PAGE FOUR HOPE TO MAKE NEW RECORD THIS SEASON Frank C. Bennett, H. L. Barnhill, and Hubert Morton, Owners (Continued from page one) the State. He is an exceptionally j good judge of tobacco and is not J outclassed by- any one when it : comes to running a sale. That will he his job. and you can well de pend on its being done and done | right. His personal interest is al ways in his work; and he make the warelwuse business his whole-time occupation. That the business will be well handled is assured when one of the proprietors takes charge as general manager. Mr. I*. C. Bennett will have this part of the business; a'tiff to handle the details, both large and small, in a successful way is his desire. Mr. Bemu't has been in the tobacco btuintii for years, and he is able to care for every detail from the time the tobacco arrives in the house until thi check is de-, livered to the farmer. Mr. Bennett is a farmer himself; and he takes much pleasure in seeing the high prices go to the fanner. Mis work ( last year met with high, approval from thousands of farmers who sold tobacco at his house; and he can be depended upon ;igain this year. Mr. H. J,. Barnhill, a third ac tive partner in the firm, will have charge of the office department. He will be ably assisteel, and when these three men begin their work, results are always obtained. The record established by the ISell Your Tobacco on the Williamston Market 1 Where You Will Get 1 AND TRADE WITH USj Where You Will Get the Most for Your Dollars | WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF DRY GOODS - NOTIONS - PETER'S DIA- | MOND BRAND SHOES - BOOTS - CURLEE CLOTHES FOR MEN - BOYS' SUITS - g READY TO WEAR - FURNITURE - STAPLE GROCERIES - HARDWARE - BUILDING | I LIME - FINISHING LIME - FIRST COAT PLASTER - CEMENT - GALVANIZED | ROOFING - FENCE WIRE - HAY - GRAIN AND FEED STUFFS | WE HAVE BEEN IN THE SAME BUSINESS ON THE SAME LOCATION FOR LONG | OVER HALF A CENTURY, AND OUR LONG EXPERIENCE HAS TAUGHT US THAT A | SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT., || C. D. Car star phen & Co. 1 GENERAL MERCHANDISE "EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY" | Jii=ia gg e8 g 8 g3 a g 8 g 8 egeaßßese9eaeßeßeseßeßeßeaeße aeaeaeaeaeseseaeseaeaeseeeseaeseaeaeaeseaeaeaeaeseseaeaeseseaeseseseseseeesßse PROGRESSIVE BANK BIG AID, TO MARKET Safe, Sound, Conserva*; tive Have Been Guiding Principles Local Bank - ; l (Continued from page one) sell your tobacco in YVilliainston,' I and they will gladly pay off all checks of all tobacco warehouses j lin Williamston or those against any other warehouses in other I I towns' in cash. Patrons of the Farmers & Mer chants Batik do hot hesitate to say it is up with the times. Its meth ods of business are always open to {he closest examination. Farmers Warehouse last season stands to bring a big increase in business to it this year, and with one of the best auctioneers in the country doing the auctioneering, a smooth sale and one bringing rc ! suits is expected. It is the policy of this house that evt rv pile of tobacco be sold for the j i very highest price, that service be | | extended to every one, and that the i interest "f the farmer be looked af j ter in every case.^ CARSTARPHEN'S LONG A GUIDE (Continued on page four) to many of us; and through- hard | work, extending over long years in • some cases, it brings to the front j some factor that addn-JO the w;l- 1 fare of all of us. At the present ! ti'me, it is agent for the Norfolk, THE ENTERPRISE Baltimore and Carolina Boat Line, and through this one agency alone the business of our town and county are saving thousands of dol lars yearly. /jjiy? FALL BUILDING 1 TOBACCO IS I ail \ Cotton and Peanuts Are Goikg Higher SjR The Lumber Market Whether your job is new gg Hit Rock Bottom construction or only repairs f£"l Kfi We stocked up heavily on § AWjeaak «ockrf mth .bu,ld,ng nu- & And w are o «"»' » nd supph«, and ihe >« /uilit\ at a low price. prices are low. eg Flooring, ceiling, shingles, roofing, brick, lime, plaster, M cement, sash, doors, screens, moulding, siding, rough and £g dressed luml>er, sash curd, weights, pulleys, and glass. >¥ Porch columns, brackets, stairwork, mantels, etc. TO IHK» I Automobile Glass Cut and Fitted G8 Our Specialty: High Grade Mill Work $8 Williamston Supply Co. 1 Headquarters lor the Builder S.WHITLEY, | saeaBBeaBS6B6939BBBB6B69BB6aBBBB6BBBBB6BBBBaeaBaeB6SBBeBeBSBPBBPBBB6B6 Mr. C. D. Carstarphen, the sen ior member of the firm, is promi nent in political circles in the coun ! ty, and has rendered valuable serv ice to the local schools. I Friday, September 2, 1927 The progress of this firm moves i on steadily, and with its 4iigh ethics of business enterprise, a continued service wil be the reward, no doubt, in future years. i