PAGE FOUR AT COURTNEY'S FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THE Greatest Two-Day Furniture Sale! - Ever Staged In Eastern Carolina; •V Sr Q. - " » J . | * • •• m r ''Z . ' On Friday and Saturday of this week, October 7th and Bth, s we are going to offer to the people of Williamston and vicinity the opportuliity. of a life time to save real money on furniture and home furnishings. Never before in our history have we held such a sale; in fact, the prices are marked so low we could not stand it for more ( than two days. If you are interested in anything new for your home, do not fail to visit this great sale. The values are so great you will not be able to resist buying. j Come —Be here on time—and save money. Remember —Friday and Saturday only. , . EVERY LAMPTHE nTCHEN CAB THIS COMPLETE BED OUTFIT $18.65 «j| | and carry two bulbs. Every A complete bed out- Jl • - ' yours early. . fi ,, riß ht ready »o se, up r BEAUTIFUL MOHAIR LIVING ROOM SUITE , spring, and sn.nonnd. f' ' j|HI jf JJJ This lovely suite i? covered in the best grade mohair with Reversible cush- .. A oii-coMbn mattress The ' tf* ions, makfng the suite very serviceable and attractive beyond words. The WC are no 111 -.yJSL,-v. beds can be had inrjj davenport is 78 inches long with club chair and firesidert* -| i A the hanking ~ I. many A value chair to ma tC h - Very best Nachman spring construe-JK I /L.*f 111 I jHH = 1 f BsTSg? you can't duplicate tion makes it unusual at the price of Y v»W business. We ZJmmLsX/iJI *\HHji FULL SI2E $1.89 you could buy 95 / rwMm* -«. «* «■"« «**»« An u _„, TEN-PIECE WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE J fm| In lu, gains are here. 1" IT tZ. ™s 10-piece suite consists of large roomy buffet, extension table, china ||| J room, A wonderful Come get them Thfif are limited cabinet, server, and six diners. Chair seats are co%refed ih tapestry. It is of I_BI 1\ _ . valuc v Get your, early. best built-up construction, five ply walnut, finished in£t* -f-| nKA i - American walnut, a rich brown. It's worth much moreJk II A j U' than this special price ...*r •*--*- U $12 95 PAY ALL CASH. VE USE — YOU CAN BUY ANYTHING IN OUR STORE Every home can use one YOUR CREDIT HERE - 1 1, Yfjl HAVE THE PLEASURE OF USING IT of these odd dress,rs Oak FRIDAY AND SATUR- Jg. PAYING FOR IT. WHAT DO YOU construction and a rich fin- DAY. ANYTHING SOLD . - ' \ » NEED? COME IN FRIDAY OR SATURDAY ish. it*, worth almost twice "ON TERMS. 3 " V - AND LET'S TALK IT OVER. YOUR CREDIT this special price. N J IS GOOD H£RE. • » * • OCCAS.ONAL PIECES HANDSOME SIX-PIECE BED ROOM SUITE RUGS GALORE IN THIS 2-DAY SALE prr art j" B ' u{ ,wve, y Thiß lovel y #uit * con««t« of poster bed, vanity dresser, chifforobe, chair, :• . I pieces Of furnitiirf berjeh, and rocker. It's finished in putty gray, decorated rftQA (\{\ Tn .. / lnl. in blue and other colors. It s a value that has never been 1111 I . pnc ! B ' U (( IS Wi " hel|> S ° n,U h U ' bfighten up du " equaled at only *pUt/«l/V th« wl I !LH I *' :JV '"" k * r °und. You'll sure- es Hj' aU $lB Q5 !y find something to please you, and- - - THERE ARE MANY OTHER SUITES TO SELECT FROM WO % * ■ »55ggJ5g^^^!i^L .he prices will be pleasant surprises. Be Sure and See Them ■ - r r e ™' 9 X B. S. COURTNEY FURNITURE CO. WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA THg ENTERPRISE Tuesday, October 4, 1927