.... — yy ff t v" —* Wack the Label on Yom Paper; It Carries the Date ■ Ytm Subscription Expires - - - - VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 64 GIVE FIGURES ON MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE IN N. C. 22,691 Marriages and 1,591 Divorces in State Last Year 398 WED IN MARTIN Marriages Decrease 2.8 Per Cent and Divorce Show* Net Increase of 1 Per Cent Washington, D. C.—Oct. 12.—The Department of Commerce announces that, according to the returns received there were 22,091 marriages perform ed in North Carolina during the year 1926, as compared with 23,337 in 1925, representing a decrease of 646, or 2.8 per cent. During the year 1926 there were 1,691 divorces granted in the State, a* compared with 1,676 in 1926, repre senting an increase of 15, or 1 per cent. There were 20 marriages an nulled in 1926, this being the first year for which statistics of annul ments have been collected. The estimated population of the State on July 1, 1926, was 2,868,- 000, ami on July 1, 1»26, 2,812,000. On the basis of these estimates, the number of marriages per 1,000 of the population was 7.9 in 1926, as against 8.8 in 1926; and the number of di vorces per 1,000 of the population was 0.557 in 1926, as against 0.560 in 1925. The number of marriages was re torted by the register of deeds and the number of divorces by the clerk of the superior court, of each county. In 1926 Martin county showed 199 marriages and 8 divorces. In 1926 the number dropped one, making it I 198 far that year, but there was an increase in divorces from eight- in 1926 to 9 in 1926. Beaufort county showed a large number of marriages and divorces. In 1926 there wer e in that county 332 marriages and 22 di vorces, and in 1926 there were 332 marriages and 17 divorces. Guilford county reported the largest number, 1,068 in 1926 and 1,095 in 1926. ASK DEEPENING OF TAR RIVER Meeting Held at Greenville Recently to Ask Action From Congress At a recent meeting of the Kiwanis club of Greenville, numbers of the most important and progressive busi nee men of that community and sec tion were invited to attend and of fer their opinion as to deepening Tar river, oroviding for transportation. Congressman Lindsay Warren, of Washington, Major W A. Snow, of Wilmington and L. J. Hogshire, presi dent of the Baltimore, Norfolk and Carolina Boat Line, pledged their rupport and said they could see no reason why the locality should not profit greatly from water transpor tation. A similar movement would be of great value to this section and the other pointß served by boat lines on tile Roanoke river. Over SI,OOO Worth Ot ■ Tobacco Stolen Hire Last week several Williamston boys were found selling tobacco at some of the warehouses here, at Roberson ville and in Greenville. An investigation showed that a round SI,OOO worth of the weed had Wen slipped from the warehouses and Mid. A colored man, Aiariah Wil liams who worked at the Farmers warehouse is charged with stealing the tobacco from the warehouses and hiring Moses Coltrain, a young white man, to haul it for him and sell it. At a preliminary hearing the two men were bound over to the superior court. STRANPV THEATRE! WEDNESDAY Buddy* * Roosevelt, Jr. £ In ■ "RECKLESS COURAGE" Also . JUVENILE COMEDY and FREE * TICKET FOR SHOW PRIDAY Always a Good Show; THE ENTERPRISE ; FEW ORDERS FOR PYROTOL SO FAR County Agent Will Receive Orders During Next Few Weeks According to County Agent T. B. Brandon, very few orders have been placed for pyrotol up to the present time. Mr. Brandon stated that he would receive orders during the next few weeks, but that it would be best should the farmers place their orders an soon a possible. _ Last year the demand in this sec tion for the high explosive material was greater than the supply, and many farmers were unable to get the recessary amount. Mr. Brandon is ai.xious to get a sufficient supply this year, and urges all those desiring a shipment to make their estimates and place their oVders within the next few days. ORGANIZE .BODY YOUNG FARMERS Formed,at Jamseville High School by Agricultural Teachers Mr. B, E. Howard, district super visor of vocational departments in agriculture, with Professor W T. Overby perfected an organisation of ycung Tar Heel farmers last Thurs day in the Jamesville high school. Paul Sykes was made president of the newly effected organisation. James Brown was elected vice presi dent, Onward Gay lord, secretary, James Micelle, treasurer and C. B. Martin reporter. Mr. A. Corey wa? appointed adviser by the organisa tion. Hugh Davis, Ralph Davenport and Kobbie Waters were selected to serve as executive committee. The organisations functions with eleven purposes in view as follows: To promote vocational agriculture hi the high schools of the State. To promote thrift among the *tu dents of vocational agriculture. To encourage cooperative buying and selling and establish a medium through which this activity may be curried on. To establish the conAdence and re spect of the farm boy in himself and his work. To promote scholarship. To promote rural leadership. To creat« and nurture a love for country life. % To provide recreational and educa tional entertainment for students in vocational agriculture through State agriculural contests, summer encamp ments, summer tours, father and son "banquets. To promote community improve ment projects. To promote a better school and community spirit. To create more interest in the ap plication of intelligence and business principles in farming. Auto Licenses for 1928 To Be Green and White Up to October 4, the State had is sued 412,096 auto licenses. Martin county had purchased up to that time, 2,726. Sixteen counties in the State have less than 1000 cars, three of them having less than 6001 Graham county has only 261. Ten counties have over 10,000. Guilford and Mecklenburg each has over 20,000 cars. New license tags for the year 1928 are now being shipped into Raleigh for distribution. The plates will be green with white letters and flgures. Much Cotton Being Shipped By Boat Large shipments of cotton from Edgecombe, Pitt and Nash counties continue to arrive here for shipment over the Norfolk Baltimore, and Caro lina line to Norfolk. Trucks, carry ing aa many as forty-two bales each lead, pass through the streets here daily. The Dorothy .Leigh, one of the Boat line's freighters, pulled away from the local wharf Saturday morn ing with around 400 bales of cotton e board. According to reports, a movement is underway to have the mouth of the Roanoke dredged so as to admit heavier draft vessels. Firemen To Inspect Buildings in Town The Willkunston Fire company at a meeting held last night, made plans for the inspection of the bouses and buildings in the town at some near date. " It has been reported that there are many buildings in town that should be condemned and torn down. Many residences in the poorer tenement sections are perfect Are traps. tiim was also called to the need of Are drills in the schools of tewn. Willi am st on. Martin County. North Carolina, Tuesday, October 11, 1927 MORE THAN 800 HUNT LICENSES SOLD IN COUNTY Total of 826 Issued;- 742 for County and 84 Resident State GOOSE NEST LEADS Opening of Bird Season December 1 Will Greatly Increase Sale Of Licenses The number of hunting licenses sold in this county since the new game laws were put into effect reach ed 826 this week. Of that number 742 were county licenses and 84 resi dent state. It was estimated by of ficials that the sale would reach 800 by the first of November, but it looks now as if the sale will go into the thousand by that time. The of the bird season in December will bring about another large increase in the sale of hunting licenses. Goose Nest township leads the list With 200 county and five resident state licenses. Sales for other town ships follow: Jamesville, 100 county and 27 resi dent state; Hamilton, 86 county and 7 resident state; Robersonville, 123 county and 25 resident state; Cross Roads, 65 county and no resident ftate; Griffins, 29 county and no resident state; Williamston, 150 coun ty and 23 resident state. In three of the townships there are no game wardens, and' hunters there have purchased licenses from various werdens in other townships. The> revenue raised from the sale of hunting licenses alone amounts te $1,468.60. September reports reaching the icain office in Raleigh show that the revenue from license sales amounts to $76,000. The department looks for sales to reach $200,000 this year. WOMEN'S CLUBS MEET SATURDAY Annual Session of District Federated Clubs To Be Held in Aulander The annu&l meeting of the Fifteenth District of State Federation of Woman's clubs will be held in Aulan der next Saturday. There will be only one session and it will begin at 10:30. Mrs. F. J. O'Berry, of Goldsboro, will make the address for the day and hh« has a very interesting address for the club women. The reports of the clubs of the district will be read and the president here informs us that Mrs. J. F. Thlg pon, secretary, is preparing one for the local club. Last year the local club had a (food delegation at the meeting in Relhaven and the president, Mrs. Whfeeler Mar tin hopes that all the women who can, will attend the meeting this year in Aulander. World War Veteran Gets 19,000 From Government John D. Lilley, of Washington Route 1, has been paid $9,000 and placed on the pension roll at SIOO per month for life on account of disabil ity diagnosed as anthritis caused by standing in trenches Ailed with snow und ice for ten days while in France. Mr. Lilley is a Martin county man and lived here ail his life until recent ly when he moved to Beaufort coun ty. The amount allowed Mr. Lilley is the largest received by any World War veteran in this section of the «ountry. Town Tax Collections Last Week Very Good Tax Collector W. B. Daniel stated last night that the past week was one of the best he had heard of for tax collections, considering the sea son for tax collections. The two per cent, allowance holds good for this month only, and the tax collector thinks many tax payers will take advantage of the offer before the firfct of November. Local High Eleven To Play Aulander Friday Coach B. E. Hood will carry thir teen men with him next Friday after roon to subdue Aulander's strong eleven there. Practice has not been the beat in the world this week, but the boys are arxious to do battle again after de feating Washington here last Thurs day 241 to 0. Attending Rdanoke Association in Enfield There is a meeting of the Roanoke Association of the Baptist church being held in Enfield today. Mr. Dickey left yesterday and other del egates from the local church motor ed then today. Benefit Play Hen On Tuesday Night "The Spice of Life," with the best cast ever gotten together here, will be presented at the Opera Hooee next Tassfsy night under the auspices of we Wo man's Club. Miss Hasel Bed dingfield, of the Daniel Produc ing Co., of Millen, Ga., has ar rived and began rehearsing last night. The plsy is expected to be, from the reports of other newspapers in our section, one of the beet on the road today. Further announcements of the cast, time, and date will be giv en in Friday'a issue. SPECIAL TERM COURT MONDAY More Than 90 Civil Cases On Docket; Judge N. A. Townsend To Preside A crowded docket of civil cases will fcreet the special term of lyjartin County Superior court here Monday week, October 24. More than 90 cases are on the docket, and while the ma jority of them can almost be ignored, there are several that will require much attention on the part of the court The term was called at the request cf members of the local bar by the Governor. Judge Nut A. Townsend, of Dunn, will preside, r The courtschedule is varied in its i.ature, there being cases Of all kinds tip for settlement. Some doubt is ex pressed for the completion of the en tire docket in the two weeks. SOON START ON SCHOOL SURVEY Woman's Club Committee To Assist Teachers Next Two Saturdays The committee composed >f the fol lowing women, Mrs. Clayton Moore, chairman, Mrs. J. H. Saunders, Mrs. E. P. Cunningham, MM. E. >S. Peel, Mrs. J. S. Rhodes, Mi.sn Anna Tren, tham and Mrs. Carrie Higgs Wil liams, appointed from the Woman's club will assist the teachors of the local chool next Saturday and the Saturday following in making a can vas of the township for the purpose of ascertaining the number of school children in the district und getting an approximate number of those who will be of school age\fer the coming ■IK jfitii 1 This survey will give the local board fucts and figures upon which to esti mate the Bise of building to be erected in the noq>-future. Educational Institute for Episcopalians Held Here of ConvocatoQ of Kdentofr held here An educational institute tot the secretaries of education of the aux iliaries of the churches of the Con vocation of Edenton is bein|f held here today at the Church of the Advent. The institute is being conducted by Miss Mae Wood Winslow, who is Fecretary of the Diocese of Bast Caro lina. r There are about twenty flve guests from the other churches present and the local auxiliary Is being represent ed by all its membership. The local auxiliary entertained the guests at the Woman's club with a il.'nnor at noon today. Lawn Party at Everetts Methodist Church Friday There will be a lawn party in the pine grove at Everetts Friday night from 7:00 to 9:30 p. m. This party is given under the auspices of tho lbdies of the Methodist church and their friends. The public cordially in vited. Power Contract Now Up To V. E. P. Co. Officials The memorandum of agreement frade by the town and Virginia Elec tric and Power company has been sig ned and placed before officials of the power company for acceptance. The agreement was mailed Satur day, and according to Mr. J. T. Chase it should be returned within a very short time. Upon its arrival here, an election will be called by tho town of ficials and the matter placed before voters for their opinion. Evelyn Burt Concert Party To Be At Everetts Tonight The Evelyn Burt Concert, party will appear before a Urge audience to night in the Everetts ccheel audi torium, according to information com ing from Everetts this morning. The party goes to Everett* highly recommended, and a pleasing and de lightful concert ia assured. ' NEW HEIGHTS REACHED BY WEED PRICES Four Rows in One Ware house Here Today Av eraged 25 Cents FEW PILES BRING 70c Big Break Here Today; Many Piles Sell From 40 to 50 Cents; High Record for Season The season's record in tobacco sales was probably set here this morniftg when prices went to new heights. Four rows in one of the warehouses here today averaged above 26 cents, and it is safe to say that the day's average will be just as good. There was a good break on the three warehouse floors this morning and ir.any piles were selling from forty to fifty eants With a few going as high us 60 and 60 cents. Visitors to other markets yesterday stated, that the crop is selling about the same on most of the markets, that there was little difference in the rtices on any of the grades. Yesterday a man who was dis satisfied with the local sale of 14 1-2 cents he received, took up his tohac co and carried it to a larger market and -4 cents. This same thing may happen*to some one who fills in one plAce and then bring-? tobacco here, but the official report in what shows the status of the mar ket and Williamston always stands high in that list from a standpoint ot price. Tobacco men, like everyone else have no idea what the morrow will bring; it miifht be that prices wif! ad vance or drop. But Whatever the trend, the warehousemen here invite the farmer's inspection. With prices holding at the point where they now are, sales are expect ed to show an increase in number of pounds sold considerably over that ex pected a few days ago. TANK EXPLODES; 4 CHILDREN DEAD Tragedy at Pinetops Sthool Thursday Saddens Community Four l'inetops school children were killed lust Thursday ut 8:30 by the | explosion of. u discarded gasoline tank. ' v k After school had been dismissed for j the day a number of children stopped ] to play around the tank when Johnnie i Trevathan dropped a burning match ; itito th« -tank, causing the tank to ex plode with terrific forae. The boy's arm was blown off and one leg almost* torn from his body. He died u short while after the ex plosion. The boy's 14-year-old sister was killed instantly. Several other children were seriously wounded, two of them dying a few hours after the explosion. Schools in that section closed Fri day and pupils ami teachers attended the several-funerals, which, according to reports, brought tears to all eyes. Local Women Attend Home-Making Course The lectures which are being given by Mrs. Alton Grimes at Koberson ville this week are being well attend ed and enjoyed by local women. Mrs. Grimes is a very interesting lecturer and her talks are on the science of cooking and home-keeping. She has a large number of recipes for preparing foods. Her course is of great value and the liobersonville Woman's club is to be congratulated upon securing her serv ices for the people of its commun ity. Everqtts Woodmen Have Good Meeting With two candidates up for initia tion the Modern Woodmen meeting at Fveretts last night was one of the best held in some time. About fifty members of the camp there were present besides many from James ville, Bear Gras and Rocky Mount. At the meeting last night plans were made for an oyster supper to be fciven some time in the near future. Williamston Is Home For W. T. Stone Shows Williamston, North Carolina, was given as the home address of the new W. T. Stone shows this week by Mr. Stone himself. Mr. Stone , stated that while his show ia new, it has already played twelve good fairs, mostly in the states north of us. He will carry his shows to four •more fairs before he closes the season. Miss Elizabeth Ramsey spent the *>>k end in Plymouth with relatives. Miss Mildred D*cd*n spent the week /»nd at her home In Kenly. « POOR PEANUT CROP IN SECTION Crop Is Maturing Slowly; Farmers Going Ahead With Digging * Farmers in this county, especially th#se in the Bear Grass section, were greatly disappointed this week when they started digging peanuts and found their crops far below the aver age. In several instances, the farm ers reported that, the crop was late maturing, that they could not post pone digging longer because the ma tured peas would fall off. As it now stands many of the farmers are go ing ahead with the work, and losing the peanut yet unmatured. Yields ranging from 16 to 20 bags to the acre were reported by several farmers in the Bear Grass commun ity. " These farmers stated that should there be an increase in production •'n the peanut crop this year, it would have to be in other sections than the one where they are located. The expected increase in production reported a few , days ago was based mainly on an increase in ucreage. MANY HEAR JUDGE WINSTON Talks at Local Church on Legal Aspects of Trial Of Jesus Judge Francis I). Winston, in the absence of ltev. C. H. Dickey, filled the Baptist pulpit here last Sunday morning. For the service, the speakei gathered an unlimited amount of facts end other interesting data. It was his tusk to talk upon the trial of Jesus a.' viewed from a legal standpoint. In doing this, Mr. Winston briefly mentioned the noted trials recorded in history, referring to that of Jesus as f -Uie most remarkable one of them all. It was clearly shown that Jesus was unjustly accused, that his trial was illegal and that He was con demned by hatred. Judge Winston's talk was well re ceived by a largo and appreciative audience. AGENT'S REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER Over Four Hundred Hogs Treated; Taking Orders For Pyrotol The statement of County Agent T. p. Brandon for tlx; month, ol September slfows another heaVy treat ment of hogs against cholera. The agents report followsf Twenty-one day* spent in field. Five day spent in office work. Eighty three office conferences. Eighty eight telephone calls. One hundred ** and sixteen letters written. Thirty-seven farm visits made. Ten thousand ami /orty-eight miles traveled on official duties. Three article** written during the month for local papers. Four hundred and seventy-three hogs treated during the month. . A large' part of the month was de voted to agricultural exhibits at tho Koanoke fair here. . , The county agent is taking order* for pyrotol explosive to blast stumps. Farmers who want this explosive must FCO the county agent at once or leave their order at the Farmers and Mer chants bank at Williamston in . the next week or two. Intermediate League To Meet Wednesday The Intermediate EpworWi League has changed its time of meeting from .Sunday afternoon to Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. This change will foe permanent. A good attendance is urged for the first meeting next Wednesday. Mrs. W. C. Manning, jr. will sing and Supt. L. H. Davis will speak. W. C. I. President To Be A t Kiwanis Meeting Tomorrow Dr. M. 0. Fletcher, president of the Washington Collegiate Institute v/ill address the Kiwanis club at its luncheon here tmorrow at 12:30 o'- clock. Dr. Fletcher is a splendid speaker and a noted scholar. He represented the Washington Rotary club at the international meeting in Europe this Rummer. All members of the club are urged lo attend. Regular Meeting of Masons Tonight A regular meeting of the Masonic Lodge, A. F and A. M. will be held In the lodge building tonight at 7:45 o'clock. Members of the lodge are urged to attend. • . • - Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 FIELD DAY FOR FARMERS NEAR HERE THURSDAY Results of Nitrate of Soda Test On Corn To Be -* Made Known FREE PRIZE OFFERED $5.00 in Gold Offered to One Guessing Nearest Yield of Corn; Meeting Starts at 10 O'clock A representative of the Nitrate Agencies with County Agent T. B. Urandon will hold a field-day meet rtxt Thursday at the farm of Mr. Koiiert Lee Perry; near. here. During the year a test has been carried on by Mr. Perry underj the, direction of agents, and Thursday Jhe results pf the test will be learned. The Nitrate Agencies will gi\e to the one guessing nearest the yield of corn included in the test, five dollars in gold. Five rows of the corn will be, I gathered and weighed, and the winner (Tetermined that morning. Everybody interested in the test is cordially in vited by those in charge to attend the meet which begins at 10:00 o'clock. Mr. Ferry, to test out the,value of nitrate of soda, used 300 pounds to the acre in o(ie instance and in an other he did not use any soda at all. Mr. H. H. 11. Mask, of the Haleigh office Nitrate Agencies, will explain the test in detail, and answer any questions relating to simitar tests made in various sections of the State. ; " ' * CARS COLLIDE NEAR HERE Occupants of Both Cars Have Narrow Escape From Death A Chevrolet coach and a Ford louring car were badly wreckiti early last night when th¥y met in a head on collision on the Washington road near here. With th», exception ofa few minor bruises, occupants of both curs escaped injury. Charlie Wynn was driving the car vheh the wreck happened and it was stuted that he was traveling at a low rate of speed. He and Mr. Gu.s Wynn, the owner of the Chevrolet, with, several other men wer e on their way U> the circus in Washington. It was with keen re gret that they were fotced to turn their backs on the big tent U(id come here to get the wrecking machine to pull in their car. lloth wheels of the Chevrolet wt*re i>t«iit-uflder the wigine, l>«t not a glass in the car was broken. The Ford had its windshield broken, the wheels hinashed and the two front fenders torn practically plf. County Teachers To • „ Meet Here Saturday The second meeting of the teach ers of the county for the present term will be held here next Saturday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. According to an announcement gi"en out by the superintendent's of fice here, all future county meetings of teachers will be held the third Saturday of each month. Heretofore, no particular date_was adhered to, and the meetings were held whenever an order was issued by the schools' head. The attendance upon the Saturday ineetiiiK I s expected to show an in crease since several of the smaller schools are to open in the course of the next few days. Christian Philatheas Elect New Officers At the regular monthly meeting of the Philathea class of the Christian oijurch last Monday night with Mrs. W. O. Griffin, the annual election of oiflcers was held. The present teach er; Mrs. J. T. Price, was re-electo.l and the others selected were Miss Martha^.,,-Harrison, president; Mrs. jtilton Moye, vice president; Mrs. H. P. Harrison, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. W. O. Griflln, cor. secretary; Mrs. J. O. Manning, reporter. After a short business session, the meeting was concluded and the hog' less entertained her guests. Game Law Violators Few States County Warden According to J. W. Hinos, county game warden, no arrests have been necessary during the past two weeks for the, enforcement of the new game laws. Mr. Hincs stated that the war dens throughout tfie county had been Lusr, but in every instance, the hunt era were within the law. Mr. Hines was greatly pleased with the support riven the new law by the people of the county. 1 ' M Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Pop* ami chil dren spent the week end with relatives la Creed raor.