■- ■ ■ *\ Wach the Label on Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 49 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVE BUDGET FOR NEXT FISCAL YEAR AT SPECIAL MEETING HERE TUESDAY IS PRACTICALLY SAME AS IT WAS PREVIOUS YEAR Total Amount To Be Spent For All Purposes Is $318,085.78 TAX RATE TO BE $1.33 Increase in Rate Brought About by Addition of Interest and Sinking 'Fund; 25 Cents Higher An annual appropriations resolu tion was adopted and the tax levy on 1927 assessments was made by the county commissioners when they met here in a special session last, Tues day. The appropriations resolution is practically the same as it was last year The tax rate will be $1.33 as com pared with SI.OB for the year ending June 30, 1827. The change in the rate was made in the interest and sinking fund, 28 cents going to that department; the school maintenance fund was decreased 3 cents, making the rat# this year 25 cents higher than it wag last year. The appropriations resolution and tax Appropriation Resolution Section 1. Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Martin County, North Carolina, this 16th day of August,. 1M27, that for the expenses of county government, its activities and institutions for the year ending June 30, 1928, the amounts in the following schedules, or so much of each as may he necessary, are here by appropriated. , Section 2. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated J f out of the "County General Fund" the t following: County General Fund Board of commissioners $ 1,110.00 Listing and assessing prop ertyj. 3,240.00 County sheriff 6,865.00 Elections, general - 4(>0.00 County accountant or auditor 1.100.00 County treasurer 600.00 County courthouse an d ' grounds 1,850.00 Register of deeds, as regis ter 4,985.00 County coroner 300.00 County jail 1,520.00 County home 3,5%.0(1 County farm 550.00 Outside poor relief 2,150.00 Agricultural and economic development,...., 2,900.00 « County health department 1,410.00 County aid, contributions and " gifts (other than poor re lief .. 933.00 Superior court 2,750.00 Clerk of superior court 4,775.00 r% Recorder's court ... 2,580.00 General 1,200.00 Audit and legal 1,000.00 Total $45,874.00 School Appropriations Section 3. That for the said fiscal y year there are hereby appropriated out of the "Constitutional School Maintenance Fund," and of the "Coun ty-wide Expense Fund Above Con stitutional School Maintenance," the following: Current expenses (6 mo. term): General control $ 10,950.00 Instructional service ~, 104,220.59 Operation of school plant ..... 9,548.65 Maintenance of plant 2,815.30 Fixed charges 1,450.12 Auxiliary agencies 9,643.70 $138,628.36 " Capital outlay: New buildings and grounds 1 STRANFV THEATRE SATURDAY WESTERN (See Billboard) BEN TURPIN in A Prodigal Bridegroom And Episode No. 2 RETURN of the RIDDLE RIDER' Always a Good Show; ■ ■ * mf THE ENTERPRISE Local High School Faculty For Next Term Announced Entire Faculty Will Be Announced in Few Days; Fall Term To Begin Around Middle of the Next Month The high school faculty Just an nounced here includes thi§ year Professor L. H. Davis, principal; Mrs. W. H, Hurrell, assistant principal, Mr. E. B. Hood and Miss Mary Fletcher. Professor Davis and Mrs. Harrell were in the school last year. Mr. Hood, whose home is in Goldsboro, comes here from Scotland Neck where he taught in the schools there last year. He is a graduate of Wake Forest. Miss Fletcher, of McCall, South Carolina, has done splendid work in the English de partment in the Belhaven high school, and she gives a position STATE DIRECTOR SCHOOLS COMING Dr. J. Henry Highsmith To Meet Principals Here September 2nd Dr. J. Henry Highsmith, director of high schools in the State, will meet thi principals of the various schools •n th»« county here Friday, September 2 at 10:00 o'clock in the morning. Dr. Highsmith or a representative from his department generally visits each county every year and goes over the work for the coming school year with the various county school heads. While none of the schools in the ccunty will be open at that time, it is understood that all he principals will be at their posts preparing for tho opening of their schools a few days after Dr. Highsmith's visit. 5 MURDER CASES IN NASH COURT Unusually Large Number Killings To Be Aired Next Week Five mutler cases are to be treif in Nash county next week ac?ntdin|r to .he court record of that county. One of th° cjses.la against Denton, a 14 year-'ild white boy who shot and kill? I a i "ighbor "nu:e the neighbor was thought to havo tdd officers that Dim on was tunning a still. The strange thing aSout it was that he boy did ro seem to think he did wrong when he k'.iied ' his neighbor. The other cases range from litiuor brawl murders to wife jealousies. o (of which $15,000 is to be borowed) $ 16,132.12 Old buildings and grounds 11,892.72 Libraries 275.00 Trucks .... 4,285.00 __ $ 32,584.84 Debt service: State loans 15,084.35 County bonds 7,123.89 District bonds 11,970.58 Overdraft 6,638.78 $ 40,817.60 Total appropriation for schools $212,030.80 Sinking Fund and Bond Interest Section 4. That for the said fiscal -year there arc hereby appropriated out of the "County Bond Interest, Re demptions, and Sinking Fund," the following: Bond interest and Commis sion - *44,102.46 Maturity of bond issues (not included in sinking fund) „ 7,000.00 Sinking fund installments .... 1,578.52 Total _..... $52,680.98 County Road and Bridge Fund Section 5. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated out of the "County Road and Bridge Fund' the following: General overhead $7,500.00 Signed by board of commissioners of Martin County. Taxes were levied by the commmis sioners as follows: ■ Poll tax, $2.00; general county pur poses, .16; bridge taxes, .06; bond interest and sinking fund, .28; for county schools divided as follows: current expense, .52; capital outlay, .077 and debt service, .268, making a total for schools of .85. The grand total is $1.33. For special school districts the fol lowing levies were made: JamesviUe, .30; Daidens, .10; Pop lar Run, .20; Ange, .26; Farm Life, Williamston 4 Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, August 19, 1927 up in that school to taktr charge of the English department in the school here. The faculty for the entire school is not ready for announcement at this time as all the contracts have not been returned to the superintendent's office here. It is understood, however, that the faculty is complete and that it will be announced as soon as all the contracts are returned. The date for the opening of the local school has not been mentioned, but it is thought the school will not open until about the middle of nest month. FIREMEN MEET IN GREENSBORO Chief Henry Harrison To Lead Local Delegation To State Meeting The North Carolina State Fire men's association will meet in CJreens boro next week. The Wiliamston Fire company will be represented by Chief Henry Har rison and several of his associate members. Mr. William Cray, of Roberson ville expects to go as the represen tative of the Robersonville company. The meeting has the promise of the largest attendance since its organi sation. British-American Tobacco Co. Preparing To Enter U. S. Cigarette Market According to rumors affoat, the Brit ish-American Tobacco company is pre paring to enter the American cigar ette market in the near future with a blended popular-priced cigarette. The concensus of opinion seems to be that the new brand will be called "Old North State," one of the brands formerly put out by tre Brown and Williamson Tobacco company, Wins ton-Salem, which company was ac quired by the British American a shcrt time ago. "Snowball" Gets New Outfit of Clothes and Is Present at Wedding Pleased almost beyond repair was "Snowball", printing office devil, when he attended the wedding of W. C. Manning, jr. business manager of the Enterprise and "Snowball's" boss ac Four Oaks last Wednesday night. 'Snowball", fitted up in a blue suit with long trousers, watched the final knot tied from the pastor's study in the modem church. The little fellow, when he learned he was to see the wedding, asked where it was to be. When told it would take place in Four Oaks, he ex pressed his wish for it to be in Nor folk, stating that he had never been to Norfolk. Since he had never been to Four Oaks, it was all the same as far as strange territory was con cerned. The wedding for him was a solemn affair; not a smile was to be seen en his face as he watched, with all force, the ceremony. .16; Bear Grass, JO; Williamston, •35; Everett*, .30; Robersonville, .26; Parmele, .26; Gold Point, .30; Has sell, .26; Hamilton, .80 and poll .90; Oak City, .81. The following levies were made for road improvements in the various townships : Jamesville, .26; Williams, .25; Grif fins, .36; Bear Grass, .30; Williams ton, .36; Cross Roads, .35; Poplar Point, .30; Hamilton, .40 and poll for Hamilton, $1.20; Goose Neat, .25 and poll, .76. Upon motion of T. B. Slade, Jr., seconded by T. C. Griffin, the treas urer was directed to furnish a month ly statement of balances and showing disposition of all funds and was re quired to charge all depositories 3 per cent, on active balances,' and four per cent 6n dormant balances. This requirement .was ordered to go into effect the flrat of October. Upon motion made by L. P. Holliday, seconded by-John E. Pope, the clerk of the superior court is to be re quired to furnish his monthly state ments of bilhr of cost in duplicate, one of which ia to be filed with the county accountant. PRANK MEEKERS BAND TO BE AT FAIR THIS YEAR Will Furnish Music for Nat Reiss Shows on Roanoke Fair's Midway SIXTEEN MUSICIANS Higgins Hussar Concert Band Is Also Booked for Free Acts Program and Grandatand Attractions No outdoor form of entertainment woi>l(1 l>e successful without music, and plenty of it, in the •pinion of the committee the big fair to be staged here by the Ro anoke Fair Association, week of Sep tember 27th, on the fair grounds, and Professor Frank Meeker and his band of sixteen solo musicians will enliven things night and day dur ing the reign of King Pleasure here, it was announced toady. King Pleas ure will reign supreme in William ston during the fair, the committee members says, and Prof. Macker will help make his role complete. Frank Meeker is a veteran musician of the whit* top world and he ha ; directed bands cn some of the larg est circus and carnival organizations it Ameiica. He i* now musical di rector of The Nat lleiss Shows and he writes friend* here that *e has the best band of his career. The Nat Reiss been engaged to furnish all the amUsMwni? features at the fair, and Meeker's first con cert Tuesday afternoon at t o'clock, at the fair grounds, will launch the week of fun. THIEVES ROB JUDGE'S AUTO Judge Bailey OffeiS. He ward for Conviction Of Thieves Judge J. W. Bailey is offering a liberal reward for information lead ing to the conviction of tk- thieves who broke in and stole the a-t ossories from his cur last night in Everett i. Tha Judge HMIKS to be wtMVied just as much as any other citizen at the ugly way some low-downs have m prowling about at night robbing their neighbors of any thing they can get their hands on. Replacement value of the parts stolen from Mr. Bailey's car is esti mated to be around SSO. No idea as to who the thieves were has-been ad vanced thus far. Plans for Opening of New Theater and Drug -Store Are Abandoned Flans for tho op>n'r>i* of a thirl drug store and a second theatre hen have been withdrawn, and it ia under stood the matter will be temporarily dropped. According to all available informa tion the opening of the two new busi nesses was to have been by outside parties, that the plans were with drawn when one of tho parties chang ed his mind as to locating here at this time. * Details relating to the exact loca tion of the new enterprise* could not be learned, but it is thought that new buildings would have been erect ed. D. G. Matthews, Hamilton Merchant, Qualifies As Grower of Big Tomatoes Mr. D. G. Matthews, of Hamilton, favored the Enterprise with the finest box of tomatoes brought in so far this season. The largest tomato weighed ex actly two pound* and the next one weighed a pound and twi-lv'e ounces. Mr. Matthew.s is supposed to be a merchant, but he goes further and qualifies as a good tomato grower. "What The Church Is ' Doing in the World," Baptist Text Sunday At the Uaptist church Sunday morn ing, the pastor will discuss the theme: What the Church is doing in the World. This subject is of keenest interest to the hosts of people who affiliate with the church and it is hoped that a goodly number of people will be present. Wednesday night Hible Study Period will center on the Book of Revelations. The Unpardonable Sin— To live In a town To make a living out of it To educate children in it To get everything out of It And put absolutely nothing into it. LOCAL TOBACCO MARKET READY FOR FIRST SALE Preparations Being Made To Handle Record- Breaking Sales 10,000,000 LBS. IS GOAL Much Additional Storage Space Is Being Provided; Redrying Plant To Begin Work Next Week With the date for the opening of the tobacco markets in this part of the State just a few weeks off, the local warehouses are fast preparing for the season. When asked yester day about the markets opening be fore the 6th of next month, the ware housemen here stated that they coula arrange all details for the opening at almost any time, that all they want ed was just a few days' notice so that auctioneers and other help could reach here in time. In an interview with several ware housemen here yesterday it was learned that the market this year can be expected to surpass all former sales records. No exact quantity was menioned, but it was stated that more than 10,000,000 pounds would be sold on the local market this year. To handle this amount, the ware- In usemen are making more extensive preparations than has heen necessurj in the past. Additional store rooms have been provided, and practically ! II the store room in the old Union Storage Co. building will be used a long with the several storehouses on the Atlantic Coast Line siding. The redrying plant will begin op eration about the middle of next week, when it starts to handling to bacco from South Carolina and bor der markets. Tobacco coming from those markets will all be fPorked be fore the market opens hen* and the plant will be in first-cas* shape when it. starts to handle tobacco sold on 1 l.e local market. Regular Meeting Everetts Modern Woodmen To Be Held Next Monday Night The regular moeting of Everetts Camp Modern Woodmen will bu held Monday night, August 22 at 8 o'cii tk at which time there will be n candi date initiated. All members in good standing: "ire invited to attend and a good time is promised. One of the members of the CJ «r> states that "Big Goat Bill' Is raring to take tho candidates in after a rest during he tobacco season. Find Body of Greenville Boy Who Was Drowned In Tar River Tuesday The body of Frank Jones, the Green ville young man who attempted to swim tho Tar river last Tuesady, a tew miles above that town and drown ed in mid stream was recovered Wednesday. •• Attempts to rescue the young man made by his friend wjio was swim ming the river also proved fatal. Martin County Man Is Made Director of Retail Merchants Conference Mr. H. S. Everett, of Oak City, was made a director of the Retail Mer chants association at a meeting in Richmond this week. The association had one of its best meetings this year it ever had. Mr. B. F. Teale, of Chesterfield, S. C. was made presi dent. Other directors from this sec tion besides Mr. Everett are Mr. J. A. Warren, of Conetoe, and Mr. N. G. Phelps, of Coleraine. Driver of Auto Held on Charge Manslaughter As Result of Accident Edmond Ambrose, a young white man of Roper, was bound over to the Washington County Superior court by Recorder Vance Norman, Thurs day on a charge of mansaugftter. The evidence showed probable cause jf negligence and carelessness in operating an automobile on the Ply rrouth-Ropcr road a few night ago v/hen Guy Oliver was aftally injured. Ambrose furnished the required brnd of SI6OO and was released to appear at Plymouth at the next term if tho Superior court there. Methodist Schedule of Services Is Announced" For Sunday, Aug. 21 Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Preaching service, 11:00 a. m. Preaching at Holly Springs, 8:00 p. m. Woman's Missionary society will hold its regular meeting in the church at 4 p. m. Monday. MANY SIGN PETITION URGING STAR WEED SALES Make Arrangements For Building New Guano Plant Here Mr. Crockett, of the Standard Wholesale Phosphate & Acid Co., of Baltimore, was here this week making arrangements to begin work on the fertilizer plant at the river. Bids' for*the 225,000 feet of lumber to be used in the erection of the building are expected from the several lumbermen wirhin the next few days. Ac tual work on the plant will be started as soon as the bids are received and the order for the lumber given. Mr. Crockett was accompa nied by his father, Mr. T. W. Crockett, of Yorktown, Va., W. H. Porter and W. L. Hunt, of Taoma, Va., and E. M. Sluson, of Williamsburg, Va. *■— -11111111111 TOBACCO CURING ABOUT FINISHED Most Farmers "Cooking" Last Pulling of Crop This Week 'I obacco curing in this section is about over, and with the close of this week there will be few fields having tobacco leaves in them. The majority -f farmers in ihe ar« "cook li:g" tin last pulling this week, and with the opening of next week at tention, in the main, will go to the grading of the weed. During the past few days, many farmers have been placing their crop at the homes of the graders, where it can be worked. All indications point to a large amount of the weed being ready when the market opens. 2 MAKE FLIGHT TO HONOLULU Art Goebel Wins $25,000 Dole Prize; Two Other Planes Missing Two of the racing planes which left the* United States last Tuesday reach ed Honolulu on scheduled time. The Woolaroc, piloted by Art Goebel, won first prize while'the Aloha was seconu in the race and it won next prize. I'he Golden Eagle, which cleared the American coast in fine shape has not been heard of nor has the Miss I'oran which apparently was not working very well as it faded from sic,ht in the haze of the Pacific ocean is also lost. Many ships anil planes arc searching for them. Experienced a.rmen have some hopes for the Gold en Kagle owing to its equipment for holding it on top of the water in cases ;l wu.s forced to the water. The Miss l)oran which carried Miss Mildred I)oran, of Flint, Michigan the first woman who ever attempted to fly the Pacific ocean, is thought to he down helpless in the sea and pos sibly sunk as ft had no means to lloat itself in case it had to take to the water. Five of the planes which expected to enter the race were unapln to make the start from some cause or other. Two of them crashed in thcit efforts to rise from the run ways. Army Blimp Attracts Much Attention Over Here Last Tuesday Many people in this section saw for thij first time a dirigible last Tues day when the Army Ulimp, TC-5 pass ed over hero en route to the Ameri can Legion ceremonies at Washing ton. The dirigible circled around the town where the celebration was go lug on, but could not stop as there was no anchorage facilities there. It returned to its station on the Chesa peake, going by way of Kdenton and Hertford. Tammany Priming Itself To Put Over Al Smith Presidential Propaganda Tammany is priming itself to launch a campaign for Al Smith for president. Leaders there expect to shoot propaganda from the mouths of hundreds of speakers in almost every state in the Union during the month of September. Word coming from Washington says that Demo cratic leaders in their secret confer ences are delighted that Mr. Coolidge does not choose to be a candidate for the high office. • Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 ASK OPENING OF EAST MARKETS ON AUGUST 23RD Petition Sent to President of American Tobacco Association MOST OF CROP CURED Kequest Being Made Through East ern Carolina Chamber of Com merce; 40 Signs Here Petitions front the various tobacco towns in Eastern Carolina aro being sent to Mr. A. li. Carrintfton, presi dent of the American Tobacco Asso ciation, Danville, asking that he use every means possible to have the to bai*co markets in this section to open not-later than August •'{> and by the 2;>rd il possible. The petition circulat ed here last Wednesday was signed by more than 40 business houses and individuals. The request to open the markets is being made through the Eastern Carolina Chamber of Com merce, with its various members cir culating the petition in the several t'wns. Requests to open the tobacco mar kits earlier have been made to Mr. ( arringtou and to many of »h t . large tobacco companies before this time, but in each case flat refusals have been made. The petition now on its way to the president of tin- Ameri can Tobacco association, while it may be considered is not expected to cause a change in opening dates for the markets. Tho request to open the markets earlier is based mainly ot % ad vanced season of the tobacco crop, the petition reading in part, ♦ * Mhat practically all tobacco in this section has been cured and all will have been cured and ready for sale by August 30." -—■ In the face of the advanced crop and the opening set for September 6, heavy marketing during the first few days is expected by many of the to bacco people. Nothing has been said about this affecting the price of the weed during the opening days, how ever, and it might be that the rush can be cared for without its affecting prices. It is the hope, hovaver, of many that it will be possitTie to open tho markets earlier than the date al ready set. Petitions from all the towns in this section arp expected to reach the president of tin l American Tobacco association this week, and a reply can be expected soon after they reach the hands of Mr Carrington, the association's president. Splendid Picture Shown At Local Theater Last Night To Large Crowd "Twelve Miles Out", featuring John Gilbert at the Strand lust night play ed to a packed house and was pro nounced a splendid production. "See You in Jail", a First National picture, is on tonight, and another large house is expected. During the past few weeks, the management of the theatre, here has been offering exceptional programs, many times running the game pic tures showing in the large city thea tres. County Farm Agent Will Be On His Vacation Next Week; Back August 29th County Agent T. It. ilrandon will take his vacation next week, visiting relatives at his home- in South Caro lina. He will return to his office here" Monday, August H'J. Dr. ami Mrs. Wade H. Atkinson and Dr. und Mrs. J. H. Lafferty, of Washington, D. C. spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Warren. They were en route to Moreheud City to spend some time. Rev. E. Luciun Mulone and family, of Florence, Ala. are spending a few days with his brother, Mr. Ellis Ma lone near here. Mr. Harry B. Smith, representative of the Mergenthaler Linotype com pany, Hrookly, was hero yesterday and today. Miss Clyde Hussell and Mrs. J. R. Stanley are attending a meeting of telephone supervision in Turboro this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Donning spent yesterday In Aulander with his mother who is seriously ill at her home there. Miss Ruth Peele is visiting rela tives in Suffolk for a few dftyu.

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