Wach the Label on Your . Paper; It Carries the Date Yam ' Subscription Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 61 HOME AGENT HAS TWO FEATURED EXHIBITS AT FAIR Show Advantage of Having Balanced Diet in -The Home STRESS RIGHT FOODS * Exhibit! Attract Much Attention and Miaa Trentham'a Work la Highly Commended The worth of demonstrators to a county and community was very fit tingly portrayed in two exhibita pre pared by Miss Anna Trentham, Mar tin county's home demonstration agent. Favorable comment was heard from practically every visitor, and the praise for Miss Trentham's work was almost unlimited. The exhibits were two miniature houses, each representing various foods. One of the houses was built on "dope" bottles such as we see hauled on large trucks. This house is roofed with sweet things and and thatched with candy. The walls are lined with suckers and fenced with pickles and crackerjaclu. In this house were many pale and sluggish children, some of them crying with toothache. There were some old folks sitting around suffering the 101 diseases that afflict the users of unbalanced and improper food. A visit in Miss Trentham'o other house showed that the very same pattern of (he flr%f house had been used but built of different materials. It was. built on bottles filled with rich rieh milk. Its roof was thatched with whole grain cerals, ornamented with dates, partitioned with Graham crackers and the tables were covered with fresh fruit. Vegetables were in cluded in this exhibit. In this house there wer« many merry children, hop ping, skipping and smiling with healthy looking old folks. No frowns, ferins or grunts were aeen or heard and pains were not mentioned. Miss Trenthum said this is the family that eats the food that makes St rortg bones, healthy flesh and pro vides the body with rich blood, mak ing a body too strong for many dis eases to enter. The Home Agent showed the list of homes in th a United States built of the wrong material and produced fig ures to show that about half of the American people die in early age be cause they do not eat the right foods. Miss Trentham says the oldor peo ple should learn what young folks need to eat and give them the proper foods. GUANO PLANT READY DEC. 1 .Work Proceeding at Rapid Rate; Heavy Timbers Already Placed With the majority of the heavy timbers already placed and work go ing on at a rapid rate, the factory of the Standard Fertiliser company at tfc» river here will be ready for oper ation around the first of December, according to General Manager C. T. Crocked Th« factory when completed will care for around a million pounds of material, and once in operation the factory will take in the material in a raw stato at one end and turn it out at the other ready for use on the farm. Hoppers and elevators will be ut*d in unloading the raw material f»om barges. One of the elevators which will be built on the company's wharf will be around 60 feet high, and will make possible a quick un loading of the raw product Tracks will be built in all parts of the build ' ing, aiding in the distribution of the fertiliser to the various machines and tt points where it will be bagged. STRAHn THEATRE i J ' SATURDAY BUCK JONES in "DESERT VALLEY" Also Comedy "The Merry Widower" and Episode No. 8 •RETURN •' "" RIDDLE RIDER v ~ jt" " • Always a Good Show; THE ENTERPRISE Dr. E. C. Brooks To Speak Here Sunday . First Community Meeting FAIL TO REACH AGREEMENT ON FOOTBALL RULES Princi] ipals of High Schools Met Here Wednesday, But Little Is Done MEET AGAIN TUESDAY Several Minor Matters Agreed Upon, But Opinion Divides on % Football r The football game scheduled for this afternoon between the high school teams of Robersonville and Williain ston has been tyilled off, and according to school officials no other games will bv arranged under the now existing conditions. According to information reaching here, Robersonville would combine its team with that of Everett s und play as Robersonville-Everetts. To this local school officials would not agree, stating that it was contrary to tin real purpose of athletics in high schools. ' - At a meeting of the several high school principals here Wednesday af ternoon an attempt was made to for mulate rples governing high school athletics in the county. Aside from the several minor issues, the meetin/f v.as a failure, and the nearest settle ment reached, came when it was sug gested that the rules apply to all rports with football as an exception. The one exception would allow any school to play any pupil in th e county on its team. "Football is one of the major sports and should be included," slated the local principal. Mr. R. I. Leake, principal of the Robersonville schools, stated that it would he im possible for the school there to' have o football team under the ruling where only certain students are elig ible to play. No agreement was reached at the Wednesday meeting, but another hear ing has been set for next Tuesday night when all the principals in the county will make another attempt to formulate rules that will take care all differences and make possible a good program of sports this season. 15 LICENSES TO MARRY ISSUED September License Report Shows Decrease From Last Year AM compared with the number is sued in September of last year, mar riage license* for this September ■how a decrease. In that month last year there were 20 licenses issued, and only 16 this September. The liit follow*: White Henry Bryant, 61-Lissie Marie Ay era, 18; James Lester Taylor, 22- Minnie Florence Roberson, 17; Leßoy Baker, 21- Mary Ruth Outlaw, of Ber tie county; Bert Nichols, 22-Ursula Ainsley, 21; Francis LeKoy Savage, 22-Kelly Geneva Jenkins, 18; Spencer L. Mendanhall, 22-Daisy Cowin, 18; Johnnie Wynn, 21-lebecca Kogerson, 19; Richard Edmondson, 15-Myrtle Brable, 28. • Jake Spruill, 24-Lula Mae Spruill, 20; Barthenia Bennett, 21-Peny Lee Williams, 21; Kicheon H. Moore, 47- Sibbie Purrington, 28; Columbus Jenkins, 60-Annie Thomas, 40; Ray mond Saunders, 21-Thelma Braswell, IS; Charlie Wirfiford, 25-Christine Cherry, 19; Columbus Baker, 21- £arah Manning, 22. • B. S. Courtney Plans Big Furniture Sale B. S. Courtney, leading furntiure dealer in this section, is planning to stage one of the largest furniture* ■ales in the store's history next Friday and Saturday. This store does not feature in sales * nd when one is staged, it can be de pended upon as one affording great savings to the purchaser of high prade furniture. Sunday Services at Church of the Advent Rev. C. O. Pardo, Rector 10:00, Church School. >' 11:00, Holy Communion and Ser mon. 3:30, Holy Trinity Miaoion. There will be no evening service as the Ant Sunday night community meeting will be held in the school auditorium. The speaker will be Dr. E. C. Brooks, President of State College. AH members of Mil efcwrch are urged to attend. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, September 30, 1927 Program To Deal With Questions Relative To Christian Citizenship EVERYBODY INVITED State College President la Speaker at Firct of Series of Community Meetings This Pall The first of the series of commun ity meetings will be held hero Sun t'ay evening at 7:30 o'clock when Dr. E. C. Brooks, president of State College, Raleigh, speaks in the school auditorium. Dr. Brooksj taking as his subject, "What My Work Is Doing for the Advancement of Christian Citizen shiv" will explain how this work is being carried on, and what muy be expected from it. The speaker Sunday j evening is the first of a number of State figures to appear in the pro gram sponsored by the several civic organisations of the community as sisted by -the churches. The program : will deal with some of foremost questions relating to the building of Chrstian citizenship, and will bring to the people of this community strong men representing the various profes sions. i The public is cordially invited to nttend each of these meetings which will be held each Sunday evening for the next several weeks. MEN IN FIGHT ALLOWED BOND Allen Smith Recovering at Hospital from Bullet Wounds Acting on reports coming from the Washington hospital where Allen «Hmith is recovering frdm bullet wounds, Solicitor Hugh G. Horton al lowed seven of the nine negroes tak ing part in the fight, bond this week. In the preliminary hearings held the early part of the week, it was learned that Charles Garfield, a negro of Robersonville, shot Smith here Sun day night. Officers when they went to I in rest Garfield learned that he had lift this State probably for Michigan. Another preliminary hearing of the men implicated in the affair will prob ably he held next Tuesday before Re corder Bailey. Reports, relating ft) Smith's con dition, are very favorable, and a re covery is almost assured by attending physicians. Small Fire in Cotton at River Wharf Yesterday The fire company was culled out early last evening when several bales of cotton nt the river wharf caught fire. Very little damaK* WUH ouuxerf, end firemen are at a toss as to how the fire started. Baptists Announce Sunday Services Sunday morning the pastor will preach, on, "Contending For the Faith". There will be no service at the church Sunday night, but this congregation is asked to join with the people of Williamston and commun ity in hearing Dr. E. C. Brooks at the local school building Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. ' Wednesday night at the church's mid-week service, the church letter to the be read and sub-' mitted for approval. The next Sunday, Judge Winston will lecture in this church at the morning hour, and his theme will be, 'The Legal Aspects in the Trial, of Jesus." J. W. Hight Is Made Assistant Auctioneer Mr. J. W. Hight ha* been made as sistant to Mr. Harry L. Meador, auc tioneer at the Roanoke-Dixie ware house. Mr. Hight has auctioneered for yean, and his friends will be glad to hear him at it again. Mrs• Elizabeth Quartermus Died in Raleigh Tuesday Mrs. Elisabeth Quartermus, widow of the late James B. Quartermus v/ho, for many years, lived in Wil liamston and Jamesville, died in Ral eigh last Tuesday morning. Many of the older citizens of the county re member her very pleasantly. Mrs. Quatermus was born in Beau fort couiity 81 years ago, the daugh-. ter of Mr. arid Mrs. W. T. Newman. She has lived with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil G. Stone in Raleigh since her husband'* death in 1920. The funeral was held at the home ef Mrs. Stone Wednesday by two of her former Williamston pastors, Dr. R. T. Vaan and George J. Dowell. She.wan buried in Oakwood cemetery there. k' ♦ «*3 " ililLi*! lit **».■ TJBACCO SAI.ES REACH THREE MILLION MARK Prices Thought to jft Little Better Than at Any Time This Season LARGE BREAK TODAY Warehousemen Unable To Understand Why Larger Companies Are Buying So Little " - ' Today's sales on the tobacco market hre will reach the three million p und mark, it was estimated this morning when a large break was on t ifc floors for sale. The market started the week with sales rather weak. On Tuesday and Wednesday the market was reported to be much stronger. Yesterday the srles were holding their own, and to day the sales appeared a little strong er than they have at any time during the season. Warehfftisemen all over the tobac co belt are at a loss as to why the large conlfcenies are buying such a small percentage of the crop this year. Reports indicate that the larg est companies are taking only around 25 per cent of the offerings. LITTLE COTTON GINNED IN 1927 But 22,353 Bales Ginned in North Carolina Prior to September 1 According to gov«rnment figure*, the number of bales of cotton ginned in North Carolina has undergone un enormous decrease this year us com pu rifted with K>n»iugs >f last yeur i 1 lid yeur before last. In 1!>26 the re port shows where 109,9#tt bales of cot ton were ginned in thfa State prior to "September 16. lout year there were 36,728 bales ginned prior to that time. This year only 22,868 bales had been ginned up to September 16. Ginners' reports »how that the country has ginned 3,605,662 bales this year aginst 2,609,106 bale* in 1026 and 4,282,666 in 1926. According to these figures the country •howi»*» incroaae in output in cotton of one million bales over last year and a decrease of three-quarters of a million as com pared with the 1926 crop. The greatest gain this year 'over lust was m»de in. Texas; "Harvest Sale" Days in Greenville Next Week Thursday and Friday of next week will be harvest sale days with the ma jority of merchants in 'Greenville. to the secretary of Jhe Merchants associaiton there these days are outstanding ones In the year. '1 he stock of merchandise in the many htores participating is large and vari ed, and quality and low prices will feature in each department. Few Accidents Reported During Present Week A remarkable feature of the week's happenings was recorded when very few accidents took place. Whi!» there licve been thousands of ours in and out of the town within the past few days only two accidents have been r ported. No one was hurt in the two reported, and that makes it even more remarkable. Aside from the fight last Sunday Light the week has passed with very few disputes taking place. Methodist Orphanage Singing Class Concerts The Methodist Orphanage singing class, Kaleigh, will appear in several sacred concerts in this county tomor row and Sunday. The first of the concerts will be held in Hamilton to morrow evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Methodist church. At 11 a. m. Sun day the class will j appear in the Meth odist church here and - at Holly Springs that afternoon at 8:00 o'- clock. The last of the concerts will be held at Everetls Sunday evening at 7:80 in the Methodist church. Mr. T. W. Lee, pastor of several of these churches, states the public is cordially invited to attend the con- *_ • Oak City Baptist Church Begins Revival Monday W. Roes Yokley, Psator On Sunday, October 2, a revival meeting will begin at the Conoho Baptist Church, Oak City. On Monday at 7:80 p. m., Rev. C. H. Dickey, pastor of the Memorial Baptist Church, Williamston, will be with us t« preach and he will prsaeh through tfcer emainder of the meeting. The pastor and church take treat delight in extending to all the people of the county and sunranading tendtory • hearty welcome to attend these meet ings. ROANOKE FAIR WILL END ITS MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITION IN HISTORY TONIGHT; CROWDS BREAK RECORDS MUCH COTTON BEING SHIPPED Large Quantities Carried By Boat Line From Here This Week Large shipments of cotton are be ing made from this point this week' via the Norfolk, Baltimore and Caro lina boat line. Trucks carrying as many as 22 bales each trip have been running in here this week from points along highway 90. The difference in freight from Rocky Mount and other points this side of that town to the Virginia city via the boat line here justifies the truckage and at the same time saves the shipper some cash. Practically all of the Martin county crop will be handled over the .Nor folk, Baltimore and Carolina Line and a large amount from Edgecombe will »Iso be shipped over" the line. . . While the majority of th e cotton broght hero this week was handled by trucks, those operated as a part of the boat line ar e taking care of heavy freights to points- as far up as Tarboro and Rocky Mouut. POST OFFICE TO MOVE IN 10 DAYS Shortage of Material Cause of Delay; To Move Overnight r The postoffice here will move to its new quarters in the building next tv the Tar Heel building within the next ten days stated Postmaster J. T. Price yesterday. The postmaster had orders to move tonight or as goon thereafter as possible. A shortage in certain building material brought a bout a delay ami it will be impossible for the first order to bo carried out. According to present plans, the okl office will be closed at the end of the day as usual, and business will be carried on in the now office the next rooming. Mr. Prico stated that all the postal employes would join in and thut the move would be effected in a very short time. First Football Game of Season at Robersonville The county's first football gume this season will be played this after toon when the Plymouth high school sends its team to meet that of, Rob ersonville at Robersonville. Starting at 8:80, the game will be played on the school's field near the school build ing. The game was scheduled for this afternoon when officials hers cancelled ono between Robersonville and Wil llamston. Higgins' Band Pleases *' With JDaily Concerts One of the most pleasing features at the fair here this week is the Hig gins' Hussar band. During here it has won many new friends omong the music loving people of the community. It has maintained the standard which has been establisshed in this territory. The programs have been of a varied nature and have been enjoyed by all. Especially pleasing were Miss Eva Shaffer l'owell, mid Harry DeGray who won warm places in the hearts of fair visitors. The band closes its engagement here tonight and goes to Woodland to (111 u like engagement there. Two More Freak Leaves Oi Tobacco Are Shown Two tobacco stems each having two leaves attached were placed on ex hibit at the fair here this week by Mr. C. A. Askew. The freak tobacco was similar to the one found by Mr. E. P. Whitley a few days ago. Th« tobacco was grown by Mr. Pcrlie Modlin, of near Jamesville. Mr. Askew tried to explain the cause of the phenomenon by saying the tobac co was fertilised with Priddy's guano. Seme of the fertiliser dealers stated that could not be true, for if it was a question of fertilizer their's would grow whole fields of it. Morehead Bluffs To Be Sold Undef Hammer Mors head Bluffs goes on (he auction tloek next week. The property to be sold includes one of the finest hotels in the Eastern end of the State. Be sides the hotel, more than 1000 acres of land will also be sold. The hotel has received but little patronage and is at the point of clos ing for the want of business. —• />■ MRS. MARY JANE MANNING DEAD Lived fitTarm Life Section; Had Been in Poor Health For More Than Year Mrs. Mary Jane Mamiing died this morning at her home in the Farm Lite school section. She had been in l "or health for more than a year and was able to be up only u small por tion of tliut time. - Mrs. Manning was the daughter of Ml', uiui Mrs. liuloigh ltoebuck anil As as reared near Robersonville. She niurried WT E. Manning who with eight children survives her. They are, A, l ing, all of Jamesville and four daughters; Mrs. Hat tie fcL Itallard and Lidia Miser lie, of Robersonville, Mrs. Eula Uiggs, of- Windsor, and Mrs. Lena l l '. Corey, of Williumstoiu She leaves one sister, Mrs.- Hunt Andrewls, of Robersonville- and Ave brothers, James A., Sam and T|>os. I.- Roebuck, of Kobcrsonville, (Jeorgj Rf ltoebuck, of Hayrfes, Ark. and Sheriff ltoebuck, of Willyni.ston. Mrs. Manning was 68 years old, and Wiijt-niarried 4t> years ago. TJIC funeral will be held at the residence tomorrow a'ftornoon and in tcrnfent will be made in the home plot. EXPECT MANY AT KEHUKEE MEET Primitive Baptist Associa~ tioi\ Begins at Beat- Grass Saturday Visitors to the Kehukee. Association ut Hear Grass beginning tomorrow and continuing through Monday, will find unusual preparations awaiting them. The doors of the homes of the people in that sectibn will be thrown open and-the people of ail creeds as Wejl as those with no beliefs at all will be invitcjl in amf royally enter twined. The Kehukee unsocial ion was form ed in 1705 when a number of churches ill this -section of the State sent del egates to the Kehukee church near Scotland Neck. Elder Sylvester Has sell has been the presiding officer for 47 years, being elected as Moderator in 1880. Elder H. S. Cowing, of this (ounty, has been secretary or clerls for severul yours. Visitors from distant churches are arriving daily for the meeting, und ent, of the largest held in ycurs is ex pected. WANT BRIDGE OVER ROANOKE Movement Is Started in Plymouth for Bridge Near That Place Plymouth, Sept. 2H.—A Hertie county delegation composed of W. T. Tadlock, chairman of the county read board, J. T. Stokes, chairman of the county commissioners and Jo I). Phelps, appeared before the local chamberpot commerce at its receipt meeting, offering their aid in secur ing a bridge to span the Roanoke river. The Hertie delegation wishes the bridge to be erected at Hyman's' Ferry, on Cashie Neck. The roads eoanecting this bridge at this place intersect highway HO. between Wil liamston arid Windsor. The agree that ,f» bridge crossing the Albemarle Sound parallel with tho old Norfolk-tfouth -Arn railroad bridge, would be more do tiirable. The railway company agrees! to pay tolls should a bridge be erect- ] ed at this place, in a double-decked arrangement, so that their traffic cnuhl cross the same bridge. Also the commercial body agreed to stand pat on their action adopt ing the action of tho Hoard of" Commissioners, in recom mending highway No. 97 for im provement. Efforts havo' been made to confuse tho action with another route known as tho Long Acre road. Frank Kugler, district highway com missioner, prefers the latter route. Representative Van D. Martin is push ing the action to completion- in dis cussing tho route favoredby the taunty commissioners nnd the com mercial body. This has caused a great commotion in the organizations of this and Tyrrell county. Kinston Fair Begins on Tyfsday of Next Week The Kinston fair will begin Tuea day of next week. Mr. Plato Collins, secretary of the fair states that'they nro looking for one of the largest fairs yet held thare. ' Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Homes of Martin County I —/ ESTABLISHED 1898 LARGEST ARRAY EXHIBITS EVER AT A FAIR HERE Poultry, Swine, and Live Stock Departments Outstanding RACES ATTRACT MANY Fret Acts and Band Concerts Are . Thoroughly Enjoyed by Immense Throngs in Grand Stand Tonight brings to a close the Roa noke Fair Association's sixth annual fair, one of the largest and best ever held in Eastern North Carolina. > while an otttcial statement of the number of people attending- the fair could not be had, it was stated by of ficials at noon today that th e attend ance would surpass that of all form er years. "Last year the attendance was more evenly distributee uVer the four days and live nights, while this year, the attendance had its peaks. The largest crowd to ever gather at the grounds was there yesterday, 'thie of the largest arrays of exhibits ever seen at a fair here was prepar ed for* the thousands of visitors. In eath department the exhibits were of the exceptional kind, aod thousands of dollars 'were paid out as premiums l»y the association. I'robubly the two exhibits commanding the most at tention in the main building were those prepared by Jamesville and Farm- Life. While the judges decided in favor of the Farm Life exhibit, hundreds of visitors expressed their relief in not Tiaving to .decide. There were many other attractive exhibits in the main building. The woman's building with its ex hibits was another center of attrac tion, and probably the work there was better received than that of any other department at the fair. It was astonishing to see the demonstrators take so little and make no much. The exhibits of the several schools rltracted nluch attention, especially was this true hthe school chil dren from all over the county. Many of the exhibits were featured, and all were very good. . ' The poultry, swine and livestock de partments with their exhibits out classed anything ever seen in this part of the country. People who have visited fairs all over the South were heard to say that these'departments were second to none in the South, and that the swine and poultry * depart ments could not be Li ttered. Messrs. Jacks of the poultry department and Dave Koberson, of the swiijo depart ment, had their hands full when they handled, chickens from many states in the Union and hogs from Several states in the east. ' The feutures aside 'torn the Ken earl amusements were worth many travel and twite the udmission charged. With more than seventy horses lure for the races, lliis sport attract ed many. The program was crowded today when 14 horses were entered in the last race of the wo^k. In the way of attractions, the Nat Reiss shows added greatly in making this tho greatest fair yet held. Abiu Goldstein, the clown, and the Morales family furnished one of the best freo act programs yet seen at the fair. And Higgins' lluH.sar band made a most pleasing impression upon the fair's visitors. Each afternoon and evening the grandstand was packed to sapacity with visitors amyous to see the free acts and hear the band with its two singers, Miss Powell and Mr. DeGray. Never before has a more elaborate program of fireworks been presented ut a fair here. The people were high-. ly pleased tfith the elaborate display I'fld thousands crowded into tha grand stand and race track to ae® them. 45 Killed, Many Hurt in Tornado at St. Louis A tornado sweeping over St. Louia yesterday at noon sent 45 people to their deaths wounded hundreds of others and caused a property Ijpm ot around $76,000,000. The tornado wan said to be the worst in the city's his tcry. The storm burst on the city almost like a flash with wind driving it st a 00-mile *ate. Accompanied by a flood of rain the storm passed quickly leav ing the sky clear a few minutes later. The main body of the eity vas ignorant of the disaster which swept the property and lives of their neigh bors in the other end of tha city. The storm moved across the Miss issippi, going in a northeasterly di rection. Several places were struck hy the tornado in Illinois, the extent ef the damage in those places not having been reported n * - &?-, .