Wach the Label on Your Paper; It Carries the Date Yarn Subscription Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 50 New York Conce To Take Over System; Being Considered NEGOTIATIONS NOT EXPECTED TO LAST LONG Representative of Company Here Recently Discuss ing Matter NOTHING DEFINITE Large Holding Corporation Asks for Information as Preliminary to Submitting Proposition Mr. William L. Eisert, of the North American Water Works Corporation, of New York, was here recently lis cussing with town officials the pos sible purchase of the town's water works. The possible purchase is in its • infancy, and while the matter might * develop, it is not expected that the > proposition will reach any great •C* The discussion of possible purchase was brought about when the North American Water Works Corporation learned of the negotiations between the Virginia Electric and Power com pany and the town relative to the selling of the electric system here. A letter received by town officiab recently follows, showing the begin nings and developments in the mut ter: "Our representative, Mr. William L Eisert, visited you recently and dis* cussed with you the possible pui chase of the municipal water work;. We take this opportunity of thank leg you for the courtesy extended Mr. Eisert. The data which he has sent us covering your city is very in (Continued on page four) RATTLESNAKES ARE INCREASING Law Requiring Stock to be Fenced in Cause of Big Increase The stock law, requiring all stork to be fenced in, has caused an in crease in rattlesnakes in many sec-, tions of the county. Or rather this is the cause assigned to the increase of the ratters by people in the Smith wick Creek section. last week, Mr. James E. Rober son in that section killed a rattler having nine rattles and a button. The snake was over four feet in length, and Its body was thought to be 8 to 10 Inches in circumference. Mr. Kin cheon Hardison, who also lives in the neighborhood, killed a good-sized one last week. Mr. Roberson killed one in his front yard last year, it hav ing sixteen rattles and a length guess ed to be over Ave and a half feet. It is almost a daily occurence dur ing the summer season to hear where someone has killed a ratte snake. Sacco and Vanzetti Die Aiter Long Legal Battle Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Van setti were electrocuted this morning shortly after midnight in the Charles town, Mass. prison for the murder of a paymaster and his guard at the Slater and Morril shoe factory in l Sooth Bralntree on April 20, 1920. For seven years a fight for the Lves of the two men has been waged. The case has been reviewd by high officials of Massachusetts and presi dents of colleges and universities, but in spite of the seven year battle the two men met their fate this morning. i ■*■'■[ - '' STRANH theatrel J WEDNESDAY TOM TYLER in "Splitting the Breeze" Also "RUN TIN CAN" Comedy and FREE TICKET FOR FRIDAY Always a Good Show; . ■ in ' , .li THE ENTERPRISE LOCAL SCHOOL WILL OPEN ON SEPTEMBER 12 Several Teachers Remain To Be Secured for Lower Grades FEW TEACHERS BACK Only Three Return to Primary and Grammar Grades and Two to High School According to statements made by members of the board, the local school will open the second Monday in September, the 12th. Several of the schools in the county will open on the sth of next month, but local au thorities decided the 12th would be tetter after considering the weather and other conditions. The faculty, while not ready for announcement at this time, will be made up this year of many new mem bers. Not more than tffree teachers in the primary and grammar grade departments will return, while only two will return to the high school de partment. All contracts are expected in the superintendent's office this week, and everything will be in readi ness by the 12th. * "SCARLET LETTER" STRAND THURSDAY Lillian Gish Stars in Picture Said To Be One of Best of Season Many people here will want to see the- "Scarlet Letter", a Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer production here next 1 hursday night nt the Strand theutre. Several people here have already seen the picture and they say it stands out as one of the best pictures shown. Lillian Gish stars in the attraction. MRS. MINNIE * GREEN DEAD Died Early Yesterday; Had Been Partial Invalid For 10 Years Mrs. Minnie Green closed her life at the early dawn yesterday morning after just a few days over the long span atloted of three score and ten. Mrs. Green was the daughter of Whitmel Leggett and was born in Heaufort county, July 27, 1867. In early life she married Mr. John M. Green. She had been a partial invalid for 10 years, the last half of the time, however, she was able to get around without aid. She was not confied to hei bed until about a month ago when she suddenly grew worse. She leaves two children, Henry C. and John W. Green. For nearly 55 years she had been a faithful member of the Christian church. She was a gentle, kind- and faithful nsighbe., nd her home was full of hospitality. The funeral was held from the home this afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. G. V. .Saunders, her pastor. In terment was made beside hor husband on the home farm. ROTARY CLUB BACKS CLINIC Washington Rotarians Are Sponsoring Orthopedic Clinic in That City The Washington Rotary club Is sponsoring an orthopaedic clinic which will hold its first session next Friday. The clinic will be held in the office of the county health officer of Beaufort county. The clinic will hold on the fourth ijriday in each month throughout the year. The Rehabilitation Buresu, repre sented by Mr. C. M. Andrews, 'of Raleigh, has made all necessary ar rangements for the work which will be under the direction of an expert orthopedist. The clinic is open to cripples of all ages and color who will be given both examinations and treatment free at (he clinic. Any case which may require longer attention will be treated in the ostho paedic hospital at Gastonia. Every person who is crippled in ai.y way should be taken to these clinics for examination and abserva tian. A member of the State Board of Educal'cn will be present co Inter view ciipples who need v.K-Vionul '.raining in order that they acij be given r.n opportunity. These. clinics ar« open no; only to Beaufort, county, but to any adjoin ing rrunlles. t* > Williamstoiu Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, August 23, 1927 START BRINGING TOBACCO HERE FROM DISTANCE W. M. Hardison Brings Truck Load of Fine Quality Weed FROM NEAR EDENTON Parmer* in Thia Section Busy Grading Their Crop; About Fifty Graders At Work Here in Town Farmeis from u far away as E denton have already started bringing their tobacco here. A truck load brought in here yesterday by Mr. W. M. Hardison from near Edenton 10 bo graded, carries those qualities that are hard to beat Several who have seen the load of tobacco state that it surpasses any they have seen thus far. Mr. Hardison brings his tobacco here long before the market opens to get it worked, knowing well that when the time comes to sell he can get as much for his tobacco here as he can anywhere. Farmers all over this section are 1 busy preparing their crop for the market. Around flfty graders are at work right here, and if the weather clears and remains favorable from now until to sixth o# next month, a large quantity of the crop will be ready for sale when the market opens. EXPECT ANSWER FROM V. E. P. CO. Directors Now Considering Town's Counter-Offer To Their Proposal The proposal made by the town commissioners, offering to sell the town municipal power system for SIOO,OOO to the Virginia Electric and Power company is now before the directors of that company, and an answer if expected within the next few days. No opinion as to the out come of the proposal has been made public by either officials of the town cr power company, and it is a mat tei of waiting until the director! re port back. Proposals and counter proposals have been made, ranging from flfty to $160,000 for the system during the past few months, and in each case the offer has been through the regular channels of acceptance or rejection. It could not be learned just how long a time would be required for the directors of the power company to get to and pass opinion of the SIOO,- 000 proposal. However, it waa Stated in a letter from Manager J. 'i. Chase to Mayor R. L. Coburn that the proposal was before the high officials of the company and that an answer could be expected within the next, few days. It was'only a few days ago that Mr. Cobu*n heard from th« power company's manager: TOLER TO BUILD GUANO FACTORY Contract Calls for Comple tion in November; First Story of Concrete S. S. Toler and Son, of Kocky Mount, have been given the contract for the construction of the factory building for the Standard Wholesule Phosphate and Acid Works. Contracts for the two other buildings have not been let. The factory proper will be 88 by 220 feet and three stories high. The first story will be solid concrete. The contract does not include ma chinery which will be installed by the company's special plant engineer. A rush job is called for and the buiding is expected to be completed , by November. This will give the com- I pany time to prepare for the trade during the early trucking season as well as handle the regular business in the coming year. MRS. SIMON COREY DIED LAST FRIDAY Well-Known Woman of Smithwicks Creek Dies After Brief Illness Mrs. Simon Corey, of Smithwicks Creek, died Friday at her home after a brief illness. She leaves a husband and eight children, ranging in age from 18 down to 2 years old. Mrs. Corey way the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. 3. Manning. Her mother, three brothers, W. D., B. R., and Stephen E. Manning and three sisters, Mrs. J. A. Roberson, Mrs. J. G. Peel and Mrs. George C. Griffin survive. Elder W. B. Harrington, her pas tor, eo&ducted the funeral ceremony and burial followed at the Tice burial ground Saturday afternoon with a large number of friends and relatives present. CITIZEN WANTS DRAIN CLEANED It it-is the duty of the town to clean the drain in the rear of the Atlantic Hotel, the time is now for doing somethfcg. The condition of the drain may not cause sickness, but it is nause ating to look into it when pass ing. The public place it occu pies makes matters worse, and it should be attended to it once. If not today, why not tomor row? A. CITIZEN. SCHOOLS OF OAK CITY WILL OPEN ON SEPTEMBER 5 Pupils Urged to be Present on Opening Day and Bring Parents I ANNOUNCE FACULTY Oak City School Trying to Provide Rural Children Equal Instruction Provided Children in Cities Oak City, Aug. 21.—The annual opening of the Oak City high school will be held in the schoot auditorium Monday, September 5, uz 10 a. m. A'.l pupils arj" urged to be present on the above date. Mothers brinir the children, father? cfcnie with your sans, see that fhey are classified and leuin the requirements of your cchooi. "De mocracy and education po hand in hand." Ouk City school's motto; E quality of your child. The advantages, towards; and honors ere offered to all alike. Oak City rural school »y tryitiff to meet a big problem as follows: At tempting to provide as udequate in struction in both the elementary and high school subjects, for the country children as is now provided for the city children. This, of coftrse, means just as good a school environment, just as well qualified teachers, equal supervision, sume provision for play and physical development. With this aim in view the following teachers have been elected for school year 1927-'2B. Miss Hettir R®e Taylor, section A first grade; Miss Leona Newton, sec tion U first grade; Miss Alice Mallard, second grade; Mrs. Emily Bell, third grade; Miss Trixie Jenkins, fourth grude; Mrs. W. I). Smith, fifth grade; Miss Annie Woodley, sixth grade; Mrs. Glennie Eake.s, ieventh grade. The high school, Miss Winifred Dcsier, English and P'rench; Mr. H. B. Russell, history and science; Miss Thelma Praizer home econmoic-i; Mirs Lila Compton, public school music and piano; Principal H. M. Ainsley, math ematics. The principal will be In his office from 8 to 10 a. m. on the opening day for consultation and suggestions as ( to grades, promotions, transcripts, Conditions made up during the sum mer, and course of study. Supt. Pope, local board, principal, teachers, truck drivers und janit. r will be present for service. May we ex pect you? REPLY TO PETITION FOR EARLY OPENING Carrington Says It IK Too Late Now To Change Opening Date Mr. A. B. Carrington, president of the United States Tobacco associa tion who has recently been besieged with thousands of petitions to set an earlier date for opening the tobac co markets of the east says he sees that September the 6th is too late but the time is too short to make the change now. It was generally thought by most of those who signed these petitions that the change could not be made this year. Yet they signed in the hope that they might receive some consider ation in future years. REGULAR MEETING MASONS TONIGHT Officers-Elect Urged To Be Present For Installation Ceremony Members of Skcwarkee Lodge, No. 90 are scheduled to meet tonight in the hall at 8 o'clock. All 'members •re urged to be present so as to per mit the complete installation of of ficers. Expect Law to Prevent Future Long Air Flights (High officials in the naval depart ment at Washington predict that the next Congress will pass| a law pro hibiting long flights in the air with out first complying with rigid re strictions. There also comes many unofficial predictions that the destruction of three out of five planes attempting to fly theJPaciflc will greatly restrict tho flights. 1 " ; CLEAN CARNIVAL IS PROMISED BY FAIR'S MANAGER Nat Reiss Shows Also One of Largest Touring in South This Year SEPTEMBER 27, 28, 29, 30 One of Owners of Nat Reiss Shows Active in Organisation of Agency To "Clean Up" Carnivals Mr. J. L. Rodgerson, manager of the Roanoke Fair states that besides having one of the largest shows traveling South this year, this section is to have one of the cleanest it ever hud. Harry G. Melville, one of the own ers of the Nat Reiss Shows, engaged to furnish the amusement features at the fair here, September 27-30, is one of the youngest owners of a big carnival organizations in America. He was active in the organization of the carnival clean-up agency and has al ways favored the providing of decent amusements in every community. His policy, based on a square deal to all with whom his organization comes in contact, has won many friends for the Nat Reiss shows and has stamped it as one of the most successful show companies in the country .successful because it is always able to play re turn engagements in every city where ii exhibits. FARMERS ENJOY TOUR OF EAST Rockingham Paper Carries Long Article About Farmers' Tour That th • Richmond county farmers had a most enjoyable tour through this section recently is evidenced by en account of their trip appearing in the Rockingham Post Dispatch. In more than three columns in that paper the trip is well "covered" by Mr. Dove, one of the managers of the trip. In his article, Mr. Pov? praises the farmers of this section for their jplendid crops, und makps a note of appreciation Air the hospitality dis played by those towns where the party of farmers stopped. The trip well paid for itself and it did not stop when the members of the party returned home; its happen ings were passed on to the neigh bors. One man writing iii the Post Dispatch and who had so.ne of the details of the trip told him, says, "It is; interesting to fellows tell of the good tinfJis theyhad on their tri|y~over tMe fifty counties; they had UtVgood time. They tell of the fine crops they have be.«n " BIG COLLECTION SNAKES AT FAIR Loathsome But Interesting Is Way Press Agent Describes Exhibit One of the greatest collections of .makes imaginable will ebe brought here September 27 when the Roanoke Fair association opens its sixth an r.ual show. Snakes are loathsome creatures, but to many persons they are interes ting, and its history thut a snake is blamed for the outing of a certain apple by two of our remote ances tors. It must have been a king of snakes to tempt Adam and Eve to disobey orders and forfeit their pal atial garden home, and if it was a king he must have been an ancestor of a snake that will be on exhibition here during the fair. There are boa-constrictors and py thons, both of which reach enormous size but the snake that will be here in one of the attractions of the Nat Reiss shows is raid to be the largest pythos ever imported to this country. He weighs more than 400 pounds and i. past his second century in age. Chester Smith, who will be in charge of this regal reptile, is a native of Calcutta, India, and the mammoth python was shipped direct to him for exhibition purposes. It is indeed a (Continued on the back page) RAINS ARE CAUSING DAMAGE TO COTTON Cotton Shedding and 801 l Weevil Increasing in County The heavy rains in the eastern half of the State are causing cotton to shed and the boll weevil to spread, according to reports coming from farmers around the county. The rains have been unusually heavy in the Gatesville, Elizabeth City sections this week. The long* wet season is also giving some tobacco farmers in this section much trouble about their crops getting in too high order. I ' BREAKS OUT LOCAL JAIL; LEAVES ADDRESS, BUT SAYS WON'T BE AT HOME CREW HERE TO BEGIN WORK ONSPURTRACK Will Require Force of 20 Men About Month To Complete Job WORK BEING RUSHED Now Clearing Old Track of Vines, Bushes and Trees; Additional Material Ordered Mr. A. C. Joyner with a large crew cf men sturted work on the spur track to the river last Saturduy. The clearing of the right of way will be about completed tomorrow but enough of the track has been clean? I .-.o as | not to interfere with the work of the additional men that came in last nigh. Mr. Baker, who has been work ing on the main line of the A. C. L. and who arrived last night with 20 men, will have charge of placing the cross ties and track work. Mr. Joy ner will have charge of the trestle work after he finishes clearing the track of vines, bushes and trees. The exuet time that will be re quired to put the track in shape for trains to run on is not known, but according to Mr. Joyner it will not be less than a month. After a close inspection of the tres tirs, Mr. Joyner states that many of the old timbers can be used. It will take longer to rebuild the trestles than it would under ordinary circum stances, however, since many of the timbers will have to be removed and seme cut off and spliced. Additional cars of cross ties are expected to arrive as they are need ed within the next few days. The vork will be rushed to completion, but at the best, it is thought .that, more than a month will be required to put the track in shape. EVERETTS LOSES TO CRESWELL, 4-3 | Creswell, Outhit, Profits by Poor Base Running of Everetts Boys Creswell's ball club won a four to three decision at Everetts last Sat urday which was a pitcher's battle throughout the entire nine innings. Pond for Creswell gave up eight hits while Cherry dished out only the. Gaylord and Brown for Eveietts featured in hitting, euch connecting for two and three bases respectively. Guylord attempted to lengthen nis to three bases and was thrown out on t close pluy. A slide would have pos sibly left him on third to score on lfrown's three base wallop anil thus a tie and extra innings would have teen in order. Everetts was slightly off on base running which mainly accounts for the loss. Wynnfe, playing centerflelel, made a rumber of splendid catches which aid ed Everetts in contending for the j;ume until the last out was register ed Everetts goes to Creswell today atid Creswell comes to Everetts Fri day of this week. LOSES TOBACCO BARN BY FIRE Barn Owned by J. G. Godard Burned Late Saturday Afternoon A tobacco barn belonging to Mr. J. G. Godard and located on his farm near here on the Washington road, burned lust Saturday about dusk. No one was at the barn when it first started to burn, and no cause could be assigned as to how the fire start ed. Frank Scott was at the barn about 25 minutes before it burned and he stated that the tboacco leaves were not more than half dry and that th« hea was a little below 140 degrees. So far as is known, very few to bacco bams have burned in the county thjs year, and this is the second one in this section to be lost by fire. No insurance was carried on the barn burned Saturday. OAK CITY MAN IS MADE GAME WARDEN FOR MARTIN Mr. J. W. Hines, of Oak City, was appointed game warden for Martin county yesterday by Wade H. Phil lips of the Department of Conserva tion and Development. Mrtr H. D. Taylor and son, Ray mond and Cecil, spent Sunday in Greensboro. r > Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Homes of Martin County V M ESTABLISHED 1898 PICKS LOCKS BY MEANS OF KEY MADE OF SPOON Is First Man to Break Out of New Jail; Was Held For Making Liquor SAYS HE'LL BE BACK Leaves Notes {or Sheriff Expressing Regret for Leaving "Like This, But I Couldn't Get Bond'' The first delivery from the new Martin county jail came early this ' morning when (irover Pauley gained liis freedom after picking two of the locks. His escape was unaccompanied by noise, and it came as a surprise to both fellow prisoners and officers this morning. Officers think Pauey started plan ning his escape last week when he asked one of the jail helpers to al low him to see the jail keys. . It is thought lie secured a pattern of two I of the jail'keys by pressing them in | ii bar of soap, later making two keys I from spoon handles. According to I Simon Shepperdj a colored prisoner, - | Pauley tested his keys late yesterday J afternoon .and found that they work ed perfectly. It was then that Paul ey asked Shepperd if he wanted to es cape, Pauley offering to make a key j that would fit the door's lock behind which Shopper was held. The colored J prisoner refused, stating that he pre ferred to serve his term. Pauley stat ed to Shepperd that he would not * mind staying, but he had more than (Continued on the back page) DEPUTY GRIMES WINS HARD RACE Fell Down Several Times, But Finally Caught His Man Deputy Sheriff Grimes Won the hardest race in his official career last Friday when he and Deputy 11. O. Daniel, of Everetts, visited near tie Staten Peel plantation between Hear Crass and Everetts. The officers ob served three men at a still for a while and later saw two others conic up. Vet, the deputies wtW'not ablff to recognize a singl,. one of the on M. They drew up within about 20 yard, and rushed them. Grimes say he selected the one that hail been doing most of the work at the still. The chase carried Grimes across a C4i.nl. in a circle and back across the can:'!, In the run, Grimes says he got tangled up in his own boots and fell three times, but pushed on and finully after a run of several hundi ' l yards overtook his man, who gave lis name as Hert Wynn, a youiu; mar ried man not yet 20 years old. Wynn claimed the still which wa i a 60-gullon copper kettle, lie found iii« liquor, but there was eight bar rels of beer by the still. The officers thought the still had been run on this stand before. Mr. Wynn was required to furnish bond for his appearance before the record er here today. Deputy !imes says it was by odds the hardest moonshine race he has I ever taken part in and that when the catch was made, both he and Wynn had to rest for some time before they I could return to the party. On Saturday, the deputy got an other call to the (>old Point section where he found six barrels of beer and hot ashes, but ho still. He fourd the still's cap and worm, however. About a mile and a half away he found more beer und a place where a still had been run during the day. No one was seen at either place. S. D MATTHEWS IS TOMATO GROWER And Not D. G. Matthews, As Reported In This Paper Friday The title of champion tomato grow er given Mr. Don Matthews should have gone to Mr. Matthews' father, Mr. S. D. Matthews. We thought it a bit strange for a young man like Don to know how to raise such big "tomatoes. a ■ JUNIOR ORDER TO MEET THURSDAY • / Members Urged To Be Present at Important Session , ■ * There will be a meeting of the Junior Order here next Thursday night at 8 o'clock. All members at. the order are urged to be in attend ance upon the meeting. ' •

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