;..■■' ■ - ; —— , Sixth Annual Roanoke Fair—September 27, 28, 29, and 30—Bigger and Better Than Ever—Be Here Wach tkf Label OH Your Paper; It Carrie's the Date Your Subscription Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 56 MAGISTRATES TO TRY VIOLATORS OF GAME LAWS Recorder's and Superior Courts Not To Try First Offenders 1 CASE TRIED TODAY Original Misunderstanding As To Sympathy of Local Magistrates Foe Law"*' Cleared Up Th recorder's court as well as all higher courts will not be troubled with violators of the (fame laws when such violators are arrested for the first of fense, according to the latest infor mation coming from County Warden J. W. Hines. Recently it was stated that all vio lators of the game l law in this im mediate community would be tried in the recorder's court and not in the magistrates courts. The question why a.-es in this immediate vicinity should i>9 tried in the recorder's court while all other smilar cases should be tried be fore magistrates in other townships was asked ? In answer it was under stood that Magistrates J.'L. Hassell and A. T.' Crawford were not in sym pathy with the game laws and for tint reason the cases would be sent to the recorder's court. While the ir t'Tination was from a supposedly re liable source, it proved to be wrong v.hen both Mr. Crawford and Mr. Iw.ssell stated yesterday that they were in sympathy with the new game laws, and ftoing one further they stated they were in sympathy with all the laws on the statute books. One case goes before the recorder today as scheduled, but it is now ar ia lifted so tlvat all ftame-law violators arrested in this section, wil be tried before either Mr. Hassell or Mr. Craw ford when it is r. first offense. Strand Theatre To Get Fight Returns on 22nd The Strand theatre will get the re turns of the Deippsoy-Tunney fight over radio for its patrons Thursday night, September 22. Mr. Watts, the theatre's munager, stated that he would arrange to have the returns just lefore the regula pictrure progam. Itegula admission will be charged for the entire program. Regular Communication Local Lodge Tonight Work in the first degree will be carried on at the regular, communi cation of the Skewarfcee Lodge here t night. Ofllcera und members of the lodge are urged to attend and to be there promptly at 8 o'clock. Regular Convocation of Conoho Chapter Thursday There willbe'a regular convocation of Conoho Chapter No. 12, R. A. M. .Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. All the chapter's members are urged to be in attendance upon the meeting. Local Man Bitten By New Jersey Poodle ■ Mr. Val Teel was painfully hurt, rot seriously, however, last Sunday 'when bitten t»y slittle poodle dot from New Jersey. Mr. Teel was car rying: on a friendly play with the tit tle canine, which was in a car parked on the streets here, but the dog took him seriously; and when the man peered in one of the big automobile windows, the dog seised him by the not,e, causing a wound that demanded Dr. James S. Rhodes' attention. While Mr. Teel * was teiribly wrought up over the dog's actions, he "allowed" it was his own fault. STRANH THEATRE I J WEDNESDAY TOM TYLER in TOM'S GANG' Also Two-Reel Comedy and FREE .TICKET FOR SHOW FRIDAY Hear Dempsey-Tunney Returns At This Theatre September 22 1 11 r■- - ■ Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Many Taking Booths at Roanoke F Will Display Wide Variety of Products in J*aw and Manufactured State; Demand Exceeds Supply The rental of booths at the Ro anoke Pair is far in advance thia seaaon, as compared with the rent als of last year and .year before last, according to Manager J. L. Rodgerson. The increase in rent als is due, to a large extent, to new exhibitors, stated Mr. Rodger son. While many of the manu facturers having booths at the fair jlfst year and the years before that have not made final arrange- NOW FINISHING TOBACCO TESTS State College Expert Here Helping to Grade;. Weed For Marketing Mr. E, Y. Floyd, of the Extension Division of the State college, is in the county this week grading tobacco grown on the two farms where tests in the raising of tobacco were held. Results of the tests are not complete; in fact, late yesterday afternoon the only certain data that had been ob tained showed that the tobacco would weight around 1045 pounds per acre. This was on the farm of Mr. J. Walter Gurganus at the edge of town. Mj\ Floyd will complete the grading of the tobacco there sometime today and then go to the farm of Mr. J. E, Griffin in Griffins township where a similar test is being conducted. Mr. Qurganus stated yesterday that hf was highly pleased with the re sults so far obtained in the test. Ho uid not know exactly when he would place the tobacco on the market, arid would not express an opinion us to, what price it would command. Mr. Floyd, in speaking of similar tests carried on in other sections of the State, *aid that farmers have re ported enormous increases in pounds and prices as a result of such tests. In Franklin and Davidson counties, he stated the increase ran as high as 10(H) per cent. Official data from the two tests will be prepared as they develop and will b- given to the farmers throughout •h® county along with other informa tion gained from last year's tests. Hamilton School Opened Yesterday The Hamilton school opened yes terday morning with Rev. Mr. West niuking the principal opening address. Supt. R. A. Pope attended and he also made a short talk- Mr. D. G. Matthews, a member of the school's board, 'ill a talk urged ail the people of Humilton to stand square behind the school. He asked that they send their children regular ly and assist the faculty in making this the greatest year, for their school. The Hamilton f.chool has, for years, receivedC.thc hearty support of the people, who generally stand as ajHttt" in its development ■4*^' Six trucks serve the 'school, carry ing children from all parts of the community. * The school opened with 180 chif dren enrolled which is the largest of fcity of its previous openings. Mr. W. W. Clarke is ably assisted by the several teachers, and a good year's wcrk ia expected". Many Cases Scheduled For Mayor Tomorrow Around forty cases are scehduled to come up before Mayor R. L. Co burn in his court tomorrow. The cases are similar, in nature and have to do with charges brought against property owners in town who have failed to ctmply with the State sanitary laws. Fertilizer Plant Head Moves Family Here Mr. C. T. Crockett moved his family here yesterday from Norge, Va. They ure at home at Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Crawford's on Smithwiclc street. Mr. Crockett is manager of the Standard Fertiliser company here. Local Church Announces Change in Time of Services The Baptist church announces that from now on all evening service* con ducted in the church will be at 7:30 in stead of 8 o'clock. This change Ut effective .at once, and includes the mid-week service Wed nesday night Miss Sallie Wilkins arrived Sunday from Creed more to teach in the locpl school. Williamston* Martin County, North Ci • ments for preparing booths, it is understood they will have their products on exhibit again this year. The booths will display a wide I- WW of pr«du«ts in their raw and manufactured state. Mr. Rodgerson further stated that the demand for otitoae boflths was so fryt that it would be next to im possible to meet the wants of all of the applicants. REPORT BETTER TOBACCO PRICES Local Market Opens Week With Stronger Prices Indicated \ ,2 The Williamston tobacco inurket opened the week's sales yesterday morning with prices stronger than at i>ny time since the opening on the 6th. With the slightly cooler weather bet ter averages are being made by the growers and conditions in general are taking on a much brighter uppear ance. Furm»rs generally are realizing more satisfactory sales ,011 the local warehouse floors. The bleaks have been very well handled, and congestion has been prevented since the first few opening days. Monday's sales , totaled over 200,000 pounds end brought an aver age above 20 cents. - Sevetui buyers from the Orient have appeared on the market and they are buying large quantities of the offerings for the Old Countries, especially China and Japan. A few of the very poorest grades seenT to be going at about the same price, but the middle grades are in u much greater demund. Practically all the companies are now bidding strong on all standard grades'. PROSPECTS FOR COTTON BRIGHT Production Expected To Be Two-Thirds of Last Year's Crop ltulelgh, Sept. 14.—The cotton crop is commanding special public interest just now. Whikuthe prospective pro duction of 12,692,000 bales In about two-thirds of last year's crop, the market price is about twice as nfuch. What is still better, the present short crop will allow the much quoted sur plus stocks on hand to bo reduced by consumption. Thus a better future price will be insured. North Carolina's crop prospect of HI 1,000 bales appears to be about three-fourths of the 1926 crop, which in turn was the State's record pro duction. The acreage ifr reduced from 10 to 15 percent this year. The condi tion reported by 549 farmers the first cf the month was 64 percent, while that a year ago was 6 9percent. Thus, 11 may be ceen tha tthe farmers lust year saw the crop through blue glasses, and may be -optimistic this ymt: With an average yield per acre cf 292 pounds of lint last year, it lurdly appears now that we may make 244 pounds this year. The Crop Reporting Service at Ral eigh made up three maps of North Carolina showing, county cotton con ditions; boll v/ccvil infestation and the inches of rainfall in August. Zones were drawn on these which showed similar waves across the Htate. - " • The cotton condition map Bhows clearly that the poorest condition was south; from Scotland through Pender counties, and reaching up to include Cumberland and Duplin counties. The zone of 50 to 60 percent runs from Anson northeasterly to Bertie county. Then, 70 to 80 percent - areas are from Mecklenburg to Gates counties, parsing through Moore, Wake',''Wil son and lower Halifax counties. This condition is also found from Lenoir to Carteret and from upper Pitt to Tyr rell counties. An area of above 80 percent condition is shown from Row an to Alamance counties. The boll weevil infestation map shows Robeson centering the scuthern area, where more than 8Q percent of complete infestation was reported. The eastern zone of heavy infestation is from Wayne to Beau fort counties, and possibly extending OP up to Gates. The 60 to 70 percent zone goes from Anson to Johnston, then southeasterly to Onslow, also up to Tyrrell. From Pitt to southern Halifax is in this area also. Below 26 percent of Infestation occurs. ■ above the line passing through Charlotte, Una, Tuesday, September 13, 1927 33 CHILDREN TURNEDFROM LOCAL SCHOOL Crowded Conditions in Pri mary Department Is Cause ALL UNDER SIX YEARS Few Rooms in Building That Are Not Housing More Thin Forty Children Bach t Crowded conditions caused around 3d children to be turned friim the doors of thtf Williamston school to day. Under normal conditions these children could be admitted but imthe face of the .situation as it now stand.*; n higher age limit had to be imposed and the 8«1 liitlc vots requested to go home to nwrit the doming of another year. Just those children who reach ♦ho age of six years' tut or before September 30 were allowed to remain. In explaining the erovrffh d conditions school officials* state tbst the number of children asking admittance was much larger was anticipated, that even if another teucher hud been em ployed, there would hfjve been no room in which to accommodate them, that the only solution to the problem was to be Tound in requiring a high er age limit. Classes are now beiii.; held in the school in all corners of the building. Just across the hall from the boiler room in the Imsement around forty children arc being taught At the other end there nroun.. forty more crowded into another in the base nunt. Conditions in other parts of the building are just as bud, for there ure as many as 7* in one room, iuul in others there are as many e.s 60 and 60. There are a few rooms, he waver, where there arc only 30 and 35 children. ' » These are the conditions as seen by |i:itronft of the school at the >esterday. : STOLEN VIOLIN IS RECOVERED Negro Boy Arrested Here Sunday by Request of Edgecombe Officers .The local police were requested over long-distance telephone last .Sunday evening by Edgecombe Coun ty authorities to search the Rocky | Mount-Plymouth train for a colored I boy who was wanted for housebreak ing. When the train- came in M essrs. Daniel and Allsbrooks picked off the little 13-year-old negro with a fiddle, several shirts and other things. The boy had attempted to hide the goods and had succeeded in getting the in strument's bow in his suit"Case by breaking it half in two; the fiddle would not go in, so he carried it on ,tfte outside. Mr. Cadd Harrell, a far mer of the -Conetoe section whose licuse had been robbed, was notified, and he came with officers to get the boy. Mr. Harrell was budly disturbed over the'prospect of losing his fid dle; and recovered Ait, he cxpressed-gfeat joy, saying he Would jiet lake SSOO for it. Mr. Horrell | stated It wati made by hand and was [ i'round 700 yfears old. The boy caught with the goods guvp j his name as Juthro lirspass, and was from Plymouth., He claimed to be cn his way home from Warsaw anil •that he bought the fiddje and other •inkles from a man along the way ftide for 75 cents. He denied any knowledge that the goods had been! stolen when hf took them over from i the stranger. \ Juthro was returned to Tarborn Again Urges Registration Of All First-Year Pupils Mr. L. H. Davis, principal of the lo al school, is making one more plea to the parents of all first-grade pupils. He stated yesterday that it was im pcssible to register all the first-year pupils without the assistance of the parents; and to avoif~further delay he is asking that all the parents who htve not registered their chidren since August 15 to visit the school and giVe the required information, t * To do this, Mr. Davis stated, would take but very little time and would prevent much trouble. Concord,' PitUboro, Raleigh, Nash ville, Halifax and Murfreesboro. The weather map shows heavy rain fall during August. An area of ov«r 8 inches of rain includes eastern Hali fax and Edgecombe, and extends {to Pasquotank. Complaint of too much rain is general. Red spider damage is frequent but spotted. Bolated growth •' plants an ddanger of rotting in bolls is important. The Anal crop is very problematical now. SEASON OPENS ON SQUIRRELS THURSDAY State Law Provides Open Season From September 15 To January 15 BIG RUSH EXPECTED Many Squirrels Reported in Woods As Result of Game Law Protection A rush for squirrels is expected next Thursday when tj)g hunting sea »oi. opens. The season opening Thurs day closes January 15, and includes |th\{ hunting of squirrels only. The /r.exjfc season, opening October 1, in- Icludek deer, bear, raccoon and opos iSJL"' ) 1 ~ the new game laws have been. sr. effect this season, the gallic has b>en protected, and hunters can ex pect regular feasts.. The woods are overrun with squirrels according to, reports coming from every section in this part of the State. The game wardens are expected to hrve a busy time of it after - -next Thursday, seefng to it that all the hunters have purchased the, lic.ni . s making it legal to hunt. «' Mr. Chas. J. Moore, district gum■> warden was he're yesteday, and h> stated that the gr.me laws were meet ing with popular approval, and that they would have much to do with making a real sport of hunting. More than one hundred convictions have been made in his district so 'far where hunters have violate/I the law II considered th's «i small number be r&use this is'tie first year that the law hits been actively enforced. The licences ore being placed on sale in practically every township in this county, making a purchase easy for /ill those desiring to hunt. NEW POWER AND LIGHT PROPOSAL Telegram Received Saying New Ptoposition. To Be Submitted Tomorrow A new proposition relating to the I tirchase of the town's light and power*.system will be heard tomorrow. A telegram received by Mayor t'oburn end signed, ''Edwin 0. Gregory" read, "We will he in' your city Wednesday, tne 15th with propsoition * * *" No company was mentioned'in the telegram, and officials here continue at a loss as to wli.i "we" are, and the in terest represented, The telegram ar rived here undei a New York date linn, offeing ho information . furthet than a possible date whin the pro pa s'lion ipighi be submitted. Mayor Coburn stated that the de tails would be learned at a call meet ing of the board of town commission ers tomorrow at 8 o'clock p. m. Runs Car Into Harrison Window Yesterday morning while attempt ing to paVlc, Mr. C. B. Clark run his Ford roadster into and broke one of tin largo, show windows in Harrison Prothers' store. The uccident occurred wLun u bouril in the foot of the ma •thine slipped out of place and prevent ed the application of brakes. Mr. Clark had run his machine to the street's curb and backed out so h" could park between the white, lines. When he drove l.ack fti and befoi ■ he could check the car it had cljmbe ! tbi curb and hit the glass. Recommend Two More Township Wardens 1 Messrs. Henry Rebel-son, of Grif fins township and D. L. Hardy,- of I Cross Roads township, were recom ' mended yesterday by County Warden J. W. Hines for game wardens in the two respctive townships. Mf. Rober ron will be assistant to J, R. Manning in Griffins township. A warden for Hear Grass township has not been recommended at this time, but Mr. Hines statd yesterday that one would be named at once. District Warden Chas. J. Moore, of Wushingtoh and several other war dens- in .the were- here yester day, and according to statements | made by each of them, the new game laws willfbe atrictly enforced. any Are A t tending Services in Jamesville Rev. K. G. Edwards is being listen ed to by large audiences in the meet ing of the Methodist church at James vilJe this week. The services began Sunday with many the first service. It is expected that large crowds will be in attendance through out the week. * i LARGE ATTENDANCE AT OPENING EXERCISES OF LOCAL SCHOOL MONDAY ; First Hunting License { | Issued to Woman Here } I*■ ■—- - T the hrst bunting license to be issued to a lady in the State be issued to lady in the State was bought by Miss Hattie Thrower here yesterday after- j r noon. " County Warden J. W. . Mines made the sale, and he stated it was an honor "to have sold the fiist. license-> going to a lady. .. Miss Ihrower did . not state Hi how often she expected to use the hunting permit. '• 1 BRIDGE OPENING CELEBRATED IN TYRREL COUNTY Number Prominent Men of State Make Speeches;-' Big Parade " IS $90,000 STRUCTURE Bridge Is Across Scuppcenong River At Columbia; Fills Long-Felt Need in That Section . ' ■/£■ ( ' .Tyrrell county into the family II unties -last Wednesday with the greatest celebration of its 108 years of history when the formal opening of the new 490,000 across the "Mcuppernon/j, river -at Columbia. Tyrrell county was formed in 17' JO, and for 45 years; occupied the un briken territory extending from tbo present Edgecombe county liiie to Uie Atlantic ocean. The capital of the County their was located at Mackeys, 25 miles from Columbia, 111 1774 P'nctically all of \vhat is now Mar tin county was sliced from ' her ter ritory, and later in 1700, all of Wash ington county was taken from Tyr reli. These two counties had. been sliced from her west.end. In 1870 D.".re county took a large portion from the eastern end, leaving Tyrrell as •1 ne of the State's smaller.! counties, mot of which was swamp. A few fine ridges remained, however, and they are peopled by a little over five thousand splendid citizens. JOutsiile cf the Alligator and - Scnppernong liver, they have bad to depend on .one long bad road for • ouch with the i i.tnide world for nearly two cent uric,, until a few years, ago when the Nor folk-Sotuhern railroad built a spur track down as fur as Columbia. When ll;e North Carolina Highnay commis si! 11 was created, the Section was loeognized n.s u part of "r State uijif Wednesday was set "apart by all of T\ rrell to celebfute the building of the six miles of ertnerete. road and t.'n $90,000 draw bridge across the (I i'P Seuppcrnong river. No county has expressed a finer .-j>irit of appreciation In celebrating such an event than did Tyrrell ami its people. The main feature of the celc- I let ion wTioTTmore than 000 well (iressed and cheerful school children took their places at the head of the procession. The decorated floats ' pre ■senteif Tyrrell's people and her pro-" dttrts iir u splTidid way-. "Nt» ct»Haty csii surpass her in raising the stand ard food crops. Her exhibits of eorn, both Irish and sweet potatoes, beans, pens and the fish from the streams ej:d the game und timber from the forests would do honor to u, people K| eeiulizing in exhibitions. Some of tfre floats showed the early pioneers who fought in the Indian wars while Others recalled scenes of the Revo lutionary \frar and that of IKI2. The •Confederacy, one old Confederate soldier geatcd-on the float, represent e'' the bruves. -General I'ettigrew, Tyrrell's favorite son, was also por trayed, und then came her young men who had served in the World War. . | » 1. ■ j After the large procession dlarched to the courthouse, Mayor s "White wel comed the three thousand or more visitors and introduced the speakers, D. Winston, Frank C. Kfgler, Hon. Frank Page atul Con gressman Lindsay Warren. All of the .>pi:akejtt mud? splendid addresses, touching tho main points in our pro gressive highway system. The county' welcome was made j oupreme when the throng of visitors were invited to one of tht largest free dinners offered in the State in come time. Attorney I{. L. Coburn spent th.o morning in Plymouth attending to legal matters. v Advertisers Will Find Qur Col umns a Ijatchkcy to Over 1,600 Homes oj Martin County K J ESTABLISHED 1898 ENROLLMENT IS LARGEST EVER RECORDED HERE Address of Welcome To Teachers Made by John ' ' • L. Hassell NUMBER OF SPEAKERS Heads of Kiwanis' Club and Parent- Teacher Association Promise Their Cooperation , The opening uf the local school yes- Uxla.y morning marked two high l>i,ints in tIW schoojla-history when the t luolhneiU. of pupils uipassed all pucious records by u large percent ile and when, marry parents attended the exercises. With the auditorium and halls packed to capacity, the exorcises were 1 *V opened by tile singing of "America". \V. (.'.'Maiming, reading 'a portion of the 12th .chapter of Kcylosiasles, led in the devti'iiolia l exercise's. Mr. C. D. (arstarphen, chairman of the local school board, was'allowed the honor of introducing the teachers to the pupils of the school. Mr. Car siarphcn also introduced' Mr. J. L. I Li;.-.sell, who, with very pleasing appropriate words,, welcomed the teachers to our town. Mr. K. o. Peel, president of the KiwanL; club, speaking bei'ortj thu^as semblage en the work the club is ~ eoing in relation to the st-hool, stated, it had to do with the building up physically, mentally and spiritually of every child in the community to that P'jint wht'iv th ' child is strong in l.nity, mind and character. That the tiu.k is a life-time undertaking was expressed -l end Mr. -Peel stated the jgnater. part of the work can best be don* while the subject, is young a,nd that in thy school the best results are I te lie tibtuined. Mrs. W. C. liiverman, president of tlie• parent,.-teachers association, re viewed briefly the work that -.organi zation, has accomplished under its former presidents, Mrs. A. niiig and Mrs. P. B; Cone.. She also outlined the work anticipated by the association during the coming months, ntuting that particular attention would be giveA the beautifying of the 'l;rounds. The aiil of the school's pa trons was earnestly solicited by her in the undertaking. Principal..!.,,,- H.- +)avis, in a general way, then outlined the work the School v ill follow during the 1!>27-'"2d ses •slnns and. assigned the children their ,forms. - II ifihly Respected Colored Citizen Dies Near Here James lingers, one of Martin county's, i lost highly respected colored citizens, died last week at his fitrm a few miles from here. He had lived in the neighborhood (luring the whole of his life, about 75 years. About Ml years ago white"spots began to appear on him ai)d "they ihcrcasi'il in gtiS until they covered him entirely/ leaving liim as white ns any average white persorf. When he legan to turn white, he was general* ly called apotted Jim, but as he grew o'm-i; anil whiter, most of the* people culled him "Uncle Jim" out of re ;inect for his humble, kind, friendly and upright walk among all men. He always loved ami re-.pected the' J»W and hi; Ufa was in complete harmony with it. The old man laised eight children, cne of them a preacher and all being well taught in the .principles of good .tfrizenffhtp. * " " r '~~ .— i .1 r . ; r ' : " Ilcatrqja Demonstrator Now At Culpepper's Mr. J. V. Pope, factory representa tive from Hamilton, Ohio, in demon strating the Estate Heatrola at the Culpepper Hardware company store -today and tomorrow. Mr. Pope is in a position to give }ou interesting facts and figures on this new type of heating system and the store invites you in to hear them. In connection With the demonstration the store is making an offer on one t■ ii of coal frefe. This offer enda to morrow, however. Local Firemen To Attend Meeting At Plymouth The l>cal. fire company will be well represented at the meeting of the Eastern Carolina Firemen's associa tion at Plymouth tonight. More than a dozen members are planning to at tend. r