PAGE TWO f . "N THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY V WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA ' W. C. Manning t -J.— Editor Subscription Rates - «*.-• o . IN MARTIN COUNTY ' 1 year' !. , $1.50 6 months ' .75 OI'TSII>E MARTIN COUNTY 6 months ' "I , l.OO (Strictly Cash in Advance) No Subscription Will He Received for I/ Than Six Months " 15 ' " " " AdvertiHinx Rate Card Will He lurninhed Upon Application ;• ' ■ Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C., as matter under the act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Addrcas all communication.-, to The Enterprise and not to indi • vidua! member* of the company. - ..... Tuesday, September 6, 192', I , > .—, — ——— ; School Days A re Here Again • V ' . 1 * \ More than 25,000,000 hoys anjj;|all the children. It is the duty of] girl* in the Uuited-Siates r are.jsi-. every citizen who sees a neighbor's ting their books and pencils and child kept away from school to take I thejj dresses all ready to go to school steps al once to get them in school, j again. Some began this week, some . .„ . . .. , Any man will loose a neighbors next And some next month. * • . . _ Y-. , , -t pig when he finds it hung in a gate The school is our greatest asset. , . S . , u fence: and yet sometimes we and it is of ho value unless it is at- ... . . . *""« , see children chained down oy ignor tended. Since the schools are run . _ . , . —,-.., ~ *■> _ J 7 ance,- without a chance in the world, for every Child, every child should . . . . ... . , . , ' and we stand by without helping use the school b\ l attending every " . • them. day. * » There was a day when we were i North -C'arolnia is now in position guardians of our own children and to see that every child has a chante, no one else It is not so now. All and every citizen is obligated to help the people—the state is guardian o[ in -tjte task. ; Come and See • • . The Dearborn Independent, Mr. jof liberty in the battle of Moores Ford's pa|)/r, has an article in a re- m ''» Bridge April 12, 1776. .. cent issue entitled, "North Caro* / . North Carolina troops are credited lina, a Great State. Growing Great- with helping to drive Lord Dnnmore er." The article goes on to say that from Virginia 1775 177(i,. In all the the slogan for ISorth Carolina should , iiupoijant engagements during the be, "Come and See." LRtvolutioiiar.v period, the Inde|>end- They quote our State motto, "Esse icnt gives Nurth ( arolina much credit. Quam Ytderi,'' whirh,- freely tran»»4— In-the Civil War we are credited t lated, means,. "To be. rather than to I with being second to the Ijist State seem tv bf'.". It further gives North Ito secede, but the hardest lighter CarojMtte the title of "The Land of j when we did enter the conflict, fur- Opoortu\ity." {-wishing "12 T, OOO soldiers, which was Mr. Ford's ] |km was consider-1 "lore than one-fifth of all the Con ate in th«u it did not measHfe our I federate Univ. After losing 40,305 State solely, by its its sounds, 4td wir young men, Uu? others returned fivers, leveP.plains, of mountains; J l " darkened and im nor did it stity with its praise of our I |*>verWied homes, where they set to commercial standing, the size of our' 'he ' °f building a State, which factories Or theUitight of our smoke- J '■ as ' i '' as been accomplished without stacks. It praises ouP |>eople for | fhp blare of trumpets; and now, af- Thelr-honor; bravAry, and citi/.enshtpr| l,r *' century, have the most pro crediting us with the first expression j gressive State in the 1- nion, and.only of American lilierty in Durant's Re- j have to say, "( onu* and see. liellion, as. early as\ more %au We also get credit, through our j ,-HX) years lie(o?e- l» Liberty Bell* Thirtieth Division, for smashing the sounded its note, as Well as our de- Uindenberg line; and through our i fiance of the BritishiStamp Act in Eighty first Division for bravery in' 1706. and.our New Bern convention the Argonnc. in 1774, authorizing (lit; Continental We are credited with sending at j Congress. \\ e. also-jjet credit for the ' least 900,000 families to almost every I first Deration of Independence, on State in the Union, |»rUcularly to May 20. .it Mecklenburg; as the West. I liesc North Carolinians well as the defense of the principTes' were the pioneers and builders of • !;• \ Staple and Fancy Groceries \ ' i d " ' ' j ; . N I ' . . " ' j ' i— —i——z.: - j • l * i I " » .. . _ We have one of the largest stocks of fancy and stapfe gro ceries to be found in Williamston or this community. Our prices are as good as the best—-our delivery service can't be excelled, and your patronage is solicited. We offer a discount to all customers that pay promptly. For cash, we guarantee you the lowest possible prices on groceries, * and your orders will be delivered. 1 « • 1 TJ , v '/- _ ■ ii- --X- 3- - j C. 0. Moore & Co. j Washington Street "• Do You ' ' That most libraries offer the least oped and directed by providing the exj>ensive and most generally used ! kind of books that will establish a j form of recreation? j desire for the best in literature? That one good book lira free li- That a "balanced ration" in read brary can give pleasure and profit to | ing is just as necessary as it is in ; scores of readers? J stock feeding? That you are robbing children of That it is more unwise to oblige a part of their heritage if you fail to children to forage for their intel j provide them with suitable book£? le,ctual food than it is to force live- Thai it is as important ,to teach stock to depend upon forage for sub | children what to read as it is to teach sistence? * ' them hint to read? " What the State can do to assist How necessary it is that a child's in establishing and maintaining free taste for reading should be devel- libraries?— Sew York Libraries. Twenty-First Series of Building & Loan ——————— - ' J County Building & progress being made by the associa- Loan Association began the sale of tion, which has nothing but rock its twenty-first series of stock on Sat- ribbed security for every cent held urday, September 3rd. The sales, by. the association, up to fast night, are much larger Building and loan stock is regard- i than any of the former series. Ed, the world over, as one of the' Dr. Cone, the president of the as- safest and surest investments that highly pleased with the can be made, and pays bigger profits large subscriptions as well as the fine than almost any other class of aecuri- 1 those States, thus tying us by blood I to the whole West. We are credited wilh the Jargest mill in the world, as well as tty* largest towel mill, the largest alumnium plant, the largest denim mill,-"the largest damask mill, the ' largest underwear factory. We have 16,000 factories with 158,000 em ployees. * • We lead all the States in the miui-1 factute of cotton, except Massachu setts, | and are rapidly passing her. We manufacture more tobacco than any olher State, have 184 minerals, and gnuw more different trees than j any otKer^tate. We lire only mentioning a few of the go'i(l things which the Independ- i ent saysvaboul us; but after looking over the long list, we feel like ex tending the same invitation, "Come and see" us, INDIGEST|ON GONE Thimmu Wm Worried Com •iderably Until, oa Advice of An Acquaintance, He Began To Um BUck-Drmik. Sewanee, Tenn.—"For several years," says Mr. J. L. Russell, of this place, "I Buffered continuously with ■pells of indigestion. Everything IY ate disagreed with me, and I was in a bad way. » "Nothing did me any good'until I found Black-Draught. One day a man in a store where we traded told . me to try Black-Draught He aaid he knew of it relieving indigestion, i ao I decided to give it a trial "In my cae* it-seemed to go right to the very root of tay trouble. It \ straightened ma out, and ever ainoa , that time, over thirty years ago,-1 have used Black-Draught 5 "Whan I have a apell of indlga*- ' tion coming on, I begin on Black- Draught. I take several small doaee. j in a regular course, and I find it will usually have me well in less' than no time. Now I never suffer—l take Black Draught "I also found it fine to breakrnp a bad cold, la the winter ways keep a box handy, sol aneeie, or feel chilly down my'apine, I take a few doses of Black-Draught, and that wards off the cold/* Sold everywhere; 25c. • NCI Hi B'lf i nil iIIiMMMU THE ENTERP RI S E ties. • GOOD USED f ARS: WE HAVE! several Fords with linlit delivery | bodies. Harris, Motor Co., Knberson-| ville. a 23 tf We Are !)i(itributor« of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORA TALKING MACHINES All Stmnd«r4^M«ke» MUMV EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Write for Prices and Terms One of our saleHinen will gladly demonstrate one in your home. All the Latest Records and Sheet Music t Russ Bros. Williamsf&n, N. C. Washington, I"f. C. Plymouth, N. C j I". F. Harrison j £ L. B Harrison • HARRISON BROTHERS & COMPANY - .i ■ * Department Store WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Dear Friends s d ' i Come in and see our new fall goods. Never be fore havetwe had a more complete stook. Our three buy ers have spent some titoe in New York studying styles, colors, fashions, etc. - -z~" —" ' f Our line of ladies' and children's ready-to wear, millinery, pieoe goods, silks, shoes, hosiery, gloves, sweaters; underwear, etc., is up to the minute in every way. The are prettier this fall than ever before. The prices are as attractive as the „ styles. Our line of Jersey, silk, 3atin, and chiffon velvet dresses can not be surpassed. Come K get your size and color before they are picked over. We havß ~"~ sport hats and dressy hats to match every dress and coat; and oxfords, pumps, and one-strap shoes to make * " your suit oomplete. We specialize in pieoe goods—a full line of silks, crepes, and washable material. - Our line of men's and boys' olothing is as complete as our ladies'. We have eyery style and color in suits, overcoats, shoes, socks, ties, sweaters, , hats, caps, etc. Our assortments can not be beat. Cone j in and get yours'early. \ 1 ' V. . > We are hoping tbe favored with a visit from f you at an early date. The roads to Williamston are good ft ■ ■ and it will be only a"short drive for you* - w . Yours vwry truly, s \ • *■ * 9 HARRISON BROTHERS ft COMPANY. f> i , •• ► . 't ■ 1 WILLIAMSTON'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE g / ' "STYLE AND QUALITY." '' b. ' f '• t —— v - . , •- -I*l' i ■ BN*- 4. - •' •• 3S m. Crossing Needs F xing The Washington Stree railroad crossing seems to need some improve ment. While the driveWay is lev eled up and in god shape for those who drive, for the walking public it is a case of walking in the middle of the road or taking the sidewalk, where you have to jump the rails and a switch frog. The thing which seems to be most needed is to extend the plank far enough to include the side walk. / - 4r ADMINISTRATOR'S -.NOTICE , Having this day qualified admin istration ofThe cstaTc of k. "CSS&arrell.- late of Martin County, all personK/hold _, iiiK claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present same to me for payment on or before the 22nd day ,of August, 1928, or this notice will be plead in bar of . their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate I are requested to Tome forward and I i make iniHHMliatc settlement of the . I time. ' —„ | This 22nd day J.TTJAMES, I a 23 6tw Administrator. | j ONE Million Dollars to Loan in Martin County j We have financial connections whereby we can make quick loans on farm and town property at minimum cost for long or short terms. Every World War veteran in Martin County is entitled to a loan up to $3,000 from the State Of North Carolina. Information given free of charge. *-v ' • Real Estate of Every Description Bought and Sold by Us We buy and sell town, school, county, and industrial bonds. We make quick loans to counties and towns on plain note. * If you are interested in securing a loan on town or country property; if you desire to buy or sell any real estate, then pay us a visit. v * . > Eastern Bond & Mortgage Co. * JULIUS S. PEEL, President Williamston ■ North Carolina NOTICE OP PARTNERSHIP DIS . SOLUTION This is to notify all person# that the undersigned, John T. t>aniel, has this day sold to Wheeler V. Daniel all of his partnership interest in the firm or business in the town of Oak City, ' North Carolina, doing business under I the firm name of Oak City Gin Com* : pany, that the said James T. Daniel . is no longer in any way interested in the business or affairs of the said co partnership and is lib longer in aqy way responsible for any debts or ob ligations incurred by the said copart nership. ■uß 4tw JOHN T. DANIEL. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE qualified as executor'of the ''will of Anthony Simmons, lata of Itcbersonville, Martin County, all per sons holding claims against said es tate are hereby notified to file them, duly verified, to the undersigned on or befora the sth day of January, 1928, or tilis notice will be plead in I bar of their recover}'. All persons in- I deb'id to raid estate are requested to m. ke prompt payment of th« same. January B, 1927. J. G. UARNHILL, * a 2 6tw Executor. Tuesday, September 6,1927 NOTICE Voder and by virtue of a judgment in - the action entitled, 4 'D. G. Mat | thews vs. W. J. Adams," the under signal commissioner will on the 17th day of September, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Mar tin County, offer at public sale to the highest bidder,' for cash, the follow ing tract of land located in Jamesville Tcprnship, and known ai the Carey land, and now owned by W.' J. Adams, and being the sam land set out and described in a taj certificate of sale dated June 7, 1926, and the same land listed by the said M. J. Adams for the year 1925. This the 17th day of August, 1927 B. A. CRITCHER, al9 4tw Commissioner. t ; ■ Funeral Director and Licensed Bmbalmer Day and Night Service Excellent Service at Moat Reasonable Price B. S. COURTNEY WILLI AMSTON, N. C. J Day Phone IS9 Night Phone 94 , -ii i «

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