——^ Wack the Label on Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 48 WOMAN KILLED IN AUTO WRECK NEAR WINDSOR Dead Woman Identified As Miss Edna Earle Sugg, Of Greenville ANOTHER IS INJURED Accident Caused by Tire Blowing Out While Car Wai Traveling At High Rate of Speed A woman was killed and another badly injured when their car, a Buick sedan, turned over several times on highway route 30 between Windsor and Aulander Saturday night about 9 o'clock. The car caught fire and was practically burned to ruin. The body of the killed woman was dragged from the wreck before the flames reached it. So far tlv.re has been considerable dispute as to the true identity of the two women. According to reports in Norfolk papers, the young woman who was killed was Edna Daniel, of York and Yarmouth streets, Norfolk, and the driver was Mrs. Florence Wiliamson, of 12th street, Norfolk. The papers stated that the two women left that city at a late hour Saturday and started for Washing ton to visit kinspeople of the Wil liamson woman. The accident was caused when n tire bursted and the driver, the Wil liamson woman, suddenly applied the car's brakes, causing the machine to turn over several times. The names given by the Norfolk papers seemed to be incorrect and it was later reported that the driver of the car was a Miss Patterson who was driving the car belonging to her Nor folk sweetheart and the woman who was killed was Miss Edna Earle Sugf, a grass widow, of Greenville. Fartiee from Greenville identified and claimed the body and the under taker at Aulander passed through here said te be en route to Green ville with the body late Sunday night. LEGION MEETING IN WASHINGTON Many Prominent Figures Are Attending State Convention The American Legion convention department of North Carolina, meet ing in Washington this week is fur nishing a gala time for members oi the Legion. Prominent figures from this and other States are in at tendance upon the convention. The day's program yesterday fea tured the parade and entertainment of the visitors at Hay View. The main business of the meeting is be ing transacted today. Members from here are attending the convention but not In large numbers. Many will at tend the business sessions this after noon. Several towns and cities are making strong bids for the 1928 convention. Charlotte is pulling for the meet next year. Sanford is apparently out of the race for the next assemblage, while Clinton stood in a position to land the honor. Children's Home Society At Greensboro Has 23 Children for Adoption The Children's Home Society of North Carolina, Greensboro, am nounces 28 children ready for adop tion. The Society states that appli cations are desired from reliable childless families who will meet the society's requirements. In the list of children there are ten baby girls, ages 1 month to 2 years; 6 baby boys, ages 2 months to 4years and 8 boys and girls, ages 6 years to 10 years. STRANH THEATRE! J WEDNESDAY FRED THOMSON and SILVER KING in "SILVER COMES THROUGH" / Comedy, "Raisin Cain" Also a FREE TICKET FOR FRIDAY Aiwayß a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Rumored That Larger Schools of County Are To Open September 5 The cool east wind of today brings to mind the fact that fall and school days are approach ing. Schools of the State will soon open their doors and three quarters of a million children will walk in. The opening date for most of the Martin County Schools has not been fixed as yet, though it is reported that some of the larger ones will open September 5. The smaller country schools will not begin until later in the fall. More than 65 per cent of the children of the county now have eight-months schools, and in or der to get out early enough in the spring have to open early in September. The six-months schools, however, find it better to start later in the fall and use their most leisure time in school work. FIRST CARLOAD TOBACCO HERE Arrived Here Yesterday From South Carolina Markets The first car loud "of tobacco from the South Carolina murkets came in fyesterday and hands at the W. I. Skinner Tobacco company are unload ing the weed today. Messrs. W. I. Skinner and Jim King, owners of the plant here are on markets in South Carolina and border markets, and it is understood they are buying a large amount of the tobacco where they are. ,■ Shipments are expected to show •i big increase the early part of next week, and when the tobacco starts arriving in sufficient quantities, oper ation of the re-drying plant here will be put underway. The grade of tobacco in the car in the process of being unloaded to day Isjaf no fancy grade, but is of the common type. BOY IS MAKING TOUR OF STATE Asheville Schoolboy Trying To Reach Every County Seat Before Sept. 5 Charles W. Miller, the 16-year-old son of Eugene Miller, of Asheville, is taking good North Carolina his tory lessons-during his summer vaca tion. Young Miller left his home in Ashe ville the first of this month in his little Ford roadster with a goods box on the rear in which he carries' his various equipment. Leaving Ashe ville, he went to Charlotte, Hamlet, Wilmington and to Southport, cover ing every border county from Gaston to Brunswick. He then set about to cover all the sea coarit counties and succeded in making Onslow, Jones, Craven, Carteret, Craven, Hyde, Beau fort, Martin, Washington, Tyrrell and Chowan last Saturday. From Edenton he went into Dare, Currituck, Cam den, Perquimans and Pasquotank Sunday. The young man expects to wo£ backwards and forth across the Stat* from one county seat to another un til he covers every county in the State. He says he hopes to finish the trip by September fifth in time to re-enter the Ashevillo high school where he graduates this year. He is carrying on an advertising scheme, taking literature from one county and distributing some in an other. For this service he finds the people very liberal, they paying his traveling expenses. In this trip he ir. finding worlds of valuably, exper ience which visiting the on* hundred North Carolina countie#J which In clude almost all kinds of soils, climate asd crops. Young Milter has worked in his father's print shop most of his life when, not in school. Miss Frances Hoyt Named Field Secretary of Young Peoples Work in Diocese At Camp East Carolina, Miss Fran ces Hoyt was elected field secretary of the young peoples work of the E piscopal churches of the East Caro lina Diocese. This is quite an honor for Miss H iyt who was highly recommended by Bishop Darst. She will begin her dut.es the first of next month, going to all those churches for promoting and organizing service leagues what ever they are desired. Mrs. Mc D. Holliday, of Dunn, visited her son. Harper Holliday last nighW ; f ' I WilliamstoiK Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, August 16,1927 LOCAL BUREAU TESTS LIGHTS ON 550 AUTOS Number Is Less Than One- Fourth Total of Cars In County IS REQUIRED BY LAW Orders Issued to Police and Sheriff To Make Drive on Car Owners Not Obeying Law The Wllliamston Motor company, official automobile light testing bur eau, at noon yesterday had tested and adjusted the lights on 550 cars, not quite one fourth the number of cars in the county. The other agency in the county, the Cox Motor company in Rcbersonville, has tested around 225 lights, it is stated. The work of the two agencits combined not resulting in hardly more than one-third of the cars lights tested in the county. The owners of hese 775 cars, it might be said, had their lights ad justed on their own accord and with cut warning madt by State and offi cers. Orders have been issued to offi cers throughout the State to make a drive on those car owners who have not complied with the light-tenting law. The order was issued only a few days ago, and it is understood that the number of cars carrying tested and adjusted lights is increasing much more rapidly now than when the law was first made public. Sheriff Roebuck has been appointed to head the crusade against those who have not had their lights tested »nd adjusted. The law requiring the lights to be adjusted has been discussed and assail eJ. Some people think it is all a mat ter of foolishness, that no good can come out of it. The majority, how ever, think the «»-w law to be the best one yet passed by he Legislature relating to automobiles. In just what way the officers will go about enforcing the new law is r.ot known, but it is understood that it will, be as necessary to have lights tested as it is to have the State and town license tags attached. Former Martin Man Now Head of Million - Dollar Auto Concern' in State i C. H. Jiawls, of the C. H. Rawls Motor company, is now head of a mil lion-dollar business. "Our sales in Raleigh and Greens boro from August 1, 1926, to August i, 1927, totaled nearly one and a quarter million dollars," said Mr. Rewls yesterday. "To be exact it was $1,219,402. This is in addition to our tire business." Mr. Rawls, who started in the au tomobile business in 1916, expects the Raleigh and Greensboro business to reach a total of one and a half million in the next year. He has been in business of selling merchandise tor twenty-seven years, is. 42 yebrs old. The Rawla Company has more than $350,000 invested in Raleigh and Greensboro. The above appearing in the Raleigh News and Observer, will be of in terest to people in this section since Mr Rawls is a Martin county man. He worked on a farm near here and his first business experience came when he opened a bicycle shop in liobersonville. Five Cases Belore Judge Bailey in Recorder's Session This Morning Recorders court had five cases to day. The old case against Henry Sherrod was worn out and the charge against his bond was made absolute. K. L. Jones was called and failed. Alonzo Mason was called and he aM'failed to answer. Floyd Bonner plead guilty to simp le assault. Judgment wan suspended upon payment of cost. Perlie Coltrain, charged with driv ing an automobile while under the in fluence of liquor, plead not guilty, end entered in a vigorous fight to prove his innonccnce. Both the State und defendant put on many witnesses in the case. The evidence in the cage caused a verdict of not guilty. Christian Philatheas Met With Mrs. C. O. H Moore Monday Night The Philathea class of the Christian church met at the home of Mrs. C. O. Moore on Monday night. After the short devotional period, the principal business of the meeting was complet ing plans for the booth at the fair this year. The class will have • booth and twelev* chairmen were appointed for the four days. At the conclusion of the meeting Mrs. Moore, assisted by her daughter, Miss Marjorie, .served a delicious chicken salad course with sandwiches START PLACING MATERIAL FOR POST OFFICE New Building Will Be Furnished With Medern Postal Equipment DESIGN IS APPROVED Will Be One of Most Complete Post Offices in Rented Buildings In North Carolina Mrs. J. G. Staton is having placed brick and material on the lot adjoin ing the Tar Heel apartment.! and has contracted with Mr. Hariison, of Washington for the erection and equipping of a modern-uiost office building for the town. The building will be equipped with up-to-date postal fixtuts with the pert office, city and rural clerks' de partments separate and atiangod ac cording to the approved designs of the post office department. The build ing will be steam heated, and lmve many features not required by the postal regulations. Mr. J. T. Price, postmaster, has been authorized to move from the present quarters in the Shfrrod build ing on the corner of Main and Smith wick's streets to the nek building on October 1 or as soon 4 thereafter at' possible. It is said that there will }»• no more completely equipped post office in the Slate In rented quarters than wc will have in the new building. HUNGRY HOWL NOW AND NOT THE HOT DOGS "Statute" Puts An End to Hot-Dog Stands on Main Street Here Yesjfrday TWO STANDS CLOSED New Law Does Not Affect Stands At Warehouses As They Are Not in "Fire District" The wonderful word of "statute" (put an end to Maiu street hot dog stands yesterday. Some time ago, the town commissioners ordered all the stands from the main thoroughfare. And when the 15th arrived, the last oay of grace on the Main street for the stands, the . execution took place, the curtains fell and now the hungry do the howling and not the dogs. There have been several grounds for the dismissal from Main street of the stands, A general nuisance has been the main factor assigned to the cause of the move. Some complaints have been made by customers of the stands, they stat ]ing that the hot dog stands did a little bit of good hy feeding the folks. They claim a discrimination in favor of the hotels and house restaurants. It is understood that the Andrews- I>-ggett stand will efttabli.-ih itself in the little iron shop next to Paul P. Peel's cool drink stand on Washing ton street. The ordinance governing hot dog stands reads that no hot dog stand will be allowed on the north side of the A. C. L. tracks. The siafid located next to the Farm ers and Merchants bank has closed Its doors, but the structure remains Untouched. This is due to the sickness of its owner, Mr. Simon Lilley. When the stand was erected several years •RO it went up under one condition, that it should be moved once the com missioners ordered it to be after a period of six months. The stands across the rail road will remain since they are not included in tlie fire district. New Model Ford Failed To Arrive Monday; Still An 'Unknown Quantity' The new model Ford did not ar rive here yesterday as was schedul ed. The failure of the Ford's arrival is accredited to the unexpired delay in arranging and placing Machinery in the plants where the parts are manufactured. One of the managers at the local agency stated yesterday that he had not been informed as to any par ticulars connected with the new mod el car, that it continued a mystery with him. While at one of the branch plants a few days ago, he stated that officials there refused to discuss the new car, that it would be advertised In due time, and that its appearance would meet with general approval. Many orders for the car have been placed here, and it is expected that production wiil continue behind for seme time aftar the car mak«s its first appearance. Managers of the agency hero stated yesterday that deliveries would be made as soon as shipments started arriving to those (n (La „ lii m uniil iiiuf . ri» mu/jp i.i inc wrucr tic . ROANOKE FA PREMIUM L SENT OUT PREMIUMS ARE LARGER TfIAN EVER BEFORE Those Not Receiving Copy Of List AskeAto Notify Manager m Fair OVER 2,0 00 MAILED Poultry Show and Swine Department Will Again Be a Big Feature of the Exhibits More than 2,000 of the 3,000 Ro anoke Fair premium lists have been placed in the mails, ready for dis tribution in this and adjoining coun ties. Mr. John L. Rodgerson, man ager, stated this morning that it was almost an impossibility to make a thorough distribution of the books; that he hau searched several mail ing lists and found that they varied to some extent. It is, however, he stated, the aim of the fair associa tion to place in every home in this and surrounding counties a premium list. Should there be an oversight, Mr. Rodgerson is holding several hundred of the books in reserve, and will be very glad to send a copy just for the asking. The premium list, while it retains to a great extent the same appearance as it lid last year, has been material ly changed, and the amount of prem iums otrered this year will surpass those of last yeur by several hundred dollars. Particular attention was call ed to the community and school ex hibits and farm and home exhibits a few days afro. It must bo remember ed that these departments were not remembered at the expense of the others. All were tuken in to consider ation, and no department ha: been ignored. The swine department, this year, is offering the largest premiums that have ever been offered by the as scciation, premiums that are greater than those offered by the largest fairs in tht^ 1 country. Dave Koberson Optimistic That the swine show Is expected to better past records, ami records have been made in that department at the fair here, has been assured by Mr. Dave Koberson, head of the swine de partment. He states that this show will have a hard time to surpass form er ones, but that it can b» expected to be even better this year when more breeders will have exhibits on the market. The poultry show this year, accord ing to Mr. C. W. Jacks, tendept, has every assurance of equal ling if not bettering last y* ur's rec ord. Mr. Jacks says, "We set out foui years ago to make this the bet t show in the Southeast. Our record for the past two years leads us to believe 4hat we have succeeded, but we ar. not resting upon our laurels. It is r.ur intentionto leave nothing un done to make this the largest and | best show we have ever staged. "We call especial attention to our record for selling birds from the show room. We believe that birds actually are sold from the show here each season than from any other show in the Southeast. Quite u num ber of our exhibitors during the past two years sold every bird listed for ■sale. "This is the only show in this sec tion that is really a national show. We regularly get entries from prac tically all of the Eastern and North ern States, as well as all over the South." Mr. Jacks is a real poultryman, and he takes much pride in the poul try show here each yean Other Departments Departments A B, and C are under the superintendence of County AK«>t. T. B. Brandon. Mr. Brandon thinks this to be one of the best years he has ever seen to gather A-No. 1 ex hibits. Departments D, E and F, in cluding beef cattle, dairy cattle and swine. Mr. C. W. Jacks will aKain llaVe -charge of the poultry depart ment. Department H, division of Heme Demonstration work, will be under the supervision of Misses Pau lino Smith and Anna Trentham. Mrs. i.. B. Harrison, assisted by the la dies of the Methodist church, will huve charge of the department I, plants and flowers. Mrs. Harrison and the ladies of that church will also have charge of departments J, K. and L, these departments including pan try supplies, fancy work and arts and crafts. Department M, school depart ment, will be under the supervision of Mr. R. I. Leake, principal of the Robersonville schools. • The heads of these departments (Continued on tita back pag*)-. v 1 Federal Reserve Bank Reduces Rediscount Rate in This District The Richmond Federal Re serve bank reduced its redis count rate today from 4 per cent to 3 1-2 per cent, which enables bankers in the Richmond dis trict, of which North Carolina is a part, to rediscount paper at the lowest rate offered them in ten years. This indicates that the de mand for money is not strong, which is unusual for this sec tion at this season of the year when the crop-producing strain is on. DRUNK DRIVER HITS AND RUNS Negro, After Running Into Another Car, Jumps Out and Runs Sunday afternoon while on their way home from here Mr. C. E. Co l.urn anil his sister, Mrs. A. T. King hud their car, a Chevrolet sedan, run into by a negro driving a Ford be tween hero and Windsor. Judging jfrim the negro's actions, • hu was r.runk, but not to siwh a point where he could not run, lor he tied to the woods after he hail hit and turned over the Chevrolet car. The negro was attempting to pass Ihe Coburn car but turned in too ear ly and hooked the bumper, knocking the Chevrolet car into the ditch and cutting Mrn. King's head and bruis ing her badly. The Chevrolet hud one wheel torn down and the top smashed at the rear. The negro's Ford escaped injury while the negro escaped in the woods. EVERETTS WILL PLAY CRESWELL Game To Be Played Next Saturday at-Everetts; Evenly Matched The Everetts. baseball team meets Creswell at Kveretts next .Saturday, according to a schedule announced this morning by the manager of the Everett* team. In the field of soprts, Kv retts is leading the county, having made an enviable Record in baski't ball and other sports. The baseball team is playing teams of many of the larger towns and is building up a strong winning average. Jtecently it defeated (ireenvillo in a ten-inning encounter, end last Saturday it defeated Bell Arthur 16 to 8. Tht teams next Saturday are more equalled and u good gam> is expected. V/arren Says Georgia ~~ Market Averaged $26 For One Day's Sales A letter received by Mr, W. T. Meadows from Mr. Hubert Warren, who is buying on one of the Georgia tobacco markets, states that the weed averaged 26.33 one day the latter part of last week. In Mr. Warren's letter it was stated that the tobacco was of light weight, but in spite of that Hs company was making large pur chases. Kiwanis Club Not to Have Meeting Tomorrow; Many Members Out of Town There will be no meeting of the Ki wanis club this week according to the club's president, E. »H. Peel, who stated that there will be rnuny mem bers absent Wednewduy and that ft was decided to place the meeting over until next week. Coast Line Station Here Entered and Robbed of $l5O Worth Merchandise Jiobers broke into the Coast Line station here Friday night and stole gtveral articles of merchandise, prin cipally dry goods. Some money from the cash drawer was removed. A num ber of dresses made up the principal item t*ken. Value of the stolen property has been estimated to be around (ISO. Railroad and express detectives are working on the case, but no develop ments have been made public at this Advertisers Will Fiml Our Col umns a Latchkey to fiver 1,600 Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 10 CARS A MINUTE PASS THROUGH HERE ON SUNDAY Traffic Has Shown Large Increase Since Opening Of Chowan Bridge MANY VIRGINIA CARS About One Out of Every Ten Obey Traffic Laws As to Speed and Use of Hand Signals Few of us realize it, hut by actual count several thousand automobiles pass through here each Sunday af ternoon. A count last Sunday after noon showed that an average of ten cars passed the comer at Haughton und Main each minute Hardly ever did the count fall below eight, occasion ally it would go as low as three, but the very next minutes it would go as high as 15 and JO. No check on the makes of cars, was made, but it is to be guessed with lit tle error probability that the rnajori y of the passer-bys were traveling in Fords. Virginia furnished a large number, with the oilier States repre sented every now and then.,■•' Several cars from Massachusetts, District of Columbia, Florida and South Caro iU>a passed during the afternoon. **" The greater percentage of the cars were going at the command of pleas ure seekers, with no destination in view, while others were touring the country while vacationing. The increase in number of cars ha;; been very marked since the, bridge across the Chowan wis rpoiied to trurtlc. Of the number of cars going and coming, about one out of every ten obeyed the auto laws as affect speed, tight-hand driving and stepping. The number of accidents, while they may bo avoided, few when compared to the chuncesTff wrecking are con sidered. IMPROVEMENT IN TOBACCO IS SEEN Grade and Quality of Weed In County Reported Much Better Ijuto reports on the tobacco cro.p of the country shows improvcmentlin tire quality and grade. The greatest gain is in the flue cured cigarette types* The Hurley types are .not quite*lift to the usual standard.. The predicted increase is now plac ed at about 40,-00,0(10 pounds. The iru'roa.sc in the crop, however, is no greater than the increased de mand, which, according to estimates, will easily absorb tlip small increase without a danger.of overproduction which might cause a drop in pric-H. The extreme eastern belt which in eludes Craven, Beaufort, a part of Pitt, Martin, llertie., Hertford, Chow an anil Washington counties, is to have the beat crop in tin! whole belt. Deputy Sheriff Captures "Baby Still" in Hamilton Township Last Saturday Deputy Sheriff Crim-s caught what he calls the baby still in all his ex perience, a little Ifi-gallon affair no mew hut deformed. There was nnly one barrel of J)eer with a few kegs jugs and' other utensils scattered a round. No liquor was found; the plant was supposed to make hardly enough le keep the operator supplied. The still was located in Hamilton township, near the! river on the land .bakwigißtf-to Attorney B. A. Critcher. Mi. Critcher knew nothing about it The officers Jitate the still was not operated by a man ia the neighbor hood, but that an interloper /rom a bove Hamilton would come down and turrt out the whiskey, thinking that bis operating on another man's lami would throw guilt from himself. BEGIN WORK ON SPUR TO RIVER Railroad Company Starts Work on Track to Factory Site Several cars of cross ties have been .shipped and unloaded here by the A. C. L. Hail road to rebuild the spur track to the river. It is not known when actual work will be started oi> the track, but it is the general opin ion here that pile drivers and dirt trains will'be here within the next few weeks. The old road bed and track to the river has grown up since the cooper age company closed operation several years ago and it will be necessary to clcfr the right of way before work on the track can be started. Nothing more, than that the railroad company wilt rebuild the track can be leerned at this tima.

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