WacM. the Label on Your Paper; It Carries the, Dot*. t Your Subscription Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 67 PRICES ON LOCAL; WEED MARKET CONTINUE CLIMB Average Today Estimated At Between 28 and 30 Cents SOME SCRAP IS SOLD Peanut Digging Continues to Hold Down Sales; Beaufort Farmers Please ' With Sales „ Tiie average price paid on the local tobacco warehouse floors has climbed slowly until estimates placed it be tween 28 and 30 cents. A check on ne of the warehouse floors this morn ing showed around .50,001) sold Tit :m average a little above 28 cents. The offerings this week have been of fair quality, but there has been an exceptional!) large junount of com mon tobacco on the floors. Prices ran as high as 64 cents on one flqor tlii ihorning, hut the general average badly ,cut when piles of scrap we hing from UK) to 341 pounds were •old. • 1 irmers from Beaufort county stat «-j,l that they were pleased with their ale., and went so far as to sa.v that .the price, compared grade for grade, i\ a • equally as high here as it was on any nf tjic markets, and in many cases higher. ' .—, Several tests were carried on by the farmers this week, and in four in stances the prices paid hety ranged front 2 ti 8' cents higher. Peanut digging continues to hold down the sales, And the tobacco is be ing marketed more evenly than at jiny time this year, COUNTY SCHOOL COACHES MEET Arrange Schedule for De ciding Basketball Campions A'vherlule of athletic events in the • '-ounty was arranged here last night l>y the various school coaches. Ihe . hcdule, in th# main.- for basket -1 all, with but little attention to base ball and none to football. A schedule lor football was considered unnces aiv since there are only two schools having teams. The line-up arranged last night di vides the county into two sections, lour teams to the' section. At least four games will be necessary to deter mine the winner in each section, and it might be that six games will be necessary to determine the winning team. Winners in the two groups are then scheduled, and at least two games will be played to decide the champions. The first games are scheduled for the tveek-beginning January 16, l'>2B. Small Fire at School Building This Morning The Wiltiainston Graded School huiling caught on fire at 7:3(1 this, "morning, soon alter the janitor had fired the furnace. Ihe fire alarm was tuned in and the firemen were quick-' ly mi the- job and found the boiler re in in Hames The fire had made •-uili headway that it required both, the »ht mitral apparatus and one line of Hose to put it out/ - I he fire was started when ashes fell from the furnace into a pile of paper and kindling wood. » While the damage resulting will not amount -to much, several of the«J>uild • iijtA walls are smoked and part of a jjprtitioo ill the basement burned out Mr. Parfo Better Kcv, C. O. Pardo Was unable to take his place in the pwlpit at the Episcopal church Sunday morning on account of sickness. His fiends are Klail to see him ftp and about his du ties again. —" 1 S" TRANn THEATRE I Be Sure To Come To '• See LEO MALONEY Tomorrow Saturday -and Buy Your Ticket For NEXT WEEK $1 f or the Wfcole Weelr 75c i6r Children Always a Good Show, i . :K.,(hS THE ENTERPRISE Census of School District Is Started This Morning Split Barn Brings Better Price Here Rogers and Wilson, farmers, split a barn of tobacco yester day and sold part of it here and part on a ..larger market. The farmers' bills were compared and the part sold here brought 5190.56, and the other part sold on the larger market brought 1120.18. The prices for the var ious grades compared as follows: 18 cents against 23 cents; 24 to 28 cents; 27 to 30 cents; 30 to 34 cents; and 30 against 36 cents. TO MOVE IN NEW OFFICE TONIGHT Post-Office Employees Are Busy Today Preparing For Change Mail wil I be dispatched and dis tributed at the old post office today,' for Post master Price has orders to move to the new cjuarters next to the Tar'TTeel builiting~Toniglit. * Post office employees are busy label ing the boxes ami making preparations for the change. Mail will be distributed from the new «ftice in the'morning. When Williamston people enter the new office tniorrow morning, they will feel as if they are in a city ol consdierablc size, for the building is modern in every respect and is fully equipped ,to care, for the postal needs of the town for the next several years. SIX CASES TRIED BY RECORDER Plea of Guilty Entered in Every Case Tried; One Case Continued The last Tuesdaj's* session of the recorder's court here was about as frank as any ever held here, .when in SIX out oPseveu cases the defendant admitted .Connection with the charges brought against tlieni. There is a little speculation as to what the de fendant in the seventh case would have, done had his case not been con ■tinucd for three weeks. In four At the -ix cases, judgnientxwas suspended upon payment of the coists. J. K. Moore, answering two charges, simple asgcult and trespass, plead guil ty and was released upon the pay ment of the costs. C Vy. Moore, charge with assault with a deadly weapon, plead guilty to the' charge and was released upon the payme.nt of tlie costs in the action. Loiinie. Rogers admitted disorderly conduct, and judgment ill the case was, suspended upon the defendant's paying the cost. David Cooper, charged with illegal possession oi liquor, pleail guilty, and was fined sls and require to pay the costs in the case. A, L. Williams was fined SSO and had hi* license to drive a motor vehiclp revoked for a Term of six months. He plead guilty to the charge, and paid the costs in the case. The assault case against Kan Man niug was continued for three weeks. Missionary Meeting In Aulander Saturday The ladies of the Methodist churches involving the three charges, respective ly, of Aulander, Windsor, and Wil liamston. will hold a missionary group meeting at Aulander Saturday, Octo ber 22, beginning at 10 a. m., and last ing through the afternoon Session. Several excellent speakers have been secured for htis meeting, of which are Mrs H. J. Faisori, vice president of .the North Carolina conference; and Miss Vara .Herring, sociel service sup erintendent of the conference. Everybody is invited, and the ladies fn/ni the charges named above are urged to lie present. The Jubilee is of great importance and interest just now, and Mrs. Fai sqn will discuss that. —Mrs. T. W. 1-ee, chairman. - ... C. O. U. Class Organized At Methodist Church A C. O. A. (Call On Us) class was organise by the young- people of the Methodist Churchlast week. Miss Homier Gurganus was made president, and Miss Serena Peacock was elected secretary-treasurer; While the class been Organized hardly a week, it enjoys a large membership. A can vass for new members is being made, and a large increase in the enrollment is expected within the next few days. East evening the members, with a number of invited guests, enjoyed a weiner roast on the banks of the Ro anoke. Mrs. W. C. Liverman chap eroned the party. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, October 21, 1927 Committee From Woman's Club Is Conducting Work TASK IS LARGE ONE Several Days Will Be Required to Complete House-to-House Can vass of' District' ■\ school survey «of the township wa? started this morning when several ladies of the Woman's Club bevjan a house-to-house canvass, gathering cer tain (lata necessary in running the schools. The township was divided into seven districts, and Mcsdanics Clayton Moore, E. S. Peel, G, A, Har rison, J. H. Saunders, J. S. Rhodes, E. l\ Cunningham, and P. B, t.'one have willingly offered their services in making the, survey. Several days will he required to com plete the census, and the people of the district will greatly aid the ladies why have accepted the large task by of iering all the information freely and helping maVe. the survey complete. \ The main purpose of the survey is to get data that will he used in the running of the schools; that is, if there are 700 children in the district, facilities based on that number will lj£ provided. - i . The task is a large one and to make the afport complete,' every home in the township wifp-have KK be visited. Any cooperation on the part of the people ivill lie highly appreciated by the ladies anil school officials. MISSIONARY , GROUP MEET Methodist Women to Meet in Aulander Church Saturday Anlandcc—!v'. C., UcU 18. A meet ing of the. Bertie-Martin group of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Clnych will be ..held in Au lander Methodist Church Saturday. The meeting will begin at ly o'clock, l.uncli will be served at the church ter which the afternoon session yvdl he held. Miss ViMfa Herring, chairman of Un social service division,in the North Carolina conference, and' Mrs. 11. J. Faison," vice president of the societies in the North Carolina conference will speak. Mrs. l aisoji will speak at the morning session'and Miss Herring in the afternoon. In addition to these 1 tjvo speakers it expected that Miss Ann (iraliaiii, of Warrington, who. is district chairman, will he present to conduct a round-table discussion. Plans are being- made for special music as well as a short program hy the Aufa'nder Bright Jewels Rev. W. 1., Clegg, "pastor of the Aulauder Methodist Church, extends a cordial invitation to' the public to attend. Robersonville Woman's Club to Present Play "t'pol Knights," an entirely new and different musical comedy, is to be pre sented in the* Kobersonvile ~ High School auditorium Tuesday, October 25, at 8.15 p. *ni. It promises to be one of the best musical comedies ever staged in Robersonville, and is be ing sponsored by the Woman's Club. The costumes worn hy the choruses have been adjudged the most attract ive ever worn by chorus girls. The music is cacthy, and the play is full lof fun from beginning to end. Methodist Program For the Next Week Sunday school at the usual- hour. Services at 11 a> in. and 7:30 p. m Services at Vernon, 3:00 p. m. All Kpworth leagues meet at the usual hours. .. Prayer services at 7:30 Wednesday night. Gregory and Associates ......Still Working on Offer Mr. Edwirt C. Gregory, with asso ciates, was here again yesterday and stated to Mayor K. L. Coburn that he was still working on the offer he want ed to submit the town for its light and power system. T()e 'memorandum of agreement sent to the Virginia Electric & i'ower Co. has not yet been returned, but is ex pected any day. now by town Officials. Change Date of 'j Orthopedic Clinic According to an ahiiouucentent made by the supervisor of,vocational rehabil itation, the date for the orthopedic clinifc in Washington has been changed and' the cKriic will be hefd Monday, October 31, instead of Monday, Oc tober 24. The clinic it open to residents of this county, and any who will are urged to attend and receive treatment. THIEVES STRIP CAR OF TIRES AND CURTAINS Three Arrested in Connection With Thefts Tuesday Night PART IS RECOVERED Henry D. Peel and Several Neighbors Follow Tracks and Recover Part Of Stolen Goods Thieves entered the car shed of Mr. llenry D. Peel, near here, sonje time last Tuesday night and stripped his car of its tires and curlnin* and all the tools. When Mr. Pefl went for his car Wednesday morning', it looked like a feathcrless bird. Mr. Peel, with several neighbors, fol lowed footprints from the shed to a spot near his home, where a car had been parked and where the tracks Stopped. The light»rain during the early part of the night and a peculiar treason the tire made il easy for the men. to track the Vehicle. After fol lowing the track several miles, the men found the car parked iti KaH 'Peel's yard. Following a man's teack into near-by, the search ing party iotwrl one of the tires. Search warrants were issued, and the search was renewed. >\t the home of John Purvis «yho in-.ir Teel, an other tire was found between the w.iU ami bed where Purvjfti said lie slept the night before. Tlie other two tires were not found, but during the search Ijfilt of the curtains yne found be tween a bed niattres* and springs at the Purvis home. Mr Peel identi fied the curtain by a string that he had used in holding it'in place-on his car. Teel and Purvis, wtti liis son, Levi, were arrested and pla«el in jail here", where they now aw nit trial before Judge Bailey next TWsday. Teel and the Purvis boy .were re cently tried for breaking into John Bond's sfore oil the AireenvUlc road but were acquitted wHrn the evidence .agfattHT them was not* strong enough for conviction. In thai case it* was shown that tracks U-4 from the store to the homes of the qfttn and boy, but qone of the be identified. ) his tjne they w ill Mt'i* to combat stronger evidence. LOCAL PEOPLE IN AUTO WRECKS Three Local Cars Concerned In Smashes, But- k T o * One Is Hurt * Three local cars were in wrecks this week, but fortunately the occupants es raped serious injury and the damage to the cars did not amount to much The 'first happened Tuesday night when Sam Hardison hit Pete Hall's Chevrolet and tore a lender off. Out side »jf the loss of the fender, the dapi age was negligible. r * Mr. and Mrs. Milton Moye had two fenders and a running lioard torn .from their Ford coupe when a man drove his car from a sideroad into the high way near NY&shingtoii - Wednesday niijht. v /' The cars, of' Mr* Alexander/Lilley and Mr. Kosenhloom, a buy er, collided near Mr. Joe Cherry's,von the Hamilton road \\'• dnesday uiulu. tliief Daniel was cftlh I jflid asked*o point out the cause of .the wreck. He was unable* to render a dertsion. No further developments li.ive been hea/d from this' case." On top of alt thai, Dick, Smith stepped into a deep mudholc. while following the elephants at the circus ill Rocky Mount Weducuday night. Services At Christian Church Here Sunday The following services'are announced for the local Christian church Sun ay, October 23: -Sunday school at 45 a. m. Preaching Sf 11 a. ni and 7:30 p. in., hy John "XT. WateTs. The public js,cordially invited. Primitive Baptist's Schedule of Services Elders W. M. Mouses, of Reids viffe, N. C, and Cash, oi Los Angeles, Calif., are expected to preach as fol lows: ■ Skevarkey, Monday/ October 31; Kobersonvile, Mondayjnight, October 31; Spring Green, Tuesday, Nov.eni ber 1; Conoho, Wednesday, Novem ber 2. • Town Commissioners to Meet Monday Night A special meeting of the town com missioners has been > .died for next Molilfey' 1 evening, when certain mat ters of the town will be investigated. W+iile the busifi&s to coHK before the meeting was not made public when the meeting was called/it is under stood that certain old accounts will be checked and placed in the hands of an atotrney for collection. » . i Report of Town's Audit Is Filed With Commissioners Statement oi Revenue a.nd Expense, Light and Water Departments. Town of Willinmston, for *The Period From June 1, 1926, to May 31, 1927 ■■■*»* * ■ (Schedule 2. Exhibit B. of Audit. Prepared by M. N. Macßae A Co., Certified Public Accountants. Rocky Mount. N. C.) ' REVENUE Light Water Consoli- Dept. ~ * Dept. dation Sen ice -miU". to public ' $20,8:>5.84 $5,508.45 $26,364.29 >alej iutl oil . -my?*). 380.29 eicctrtj" :tn'iw * 14175 141.75 Sire.t lighting 3,000.00 3,000.00 Water . 2.000 (HI Eliminated l ota! revenue $26,377.88 $5,508.45 $29,886.33 — t —«• ■ EXPENSE Production and Distribution . ...t Power inr ptmi|iiun water $ '$2.00(1.(10 Eliminated Salary sU|K>rinlpjulctit 2.10(100 2.100.(Ml Salary. assistant superintendent 1.635.00 .1,1)35.0(1 Labor 1,129.25 5 fc'oai 415.98 529.98 945.% Fuel oil ; , 2,728. l >7 1,012.75 4.341.71 1 .Uhricani- ' t>2o Bt> 256.06 JB7frs2 Truck expense " 304,98 7822 * Supplies and repair, r'UIi"L3I.7U JL • 886.10 Water te»j, r . ~r --8(1,00 ' *) 00 Repairs..spur tuck „ ■ * ~~ ■ - >£lT Repairs, kv sjaek' 300(10 • 300.00 Painting tower 140 75- T40.75 4 Reiil land at p.u.i - • 5.(Ml 1 ..t:il —ptiiduetivii antl —ilistti- — *"* liulu.M eJtpi-nse - f10.197,36 $.>.215.40 $13,412.70 General and Other Expense Travel _ ' $ 3.95 $' $ 3.95 I eleplioife and telegraph 36.00 , 36.00 Stationery anil prititiUK • (>7.2(1 41,15-* 108.35 Ice : " .... , .—40.25 40.25 Insurance 405.16 270 17 * 675.3J Interest punt oh miles 259.(6 259.16 Worthless accounts diarge.i uIT 53.10 53.10 Total general and.other ex pense . $ 811.72 $ s 36442 $ 1.176.14 total operating expense $11,009.02 $5,579,82 $14,'588.84 hxcess oi revenue .over ex pense ,$15,368,86 $ „ 71.37* $15,297 49 Depreciation As shnwli in st liedulv 8. exhibit I) $ 9,563 27 $10, 665.1b Excess of Tevenuc over expense and de preciation. ( * $ 5,805,59 $1,17326* $ 4.632.33 »♦ Indicate* loss, : "SPICE OF LIFE" PLEASES CROWD Play Staged by Woman's Club Well Received Tuesday '•'The Spire of Life" given by local talent "uuiler 'the auspices of. the Woman's club Tuesday night .was thoroughly enjoyed and all those present were well pleased. , All llio.se wini had principal parts writ' good in their characterization. Miss Carrie Delle While, as a 'Utriv itijj widow" was very good, ..SO was I oloirel I lodge, John. 1.. Ilassell, who finally siuiniihcil Jo tier charms. Miss Katheriue Cole, as I railing Arbutus after the Colonel (vas line Miss Mary FlettheV. Mrs. llradlcy, Miss byth Ramsey, I.on Ilassell, jr., lylfis P. t lloriuhal, and Caylord Harrison, the other main characters, were splen did in their' parts. The chorus girls added much to the enjoyment of the show. Tliuy appeared many titnrs I In- evening ami were attractive each time. Two songs by the tolowing little girls were cute and attractive and received much, ap ptaiise, Dorothy, Alice, (Catherine and Itlnuche llarison, Sacali Cone, NJjMiiy Biggs, Katheriue Manning, Mickie Pope,- Faye and F'lsic (jurganus, Mrs. Harper Holliday and Mrs. J. S. K bodes sang between acts and , they were a big part of the evening's entertainment. Baptists Announce Program of Services m "Life lis Best," will be the sub ject "of the. Sunday morning sermon at the Baptist church. "What Do They Do in the (ireat Beyond," is the sub ject (sac the evening hour. Now is the season of the. year to boost the Sunday school. Our attend ance wat last Sun day. Barents should make it a poifit both to "come and to bring their chil dren, promptly and oil time.. The nnil-week service was well at tended this week. /V new series of Bible studies'have just begun with the book of The Arts as the v text. This is ji notable bit of writing, and well worth the serious attention of any who would know about the beginnings and early yfe of the Christian church. This church remembers its sick. Mr.. Billie Hodges is away "for another op eration. Mis address is Memorial Hos pital, Hiclimond. Mrs. Wynne is ill at her In.iiie.- l.ouis Dennett was well enough to attend both church services Sunday. Thefe art doubtless others who are not well, and the people can greatly assist the paslor iy_,Jug,,wt)rk by calling to his attentic/n instances 'where (Re ministratfoiislof - the church are needed. * BERTIE RAILWAY MADE STANDARD Means Greatly Improved Freight and Passenger Service The Carolina-Southern Railway ha* _just""~coinpletcd the standardization of Us mail from AhYisWie to Windsor, and scut the first standard'gauge traill to tlia-t town this week. . The road was tirsl Indlt -for logging purposes and after tin* timber .vyjis rut out a regular freigtiY aiiVT passenger servile, schedule was made'. « Ihe road was badly handicapped because all ears operated on it had to herjaeked up at Ahuskit* and placed on narrow-gauge trucks, or reloaded, a.nd tin' road bed and bridges were not slrnng enough, nor were the rails»4arge .enough, to carry a car vVith a stand ard load on it; and it frequently be came iwieh.-.iry when a car reached Alioskie to divttUv the. load and put the coiitenl» into two' Cars. The improvement will give Wind sCiT, I'uvvi lKv ille. anil other points 'on the line both better freight and passen ger service The improvement was made.possible by the people of Wind sor Township, vvlu'n tliey. voted a bond i'ssue of $5(1,(100 and bought stock an the road. *-*" Architects Interested in County School Projects The two county school projects, a building at Kobersouville ailil one lure, proposed by ihe board of edu cation, arc "attracting the attention of architects from all over the State. Sev eral designers the super intendent's. oHice during the past tew days investigating the work to be done. Surveys are being, made of the school districts to determine the size of flie buildings to be erected', and it is understood when the data are in the hands of the proper officials more defining steps will he taken toward getting the schools. No Community Meeting To Be Held This Sunday According to a*-schedule prepared for a series ok community meetings here, Governor McLean was to appear it; the school auditorium Sunday even* iug as one of the speakers. It was not definitely known by the Governor sev eral days ago whether he could fill the engagement, hut he was to advise the committee later. At noop today noth ing had been learn*), and the meet ing has been called off. The churches are going ahead with their regular programs for the even ing. » — r . Miss Boner Gurgauus is visiting-in Greensboro this week end. I . •• >' »* i . ' { «'*•*.• , •#. i ' .. . 7 V, -'1 " Advertisers WUI Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over I Homes of Martin Covkty I ESTABLISHED 1893 IS RECEIVED AT SPECIAL MEET Power .and Light Depart ment Shows Profit Of $4,632.33 STATEMENT PRINTED Water Department Shows Net Loss of $1,173.33; Opinion Differs on Rate of Depreciation 1 he audit oi the town's books cover ing a period front- October 1, 1925, to May 31, 1927, was received yesterday by the town Commissioners in a spec ial session. Messrs. MacKae and Per-- kinson, of the W. N. Macßae & Co., I certified public accountants. Rocky Mount, appeared belore the commis sioners and explaiileL-tUc report in de ta.il. , TTiojYoni^nissioners investiKated an'(tr*e*- wlioli tnund it very "compile..." '—~- ""AViffi Hie Miterest of the town cen tered on the operaticin of the fight ■and water plant, the -commissioners, discussed this phase of the town's busi | ncss at length The complete state- I ment of the, plant's Operation appears oil this page, showing where the plant made, during the 'fiscal year June 1, 192(}' to May- 31. 1927. $4,032 33. As wil lie seen by this report, net profits for lights total sslßos.(i>, while'*Oie water' department showed a losv of $1,173.33. Ihe receipts and disbursements -111 these departments were accepted-with out comment, but opinion differed when the rate of depreciation-was men tioned. - Where a 10 per cent rate was used, one of the commissioners was of the Opinion'that it should lie low er. The auditors explained that this was. The standard rate, and was in use in practically all plants. The 10 pet; Cent rate does, not include tj)e dis tribution system, which is figured at a per cent'rate. It was stated be -fore the meeting by "one of the com missioners that another statement of the plant's operation could be expect ed, and that it would be published at private expense. A balance sheet for the "entire audit will be published in the next issue anil that will.give a complete review of the . town's financial situation. During the -meantime, citizens of the town may see the audit ill complete form atuhis 'office or by calling on the commis sioners, all of whom have reports." , The statement of light and water operation for the fiscal year June 1, 1926, to May 31, 1927, appears in a box fin this pane. » r; : ; —— Attends Chevrolet Meet in Charlotte "All of you are,, gotid men, but ball of you are Koing to eat beans when the luncfieort is held the latter part of this month." were the \Vords of Mr, t irant,\a high official of General Mo tors, iir speaking of the turkey-bean contest now in progress anions the Various Chevrolet dealers at a meet ing of IIIOIY than 700 Chevrolet deal ers in I Wednesday. I'o iucreijXc sales, the I lievrolet peo ple are offering their dealers a lunch eon, ati which the winners in the con test will eat turkey and the'losers will eat beans'. In each office of the deal ers throughout the country,there is a picture of the chef serving a nice, juicy turkey to the winner and a plate of beans to the losers. The contest has created a great deal of interest, and the agents are going ahead of their i|uotas The I'eel Motor Co. here is'up with its quota, but just how it sTantls in the contest .will not be known until the lajter part of the month. Messrs. S C. I'eel, of the gehcy, and Harris and House, of the* KobeiSotiville agency, attended the meeting in Charlotte Wednesday, Sheriff To Get County Tax Books Shortly The register of deed's office here is busy this week completing the coun ty tax books, which will be ready for 'the sheriff by the first of next month. Several stenographers are busy mak ing out the receipts, and' the books to begin his enormous task. Register J. Sam Getsinger stated yesterday that the tax books required more work this year than ever before, and that the office will have completed* its largest task when the books are out and in the hands ef the sheriff. The i«ceipA, numbering around 7,- 000, are made out itu,triplicate form with tax rates for each township print- Ed on the back. The sheriff's bond wilt probably be accepte by the county comniiMioneri at their next meeting Monday, No vember 7, and collections will then be in order.

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