Sixth Annual Roanoke Fair—September 27, 28, 29, and 30—Bigger and Better Than Ever—Be Here Wack the Isabel on Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires - / VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 53 MARKET IS READY FOR OPENING TUESDAY Power Company's Proposition Will Come Before Board Monday Night TOWN IS ASKING SIOO,OOO FOR 30- YEAR FRANCHISE Number Officials of Virginia Electric & Power Co. Touring East IN TOWN YESTERDAY J. T. Chase, Manager of Carolina 1 Division Will Meet With Town Commissioners Monday Powerful officials of the Virginia Electric and Power company, J. F. McLughlin, J. W. Keeney, Supt. of Production; P. D. Lawrence, Power Sales Engineer; C. H. Harris, Elec trical Engineer, R. J. Throckmorton, General Manager Electrical Depart ment, of Richmond and J. T. Chase, Manager Carolina Division, stopped over here a few minutes here yester day, stating that their company would be represented here Monday at a meeting of the board of town com missioners. Mr. Chase, the company's manager of the Carolina Division, who ha* carried on the negotiations with the town as to the purchase of the light and power system will he here Monday, The officials yesterday were tour ing this section of the State and the opportunities offered' try this section H« med to appeal greatly to them. The Virginia Electric and Power company now has power lines ex tending to Aulander, Scotland Neck and Tarboro. Hamilton and Oak City which are being lighted by Scotland Ne«*k, fre also using power furnished through the Virginia .**ny»a*fy, A coimtrr propositi made f>y the town and asking for $100,00« for the plant here will be heaH from at the outcome of the mooting furnishes wid" speculation, and the interest of the town is focused on the outcome. WEEK UNLUCKY FOR DISTILLERS Several Outfits Captured by Officers, But Operators All Escape This week has not been a very healthy one for moonshiners in this c«unty. Sheriff Roebuck and Deputy OHmex, and 11. O. Daniel captured a steam plant and 14 barrels of beer Tuesday. Deputy Grimes accompanied by two assistants captured a steam still with four barrels of beer the Hume day. On Thursday, Deputies Grimes and Daniel captured a still in a wood l»etween Kveretts and Bear Grass, it being of about 50 gallon ca pacity. The still was right new and had never been used. The few pieces of copper left over were still around the plant and a considerable quantity of solder, scraps of copper and other material used in making the' still were cauptured and brought in. No beer was found at the still. Government officers were also in the county two days during the week and they succeeding in picking up five stills and Urge quantities of beer and pU.nt equipment. Operators steered clear in all the raids and not a one was captured. Mr. E. H. Ange, of Jamegville, was a business visitor here today. STRANH THEATRE LJ ' SATURDAY TOM MIX in "THE K. & A. TRAIN ROBBERY" Also SENNETT COMEDY and Episode No. 4 RETURN RIDDLE RIDER „ - THE ENTERPRISE SCENES AT OPENING OF TOBACCO MARKET HERE LAST SEASON PPjßMft: nU 3HKIA_JEH Local Graded and High Schools To Begin Session On Monday, September 12 OPEN SCHOOL ALL PLACES IN AT JAMESVILLE FACULTY FILLED NEXT MONDAY EXCEPTION ONE Several Members of Last Making Preparations for Year's Faculty Return i Largest Registration This Year In History J. L. JONES PRINCIPAL FOURTEEN TEACHERS j Uurges Parents, Friends, and Children Mr. Davis Urges Parents of First .To Bt Present at Opening NA Year "Pupils To See Him Before Exercises Opening of Term The Jamesville school will »p''n for the fall session next Monday, irfi i.l *» * Several of las: faculty will return" io the bcJi .oI this year. Tht>»e of last y«*r's faculty who will be here this year are: Misses Essie Jordan, Hilda Siwnrell, Kath leen Garren in the elenientury school; Mfcs Marguerite York and Principal J. L. Jones in the high school. I'rof fessor W. T. Overby, who was at the haad of tho agricultural department la«t year, and gave half his time to that work and half to the school, will bo back this year and will devote all hie time to agriculture. Mr. Overby will be in a position to render better service tills year and will continue tl»e spendid wok which he started last year. The new teachers for this year are: Mr. A. M. Snapp, of Emory, Va. Mr. Snapp is a graduate of Emory and Henry College and will teach history and roach athletics. M'ss Annie Young of Cedartown, Oa. v/ho will teach mathematics and French; Miss Julia Burwell, of Stov all, N. C., will teach the seventh grade, and Miss Elizabeth Watson, of Murfreesboro, will teach in the ele nientray school. Miss Annie Glascow will teach music. The prospects are veiy bright for the best year in the school's history and it is hoped that everyone will show an interest in the school ami that every child has the best ad vantage possible to better his intel lectual abilities. It is hoped that as many mothers and fathers, patrons and friends ot the school as is possible will be there opening day and give to the teacher.® and children the best cooperation pos sible. New Brick Store Being. Built by Everettsr Firm J. S. Ayers and company, general n errhant-s at Everett l *, have just let a contract for a new nfedern brick ■tore to be erected next to the store now occupied by the firm and the high way at Everetta. The contract, let to Mr. A. T. Per ry, contractor here, calls for the com pletion of the building by December 15th. The aproximate cost of the store will me SIO,OOO, it is under stood. Messrs. J. S. Ayers and Jesse Keel, members of the firm, are among the county's progressive merchants, and their growing business forces them to seek better and larger quarters. The store, when completed, will be ene of the best in the section. Eevertts Bunk President Has Tonsils Removed Mr. V. G. Taylor, president of the Planters and Merchants bank, Ever etts, is expected home this evening from Rocky Mount where he had his fusils removed a lew' days ago at the Park View hospital. t Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, September 2, 1927 Vacation days art- fleeting fast for the children in the local school ! (Jisttict, for the announcement has been made and schools opens, Mon- j day, September 12th. Mr.. L.. H: Davis, I the school's principal, is here now at j, work making all preparations for the' largest opening yet experienced by the school. With one exception all places in the I acuity have been filled, and by t>- nurow the list will be complete, it is stated. The faculty sees many new j members this year. Miss Serena | Peacock, of Fremont, will have the j fust grade; Misses Mildred Harden, of Kenly and Lucy Claire Ivcy, of Scotland Neck will teach the two sections of the second grade; Miss I Nallie Wilkins, of Creedmore, will have a section of the third grade; Miss , ' Elizabeth Ramsey, of Ivor, Va., who j was in the Plymouth school last year, will have the other section of the third I Miss Lillian Sample, of Davidson, ' returns to the fourth grade where I she taught last year; Miss Lucille j Allen, of Credmore, will again have the fifth grade. For the first "section of the sixth grade, Miss Katherine j C»le, of Fairmont, has been employ- ' ed. The second section of this grade has not been filled at this time. Mrs. j Milton Moye, of Williamston, teaches the seventh. Miss Mary Fletcher, of McCall, S. C., Mrs. W. H. Harrell, of Williamston, Mr. B. E. Wood, of Gojdsboro, and Principal L. H. Davis, i of Davis, will be in the high school department. Mrs. W. C. Manning, jr. will have charge of the music do-j pnrtment. To avoid all delay possible in get- ting first year pupils started in school this year, it is urged that the parents ' of these children sec Mr. Davis at the school building some afternoon be tween two and four o'clock during the one week remaining before school . opens. Such information as the child's health, nd gen ral disposition is wanted. Such an intreview with the parentd will not only give the princi- j pal an insight into the child's life, but also the teachers will be saved the time, trouble and uncertainty in getting this required data. Though the age limit has not been net, it is suggested that all parents having children to become six years of age by January 1, 1928 to register that child during the next week a long with the rest. The information received last spring was greatly appreciated, but thi;: is no less essential, stated Mr. Davis yesterday. « l'emember the hours when the office will be open, 2:00 to 4:00 every af tet-noon. Two Negro Quartets at Court House Sunday The Peerless Four and the Family Four, Negro quartettes, will appear at the court house here next Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock, according to an announcement made yesterday. by one of the quartette's managers. ~ ngß A few of the many cars that were , here owning day of the tobacco mar ket last year (top). Below is an , interior si r»ne of one of the ware |house; here while ttfe wile was going on. I'll opening this year is ex pected to surpass that of last year. TO BUILD BIG LUMBER PLANT AT JAMESVILLE Inducements Offered by Town Accepted by Big Concern OWN MUCH TIMBER Montgomery I .umlicr Co. Changes Original Plan to Haul Timber to Suffolk for Manufacture Inducements made by citizens of Jamesville Montgomery Lumber compuny, and it is understood that the company wtfF build a ?argc mill there in the near future. The Montgomery Lumber company has, in the past several months, bought vast tracts of timber in the Jamesville section and in Grittins township. It was first considered by the company to ship the round tim ber to its Suffolk plant for manu facture, but reports reaching here state that this idea has been abandon ed and a plant will be erected at Jamesville. The plans also call for the shipment of the sawed timber by wat er, makinj* possible jrreat savings in freight rates. Should the present plans mature, the new mill will be be low the whurf on'the "Wallace land. Dr. McMillan to Speak at Baptist Church Sunday In the absence of the pastor, Dr. J L. McMillan will ©reach at Memorial Baptist Ctarch morning at 11 o'clock. I>r. McMillan comes to us from Wake Forest College, and should beur up that institution's reputation of sending out (food-speakers. The people cf the church, and others not havini? services of their own, arc asked to hear him. • Next Wednesday's mid-week service a* this church will be in charge of the Men*?r-fHbb»-X!ass, lead by Bur ras Critcher. A change of program will be welcomed by the pn'pie, and a program of worth will no doubt be ghen. * 1 RKASIIKKR HAS ASSISTANT DURING BUSY MONTHS During the next few months, the town treasurer, Mr. W. T. Meadows will have an assistant to help take care of the town's work. rirs. Charlie Ja men who has been employed will bo in the office each day to receive the light and water accounts. FIRST UNIT OF FACTORY READY IN SHORT TIME Will Have Capacity of 700 Tons of Fertilizers Daily ALSO BUILD WHARF Plan To Start Deliveries of Fertilizer In Ample Time for Next Yera's Crop The first unit of the Standard Fer tilizer company is now well underway, and will be completed in ample time t make prompt deliveries of fertil iser when the season opens, accord ing to an announcement made by. of ficials of that company yesterday. Mr. C. T. Crocket, resident man- i ager of the plant, stated that the unit I now under construction, will provide ' a 700-ton out put each day, an 1 that the construction of the building will i be such that unit after unit 'an he added as the demand calls tor it. The output from the plant will 25 box cars each day. Of course, there will be other deliveries made, by water and to local wagons, cutting down the number of box cars needed. To handle thr local business, two storage houses will be built and a large wharf con- , structed for handling goods shipped by water. Piles' for the wharf have already been placed at the ami art now ready for the pile driv. r. On top of the factory, which will bj threi stories high, the company ia planning to plate a large electric sign, Inuring its name and that of it.- product. The company's office will he built rear the car tracks adjoining the storage plants just this side of the main factory. Mr. Crockett is in Nor folk and Baltimore this week, but expects to move his family here next week and remain here, giving his en tire time to the woik here. Negro A ' rested Here For Check Flashing I'roftfssoi .L U. Moore, the one-arm Negro book rtgent who has been in ■"ur town for a few days was called on by Deputies Grimes and Koebuck v/ith the Norfolk, Baltimore and Cur Thursday at *he request coming from „|i na |i t , e> the Rapid Transit company policd quarters in Aurora. Moore wan] w ill me"t the boats of that company v.-antedjor (lashing bad check;!, but ||, . r> . |j.stributi freight billed lie denied the charge when first ar- straight through to Rocky Mount and rested. | i ther towns between here ami there The Aurora authorlticH soon ar- twice each week. On till' return trip, rived and took Moore back to answer! thr> trucks of the Transit company a number of charges. He w j|| collect freight for shipment from it 'wan a kind of debt collecting Kume.j t j.j H po j nt to p „antH north. The Rapid 'I iunfit company will also operate a line out of Washington, where it ceela other boats of tlie Norfolk, Business Houses Here Not To Observe Labor Day Outside of the post office and the barber shops* all business houses here will bo open for business next Mon Day here has never been ob served to the fullest, and this year wi«b the tobacco markets opening in tht county on Tuesaay and Wedncs. ('ay, practically all the business be uses in the county are remaining open to be up with their work Tues day. The post offices will only dispatch and place mail in boxes, there beinjr reither rural nor city delivery that day. The barber shops will close only for a half day in the afternoon. Rocky Mount Boosters Were Here Wednesday Seventy-five Rocky Mount citizens, led by Josh Horn s ( editor of the Rocky Mount Evening Telegram, were here for a short time lut>- Wed nesday afternoon, boosting their town advertising the fair there. The drum corps and drill team of the T>. O. K. K. gave an attractive exhibi- tion on the corner of Main and Smith wick streets while traffic was blocked in every direction. Greetings of good will were extendedHhe peope here by the Mcretary of the Rocky Mount V. M. C, A. J'ule James With The !Robersonville Market Starting in the tobacco businesc abeut 20 years ago at Robersonville, Jute James, returns to that market this year and will be assistant sales manager for Everett and Taylor. Mr James was at Tarboro last season. - * back in hii | many and best friendK, and that he \* | with a i{ood market, centrally located PREPARATIONS MADE TO HANDLE LARGEST OPENING CROWD YET Enterprise Presents Edition Tabloid Size The ex-(governor Henry J. Allen culls tabloid newspapers "typographical rosities", but in spite of the ex-Governor's disheartening statement, we at tempt, in part, a tabloid edition. It is, more or less, an experi ment, and so far us is kn.iwn it is the first of its kind to be is sued in a country newspaper shop. We trust you will like it. In hrhalf of the tabloid news paper, it must be said that the most progressive editors in the country think it will be the out standing type in time to come. 111 all those who see a copy and who do not helonu to our large family of readers, we in >i e them to join. TRUCK LINE TO CONNECT WITH BOATS AT RIVER Will Distribute Freight Between Here and Mpunt f TO START TOMORROW Heavy Shipments of Cotton, Tobacco And Peanuts Looked For This Fall Freight service via the Norfolk, Baltimore un«l Carolina boat line to Rocky Mount and other Eastern Car olina towii.s — was established this v.hen the Rapid Transit company was organised hy Messrs. li. K. Kicks and Walter 1,. Harrington, of Greenville. Acconlini; to • Baltimore and Carolina line. The In itial trip wus run hy the company till;, week, and while th" freights were rat vejy large, the outlook for in cu'ising business is very encouraging to officials. A ti uck with two trailers will serve Hit! towns on this route and when leaded will carry a load equal that cart ied hy a box car. The trucks will deliver freight to the customers in the various townr. and on its return collect outgoing freight,' With heavy shipments of cotton, peanuts, and tobacco expected, the new line will transport an enormous amount of freight in both directions. Besides offering a direct service from north ern points to the customers' door, the tv o lines will effect great savings for th • merchants patronising the system. Mr. T. E. J ones, special agent for tie boat line, was here yesterday and !w stated that the Transit company i-i expected to make is first run from here tomorrow morning, carrying a largo amount of soap to Rocky Mount. The Norfolk, Baltimore and Carolina line is bringing larjje freights here each week, and when the new business develops, it is the opinion of the offi cials that two extra boats will be put on the regular schedule to this point. However, further attention a lonir this line will await developments of the new unit in the system. w Sunday Services at Episcopal Church Rev. Clarance 0. Pardo, Rector Church School 10:00 Holy Communion and Sejmon 11:00 Holy Trinity Mission 8:00 — frironiny Prayer and Sermon 7:45 The regular monthly meeting of the Vestry will fee held following the evening Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a iMtchkey to Over 1,600 Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 SOME TOBACCO BEING PLACED IN WAREHOUSES Large Amount Expected to Be Received Tomorrow And Monday MANY BUYERS HERE Much Tobacco in This Section Has Already Been Graded; and Big Break Is Expected Statements made by the several warehousemen here this morning: print to one of the largest openings ever experienced by the Williamson U.baceo marke next Tuesday. All ar rangi ments possible have been made '.« handle smoothly the large amount i.l tobacco that will come in for the sale that day. Several farmers have already brought tobacco hero for the opening, and a large amount of the gulden weed is expected as early as i tomorrow night and Monday. A few of the buyers who will l>.» 011 the market this year have alreay arrived, and the remaining ones will arrive not later than Monday noon, According to letters from the many companies to the warehousemen here. uuu'unt of the tobacco in th# section- mis graded, and a la'ge break is expected, but with the two acres of floor space, the day's ;:nles are exepeted to move rapidly riUul the lloors cleared for -Welne*» day's offi'rings. Sales will begin promptly at nine a .UK and continue straight through with a short time oiit for lunch. The people of the entire section are in vited to visit the market that day. OPEN SCHOOL IN HAMILTON 12TH Hope To Secure Additional Teacher for Primary Department 1 The Hamilton school will open | Monday, September 12. Two tachers • who were not in the school last year have been secured, Miss Etlie Waldo, j ai.d Miss Ruth Faulkner. The faculty in as follows: Miss Pasco Davidson, . first grade; Mis Effie Waldo, second | and third grades; Miss Myrtle Dixon, fourth and fifth grae; Miss Ruth j Fauldkner, sixth and seventh grades; j Miss Cornelia Ayers, high school; W. i W. Clarke, principal. ! It is hoped that through consolida tion of other schools or otherwise, an extra teacher may be employed to serve in the congested primary d® ! partment. The school is very anxious that all j parents who may find it possible j to attend will come on the opaninK I morning. Moreover, are they urged to I see that their children enroll on ithet first day and attend regulaly through 1 out the school year. In this only can they secure the best services tha\ the school will have to otter, farents who have children beginning their | s hool life this year are very earnest -1 ly requested to bring these children and have them start in their work -j the first day. A proposal for the re organization of the Parent-Teachers Association will be made at the as sembly on this first day. The byilding is now undergoing re pairs and both building and grounds are to be thoroughly cleaned and I renovated before school opens. A new high school library is beint? organized, i The three trucks have been overhuul ;ed and will transport the chidrefi j in the three sections of the district as was done lust year. Program of Services At Methodist Church Regular services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Because of the revival at Everetts, ) there will be no services at the Metho dist church there Sunday night. We shall have our services at Holly Springs, Sunday afternoon at 8:00 » p. m. v.*. T. W. IJCE, Pastor.