PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WII.U AMKTON. NORTH CAROLINA W. C. Manning " Subscription Rates *—, IN MARTIN J year — T - — r - - ""'75 OUTSIDE MARTIN COt'.NTY 1 year . J ■—12.00 6 months „ r I - l-"0 (Strictly Cash in Advance) No Subscription' Will lie Received, for Less Than Six Months Advertising Kate. Card Will Be Furnished Upon Application Entered at the po*t office at Williainston, N. C., as second-clasS matter under the act of Congress of 3, 1879. Address all communications W The Enterprise and not to indi vidual members of the company, Tuesday, September 20, 1927 - : An Appreciation of the Rural Delivery Service The-United Stales Post Office De partment is without question Ameri ca's best big business; and is o|>erat ed with fewer mistakes in proper portion to volume tharj. any other j business. Must of the mistakes that da occur result from carelessness of the public rather than, frojn. those who serve as postal officials. Perhaps the feature of the postal operation that appeals more than any other ojle thing is that it treats all alike. N T o discounts to the rich, but the same price to all. The same' official delivers mail to the big white house in the groie and to" the little negro tenant house by the \yayside alike. 7- . J It is within easy recolkctioji of' many now living when we had but half a dozen |x)st offices in Martin j bounty. But now we have 767 j branch offices, within a small radius • I of Williamston alone. These i "branch offices" serve 1,551 fam ilie« and a total population of 5,203 j persons above 10 years old. lhesej "branch offices" are really family aMh-door post offices, with the same Just Received r " A SOLID CAR OF 5-V CRIMPED » GALVANIZED ROOFING CHEAP FOR THE CASH Culpepper Hardware Co. Williamston, N. C. * I ANNOUNCEMENT! ' /' gg G°°d Friends and Customers: 8B For the last two years I have found the Star Car-rfor power, beauty, and economy—to be the best car you can buy for the money. We don't Sg have to tell you about the Star—Ask the Star owners. g? 'if We are locating in Williamston and will be pleased to serve you at any time. jjj ° ur cars thc P owcr • cotn{oTt > and beauty. Our prices are economical and are in the range of every one. Before You Buy, Let Us Demonstrate the Star to You. One Demonstration Will Convince You BARNHILL MOTOR CO. I p. R. BARNHILL, MANAGER { WILLIAMSTON, N. C. %8B8B8B896BaS86aB388^BaB8e86S68BgM9CPMaXI3a?8Ba68BaB888BaM6a688S68686fl8aS8Bq30Da3CDgXIXP89888B8B8B8BaB868B86868BS68B8B8866868B888B6Ba6aB868a96BS896BaBe6868eSB86aBa68B8BeB8S8B86aB86 governmental protection that the offi -1 ces in any tjf the big cities enjoy. The bos owner himself has no right to remove nor destroy his box with* I out permission. | . 7.67 jxist offices at the gate by the iside of the road are divided into five routes and are served I>y the [ following Williamston carriers: Route No. 1, James E. Harrell, 36- !mile route; Route No. J, J. f*. I-eg gett, 33.2 miles John 7 - Ed mondsun, 30.1 ifiiles; No. 4, M. D'.J ! Watts, 30.3 miles; and No. 5, John A. "Ward. 32.55' miles. The miles traveled by these men total 162.15 each day, and during the first 16 (days of September they handled 24,- jt)ls pieces of mail; three of these t days were holidays or Sundays,, ! which means only 13 working days. During this period the carrier qp Route No. 1 handled an average of 1444 pieces of mail each day; No. 12, 381 pieces; No. 3, 352 pieces; No. I 4, 363 pieces, and No, 5, 375 pieces. * We get l no servlfe of the same value half so cheap as the |>ostal serv ice. A day's reading matter comes Judge Stack's Criticism o( Henry Fori It is possible that Judge A. M. Static, of the North Carolina Super ior/Court bench, has already been sufficiently reprimanded for his crit icism of Henry Ford in one of his recent grand-jury charges. Yet when a man holding a place of dignity, and being the very emblem of jus- Mice, shoots off stuff that is not true. ' in fact, but only a private opinion of a man who has jjerhaps given more attention to law than he has to the facts in the case, it is time for a reprimand, certainly. Judge Stack's *cNvn words were entirely out of harmony with the spirit of his charge, "justice to All Men." Ford has the distinction of build ing for himself a big business with out destroying anybody's elses busi ness; He has given more miles for The Raleigh Mayor's Stiaw-Hat Decree , The following communication is {dipped from the Raleigh A'nw and 1 Obrr server's correspondence column lof September 19: To*the editor: 1 have been in Raleigh some time now on a busi ness matter. ' A few days ago 1 read in your paper a proclamation (!) by your honored mayor concerning the wearing of straw hats. Last flight li a,, l " number of others, was assaulted oh your Streets by a gang of hoodlums, perhaps the dutiful (?) sons of respectable families; my head bad ly bruised find my hat knocked to tilt; sidewalk and trampled. No a thousand miles for 2 cents; and a letter goes across the continent for 2 cents. All the postal work-is prompt. The big industrial masters can't begin to compare with the promptness and dis patch of our |*>stal service. Milt Tolbert's Tent Show I In Washington All This Week •» The Tolbert Company invites all the William ston people to visit their mammoth tent theater in Washington this week. Good acting, singing, and dancing. Mr. Mc- Iver, a black-face comedian, with eight chorus girls, will appear in the concert every night. ON FRIDAY NIGHT COMES THE FEATURE OF THE WEEK A Four-Act Drama "SELLING SOULS" Admission 25c and 35c Tent located on corner of Charlotte and Second Streets. A change of program every night. Hear our nine-piece orchestra. It alone is worth the price of admission. Begins every evening at 7:30. T-HS ENTERPRISE than anybody die. St the samY time he has done more for his labor than any great indus trial leader in America has done. Most of the idle rich are enjoying riches t rushed out of others. They have gone In; knocked down and druged out with merciless and un fair competition until they have de stroyed and gobbledsyup tbe business o( Mothers and are now {reading on theory bones of the fallen. Judge Stack has a perfect right to be for or against Ford, but no right to use it in a jury charge, un less Ford has broken the North Car olina law. ~wT can not sWSndonour educa tion at the schoolhouse door. We have to keep it up through life.—~ Calvin Coolidge. UQIIM this was encouraged by the proclamation of) your honorable mayor. / The policeman on the block stood idly by and seemed tfVgreat ly enjoy the embarassment and ir ritation of the victims of the hoodlums, and. made no effort tt) interfere with the sport.(?). *lt is ■generally admitted. 1 think, that a man has the right to wear such apparel as comfort, conveni-* cute and his finances may neces sitate, so long as he- observes or dinary decency in his appearance. Are parents doing their duty to permit their- children to become adults without having taught them to respect the persons of strang- N'ow, 1 submit that any full grown man who will spend two minutes in writing such an inane proclamation that will tend to in cur *uch disrespectful acts as to cnusc embarassment, loss, and irri tation to citizens ami visitors has not sufficient brains to be an effic- ient janitor for a cow stable. The less said about a policeman that witnesses such thing!) oil the public streets without action the better. I think this just about voices the ideas of a number of other visi tors to your city, as well as my own. C. D. PERKINS. St. Louis, Mo. The above reprimand is none too' drastic. When the mayor of a capi-; tal city as fine and homelike as Ra leigh—in the best State of them all— Lower Fertilizer Ptices Indicated Taking the market prices of ni trates at this time as a basis of prices for the coming year, it appears that fertilizers will be cheap again this winter. Sulphate of ammonia—2s per cent ammonia—is now selling at $50.00 per ton, equal to 10 cents a pound, the lowest price for many years. The other mineral nitrogens are also low in price. Of course, if there is not a 'gentle* man's agreement" among the manu facturers, ,cut-throat -prices may a- gain prevail. . Many of the price-cuttinc com panies were charged this season with I THE NEW COATS a? New coats that combine sumptuous furs with youthfulness $ ? 58 of line are here for early inspection and selection of those wo- v ? 88 men and misses who appreciate the many advantages enjoyed w through unrestricted choice. Style, quality, and price are fac w tors which rtiake these coats particularly attractive. First Fall S vg Showing Saturday. s > t I C. HEBER FORBES 1 $ GREENVILLE, N.C. l\ gets funny enough" to decree the de struction of straw bats on a certain Ford ha the distinction of build ishriess. Regardless ol whether he was friend or stranger, young or old, rich or poor, if he walked along the streets of our Capital City he was caught in the power of 'low-stoopers' who knocked his hat off and stamped it. Mr. Perkins made a strong in dictment, but not too strong. The gabble of the geese helped Carthage more than the mayor's anti straw-hat proclamation did Ralegih. cutting quality as well as prices. We believe the charge was untrue, as we have seen good cor it, good tobacco, nnd a fine growth of both cotton and peanuts, indicating a good grade of fertilizer. Inventions, through chemical pro cesses, has been the greatest factor in lowering prices of all kinds o'f mineral products; in phosphates, pot ash, and nitrogen. The improved machinery and lower freight rates from Chile has made nitrate of soda much cheaper. After all, farmers need not grieve so much, if guano is low this sea son. * Tuesday, September 20, 1927 Germany Pleads Not Guilty -V . . President Von Hindendburg now says that Germany was not guilty of starting the war. Hindenburg pleaUs just like all other criminals, "Not guilty." The law requires all murderers to plead not guilty or else they are only chargeable with insanity. So Presi dent Hindenburg pleads not guilty because he has to. It makes the peo ple who elected him feel a little bet ter when their president says they were not bad. Hindenburg has avoided telling who it was that started fighting first, shooting, killing, besieging, and run ning over somebody's else's country. Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Day and Night Service / Excellent Service at Moat Reasonable Price B. S. COURTNEY WILLI AMBTON, N. C. Day Phone 159 Night Phone M