PAGE SIX COUNTYSCHOOLS ATHLETIC RULES Drawn Up By Representa . tives of Larger Schools In County The following rules, gtfvseriiing ath letics in the county have ijeen formu lated, and will go into i effect im mediately : I.—No Martin County school team shall play any team outside of the | county unless So permitted by the J athletic association and that all rules j made at a meeting ot the association i held in Williamston, Monday, Octo- j ber 3 shall be enforced for ll.—The association shall prohibit l any high school athlete from parti- i cipating in any independent contest. 1 lll.—The rules that are formulated and adopted by the association will! go into effect immediately and shal! remain in force throughout the | school term until revised. ' I IV.—Eligibility partici pating in athletifTcujitests: 1. No student shall be permitted to tyke part in school athletic contests without being a bona fide student of tkut school upon wiiose team he is playing, and make u passing grade on at least three-)ourtlis of iiU work. I?, Twenty-one years was sut as a maximum uge limit in order that stu- j duijs might participate in athletic take players from a'nj? grade in school tor all forms of athletics. 4",. Tliat-a sfuili lit shall enter school by football; by Decern- •' ber r, for lia.-kT'i ball; by February' 1. for baseball. V.—The time, places, etc. shall be j known before the season opens and ! before games a(e scheduled. .1 VI.—A committee shall be appointed j to map out schedules and ariange; time and place for events. \ 11.—It was decided also that a field | day b t . held in the spring when com- ' pi titive, groups or grades are allow- j eii to compete'in certain contests as | might be decided upon; the county | superintendent shall appoint a com- | mittee to provide for \ 11.—Every schbol should have some dependable man to help I lie coach and the principal to, handle the b nances, and other details connected with athletics and create public sentiment in favor of tligrtkhiiigs that school is trying to W •*' IX.—The Superintendent "Suggested that the different schools atari, with directive play at recess as soon us possible. ' ■ . .T. R. JENKINS, Stc'y. | Pinetown Man Pleased With Tobacco Sale Here Mr. George K, Boyd with his fam ily, of Pinetown was in town yester day selling tobacco. Mr. Boyd made a very pleasant call to our office, stat ing he made an excellent average oil his sale and expressing himself high y pleased with the Williamston mar ket. I Afr. Boyd is one of those clever snjjfiiig fellows, who raises good crops u'ral gets good prices. ..^1 LOCAL NEWS OF DARDENS "Miss All ic Harden spent the week! end at Jnotne. Miss Mildred Walters and Mr. Lu-j cian Pcele, of WWianiston, attended the Baptist Association at Beat Grass Suit day Mr. Guy. Walters, of Greenville,] Spent Sundqv with" liis cousin, Mr.j Robbie Walters. Mrs. Ernest Tdterton jnut chil dren, Jessie Ward, attended' the association at Bear Grass Sun day Mi.s> Mildred Waters attended the ROANOKE - DIXIE WAREHOUSE Still in the Lead in Pounds and Prices I * , - - ________ . , . : „ W WE SOLD YESTERDAY, THE 6TH, OVER 86,000 POUNDS OF TOBACCO ON OUR FLOORSAND NOT A DISSATISFIED CUSTOMER ® d s? We urge you to sell your better tobaccos on these price!, for we believe prices have about reached their beat. The bet-- eg ter types are selling satisfactorily to the farmer, and you often aee 35, 40, 50, 60 and even 70 cents bids on good ones. The farmers and the buyers appreciate our loyalty and fair dealing. We pile up high averages for the farmers, and we ren der just service to the buyers. All of them appreciate this unusual service. ■" ■ ' Mr. J. W. Hight is with us as assistant auctioneer and will be glad to see any of his old friends on our floor. . • r — Yours to please, ffi Meadows - Meador - Griffin - Taylor! ■ v t Proprietors ROANOKE-DIXIE WAREHOUSE | LTqn J| Fair at Williamston Tuesday, Thurs day, and Friday. Miss Irene TetMrrton and Tom Har den attended the Roanoke Fair last Thursday. ' Misses Thclnia and Hilda Harden and Paul Svkes and Robbie Walters went to the Fair at William ston Thursday Miss Hilda Harden s|»ent a few days of last week wit- {*hi'r cousin, Mrs, Coffiekf, in Plyjnoutli." Misses trma Knowlcs ' and Ruby Gurkin attended the Fair last week. Mr. Thomas SVkes was home Jant week. ; ' Curried VeaV Curried veal is a good dish to serve when lima beans »rc in season, be cause the. flavor of curry goes well with lima' beans. Cut 2 pounds of stewing veal into small pieces and let simmer in "water enough to cover tig til almost tender. Then, add 2 cups of fresh lima beans. In another pan cook 1 in'cdiuni-sized onion, chopped fine, and 12 a green pepper, chopped, in a small\HWfumK of butter. Add to the meat When the'beans are done, thicken .the liquid slightly with a lit tle flour which has been mixed with 1-4 teaspoon -curry, 1 1-2 teaspoons salt, and a little cold water. Add i cup diced cucumber and cook a few minutes longer. Sprinkle chopped parsley over the top when serving. WANTS WANTED A CHEAP SECOND hand hay bailer. Williamston Sup ply Co., Williamston, N. C, o4 2t SIX I —"~%®r 1 c \Vhats In a Name ? A ride in the Ail-American Six Will tell You! Ability to get up and no. A fin liiru cha»lsr of pure. Stuiiiiiiu that welconu it tl»' roatL u rough UM they rome, that luujjl « ut th months ami the mi I OH. '! hat'» whut all' American mean* L.And once you dfke thir Itig new Oakland; you'll know why it'* euHei 1 the All-Aiiiericaji Six! . . . lleh-'n and snap and dogged endurance tliat Ameri can* van t in a m>tor car. I!ctv"s Anu ricun beauty to«)! And here, above all, aredi peiul ahility and economy—in the I ig new engine, in the longer, stronger chassis, in the otcr _____ if fterv vital part. . ... Utile, ill and are this new interpretat ion of American motoring need*—thixsix that everywhere is being acclaimed the all-American value! AEW LOW PRICKS *££"•lo4s SKI.-U075 tST 11145 i «liriuK>l * I 145 Imm&mu S*d«« M26tl Thm nttA Fitwr Pontine .Si*, $745 «t»SOSS. *ll /»ri« en at fu»t»*r% prir*' nrlmi*- tttnuinum har%dit.,jt etm rnv*. Imm) pmy on 1 l.Lrml (*#Alolorn '/ •#«»• rmy tit ml Pl* tit. ROBERSONVILLE MOTOR Robersonvile, N. C. \ ... * * ' FOR SALEr BARRED ROCK - hens- and pullets; also have ready early -Jersey Wakefield cabbage plants. Adjoining fair grounds, J. F. Weaver, o4 4t FOR SALE: 65 SHOATS; ALL ' life-treated for cholera and in thrifty condition; ready for peanut field. Haywood Rogers, Williamston, N. C., s3O 4t __ ' WANTED: GIRLS TO LOOP AND knit; e'xpe'ritiiced' or inexperienced, tonie to see or write Walker Knitting Mills, Tjjrboro, N. C. s3O 20t WANTED TO BUY: OLD TIME furniture; sofas, desks, tallies, chairs ' beds, sideboards, andirons, fenders, Confederate stamps; highest cash prices; will call anywhere. - Stein : metz, 1411 N. 22 St., Richmond, Va. : s3O 4t TWO BURROUGHS ADDING machines for sale; one for seven, the other nine columns. Harrison Whole sale Co. 523 4twf WANTED: SEVERAt ONE. TWO, three, and four horse croppers, with plenty of labor, to cultivate tobacco, cotton, corn, and peanuts. Slade, Rhodes &. Co., Hamilton, N. C. o7 wti ~~~ 1 1 PECAN AND FRUIT TREES pay. Ornamentals beautify. If in n-rested in cither, write for illustrated catalog. J. B. \\ight, Cairo, Ga. o7 12t FOK SALE: (). L, JOYNEK FARM 247,4 aires, 70 cleared, between Oak City aiyl Hobgood,. Price low and terms Very easy, W. C. Manning, Wil liamston, N. C. , t>7 4t THE ENTERPRISE {TODAY AND! TOMORROW 1 I The Greatest Two-Day Value Giving j I Furniture Sale! j 1 Ever Staged in This Section * - | I FOLKSY COURTNEY IS SELLING FURNITURE, AND HE IS SELLING | 1 IT CHEAP. YOU CERTAINLY CAN'T AFFORD TO PASS UP THIS GREAT. I | OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE REAL MONEY ON YOUR HOME NEEDS. | 1 COME IN THIS AFTERNOON, TONIGHT AND TOMORROW AND | | LEARN WHAT IS MEANT BY "VALUES IN FURNITURE."' | flft Beautiful Bridge Lamp A complete bed out- QD - a i — fit| ot I inotfiini R. 111? »■ CjOCkI O&k Drcsitr cj[j I $7 95 A BEAUTIFUL LIVING - ROOM SUITE sl2 50 | 58 Six-Piece Decorated As a special for this sale we purchased a few of these lovely Mahogany Finish sg gg Bed Room Suite living-room suites. They are of the yery latest wood-rail de- Davenport Bed fig - SB9 00 sign and covered in pretty Jacquard velour, with reverse $27.50 rtt & cushions covered in figured tapestry. Asrt* A A _ . . go Sg Five-Piece Breakfast long as they last we are going to sell themjk / M III) enP,^ e VVa i nut 8$ g? Suites at o nly Y •«/• VV Dining Room Suite 35 I $23.75 $113.50 Many, many people have been in our store all during this week seeking the values offered in this gg Sg sale. But not one article was sold at the sale price. These prices are for TODAY AND TOMORROW & £+s ONLY, and now you can save by these great price reductions. - W The store w in be open until 10 o'clock Friday evening and Saturday- evening. If you are too busy g? to come to town during the day, come during the everting, but anyway—day or night—don't miss this j B. S. Courtney Furniture Co. 1 I WILLIAMSTON, NORTH j| Friday, October 7, 1927

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