PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WIIXIAMSTOA, CAROLINA *» J _ " _ . "W. C. Manning : J —. EiHtoY Subscription Rates IN MAKTIN COUNTY I year'i... 6 months , - -.75 Ol TSIPK MAKTIN COL'NTY 1 year $2.00 ITmontHs. > * — J.OO (Strictly ( ash in Advance) / No -Subscription Will lie Received for Less Than Six Months _ - , --- - Adtertising Hate Card Will lie Furnished I pon Application Entered at the post office at WilWamston,, N. C., a# .second-elans matter under the act of Congress of March t1,"t878. Address all communications'to The Enterprise and-net to indi vidual members of the company. Tuesday, October 18. 1927 Our New Fourth Industry The moving-picture business, is now rated as the fo T ufth largest American industry according In of ftcial figures. with one and one-half billion dollars cash invested. The 20,000 picture houses-in the United States take M 2,000,00' from the 42,000,000 (>eople who visit them during the six working days of each week. " V It is one of the marvels of the century that in -the short space of only a. lew years the jx'ople should be willing to pay as. much for a small amusement-as the entire government cost 30 years ago. It is also marvelous to st'e how quickly a thing can grip (teople and fasten itself on them a» a'habit..- Ks |>e?iallY is this true it there is sand "Liberty" and The Ten Commandments "a magazine of religious freedom,' published at Washington, i/. -says in a. recent article that "the* Ten ('omniabdmeOts are still adequate." The funny part about the article is the fact .thai it-quotes one of the "most stringent laws as an argument against laws. One ennfmantiment says. "Remem ber the. .Sabbath. I Jay,: to keep it holy." The,journal especially ob jects to this particular law of God if it is to be put in force by the nation. BIG MONEY SAVING SALE BEGINNING OTCOBER 21 * " , ' ..... ; "t -j | DRESS & APRON GINGHAMS., . (f | GRANULATED SUGAR, ' , sjp, per yard 00 | quantity limited, pound U • ;• ■ M - - • ••• •• •••••••••» •••• •• • • M • «■»■»■ ■■■ «" T 4 $25,000 stock to be sold THE LEADER STORE *BK2KR* GORMAN'S MARKET REPORT |—■,» ' . * , •* . , * " October 15th, 1927. •' » [ • 1 v ' ' ...» Prices are better this week on the good and fine tobacco, and the market's average has been the best of the season, GORMAN'S averaged last week $24.28 for all we sold, and we had a > large percentage of common tobacco. We sell a larger percentage of common tobacco than any house in Greenville, yet our floor average is higher than the market's average. We get more 1 , «***'"• * 7?' « 5 for all grades or this wofild not be the case. The sworn report to the State gives Greenville's average, first hand (Farmers) sales, at $18.59 for September. GORMAN'S average was $19.18, | and'this is the highest .-average made in the State that we have heard of. We have averaged around fifty cents for a *iumber of our customers this week. Some of our competi tors are making false st atements in theij£inewspaper advertisements, if they do this in-print, what will they do when talking? We give actual figures and never try to mislead any one. | * r"■#/ ' * - "• . - , , , .* • Come and see our jsales, We believe you will be convinced that we know values, protect every pile, and sell all grades higher. r. "Yours J. N. GORMAN and SONS, Greenville, N. C. ' . >... . . :r •* •-r i ■ "i- wiched a few streaks tif coloring mat ter iiT.ihe scene. i The. public will stand around a lotlg time to take a peep when the door is open.. Ii is said'thai the shady show draws more than it re pulses. It is at least a big enough propo sition to guard against. It shows nurtrrnd toward pleasure and amuse-' ment cost of time or money, and it may drift us into the detours of vice and immorality, I he World is "its own judge as to thr'""profits derived: that is,, as to what the ledger balance will finally show as a profit in the tangible things that a man needs through] life and in death. V r,it»rrty quote- Rabbi-M'ohen's words to substantiate the force of the IV*r«4 'ommatulineiits, which tn dilates its has not-seen Ihe, purpose of the life •of Christ, which ful filled the law atid gave the world an entirely new. vision of itself.' The C*>s|K'l is possibly more liberal than the loniiiKriidmeuU.' Certainly* Ihe letter kills,'and the spirit maketh alive. . '" I'he strange thing about Liberty is the fact that it seems to kick almost nil the law-, that would lend to build J a stronger code of morals It simply j wants to liberalise the functions of j I the government' until a man is pei*l j mitted to do just what he pleases. . The Question Is Who Went Up the Ladder First All the papers are praising Miss-j { Elder for demanding that .her pilot he ! I saved from their sinking plane before | they took her on board. That act; lof thoughtfulness* will RT) with her as long as sfie lives and-will count: |as an act of unselfishness and bi;ay- j cry worthy of the praise of all, men. But, on the other hand, if that fel- • low did actually climb up the lad- j der ahead ol that pretty girl, leav-j inn h«' r to flounce around in the chilly i Are We Falling Down on the Job? | iHirham County voters defeated a "$250,000 bond issue proposal last week. The purpose, of the proposed [issue was to erect a county tuber-1 culusis hospital-. It is assumed that the voters based i their reason for a defeat u|Min the j grnuud that it would cost more than I it''wa.-> worth. If we take the his-" Tory- 'of our own State's sanatorium work, it wiy certainly prove the wis dom uf our State's expenditure.. We, a: a people, carMiardly think of ihet (act that we waited so long before we buHt and equipped our State in st.ilutiiii without feeling we are guilty of something akin' to criminal neglect. Durham-County will doubt less son »• dyy regret its failure to make life more secure by caring for iTstubt T iTntar"'rTTizrns.'- —— NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY tinier and by virtue of the power, «f sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee liy * • (>. iodard and wife, Ida (kitlurrff on tile 14th ot June, 1924, and of record in- the public registry of Martin .( oniilv in bonk Q-at page INI, said deed of having been given to .secure certain notes of even date and tenor tlierewith, and default having Been made in the payment, of tin said notes, and the stipulations, ei.ntained in the .aid deed o! trust not lueving been complied with, and at the request of,the holders of the said notes SHIP TO WINBORNE & COMPANY COMMISSION MERCHANTS * NORFOLK. Va.— Cotton SUFFOLK, Va.—Peanuts tiet their latest prices nil nitrate of soda, peanut bags/lime, and fertilizers, before buying. Will loan 75 per cent value on cotton and peanuts ship|>e.d to store. £ BUSINESS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED THE ENTERPRISE i It is, therefore, perfectly natural to isee every lawless element in the land a rally to thiee standards, which makes all laws hai% to enforce. • until a second rope could be thrown to her, shouldn't he have been 1 thrown overboard. ■ Ccftainly, we may not "know just how men feel when they have crossed' a wide ocean in an airplane, but most I>eople will think of a man climbing up a gangplank ahead of a woman 1 in alx>ut the same way as they would ! a man who covers his head up while he sends his wife downstairs to scare ia burglar away. Our State has but recently ex amined 7,841 Children, by -giving ! them the tuben ulosis test, and found I 1,864 were infected, ( which means | that nearly one-fourth of the chil- I dren examined wWe infected to some extent, generally in the very slight i est degree: and most of which will '[ entirely pass away with proper eat- in# and sleeping rules being followed. Are the people of thr-State meas uring up to ilu?ir civilization, en lightenment and Christianity when they fail to look after all the people who are subject to the great white Lplague, S(J easily destroyed, in its early stages htil so deadly when one waits too long. ! *• 4 We need more tuberculosis hospi tals and suait'iriunvs. the undersigned trustee will 011 Mon day, the 7th d.:> of November, 1927, at 12 o'clock in in front of the court house; door in Hie town of William stun, N. offer'for sale to the high est bidder, for ash, the following de scribed real est.ilc, to wit: Bving about >y'ne and one-half acres of laud, more >ir less, and a part of the Godard byrne place; heiug 135 yards cm the » r t«tU-.side of the YVil liaiusto.u and Jainesville road, and be ing where tire said . O. vodard and wife now, reside. This the 'itli das of October, 1927. HI.HI-'NT S. PKKL, - • oil 4tw ' Trustee. NOTICE -North Carolina; Martin County; in syperior court. Turner Bond vs. Jennie Bond The defendant above will take notice that an action entitled •as above has been commenced in the superior court of Martin County, North Carolina, to obtain ati absolute divorce on the. grounds of adultery; and the said de fendant will further take notice that she is required* to appear before the Funeral irtrector ana Licensed Embalmer Day and Night Service Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Price B. S. COURTNEY WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Day Phone 159 Night Phone 94 MR. FARMER a====a=s====aß=---_CN. - \IT WILL PAY YOU TO SELL YOUR GOOD TO BACCO WITH US. OUR SALS MONDAY WAS ONE OF THE LARGEST WE HAVE HAD AND *. We Averaged For The Entire Sale $28.33 WE WANT YOUR GOOD TOBACCO BECAUSE WE HAVE ORDERS FOR THE FANCY TOBACCOS AND FEEL SURE THAT We can get you more money ■ NOTE A FEW SALES MADE TODAY: • / A.D.MOORE--". WILLARD AND ROBERSON 1,106 Pounds Sold for $ 419.08 596 Pounds Sold for $ 214.70 AVERAGE $37.89 AVERAGE $36.03 J. L. ALLIGOOD E. F. EDWARDS 468 Pounds Sold for $ 197.44 610 Pounds Sold for $ 269.62 AVERAGE $42.20 - AVERAGE $44,20 # C. L. WILLARD Pounds Sold for $1,112.62 AVERAGE $43.94 ..€ * ; - ■ " BRING US YOUR GOOD TOBACCO AND LET US SEND Y?HJ HOME HAPPY. Timberlake, Keys and Woolard ; • - •• ... WASHINGTON, N. C. clerk of court of Martin County, in WiMiamston, N. - C., ofi 17th day of' November, 1927, and answer or .demur to the complaint on said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court BARGAIN IN FARM EASY TERMS 344.48 acres, 6 1-2 miles north from Williamston on Highway No. 125, then 1 1-2 miles to right, known as J. Lass Wynne farm, which is a part of the old Ballard farm. There are about 134 acres of open land on this farm, of which about 90 acres is in !rop this year. It has the best part of the old Ballard farm land on it. There is considerable pine, gum, and cypress timber on it and muck good woods land as well. Owners will sell as it is or will build improvements to suit the purchaser, as and where he wants them. This farm can be bought at a bargain and on terms to suit. The right sort of a man can own it with a small cash payment down. See Elbert S. Peel, attorney, Williamston, or write North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank DURHAM, N.C. 64 Tuesday, October 18,1921 1 fqr the relief demanded in this com- F' plaint. r This the 7th day of October, 1927. r . R. J. PEEL, t oil 4tw Clerk superior court_

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