Wack the label on Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 69 SWEET POTATOES' BEING CURED BY MARTIN FARMERS More Than Dozen Griffins Township Farmers Have Built Barns TO CURE 6,000 BUSHELS Potatoes Cored in Barn* Bring An Average Premium of Around 50 Cents Bushel Griffins Township farmers are turn ing their attention in a large way to curing sweet potatoes and will, this yoar, handle around 6,000 bushels of potatoes in their curing barns. More than a dozen farmers have built boms, ranging in capacity from five hundred to twelve hundred bushels, to handle their crops this year. With one exception all these farmers live in Griffins township, where the finest of Nancy Hall and Porto Rico po tatoes are grown. Farmers started digging their pota-'- toes about a week ago, and will fin iah the task within the next several days. The crop, iir the majority of cases, is said to be slightly better than it was last year, quuntity and quality both considered. County Agent T. B. Brandon states that these twelve or more farmers will make good returns on the crop, and will find that curing makes pos sible higher prices. Market prices for sweet potatoes not handled in curing liouaes vary from aeventy-five cents the bushel to sl.lO per bushel. Fo tatoes handled in curing houses were sold last year for an average price of 91-00 per bushel, fifty cents high er than the best price paid for those not cured. Two thousand crates were ordered to few days ago by County Agent Brandon, and the e will be used to ship the potatoes o markets out of the State. BAPTIST ") HEAR PROF. L. . DAVIS WiU Hold Mi .ling Service', (jr.At Baptist Church Sunday Professor Davis, of the local school, will speak from the Baptist Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, in the absence of the pastor. Professor Davis is a young man with ideas of his own. He has beeh well trained, and is. capacitated for saying something that will be of in terest and profit to those who heaiy htm. He has done, with others, a notable piece of work in building up a young men's claas in the Baptist church. The pastor ia delighted to turn things over to him for Sunday morning, and would likf for the people of William - •ton to hear, in a religious address, the man #l® so largely has their children in his care. Small Fire at Parmele Yesterday Morning Parmele citicens were disturbed in their rest early yesterday morning when fire destroyed the sand cooker of the AUantic Coast Line Railroad there. Writing about the happening a citizen says: "Thursday morning oL this week, we heard a call on th€ outside in the early morning hours. We listened a 'minute and could not decide if some one waa mad or had joined the Holi ness church. In a minute we heard a gun flra, and then we knew something waa doing. We arose in haste ano our new pajamas and discovered that the sand cooker at the depot was on fire. We are not sure Jf it burned down or burned up, but it is gone; • nd we •«> wondering if the Coast will have to cut salaries to re build." STRANH THEATRE! J SATURDAY Be Sure To Come To See WALLY WALES in "TWISTED TRIGGERS" AND COMEDY Always * Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Almost 5£00,000 Pounds Sold Here Tobacco sales on the local warehouse floors were Rearing five and one-half million nark today, according to information gained fro* tobacco men who have tabulated the sales from day to day. Prices have been climbing on the market, and a frowning farmer haa not been seen in aeverai days. The averages as given out by the Tobacco Board of Trade showed that Wednesday's sale amounted to (28.10 and yetter day'a sale a fraction higher. Personal interviews with sev eral farmers on the market here yesterday were something like this: "My little barn of six piles, weighed 528 pounds brought from 35 to 80 cents per pound, brought $334.76 and averaged $63.78." That was Mr. John A. Gurkin HjH'kaing. S4 young colored man by the name of Peel waa the next man we came across and he said, "I got the biggeat price in my life here today and I have been aelling tobacco for ten years or more." He averaged over 50 centa ir hia entire lot. / ' PROCEEDINGS OF SUPERIOR COURT Judge Townsend Keeping Wheels Turning; 17 Suits Settled Judge N. A. Townsend is keeping the wheels turning and the mill has ground out seventeen suits since Tues day in the special term of Martin County Superior court. In the majority of cases both aides appeared to be afraid to go to the "bat" while in others the parties have become good friends and had their differences settled out of court. The following cases have been dis posed of by final judgment: 'A non suit was returned in the case of Augustus Lanier against Wiley Green. The case of Rogerson Brothers against J. B. Whitfield was settled by agreement. A non suit waa returned in the case of Vance Macon against Charlie Ma con. » r An agreement was reached in the J. W. Watts case against J. G. Sta ton, receiver. The caße of E. D. Dodd against Chas. H. Jenkins and company war settled by agreement. In the case of R. L. Coburn, re ceiver against W. T. Ward, the de fendant failed to complete his appeal from a judgment of a former court and made permanent. In the American Wholesale com pany case against N. and W. R. Or leans, the differences were adjusted by the parties themselves for $475.14 end the case was ended. J. G. Staton, surviving partner, vs R. F. Bennett, administrator. The parties agreed to a settlement for the sum of $250. In the land suit of R. B. Brown et als against J. L. Whitfield, the jury found in favor of plaintiffs. Defendants in the American Fertil iser company case against J. D. and Matthews had judgment enter ed in their favor at plaintiff's cost ** hen the plaintiff failed to appear. A voluntary non suit was made in the Selma Leggett case against Ben asd Henry Leggett. The Thotnas and Jennings case against L. P. Christian was settled by a voluntary non fuit. • A non suit settled the case of the Greenville Bank and Trust company brought against the Middleground Roanoke association. Mrs. W. D. Shaw et als against W. S. Rhodes, administrator. Volun tary non suit A non suit resulted in the case of A. B. Wallace against W. H. Mizell. In the ease of N. B. Josey Guano company against W. G. Anthony, B. A. Critcher asked permission to with draw as attorney for the plaintiff. The request was granted and tine case goes over. In the case of Bailey and BamhiU against I. 8. Cale et als, the jury a warded judgment for plaintiffs a mounting to 1812.77. ;• , .Yesterday, the last case heard was that of G. H. Mizell versus the American Fertiliser company. It was non suited. Court will continue all of next week, according to the present out look. Mr. Thursten Wynne and three sons of Route 2 were business callers here this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stalls attended the Coastal plain fair in Tarboro yea t imlaM w rutty, Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, October 28, 1927 Contract for Sale of Power System Approved Town Commissioners and J. T. Chase To Meet Monday Night Here and Go Over Agreement in Detail The Virginia Electric A Power Co., this week accepted the mem orandum of agreement providing for the sale of the local light and power system. The agreement as accepted by the power com pany includes free street light ing and water pumping, free Hghts and power for the fair as sociation so long as it operates an agricultural fair, current for the town's ftre and police alarms; and provides for the installation of larger street lights. Aside from these changes, the agree ment remains virtually the same STATE LIBRARY. OFFERS SERVICE Wilt Send Books To Any Part of State; Postage Only Charge The North Carolina Library com mission is offering® its services to residents of communities in the State where library facilities are not avail able. For this service, the commission makes no charge except the postage to and frgm Raleigh. The has carried on this service for the past few years, and it is meeting with much success in that it is supplying those communities with books that could not be had otherwise. In return for this service, the com- mission asks those applying for books to write their names plainly, give cor rect address, and name the book wanted. You are allowed to keep the book three weeks. A coupon that will aid applicants when applying for books will be print ed in this paper - shortly, and all subscribers are invited to take ad vantage of the library's service. Traveler Startles Hearers With Violin Professor George Walker, after 20 years' practice, appeared in an unan nounced and unuaual violin concert here last evening before a large street audience. Genuine apprecia tion for the traveling man's ability was expressed by hearty applause af ter each number, and his playing was acclaimed the beat ever heard by "the* man about town" as well as by the music lover. ' Originally of Los Angeles, the ar P list left a small troupe several months ugo, and with his violin under his arm he turned to the highwayß of North Carolina. In his tours he has appear ed in many concerts, often filling weekly engagements in small towns where his work ia.heartily received. He expressed a desire to settle in North Carolina, stating that he had traveled extensively and found this State to be an ideal one to live in. Before leaving at noon today for points west of here, he appeared in several prviate concerns. Robersonville Editor Denies Selling Paper In a press statement today, W. H. Mizelle, editor of the Weekly Herald, Robersonville, denied the report that the Robersonville Publishing com pany haa sold out. The Robersonville editor says: - "The report that the Robersonville Publishing company has sold out is a mistake. "The gentleman, who was no kind as to circulate and cause to be cir culated this report, hoping thereby to gain some advantage for himself, knew perfectly well that he was tjje originator. But we cannot understand how any gentleman can expect such to result in a permanent advantage to him in A town like Robersonville, whgffe a large majority of the people are for a sqdare deal every day in the year." The editor goeß on to say, "This is not the first time we have been noti fied of that about which we should have been the first to know. It Is not the first time we have had the Judas Benedict act performed upon us, but we are still in the business." Small Attendance At Woman's Club Meeting A crowded social calendar caused a small attendance at a meeting of the Woman's club held in the clubs rooms here yesterday afternoon at' 3:30. Mrs. W. C. liverman read a very interesting report 011 the State meet ing of Womans clubs, held in Au lander a few days ago. Refbrts from the school survey committee were \ery pleasing, and showed the survey io be almost complete. Tha social committee served hot tea and cakes. .. j as it appeared in this paper sev eral weeks ago. Mr. J. T. Chaae, tlie power Company's general manager, will meet here with the town commis sioners next Monday night and go over the meat for the last time VUffm the matter is placed b«f«ri I the- An election is expected to be called at the meeting Monday. A new registration of voteys in the town will be provided, and the matter voted upon the.latter part of next month or early in De cember. TAX COLLECTOR HAS GOOD MONTH f*" . ■ \ More Than $6,000 in Town Taxes Collected; One- Fifth of Ibtal Tax Collector W. B. Daniel has had a good month in tax collections, foi during the past four a'feks more than $6,000 have been paid into the' town's treasury. The small discount allow ed by the bourd of commissioners at ■i meeting a few weeks ago with the v.ot-k of Mr. Daniel had much to do with the large collections. The amount collected constitutes about one-fifth of the intlre receipt*. Monday will be the la*t day that tax payers may take ad sntage of the small discount, and |He collector is expecting several huatred more dol lars to find their way jnto his hands before that time. NEAR END OF SCHOOLSURVEY Report of Committee Prac tically Ready for School Authorities Reports coming from the several members of the committee appointed by the Woman's club to make u sui vey of the school district,-.show that the data with one exception are all in and ready for the school authorities. At their task, the ladies have worb ed faithfully and they are due much credit for obtaining a complete sur \ey of the entire township. At noon today, four groups reported their survey complete, and two others are exacted to finish before the day is over. The survey has caused to be as sembled valuable and interesting fafcb that will be used jn the running of the schools. * 'iss S out hall Completer Work in County Schools Miss Macie Sou thai I, of the State Department of Education, finished her work in the county here yesterday, after she had introduced standards pf tests and measurements in the Oak City, Jamesville, Robersonville and Williamston schqols. The system of tests and measure ments introduced by Miss Southall was used in the local school last year and was found to be very successful in its operation. Miss Southall re viewed thte work and spoke very highly of the results. Modern Woodmen Have Big Supper at fcveretts Everetts, Oct, 27.—At the regular meeing of Everetts Camp Modern Woodmen, Monday night one candi date was initiated into membership. After the initiatory scene, oys ter and squirrel supper was very much enjoyed by about sixty mem bers. The next meeting will be held Mon day night, November "14 at which time it is hoped there will be two candidate to go through. Sunday Services at f Church of the Advent R«v. C. O. I'ardo, Rector Sunday, October 30, 1027: 10:00 a. m.—Church school. 11:00 a. m.—Morning prayer "and' sermon. There will be no night service, on account of the physical disability o! the rector. • ■/ „ , Town Commissioners Are Reviewing Audit v After failing to get a quroum at two meeting scheduled for the town commissioners, town offleers started review of the audit reeenty submit ted, and will start .to work on the adjustments recommended by the auditing company. The review will cpntinue through this week and into the mrly part of next, it is understood. SERVICE CHARGE TO BE MADE ON) SMALL ACCOUNTS 1 Applies Only to Active Checking Accounts With Balance Less Thau SSO EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1 Heavy Cost of Handling the Large Number of Such Account! Makes Small Charge Necessary The Farmers and Merchants bank announced this week a service charge on certain checking accounts, the Charge to be inaugurated January i. Such a charge has been the centei of discussion among banking groups new for'some time, but it,was not until recently that the officers"of the Farmers and Merchants bank here compiled figures and found" it neces ry to institute the charge to care lor the heavy expense brought about ill the -handling of .more than 50r> Miiall checking accounts. Due to the iibseiuSe of the bank's president, I'u. •i• t>. Higgs, these figures are not ob t,tillable at this time. The charge to be inaugurated the fust t>i the -year will amount to fifty cents each month on all checking ac counts that do not carry over {in aver- Uge —balance.——*uivi-— w|jh It have over three checks drawn ugnjhst that amount on an average. The charge in in effect in practically ail the states, and in certain parts of North Carolina it is widely used. An intendment made to the constitution of the Baltimore Clearing House re cently brought about a service charge of SI.OO each month and stated that the average balance, .must amount to as much as S2OO. It is understood that a like charge i- 1 -' being considered by other banks in the county, but no .announcement haa been offered by them at this time. Dr. J. D. Biggs in speaking of tire charge said, "It is easy to appreciate ilie feelings of bank depositors in this matter. It is also easy to discern that in the majority of cases they e: tiier do nut, or will not bring them tHves to consider the fact that it touts a bank money to render the service they use." The local bank's president went on to say, "It is a difficult thin#; to bring people to pay willingly for something they have always received free ot cost. No better illustration of this : s p -eded than the situation in some cites regarding water .■ upply. It costs m»ney fo miijply vater to the oc cupant pf a city dwelling. The only fail and equitable means of determin ing the cost to each individual is to meter the water'used*. Metering,, be sides accurately distributing the cost also lowers it, because it acts tft pre vent waste." Mr. C. I). Carsturphen, jr., cashier of the bank here, stated, "A careful review of the status-of the accounts on thj' bank's books will show thaL "O.ere are many more small accounts carried than one would .ordinarily think. Once the number and expense of these small accounts are considered the depositor will see the reasonable ness in the charge for the service." Sear Grass School Opened This Week The 1927-28 session of the Ileal Grass school was opened this week with an increased^!!rollinerit and two new teachers. While the, opening l was not marked with elaborate exer lines, fitting remarks were made, and Mi. .Sanf the school's principal, outlined the year's work. During the past several years, the school'has been ably supported by the liear Grass community, and worth v, hile improvements have been made in that time. The teachers, with the community, are planning a very suc cessful year for the.school. No One Hurt in Wreck On Washington Road W. ,S. Horton, a trav«4H>g salesman badly damaged hi* Chrysler roflcli Ina't Wednesday night when he ran St into a car driven by T. C. Ktheridgn a mile from here on the Washington road. The Etheride car had its run ning board and two feelers torn off. No body was hurt in the accident. According to information coming Trorrlr the police department, Horton was driving recklessly when tho ac cident happened. To Hold Hallowe'en Party Farm Life School Monday To raise funds fot school purposes, the faculty and student i of the Fnm Life school are preparing a Hallow e'en party for next Monday night. / No admission will be charged, and the community is extended a cordial invitation to attend afld take part in the evening's Entertainment. Fish l>onds, side shows and fortune tellers along with other amusements will feature the evening's program. i Board of Education Summary i Of Receipts and Expenditures | Presents Interesting Figures Gregory Will Have Offer Here Monday '! he offer made by Kdwin t. (Jr. gory and associates to the tpv. n for its electric system will '• OS,' i,s wu yi before the town coi imissioners in a special meet ing next Monday nixht. Other than this, nothiiiK could hi learned abi/ut the olTejr. WINNING MANY PREMIUMS AT FAIRS THIS FALL J.' J. Roberson & tinue to "Clean Up" With Several Herds of Hogs TO SHOW IN 6 STATES To Take Their Herds Into South L^LLuima,—Georgia, L^LLuima,—Georgia, and -Florida Next Month J. J. Roberson and Son and J. F. Itoberson, of this county, have been | large winners ut the Kinston, Wilson ' and farboro fairs where they exhibit | ed their fine.herds of hogs. Showing Duroc, Chester Whites and Berkshire | logs, the Messrs. Roberson have lit | erally walked away with all the I | miliums offered in those classes. Acording to their present plans, I the breeders will lake their herds | I com this State into South Carolina, Georgia unci Florida next month, and icturn home some time after the middle of December. When the circuit is completed, the Messrs. Roberson will have exhibited their herds in six states, and judging from their past premiums they will be the head winners in all six of the -states. So far, according'to Mr. Roberson, the Uoaiwke fair has led thenwajl in quantity exhibits an well a* in quality exhibits. In fact, he said the Roanoke fair here *ts hard to beat, for it carrys the very best. Baptists A nnounce Sunday Services The .pastor having been called out i f town is happy to announce that I'lofensor Davis Will speak in his church Sunday morning at II o'- clock. The pastor will be'iff the pul pit Sunday evening at the u.4ual hour. A The association having passed, the nixt red-letter duy in our denonfl nation is the meeting of the State I.aptist convention about the middle of November. The convention to Durham this year. It is, therefore, close enough by that many of our people could' easily go. It is hoped that some of them will arrange to do art. Sunday school Sunday morning at the usual hour. The attendance was good last Sunday and should be even hi Iter this Sunday. Mid-week service Wednesday night a' 7 :U() o'clock. Present Program At Local School Today Mesdames Harper Holliday and W. My lining, jr. greatly pleased the several hundred srliool children when they appeared in a short musical program during the chapel period in the local school this morning. The program consisted of several polos and piano neclctions," and especi ally good were the Irish hit, "Ask Mi ", by Mrs. Holliday, and the "Dance of the Demons", rendered by Mrs. Manning at the piano. Second Lyceum Number At Everetts Next Month The Shields Trio, making up the second number onLyceum pro gram booked Everetts school, hus' ju«t been announced for a concert in the school audtiorium at Everetts rext month. The three Shields sisters are very retractive young' women and are very talented, clever and gifted. They are filling appointments in hundreds of towrNs. and cities throughout the South this year, and their appearance iii this county should be met by a large audience. Local Football Squad Is Playing Plymouth Today Coach B. E. Hood with thirteen members of the local football squad left, shortly after noon today for Plymouth to do battle with the high M hool eleven there. The team was accompanied by a large number of fans. Advertisers Will Find, Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 Tolal Expenditures Drop About $75,000 Under Previous Year EXPENSE ABOUT SAME Reduction of Expenditures Due Mainly To Fact That There Was No Extensive Building Program Tidal expenditure? fur Ma tin Conn-, ty schools, according to a .summary statement of receipts arid disburse mtnt.-4 com.nnr'from the Hoard of !!d --uoation's-office for the y»ar beginning July 1, 1926 and ending; Juljr I, 1927, have decreased from $276,04(1.4!) in 1924-'25 to $200,940.94 for the post 1 eriod. In 1925'26 th.' expetrditu ea amounted to $24. r >,943.00. The lijrger (.mounts for the first two years under consideration are accountable to a cer tain extent to school expansion. The statement where expenses in many of the departments have re* inained about the same, the largest increase took place in ■ teachers' sal- The statement is very valuable in that it shows more than receipts and expenditures. For instance, in the operation of trucks, the statement. •■hows that it is cheaper to operate them under certain • units than it is to operate them under others. The bad features are shown as well as the good ones, for the statements points to the fact that the meUsley sum of $481.34. was spent by local districts in the entire county for library fa cilities and operation of trucks. A summary statement will be pub lished the. early part of next week, and it should be of much interest to citizens throughout the county. ROPER MAN DIES IN AUTO WRECK Runs Into Concrete Bridge, Rebounds And l*Hit - By Big Truck Information coining from the scene >'f theautomobilr wreck in which Wil liam Smith was' killed andHwo others i ijured, was without detail Tuesday, Mid it was not until yesterday that supplementary facts could be gained. In describing the accident a state reporter states, "A .wreck ten miles east of Greens boro on route 10 at the Rock Creek bridge was of record violence, SVil liam Smith, 20, of Koper, was instant ly killed, a concrete sidewall of the bridge was battered up, a car and a "heavy truck were almost completely demolished and three men were in jured to sonu; extent. "Joe Harcoe, 19, and Leonard ISar hoth of Uoper, were with Smith. The accident occurred at 2:30 a. m., as the car was headed west on a trip to Asheville. Smith had just the wheel. The machine was going down the grade toward the bridge at a hight rate of speed when it got out of contral struck the con creted sidewall with great force, tear ing off part of the body. It then veered to the other side of the bridge and side-swiped it before turning over on the side. "It had nfo more thaiv turned over before Joe Harcoe was out and try ing to signal down a truck approach ing at 46 miles an hour ffom the west. The truck was too close and it plowed into the.exposed top of the .Hudson, knocking it some 31) yards or mare and completing its destruc tion. The front end of the truck was also torn up. When the truck came to a halt its rear end was standing on the body of Smith and had badly crushed it. The elder Harcoe had been in the car but es caped death in some miraculous fashion." It is understood that the elder Bar cofc was on his way to Asheville to start divorce proceeding*^ The body of Smitl/ was sent to the home in Itoper and/interment'took place yesterday. NT** Hallowe'en Carnival For Benefit School Tonight Local people will know that All Saints' Day is close at hand when spooks and witches parade the town this evening, leading to the opening of carnival at the ware house at 8 o'clock. It will be a gay time for both old and young when the several hundred children with their teachers assemble to make merry the event. Ail week the children and teachers of the have been working Into the late afternoons, arranging the details connected with the car nival. ' No admission charge will be made. The people of the town are urged to attend and take part in the event* of the evening.

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