Wact he Label on Your P*Pe It Carries the Date Yam Subscription Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 67 PRESIDENT OF WOMAN'S CLUB MAKESREPORT Debt of $1,143.83, for Re modeling Rooms, Has Been Paid RAISE $1,200 LAST YEAR Give* Brief Enumeration of Club's Accomplishments During Past Year It is with a great deal of pleasure that 1 have the honor yf submitting the second annual report of the Woman's Club of Williamston. Receiving at the District meeting at Belhaven such an insight into Club v.-ork, and also, such an impeuts for doing the things worth while, we im mediately lame home, and as it were, hitched our wagon to a star, and, with less than 50 active members, undertook the remodeling of our Club quarters; assuming a debt of $1143.83 which today has been reduced to $49.84 and the money for that is in hand. The Club has raised SI2OO in the past year. Since charity begins at home, our efforts have been for the most part, confined to ourselves, —that in, the payment of the debt. Yet we have not been entirely self-centered. We have assisted others in various ways. While the things we have done may i Ije briefly enumerated, we beleive they will speak for themselves. First: Red Cross Christmas seals were sold in December and 26 stock ings sent to Oteen. „ , Second: Eighteen undernourished children by the superinten dent of fit school, were furnished by the Welfare Committee a certain a mout of milk each day. Third: Prizes of money for the pur pose of stimulating civic interest and pride, were offered pupils of the grammar grades. Fourth: Gave to the school Health scales that the childreii .may be'ac curately weighed and their needs b« scientifically revealed and it is hoped, corrected. Fifth: As a dub, we used our in fluence to carry by a majority the special election for the consolidation of schools. Sixth: Under the auspices of the Social Committee, a kitchen showei was given, whereby the kitchen was practically furnished. Later, at the suggestio of our Home Demonstrator, a Cake contest was held and other needs supplied. Seventh: Some shrubbery has been planted on our Club house lawn. Eighth: Federation dues, district dues, and pledge to the Sallie South all Cotton found has been paid. Of club histories by Mrs. Cotton, we have bought ten more than our quota. Interesting and instructive pro grams have been brought-to our club on county government, taxes, Ameri an Home, and good citizens. At present the Club is engaged in a school census, whereby it is hoped that Williamston will have better school buildings, and better equip ment We have again agreed to sponsor the sale of Christmas seals; our chairman has been appointed. Each standing committee has serv ed the Club efficiently and well, while our proposed departmental work, has not gotten under way with the dis patch for which we had hoped, we feel that it will. Officers and chairmen have been most faithful in the performance of duty, and we look towards the future of our Club with assurance and pride and feel that we shall obey the com mands we have already heard, 'go forward." Respectfully submitted: MRS. WHEELER MARTIN, President. MRS. JOHN F. THIGPEN, Secretary. CTRANrv I J WEDNESDAY Be Sure To Come To See LEO MALONEY in "WITHOUT ORDERS" AND COMEDY Always a Good Show: THE ENTERPRISE Tobacco Sales Grow In Quantity and Price Tobacco sales are growing in both quantity and price on the local market, according to re ports coming from warehouse men and farmers. Farmers from every direction are bringing their tobacco here and judging from their own r«. marks, they are well pifawd with the sales here. The warehouses are lia \n»r just enough tobacco t > n ak; sales interesting to both the farmer and buyers. The averages foe the p*st three days have ran„ 1 from 27 1-2 to 28 1-2 cents and the trend semes to be upward, ac cording to the general reports. L. A. JACKSON DIES SUNDAY Lived in Jamesville; Had Been 111 for Several Months Louis Austin Jackson died Sunday morning at his home in Jamesville. He had been ill with tuberculosis for five months and durring the last two he was confined to his bed. { Mr. Jackson was born in Beaufort county, near Washington, August 29, 1897, the son of Louis Henry Jackson and wife, Winnie Jaejcson. Ten years p.go he married Miss X>ra Lee Allen, of Jamesville and for the past several years he lived in that town. - Besides his widow, he leaves three children, Murriel, aged Seven, Ran dolph, aged four and Geraldine, one year old. He also leaves three sisters, all of whom live in Washington. He joined the Christian church in his boyhood and at the time of his death he was a deacon in the churcb at Jamesville. The funeral was conducted from the residence yesterday afternoon by Rev. Richard Bagby, of Washing ton, assisted by Rev. W. B. Harring ton, of Jamesville and R. G. L. Ed wards, of Plymouth. Interment was made in the Jamesville cemetery. Active pall bearers were Stewart Darden, Cecil Craft, Wesley Allen, Herring, Herbert Alligood and Willie Jolley, all brothers-in-law of the deceased. FARMERS HEAR MR. B. D. TILLETT Manager of Field Service of , Peanut Growers Associa tion Speaks Here Mr. B. D. Tillett, manager of the field service of the Peanut Grower* association, addressed a number of farmers at the courthouse here last Saturday. J Mr. Tillett assisted the govern ment in making an investigation of the peanut industry last year in an effort to ascertain the cost of produc tion of peanuts and what would be a fair tariff for the growers in pro portion to other industries. He has just commenced his present vork and is seeking sufficient deliver ies this year to enable the associa tion to operate on thcrlowest possible expense . According to Miy -Tillett, the as sociation will store this year's crop in its own warehouses. Heretofore, the association has rented its stor age facilities. The association's new manager ex pressed himself as much pleased with the fine prospect for success of the organization. The Martin County branch chang ed the date of its monthly meeting from the fourth Saturday to the sec ond Saturday in each month at 2 o'- clock. SENIOR EPWORTH LEAGUE TO GIVE PARTY FRIDAY The Senior Epworth league of U»o M« thodist church will give a Hal lowe'en party at the borne of Mrs. J. t\ next Fv««y night. JUDGE TOW.VSEND TO SPEAK / i' KIWANIS MEEI TOMORROW Judge N. A. Townst vi will *p- alt a', the regu.jir luncheo.i of the Ki wanis club here tomorrow at 12:30 o'clock. Mr. Town send was recently ap pointed superior court judge and is a very interesting speaker. . All members of the club art urged to be present. Misses Manning, Mizelle and Jef ferson, teachers In the Farm Life school were here for a short while yesterday afternoon. A. B. Wallace, editor of the Bel j haven Journal, is attending court here I today. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, October 25. 1927 GOOD PROGRESS BEING MADE ON SCHOOL SURVEY Woman's Club Committee Expects to Finish Work This Week INTEREST IS SHOWN People Respond to Questionnaire Freely and Show Much Interest In Welfare of School Work The several ladies working: on the ] school census for this township real ised just how large was their task last Friday when they started the house-to-house canvas, gathering data for the schools. The several com mittees are making splendid progress in their work and will probably com plete the survey by the latter part of this week. The committee with Mrs. P. B. Cone at the head, com-| pleted its survey in the district cen tered around the old Everett* road yesterday afternoon with the excep tion of three homes. The other com mittees, in the majority of cases, are almost through with their work. The people are responding to the questionnaire freely and are offering the much needed information. A keen interest in the welfare of school work is being expressed by many parents throughout the township. CAPTURE STILL IN CROSS ROADS Officers Get Fleeting—Very Fleeting—Glimpse of Operators A large copper ttill and five Imr tels of beer were captured last Fri day in the late afternoon by Sheriff Roebuck and Deputy Sheriff H. O. Daniel when they went in to the Cross Koads section. The officers, when parking their car, saw a figure £«ing hurriedly toward a house in an opposite direction from the still. And while the man was running toward the house, the officers, with hats in hand, made a dash for the still. They saw the Are of the still and got near enough to see two young boys sail tp the high timbers before the man whon went to the house could fire his signal gun. \ „ The officers destroyed the outfit. Young Negro Shoots Himself Accidentally William Grimes, a proud young local Negro, got the worst of a dig play of his standing an a citizen lant Sunday morning when he called a few of his country friends off behind Godard's filling station, near here, to show them his big pistol. He wt>.» tanked with liquor and while showing his big Army .46, he pressed on the Uigger too hard and sent a ball into his leg. The ball entered just below the knee and plowed a furrow about MX inches long down beside his shin bone. When the baH hit the bone it glanced and went through his othe: foot. V He was brought to a doctor heie ami had his wounds dressed. When Iw arrived here he was sober enough to 'ell Chief Daniel that he did not want pistol any more and insisted (hat he go for it. * MANY HALLOWE'EN PARTIES - IN COUNTY THIS WEEK A few less than a dozen Hallowe'en parties have been advertised to take place in the county this week. Not only does this apply to Martin coun ty, but the entire section is adver tising the riding of \yitches and snooks. In the majority of cases, the car nival's are being staged for the bene fit of schools. ELEVEN PEOPLE LOSE LIVES IN STATE OVEK WEEK END Raleigh, Oct. 24. —Eleven persons lost their lives by violence in North Carolina over the week end, figures compiled here today show. Of the number, seven died as the result of automobile accidents. There was one suicide among the group. Regular Meeting ot Local Masonic Lodge Tonight Important business will come be , fore Skewarkee Lodge No. 90, A. F. and A. 11. in its meeting tonight at 7:80 o'clock. All members in good standing are urged to be present and talce part. W. H. Micelle, editor of the Rob ersonville Weekly Herald, is in town today. Miss Evelyn Shaw, of Tarboro, is spending today with Miss Serena Peacock. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wynne and children, of Maysville, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ed mondson. ! t CARNIVAL FOR BENEFIT SCHOOL Celebration at Jwarehouse Here Next f Friday Night yl'o build up the local school library ! ■and provide a number of magazines I for the reading room, teachers and | students are joining in to stage a big Hallowe'en the warehouse here next Friday night. According to Mrs. Raleigh Bradley and Miss Elizabeth Wilkins, under" whose direction the work is being carried on, .Friday night will be one of fun when witches and spooks pa rade. The committees are preparing a fish pond, fortune booths, and, of course, they will have candy, peanuts and ice cream for sale. Those in charge are going to be kind and al low you to bob for apples. Then there will be the pretty girl to vote lor. No admission will be charged, and the junior mardi gras starts at 8 o'- clock, immediately after the parade, Under the direction of Misses Allen and Steed, of/last year's faculty, an index was introduced in the library. These teachers carefully indexed every book by author and, title. Their work was instrumental in starting a worth-while library for the children of the community, and ft is to carry on tyis work that the teachers and students -thrr~jrcirr«re- rrttrmptrnirta raise funds by staging a .Hallowe'en party. LOCAL HI'S WIN OVER AHOSKIE ! Clearly demonstrate Their i Superiority and Win, 26-0 ! In Ahoskie tViday The local high nchoof"f«>otball I eleven added a 'second game to its i Hat of victories this year when it | visited Ahoskie last Wfiday and ile-j i feated the high school there 26 to I I 0. After a defeat administered by ] I Columbia's combination here lust ! | Tuesday, the locals invaded Ahostfie's j territory, and showed A complete re- j versal in form. Ahoakjti gained its' ! only first down of the game when a | pass was blocked. The teams were about evenly mat ched in size, but the locals proved the j better in both their offense and de fense work. The lads journey to Plymouth Fri day afternoon where they will play the high school there. A large crowd is expected to accompany the- team. Many People Forget That Post Office Has Moved Mr. K. J'. Cunningham slippi il from i his store Saturday morning and visit ed the old post office just to recall that Postmaster Price had packed his belongings and moved "up town". "Uncle" Buck Meadows waited" a full half hour for the evening maij at the old post office Sunday while other citizens had removed and read their letters at the new office. Car after car was parked at the old office just long enough for the ((riv ers to think and move 011 to the new office. —Postmaster Price and assistants are almost agreed that many citizen.) here have poor memories, for they have given boxholders their combina- j tions over and over again. Saturday night there were two post ; offices in town, for letters wertfs>m ft il ed at the old office as well as at the , new one. For strangers, the one next to the Tar Heel apartments is recom-' mended to be the better one. It is understood that everybody carried their post office keys to the new office this week. The postal au thrities were buying them. Roper Man Killed in Auto . j Accident Near Burlington A. M. Smith, young man of Ropw, was killed In an automobile accident early this morning near Burlington, fmith with Leonard afld Joe liurio, of Roper, was on his way to Ashe ville when the accident occurred. Very few details relating to the ar cident could be learned this n)orn ng. The two Barco boys were hurt,*" but not seriously. The three boys left here last night about 9 o'clock after visiting friends here for a few hours. They were driv ing a Hudson sedan, practically new. Another Newspaper for Robersonville Rumored According to indirect information! 1 second newspaper has been announc- j od for Robersonville. Facts in connec tion with the new venture were not at all definite vpther than the paper | makes its appearance this week, and is sponsored by out-of-town people. Mrs. S. R. Biggs and children join- j ed Mr. F. *F. Fagan and family of j Rocky Mount Sunday and spent tin- j i day with relatives in Edenton. I 7"own's.Financial Condition- Is Reviewed Recent Report of Auditors NEW BOXES ARE Town's Present Bonded PUZZLE TO MANY To $333,500.00 Boxholders Haye Big Time Learning Combinations —v.At New Post Office y General business at the oust end of Maint street held its own Saturday at teruoon and evening, and stood. the test brought about when the post office moved to* its new quarters at the other end of the business district, The closing of the . old post office' doors and a dark spot in the street caused by a broken light ma"lt* * a scene of gloom on the old post'office corner Saturday night, hut in spite of of all, the trend of business did not j I IViter in" its upward move. • Early Saturday meriting, curiosity led numbers of citizens to the modern , | ost office where they opened anil ' re-opened their boxes. The combina tions proved a puzzle for many, .and it. was after the style of a big boast when a boxholder would tell th- en tire office that he hal succeeded in, new office with its many,'modern tix~-l i lures had not worn away today, mid many as a dozen boxholders could be seen tinkering with the combiiia-, | tiuns. today. , The little newsboys, taking their [ ' stand each Sunday evening in front i cf the post office, were the iVrst to I mention regret in the change. "We | .have not sold hear as many papers Here,as we did at the old post office", 1 several stated when they,.were asked how business \va>. Once the pie j leffcmo accustomed to the change, this condition will, no doubt, be al tered, ' WILSON F. ALLEN DIES NEAR HERE Had Been 111 for' Long Time With Cancer Of Stomach This morning 'at his home near heie j on the old KverottS-road, Wilson F.l A Hen 1 died following a long ill-' i;esa'. • . , i ' \ About siji ipontha ago, Mi.,. Allen t underv.cai, 4,1 io . and it wa>. i ( fount) that he had cancer of the stomach,' for which nothing could he i I done. Since the operation he has beeirj j confined to his room most of tfatw time, ' | Mr. Allen came to this coMnfy , j many .years ago with the UreemVaf Johnson Lumber; "company |'rnm Northampton lie married Miss Burroughs, |£ughtcr of Mr. Billie Burroughs, one-of Mai tin .coun ty's- most substantial citizens. Since their marriage they have lived 'at old Burroughs homestead 011 the' Everetts road. His widow, anil three | children, two sons, aged fourteen and eighteen, and one daughter about! eight years old survive. Mr. Allen was a progressive farm er; a devoted father anil husband. The funeral arrangements had not. been completed this afternoon. WOMANS CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY Is Second Meeting of New Club Year ; Members Are Urged To Attend The Woman's club will hold its sec ! olid meeting of the club yeti'r next ; Thursday afternoon in its rooms in I the Masonic building. The membership is urged to j tend the meeting and non-members ar»> invited to be present. • A rephrt of tjie club's activities i.lur-! ing the 'past year, just iiiadc__public, is very interesting and shows, the 1 great amount of work the club here is doing for advancement and better rnt'nt _of the town and community. To make this year's .report even bet-, ter than the one for,the past year," the officers are urging the cooperation 6f members and citizens. Almost Loses Load Tobacco By Fire A load of tobacco, belonging to Mr. James Jenkins, of Bertie county, came very near being destroyed early yesterday morning while he-was on his way to the market here and when the bagging around the tobacco was fired by the truck's exhaust pipe. The wrapping was quickly torn from the truck, but not until after much of the tobacco was damaged. Mr. Jenkins placed the load of to bacco on the Brick warehouse floor' v/here it made a splendid average in spite of the ijamage caused by the, Are. SURPLUS OF $51,669.52 Audit Regarded by Members of Board j As Very Complete and Carefully Detailed Tin' auditor's report filed with the J board of town '* commissioners her*' f last week, shows the town still 'un brokc" and with a surplus of S!U,- 069,52. ' > . The total assets of the town as | • listed in the report include uncollect ed taxes for the years 1923* 1924, | ,1926 and 1926 amounting to jf10,795.- j : 59; vaccounts receivable, $16,326.16; j due from 'tax collectors, $347.48;' notes receivable, $ 1,065,' lj property and equipment,' $367,566.65, making a ■ grand total of $100,827.87, M- The liabilities include: accounts -p.-y --ulile, $180.67;-notes payable, $15,477,- j W>; bonded indebtedness, $333,660.00; Surplus, current $17,612.N7 and cap- Tot $400,*27,87, While these figures are corfecTT j when'considered from the' : Unit's standpoint, there-will rJßill' a , j,i' w changes in the surplus account > ] when explanations are offered. In the wise, of the balance of $164.81 due by J. O. Manning, tax collector there ap-" lijeaxs to be ah error, for his -settle nient with the'town September-1926 | shows exact balance, The audit 15" j within three cents of this settlement j. when the sum of $164.78 deposited with the, Martin County Savings and Trust company is counted. This item Viis allowed in the town's settlement for the reason that Manning'w as serv i ing the town as a hired rtian and that | he placed funds as directed, and was pot liable to the town for any JTos.svn 1 other than those arising 'ffwm his own conduct. If the Martin County Sav- ' ings and Trust company is charged with this amount, as it should be, ac cording to the town's former settle-- yinent theta*""will be no. change off figures. in .the ledger assets. • j The account of W> 11. Daniel is ex i plained in the audit which practically t liminates it as an assest sli\c6 he has a corresponding offset. . I ' ' I. The same also applies to the items ! charged ugaihst M. S. Moore which l | are explained in the consolidated bal -! I'nce sheet. "• ' Of the $111,0(10 taxes due, most of q then) were proper assets. Several T u ndrod do 11 ar s wree improprely list-. ! 1 and there were offset charges i j against the town that should have |i I.ten credited to several tax payers, j It i.' possible that these errors'and I total insolvents will run as' high as , I SI,OOO. -'.At the time the audit was, made ,• light and water accounts receivable umoCilcd to $1,917.86. The accounts for that current month were cleareil i collections.were made before the 15th day of the following month, j The account's .amounting to- $413.11 are old ones and will likely have to . . '>e charged off as a loss. The greatest asset i* the j . nti equipment listel at $307,666.65 j which is shown in the audit at cost.' j i lie e items are subject to appraisal j 1 to find the true status of the town's financial condition. The audit shows that bonds amount ing to $40,000 were retired during the 20 months ending May 31, 1927. ' i This reduces the town's bonded in-, | debtedness from $373,500 to $335, | | 000 at the present. If we don't sell any more bonds arm | can pay interest and principal on the I , we have now until t960, the j i town will 1M- free of bonded indebted ; MM. The first real blow under this : caption comes next July when a $lO,- O'Ofj principal falls due. Then, when; we "pay $3,600, in July, 1929 the City J , Hall Wi|l belong to us. In 1946 we can | walk across our own streets) for in that year the last of the street im j Improvement bonds will be , retireil. j Then in 1960 we will own the, town ' ,| again, for in 1959 and 1960, $200,000 i | in bonds will he matured for the light j water and sewer systems. [These bonds bear interest at a rate I*>( six per cent., and it is not-likely that any o"f them can be bought before ut.te pf maturity without paying a larjfe premium for them. v The audit Is regarded by the board "fif very complete and carefully de tailed. Oak City Pastor Called To Lexington Church Kev. W. Ko« Yofcley, of Oak City, (has been extended a unanimous call V(> the Tabernacle Baptist church, of Islington, N. C. Rev. Mr. Yokley with his family Is I planning to move to Lexington on or ! about the 16th of next month. Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Homes oj Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 SPECIAL TERM OF SUPERIOR COURT BEGAN MONDAY• Judge N. A. Townsend, of Dunn, Presiding; Heavy Docket CIVIL CASES ONLY Term Ordered for Clearing Calendar of Old Cases; Some More Than Ten Years Old A special two-weeks term of super ior court was "opened here yesterday morning with Judge N. A. Townsend "presiding. - . I'he term was* ordered for the* pur pose of clearing .the docket of aged civil' cases which have been hanging on the docket for as many as ten years. Judge Townsend is among the younger judges on the bench both in jrl?e and service, havinjf held his first court in May of this year, lie is class ed as ode of the State's- brightest * lawyers and presides in the court with business and dispatch. ~ - the. following citizens are selving on the jury this week: D. D. Cobum, J. M. HasSeU, C. W. Gurkin, VV. A. - Hodges, Miles R. Lilley, K. G.- Koger- M'li, Henry liailey, H. D.-Ayers, J. E. . .f:. t,;. .Taylor.—U.4J, Harrison, Charlie A. James, M. I).', Ajfers, J. T. Powell, U N. Vfck, C. H. Cox, B. F. Cobum ami llarry Waldo. * Cases coming before the court yes terday were very few and were long draNvn out. They are as follows: Greenville Supply Co; against J. S. Smith. The jury found in favor- of . the defendant and charged the plain tiff-with the cost. Harrison Wholesale company vs. K. M. Gordy et als. A judgment of ">2OO was returned against Mary Price antl Lena Gordy. S. K. Hines vs. Ernest llarrell. •judgment in favor of the defendant vas returned. E. A. towards and wife ys W. T. Meadows, A verdict-yiving- t.hr~plutn ',iff $200.25 was returned. The case now before the touit is lhat of Brown heirS> against J. L. Whitfield, involving the title to land The case has brought thirty-or forty witnesses CO court, most of whom are old men acquainted with the old land marks and boundaries of a tract, of ' land in the low grounds of Flat Swamp in Kobersonville township. The court has a heavy schedule and will run the full two weeks. SPECIAL WORK IN COUNTYSCHOOLS Department of Education Expert To Be Here for Two Weeks Miss Macie Soutljall, of the De partment of Education, Italeigh, is . carrying on special work in the schools of the county this week. In a eonferece with the county ' school principals here Saturday she outlined her work and stressed the importance of a uniform test system Tor aIL the" schools.' ' ' During this week, Miss Southall will' ,do special work in the Oak City, Kob- . ■ ersonville, Jamesville and Williams ton schools, assisting the teachers in determining the native ability and ac quired ability of the children. She says it will require at least two weeks to properly complete the work. As it is.she only has one day in each school and it is hardly more than possible to get the-Work started so it can be completed by the teach vrs. i Missionary Group ; v> Meets in Aulander The Woman's Missionary Group Conference of Martin and Hertie coun ties, Weldon District, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, held its sec ond meeting of the year with the Au lander Church "on Saturday, October 22. Mrs. T. W. I/ee, of the local church, had cfiarge of the program. Mrs. J. W. Watts, jr., representing the local church, very fittingly responded to the address of welcome extended to the meeting by Mrs, W. L. Clegg. Various reports were read before the meeting, and round table discus sions were held. The next meeting of the group conference will be held with the church here. /. ff. Griffin Dies Near Bear Grass Mr. J. H. Griffin, 67 year-old farm er, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G. H. Harrison, near BeaMGrass last Friday afternoon following a long illness. A stroke of paralysis some time-ago left him almost helpless in body, and a second stroke a few days ago caused his death Friday. Interment was made in the Tice burial ground In Griffins township Saturday afternoon.