Tuesday, September 20, 1£27 CM, M«*tinp Engagemeata Weddings Etc. Hera from Mnrfr«e«boro Mr. and Mrs. Collins Barnes ana children, Collin jr. and Helen Smith, of Murfreesboro, spent Sunday with Mrr. Irene Smith and Dr. and Mrs, J. H. Saunders. , Guests of Mrs. Stubba Mr. and Mrs. Sam Scott and chil dren. of Goldsboro, were the guests over the week enii.of Mrs. Scott's fib'er, Mrs. H. M. Stubbs. Spend Week End in Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. Elbert £ Peel spent the week end in Greensboro and Win scon Salem. Holding Court Here Judge Frank Daniels, of Goldsboro, is the guest of the Atlantic hotel while he is in town holding court. Here from Tarboro Mr. Gardner, State Highway en gineer, of Tarboro, was in town yes terday. J In Towa Yesterday j Mr. J. H. D. Peel was in town yes terday. Enters School at Raleigh Thomas Crawford left last week for Raleigh where he entered State College for the coming year. Eaters University John Wpdsworth left last week for Chapel Hill. He will be wfch his sister, Mrr J. C. Lyons and Pronnjssor Lyons und will attend the University. here from Edentom Mr. and Mrs. Minton Dixon, Mr and Mrs. Henry Gardner and Judge vV M. Boiul, of Edenton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Biggs Sunday. VUit in Aboskie Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Booker, Mrs. J. L. Robertson, Mrs. W. H. Leggett :iiid Dr. W. E. Roberson visited rela tives in Ahoskie Sunday. Spends Week End Here Charles Robertson, A. C. L. agent, of Portsmouth, Saturday with his mother, Mrs. J. L. Robertson. He was on his way home from the A. C. L. hospital at Rocky Mount. Here from Greenville " Attorney M. K. Blount, of Greenville, was In town yesterday. - pend. WMk Ead H.r. R. G. Bradley spent the week end here with Mrs. liradlcy who is teach ing in the local schools. Attending Court Here . Solicitor Don Gilliam, of Tarboro, is attending court here this week. Bet urn* to Tarboro J. B. Evans returned to his Yiome in Tarfooro Saturday after apen.ljng several days hate. We Are Distributor* of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORAJALKING MACHINES All Standard Make* EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Write for Prices aW Terau One of oar salesmen will glUljr demonstrate one in your IMM All the Latest Records and Sheet Music Russ Bros. Williamston, N. C. Washington, N. C. Plymouth, N. C. (ROANOKE FAIR - SEPT. 27-28-29-30 I Williamston, North Carolina I ® "BETTER THAN EVER"—THREE BRASS BANDS—LARGEST FREE ACT PROGRAM EVER SEEN IN THIS SECTION—ONE MILE OF |J I 6 W. MIDWAY—ELABORATE DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS 1 ; *'7 ;V" 'Tr' " ; " ' •" '-"'J/ " v • s'v ' ' Society & Personals Mr*. ELBERT S. PEEL. Editor Here from Whi takers Rev. and Mrs. B. Duke Critcher ami children arrived yesterday. Mr. Critcher left in the afternoon for Rotemary where he is conducting a revival. In Kaleigh Yesterday Supt.'R. A. Pope spent yesterday In Raleigh. Attends Republican Committee Meet Wheeler Martin wentto Greensboro to attend a meeting of the Republican State Committee. in School at Greensboro Miss Mary Harris is in Greensboro where she is a freshman at N. C. C. W. this year. Here from High Point Ralph Edwards, of High Point visited Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Perry c.uring the week end. Spends Week End Here Miss Estelle Crawford, of Bel haven, spent the week end with Iter i~.other, Mrs. C. Crawford- Viait Relatives in Farmville Mr. and Mrs. Miltoh J. Moye spent Sunday in Farmville with relatives. Here from Lynchburg, Va. Mr. Baldwin, of Lynchburg, Va., ar rived Sunday evening to work with the Imperial Tobacco company here. Here from Oak City County Warden J. W. Hines, of Oak City, was here yesterday attending to business matters. ~s\ Visiting Slater Here Mrs. E. A. Edwurds, of High Point, came down Friday and is visiting her sieter, Mrs. W. M. Perry in New Town. Visit In Kinsla Miss Sallie Karris and Mr. P. V Jones visited friends in Kinston Sun day. Spending Afternoon in Washington Misses Miriam Courtney, Ruth Peel and Eugenia Hoyt are spending this afternoon in Washington. JUST RECEIVED A |IP New Shipment of Dresses! HHI That Arc Especially Good for Small Women and School Girls ®pl THEY ARE ESPECIALLY \ J GOOD IN QUALITY AND STYLE • _ \ / AND VERY LOW IN PRICES. . jjj W ' v ' yjj mumi / Harrison Bros. & Co. WIIXMMSTON, N. C. . , PHONE Aajtkiag for This Depart meat • T» 46 Visited Here Saturday H. R. Gartis, of Greenville, visited here Saturday Here from Raleigh Mr. R. €. Melvern, editor of the Cotton Grower, of Raleigh, was here yesterday. He says that the Cotton association is receiving a large a mount of cotton at this time. Mr. Mel vern is now in Bertie county where he will do field work for several days. In Sorfolk Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Barnes and son, Francis, Miss Net Barnes and Mrs. 11. M. Stubbs spent yesterday in Nor folk. In Wilaon Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. A: T. Crawford and Mrs. Carrie Biggs Williams spent yester day in Wilson. Here from Griffins Messrs. Nick Daniel and Matt Bis sell, of Griffins township spent yes terday here. Home-Making Course At Robersonville Present plans of the Robersonville Woman's club call for a two-weeks home making course for its members, beginning the first week in October. At a meeting of the club's members last Tuesday afternoon in the school auditorium final arrangements were made for the short course. Mrs. Anna Grimes, of Raleigh, will have charge of the course and she will instruct members of the club in party cook cry, nutrition and child training. Classes will be held in the afternoon at 2:80 and at 8:00 o'clock in the evenings in the rooms of the Huska naw club, third floor of old bank build ing. ' The the club are urgin« all the ladies to enroll for the two v.-eekw' instruction, stating the cost is very little. \ Mrs. W. H.' Gray, chairman of the civics department of the club, outlin ed the plans before the meeting Tues day for beautifying the public places of the town with trees and shrubbery. The civics department meets this af ternoon at 8:80. THE ENTERPRISE Edwtrrds-Adkins The recent announcement of the ap proaching: wadding of Mr. John Henry Edwards to Miss Helen Adkins will be received hers w|th much surprise by the many friends of both Miss Adkins and Mr. Edwards. The wedding will Uke place the middle of next month. Peele-Ward Miss Sally Bet Ward and Mr. John Marriner Peele, were quietly married J&t Washington Saturday after noon. Mr. Peele is the oldest son of Mr. end Mrs. John Gray Peele of this county. Mrs. Peele is the charming young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ward of Beaufort county. After the ceremony Mr.,-and Mrs. Peele left for their home near Swains land. JAMESVILLE NEWS ITEMS Summary of Local News of Section Arranged for Quick Reading Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Fleming motored to Winston-Salem where they spent I the week end visiting their daughter,' Camille who is a student at Salem. I Mesdames W. 11. I-illey, Laura Mar-! tin and Ralph Hardjson motored to Greenville Sunday. i ; Carroll»Brown and Dalma Brown left for Chapel Hill today where they wilt enter school. Miss Stella Rooks spent the week end with her mother. Ella Moore Davenport who is a student at Louisburg college, is ill with appendicitis. She will undergo an operation today. Friends of Mrs. Maggie Davis will regret to learn the she is ,ill at the heme of her sister, Mrs. Mar tin. Ralph Hardison left today for Dur ham where he will enter Duke Uni versity. " —Mr and Mr-Jjk Morris, of Ro Vy Moore visited rel Hives here Sunday. Messrs. C. G. Carson and Julian Hassell were visitors in Williamston Monday. 666 la a Prescription for MALARIA. CHILLS AND FEVER, DENGUE OR BILIOUS FEVER It Kill* the Germs Mr. Charlie Davenport motored to Louisburg'-College Saturday to ..visit his sister, Ellg Moore, who is ill at school. Visit Daughter in Winston Salem Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Fleming drov> (o Winston-Salem Sunday to visit :heir daughter, Miss Camillc who en tered as a freshman at Salem college last week. They found her ill anil re turned homo Monday, bringing- her with them to recuperate before she re turns to school. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT TUBERCULOSIS Get Copy of "What You T Know About Tuberculosis" Free What is tuberculosis? ,\Vhat germ causes it?' When do these germs usually en ter the body? v ... ■ % When they enter the body, do they usually, disease .it 'oncO• What factors contribute to chang- Roanoke-Dixie Warehouse WILLIAMSTON, N. C. \ Still Leading in Pounds and Prices We sold tobacco in the past few day§ from Martin County, Bertie Coun ty, Pitt"County, Beaufort County, Washing County, Chowan County, Per quimans County, Gates County, Nansemoud County (Va.), Hertford Coun ty, and Northampton County. These customers,were all satisfied and the majority of them are with us this week. LOOK OVER A FEW OF THE AVERAGES WE HAVE MADE IN THE PAST FEW DAYS AND BRING YOUR NEXT LOAD TO THE R 0 A*N OKE -DI XI E WAREHOUSE. •' v „ ALONZO ROGERS - STATON & W. W. BROWN Pounds Price Amount Pounds vPrice Amount 24 $4.00 $ .96, iSO $20.00 $30.00 80* '/'■ 25.00 20.00 lIS-' " 30.00 44.40 274 20.00 70.4(» 330 " 29.00 ,95.70 I V " ."14.00 ' 53.72 312 36.0 EL 1. 112.32 . 182 3LQO- 67.34- • I»2 40.00 64.80 1 (>() ■ , k " 44.00" 73.04 290" - 45.00 130.50 1102 ' .* $34(7.22 if,; • AVERAGE $31.50 AVERAGE $36.20 e EVERETT & EDWARDS ALLEN GRIFFIN—TIPS. Pountls Price Amount „ „ . * . 344 $24.50 ' $ 84.28 £ ■ Ei__ E %'■ « —1M; 1 - 33.00 —: ; —rrr ,U4,Q2 "T2T" —*— , IS 00 112 70 US'- S Jr 386 37.00 . MM- 1700. ' • $499.40 1828 " ' $569.28 AVERAGE $29.30 •AVERAGE $31.14 > H. T. THOMAS STATON & SIMPSON Pounds ~ Price Amount Pounda Price . Amount oi, $15.00 $ 14.88 324 $35,00 • $113.40 156 '361)0 56.16 320 32.00 102.40 7(> , . ' 38.00 _ 28.88 118 20.00 24.19 . 86 - 45.00 34.40 - ■ V 702 ■ ■ • - $239.99 414 v, $134.32 •AVERAGE $30. 17 AVERAGE $32.44 .Yours to serve, Meadows Mfeador Griffin and Taylor PROPRIETORS WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ling. a I tuberculous infection into ac- I Kyiiu do not know the answers to | these questions, write the Extension I Department, the NoYth Carolina Sana torium, Sanatorium, N'. C. ( and ask for | the pamphlet distributed free of chargj J to- citizens. of tlie State, ""WTiat You j Should Know About Tuberculosis." J When receive the pamphlet you' will find the answers to these ques tions in the first, paragraph of the first chapter. " A perusal of the entire pamphlet will tell, you many things a- I bout o'ne ot most common and dreaded diseases that will help you to 'guard yourself, your family, and your neighbors from the dread disease. - |v Hie pig is one..tha' grows continuously ' from farrowing to mar ket, NOTICE Notice is hereby givorr, that under end by an order of the Superior Court •ot Martin County, made it) that spec i;.li proceedings therein pending, en titled, J. L. Croom,- Admr. vs. Thurs | tcn-Weaver, a proceed | ing'for the sale-of lands to make as-. ' Mt.vto pay debts; the undersigned ! commissioner will; on Thursday' the i 20th. day of Oct., 1!>27, at ten 'o'- PAGE THREE clock, A. M. in the town of Gold Point, N. C., in said county, and in front of the Filling Station of J. L. Croom and Son, expose to public sale, for cash, the following described lands, to-wit; v . First tract: v Lying and being in Marttrf County, Rotyersonville Town ship, N. C., and on the North of the public road leading from Gold Point to Williamston, ajid bound on the North by the lands pf J. W. Perkins, 01-East by lands of Arden Everest and' Hyman. Warren, on Sonth by lands of-Hyman Warren and on the West by the lands of J, L. Williams, and known as the Jeff Weaver farm. Containing eighty-three acres, more cr less. Second Tract. Situate in said c; unty and s{ate.and.in Robersonville Township, and on the North side of .said lioad and Street in the. town of Gold Point, and bound on the North by the lands of Cora Weaver, on East by lands of Cora Weaver, on South by center of Said street or road and on West by the lands * of Tom Harrell, being a the old Jeff Weaver home" place in said town of Gold Pcint. * This Sofct. 16th., 1927. J. C. SMITH, : || 9-20-4t Commissioner.

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