PAGE FOUR OAK CITY NEWS ! AND PERSONALS High-Grade Tobacco Being Marketed; Short Cotton Crop Is Reported A number of parents and children | attended Ringling Bros, and Itarnum and Bailey's circus at Rocky Mountj Wednesday. Several hundred pounds of high grade tobacco v have been placed on , nearby markets from this section in the past few days. Farmers report a short crop of cot ton in this immediate section. The Oak City gin is busy, but •*- i-e ports indicate a shortage in number of bales u>, compared with the- ginnings last The peanut crop is in full swing.! Several boys are. on double duty in order to help in the crop harvest and rot miss school. Miss Dozier, English-, and Fniech teacher, was absent from school Thursday due to an attack.of laryn gitis. We wish her - a,s|>eedy recovery, School trucks, running on new schedule, are making* very good records. It was noticeable Tuesday morning when they began to a rr'i vi tro m different sections. All the trucks were in and unloaded within .seven minutes after the arrival of th first one. The first fire drill for the school j year was given this week. The chil-j r en made their drjjj n sixty-five .seconds after, the "first fire alarm. ' A new high school luiilding is : ugges.ted for Oak City. Records cov ering a period of six years shows that the attendance has - steadily, increased. Over a period of five years' the enrollemnt has increased about f 70 per cent. If the same rate of In-, crease prevails during the next five | jears, three hundred pupils Will be j dded to the present enrollment. »j, —- —A—fiddlerV-eonvefttioie is schwlulettr for the near future. A committee has, been appointed and details are being worked out. f NOTICE Under and by virtue of- a judgment j entitled ',R. A. Ediuoudsoii,'adminis trator, et al. vs. Edmoudson, et" . a), heirs at lawthe undersigned com,- missioners will, on the v 14th day of November, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the -courthouse door of Mar. tin County, offer at public >ale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land: Situated in Robersonville Township, -In said county and Stjite, bounded on; the north bv the lands of 11. .1 Smith, [ • a the east by land of G. W. Moore, j n the south bj>- the lands of Mrs. Jnlin j Ross, and" on the west by the lands of i VV. T. Andrews, and known a* the' Nathan Edinoiidson land. Containing 70 acres, inure or less. This land will be sold subject to the Slower of Mrs I.ouise Edmoudson.' This tbe 13th "day of October, H. A t RITCHER, A R DUNNING, 014 4tw ' Commissianfcrtf. I Williamston is Selling More Tobacco than Any of the So Called Smaller Markets • * * Bennett - Barnhill - Morton FARMERS WAREHOUSE Are pleasing the farmers and The - Farmers Are Pleasing * - ." ' . . .V Bennett, Barnhill & Morton THEY ARE SELLING WITH US Sell With a Man *Who Knows Tobacco - Hubert Morton CARJTOF THANKS I wish to thank the many kin J friends and neighbors who so faith iully ministered to my late husband in his long illness ..and in his deu'.h. For the expression of sympathy to my children and myself, and for tin-} j expression of the love of the friend* I of my hunband in their floral gifs, 1/ ! wish to mention my deep appreciation j and ask God's favor and blessing* for them all. MRS. L. AUSTIN JACKSON, j WANTS ■ • ~~ i 't'KI'AK A \'H 1- KtUT .TRICES I pay. Ornamentals beautify. If in-i terested in either, write fo? illustrated catalog. J. B. Wight, Cairo, ia.. »>7 \2i\ WANTED: GIRLS 'I O l.OUl' ANU knit; experienced or inexperienced. 1 Come to sec or write .Walker Knitting M ills, Tarboro, N( C. T s3O 20t i ' WANTIiI); SEVERAL ONE, I WO,I three, and four horse croppers, with plenty of labor, to .cultivate tobacco,!, .and peanuts. Sladc,' Rhodes & Co., Hamilton. N. C. o7 w.ff j !W A N Lit I): SI \EHAL RF. l .h\ BLE j. ! tanners with own labor to cultivate i one itnd farms; one of which.j | • farm, adjonis the town of! WiHiamstoii. E. I'. Cunningham. uIH 4tpd I HAVE -TAKEN HOGS. wigh abour 75 ■ pound* each; 3 red i ; Kilt sow-pigs, 1 spotted male '>ig white [and black spot nwnei please ee Har !ry Roberson. . >2l 2tpd lOR SALE O I. ; JOYNER FA R Vf, j I > 2-17 4 ai res, 70 dean 'I. between Oak | City and Hobgond. Price low and I terntS very .easy. W. C . Manning, \\ il-; [liamston. i\. C. ' >7 4t NOTICE Having qualified as execti t«>r. of barbate Sladc, deceased, all persons , holding claims agam-t said 'estate w>il present same t" me .is | mi Ml before '-ti'tftbet {2 1928, in | notice will be . plead in bar of their- re- 1 I rovery. All persons indebted to said j estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement of same This the 22nd dav "f October, ! r 2".' 'JOHN'I) SLAIJE i >2s Wt _X_l Kxe iitur. j 1.1 M E MAE I S THE 1 AND WOK K better, the fertilizer ait better, the j manures and organic, i.Hitter rot bet i ter, and the legumes grow better." See your local denier for "M ASCOT,'''i the Sti' .Jjtid Agricultural Limestone. ior write American I .into, tulle .i'o., Kuoxville. "4-"emi. o 2S_llt FOR SAM" EARLY JERSKY Wakefield cabbage plants; obtained from, the very best seed, $2.(10 per 1,00. Henr\ l> (ire'en, * VViHiaiuston,, N. C. 025 2t i u. .. .. > : TOWN OF WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA - > . CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET r . MAY 31,1927 / ASSETS Cash " » ■' ■ ■ ■ ■: * J. i.__ Balance—Farmers & Merchants Bank. Williamston, NT C. $ 1,736.28 Taxds Receivable *" > i " . • Levy—Schedule 1 . . $ 81.76 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS 1924 Levy Sclterlule 2 1,026.04 '\. ' - 1925 I.fVy -Schedule 3 —— - ~ ; 1,653.06 •/ \ 1926 Levy—Schedule 4 8,034.73 10 795.59 H M. Burras ? 80,67 Accrued salaries ... 100.00 Accounts Receivable " $ 180.67 'Light 'consumers' accounts —current month $ 1,506.74 _ .»• . . ' ' Light consumers' accounts—delinquent—Schedule 5 256.56 • • ' •« '. Water consumers' accounts —delinquent—Schedule 5 156.55 " J. W. Wafts, jr., opera house rent 38.33 • >- # ■ ' ' i J. H. Ward, market rent .. t 182.45 Notes Payable J. I'. I'ender, market rent y , 145.24 Farmers and Merchants Bank, Williamston, N. C. $ 8,000.00 . C. li. Carstarphen, Jvarehouse rent - ' . 119.95 + Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Charlotte, N. C. 7,477.68 Paving assessments . 13,825.45 • " Returned checks account 64.90 * . ' 15,477.68 16,326.16 t x « , '. T)uc~From Tax I 'oUcctdrs "" ,-i x _ , • ' ■ - . , .. . * i/.4ui s ' •' Bonded. Indebtedness —Schedule 9 1 333,500.00 J. (). Manning^former tax collector ? 164.81 . , M. S. Mijore —Schedule 6 ~ : •• 2,///.4s " , : ! ■ ' " ' "* ' : ! " W: b! l)aniel -Schedule 7 455.22 « $ 'S , —3,347.48. - \ - ' .. i- . ~ , * * . Surplus * ■ .... , A airs Receivable. • . . • . 1 ~ " « tunli- •' • *'* - ' . . * - ( urrent ?.... .4 $ 17,612.87 Williamston (abided Sdfonki ' ■* 1,065.71 , Capital / 34,056.65 «■»?• > • - • / Propcrt v and Equipment "(Net Book Value—Schedules) .- - -• * 51,669.52 • ' ■ .x*- .- Real estate ' v . . . " $' 3,000.00 - \ - " ' - ' Eight impWwn\ents, fc extension*, etc. 34,767.57 , I'ower plant machinery '• .T 68,903.82 j Power plant building ' ' 13,968.85 k Railroad spur track 1,098.18 , Town hall and market house * ".SOO.OO (A'o/e.-^ is subject to the comments attached.) % ♦ Water improvements, extensions, etc. 1 14,273.11 \ Streets and sidewalks ' 44,059.04 _ - ' Sewer improvements, extensions, etc. 671016.22 « Auto truck - 459.85 Furniture and fixtures 720.57 Total liabil|tifs anl surp)us » $400,827.87 Eire Apparatus - . - . t 3,979.95 Wharf and warehouse-at riverl.Bo9.o9 1 1 . ** • •• V ' ' • - ----- - - . • ' • , , , y . _ 4-- % / ;r ' . / , 307.556.65 Total Assets « *■ • $400,827.87 . - ' . . . 1 ' . ... - THE ENTERPRISE STOP! LOOK! AND READ! | STARTING OCTOBER 27TH AND LASTING THRU L THE NEXT.3O DAYS WE WILL GIVE AWAY A J IOO Piece China Set FREE J The free set will be given like this: With every SI.OO purchase at our store we will give you a key, which you will be supposed to keep until the 5 end of the thirty days. Then every person that has a key will come back 5 and try his or her key in the lock which is with the set; and the person who j has the lucky key to unlock the lock gets the china set free. The Famous One lot of ladies' work shoes RED GOOSE SHOES fl '' . . 3 One lot of ladies and children s \ This is a real opportunity if shoes for only 99c 3 you want to shoe your family One lot of men's dress shoes 5 with good shoes, and with a sav- ; ~ $3.19 ing of 50 per cent. These are ® ne Lot of Men's and Boys' real bargains. Don't mis. them. 5 „ , , t J , • One lot of boys dress shoes One lot of boys' high-grade " U 4> caps for only One lot of children s and misses - Q ne | ot 0 f Martha Washing- J ress shoes at - $1.99 ton flour, 24 lb. bag at 99c s We Carry At All Times a Complete Line oi Merchandise. See Us Before i Buying and Save Money DONT FORGET THE DATE OF THE SALE October 27 and Lasts Until November 27 I* ■ 'I A.B. Rogerson & Bro. BEAR GRASS NORTH CAROLINA I.'„•. . - " 1 Tuesday/: October 25, 1927

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