PAGE FOUR TOBACCO TOWN OF GREENVILLE SET FOR OPENING Nine Factories and Seven Warehouses To Operate This Season Everything is now ready for the opening of the Greenville Tobacco Market Tuesday, September 6, at 9 o'clock, when four sets of buyers will begin buying the golden weed on the Greenville tobacco market. Greenville tobacco market will have nine factories in operation this sea son and seven brick warehouses. The factories will be operated by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.. which is a new plant: Liggett-Myers Tobacco Co.. W. C. Thomas Tobbaco Co., Person-Gar rett Tobacco Co.. who have built a new addition to their large plant; the Greenville Tobacco Co., which is a new company; E. B. Ficklen Tcfbacco Co., who have built to their large plant; the American Tobacco Co., who have built a new plant; Imperial To bacco Co., and the Export Tobacco I Co.. who have added a new addition l to"\heir plant. _ The warehouse space this year will consist of about ten acres. The ware- I houses wi'l be operated hv the follow ing experienced men. who have been j in the business several years: Smith & Sugg, who have built a new addi tion to their warehouse; McGowan & Cannon, who have their warehouse j in fine condition; !•'. V. Johnston's house has been put MI best of con dition; 1. N. Gorman, who has built a new addition |o his house: O, L. Joyner & Sons, remodeled their house; Muye & Gentry, who have built a new addition to their house; Forbes & Morton, who have rebuilt their house. The Greenville Tobacco Market is located in the heart of Eastern .North Carolina, and is easily reached, as there are seven roads leading into .Green ville. The Greenville tobacco market made the highest average of any tobacco market in eastern North Carolina lor 1926 crop, selling over -49,(100,(100 pound- of tobacco for an average of S2B 24 per hundred.—adv. Dr and Mrs. Wade ll! Atkinson, Dr. and Mrs J. 11. l.afferty, of Wash ington, I). C., were guests ok. Dr. and Mrs. William E. Warren PILE^SUFFERERS Omt this handy tub* ImUßt, Mottling r»ll«f uid fair Llr Pi? dru «« i, will rrfund I* "»»•> If It f«ll« ID tabM with pIU ffl plp«, or la tin boiM, fiOc, Anil for fi k PAZO OINTMENT THE BRICK WAREHOUSE Williamston, North Carolina R. E. GRIMES w V. B. SHELBURNE "'J- " f # . t ■ V ♦ • ''' ~ . .- % LAST YEAR WE WERE IN THE WAREHOUSE BUSINESS IN ROCKY MOUNT. WE CAME TO WILLIAMSTON BECAUSE WE KNOW IT IS THE COMING MARKET OF EAST ERN NORTH CAROLINA. . V THIS MARKET IS LARGE ENOUGH TO GIVE YOU EVERY ADVANTAGE BIG MARKETS HAVE, AND AT THE SAME TIME GIVE YOUR TOBACCO PERSONAL ATTEN TION, WHICH THE BIG MARKET CAN NOTTX). WE OPEN SEPTEMBER 6TH, AND HAVING HAD TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN EASTERN CAROLINA TOBACCO, AND THE BEST AUCTIONEER MONEY CAN GET, . WE FEEL WE CAN PROMISE YOU A SATISFACTORY SALE, AND MAKE A REGULAR CUSTOMER OF YOU. m ' '• ' " GRIMES AND SHELBURNE j ,' A WONDERFUL OFFER! J| I $15.00 GLASSES FOR $4.95 I H Absolutely guaranteed regular sli 01 glaaaea' H Only through this scientific method are you I # I Ate la |t thffn •> 1 j Tllf.lH I V At. PRI(FJ I ||i H Saart Shell frame aiyles lor youthful appear- |jgj B a«rr« alao dignifie J atylet in gold and ahrll 9 "ombinaiioiu yjfc ■ TIT ON SPECTACLE CORPORATION J NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the will of Sam I'. Williams, late of Mar tin County, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby noti fitd to present same for payment to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of June, 1928, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make prompt payment of same This 27th day of June, 1927. J: G. BARNHILL, Executor of Sam I'. Williams' es tate. 6t NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin istrator of J. H. Davenport, deceased, late of Martin County, all persons holding eliums" against said estate are hereby notified to present same for payment to the underpinned on or before July 30th, 1928," or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery of the same. All persons indebted to the said j estate, will come forward and pay! promptly. This 30th day of July, 1927. R. W. ADAMS, 6& 6tw Administrator, j Washington, N. C. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin istration of the estate of R. C. Yarrell. REST UP Labor Day $3.00 ROUND TRIP TICKET TO NORFOLK SEPT. 2nd FROM WILLI AMSTON OTHER POINTS PROPORTIONAL FINAL LIMIT MIDNIGHT SEPT. 6th TICKETS AND INFORMATION V. D. GODWIN TICKET AGENT PHONE 45 ATLANTIC | COAST LINE THE ENTERPRISE late of Martin County, all persons hold ing claims against the said estate arc hereby notified to present same to me for payment on or befori the 22nd day of August, 1928, or this notice .will be plead in bar of their recovery. " AM persons indebted to said estate are requested to come forward and make immediate settlement of the same. This 22nd day of August, 1927. J. R. JAMES, a 23 6tw Administrator. NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP DIS- This is to notify all persons that the undersigned, T. Daniel,' has Grove's Tasteless Chill T A Body Builder for Pale, Deli cate Children. It Restores Health, Energy and Rosy Cheeks by Purifying and En riching the Blood. Improves the Appetite. Pleasant to take. 60c." DUY YOUR COAL NOW '1 In- miners are nil at work now output of the mines is e ;'.al to the demand. This is the seasonable time to stock up with what coal you fieed to car ry you through 'to next winter. There will be of price in favor of the jfonsumer. Let us know your requirements and we will deliver now. thi* (lay sold to Wheeler V. Daniel all of his partnership interest in the firm or*t>usiness in the town of Oak City, North Carolina, doing business under THE SERVICE WAREHOUSE V ' * ........ Led Rocky Mount Tobacco Market in Price Last Season LARGEST HOUSE IN ROCKY MOUNT FIRST SALE OPENING DAY, SEPT. 6TH Wt, WILL RECEIVE TOBACCO ANY TIME AFTER SEPTEMBER 2ND COME EARLY - WE WELCOME YOU We Welcome You h*«- / R. J. WORKS, J. S. COLLIE, MANAGERS BEN SAUNDERS, AUCTIONEER the firm name of Oak City Gin Com pany, that the said James T. Daniel is no longer in any way interested in the business or affairs of the said co- Tuesday, August 30, 1927 partnership and is no longer !(» any way responsible for any debts or ob ligations incurred by the said copart nership. a 23 4tw JOHN T. DANIEL.