:j r i —.—; t——.——i— — THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY YVIIXIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA W. C. Manning k ( l' lor Subscription Rates IN MARTIN' COUNTY 1 year ! M-M Hi months OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNf^^ 1 yar 52.00 0 — 100 (Strictly ( ash in Advance) No Subscription Will lie Received for Less Than Six Months Advertising Rate Card Will Be Furnished Upon Application Entered at the post office at Williamson, N. C., as second-class matter u+wW the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. All«4rosH all communications to The Enterprise and not to indi ' \ idua? numbers of the'company. 11 I>|> W AUGUST B, 1927 I J 1 If All the World Used the Same language What a saving i' would be if all of the world's finances is recorded in the nations us; 1 one language. It is English. America, which is held up f,aid that on -of the greutest economic as the world's financial center, em jiofses in the business world "is . the ploys the Kntfliuh language. fact that we have so many languages. \ „ . .. , , , It may be impossible to effect a Our bu jinoss, social, and religious re- ..in t n > • . consolidation of all languages into on« i lations with each other today all have i universal tongue so that any human to be run on the serap-heup basis. U . ... , . on earth might understand an;, | costs an Englishman thousands of other, person. Hut what a line thing! dinars to learn how to read a French . , . . , it would he if we only had one lan j hi:' o ' lading, and a G rman bank can ..... ~ , , ~ I e,uage. No uoubl we would be better r.oi cash an American check because j . . . ~ „ mends with our neighbors if we all !t is written in auolher language. • | , , . , could use one tongue and understand It is about us hard to do bu,sines.-j ... , . J each other better. with our neighboring aatioiw, all u> iiir different languages, as it woul t' If we would take up a little time be to make a. good time-keepiug j tii a lunguage-nierging conference w hby taking a whe 1 out of a and spend a little of our imn&mein Hamilton wiftch and put it on a W a j money in a translation of all lan ' terbury pinion to be run by a Swiss j guag^into one universal language—j mainspring. . language in which the same letters j English is tin- .most universal lair wou.U form the same words, and th 1 guage of the world, anil most of the j' same words would designate the nam; 1 world's businesst transactions ar . « hject and express th same thought—j made in ' perhaps four-fifth." ' it would be better for the world. • More To Do and Do More" a Good Slogan A suggested State program for , girls in or just out of school, education, by the University News i It is possible that the third need, Letter carries no new matter what- i "Education for life occupation," Is ever, but embraces the very things : holding its own, ami it may be that tiiut we have tried to teach or forty j this phase of ottr 'educational pro years. v , gram is making fair progress. They suggest a readjustment ofj '» the fourth case, "Education for elementary and secondary 'education! Insure'^has outstripped every other to include (a) education for health; U> pe of school work. And herein lies (b) education for citizenship; (c) ed-1 the gren'ent weakness in the system, ucotion for life" occupation; and (d> Too many school boys and girls are -nhicution foi lui.,uu. »•»«»* «"«' luliet » f XA » W to,ltty ' u,ut This same program has been in this creates a great demand for fcrge vogue for many years. The fact is j expenditures. They, having neglected we have not followed the program, ! health, citizenship, and occupation, So far as the first section, a* to! are unable-to support a state of Vets health, we are possibly making fair; ure, which djives them to gamble, progress. The second, "education fori bootleg, lie, steal, and engage in inv citizenship," is not holding its own. moral vices. According to our prison records, our It seems that the taxpayers are V>s c'tizenship among the middle-aged is 1 in™ imposed .upon by a school sys fresh from school. Most of the crim- ucation for leisure." inal nets are committed by boys and Nobody has worked himself to ARE A GREAT MANY THIN(iS WE 1)0 NOT KNOW THERE ARE A GREAT MANY THINGS WE NEVER WILL KNOW THERE IS ONE THING WE DO KNOW That one thing is- This Bank is a safe ulace to deposit money. Investigate us, and you will be willing to trust us with your - r "- ' . money. We appreciate all business intrusted to us and will extend any accommodation consistent with sound banking:. - •' •. * . ' v' " v Sell yourtobacco inWilliamstonand deposit your Money in aSafe Bank 1 . ■ 11 '* • . * - • ■ - , • . • ' •' . ; . • " ' • . * • Farmers and Merchants Bank „ Result «f Analysis of 10 Fertilizers The State agricultural bulletin on the analysis of fertilizers for th." spring- season, just issued, gives the analysis of ten samples of guano drawn by inspectors at Williatnston. 'i he analyses include fertilizers manu factured by five manufacturers, the International Agricultural Corpora lion, Chaa. W. Priddy & Co., Uaugh & .Sons, New liern Oil & Fertilizer! Co., and the Pamlico Chemical Co. The drop in the price of fertilizer.- sr. the spring led farmers generally t - my that the quality was cut, as well as the price. The figures by the j chemists, however, do not seem tc. justify the statement. Of the I> samples, only 1 showed a deficiency j in phosphoric acid, while the othei j cine were above the amount claimed, j ! nil together showing a net gain of j \ 1.14 per cent. I In nitrogen, however, the showing' | was not quite so good. Of the 10 •amples, every one showed a eonaict j erable gain in the amount of j ' nitrogen, in the 10 samples a tola. rain of 2.6!) per cent of mineral 11! i i . ] ! Irogen was found. But the or .anu ; nitrogen fell below the nianufaetur I l is' guarantee In toeryvmmple; fc.i ll.e whole 10 the Whs per ceSIT «r a net lossfin the mawufac: urers' I cent. The water soluble poiash found | was exactly as guaranteed in 1 sam ple; 4 samples lost 18-100 of 1 poi tent; and 5 gained 1.81 per cent, making a net gain of 1768 per cent. According to the chemical findings, a ton of a mixture of the 10 vari I ties would have gained about 50 eente ' in acid phosphate value, a loss of £2 in nitrogen; and a gain of practically $1.60 in the potash value, giving al j most exactly the guaranteed value i>,- J HH manufacturing plants. i t——_ j death. It is the lounging skunk who I is breaking down the. health, the e:t --; izenship, and tin- morals of'the coun i try. We can hardly go to any communi ty without finding a buticli of these t "lords -and ladies of leisure," who in I muny instances are the canker ano t rust that ore destroying the body of . society. ' Too much leisure is a curse to any r husband, wife, son, or daughter. More r to do and do more would be a fine ed . I ucational slogan for about one gener ation. ; NOTICE ■' I'rider a.id by viriuo of a judgment : . of the superior court in the special proceedings entitled, "Carrie Biggs, 1 oi al \s. Harry Bitrgs, et als," the un i, del-signed commissioner will, on the 81st day cf August, 1927, at 12 o'- clock noon, at tlje courthouse door of '• Martin County sell t*v the highest ~ bidder, for cash, the following de si ri bed t property: Hounded by Sycamore .Street and - a street leading from .Sycamore Street to the railroad, Luke Slade house and lot of Annie House and I —known as thi- TheUwt- HigKs place. This the 29th day of July, 1927. ' H. A. CRITCHER, 0 | a 2 4tw Commissioner. m **"" THE ENTHRPk'ISK WILLIAWSTON, N. C. The trend toward mineral nitrogen, such at nitrate cf soda and sulphate cf ammoniim, because of its cheap | ncss, seemsd to cause the guano far torie. to put Joo much in, while they i ell considerably short when it came tc make up the organic nitrogen, i.uch as cottonseed meal, fish scrap, and blood, iOf course, the manufact ! urers weraioo scant with these high- '• rr-priced materials to save their poc- | kf tbooks. Although the amount wai, ■not large enough to make very much difference,."the farmers have always ' needed the protection of some branch of the State government against cheap and poor goods. 1 ANYONE WHO HAS SEEN A large gray mare mule, about 7 j years nM* Hjtfse straying "around, ! please nottf> me. J. (J. Staton. I _ EXE TTOIt'S NOTICE 1 Having this day qualified as execu ' ..r of the estate of Esabelle Roger-; ; Roll, late of Martin County, all per- j ! sons holding claims against the said I estate are hereby notified to present, ; ~anie to me for payment on or before, tii" 28th day of June, 1928, or this: i 'notice will he plead in bar of their ; recovery. All persons indebted to said ! are requested to come forward and make immediate settlement of the same. This the 28th day of June, 1927. JAVIN ROGERSON, jyl 6tw Executor. • Of Esabelle Ilogerson Estate. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under 'fend by virtue of the author ity contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the 25th day of February, 1-928, by A. S. I.cgett and wife, and of record in the public registry of Martin County, in book Q-2, akpage 811, said deed of trust having been piven to (secure a note of even date . nid tenor therewith, unll the stipula -666 id a Prescription for I*' \LARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER, 1 ENGI'E OR BII.IOI'S FKVE'.S It Kills the Germs j - We Are Distributors of ViCTin, EDISON BRUNSWICK . UMlk T/IfelfC I maohnts All Standaul Makes i vsv 'J eh: Ir . . . ~;i . Write for Prices and Terms Ohe of our salesmen will gladly demonstrate one in your hom>. f II All the Latest Records and Sheet Music 1 • i| Russ Bros. Williamston, N. C. Washington, N. C. Plymouth, N. C. And Still They Kick When the State equalization board 1 announced its distribution of the t three and a quarter million school : lurids, a good number of counties kicked, but when the board held a stcond meeting and passed out a few more morsels, nearly all the counties 1 quieted off, and Jjtdooked as if we were going to hi ve" peace for a while. 1 But not so. One of our neighboring I j counties, Halifax, is still kicking. We do not know anything about j i whether Halifax has a good reason | for a kick, but we do know the main reason for most kicks comps not be , cause they get less than their share, turns" therein contained not having been complied with and at the re quest of the parties interested, the j unUersigned trustee will, on the 9th j I day of August, 1927, in front of the . courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, N. C., offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for | cash, the following described prop | crty: lieginning at Hen Glisson's corner j en Main Street in the town of Wil-' liamstdn, N. C., thence along Ben 1 Glisson's line 336 feet to the rail roau, thence along the railroad 50 feet, thence a straight line parallel to the said Ben Glisson's line to a I i point on Main Street 50 feet from the beginning point, thenoe along Main Street 50 feet to the beginning. J. C. Meekins, Jr. M. W. Meekins MEEKINS & MEEKINS v Attorneys at Law WASHINGTON, N. C. State and Fedrt-al Courts THE people of this modern, busy age are ilwiyi anxious to recognize quality, and they have placed Camel first among _ Modern smokers have an experienced taste that quickly learns to know good tobaccos. Camel is their favorite, because they recognize in it the choicest tobaccos grown, blended to bring out their exquisite taste and fragrance. Camel has won its way to the top in the hardeat-to-please age ever known because it has the qualities of goodness that I make smoking a pleasure. You will revel in the enjoyment I of these cigarettes. No better smoke r* n be made. IL-w1 L -w V © 1917 • R *rw»W» Tob«cco CoaMMoy, Win»ion S«1«b, N. C - - hut because they want more thai.' their share. It was just like passing s basket of apples to a bunch of, children. Some grab the biggest and reddest, and some get mad because 'they can not get the best in the baa-J ket. We are glad that Martin County i has made no copiplaiht, because sho i had no right to. We have not dealt more than fair witi our neighbors, j Of course, Bertie and Halifax may bt justified in kicking against the distribution, while Beaufort fareu mighty well. Yet it all may have' been j3st. The same being a lot 50 f«'t by 336 feet, and being a part of the land j deeded to G. P. HaJJ and wife, Mary ; K. Htvll, i>Y the Home Realty & In vestment Corporation by deed dated A I the public registry of Martin County in book T-2, al page 'JB, and beinjr the same land deeded to Sarah O. Cherry by G. P. Hall ami wife, of A TONIC GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC restores Energy and Vi tality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. 60c. Liver Pills A package of Qrove'a Uvn PjH«i» en dued with every bottle of GROVE S TABTELEBS CHILL TONIC for thoae who wish to take a Laxative in connection with the Tonic. record in M-2, *t page 826, i® Mar tin Cofrity public registry, and be j ine same land W. R. CheiTy and wife Sarah O. Cherry, deeded to & D. Leggett, being of record in pablic registry of Martin County. This the Bth day of July, 1927. WHEELER MARTIN, | jyl2 4tw Trustee. l""* - , . "" Kitchen equipment and utensils are ex pensive household necessities to buy. You usually only want to buy these - things once in a life time. Suppose they should burn tonight? This agency of the Hartf«*d Fire Insurance Co. will ta sure your household goods and persona! belongings. J E. P ! Insurance Agency WILLIAMSTON, N. C. l'hone 87

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