PAGE TWO • : THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tueaday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY W4LUAM3TON, NOKTIi CAROLINA W. C. Manning —X Editor I ' -l-' -- i i . ... .. »II Subscription Rates . IN MABTIN 001'NTV 1 year ; 1 A. ..Sl.W> 6 month* \ .io OUTSIDE MARTIN COI'NTY, ■ 1 year • ; ; J „• 82.0" , 6 months a - sxa> ■— l.OO. % .J; (Strictly ( ash in Advance) No Subscription Will Ut» Received for I>6es Than Si* Month? Advertising Rate ' Card Will Be Furnuhed (J.pon Application Entered, at the post office at WilMamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congr&i# of Murch 3, 1879. Address all communications .to The '.Enterprise and not to indi-. vidua! members of the company. / \ ■ Tuesday, September 20. 1927 I.„ J ■ McAdoo and Bryan The Rvlrigh Times asks the ques- tion A "Can McAdoo Reform I'arty by Doing luTo Death. - ' The Times is very .caustic in its criticism of Mr. McAdoo: and if > nothing else appeared in history a bout McAdoo except the Times edi-j torial future ages would never know! that Mr. McAdoo struck one of the | hardest blows for tjie people than| did any man in his generation. He! stood squarely for their protection!' when Wall Street had told them they .could get no money. Mr. McAdoo drew $500,000,000 from their (of fers \nd put it out on the agricul-. tural possibilities and completely re- ; versed their policy of squeezing the; country into a season of prosperity I' for themselves. The people should >lao know that W. (». McAdoo the Iwst Secretary of the Treasury), this country has had since Daniel ' Manning, of the Cleveland Cabinet, ' year ago. Of Course, it is alright for any | newspaper man to dislike one man | and .do anything in reason he can* against him; Hut why should The Times swipe at the throat of every North Carolina Congressman, which Another Oil Hubble Bursts The Sampson County oil well has pn»luced some oil, but if'proved,! when tested, to !*• manufactured oil that had gotten into the well by some' hook or crook. According to then experts at our State—laboratories it, must have goften there by cr«6k. J i The oil business is a pretty -slick j Thing, and several attempts have'" Befn made to find >il in North Car-11 olios and swing a few big uU deals; 11 but up to now only a few |>eople have i Safer Travel nigh way accidents are dt-maiiding the attention of all America now. | Possibly a million mothers, to say!' nothing of thv wives ami children, of] this country lose sleep every night' in an anxious wait for the return of some loved one. There are daily accounts of the climbing of trees, running int > trains, rivers, bridges and the hundred other places where accidents happen atifl deaths occur . Charles M. I'pham. who was for I Brick Warehouse - Williamson, N. C. I The Real Tobacco Market ' I | ALL GRADES OF BRIGHT TIPS AND ORANGE TOBACCO HAVE ADVANCED. THE IMPERIAL TOBACCO CO. AND LORRILLARD | I CAME ON FOR THESE GRADES, THE FIRST PULLINGS ARE LOWER THAN ON OPENING DAY. - - I , SOME SALES MADE TODAY ON TIPS: jj[ R. N. BOYD 3oc, 30c, 29c, 28c, 28c, 25c, 24c, and. 14 l-2c Zeb Ricks— 34c, 28c, 26c, 25c, 25c, 25c, 21 1-2, 21c, 17c, 17c, 12c 10c S]j DICK BOYD— 4Oc, 33c, 31c, 26c, 25c, 21c, 20 l-2c, 20 l-2c, 15c, 15c L. W . ALLIGOQD—37c, 34c, 28c, 27c, 25c, 21c, 20c, 20c 55; 1 GRIMES AND SHELBURNEj • . • 4 delegation is called a public and'ojien scandal. Mat possibly the biggest slip The Times makes is when it asserts that William Jennings Bryan approached - ! blasphemy at the New York Demo-' U-ratic ,\atii>nal—Convention. The j Times, of course, knows that Bryan] Sis dead; but it has evidently over looked the fact that the things he gave his life for still live; and if. democracy is to live and grow, it TSTUsr do so upon the principles* of justice and truth which Bryan .al-' ways dared to advocate. Democracy has no. right to win nor on quest Tons of religion; j since its foundation principles .are) built on freedom of religious thought,! free s|>eech, and free press. But it has no right' to the respect of the , |K-ople unless it defends the princi ples'of justice, truth-, and freedom. li is rather strange that some |»eo-! pie take the shouts of Tammany; hoodlums as the voice of Democracy. l ■ If the Democratic I'arty has to de pend on any other policy than that i of being the party of ifll the people,) then let it wait. - i I been humbugged and for small sums. Our State geologists have safe guarded our people in keeping them posted on the oil question. The ge ologists say there is no oil to be found in Eastern Carolina' in paying qualities. With crooks pouring a feW bar rels of oil in holes in the ground and the news getting out .on ■,riietn,,it j means oil stock will be hard to sell in eastern Carolina. several years chief,engineer for the | North Carolina Highway Conimis-J j'sion director of the Ameri-j can Road Builders' Association, has! recently given' some analyst's of the i causes and extent of losses'of both j life ami property by motor cars. He says that during the five years* just ended, there have !>een 114,879, people, killed in the I'nited States by automobiles, while the staggering, number of .i,44t>,.W0 have l>een in — U.' jured; and property worth three bil lion dollars destroyed. Every fig ure given in this report should cause, the most, thoughtless to think and the most careless to be careful. According to Mr, Upham, only S | per cent of all these accidents were chargeable to faulty machinery; the | other 95 per~cent of all the deaths, i injuries, and property loss was on account of carelessness. A "large part of the carelessness is by walking people, as well as by thej drivers. This is especially true of. children. More cßHdren from 6 to' JO years of age are killed than of any other ages. The cause given is that children are |>ermitted to go out alone at these ages; and on ac count of being their own. masters they frequently . forget dangej; . and rush headlong without looking. More j>eo|))e are killed l>etween ; the hours of 5 and 6 o'clock in the' evening than at any other hour. Two reasons qrr given for this fact. First is the congestion, of both vehicles and pedestritfns, in the centers": of i ing home fro niwork areaetaoitien population: second, people hurrying borne from work are tired and slow to think and act. The number of accidents are rap 666 [pilk Care Guaranteed I i« a Frew ion for ! f JVI ILAKLA, CHILLS AND FEVKB. Ev«ry Drantot Mils PAZO OINTMENT I'BNGCE OB BILIOUS FEVER It Kills the Ormi | ' ptbptsw.WftinMnbM.6Q>. , James J. Corbett says, advice decided me on Luckies" Famous former heavyweight ® champion, tviih Mrs. Corlxttn/lcr Ineakf atttit their home lUliaytuie, \ L. l„ recommends Lucky Set ikct. /x ifl Mf|P William Faversham, ThifTopular Actor, * * ( • utitet: "For ytari I have been a Lucky . . SlHlw—ptml n tt, infact, 1 never IOU, too, Will find mutltMamjtmtker cigar etteAn all ' 1 (Ku time I have never been trow thai Lucky Strikes are I ?r I get from lb* euptrurr quality of mad and mellow —the f**** «® know lhat my voice will never finest cigarettes you | j At ever smoked, made ot > the finest Turkish and * domestic tobaccos, properly aged and . blended with great skill, ami there is an [MCKYW extra process —"It's M toasted —no harsh ness. not a bit of bite. I "It's toasted" No Throat Irritation-No Couftn THE ENTERPRISE idly increasing on account of the in creased speed and number of cars .driven. Yet the ratio of accidents I per mile traveled is lowering each year. 1 The reason for the fewer accidents ■ per mile traveled is said to be be ■ cause of the better education of both , the man that rides and the man that i walks. >, However, (he educational qualifi , cation is stfM very low, when we) kill each year about 25,000 people. , Sober drivers will help greatly, and 'drivers not too old nor too young, and some restrictions against begin-1 ners taking their training on busy , highways will also help. f School drills will also make impres- 1 i sions upon children that will cause 1 them to think before dashing in front' ;of a moving, car on the street, j ! Every person should be taught tOi walk on the "left side of the high-| i' way, especially on paved, roads. This | puts them face to the approaching i' cars, and one step puts them out of the road. i One other thing that will make I [travel safer is to place more respon-! visibility on the driver and not pyt all the fault of the,accident on the dead man. • . „. * * COAL ?OR YOUR REQUIREMENTS Make your Gontract with us now for your supply of coal. We can deliver it arfv time you desig- I nate. ' Many of our customers want their coal in their bins early in the fall. \Ve advise this course because we are now* de» ' Jiveriiig a* fine a quality- as can be bought and at prices that wjll be no less, possibly considerably more. i f I [ 1 , *^™^*~ b » b " b ™£33S3*»wb««sSßßE * Ji>r Economical Trmntportmtlom vffi"* nce L -an outstanding feature of the most Amazing Quality in Chevrolet History The COACH Learn for yourself the thrill of Chevrolet spjr\ m* Come in—take the wheel of your favorite model and p» S %J S wherever you like. Drive through the crowded traffic of . 'city itreeta —and note the handling ease. Step on the gas on HmTouHo*»c7C the open road and enjoy the swift sweep of the passing miles. Head for the steepest hill you know—and tm ' rkTZo^i' how effortlessly the Chevrolet motor will carry you up. eibJSu?.. *715 Here is performance you never thought possible except In i %N AC cars of much higher price— UnJaii • - - » » J 39 ® —performance that only Chevrolet provides at prices so ia* 'ISSw,! 495 peessively lowl All priest f«.h. Mint, PEEL MOTOR HARRIS MOTOR COMPANY COMPANY Williamston, N. C. Robersonville, N. C. I A ' ' QUALITY AT LOW COST I 1! I 1 PENDER'S YELLOW FRONT STORES !■ ' Value Plus Quality ' Reasons tor Pender Popularity SIFTED gj|g PEAS L"° 25° CALIF. Y gj;h?o w PEACHES "VJ:"" 50° SNOWDRIFT LARD *m , 1 77° CLEAN EASY SOAP 39 c W S," FLOUR D.P.COFFEE Patent or Self-Rising The World'* Best Drink 12 Ib. 24 Ib. 48 lb. | 52° *l M 'l" » 2 OUR DDr A n LAND O'LAKES I pride BKEAU SWEET m BUTTER Giant 21 ounce lAC Pound, cut wrapped loaf *IU from tub Friday, September 23, 1927

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