soy beans and witness the various meth ids; used in cultivation. The party of 400 or more is expected to arrive in Wiliiamston Thursday morning a round 9 o'clock. A short meeting will be held here before the party passes on to Windsor and Elizabeth City where programs will be held. Farm eis of this section are invited and are urged to be here that morning and attend the meeting. Mr. Fr-d I'. L:Uhum, of Belhavet', era of the leading farmers in the State, is president of the association, i'r.d it is due largely to his efforts that the convention is held in this sec tion this year. Last year the conven tion was held in Mississippi. A ollferent section of the country is visited every year by the convention. The soybean crop in Kastern North Carolina is fast becoming one of th" principal „crups of this section. Par ticularly is this true in Hyde county where thousand sof acres are cultivat ed each year. The party will travel in automobiles through the eight ccunties, going first to Hyde county tomorrow ami through this immediate .ection en route to Elizabeth City Thursday. Cotton Prices Up 200 Points Million Halo Shortage is Prediction of the * Government A turn favoring the farmer was nuiorded yesterday when the price of cotton advanced 200 points or two _ t'.ei^s.. u pound on the exchang" in New York 'ity. The price advance vas due to the publication of the U. S. Government report which judicata* a shortage amounting to around one millions bales, or a crop of the normal yield. The report caused th" prices to go the full one day limit, amounting to uround a $lO advance. The government report came rath er unexpectedly and caucht tin* mar ket almost devoid of cotton. A 20 minute recess had been callod to re te've the report, and when trading on the exchange was resumed au up roar broke out as traders shouted their buying orders. On the frantic rise, October cotton reachmf tB.H4, go ii.g from 16.X4, while December cot tor jumped from 17.11 to 19.10. Even at the day's top price, many traders were unable to execute buy ing orders received from their custo mers as little cotton, was offered fur sale. This wasjjue to recent heavy liquidation which hail practically eli minated speculative long lines. The rise in cotton was accompanied by an advance of 58 to B,'t points in Ihe price of cotton seed oil, due to the report and to a sharp increase in lard quotations. James Haywood liong Died Early Saturday Jume« Huywood Ixmg, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Long, who live near Williamston, died early Saturday morning in the Washington Hospital from peritonitis, caused from an at tuck of appendicitis. was Bearing 19 years old; a quiet indus trious sober Christian young gentle man; one that still was willing to follow the teachings of Solomon ill hcnoring father and mother. He unit ci' with the Christian church about two months before his death. The funeral was held in the old I'iiilippi Church at Cherry, Washing tin County, Sunday at 11 o'clock, by J. J. Langston, pastor of the church, oi.J the young man wax buried in the family plot near Cresweil at the resi dence formerly occupied by the Long family, who moved to this county a bout two years ago. Advertiser* Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1600 Homes of Martia County. ESTABLISHED 18:8 Leave for Washington to Attend Soybean Convention Seventy farmers from Rowan Coun ty, headed by their county agent, .Air. Yager, the clever Dutchman, left Salisbury Monday mßTning and came down on Route 10 to Rai°igh, where they took No. 90 and reached Edge combe last night and struck camp. After being shown around everal line farms in Edgecombe, they Steered f r Martin County, where they found d.■- lifeht in looking at the tine fields of cern, cotton,»Hfranuts„ tobacco, we -x potatoes, anil soy beans. At 12:.'!0 they were served a lunch ton In a warehouse here, consisting of Martin County baKbecu"; corn bread, M'own, ground, and cooked iti Martin County; also a few of the dressings, such as slaw, tomatoes, watermelons, set I drinks, ice water, etc. The Rowan fellows have always been men from the days of the Revo lution, on through the Civil War, an.! then in the great World War; they have always gladly marched in the front line, and now it is easily un derstood why they are always depend able. Ihe home base is built on the foundation ob good citizenship, which va.TeaSrty wen from a view of the visitors today. County Agent Brandon did most of the work in preparing for greeting, the visitors. He called on a few willing and ever-ready friends who gladly responded in contributions to muk.' tha entertainment jro. Mr. Brandon asked W. C. Manning to assist him in welcoming the visi tors and in showing them around our county. After spending several hours here they left for Washington, where they will attend the soy bean growers' convention. Over Quarter Million Licenses Sold by Clul. More than a quarter million State t utomobile license plates were han died at tho-35 offices of the Carolina Motor Club during.jl.imc ai.d July, C. W. Roberts, vice president, announced today. This was an inciease of more than 75,000 over the same period last year, During July 95,81!) nlates were seld, and in June the figure was 525—a total of 227,.'111, compared with 151,155 June and July, I Charlotte led the motor iluli oflices in distributing plates, a total of 19,- 901 tags being shoved across the ciunter by Manager K. W. Rowers and his assistants. Last year the two incnths sale was 14,780. (ieeeusboro -was runner-up with 17,107 saWthis year and 12,402 in 192>. Asheville was third with H!,s.'iO, as compared with 12,758. Durham fourth with 7, f7(JO, as compared with i,B:!K; and W ilniingtoli fifth with a sale of 7,988, a. compared with 5,286 last year. Officials of the motor vehicle bu reau of the department of revenue have highly compliment'd the work cl the 35 Carolina Motor Club office; in letters to headquarter* of the or ganization. The tremendous increase in plates s«hl-hiring June anii jnly ini'licnf" that North Carolinians gradually ar learning to "shop early" for their li cense tags and also points to an in crease in automotive registration. North Carolina lust year showed th greatest gain in new car sales of any Southern State, statistics disclosed by ths national automobiel chamber of cmomerce disclosed. New Model Ford Is Expected Here Soon According to information from the 'Ford offices, a new model Ford is scheduled to arrive he're next Mon day. Its features and characteristic remain unknown quantities, however. Managers of the local agency ex pressed some doubt as to the ear's arrival next Monday, but thought i l would not be long thereafter befori the first show model would arrive. Regular shipments of the new cars are not expected until September 1, or after.* * liaptist Picnic at Colerain Thursday The Williamslon Baptist Sunday School will have its annual picnic on Thursday of this week at Colerain" Beach, All members of the Sunday school who desire to go are asked to meet at the church Thursday prompt ly at 1:30 and go from there. • ■ ■■ ■ - ■ r Mr. fl. W. Baker, of Washington City, visited friends here during the week end.