PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING. COMPANY • WILLI AM STON, "NORTH CAROLINA ~ - W. C. Manning Editor - Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COUNTY 1 year ' * 6 months —>,- • OUTSIDE MARTIN.COUNTY 1 year : $2.00 6 months (Strictly Cash in Advance) » No Subscription Will, Be Received for Less Than Six Months Advertising Itute Will Be Furnished Upon Application ut the po.j-t office at Williamston, N. C., as second-claisg mutter under the aeTof Congrf.'Sfs, of March 8. 1879. . Address all communications Jo The Enterprise and not to inrii • viduul inembers of the company. / - • Tuesday. September 13, 1927 L % ' ♦ The Press and the Liquor Question Pity the North Carolina newspa- In make them believe there is grave per that can already smell the torn j danger before them; when, as a mat and wheatthe western farmer| (t ; r () f f a( . t> j t as as a burning as fuel stops, ma(|p . g on buying it to make into liquor. j a |)lark stum|) Brother. we assure you, it will do j •«. > just as much good burned as it will : 1 w " u ' ( l niore becoming to made into liquor, and far less harm, a newspaper that believes in~llquor It' is just a little strange to seeLto come out on the square and say how a little nasty propaganda can j so:-rather than to print every garbled trickle down, across a big continent, | statement, regardless of whether into the ears of unsuspecting people, there is any truth in it or not. Telling the Truth About Tobacco Markets The Washington Progress comes in theiFahxiety to boost the home out with'a fine editorial on ■ "Jlar- k folks, grasp the exaggerations and ket Exaggerations', 11 ' and states that print I hem as facts, some nwrkrts cfaimed to average 24 The progress failed to name any cents when they averaged only J.tLrppflii ular newspapers,- and in order cents, and that some,claimed mui'h t.» let that editor know just how to larger breaks than they' really had" liaSfflis calculations, we invite his The J'rogrfss is right in condemn attention to. the figures on the Wil ing the publication ol misleading liamston market." 1 statements about matter*, be-'" Ihe i.nierprise was given an early cause they hurt a market rather than estimate of the number of |w>unds help it. W hat the [leopfe want" is on the Williamston market last Tues truth, and newsj»apers - should be day,'which «a>. based on warehouse careful in gathering news and print men's estimates, pounds, only the farts. Too many papers, When the re|*>rt of the day's sales WHY WAIT AND WAIT? BUY juat* NOW v ' ' • , V t 1 ... ... CHEVROLET * ■■' -• ' ; . 7}' i, ■ • T , '• ." v "-j: T'v •. ; ~r . . .... /.- ~v ~: 1 "•**- " , 2 - ... . ■ •; •'• t ' v " ' : " ' . ' * *'"• 'I •" "I s ■ • • * « . . -V —■ -» — 1 ■ l *s V*Jb r 'J, fs.. • TSi-.-i-Jei '* v - ■' -V —r. Ji' , ... r - r 7 . . —£ \ • . i - -> t . * ' - = . . ... - ■ ■ • ... . Has Proven And Will Continue To Prove ■ , . • «w ' . • % • * v *\ u ; ; Its Superiority In The Low - Price Field ■ ■ . - i. —i * PEEL MOTOR COMPANY See The Models on Display Williamston, N. C. i m . t ' The Low Price of Tobaccos-Why? The wheel of fortune has turned around again in its seven-year cycle. This time it is grinding all the hopes out of the tobacco farmers. In 1020 the tobacco ,tr"ust laid j their heavy hands on the tobacco I farmers and their women and chil jdren; and a great cry went up. The farmers then attempted the only sensible marketing plan they | have ever tried to organize. Nothing I had so stirred the tobacco trust since the government's anti-trust suit, in which the old American Tobacco Cp. was dissolved and a half dozen twins rose up in its place.. The cooperative marketing move | nient was the victim of one of the (most unholy fights ever waged a | gainst an ignorant [>eople. The rich j-tiujbilcco companies knew the fighting game-, and the unsuspecting and trust [ing farmers were no match for them, t . The first charge made by the com -1 panies was to divide thifc farmers by, I propaganda, in order to keep as jitiahy out as possible, and then to ' dissatisfy as many member-farmers |as possible in order to make them j disloyal. Their next step was to raise the price of outside tobacco in order to satisfy farmers generally. -The last, and most contemptible, thing they did was to embrace association sales ! leaders and buy association tobacco } under its value. With this stroke j they had won a complete victory. I was completed, it was found that there were 391,548 pounds of tobac co ofFthe floors here owning day, or 66,548 pounds more than we had given in our conservative estimate. .The first two hours sales on the opening of the market indicated an average of $20.70; but in the rush of the day the final average fell to $19.80, or nearly one cent less than The Enterprises' £irst report. We would like to see the plain, unjilggled figures of every market in the "State go on the bulletin lx>ard every day. If The Progress has planted a seed will cause .-ill tobacco men. all new- pnp.Ts, and all tobacco farmers to telKthe truth about markef aver kges it will take first premium at the next big fair. THE ENTERPRISE The farmers wfre whipped by a ma chine, hidden so far behind the lines that it was never even seen. Now, the farmers are facing the lowest prices in many years, with no organization to help them; nothing to depend upon to save them from bankruptcy except the mercy of a ■few big tobacco barons. Yet farmers art asking why is to bacco so much, lower. There is but one answer to the question. The farmer doesn't know how to sell it. It will take at least one more gen eration for the farmers to learn how to protect their rights in the deal of turning his goods over to the manu facturer. As it is now, he has noth ing tn the world to do with -the price of his own products. All he can do is ,to*prepare it just as he is directed. While the farmers need not hope for help in any organized movement for tobacco prices, they should rally to the cotton growers' association and the peanut growers' association, both of which are still alive 1 anTT giving satisfactory service. The Public Library I would like to emphasize the im [wrtance of providing books for peo ple living in the open country ami villages under rural conditions. For many reasons these people have more time for reading than city people; and will read the best books, of the best type, with more appreciation and profit. They read less for time killing or mere entertainment and more for information and inspira tion. . . I have been a country boy myself and have lived in the backwoods, three miles from the crossroads store and the blacksmith shjpf I know the long rainy Sun - Funeral Director i and Licensed Embalmer Day and Night Service • Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Price B. S. COURTNEY WILLIAMSTON. N. C. ' Day Phone 159 Night Phone 94 days, the long succession of rainy days during the wet spells of the crop-growing season, the long snowy days of winter, and the long winter evenings with nowhere to go less than a dozen miles away, and the shut-in feeling. Under such circumstances, a book becomes a close companion, closer than to the city, where one must hold the attention against a, thousand tempting distractions. —P. P. Claxton, superintendent of schools oj Tulsa, Okla. Harrison Bros. & Co. - r SHOWING NOW All The New Styles and Colors in • Dresses, Coats, Hats Hats to match each dress. Before you make your selection be sure to see our large assortment, and Kow very low in price we are offering them. ! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ! Having this day qualified as admin istration of the estate of R. C. Yarrell. late"oT Martin County, all persons hold ing claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present same to me for payment on or before the 22nd day of August, 1928, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate ! are requested to come forward and make immediate settlement of the ' same. This 22nd day of August, 1927. J. R. JAMES, a 23 6tw Administrator. Tuesday, September 13, 1927 . NOTICE Having;qualified as executor at the will of Sam P. Williams, late of Mar tin County, all persons holding claims against said Estate are hcwby noti fied tJ present same for payment to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of June, 1928, or this notice, will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said will please come forward and make prompf payment of same ■; This- 27tli day of June, 1927. J. G. BARNHILL, Executor of Sam P. Williamas tute. ' -r->- a 2 8t