PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILIII AMSTOS, NORTH CAROLINA W. C. Manning : * .. • KditoT Subscription Rates . .. ... IN MAftXIN COINTY 1 year C ,1; 1 t : - - .75 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY 1 year 82.00 C months . ... 1.00 (Strictly Cauli in Advance) No Subscription M ill l'.e Received for I*es Than Six Months Adwrtisinj; Raze Card Will Be Furnixhed Upon Application si. _ ' Entered at the po.sft'ofßce at WllkiamsUin.N. C., an second-class matter.under the aei of Conjfress-of March 3, 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not to indi vidual members of the company. - V" Tuesday. October 4, 1927 ? Streets Need Clearing Up WrliianiSKm u' lihl better Sjate highways No. 30, 90, and 125; with the .strefe cleared nf so much also Federal highway No. 17, ' private advertising . , . I Not dnly do we find this tvpe of One -big sign in ihe town, located . , - , . , . sign but on the streets ahd sidewalks in the street, directs traftii to a pri- - , . ... - d jve see all manner of sign*;. of ice vate ferrv across Alliemarle Sound at .... ' , i ream factories, goods,- wares, mer l.denton. Ihe "State highway com- ... , _■ " . '■■■■" , , I'liandlSf; unfl grimily «a. nnsstim rmitps irafhc ffutn flits mint , ~ , • *, ~ • . .... . chines are allowed to stand in the over Route No. • to Windsor, , , , , , w , • - ' . I streets and block traffic theme across uie Chowan bridge to: .... — Edenton. jl i distance of about \2 ' If Williamston has no. or/finance .miles, and a l*hour run. The pri-{governing the cluttering— tip of its vate ferry sign would have t rttlfic gosidrw a Iks and. streets, then it is be on Route No. 90 to Roper, thence j hin) in its service to the puljtllc and across to Mackev- 2 miles; then should at least have its streets and across the sound, about 8 milestin- sidewalks free for the public traf *trip requiring about'two hours; This tit anil not desecrated as show sign is.placed at the intersection of grounds. . Two Leading Candidates for the Presidency . V • ' . . There. a large .nuniTjerof can- wake of. Reed Sinoot s liberal m#r didates for President.M-the I'nited liage laws and enable it to embrace Stales: but-the two leadin; candi- •-disgruntled democrats and farmers— dates, according to what e >w in 'in {act, any other class of traders the pa|K*rs. are ntoney and liquor. w -|„, show a willingness to submit. They are culling a snell:. they are t.'nfortunately, it is trying itself out winnowing the West this slimmer in on the Democrats and is straining @>fPrt ti. wed Hie farmers. every point to try to hark the party lriquor, being a rushed into a liquor jug. Most of the po lo I'tali, where it might iltrrve in the litical noise at the present-evidently WHY WAIT AND WAIT? Buy YOUR 4B*. NOW! • . • , " a • • . "* ' *' A w ■ , i i i 11 11 ■ i i ) i i i ■ in i i ii I, ———mt i i , CHEVROLET Has Proven Its Superiority Among the Low Priced Cars : •» ' , « > It Has Beauty, Power and Durability £. .. "■ ' ' 1 _ 1 11 1 - ll' II ' ii i II I li. I ——«f— ■—— II I || d I———— 111 I 111 !•*' . 6 ' For A Demonstration Call PEEL MOTOR COMPANY Williamston N. C. i The money candidates operate in a different way. They move silently i and make their figures on maghog (any tables behind several doors. They believe that silence is golden, and work t(i that end. Money upes logic. Liquor appeals to impulse. Amid 411 these dilemmas, where do we find principle: where is the party l today that is looking at the big gov ernmental policies? Is it not true! that we all are traveling a |>ersonal jMjlitical road, one that "we hope will j make laws for our es[>eciaJ taste arid benefit, regardless of how many hard ships it hangs on the neck of the next generation? We ;i«—*Hiu]ently growing into a nation of dollars, with monev the en-j : ' # / i" J I throned king. NOTICE j The board of Commissioners of Mar tin Comity, N. C'„ at its office in the courthouse at VViHianMon, N. C., now offerS for sale to tlie highest bidder ■ the County'# note for $20,00(1, payable [four months after date. This money is to be borrowed for the purpose of paying appropriations made for the current fiscal year and lin anticipation of the collections 01 .taxes and other revenues of such fi .'• "peal year: ■» * i . • , , , * ..This notice is.given pursuant to freer-; ' tion 4of chapter HI fif tlie public laws jof North C arolina, of 1927. t. Bids fisr said rate* are invited now ' |or at any time, within five days from > tbr date of this notice. By order of the board of com mid-' .Hitoner* of Martin County duly made in regular session on the 3rd day of ' : This 4th day of ()ctol>er, 1927. SAM®(i.ICTSINGER. o4 It Clerk to the Board. ■ ; COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of authority ! vested in tlie undersigned commission er by judgment of the superior cburt | of New Hanover County, North Caro lina, in a civil action entitled Conestee Chemical Co., plaintiff, vs. Maggie | Wynn and, J. Lass Wynne, defend | ants, I shall expose for sale at public | auction, tG the highest bidder /or cash, at the courthouse 1 door at Williaui stcm, N. C., on Monday, November ,' 7th. 1927, at 12 o'ilocjc noon, the fob 1 tovving tract or panels of land situat ed and lying in iTii ( otinty of Mar '' tin. State of N'nrtli atolina, to wit: All of thnsi 1 ertaiu tracts of land ; lying jmd being in the State of North j Carolina. County of MartTiT. nc&r the. | town «f Kvrrrtts, N. C., and being tracts numbered thirteen (1.5), tour ' 1 teen (14), and fifteen (15). on plat of land formerly owned by J. •«. Sutoif;.| THE ENTERPRISE and known a* liic.M. W. Ballard farm as surveyed bv John, I). Rcspass. said plat being found in Martin, County of .Deeds office. in plat l>ook No. 1. at 4/Mi. -to which said plat reference i« hereby made for more perfect descripti n. Tract No. 14 con tains 58.47 acre», Tract 'No. 15 con tains 48.58atris. Tract N0.*13 con tains 45.82 a *vs. All the tracts above FC4TDMD K-ASy.ioNJI \ /1H All that is now in Coats, Suits, Dresses and Wraps in Our Big The collection includes an extensivcand comprehensive variety of distinguished frocks, * ' " ' " ' * '' ' roats. hats, and accessories—all specially designed for the woman who demands well-groomed in- T f . dividuality. For sports, for dress, for afternoon, or street wear—the correct costume for every - a • ' * ... - Ij , • . • * occasion is here for your approval t Margolis Brothers l . referred to in the aggregate ctmtain I 152 48 acres. . -f" | Tract No. 1 contains 39.1 aCTes fr>rm j eriy owned hy J. G. Staton and known : aB part of the Ballard farm, as survey ed and platted by C.' M. Credle, sur veyor, plat of which is on fecord in Martin County Registry in book No. 1, at pkge 487, to which [Hat refer ence is made for description. Tract No. 3, containing 38.07 acres, situated near the town of Ereretts, N. C.,- on plat of property formerly owned hy J. G. Staton and known as the Ballard Farm, as surveyed and platted by C. M. Credje, surveyor, which said map or plat is recorded in map book No. 1, at page 487, of the public registry of Martin County, ref- Tuesday, October 4,1927 , ? crcnce to .said map is hereby nude for a more perfect description. s . Time: Monday, November-7th, 1927, at 12 o'clock m. , Place: Courthouse door. Williamston N. C. ' Ti-rms: Cash. "fhis the Ist day of October, 1927. . J. G. McCORMICK. o4 4tw 4 Commi»»ioner.

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