■ I ———- II —————MM—«— Sixth Annual Roanoke Fair—September 27, 28, 29, aftd 30—Bigger and " Better Than Ever—Be Here t •* Wach the Label on Your P*fer; It Carries the Date . Your Subscription Expires VO UME XXX—NUMBER 57 SUPERIOR COURT BEGINS TO LAST 2^VEEKS Judge Frank A. Daniels, of Goldsboro, Will Preside 12 CRIMINAL CASES To Begin Trial of Civil Case* Wednes day; Fifty-Eight Cases on Civil Calendar The September term of Martin Su perior court begins next week, con tinuing for two weeks. The term will be presided over by Judge Frank A. Daniels and has only twelve criminal cases on its docket. Nine of the twelve criminal case? go into the superior court on appeal, coming from the recorder's court. The. cases coming before the session fol low: Roy Manning and Annie Bullock, fornication! W. M. James, vioating the liquor laws; Justus Everett (col.), Sam and Mansey Roberson, violating the liquor laws; Wesley Bak er, assault with deadly weapon; C: H. Clark, violating the liquor laws; Joe Mayo, assault with deadly weapon; Simon Sheppard, house-breaking; Link Koberson, operating automobile while intoxicated. The three original cases to be tried include those of Slate versus James and Levi Purvis, charged with larceny; State versus John Pitt, charged with murder and State against Jesse William, charged with larceny. first case on the civil calendar scheduled for trial Wednesday morn ing is that pf W. J. Taylor versus V;. L. Rice et al. There are ten other cases of- a dvil nature scheduled for hearing on that day. .... ,y» The calendar gives eight cases Thursday, September 22, eight Fri day, September 28, seven Monday, September 26, nine Tuesday, Septem ber 27, five Wednesday, September 2& and ten for Thursday, September 29, making 58 cases fyr the civil calendar. Many of these cases will doubtless require only perfunctory at tention. »'■ "The Old Rugged Cross" Will Be Sermon Theme The second, in a short series of evening sermons, will be delivered at the Memorial Baptist Church Sunday night at 7:80 o'clock. Th subject of this sermon will be, "The Old Rugged Cross". At this service only music bearing upon the Cross will be used. And at the close of the sermon, Mrs. Harper Holliday will sing, as a solo, "Bearing His Cross for Me". The general public is invited. And the members of other churches not having services at this time, will be welcomed if they join with us. AH evening services are now at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Holliday to Sing Because there will be no service at her own church at this hour, Mra. Harper Holliday has kindly contented tc sing at the evening service at the Baptist church Sunday. Those who have heard Mrs.'Holliday have been charmed with her singing. And the people who attend this •hurch will look forward with great interest to her second appearance. Spur Track to River Almost Completed The spur track of the Coast Line leading to the river is most complet ed, and the first train went over the tracks this week. Work will be com pleted within the next few days and material to be used In the construc tion of the factory will be shipped to thi spot via the A. C. L. STRANFY THEATRE \J SATURDAY BUCK JONES in "WAR HORSES Also Comedy ' The Ghost of Folly' And Episode No. 6 RETURN "i «*• RIDDLE RIDER Always a (lood Show THE ENTERPRISE First a£Series of Community Meetings Will On First Sunday Dr. E. C. Brooks, President of State College, Will Be Speaker; Other Prominent Men to Speak Latei; The first of the series of com munity meetings to be held here during the months of October and flovember will In held the first Sunday evening in October at 7.4S in the graded'-school auditorium. Dr. E. C. Brooks, president of . the State College, is the first speaker on the program, and he will have as his subject, "What My Profes sion Is Doing for the Advance ment of Christian Citizenship in North Carolina. This theme will be followed by the other speak Large Order for Tobacco Received A special order amounting to one-half million dollars was re ceived here this week by the Skinner & King Tobacco Co., according to information coming to thia office. That this order will, be of much help in holding up prices on the local market was ex pressed as certain by several to bacco men here late yesterday afternoon. 10 CASES TRIED • BY RECORDER Convictions Returned in Nine of the Ten Cases The weekly term of Judge Bailey's court her* Tuesday was noted for convictions, for out of ten cases there were nine conviction* with fines enough to pay the court's expense and officers salaries for almost two months. Liquor, fighting, pistols and a litUe ateiling were the crimes up for settlement. Geo. Lee Jones, assault with deadly weapon, case continued until Oct. 4, with Jones under a S2OO bond. Riley Andrews, violating automobile law, found not guilty. v , Walter Stokes and Eli Bell, affray. Both plead guilty and each was fined $25 and charged with one half the coil. Ammon Kogers, operating; auto While intoxicated. He plead guilty and was fined SSO and coat. His license to drive a car wan revoked for nine month*. James Hines, assault. Defendant plead guilty of assault on female and van fined SSO and coat. Ajail sentence of 30 days was also imposed and a sentence to the county jail for nine months to be assigned to the Edge combe county roads which was sus pended for the term of two years on the good behavior of the defendant. John Purvis, carrying concealed weapon, adjudged guilty, case con tinued until October 4 for judgment. James Staton Godard, violating game law, case continued to session of October 4. Nep Powell, assault J with deadly weapon, plead guilty, sentenced to the Edgecombe county roads for a term of nine months, sentence to be gin November 16. Charlie Johnson, operating auto while intoxicated, plead guilty and fined SSO and cost. Charlie Mason, violating liquor., laws, plead guilty, and fined SSO and coat. Gordon Jones, carrying concealed weapon, plead RuHty, sentence re served. Gordon Jones, larceny, plead guilty, sentence reserved. Big Last-Minute Rush . For Hunting Licenses Clerk of the Superior court here was held in his office last Wednesday until 10:30 p" in., issuing licenses Ui hunters. The rush was so great that Mr. Peel was forced to stay until that hour to fitt all the orders. Hardly had the clerk commenced on his night's rest before he was called back to his office to issue mora licenses. This was at 2:80 Thur»day_,Bloming. Program of Services At Episcopal Church Rov. C. O. Pax do, Rector 8:00 Holy Communion. * 10:00. .Church School. 11:00 Morning Proyer and Sermon. 8:30 Holy; Trinity Mission. ' 7:30 Evening Prayer »nd Sermon. Williamston, Martin County.* North ers appearing- on the program at later dates. This series of meetings, spon sored by the Kiwanis Club and the several religious organizations in the town, will bring to the peo ple of this section some of the State's most prominent men and women. Hon. Josephus Daniels, editor of. the News & Observer, will be here for ffn evening, and he will tell how the work in his profession affects the advancement of Christian citizenship in vthe State. - ___ MANY HUNT ON OPENING DAY Mosquitoes Are Able Ally of Squirrels: Several Get Limit Ma.iy hjnuis in this section took advantage ol the first day of the open squirrel season and went to tfjl theii hunting bags jNislerday morning. In the Gardner's creek section the limit '\,a, reached by dozens of hunters, and it is estimated that more' than 150 squirrels were brought -from the woods there. Along th( htjiks of the lloanoke, the mosquitoes' put up a strojpg da fense in behalf of the squirrel* and the' hunUvt were forced from the woods with little or no,game. It is the central opinion of several game warden# that the majority of hunters oi t yeytferday had purchased licenses. 'No arrests have been re potted lit this time. FIREMEN'S MEET HELD TUESDAY Plymouth Firemen Hosts To Eastern Carolina Association ~ • '. The fire-departments compo situ-the East Carolina Firemen's as HOI uthm held their regular meeting ai. Ply mouth last Tuesday night. Nearly every town in the district was well r»prt—nt»d. , ——— Won. Z. V.' Norman wetconVed the visitors to the town on behalf of Plymouth. P. S. Harper, of Kin Hon, responded to the welcome Uncle Press who always full of lire himself, re sponded in a very effective , maner. Hon. Van U. Martin made a strong speech, emphasizing the good work which is being done by the organized firemen. Messrs. W.. L. Whitley and Jerry Siiwyer, attorneys of Plymouth, tdso Blade speeches. The association passed a resolution, changing the meetings from bi-month iy to quarterly.. All officers were re-elected to due ceed s for another year. After the business session, all pres ent were invited to the basement- of the courthouse where a splendid din ner was served by the ladies of the town. (The next meeting of the association will be held in Beaufort. Rev. T. J. Crisp Dies At Home in Conetoe Rev. Y. J. Crisp, of Conetoe, died suddenly, on Tuesday night. Mr. Crisp who was 64 yearn year old, was well known in thin county where he had preached for 20 yearn or more- He had done mission, work lor the Roanoke Baptist association in a number of places where they had weak churches. He was highly esteemed by all people whether of the church or out of the church. Fifty-Dollar Bakery Tax Remains Same With a request to lower and another to increase, the town commissioners at a meeting Wednesday night did not change the tax of SSO charged distributors of bakery products in the town limits- ft is now the law that all distributors of rolls, bread and other bakery products here pay a tax of S6O or else discontinue distributing. The commissioners also ordered that troughs for watering team be built and placed near the warehouses. The present fountain, located in front rf the warehouses, has provftd-of tie value since the automobile Hum crowded the horse to the back of the FIGURES SHOW LOCAL MARKET - LEADING BELT Market Fortunate in Hav ing Large Number of Strong Buyers COMPARATIVE PRICES Williamston Led AH Other Markets This , Week »n Basis of Official Averages Williamston leads *ll the larger Carolina markets in prices, this week according to official fljfiires. Although prices are much lower than they were last season, the Wil lin nistoii market is the* leader as shown by actual figures. The market is fortunate in having a large number t f strongbuyers outage of th e bitf companies whei from a glance at the sales cards are taking utound 76 per cent. of the breaks. "If" is the big mark and represents Skianer, who has for years been regard*! as North Carolina's best tobacco, buyer. t V . Market reports taken from the books .of several Eastern Carolina markets this week show heavy sales in pounds yet there seems to be no blocks re ported. Taking the published report of the Greenville Tobacco Board of Trade for Monday, September 12, we find that market's average for .that day to be $18.41 per hundred. The WiHiamston market for thfc same day was $19.33 v/hich was exactly five percent, high er than Greenville's. On Tuesday, Sep tember 13, Wilson averaged $17.40 end Rocky Mount averaged the same -day $17.1!). WJUiamaton averaged lor that day $18.78. This puts Wil liamston 8 percent, ahead of Wilson Tuesday and nine and a quarter pPrf cent ahead of Kocky Mount for the same da*r"t Prices/for Wednesday were as fol lows, Greenville, $18.19; Rocky Mount s]6.B£ ami Williamston, $18.91. Ford Ranks Among Rural Carrt&ts Broken Till- Ford ranks were broken here ti.is week when Mr. John A. Ward of the local post office department drove out iii a new Star sedan.' t'Vr years nothing other than a For/1 -U u,ing car ®ven dared to stroll near the post office door where the rural carriers park their cars. The horse left wheh Capt. T. W. Thomas -was retired- from the rural sc rvice, and it might he unless Henry sticks up for his rights that Mr. Ward's purchase 'will mark the pass ir« of the famous car. Work Moving Rapidly On Fertilizer Plant Work on the plant of the Standard Fertilizer company here at the river is now moving alohg rapidly. .The foundation for the building Is almost completed and the heavy timbers are being placed. The pile driver has about complet ed the driving of the piles for the wharf and.with the completion of the .spur track only a few days off, work is expected to go forward more rapid ly in a short time.' . ■ Poultry Show at Fair "Bigger and Better" Mr. C. W. Jacks, superintendent of the, poultry department of the Roa noke fair town this week. Our reporter asked about what his branch was going to°«Jo this year, he said, "bigger and better in every way, with more entrieg already than ft; any of the past yean for a cor responding period." Mr. Jacks says that Eastern Carolina is awakening , i i its opportunity in Rood poultry and j that two counties alone nave entered over 700 chickens. Head Nurse Washington ■ y Hospital Died Wednesday ' Miss Uennie Lois Connelly died at | the Washington hospital last Wednes ' day. \ ■. | The death of Miss Connelly brings sorrow to many Martin county people. LSW had held the position of Htead nurse at the Washington hospital for about fifteen years and had nursed hundreds of patients from this sec tion. The deceased was a native of Roa noke Rapids and the body waa carried for burial yesterday. W. H. .and daughters, Misses Zelma and Melba and Alon'ftuss, of Washington, were visitors here Wed nesday. ■ • G. W. Hardison has returned from New York where he has been for the past six weeka with his company, the Miller-Gardner Hat company. VIRGINIA ELECTRIC & POWER CO.'S PROPOSITION TO BE SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF CITIZENS OF WILLI AMSTON MAYOR'S COURT HAD 40 CASES FOR TRIAL THURSDAY All For Violation of Sani tary Laws; 17. Cases Continued- 13 SUBJECT TO FINE Number Cases Dismissed When Property" Owners Show They Have Compied With Law Out of forty cases scheduled for the Mayor's court yesterday, ten were cleared from the docket, 17 were con tinued and 13 were left open with the defendants subject to fines for their non-appearance before the Mayor. The forty cases, originating when property owners failed to comply with the State sanitary laws, are gradually •being cleared from the docket, and while Mayor Coburn stated that it was not his wish to be.unreasonable in enforcing the law he was going to see that it was complied with. The 17 cases were continued when the defend ants showed that they haif placed their orders with the plumber for the installation of water. Ten of the cases were dismissed when the property owners showed they had installed water. The amount of the fines to be placed on those wha failed to appear has not been mentioned, but the May or stated that one would be imposed cn each of the defendants vyho failed to appear before the court yesterday. LOCAL MAN GETS FEDERAL JOB Wheeler Martin Appointed Assistant UnitecMStates District Attorney Wheeler Martin has been appointed assistant United States District At torney for the Eastern District of North Carolina, succeeding Mr. Park er, of Smithfteld who recently resign ed. Mr. Martin received his commission Wednesday and qualified and entered the sen-ice that day. The duties of the office place Mr. Murtin's legal address at Raleigh where he will have to appear one day in e»fh week. He will also have to attend the Federal courts at Kliza beth City, Washington, New Hern, Wilson, Raleigh, Fayetteville and Wilmington twice each year. He will not be permitted to appear in criminal cases in any courts in the State, but he will be permitted to do private practice In all (jivil ac tions either State'or Federal except in bankrupt cases. Mr. Martin will continue to liye in Williamston where he will keep his office for practice locally. Mr. Martin, %ho stands high in the councils' of the Republican party in tfie State, received Dip full endorse ment of his party. Gold Point School Began Monday; Enrollment, 98 The 1927-'2B session of the Gold Point school was opened last Monday with 98 children enrolling in the var ious grades. Twenty-eight of the 08 pupils enter the school for the first time. *• . Mrs. Paul Johnson, of Gold Point, is the school's principal and she i ably assisted by Misses Ernestine Johnsop, of Gold Point, and Lillian Holliday, of Robersonviile. 11-Year-Old Boy Is Killed by Log Wagon Linwood Cullipher, a 11 year old boy who lived near Pinetown, was killed last week while playing with a pair of log wagon wheels. Young Cullipher with a neighbor boy was playing with the wheels and pushed them backwards until the tap ran off of one" end of the axle and the wheel fell. """The weight of the cart caused internal wounds, resulting in the lad's death. Kiwanis Entertaining Ldcal Faculty Tonight Tonight at 7:30, the Kiwaniß club will have as its guests the local school faculty, local school board and the county board of education. While the meeting will be In a form of a welcome to the members of "the faculty, it is understood that general topics relating to the school* will be Big Increase in Local Post Office Receipts The post office, which is gen erally called the business pulse of a town, indicates a hearty con dition in the Wiiliamston region, according to information given by Postmaster Price. The Busi ness for the first week in Sep tember was 72 per cent above the same week in September of last year. Mr. Price says this applies to outgoing business on ly; and is based on postal in come of cash and not in pounds nor pieces handled. HOLD RECEPTION FOR TEACHERS Less Than Forty Citizens _ Call; Fifteen Teachers in Receiving Line At a reception last evening for the members of tlie local school faculty with members of the teachers association us host, less than forty ritixenp temembesed to call around ant! Mil u friendly welcome to the youio: nun and women who are to be a part of our town during the next j.o\eral ironthi. ,'I here were fifteen teachers in the receiving |>ne, a number larger than that of any previous year, and re tarded to be the strongest faculty in the cchool for a hum Her of years. The hull wtfs bonutifully decorated for the und during the evening, the iadies jf Ihe association served icfc cream and cake. \;l (hose attending expressed great pleasure in the joys of the evening whin they entered into a most cordial and with their ser vants -iind fritjnds who have the enorrnoy.Si.task of fitting our children for the walks of life, .v Large Crowds Attending Parmele Church Services Large' crowds are attending the annual revival at the Methodist church in l'armele this week. Kev. J. 11. Warren, pustor, is being assisted by Kev. Mr k -Ghappell, of Tyner, N. C. -in the services this and Kev. \V. D. Donaldson ami Dr. M. O. Fletcher, of Washington, will also tuke a part in the services. Sunday, there will be a basket din m r on the grounds at th£ church. Rev. J. L. Jones to Preach At Baptist Church Sunday ' Because* the pastor of the local Baptist church has been unexpectedly i ailed out of town for Sunday morn ing, it became necessary to secure a pi acher for the moaning service. According, Kev. J. L. Jones wili preach at the morning hour. Mr. Jones is principal of the Jamcsville H. lmol, is planning to enter the Sem inary soon, where he to spec ialize in 'Gospel music. - The people are invited to hear him. The pastor will be in the pulpit Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. Accepts Position With Eastern Cotton Oil Co. Mr. K. G. Harrison wilt leave Mon duy for Norfolk where he will be in the home office of the Eastern Cotton Oil Company. The company in one o£ the largest fertilizer and oil concerns of" this part of the eourftry. Mr. Harrisn will, during the fall, purchase cotton seel fort he oil. In Januray he will go to the fertilizer department. His com pany is one of the largest producers of acids and phosphate in the United States, the only other one of its size being Standard Wholesale Phos phate .and, Acid Works which is es tablishing a plant here, First County Teachers' M*el Here Tomorrow Williamson welcomes the teachers of the county tor their first county meeting of the 1927-'2l term here to morrow afternoon in the graded school auditorium at 2 o'clock. In speaking of the meeting. Superintend ent R. A. Pope stated that it would be one of the moat important ones of the entire session. While all the school* in the county have' not opened at this time, all teachers are exptected to attend the meeting, it li understood. Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 COMMISSIONERS TAKE ACTION AT MEET HELD 14TH H^ecide 1 Not To Wait Days for Another Proposition $75,000 CASH IS OFFER Proposition Also Includes Free Cur rent for Street Lights and Pumping System A motion to submit the proposal made the Town of Wiliiamston for the purchase of its light and power sys tem by the Virginia Electric and Power company to the people for confirmation was made and carried at a special meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners here last Wed nesday night. The motion was made and carried after an hour's discussion,, of the light and power situation here. The proposal made by the Virginia Electrc ami Power company carries a consideration of $75,000, free water pumping for 30 years and free street lights for a like period. At a meeting of tne commissioners here the first Monday night this month it was agreed between the com missioners and Mr. J. T. Chase, repre sentative of the Virginia company, that a definite answer be made to his company by the 15th. The delay was asked so that prospective offer might be made by Edwin C. Gregory and as sociates. Mr. Gregory was notified of the arrangement, and it was stated by him that he would be here to sub mit proposition at once. Last Wed nesday Mr. Gregory with several as sociates visited here and talked with several of the commissioners individu ally. The visitors did not remain here for the scheduled session of the Board that night, but left immediately after talking with the several, members of the Hoard. Coming into the meeting Wednesday right, four members of the board, the fifth member being absent, stated what they had been told relative to the Gregory proposition. No definite proposition by Mr. Gregory was made, but he asked for 15 or 30 days in which to investigate the matter. The proposition as mentioned by Mr. Gregory and his associates was very flexible. Under one. -condition, they would offer so much for the fran chise; under another condition they would consider the out-right purchase and operation of the present plant as it now stands; still under another they would retail or wholesale at cer tain rates, no' definite rates being mentioned, however. The propositions within themselves and as far as they went, were considered as favorable by the board members. But, during the conversation with the several vis itors, not one of the commissioners could learn just who Mr. Gregory and rhis associates were representing. When Mr. Gregory's party/Was asked just how a connection would be made and where the power would come from, the visitors, in one instance, stated lines would either come through Wilson, Kocky Mount and on to Williamston or by another route; in another Interview, it was stated that the lines would either come from the South or West. On® commissioner after asking the visitors who they represented, was told that it.wa's none of his business, the answer not being in those however, but while it vas to that effect, the words were I very carefully chosen and diplomati cally used. i K With nothing definite about the Gregory proposition and to avoid ■what, appeared to be another un necessary delay, Mr. E. P. Cunning, ham made the motion to put the mat ter before the people. The motion was seconded by Mr. L. P. Lindsley and passed by a three to one vote. Mr. J. T. . Chase, manager of the Virginia Klecflte and Power company, has been notified of the board's action, but at this time no definite arrange ments have been made for the calling of a special election. Woman's Club To , Meet Thursday All th« ladies of the town and com munity are invited and urged to at tend the meeting of the Woman's club in the Masonic building next Thuraday afternoon at four o'clock. At thia, the first meeting since early spring, seven! important matters will be pacedbefore the dob. The executive committee met a few days ago and U has prepared a splendid schedule of work for the approval of the club'a members.